Пример #1
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {

		player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player").GetComponent<Player> ();
		displays = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Background").GetComponent<UIScripts> ();
		foeData = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Database").GetComponent<FoeDatabase> ();
		attributes = gameObject.GetComponent<Physical> ();
		bossIsActive = true;
        public void GetPersonSummarizedInfo()
            Physical person = new Physical()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name = "Name for Person 1",
                BornDate = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2000")

            Assert.AreEqual("Name: Name for Person 1, Born Date: 01/01/2000", person.GetSummarizedInfo());
        public void CreateNewPhysical()
            Physical person = new Physical()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name = "Name for Person 1",
                BornDate = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2000")

            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Parse("01/01/2000"), person.BornDate);
Пример #4
        public static bool IsPhysical(this GameObject tar)
            var gameObject = tar as Character;

            return(gameObject != null && Physical.Contains(gameObject.CurrentJob));
Пример #5
 public void Unregister(IModifiable source)
Пример #6
 public void Initialize(IArmorableData data)
Пример #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the max Y position of the islands voxels (absolute coords)
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public float GetMaxY()
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a read-only span of data from GPU mapped memory, up to the entire range specified,
        /// or the last mapped page if the range is not fully mapped.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="va">GPU virtual address where the data is located</param>
        /// <param name="size">Size of the data</param>
        /// <param name="tracked">True if read tracking is triggered on the span</param>
        /// <returns>The span of the data at the specified memory location</returns>
        public ReadOnlySpan <byte> GetSpanMapped(ulong va, int size, bool tracked = false)
            bool isContiguous = true;
            int  mappedSize;

            if (ValidateAddress(va) && GetPte(va) != PteUnmapped && Physical.IsMapped(Translate(va)))
                ulong endVa        = va + (ulong)size;
                ulong endVaAligned = (endVa + PageMask) & ~PageMask;
                ulong currentVa    = va & ~PageMask;

                int pages = (int)((endVaAligned - currentVa) / PageSize);

                for (int page = 0; page < pages - 1; page++)
                    ulong nextVa = currentVa + PageSize;
                    ulong nextPa = Translate(nextVa);

                    if (!ValidateAddress(nextVa) || GetPte(nextVa) == PteUnmapped || !Physical.IsMapped(nextPa))

                    if (Translate(currentVa) + PageSize != nextPa)
                        isContiguous = false;

                    currentVa += PageSize;

                currentVa += PageSize;

                if (currentVa > endVa)
                    currentVa = endVa;

                mappedSize = (int)(currentVa - va);
                return(ReadOnlySpan <byte> .Empty);

            if (isContiguous)
                return(Physical.GetSpan(Translate(va), mappedSize, tracked));
                Span <byte> data = new byte[mappedSize];

                ReadImpl(va, data, tracked);

