Пример #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (!GetReset())
            PickupMovement pickUp = FindObjectOfType <PickupMovement>();
            if (pickUp)
                // If the pickUp has changed, reset the boolean saying that the path is leading to the pickup
                if (pickUp != lastPickUp)
                    pickUpFound = false;
                // If the path is already leading to the pickup, don't build it again
                if (!pickUpFound)
                // At each call, find the current target in the path to get closer to the pickUp

                // Add force to move the UFO to the target
                Vector3 direction = target.position - transform.position;
                direction = direction.normalized;
                rb2D.AddForce(new Vector2(direction.x * speedFactor, direction.y * speedFactor));

            rb2D.MoveRotation(rb2D.rotation + rotation);
            rb2D.velocity = Vector3.zero;
Пример #2
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (!initiated)
            starScript1 = GetPickupMovementByName("Star1");
            starScript2 = GetPickupMovementByName("Star2");
            starScript3 = GetPickupMovementByName("Star3");

            //Set journeyTime so that transition is smooth
            journeyTime = Vector3.Distance(posA, posB) * 0.015f;

            float fracComplete = (Time.time - startTime) / journeyTime;

            Vector3 desiredPos = Vector3.Lerp(posA + camPos, posB + camPos, fracComplete);

            transform.position = desiredPos;

            // Slerp is done set next Slerp positions
            if ((transform.position.y == posB.y + camPos.y) && !coroutineRunning)
                coroutineRunning = true;

        if (playerT != null && initiated)
            if (cameraMode == Modes.Strafe)
                Vector3 camPosition = playerT.transform.position + camPos;

                if (camPosition.x > 60f)
                    camPosition.x = 60f;
                else if (camPosition.x < -60f)
                    camPosition.x = -60f;

                transform.position = camPosition;

                Vector3 lookAtPos = playerT.transform.position + offset;
Пример #3
    private void FindPath(PickupMovement pickup)
        lastPickUp  = pickup;
        pickUpFound = false;
        // Get PickupPosition in grid reference
        Position targetPosition = new Position(Mathf.RoundToInt(pickup.transform.position.x / tileSize), Mathf.RoundToInt(pickup.transform.position.y / tileSize));
        // Get UFO Position in grid reference
        Position ufoPosition = new Position(Mathf.RoundToInt(transform.position.x / tileSize), Mathf.RoundToInt(transform.position.y / tileSize));

        // Add UFO Position to Path list

        Position nearestPos = new Position();

        // For a path range of 20 positions (to limit the cost of this function)
        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
            // Search which neighbor of last position in Path list is closest to both pickup and UFO
            Node  node          = new Node(new Position());
            float minDistUFO    = Mathf.Infinity;
            float minDistTarget = Mathf.Infinity;
            foreach (Node n in pathGraph)
                if (n.pos.xPos == pathToTarget[pathToTarget.Count - 1].xPos && n.pos.yPos == pathToTarget[pathToTarget.Count - 1].yPos)
                    node = n;
            foreach (Position p in node.neighbors)
                // Test if the neighbor is already in path
                bool isInPath = false;
                foreach (Position pInPath in pathToTarget)
                    if (pInPath.xPos == p.xPos && pInPath.yPos == p.yPos)
                        isInPath = true;

                // If the neighbor is not already in the path, test its distances to the target and the UFO
                // The neighbor closer to target is selected, if equality, the one closer to UFO is selected
                if (!isInPath)
                    float distUFO    = Mathf.Pow(p.xPos - ufoPosition.xPos, 2) + Mathf.Pow(p.yPos - ufoPosition.yPos, 2);
                    float distTarget = Mathf.Pow(p.xPos - targetPosition.xPos, 2) + Mathf.Pow(p.yPos - targetPosition.yPos, 2);
                    if (distTarget < minDistTarget)
                        minDistUFO    = distUFO;
                        minDistTarget = distTarget;
                        nearestPos    = new Position(p.xPos, p.yPos);
                    if (distTarget == minDistTarget && distUFO < minDistUFO)
                        minDistUFO    = distUFO;
                        minDistTarget = distTarget;
                        nearestPos    = new Position(p.xPos, p.yPos);
                // If there isn't any neighbor available, (nearestPos is the same as before), add previous position as next position
                if (nearestPos.xPos == node.pos.xPos && nearestPos.yPos == node.pos.yPos)
                    nearestPos = new Position(pathToTarget[pathToTarget.Count - 2].xPos, pathToTarget[pathToTarget.Count - 2].yPos);
            // Add nearest neighbor to Path list and end research if the target is found
            if (nearestPos.xPos == targetPosition.xPos && nearestPos.yPos == targetPosition.yPos)
                pickUpFound = true;
        // The position closest to UFO in the path is defined as the target
        go.transform.position = new Vector3(pathToTarget[1].xPos * tileSize, pathToTarget[1].yPos * tileSize, 0);
        target = go.transform;