public void InvalidVcfOutputFolder()
            var outputFolder = Path.Combine("56:\\Illumina\\OutputFolder");

            string bamChr19         = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory, "Chr19.bam");
            string bamChr17Chr19    = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory, "Chr17Chr19.bam");
            string bamChr17Chr19Dup = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory, "Chr17Chr19_removedSQlines.bam");

            string intervalsChr19 = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory, "Chr19.picard");

            string intervalsChr17 = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory, "chr17only.picard");

            string genomeChr19 = Path.Combine(TestPaths.SharedGenomesDirectory, "chr19");

            var appOptions = new PiscesApplicationOptions
                BAMPaths        = new[] { bamChr19, bamChr17Chr19, bamChr17Chr19Dup },
                IntervalPaths   = new[] { intervalsChr17, intervalsChr19, null },
                GenomePaths     = new[] { genomeChr19 },
                OutputDirectory = outputFolder

            var parser = new PiscesOptionsParser()
                Options = appOptions

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => parser.ValidateAndSetDerivedValues());
        public static Tuple <Dictionary <int, List <LoadTestResult> >, List <Domain.Models.Alleles.CandidateAllele> > LoadReads
            (List <BamAlignment> reads, PiscesApplicationOptions options, ChrReference chrRef,
            bool expectedvariants, string expectedLoading, string expectedDirectionString)
            RegionStateManager manager = new RegionStateManager(expectStitchedReads: true);
            var variantFinder          = new CandidateVariantFinder(options.BamFilterParameters.MinimumBaseCallQuality, options.MaxSizeMNV, options.MaxGapBetweenMNV, options.CallMNVs);
            var candidateVariants      = new List <Domain.Models.Alleles.CandidateAllele>();

                foreach (var b in reads)
                    if (b == null)

                    var r = new Read(chrRef.Name, b);
                    // find candidate variants
                    candidateVariants = variantFinder.FindCandidates(r, chrRef.Sequence, chrRef.Name).ToList();
                    // track in state manager

                Dictionary <int, List <LoadTestResult> > countResults = GetCountsFromManager(manager);
                var loadingResults = Tuple.Create(countResults, candidateVariants);

        public void PopulateBAMPaths()
            var BAMFolder = TestPaths.SharedBamDirectory;
            //Happy Path
            var options_1 = new PiscesApplicationOptions()
                BAMPaths      = BamProcessorParsingUtils.UpdateBamPathsWithBamsFromFolder(BAMFolder),
                GenomePaths   = new[] { _existingGenome },
                IntervalPaths = new[] { _existingInterval }

            Assert.True(options_1.BAMPaths.Length > 0);

            //no bam files found
            var options_3 = new PiscesApplicationOptions()
                GenomePaths = new[] { _existingGenome },

            var parser = new PiscesOptionsParser()
                Options = options_3


            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => parser.ValidateAndSetDerivedValues());
        public void Fraction()
            var options = new PiscesApplicationOptions()
                VariantCallingParameters = new Domain.Options.VariantCallingParameters()
                    MinimumCoverage = 0
                VcfWritingParameters = new VcfWritingParameters()
                    OutputGvcfFile = false

            var chrReference = new ChrReference()
                Name     = _chrName,
                Sequence = "ACTCTACTAAGGGGGGACTATCCCG"  // 25 chr

            // no no-calls, 1 snp
            var readSets = new List <Read>();

            AddReads(readSets, 50, 1, "ACTCTA", 20, "ATCCCG");
            AddReads(readSets, 25, 1, "ACCCTA", 20, "ATCCCG");

            var alleles = Call(readSets, chrReference, options);

            Assert.Equal(1, alleles.Count());
            var variant = alleles[0];

            Assert.Equal(0, variant.FractionNoCalls);
            Assert.Equal(75, variant.TotalCoverage);

            // add no-calls at snp position
            AddReads(readSets, 10, 1, "ACNCTA", 20, "ATCCCG");
            alleles = Call(readSets, chrReference, options);

            Assert.Equal(1, alleles.Count());
            variant = alleles[0];
            Assert.Equal(75, variant.TotalCoverage);
            Assert.Equal(10f / 85f, variant.FractionNoCalls);

            // add no-calls at reference position
            options.VcfWritingParameters.OutputGvcfFile = true;
            AddReads(readSets, 40, 1, "ACTCTN", 20, "ATCCCG");
            alleles = Call(readSets, chrReference, options);

            Assert.Equal(12, alleles.Count());
            Assert.Equal(1, alleles.Count(a => (a.Type != Domain.Types.AlleleCategory.Reference)));
            variant = alleles.First(a => (a.Type != Domain.Types.AlleleCategory.Reference));
            Assert.Equal(115, variant.TotalCoverage);
            Assert.Equal(10f / 125f, variant.FractionNoCalls);

            foreach (var reference in alleles.Where(a => (a.Type == Domain.Types.AlleleCategory.Reference)))
                Assert.Equal(reference.ReferencePosition == 6 ? 40f / 125f : 0f, reference.FractionNoCalls);
Пример #5
        public void Pisces_Bcereus() // be serious. very, very, serious.
            var bacilusBam           = Path.Combine(TestPaths.SharedBamDirectory, "Bcereus_S4.bam");
            var functionalTestRunner = new SomaticVariantCallerFunctionalTestSetup();

            functionalTestRunner.GenomeDirectory = Path.Combine(TestPaths.SharedGenomesDirectory, "Bacillus_cereus", "Sequence", "WholeGenomeFasta");
            functionalTestRunner.OutputDirectory = TestPaths.LocalScratchDirectory;

            var expectedAlleles = new List <CalledAllele>
                new CalledAllele(AlleleCategory.Snv)
                    ReferencePosition = 827,
                    ReferenceAllele   = "A",
                    AlternateAllele   = "G",
                    Chromosome        = "chr"

                new CalledAllele(AlleleCategory.Snv)
                    ReferencePosition = 1480,
                    ReferenceAllele   = "A",
                    AlternateAllele   = "T",
                    Chromosome        = "chr"

                new CalledAllele(AlleleCategory.Snv)
                    ReferencePosition = 2282,
                    ReferenceAllele   = "A",
                    AlternateAllele   = "T",
                    Chromosome        = "chr"