Пример #9
 private GivenStatCollection CreateCollection() => new GivenStatCollection(_modifierBuilder, ValueFactory)
     // pools
     { BaseSet, EnergyShield.Recharge, 20 },
     { BaseSet, Life.RecoveryRate, 1 },
     { BaseSet, Mana.RecoveryRate, 1 },
     { BaseSet, EnergyShield.RecoveryRate, 1 },
     { BaseSet, Life.Regen.TargetPool, (int)Pool.Life },
     { BaseSet, Mana.Regen.TargetPool, (int)Pool.Mana },
     { BaseSet, EnergyShield.Regen.TargetPool, (int)Pool.EnergyShield },
     { BaseSet, EnergyShield.Recharge.Start, 1 },
     { BaseSet, AllSkills.ReservationPool, (int)Pool.Mana },
     // flasks
     { BaseSet, Flask.Effect, 1 },
     { BaseSet, Flask.RecoverySpeed, 1 },
     // Damage Multiplier
     { BaseSet, AnyDamageType.DamageMultiplier, 100 },
     // speed
     { BaseSet, Stat.ActionSpeed, 1 },
     { BaseSet, Stat.MovementSpeed, 1 },
     // crit
     { BaseSet, CriticalStrike.Chance.Maximum, 100 },
     { BaseSet, CriticalStrike.Chance.Minimum, 0 },
     // projectiles
     { BaseSet, Projectile.Count, 1 },
     // evasion
     { BaseSet, Evasion.Chance.Maximum, 95 },
     { BaseSet, Evasion.Chance.Minimum, 5 },
     { BaseSet, Stat.ChanceToHit.Maximum, 95 },
     { BaseSet, Stat.ChanceToHit.Minimum, 5 },
     // block
     { BaseSet, Block.AttackChance.Maximum, 75 },
     { BaseSet, Block.SpellChance.Maximum, 75 },
     // dodge
     { BaseSet, Stat.Dodge.AttackChance.Maximum, 75 },
     { BaseSet, Stat.Dodge.SpellChance.Maximum, 75 },
     // charges
     { BaseSet, Charge.Endurance.Amount.Maximum, 3 },
     { BaseSet, Charge.Frenzy.Amount.Maximum, 3 },
     { BaseSet, Charge.Power.Amount.Maximum, 3 },
     { BaseSet, Charge.From(ChargeType.GhostShroud).Amount.Maximum, 3 },
     { BaseSet, Charge.From(ChargeType.Intensity).Amount.Maximum, 4 },
     { BaseSet, Charge.Endurance.Amount.Minimum, 0 },
     { BaseSet, Charge.Frenzy.Amount.Minimum, 0 },
     { BaseSet, Charge.Power.Amount.Minimum, 0 },
     { BaseSet, Charge.Endurance.Duration, 10 },
     { BaseSet, Charge.Frenzy.Duration, 10 },
     { BaseSet, Charge.Power.Duration, 10 },
     // Rampage
     { BaseSet, Stat.RampageStacks.Maximum, 1000 },
     // leech
     { BaseSet, Life.Leech.RateLimit, 20 },
     { BaseSet, Mana.Leech.RateLimit, 20 },
     { BaseSet, EnergyShield.Leech.RateLimit, 10 },
     { BaseSet, Life.Leech.Rate, 2 },
     { BaseSet, Mana.Leech.Rate, 2 },
     { BaseSet, EnergyShield.Leech.Rate, 2 },
     { BaseSet, Life.Leech.MaximumRecoveryPerInstance, 10 },
     { BaseSet, Mana.Leech.MaximumRecoveryPerInstance, 10 },
     { BaseSet, EnergyShield.Leech.MaximumRecoveryPerInstance, 10 },
     // resistances
     { BaseSet, Elemental.Resistance.Maximum, 75 },
     { BaseSet, Chaos.Resistance.Maximum, 75 },
     { BaseSet, Elemental.Resistance.Maximum.Maximum, 90 },
     { BaseSet, Chaos.Resistance.Maximum.Maximum, 90 },
     { BaseSet, Damage.Taken, 1 },
     // ailments
     { BaseSet, Ailment.Ignite.InstancesOn(Self).Maximum, 1 },
     { BaseSet, Ailment.Ignite.Source(Fire), 1 },
     { BaseSet, Ailment.Ignite.Duration, 4 },
     { TotalOverride, Ailment.Ignite.CriticalStrikesAlwaysInflict, 1 },
     { PercentLess, Damage.With(Ailment.Ignite), 50 },
     { BaseSet, Ailment.Shock.InstancesOn(Self).Maximum, 1 },
     { BaseSet, Ailment.Shock.Source(Lightning), 1 },
     { BaseSet, Ailment.Shock.Duration, 2 },
     { TotalOverride, Ailment.Shock.CriticalStrikesAlwaysInflict, 1 },
     { BaseSet, Ailment.ShockEffect, 1 },
     { BaseSet, Ailment.Chill.InstancesOn(Self).Maximum, 1 },
     { BaseSet, Ailment.Chill.Source(Cold), 1 },
     { BaseSet, Ailment.Chill.Duration, 2 },
     { BaseAdd, Ailment.Chill.Chance, 100 },
     { BaseSet, Ailment.ChillEffect, 1 },
     { BaseSet, Ailment.Freeze.InstancesOn(Self).Maximum, 1 },
     { BaseSet, Ailment.Freeze.Source(Cold), 1 },
     { BaseSet, Ailment.Freeze.Duration, 0.06 },
     { TotalOverride, Ailment.Freeze.CriticalStrikesAlwaysInflict, 1 },
     { BaseSet, Ailment.Bleed.InstancesOn(Self).Maximum, 1 },
     { BaseSet, Ailment.Bleed.Source(Physical), 1 },
     { BaseSet, Ailment.Bleed.Duration, 5 },
     { TotalOverride, Ailment.Bleed.Chance.With(DamageSource.Spell), 0 },
     { TotalOverride, Ailment.Bleed.Chance.With(DamageSource.Secondary), 0 },
     { PercentLess, Damage.With(Ailment.Bleed), 30 },
     { PercentMore, Damage.With(Ailment.Bleed), 100, Enemy.IsMoving },
     { BaseSet, Ailment.Poison.Source(Physical.And(Chaos)), 1 },
     { BaseSet, Ailment.Poison.Duration, 2 },
     { PercentLess, Damage.With(Ailment.Poison), 80 },
     // buffs
     { BaseSet, Buff.CurseLimit, 1 },
     { BaseSet, Buffs(Self).Effect, 1 },
     { BaseSet, Buff.Fortify.Duration, 4 },
     { BaseSet, Buff.Maim.Duration, 4 },
     { BaseSet, Buff.Taunt.Duration, 3 },
     { BaseSet, Buff.ArcaneSurge.Duration, 4 },
     { TotalOverride, Buff.Maim.Chance.With(DamageSource.Spell), 0 },
     { TotalOverride, Buff.Maim.Chance.With(DamageSource.Secondary), 0 },
     { BaseSet, Buff.Impale.StackCount.Maximum, 5 },
     // stun
     { BaseSet, Effect.Stun.Threshold, 1 },
     { BaseSet, Effect.Stun.Recovery, 1 },
     { BaseSet, Effect.Stun.Duration, 0.35 },
     // other
     { TotalOverride, Stat.Level.Minimum, 1 },
     { TotalOverride, Stat.Level.Maximum, 100 },
     { BaseSet, Stat.AreaOfEffect, 1 },
     { BaseSet, Stat.CooldownRecoverySpeed, 1 },
     { BaseSet, Stat.SkillStage.Minimum, 0 },
     { BaseSet, Stat.AttachedBrands.Maximum, 1 },
     { BaseSet, Stat.BannerStage.Maximum, 50 },
Пример #10
 public BridgePart(Physical ph, BridgeMeshBuilder meshBuilder)
     this.ph          = ph;
     this.meshBuilder = meshBuilder;
Пример #11
        public void Initialise()
            Simulations basicFile = Utilities.GetRunnableSim();

