IEnumerator UpdateTick(int entityID) { while (true) { var playerBonusEntityView = _playerBonusEntityViews[entityID]; var playerAmmoBoxComponent = playerBonusEntityView.playerAmmoBoxComponent; var bulletsManagerComponent = _hudEntityView.bulletsManagerComponent; // If the player colided with the ammo box and he doesn't have all the bullets then reset his bullets // to the initial bullets count if (playerAmmoBoxComponent.colided && bulletsManagerComponent.currentBullets < bulletsManagerComponent.totalBullets) { bulletsManagerComponent.ResetBullets(); playerAmmoBoxComponent.colided = false; playerAmmoBoxComponent.DestroyBox(); // Tell the Bonus Spawner Engine that the ammobox was removed from the scene var pickupInfo = new PickupInfo(, SpawnerTypes.Ammobox); _playerPickupSequence.Next(this, ref pickupInfo); } yield return(null); } }
private GameObject TryGetRandomPickup() { float random = Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f); var pickup = new PickupInfo(); var chanceAccumulator = 0; var availablePickups = OtherPickups.Where(o => (!o.Singleton || o.SpawnCount == 0)).ToList(); foreach (var currentPickup in availablePickups) { chanceAccumulator += currentPickup.Chance; if (chanceAccumulator / (float)PickupChanceCount > random) { pickup = currentPickup; break; } } if (pickup.Singleton && pickup.SpawnCount > 0) { return(null); } if (pickup.PickupPrefab != null) { var index = OtherPickups.IndexOf(pickup); pickup.SpawnCount++; OtherPickups[index] = pickup; return(pickup.PickupPrefab); } return(null); }
public void GiveItem(PickupInfo itemInfo){ Debug.Log(GetObjectDebugInfo() + "|NetworkedObserverInventory::GiveItem:OBSERVATION: Pickup " + itemInfo.itemIndex + " triggered giveitem."); if (hasAuthority) { //Create all slots if not created yet if(m_slots.Count < maxSlotsCount){ for(int i = 0; i < maxSlotsCount; i++){ m_slots.Add(0); // Add an empty slot with itemid 0. m_slotCharges.Add(0); // Add a slotCharges entry with 0 charges. Debug.Log(GetObjectDebugInfo() + "|NetworkedObserverInventory::GiveItem:OBSERVATION: Adding slot " + i); } //if it is a first item switch to it m_currentSlot = m_availableItems[itemInfo.itemIndex].m_slot; Debug.Log(GetObjectDebugInfo() + "|NetworkedObserverInventory::GiveItem:OBSERVATION: Changing current slot " + m_currentSlot); m_syncSlot = m_currentSlot; Debug.Log(GetObjectDebugInfo() + "|NetworkedObserverInventory::GiveItem:OBSERVATION: Changing sync'd slot " + m_syncSlot); Rpc_FirstItem(m_currentSlot); Debug.Log(GetObjectDebugInfo() + "|NetworkedObserverInventory::GiveItem:OBSERVATION: Calling Rpc_FirstItem on " + m_currentSlot); } if(m_slots[m_availableItems[itemInfo.itemIndex].m_slot] == itemInfo.itemIndex){ //Add ammo only if item already is in inventory m_slotCharges[m_availableItems[itemInfo.itemIndex].m_slot] += itemInfo.itemAmmo; //m_availableItems[itemInfo.itemIndex].GiveAmmo(itemInfo.itemAmmo); Debug.Log(GetObjectDebugInfo() + "|NetworkedObserverInventory::GiveItem:OBSERVATION: Gave Ammo " + itemInfo.itemAmmo); } else{ //Add item and ammo m_slots[m_availableItems[itemInfo.itemIndex].m_slot] = itemInfo.itemIndex; Debug.Log(GetObjectDebugInfo() + "|NetworkedObserverInventory::GiveItem:OBSERVATION: Gave ItemID " + itemInfo.itemIndex); m_slotCharges[m_availableItems[itemInfo.itemIndex].m_slot] += itemInfo.itemAmmo; //m_availableItems[itemInfo.itemIndex].GiveAmmo(itemInfo.itemAmmo); Debug.Log(GetObjectDebugInfo() + "|NetworkedObserverInventory::GiveItem:OBSERVATION: Gave Ammo " + itemInfo.itemAmmo); } } }