            //chr 827.A   G   100 PASS DP = 37   GT: GQ: AD: DP: VF: NL: SB    0 / 1:100:35,2:37:0.054:1000:-100.0000
            //chr 1480.A   T   100 PASS DP = 18   GT: GQ: AD: DP: VF: NL: SB    0 / 1:100:16,2:18:0.111:1000:-100.0000
            //chr 2282.A   T   100 PASS DP = 21   GT: GQ: AD: DP: VF: NL: SB    0 / 1:100:19,2:21:0.095:1000:-100.0000

            PiscesApplicationOptions appOptions = new PiscesApplicationOptions();

            appOptions.VcfWritingParameters.OutputGvcfFile = true;
            appOptions.BAMPaths        = new string[] { bacilusBam };
            appOptions.GenomePaths     = new string[] { functionalTestRunner.GenomeDirectory };
            appOptions.OutputDirectory = functionalTestRunner.OutputDirectory;
            appOptions.VariantCallingParameters.NoiseLevelUsedForQScoring = 1000;

            var vcfFilePath = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalScratchDirectory, "Bcereus_S4.genome.vcf");

            // without reference calls
            functionalTestRunner.Execute(bacilusBam, vcfFilePath, null, expectedAlleles, applicationOptions: appOptions);
Пример #6
        // tests two bams in different folders
        // expectations:
        // - if outputfolder is not specified, logs are in directory of first bam
        // - if outputfolder specified, logs are in output folder
        // - vcf files have header and both chromosomes, output is where normally expected
        private void ExecuteTest(int numberOfThreads, string outputFolder = null)
            var sourcePath         = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory, "Chr17Chr19.bam");
            var otherTestDirectory = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalScratchDirectory, "MultiProcessIn");
            var bamFilePath1       = Stage(sourcePath, "In1", otherTestDirectory + "1");
            var bamFilePath2       = Stage(sourcePath, "In2", otherTestDirectory + "2");

            var genomePath = Path.Combine(TestPaths.SharedGenomesDirectory, "chr17chr19");

            var options = new PiscesApplicationOptions
                BAMPaths             = new[] { bamFilePath1, bamFilePath2 },
                GenomePaths          = new[] { genomePath },
                OutputDirectory      = outputFolder,
                CommandLineArguments = string.Format("-B {0},{1} -g {2}{3} -gVCF false", bamFilePath1, bamFilePath2, genomePath, string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputFolder) ? string.Empty : " -OutFolder " + outputFolder).Split(' '),
                VcfWritingParameters = new VcfWritingParameters()
                    OutputGvcfFile = true

            var factory = new Factory(options);

            foreach (var workRequest in factory.WorkRequests)
                if (File.Exists(workRequest.OutputFilePath))

            Logger.OpenLog(options.LogFolder, options.LogFileName, true);

            var processor = new GenomeProcessor(factory, factory.GetReferenceGenome(options.GenomePaths[0]), false, true);



            foreach (var workRequest in factory.WorkRequests)
                using (var reader = new VcfReader(workRequest.OutputFilePath))
                    var variants = reader.GetVariants().ToList();

                    Assert.Equal(251, variants.Count());
                    Assert.Equal("chr17", variants.First().ReferenceName);
                    Assert.Equal("chr19", variants.Last().ReferenceName);

            Assert.True(Directory.GetFiles(options.LogFolder, options.LogFileNameBase).Any());
Пример #7
        public Factory(PiscesApplicationOptions options) : base(options)
            _options = options;

            GlobalConstants.DebugMode = options.DebugMode;  // this is a pervasive setting that we'd want available throughout the application

        private PiscesApplicationOptions GetBasicOptions()
            var options = new PiscesApplicationOptions()
                BAMPaths    = new[] { _existingBamPath },
                GenomePaths = new[] { _existingGenome }


Пример #9
        public void DefaultVCFOutput()
            var appOptions = new PiscesApplicationOptions
                BAMPaths                 = new[] { _bamChr19, _bamChr17Chr19, _bamChr17Chr19Dup },
                IntervalPaths            = new[] { _intervalsChr17, _intervalsChr19, null },
                GenomePaths              = new[] { _genomeChr17Chr19 },
                VariantCallingParameters = new VariantCallingParameters()
                    MinimumCoverage             = 10,
                    LowDepthFilter              = 10,
                    AmpliconBiasFilterThreshold = 0.01F
                VcfWritingParameters = new VcfWritingParameters()
                    OutputGvcfFile = false,

            var factory = new Factory(appOptions);

            var context = new VcfWriterInputContext
                QuotedCommandLineString = "myCommandLine",
                SampleName    = "mySample",
                ReferenceName = "myReference",
                ContigsByChr  = new List <Tuple <string, long> >
                    new Tuple <string, long>("chr1", 10001),
                    new Tuple <string, long>("chrX", 500)
            var outputFile = factory.GetOutputFile(appOptions.BAMPaths[0]);
            var writer     = factory.CreateVcfWriter(outputFile, context);

            var candidates = _defaultCandidates;


