Пример #1
        private static void setPartGeometry(PipingProject prjpart, ObjectId objId, int rowId)
            Database         db    = objId.Database;
            DataLinksManager dlm   = prjpart.DataLinksManager;
            StringCollection props = new StringCollection();
            StringCollection vals  = new StringCollection();

            using (Transaction trans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                    PnP3d.Part part = trans.GetObject(objId, OpenMode.ForRead) as PnP3d.Part;

                    //if (part is Pipe)
                    if (part is PnP3d.Pipe)
                        PnP3d.Pipe pipe = (PnP3d.Pipe)part;



                        props.Add("Position X");

                        props.Add("Position Y");

                        props.Add("Position Z");
                    // else if ()    // Handle other Plant3D entity types
                    // {
                    // }
                    // else
                    // {
                    // }

                    dlm.SetProperties(rowId, props, vals);
                catch (Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception ex)
                    // display exception on the command line
                    Editor ed = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
Пример #2
        private static int createUnassignedLineGroup(PipingProject prjpart)
            // Create a new line group in project database
            DataLinksManager dlm = prjpart.DataLinksManager;
            PnPDatabase      db  = dlm.GetPnPDatabase();

            PnPTable tbl = db.Tables["P3dLineGroup"];

            PnPRow row = tbl.NewRow();


Пример #3
        private static void assignToLineGroup(PipingProject prjpart, ObjectId partId, int cacheId, int groupId)
            // Assign an entity's row to line group
            DataLinksManager dlm = prjpart.DataLinksManager;
            PnPDatabase      db  = dlm.GetPnPDatabase();

            // Relate objects to line group
                       "LineGroup", groupId,
                       "Part", cacheId);

            // Also relate drawing to line group
            Database acdb  = partId.Database;
            int      dwgId = dlm.GetDrawingId(acdb);

            if (dwgId != -1)
                           "Drawing", dwgId,
                           "LineGroup", groupId);
Пример #4
        public static void NewPipe()
            string strSpec = "CS300";

            PlantProject  proj    = PlantApplication.CurrentProject;
            PipingProject prjpart = (PipingProject)proj.ProjectParts["Piping"];

            // Current state of API does not include a .NET version of the spec
            // manager so the lower part's repository API must be used.
            // Use project to get spec folder, for now use CS300 spec

            PartRep.SpecPart specPart        = null;
            string           strSpecFileName = Path.Combine(prjpart.SpecSheetsDirectory, strSpec + ".pspx");

            // Open the spec
            using (PartRep.PipePartSpecification spec = (PartRep.PipePartSpecification)PartRep.PipePartSpecification.OpenSpecification(strSpecFileName))
                NominalDiameter nd = new NominalDiameter("in", 10.0);
                using (PartQueryResults results = spec.SelectParts("Pipe", nd))
                    if (results != null)
                        // use first row in spec for a 10inch pipe
                        specPart = (PartRep.SpecPart)results.NextPart();

                // Create the pipe and return the ObjectId
                ObjectId newPipeId = CreatePipe();

                //    int cacheId = AddPartToProject(prjpart, strSpec, newPipeId, specPart);

                //    // if cacheId == -1 then AddPartToProject failed
                //    if (cacheId == -1)
                //    {
                //        // Failed to add part to project
                //        Editor ed = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
                //        ed.WriteMessage("Error creating part in the project erasing the pipe entity");

                //        // Erase the pipe entity
                //        Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase;
                //        using (Transaction trans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                //        {
                //            PnP3d.Pipe p = trans.GetObject(newPipeId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as PnP3d.Pipe;
                //            if (p != null)
                //            {
                //                p.Erase();
                //                trans.Commit();
                //                return;
                //            }
                //        }
                //        return;
                //     }

                //    setPartGeometry(prjpart, newPipeId, cacheId);

                //    int groupId = createUnassignedLineGroup(prjpart);

                //    assignToLineGroup(prjpart, newPipeId, cacheId, groupId);

                //catch(Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception ex)
                //    // Some other problem occurred
                //    Editor ed = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
                //    ed.WriteMessage("Error - erasing the pipe entity");
                //    ed.WriteMessage(ex.ToString());

                //    // Erase the pipe entity
                //    Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase;
                //    using (Transaction trans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                //    {
                //        PnP3d.Pipe p = trans.GetObject(newPipeId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as PnP3d.Pipe;
                //        if (p != null)
                //        {
                //            p.Erase();
                //            trans.Commit();
                //        }
                //    }


Пример #5
        private static int AddPartToProject(PipingProject prjpart, string strSpec, ObjectId partId, PartRep.SpecPart specPart)
            Autodesk.ProcessPower.DataObjects.PnPDatabase db = prjpart.DataLinksManager.GetPnPDatabase();
            PartsRepository rep = PartsRepository.AttachedRepository(db, false);

            // Create new part in project
            Autodesk.ProcessPower.PartsRepository.Part part = rep.NewPart(specPart.PartType);
            rep.AutoAccept = false;

            // Assign property values in project
            StringCollection props = specPart.PropertyNames;

            for (int i = 0; i < props.Count; ++i)
                PartProperty prop = rep.GetPartProperty(specPart.PartType, props[i], false);
                if (prop == null || prop.IsExpression)
                    continue;   // can't be assigned
                    part[props[i]] = specPart[props[i]];
                catch (Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception ex)
                    // display exception on the command line
                    Editor ed = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;

            // assign special spec property
                part["Spec"] = strSpec;
            catch (Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception ex)
                // display exception on the command line
                Editor ed = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;