private void TryPickup() { Ray ray = new Ray(cameraPitchPivot.transform.position, cameraPitchPivot.transform.forward); RaycastHit hit; if (Raycast(ray, out hit, maxPickupDistance)) { Rigidbody rb = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <Rigidbody>(); if (rb) { pickupInfo = new PickupInfo(); pickupInfo.rigidbody = rb; float divFactor = 0; Vector3 center =; foreach (var collider in pickupInfo.rigidbody.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>()) { Vector3 size = collider.bounds.size; float volume = size.x * size.y * size.z; center += * volume; divFactor += volume; Physics.IgnoreCollision(capsuleCollider, collider, true); } center /= divFactor; = center; } } }
public void GiveItem(PickupInfo itemInfo) { if (hasAuthority) { //Create all slots if not created yet if (_slots.Count < maxSlotsCount) { for (int i = 0; i < maxSlotsCount; i++) { _slots.Add(-1); } //if it is a first item switch to it _currentSlot = _availableItems[itemInfo.itemIndex].slot; _syncSlot = _currentSlot; Rpc_FirstItem(_currentSlot); } if (_slots[_availableItems[itemInfo.itemIndex].slot] == itemInfo.itemIndex) { //Add ammo only if item already is in inventory _availableItems[itemInfo.itemIndex].GiveAmmo(itemInfo.itemAmmo); } else { //Add item and ammo _slots[_availableItems[itemInfo.itemIndex].slot] = itemInfo.itemIndex; _availableItems[itemInfo.itemIndex].GiveAmmo(itemInfo.itemAmmo); } } }
private void DropPickup() { foreach (var collider in pickupInfo.rigidbody.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>()) { Physics.IgnoreCollision(capsuleCollider, collider, false); } pickupInfo = null; }
public void OnAcquirePickup(PickupInfo pickup) { if (acquiredPickups.ContainsKey(pickup.type)) { acquiredPickups[pickup.type].Add (pickup); }else{ acquiredPickups[pickup.type] = pickup; } }
// This callback is called when the flag is not retrieved for a period of time. private void OnFlagIsNotRetrievedPeriodOfTime(object sender, EventArgs e) { Flag.Delete(); Flag.Create(); Flag.IsPositionBase = true; PickupInfo.Dispose(); BasePlayer.SendClientMessageToAll($"{OtherColor}[Auto-Return]: La bandera {NameColor} regresó a su posición inicial."); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { statusText.text = ""; foreach (string key in acquiredPickups.Keys) { PickupInfo pickup = acquiredPickups[key]; statusText.text += pickup.type + " x" + pickup.count.ToString() + "\n"; } statusText.text += "--------------\nTotal score: " + TotalScore().ToString(); }
public void Recover(Player player) { Flag.IsPositionBase = true; Flag.Create(); PickupInfo.Dispose(); BasePlayer.SendClientMessageToAll($"{OtherColor}[Team {NameTeam}]: {player.Name} recuperó la bandera {NameColor} del equipo {NameTeam}."); BasePlayer.GameTextForAll($"~n~~n~~n~{ColorGameText}la bandera {NameColor} fue recuperada!", 5000, 3); player.UpdateAdrenaline(4, "recuperar la bandera"); Timer.Stop(); }
public int SetData(Object data) { if (!(data is PickupInfo)) { return(-1); } mPickupInfo = data as PickupInfo; return(0); }
public void OnAcquirePickup(PickupInfo pickup) { if (acquiredPickups.ContainsKey(pickup.type)) { acquiredPickups[pickup.type].Add(pickup); } else { acquiredPickups[pickup.type] = pickup; } }
public bool INeedAPickUp(GameObject source, int id) { PickupInfo temp = new PickupInfo(source, id); if (PickupQueue.Contains(temp) == false) { PickupQueue.Add(temp); return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the information for the last pickup played. /// </summary> /// <returns>The information for the last pickup game played, if any.