            Assert.Equal(outputFile, Path.ChangeExtension(_bamChr19, ".vcf"));

            var reader = new AlleleReader(outputFile);
            var header = reader.HeaderLines;

            Assert.Equal(header[7], "##FILTER=<ID=q30,Description=\"Quality score less than 30\">");
            Assert.Equal(header[8], "##FILTER=<ID=AB,Description=\"Amplicon bias - disparate variant frequencies detected by amplicon\">");
            Assert.Equal(header[9], "##FILTER=<ID=SB,Description=\"Variant strand bias too high\">");
            Assert.Equal(header[10], "##FILTER=<ID=R5x9,Description=\"Repeats of part or all of the variant allele (max repeat length 5) in the reference greater than or equal to 9\">");
        public void CheckLogFolderTest()
            var bamFilePath      = Path.Combine(TestPaths.SharedBamDirectory, "Chr17Chr19.bam");
            var genomePath       = Path.Combine(TestPaths.SharedGenomesDirectory, "chr17chr19");
            var outDir           = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalScratchDirectory, "PiscesApplicationsOptionsTests");
            var defaultLogFolder = "PiscesLogs";

            //check when an out folder is specified
            var options = new PiscesApplicationOptions
                BAMPaths             = new[] { bamFilePath },
                GenomePaths          = new[] { genomePath },
                VcfWritingParameters = new VcfWritingParameters()
                    OutputGvcfFile = false
                OutputDirectory = outDir

            Assert.Equal(Path.Combine(outDir, defaultLogFolder), options.LogFolder);

            //check when a bam is specified w/no out folder
            options = new PiscesApplicationOptions
                BAMPaths             = new[] { bamFilePath },
                GenomePaths          = new[] { genomePath },
                VcfWritingParameters = new VcfWritingParameters()
                    OutputGvcfFile = false
            Assert.Equal(Path.Combine(TestPaths.SharedBamDirectory, defaultLogFolder), options.LogFolder);

            //check when a bam parent folder does not exist
            options = new PiscesApplicationOptions
                BAMPaths             = new[] { "mybam.bam" },
                GenomePaths          = new[] { genomePath },
                VcfWritingParameters = new VcfWritingParameters()
                    OutputGvcfFile = false
            Assert.Equal(defaultLogFolder, options.LogFolder);
Пример #11
        public static void CallStrandedVariantsWithMockData(string vcfOutputPath, PiscesApplicationOptions options, AmpliconTestFactory testFactory)
            var appFactory = new MockFactoryWithDefaults(options);

            using (var vcfWriter = appFactory.CreateVcfWriter(vcfOutputPath, new VcfWriterInputContext()))
                using (var biasWriter = new StrandBiasFileWriter(vcfOutputPath))
                    var svc = CreateMockVariantCaller(vcfWriter, options, testFactory.ChrInfo, testFactory.AlignmentExtractor, biasWriter);
        private MockFactoryWithDefaults GetMockFactory(PiscesApplicationOptions options, List <Read> readSets)
            var currentReadIndex = -1;

            var factory = new MockFactoryWithDefaults(options);

            // alignment source
            var mockAlignmentSource = new Mock <IAlignmentSource>();

            mockAlignmentSource.Setup(s => s.GetNextRead()).Returns(() =>
                return(currentReadIndex < readSets.Count() ? readSets[currentReadIndex] : null);
            mockAlignmentSource.Setup(s => s.LastClearedPosition).Returns(() => 0);
            factory.MockAlignmentSource = mockAlignmentSource;

Пример #13
        public void OpenLogTest()
            var outDir  = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalScratchDirectory, "PiscesTestsOutDir");
            var options = new PiscesApplicationOptions();

            options.OutputDirectory = outDir;

            Logger.OpenLog(options.OutputDirectory, "testLog.txt", true);
            Assert.True(File.Exists(Path.Combine(options.OutputDirectory, "testLog.txt")));

            //cleanup and redirect logging
            var SafeLogDir = TestPaths.LocalScratchDirectory;

            Logger.OpenLog(SafeLogDir, "DefaultLog.txt", true);
            Directory.Delete(outDir, true);
Пример #14
        public void GvcfHeaderFormat()
            var appOptions = new PiscesApplicationOptions
                BAMPaths             = new[] { _bamChr19, _bamChr17Chr19, _bamChr17Chr19Dup },
                IntervalPaths        = new[] { _intervalsChr17, _intervalsChr19, null },
                GenomePaths          = new[] { _genomeChr17Chr19 },
                VcfWritingParameters = new VcfWritingParameters()
                    OutputGvcfFile = true

            var factory = new Factory(appOptions);

            var context = new VcfWriterInputContext
                QuotedCommandLineString = "myCommandLine",
                SampleName    = "mySample",
                ReferenceName = "myReference",
                ContigsByChr  = new List <Tuple <string, long> >
                    new Tuple <string, long>("chr1", 10001),
                    new Tuple <string, long>("chrX", 500)
            var outputFile = factory.GetOutputFile(appOptions.BAMPaths[0]);
            var writer     = factory.CreateVcfWriter(outputFile, context);

            var candidates = _defaultCandidates;