            IModel simulation = basicFile.FindInScope <Simulation>();
            IModel paddock    = basicFile.FindInScope <Zone>();

            // Add a weather component.
            Models.Climate.Weather weather = new Models.Climate.Weather();
            weather.Name     = "Weather";
            weather.FileName = "asdf.met";
            Structure.Add(weather, simulation);

            // Add a second weather component.
            Models.Climate.Weather weather2 = new Models.Climate.Weather();
            weather2.FileName = "asdf.met";
            weather2.Name     = "Weather2";
            Structure.Add(weather2, simulation);

            // Add a third weather component.
            Models.Climate.Weather weather3 = new Models.Climate.Weather();
            weather3.FileName = "asdf.met";
            weather3.Name     = "Weather3";
            Structure.Add(weather3, simulation);

            // Add a third weather component.
            Models.Climate.Weather weather4 = new Models.Climate.Weather();
            weather4.FileName = "asdf.met";
            weather4.Name     = "Weather4";
            Structure.Add(weather4, simulation);

            // Add a report.
            Models.Report report = new Models.Report();
            report.Name = "Report";
            Structure.Add(report, paddock);

            // Add the wheat model.
            string json  = ReflectionUtilities.GetResourceAsString(typeof(IModel).Assembly, "Models.Resources.Wheat.json");
            Plant  wheat = FileFormat.ReadFromString <IModel>(json, out _).Children[0] as Plant;

            wheat.ResourceName = "Wheat";
            Structure.Add(wheat, paddock);

            Manager manager = new Manager();

            manager.Code = @"using Models.PMF;
using Models.Core;
using System;
namespace Models
    public class Script : Model
        [Description(""an amount"")]
        public double Amount { get; set; }
            Structure.Add(manager, paddock);

            Physical physical = new Physical();

            physical.BD     = new double[5];
            physical.AirDry = new double[5];
            physical.LL15   = new double[5];
            Structure.Add(physical, paddock);

            fileName = basicFile.FileName;

            // Create a new .apsimx file containing two weather nodes.
            Simulations test = Utilities.GetRunnableSim();
            IModel      sim  = test.FindInScope <Simulation>();