</returns> public PickupInfo GetLastPickupInfo() { var pInfo = new PickupInfo(); if (VerifyDb()) { try { using (var sqlcon = new SQLiteConnection(_sqlConString)) { sqlcon.Open(); using (var cmd = new SQLiteCommand(sqlcon)) { cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM pickupgames ORDER BY startDate DESC LIMIT 1"; using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (!reader.HasRows) { return(null); } while (reader.Read()) { pInfo.RedTeam = (string)reader["redTeam"]; pInfo.BlueTeam = (string)reader["blueTeam"]; pInfo.RedCaptain = (string)reader["redCaptain"]; pInfo.BlueCaptain = (string)reader["blueCaptain"]; pInfo.Subs = (string)reader["subs"]; pInfo.NoShows = (string)reader["noShows"]; pInfo.StartDate = (DateTime)reader["startDate"]; Log.Write(string.Format( "Got last pickup info from pickup database. Red: {0} (cap: {1}), Blue: {2}" + " (cap: {3}), Subs: {4}, No-shows: {5}, Started: {6}", pInfo.RedTeam, pInfo.RedCaptain, pInfo.BlueTeam, pInfo.BlueCaptain, pInfo.Subs, pInfo.NoShows, pInfo.StartDate.ToString( "G", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)), _logClassType, _logPrefix); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteCritical(string.Format( "Problem getting info for pickup game (dated: {0}) from pickup database: {1}", pInfo.StartDate.ToString("G", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), ex.Message), _logClassType, _logPrefix); return(null); } } return(pInfo); }
private void updateArmor(Component other) { var destructible = other.GetComponent <Destructible>(); PickupInfo.Spawner("Armor Maximum", ArmorDeltaMax); PickupInfo.Spawner("Armor Regeneration", ArmorDeltaRegen); PickupInfo.Spawner("Armor Boost", ArmorDelta); destructible.MaxArmor = Mathf.Max(destructible.MaxArmor + ArmorDeltaMax, 0); destructible.ArmorRegeneration = Mathf.Max(destructible.ArmorRegeneration + ArmorDeltaRegen, 0); destructible.CurrentArmor = Mathf.Clamp(destructible.CurrentArmor + ArmorDelta, 0, destructible.MaxArmor); }
private void updateShields(Component other) { var destructible = other.GetComponent <Destructible>(); PickupInfo.Spawner("Shield Maximum", ShieldDeltaMax); PickupInfo.Spawner("Shield Regeneration", ShieldDeltaRegen); PickupInfo.Spawner("Shield Boost", ShieldDelta); destructible.MaxShield = Mathf.Max(destructible.MaxShield + ShieldDeltaMax, 0); destructible.ShieldRegeneration = Mathf.Max(destructible.ShieldRegeneration + ShieldDeltaRegen, 0); destructible.CurrentShield = Mathf.Clamp(destructible.CurrentShield + ShieldDelta, 0, destructible.MaxShield); }
public override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); pickupInfo = new PickupInfo { pickupTime = 0.0, isPicked = false, acks = new LinkedList <bool>() }; PhotonNetwork.NetworkingClient.EventReceived += OnAmmoPicked; }
/// <summary> Adds the pickup game to the database. </summary> <param name="pInfo">The /// pickup game information.</param> <remarks>Note: The game is not added to the database /// until both red & blue teams are full after captains have picked players.</remarks> public void AddPickupGame(PickupInfo pInfo) { if (VerifyDb()) { try { using (var sqlcon = new SQLiteConnection(_sqlConString)) { sqlcon.Open(); using (var cmd = new SQLiteCommand(sqlcon)) { cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO pickupgames(redTeam, blueTeam, redCaptain, blueCaptain, subs," + " noShows, startDate) VALUES(@redTeam, @blueTeam, @redCaptain, " + "@blueCaptain, @subs, @noShows, @startDate)"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@redTeam", pInfo.RedTeam); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@blueTeam", pInfo.BlueTeam); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@redCaptain", pInfo.RedCaptain); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@blueCaptain", pInfo.BlueCaptain); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@subs", pInfo.Subs); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@noShows", pInfo.NoShows); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@startDate", pInfo.StartDate); // default end time. Use UpdatePickupEndTime to change cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@endDate", default(DateTime)); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Log.Write(string.Format( "AddPickupGame: Successfully added pickup game: Red team: {0}, Blue Team: {1}, Red captain: {2}, Blue captain:" + " {3}, Subs: {4}, No-shows: {5}, Starting at: {6} to pickup database.", pInfo.RedTeam, pInfo.BlueTeam, pInfo.RedCaptain, pInfo.BlueCaptain, pInfo.Subs, pInfo.NoShows, pInfo.StartDate.ToString("G", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)), _logClassType, _logPrefix); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteCritical(string.Format( "Problem adding pickup game (dated: {0}) to pickup database: {1}", pInfo.StartDate.ToString("G", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), ex.Message), _logClassType, _logPrefix); } } }
void activateItem(PickupInfo info) { Debug.Log("Attempted to activate " + info.kind.ToString()); switch (info.kind) { case PickupInfo.Kind.PizzaHeal: if (inventory.pizzaHeals > 0) { inventory.pizzaHeals--; pizza.Heal(); } break; case PickupInfo.Kind.PizzaShield: if (inventory.pizzaShields > 0) { inventory.pizzaShields--; StartCoroutine(pizza.Shield(info.effectDuration)); } break; case PickupInfo.Kind.PizzaBoost: if (inventory.pizzaBoosts > 0) { inventory.pizzaBoosts--; pizza.PizzaBoosted(); StartCoroutine(pizza.GetComponent <PathFollower>().ApplyBoost(info.effectDuration, info.effectStrength)); } break; case PickupInfo.Kind.PizzaSlow: if (inventory.pizzaSlows > 0) { inventory.pizzaSlows--; pizza.PizzaSlowed(); StartCoroutine(pizza.GetComponent <PathFollower>().ApplySlow(info.effectDuration, info.effectStrength)); } break; case PickupInfo.Kind.PlayerBoost: if (inventory.playerBoosts > 0) { inventory.playerBoosts--; audioSource.PlayOneShot(PlayerBoostSound); StartCoroutine(playerMovement.ApplyBoost(info.effectDuration, info.effectStrength)); } break; default: break; } }
public bool Equals(PickupInfo other) { if (other == null) { return(false); } if ( && { return(true); } return(false); }
void Start() { MyPickup = new PickupInfo(); MyDeliv = new DeliveryItem(); MaxWeight = 50; MyMoney = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PlayerTotals").GetComponent <MainMoney> (); MyHero = this.gameObject.GetComponent <HeroAI> (); // MainHandWeapon = new WeaponInfo (); // OffHandWeapon= new WeaponInfo (); // ShieldArmor= new ArmorInfo(); // ChestArmor = new ArmorInfo(); // HeadArmor= new ArmorInfo(); // LegArmor= new ArmorInfo(); // FeetArmor= new ArmorInfo(); }
public static List<PickupInfo> GetPickupList(int start,int count) { string strSQL= "SELECT TOP " + count + " * FROM Pickup WHERE State = '1' AND ID NOT IN(SELECT TOP " + start + " ID FROM Pickup WHERE State = '1' ORDER BY UploadTime DESC) ORDER BY UploadTime DESC"; SqlDataReader PickupDataReader = DAL.SQLHelper.GetReader(strSQL); List<PickupInfo> PickupList = new List<PickupInfo>(); while (PickupDataReader.Read()) { PickupInfo info = new PickupInfo(); info.PickupID = PickupDataReader["ID"].ToString(); info.PickupCommendItem = PickupDataReader["CommendItem"].ToString(); info.PickupCommendItemIcon = PickupDataReader["CommendItemIcon"].ToString().Replace(",",""); info.PickupCommendContent = PickupDataReader["CommendContent"].ToString(); info.PickupUploadTime = Convert.ToDateTime(PickupDataReader["UploadTime"].ToString()).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); PickupList.Add(info); } return PickupList; }
private void updateEnergy(Component other) { var w = other.GetComponentInChildren <PlayerWeapon>(); if (!w) { return; } PickupInfo.Spawner("Energy Maximum", EnergyDeltaMax); PickupInfo.Spawner("Energy Regeneration", EnergyDeltaRegen); PickupInfo.Spawner("Energy Boost", EnergyDelta); w.MaxEnergy = Mathf.Max(w.MaxEnergy + EnergyDeltaMax, 0); w.EnergyRegeneration = Mathf.Max(w.EnergyRegeneration + EnergyDeltaRegen, 0); w.CurrentEnergy = Mathf.Clamp(w.CurrentEnergy + EnergyDelta, 0, w.MaxEnergy); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the most recent pickup game. /// </summary> /// <param name="pInfo">The pickup information.