            // Time to read the header
            //moved to GvcfWritingTests
            //VcfFileWriterTests.VcfFileFormatValidation(outputFile, 5);
        public static string[] CheckReadLoading(BamAlignment read, PiscesApplicationOptions options, ChrReference chrInfo, bool isVariant, StitchingScenario scenario)
            string expectedVarLoading         = scenario.RefLoading;
            string expectedCandidateDireciton = "0";

            if (isVariant)
                expectedVarLoading         = scenario.VarLoading;
                expectedCandidateDireciton = scenario.CandidateDirection;

            var loadingResults = LoadReads(new List <BamAlignment>()
            }, options, chrInfo, isVariant, expectedVarLoading, expectedCandidateDireciton);

            if (loadingResults == null)
                return(new string[] { "total fail to parse variant reads" });

            //coverage check
            var variantReadLoadResult         = CheckLoading(scenario, 1, loadingResults.Item1, isVariant);
            var variantReadCandidateDirection = CheckCandidateDirection(isVariant, loadingResults.Item2, expectedCandidateDireciton);

            if (variantReadLoadResult == null)
                return(new string[] { "total fail to check loading" });

            if (variantReadCandidateDirection == null)
                return(new string[] { "total fail to check direction" });

            return(new string[] { variantReadLoadResult, variantReadCandidateDirection });
Пример #16
        public void DefaultGVCFOutput()
            var appOptions = new PiscesApplicationOptions
                BAMPaths             = new[] { _bamChr19, _bamChr17Chr19, _bamChr17Chr19Dup },
                IntervalPaths        = new[] { _intervalsChr17, _intervalsChr19, null },
                GenomePaths          = new[] { _genomeChr17Chr19 },
                VcfWritingParameters = new VcfWritingParameters()
                    OutputGvcfFile = true

            var factory = new Factory(appOptions);

            var context = new VcfWriterInputContext
                QuotedCommandLineString = "myCommandLine",
                SampleName    = "mySample",
                ReferenceName = "myReference",
                ContigsByChr  = new List <Tuple <string, long> >
                    new Tuple <string, long>("chr1", 10001),
                    new Tuple <string, long>("chrX", 500)
            var outputFile = factory.GetOutputFile(appOptions.BAMPaths[0]);
            var writer     = factory.CreateVcfWriter(outputFile, context);

            var candidates = _defaultCandidates;


            Assert.Equal(outputFile, Path.ChangeExtension(_bamChr19, "genome.vcf"));
        public void Pisces_LowDepthTest()
            List <ChrReference> chrRef = new List <ChrReference>()
                new ChrReference()
                    Name     = "chr19",

            var options = new PiscesApplicationOptions()
                BAMPaths    = new[] { _bamSmallS1 },
                GenomePaths = new[] { _genomeChr19 },
                //IntervalPaths = new[] { _intervalsChr17Chr19 },
                DebugMode           = true,
                CallMNVs            = true,
                UseMNVReallocation  = false,
                MaxSizeMNV          = 100,
                OutputDirectory     = TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory,
                BamFilterParameters = new Domain.Options.BamFilterParameters()
                    MinimumBaseCallQuality = 20
                VariantCallingParameters = new Domain.Options.VariantCallingParameters()
                    MinimumVariantQScore = 20,
                    MinimumCoverage      = 1000,
                VcfWritingParameters = new Domain.Options.VcfWritingParameters()
                    OutputGvcfFile = true,

            var vcfFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(options.BAMPaths[0], "genome.vcf");

            var     factory = new Factory(options);
            IGenome genomeRef;

            genomeRef = new MockGenome(chrRef, _genomeChr19);

            var bp = new GenomeProcessor(factory, genomeRef);

            var coverage1000results = AlleleReader.GetAllVariantsInFile(vcfFilePath);

            options = new PiscesApplicationOptions()
                BAMPaths    = new[] { _bamSmallS1 },
                GenomePaths = new[] { _genomeChr19 },
                // IntervalPaths = new[] { _intervalsChr17Chr19 },
                DebugMode            = true,
                CallMNVs             = true,
                UseMNVReallocation   = false,
                OutputDirectory      = TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory,
                VcfWritingParameters = new Domain.Options.VcfWritingParameters()
                    OutputGvcfFile = false,
            factory = new Factory(options);
            bp      = new GenomeProcessor(factory, genomeRef);
            var coverage10results = AlleleReader.GetAllVariantsInFile(vcfFilePath);
 public MockFactoryWithDefaults(PiscesApplicationOptions options) : base(options)
        private void ExecuteEmptyIntervalsTest(bool throttle)
            // ----------------------
            // test when one bam has intervals and the other is empty
            // ----------------------

            var bamFilePath    = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory, "Chr17Chr19.bam");
            var bamFilePath2   = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory, "Chr17Chr19_removedSQlines.bam");
            var genomePath     = Path.Combine(TestPaths.SharedGenomesDirectory, "chr17chr19");
            var validIntervals = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory, "chr17only.picard");
            var emptyIntervals = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory, "empty.picard");
            var outputFolder   = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory, "EmptyIntervalsTest_Mixed");

            var options = new PiscesApplicationOptions
                BAMPaths             = new[] { bamFilePath, bamFilePath2 },
                IntervalPaths        = new [] { validIntervals, emptyIntervals },
                GenomePaths          = new[] { genomePath },
                OutputDirectory      = outputFolder,
                VcfWritingParameters = new Domain.Options.VcfWritingParameters()
                    OutputGvcfFile = true

            var factory   = new Factory(options);
            var processor = new GenomeProcessor(factory, factory.GetReferenceGenome(genomePath), throttle);