            // add reference to spec record only if it is not set yet
                if (part["SpecRecordId"] == System.DBNull.Value)
                    part["SpecRecordId"] = specPart.PartId;
            catch (Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception ex)
                // display exception on the command line
                Editor ed = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;

            // Ok now deal with the ports
            Autodesk.ProcessPower.PartsRepository.PortCollection ports          = specPart.Ports;
            Autodesk.ProcessPower.PartsRepository.Port           principal_port = ports[0];

            foreach (Autodesk.ProcessPower.PartsRepository.Port port in ports)
                System.Guid sizeRecId = System.Guid.Empty;
                if (string.Compare(port.Name, principal_port.Name) != 0)
                    sizeRecId = (System.Guid)port["SizeRecordId"];

                Autodesk.ProcessPower.PartsRepository.Port newPort = null;
                bool bNew        = true;
                bool bNeedAccept = false;

                // Principal port is embedded.
                if (sizeRecId != System.Guid.Empty)
                    newPort     = part.NewPortBySizeRecordId(port.Name, sizeRecId.ToString(), out bNew);
                    bNeedAccept = true;
                    newPort = part.NewPort(port.Name);

                if (bNew)
                    foreach (string prop in port.PropertyNames)
                        if (string.Compare(prop, "PortName", true) == 0)
                            continue;   // dont copy port name
                            newPort[prop] = port[prop];
                        catch (Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception ex)
                            // display exception on the command line
                            Editor ed = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;

                    if (bNeedAccept)
                        catch (Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception ex)
                            // display exception on the command line
                            Editor ed = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;


            // Add new part to the project database

            // Transform properties sentitive to current project's unit settings
            switch (prjpart.ProjectUnitsType)
            case ProjectUnitsType.eMetric:
                part.TransformPropertiesToUnits(Units.Mm, Units.Mm);

            case ProjectUnitsType.eMixedMetric:
                part.TransformPropertiesToUnits(Units.Mm, Units.Inch);

            case ProjectUnitsType.eImperial:
                part.TransformPropertiesToUnits(Units.Inch, Units.Inch);

            int cacheId = part.PartId;

            // Finally now we can link entity to row in project
            if (cacheId != -1)
                Autodesk.ProcessPower.DataLinks.DataLinksManager dlm = prjpart.DataLinksManager;
                    dlm.Link(partId, cacheId);
                    cacheId = -1;;

            return(cacheId); // -1 for error
Пример #6
        public static void Project_Settings()
            Editor ed = AcadApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;

            // 1.18 Declare a variable as a PlantProject. Instantiate it using
            // the CurrentProject of PlantApplication. (PlantApplication is a singleton)
            PlantProject currentProj = PlantApplication.CurrentProject;

                // 1.19 Declare a variable as a PnIdProject. Instantiate it using the
                // ProjectParts property of the CurrentProject of the PlantProject from step 1.18.
                // Use square brackets [] to specify a string identifier. For the string
                // property use "PnID". Need to cast it using (PnIdProject)
                // Note: Need to add a reference to PnIdProjectPartsMgd.dll this is dll is Missing
                // from the PlantSDK. Reference it from the ACAD.EXE folder instead.
                PnIdProject PnIdProj = (PnIdProject)currentProj.ProjectParts["PnID"];

                // 1.20 Use the WriteMessage function of the editor created above (ed).
                // Print out the GapWidth property of the PnIdProject from step 1.19.
                // Use a string similar to this: "\nGap Width = " + use ToString()
                ed.WriteMessage("\nGap Width = " + PnIdProj.GapWidth.ToString());

                // 1.21 Change the GapWidth property to .125
                PnIdProj.GapWidth = .125;

                // 1.22 Use the WriteMessage function of the editor created above (ed).
                // Print out the value of the GapLoop property of the PnIdProject from step 1.19.
                // Use a string similar to this: "\nGapLoop  = " + use ToString().
                // (this value is a bool)
                ed.WriteMessage("\nGapLoop  = " + PnIdProj.GapLoop().ToString());

                // 1.23 Declare a variable as a PipingProject. Instantiate it using the
                // ProjectParts property of the CurrentProject of the PlantProject from step 1.18.
                // Use square brackets [] to specify a string identifier. For the string
                // property use "Piping". Need to cast it using (PipingProject)
                // Note: Need to add a reference to PnP3dProjectPartsMgd.dll for PipingProject
                PipingProject pipeProj = (PipingProject)currentProj.ProjectParts["Piping"];

                // 1.24 Use the WriteMessage function of the editor created above (ed).
                // Print out the Minimum Pipe Length property of the PipingProject from step 1.23.
                // Use a string similar to this: "\nMinimum Pipe Length = " + use ToString()
                ed.WriteMessage("\nMinimum Pipe Length = " + pipeProj.MinimumPipeLength.ToString());

                // 1.25 Change the MinimumPipeLength property of the PipingProject from step 1.23.
                // to 10
                pipeProj.MinimumPipeLength = 10;

                // 1.26 Change the WeldGapSize property of the PipingProject from step 1.23.
                // to .125
                pipeProj.WeldGapSize = .125;

                // 1.27 Use the WriteMessage function of the editor created above (ed).
                // Print out the value of UseWeldGaps of the PipingProject from step 1.23.
                // Use a string similar to this: "\nUse Weld Gaps = " + use ToString()
                ed.WriteMessage("\nUse Weld Gaps = " + pipeProj.UseWeldGaps.ToString());

                // 1.28 Change the UseWeldGaps of the PipingProject to true
                pipeProj.UseWeldGaps = true;
            catch (System.Exception ex)