</param> public void UpdateMostRecentPickupGame(PickupInfo pInfo) { if (VerifyDb()) { try { using (var sqlcon = new SQLiteConnection(_sqlConString)) { sqlcon.Open(); using (var cmd = new SQLiteCommand(sqlcon)) { cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE pickupgames SET redTeam = @redTeam, blueTeam = @blueTeam, redCaptain = @redCaptain, " + "blueCaptain = @blueCaptain, subs = @subs, noShows = @noShows, startDate = @startDate WHERE" + " id IN (SELECT id FROM pickupgames ORDER BY startDate DESC LIMIT 1)"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@redTeam", pInfo.RedTeam); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@blueTeam", pInfo.BlueTeam); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@redCaptain", pInfo.RedCaptain); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@blueCaptain", pInfo.BlueCaptain); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@subs", pInfo.Subs); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@noShows", pInfo.NoShows); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@startDate", pInfo.StartDate); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Log.Write(string.Format( "Successfully UPDATED most recent pickup game: Red team: {0}, Blue Team: {1}, Red captain: {2}, Blue captain:" + " {3}, Subs: {4}, No-shows: {5}, Starting at: {6} in pickup database.", pInfo.RedTeam, pInfo.BlueTeam, pInfo.RedCaptain, pInfo.BlueCaptain, pInfo.Subs, pInfo.NoShows, pInfo.StartDate.ToString("G", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)), _logClassType, _logPrefix); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteCritical(string.Format( "Problem updating most recent pickup game (dated: {0}) in pickup database: {1}", pInfo.StartDate.ToString("G", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), ex.Message), _logClassType, _logPrefix); } } }
private void Loading(CancellationToken ct, PickupInfo pickupInfo) { // 开始文件加载 ShowLoadingState((string)mWin.FindResource("parsing_changelog")); int[] startVersion = ParseVersion(mPickupInfo.startVersion); int[] endVersion = ParseVersion(mPickupInfo.endVersion); if (null == startVersion || null == endVersion) { LoadingCompleted(false, (string)mWin.FindResource("parse_changelog_failed")); return; } if (startVersion[0] >= endVersion[0] && startVersion[1] > endVersion[1]) { // 版本号选反了, 交换一下 int tmp = startVersion[0]; startVersion[0] = endVersion[0]; endVersion[0] = tmp; tmp = startVersion[1]; startVersion[1] = endVersion[1]; endVersion[1] = tmp; } bool isSameVersion = (startVersion[0] == endVersion[0]) && (startVersion[1] == endVersion[1]); if (isSameVersion) { LoadingCompleted(false, (string)mWin.FindResource("parse_changelog_same_version")); return; } mChangelog = BuildPickupDiffVersion(startVersion, endVersion, mPickupInfo.oemName); if (null == mChangelog) { LoadingCompleted(false, (string)mWin.FindResource("parse_changelog_failed")); return; } LoadingCompleted(true); }
public override bool Equals(System.Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } PickupInfo c = obj as PickupInfo; if ((System.Object)c == null) { return(false); } if ( && { return(true); } return(false); }
public void Carry(Player player) { BasePlayer.SendClientMessageToAll($"{OtherColor}[Team {NameTeam}]: {player.Name} llevó la bandera {NameColor} del equipo {NameTeam} a su base."); BasePlayer.GameTextForAll($"~n~~n~~n~{TeamRival.ColorGameText}+1 score team {TeamRival.NameTeam}", 5000, 3); player.RemoveAttachedObject(0); Flag.Create(); PickupInfo.Dispose(); Flag.PlayerCaptured = null; Flag.IsPositionBase = true; ++TeamRival.Score; TeamRival.UpdateTdScore(); player.UpdateAdrenaline(10, "llevar la bandera tu base"); player.UpdateData("droppedFlags", ++player.Data.DroppedFlags); foreach (Player player1 in player.PlayerTeam.Players) { if (player != player1) { player1.UpdateAdrenaline(3, "ayudar a capturar la bandera"); } } }