            // first vcf file should have been processed regularly
            using (var reader = new AlleleReader(factory.WorkRequests.First().OutputFilePath))
                var variants = reader.GetVariants();
                Assert.Equal(11, variants.Count());

            // second vcf file should be empty
            using (var reader = new AlleleReader(factory.WorkRequests.Last().OutputFilePath))
                var variants = reader.GetVariants();
                Assert.Equal(0, variants.Count());

            // ----------------------
            // try again but with both bams using empty intervals
            // ----------------------

            options.IntervalPaths   = new[] { emptyIntervals };
            options.OutputDirectory = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory, "EmptyIntervalsTest_All");

            factory   = new Factory(options);
            processor = new GenomeProcessor(factory, factory.GetReferenceGenome(genomePath), throttle);


            foreach (var workRequest in factory.WorkRequests)
                // both vcf file should be empty
                using (var reader = new AlleleReader(workRequest.OutputFilePath))
                    var variants = reader.GetVariants();
                    Assert.Equal(0, variants.Count());
Пример #20
        public void Pisces_PhiX() //Phix it and forget it.
            var bacilusBam           = Path.Combine(TestPaths.SharedBamDirectory, "PhiX_S3.bam");
            var functionalTestRunner = new SomaticVariantCallerFunctionalTestSetup();

            functionalTestRunner.GenomeDirectory = Path.Combine(TestPaths.SharedGenomesDirectory, "PhiX", "WholeGenomeFasta");
            functionalTestRunner.OutputDirectory = TestPaths.LocalScratchDirectory;

            var expectedAlleles = new List <CalledAllele>
                new CalledAllele(AlleleCategory.Snv)
                    ReferencePosition = 14,
                    ReferenceAllele   = "T",
                    AlternateAllele   = "C",
                    Chromosome        = "phix"

                new CalledAllele(AlleleCategory.Snv)
                    ReferencePosition = 14,
                    ReferenceAllele   = "T",
                    AlternateAllele   = "G",
                    Chromosome        = "phix"

                new CalledAllele(AlleleCategory.Snv)
                    ReferencePosition = 19,
                    ReferenceAllele   = "G",
                    AlternateAllele   = "T",
                    Chromosome        = "phix"
                new CalledAllele(AlleleCategory.Snv)
                    ReferencePosition = 22,
                    ReferenceAllele   = "G",
                    AlternateAllele   = "A",
                    Chromosome        = "phix"

                new CalledAllele(AlleleCategory.Snv)
                    ReferencePosition = 25,
                    ReferenceAllele   = "G",
                    AlternateAllele   = "T",
                    Chromosome        = "phix"

                new CalledAllele(AlleleCategory.Snv)
                    ReferencePosition = 26,
                    ReferenceAllele   = "A",
                    AlternateAllele   = "C",
                    Chromosome        = "phix"

                new CalledAllele(AlleleCategory.Snv)
                    ReferencePosition = 42,
                    ReferenceAllele   = "A",
                    AlternateAllele   = "T",
                    Chromosome        = "phix"

            //phix    14.T   C   3   q30; LowVariantFreq DP = 236  GT: GQ: AD: DP: VF: NL: SB    0 / 1:3:234,1:236:0.00424:1000:-100.0000
            //phix    14.T   G   3   q30; LowVariantFreq DP = 236  GT: GQ: AD: DP: VF: NL: SB    0 / 1:3:234,1:236:0.00424:1000:-100.0000
            //phix    19.G   T   3   q30; LowVariantFreq DP = 243  GT: GQ: AD: DP: VF: NL: SB    0 / 1:3:242,1:243:0.00412:1000:-100.0000
            //phix    22.G   A   3   q30; LowVariantFreq DP = 225  GT: GQ: AD: DP: VF: NL: SB    0 / 1:3:224,1:225:0.00444:1000:-100.0000
            //phix    25.G   T   3   q30; LowVariantFreq DP = 244  GT: GQ: AD: DP: VF: NL: SB    0 / 1:3:243,1:244:0.00410:1000:-100.0000
            //phix    26.A   C   3   q30; LowVariantFreq DP = 242  GT: GQ: AD: DP: VF: NL: SB    0 / 1:3:241,1:242:0.00413:1000:-100.0000
            //phix    42.A   T   3   q30; LowVariantFreq DP = 199  GT: GQ: AD: DP: VF: NL: SB    0 / 1:3:198,1:199:0.00503:1000:-100.0000

            PiscesApplicationOptions appOptions = new PiscesApplicationOptions();

            appOptions.VcfWritingParameters.OutputGvcfFile = true;
            appOptions.BAMPaths        = new string[] { bacilusBam };
            appOptions.GenomePaths     = new string[] { functionalTestRunner.GenomeDirectory };
            appOptions.OutputDirectory = functionalTestRunner.OutputDirectory;
            appOptions.VariantCallingParameters.NoiseLevelUsedForQScoring = 1000;
            appOptions.VariantCallingParameters.MinimumFrequency          = 0.0001f; //make sure we catch something in this little bam
            appOptions.VariantCallingParameters.MinimumVariantQScore      = 3;       //make sure we catch something in this little bam

            var vcfFilePath = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalScratchDirectory, "PhiX_S3.genome.vcf");

            // without reference calls
            functionalTestRunner.Execute(bacilusBam, vcfFilePath, null, expectedAlleles, applicationOptions: appOptions);
        public void Execute(
            string bamFilePath,
            string vcfFilePath,
            string intervalPath,
            List <CalledAllele> expectedVariants,
            List <ChrReference> fakeReferences = null,
            bool doCheckVariants            = true,
            bool doCheckReferences          = false,
            int expectedNumCoveredPositions = 0,
            bool threadByChr = false,
            int doCountsOnly = 0,
            bool doLog       = false,
            bool callMnvs    = true,
            PiscesApplicationOptions applicationOptions = null,
            bool collapse = true)
            if (doCheckReferences)
                vcfFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(vcfFilePath, "genome.vcf");

            if (applicationOptions == null)
                applicationOptions = new PiscesApplicationOptions
                    BAMPaths            = new[] { bamFilePath },
                    IntervalPaths       = string.IsNullOrEmpty(intervalPath) ? null : new[] { intervalPath },
                    GenomePaths         = new[] { GenomeDirectory },
                    OutputBiasFiles     = true,
                    DebugMode           = doLog,
                    CallMNVs            = callMnvs,
                    MaxGapBetweenMNV    = 10,
                    MaxSizeMNV          = 15,
                    Collapse            = collapse,
                    BamFilterParameters = new BamFilterParameters()
                        MinimumBaseCallQuality = 20
                    VariantCallingParameters = new VariantCallingParameters(),
                    VcfWritingParameters     = new VcfWritingParameters()
                        OutputGvcfFile = doCheckReferences,
                    CommandLineArguments = new string[] { "some", "cmds" }

            applicationOptions.OutputDirectory = OutputDirectory;

            var factory = GetFactory(applicationOptions);

            IGenome genome;

            if (fakeReferences == null)
                genome = factory.GetReferenceGenome(GenomeDirectory);
                genome = new MockGenome(fakeReferences, GenomeDirectory);

            if (threadByChr)
                var processor = new GenomeProcessor(factory, genome, false);

                var processor = new GenomeProcessor(factory, genome);


            var alleles      = AlleleReader.GetAllVariantsInFile(vcfFilePath);
            var variantCalls = alleles.Where(a => !a.IsRefType).ToList();

            if (doCheckVariants)
                if (doCountsOnly > 0)
                    Assert.Equal(variantCalls.Count(), doCountsOnly);
                    CheckVariants(variantCalls, expectedVariants);

            if (doCheckReferences)
                var referenceAlleles = alleles.Where(a => a.IsRefType).ToList();

                // make sure no reference calls at variant positions
                             alleles.Count(a => !variantCalls.Select(v => v.ReferencePosition).Contains(a.ReferencePosition)));
 private Factory GetFactory(PiscesApplicationOptions options)
     return(new Factory(options));
        public void StitchedCollapsedBamGroundTruth()
            // SNP ground truth from TingTing
            var bamFilePath          = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory, "collapsed.test.stitched.bam");
            var functionalTestRunner = new SomaticVariantCallerFunctionalTestSetup();

            functionalTestRunner.GenomeDirectory = Path.Combine(TestPaths.SharedGenomesDirectory, "chr1");

            var appOptions = new PiscesApplicationOptions
                BAMPaths             = new[] { bamFilePath },
                IntervalPaths        = null,
                GenomePaths          = new[] { Path.Combine(TestPaths.SharedGenomesDirectory, "chr1") },
                OutputBiasFiles      = true,
                DebugMode            = true,
                CallMNVs             = true,
                UseMNVReallocation   = false,
                MaxSizeMNV           = 100,
                MaxGapBetweenMNV     = 10,
                NoiseModelHalfWindow = 1,
                BamFilterParameters  = new BamFilterParameters()
                    MinimumBaseCallQuality = 20,
                    MinimumMapQuality      = 1,
                    OnlyUseProperPairs     = false,
                VariantCallingParameters = new VariantCallingParameters()
                    MaximumVariantQScore                  = 100,
                    MinimumVariantQScoreFilter            = 30,
                    MinimumVariantQScore                  = 20,
                    MinimumCoverage                       = 10,
                    MinimumFrequency                      = 0.01f,
                    FilterOutVariantsPresentOnlyOneStrand = false,
                    ForcedNoiseLevel                      = -1,
                    NoiseModel                  = NoiseModel.Flat,
                    StrandBiasModel             = StrandBiasModel.Extended,
                    AmpliconBiasFilterThreshold = 0.01F
                VcfWritingParameters = new Domain.Options.VcfWritingParameters()
                    OutputGvcfFile = true,
                    ReportRcCounts = true,
                    ReportTsCounts = true

            // Time to build the fake sequences for testing.
            var mockChrRef = new List <ChrReference>()
                new ChrReference()
                    // position 9770498 ~ 9770669
                    Name     = "chr1",

            var expectedAlleles = new List <CalledAllele>
                new CalledAllele(AlleleCategory.Snv)
                    ReferencePosition = 9770596,
                    ReferenceAllele   = "C",
                    AlternateAllele   = "A",
                    Chromosome        = "chr1"

            functionalTestRunner.Execute(bamFilePath, Path.ChangeExtension(bamFilePath, "genome.vcf"), null, expectedAlleles, mockChrRef, applicationOptions: appOptions);
            var truthvcfFilePath         = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(appOptions.BAMPaths[0]), "test_truth.stitched.genome.vcf");
            var stitchedCollapsedTruth   = AlleleReader.GetAllVariantsInFile(truthvcfFilePath);
            var resultFilePath           = Path.ChangeExtension(bamFilePath, "genome.vcf");
            var stitchedCollapsedResults = AlleleReader.GetAllVariantsInFile(resultFilePath);