public bool NewDelivry(DeliveryItem newone) { if (newone.Destination != "" && newone.DesVec != new Vector3() && newone.Isempty() == false) { MyDeliv = newone; CurrentWeight += newone.DelWeight(); MyHero.MyWorkControl.PickupDone(MyPickup); MyPickup = new PickupInfo(); return(true); } MyHero.MyWorkControl.PickupDone(MyPickup); if (MyHero.myrole == HeroAI.Role.Hero && MyPickup.Pickup.tag == "ResourceNode") { MyPickup.Pickup.GetComponent <ResNode> ().IDontWanna(MyHero.HeroIdNumber); } MyPickup = new PickupInfo(); return(false); }
private void BtnConfirm_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string oemName = this.OemName.Text; string startVersion = this.StartVersion.Text; string endVersion = this.EndVersion.Text; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(oemName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(startVersion) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(endVersion)) { ShowTipMessage((string)mWin.FindResource("bad_parameters")); return; } mPickupInfo = new PickupInfo(); mPickupInfo.oemName = oemName; mPickupInfo.startVersion = startVersion; mPickupInfo.endVersion = endVersion; mPickupInfo.changelogList = mChangelogList; mWin.Next(); }
public void DropOff() { if (MyDeliv.Armor.Count != 0) { } if (MyDeliv.Weapon.Count != 0) { } if (MyDeliv.Mats.Count != 0) { List <MatInfo> Stillneed = new List <MatInfo> (); foreach (MatInfo temp in MyDeliv.Mats) { if ((MyMoney.CanIBuy(MyDeliv.Price, true) == true) && (MyMoney.IsResourceMax(temp, 1, temp.isRefine) == false)) { MyHero.HeroGold += MyDeliv.Price; MyMoney.AddResource(temp, 1, temp.isRefine); } else { DeliveryFailed = true; Stillneed.Add(temp); TimeBeforeTryDelivery = Time.time + 20.0f; } } if (DeliveryFailed == true) { MyDeliv.Mats = Stillneed; } } if (DeliveryFailed == false) { MyDeliv = new DeliveryItem(); } // resNodeTarget = null; MyPickup = new PickupInfo(); }
IEnumerator UpdateTick(int spawnerID) { while (true) { var playerMedkitEntityView = _playerMedkitEntityViews[spawnerID]; if (playerMedkitEntityView == null) { yield return(null); } var playerMedkitComponent = playerMedkitEntityView.playerMedkitComponent; var healthSliderComponent = _hudEntityView.healthSliderComponent; if (playerMedkitComponent.colided) { var entityView = entityViewsDB.QueryEntityView <HealthEntityView>(playerMedkitComponent.instanceID); var playerHealthComponent = entityView.healthComponent; // Don't destroy the health pack and don't heal the player if he is full hp if (playerHealthComponent.currentHealth < playerHealthComponent.maxHealth) { var healInfo = new HealInfo(playerMedkitComponent.healthBonus, playerMedkitComponent.instanceID); _playerHealSequence.Next(this, ref healInfo); playerMedkitComponent.DestroyBox(); var pickupInfo = new PickupInfo(, SpawnerTypes.Medkit); _playerPickupSequence.Next(this, ref pickupInfo); } playerMedkitComponent.colided = false; } yield return(null); } }
public void GiveItem(PickupInfo itemInfo){ if (hasAuthority) { //Create all slots if not created yet if(_slots.Count < maxSlotsCount){ for(int i =0;i < maxSlotsCount;i++){ _slots.Add(-1); } //if it is a first item switch to it _currentSlot = _availableItems[itemInfo.itemIndex].slot; _syncSlot = _currentSlot; Rpc_FirstItem(_currentSlot); } if(_slots[_availableItems[itemInfo.itemIndex].slot] == itemInfo.itemIndex){ //Add ammo only if item already is in inventory _availableItems[itemInfo.itemIndex].GiveAmmo(itemInfo.itemAmmo); }else{ //Add item and ammo _slots[_availableItems[itemInfo.itemIndex].slot] = itemInfo.itemIndex; _availableItems[itemInfo.itemIndex].GiveAmmo(itemInfo.itemAmmo); } } }
public void Add(PickupInfo other) { score += other.score * other.count; count += other.count; }