            TestUtilities.TestHelper.CompareFiles(truthvcfFilePath, resultFilePath);
Пример #24
 public PiscesOptionsParser()
     Options = new PiscesApplicationOptions();
        public void InsertionAtEdgeOfDistribution()
            // This test was brought forward to test Deletion at the edge from the previous tests. The test was listed as failing when stitching was included.
            // Notes from Old SVC: Make sure we can accurately insertions at the edge of the coverage distribution, and not accidentally mark them as SB
            // This test case was in response to a bug, where originally we called SB here when we should not.
            // chr7    116376907       .       ATTT    A       100.00  SB      DP=750;
            var bamFilePath          = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory, "edgeIns_S2.bam");
            var functionalTestRunner = new SomaticVariantCallerFunctionalTestSetup();

            functionalTestRunner.GenomeDirectory = Path.Combine(TestPaths.SharedGenomesDirectory, "chr17chr19");

            var appOptions = new PiscesApplicationOptions
                BAMPaths             = new[] { bamFilePath },
                IntervalPaths        = null,
                GenomePaths          = new[] { Path.Combine(TestPaths.SharedGenomesDirectory, "chr17chr19") },
                OutputBiasFiles      = true,
                DebugMode            = true,
                CallMNVs             = true,
                UseMNVReallocation   = false,
                MaxSizeMNV           = 100,
                MaxGapBetweenMNV     = 10,
                NoiseModelHalfWindow = 1,
                BamFilterParameters  = new Domain.Options.BamFilterParameters()
                    MinimumBaseCallQuality = 20,
                    MinimumMapQuality      = 1,
                    OnlyUseProperPairs     = false,
                VariantCallingParameters = new Domain.Options.VariantCallingParameters()
                    MaximumVariantQScore                  = 100,
                    MinimumVariantQScoreFilter            = 30,
                    MinimumVariantQScore                  = 20,
                    MinimumCoverage                       = 10,
                    MinimumFrequency                      = 0.01f,
                    FilterOutVariantsPresentOnlyOneStrand = false,
                    ForcedNoiseLevel                      = -1,
                    NoiseModel      = NoiseModel.Flat,
                    StrandBiasModel = StrandBiasModel.Extended,
                VcfWritingParameters = new Domain.Options.VcfWritingParameters()
                    OutputGvcfFile = true,

            // Time to build the fake sequences for testing.
            var mockChrRef = new List <ChrReference>()
                new ChrReference()
                    // position 63
                    Name     = "chr7",

            var expectedAlleles = new List <CalledAllele>
                new CalledAllele(AlleleCategory.Insertion)
                    ReferencePosition = 110,
                    ReferenceAllele   = "T",
                    AlternateAllele   = "TGGG",
                    Chromosome        = "chr7"

            functionalTestRunner.Execute(bamFilePath, Path.ChangeExtension(bamFilePath, "genome.vcf"), null, expectedAlleles, mockChrRef, applicationOptions: appOptions);
Пример #26
        public static ISomaticVariantCaller CreateMockVariantCaller(VcfFileWriter vcfWriter, PiscesApplicationOptions options, ChrReference chrRef, MockAlignmentExtractor mockAlignmentExtractor, IStrandBiasFileWriter biasFileWriter = null, string intervalFilePath = null)
            var config = new AlignmentSourceConfig
                MinimumMapQuality  = options.BamFilterParameters.MinimumMapQuality,
                OnlyUseProperPairs = options.BamFilterParameters.OnlyUseProperPairs,
                SkipDuplicates     = options.BamFilterParameters.RemoveDuplicates

            AlignmentMateFinder mateFinder = null;
            var alignmentSource            = new AlignmentSource(mockAlignmentExtractor, mateFinder, config);
            var variantFinder      = new CandidateVariantFinder(options.BamFilterParameters.MinimumBaseCallQuality, options.MaxSizeMNV, options.MaxGapBetweenMNV, options.CallMNVs);
            var coverageCalculator = new CoverageCalculator();

            var alleleCaller = new AlleleCaller(new VariantCallerConfig
                IncludeReferenceCalls        = options.VcfWritingParameters.OutputGvcfFile,
                MinVariantQscore             = options.VariantCallingParameters.MinimumVariantQScore,
                MaxVariantQscore             = options.VariantCallingParameters.MaximumVariantQScore,
                VariantQscoreFilterThreshold = options.VariantCallingParameters.MinimumVariantQScoreFilter > options.VariantCallingParameters.MinimumVariantQScore ? options.VariantCallingParameters.MinimumVariantQScoreFilter : (int?)null,
                MinCoverage  = options.VariantCallingParameters.MinimumCoverage,
                MinFrequency = options.VariantCallingParameters.MinimumFrequency,
                NoiseLevelUsedForQScoring  = options.VariantCallingParameters.NoiseLevelUsedForQScoring,
                StrandBiasModel            = options.VariantCallingParameters.StrandBiasModel,
                StrandBiasFilterThreshold  = options.VariantCallingParameters.StrandBiasAcceptanceCriteria,
                FilterSingleStrandVariants = options.VariantCallingParameters.FilterOutVariantsPresentOnlyOneStrand,
                ChrReference = chrRef
                                                coverageCalculator: coverageCalculator,
                                                variantCollapser: options.Collapse ? new VariantCollapser(null, true, coverageCalculator) : null);

            var stateManager = new RegionStateManager(
                expectStitchedReads: mockAlignmentExtractor.SourceIsStitched,
                trackOpenEnded: options.Collapse, trackReadSummaries: options.CoverageMethod == CoverageMethod.Approximate);

            //statmanager is an allele source
            Assert.Equal(0, stateManager.GetAlleleCount(1, AlleleType.A, DirectionType.Forward));

            return(new SomaticVariantCaller(
        private List <CalledAllele> Call(List <Read> readSets, ChrReference chrReference, PiscesApplicationOptions options)
            var calledAlleles = new List <CalledAllele>();
            var caller        = GetMockFactory(options, readSets).CreateSomaticVariantCaller(chrReference, "fakeBamFilePath", GetMockWriter(calledAlleles));


        private void ExecuteChromosomeThreadingTest(int numberOfThreads, int expectedNumberOfThreads, string outDir)
            var bamFilePath = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory, "Chr17Chr19.bam");
            var vcfFilePath = Path.Combine(outDir, "Chr17Chr19.vcf");
            var genomePath  = Path.Combine(TestPaths.SharedGenomesDirectory, "chr17chr19");

            var options = new PiscesApplicationOptions
                BAMPaths             = new[] { bamFilePath },
                GenomePaths          = new[] { genomePath },
                VcfWritingParameters = new VcfWritingParameters()
                    OutputGvcfFile = false
                OutputDirectory = outDir

            var logFile = Path.Combine(options.LogFolder, options.LogFileName);

            if (File.Exists(logFile))

            Logger.OpenLog(options.LogFolder, options.LogFileName);

            var factory = new MockFactoryWithDefaults(options);

            factory.MockSomaticVariantCaller = new Mock <ISmallVariantCaller>();
            factory.MockSomaticVariantCaller.Setup(s => s.Execute()).Callback(() =>
            var processor = new GenomeProcessor(factory, factory.GetReferenceGenome(genomePath), false);


            Assert.False(File.Exists(vcfFilePath + "_chr17"));
            Assert.False(File.Exists(vcfFilePath + "_chr19"));


            //var threadsSpawnedBeforeFirstCompleted = 0;

            /* dont worry about logging
             * using (var reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(logFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)))
             * {
             *  string line;
             *  while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
             *  {
             *      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) continue;
             *      if (line.Contains("Completed processing chr")) break;
             *      if (line.Contains("Start processing chr"))
             *          threadsSpawnedBeforeFirstCompleted++;
             *  }
             * }*/

            //Assert.Equal(expectedNumberOfThreads, threadsSpawnedBeforeFirstCompleted);
        private void Write_InFlow(bool threadByChr)
            var bamFilePath = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory, "SBWriter_Sample_S1.bam");

            var vcfFilePath  = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory, "SBWriter_Sample_S1.genome.vcf");
            var biasFilePath = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory, "SBWriter_Sample_S1.genome.ReadStrandBias.txt");

            if (threadByChr)
                biasFilePath = biasFilePath + "_chr19";              //Currently when threading by chrom we are outputting one bias file per chromsome. This is not a customer-facing deliverable and is a low-priority feature.
            var expectedBiasResultsPath = Path.Combine(TestPaths.LocalTestDataDirectory, "Expected_Sample_S1.ReadStrandBias.txt");

            var genomeDirectory = Path.Combine(TestPaths.SharedGenomesDirectory, "chr19");

            var applicationOptions = new PiscesApplicationOptions
                BAMPaths             = new[] { bamFilePath },
                IntervalPaths        = null,
                GenomePaths          = new[] { genomeDirectory },
                OutputBiasFiles      = true,
                DebugMode            = true,
                VcfWritingParameters = new Domain.Options.VcfWritingParameters()
                    OutputGvcfFile = true

            // Using GenomeProcessor
            //If OutputBiasFiles is true, should output one bias file per vcf
            var factory = new MockFactoryWithDefaults(applicationOptions);
            var genome  = factory.GetReferenceGenome(genomeDirectory);

            CreateAndExecuteProcessor(threadByChr, factory, genome);


            //All variants that are present in VCF where ref!=alt should be included
            var biasFileContents = File.ReadAllLines(biasFilePath);
            var alleles          = AlleleReader.GetAllVariantsInFile(vcfFilePath);
            var variantCalls     = alleles.Where(a => a.AlternateAllele != ".").ToList();

            foreach (var variantCall in variantCalls)
                Assert.True(biasFileContents.Count(l => l.Split('\t')[0] == variantCall.Chromosome &&
                                                   l.Split('\t')[1] == variantCall.ReferencePosition.ToString() &&
                                                   l.Split('\t')[2] == variantCall.ReferenceAllele &&
                                                   l.Split('\t')[3] == variantCall.AlternateAllele) == 1);
            foreach (var refCall in alleles.Where(a => a.AlternateAllele == ".").ToList())
                Assert.False(biasFileContents.Count(l => l.Split('\t')[0] == refCall.Chromosome &&
                                                    l.Split('\t')[1] == refCall.ReferencePosition.ToString() &&
                                                    l.Split('\t')[2] == refCall.ReferenceAllele &&
                                                    l.Split('\t')[3] == refCall.AlternateAllele) == 1);

            //Bias files should have expected contents
            var expectedBiasFileContents = File.ReadAllLines(expectedBiasResultsPath);

            Assert.Equal(expectedBiasFileContents, biasFileContents);

            //If OutputBiasFiles is false, should not output any bias files

            applicationOptions.OutputBiasFiles = false;
            factory = new MockFactoryWithDefaults(applicationOptions);
            genome  = factory.GetReferenceGenome(genomeDirectory);
            CreateAndExecuteProcessor(threadByChr, factory, genome);