            Models.Climate.Weather w1 = new Models.Climate.Weather();
            w1.FileName = "w1.met";
            w1.Name     = "w1";
            Structure.Add(w1, sim);

            Models.Climate.Weather w2 = new Models.Climate.Weather();
            w2.Name     = "w2";
            w2.FileName = "w2.met";
            Structure.Add(w2, sim);

            extFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".apsimx");
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Call this method to initialize the room after all games and modules have been added. This resets all games and time counters,
        /// (re)opens the physical computing interface and clears and commissions the diagnostics report. If any failures are detected,
        /// the report is given to the affected games for failure compensation. If this is not possible, the room enters the state
        /// <see cref="RoomState.Error"/>. Otherwise the method concludes with the room being in the state <see cref="RoomState.Initialized"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">if there are no games registered with the room</exception>
        /// <exception cref="IllegalRoomStateTransitionException">if initializing the room is not allowed at this time</exception>
        public void Initialize()
            if (gamesInRegisteredOrder.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Please register at least one game before initializing the room.");

            Log.Verbose("Initializing room...");

            InitializationTime = DateTime.Now;
            StartTime          = null;
            State = RoomState.Uninitialized;

            // precondition
            if (!State.CanTransition(RoomState.Initialized))
                throw new IllegalRoomStateTransitionException(State, RoomState.Initialized);

            foreach (Game <TPhysicalInterface> game in gamesInRegisteredOrder)
                Debug.Assert(game.State != GameState.Running, "EscapeRoom.ResetRoom: game is running");

            Log.Verbose("Resetting games...");
            ElapsedTime = 0f;
            foreach (Game <TPhysicalInterface> game in gamesInRegisteredOrder)

            Log.Verbose("(Re)starting physical interface...");
            if (Physical.IsOpen)
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.Error("Error on opening physical interface. Room initialization discontinued.");
                State = RoomState.Error;


            if (DiagnosticsReport.FailuresDetected)
                List <string> affectedGames = DiagnosticsReport.GetAffectedGames();
                foreach (string gameId in affectedGames)
                    Game <TPhysicalInterface> game = gamesById[gameId];
                    if (DiagnosticsReport.IsAffected(game))
                        if (game.CompensateTechnicalFailures(DiagnosticsReport, DiagnosticsReport.GetAffectedComponents(game)))

                OnDiagnosticsReportCreated?.Invoke(Physical, new DiagnosticsReportCreatedEventArgs(DiagnosticsReport));

                if (!DiagnosticsReport.CanContinue())
                    Log.Error("Physical interface has reported {0} technical failures, some critical. Room initialization discontinued.", DiagnosticsReport.AffectedComponentsCount);
                    State = RoomState.Error;
                    Log.Warn("Physical interface has reported {0} technical failures, none critical. Room initialization continues.", DiagnosticsReport.AffectedComponentsCount);

            Log.Info("Room initialized.");
            State = RoomState.Initialized;
Пример #13
        public override void Render <TSurface, TSource>(ScreenRenderer <TSurface, TSource> r)
            foreach (PlayerAnimation player in WatchedComponents)
                Renderable renderable = player.Owner.Components.Get <Renderable>();

                Vector2D[] srcOffsets = new Vector2D[5];
                srcOffsets[Legs]   = new Vector2D(0, Origins[Legs]);
                srcOffsets[Torso]  = new Vector2D(0, Origins[Torso]);
                srcOffsets[Head]   = new Vector2D(0, Origins[Head]);
                srcOffsets[Woofer] = new Vector2D(0, Origins[Woofer]);
                srcOffsets[Arms]   = new Vector2D(0, Origins[Arms]);

                Vector2D[] destOffsets = new Vector2D[5];
                destOffsets[Legs] = destOffsets[Torso] = destOffsets[Head] = destOffsets[Woofer] = destOffsets[Arms] = Vector2D.Empty;

                if (!player.Initialized)
                    renderable.Sprites = new List <Sprite>()
                        new Sprite(player.SpritesheetName, Destination, new Rectangle(srcOffsets[Legs], 32, 32)),
                        new Sprite(player.SpritesheetName, Destination, new Rectangle(srcOffsets[Torso], 32, 32)),
                        new Sprite(player.SpritesheetName, Destination, new Rectangle(srcOffsets[Head], 32, 32)),
                        new Sprite("woofer", Destination, new Rectangle(srcOffsets[Woofer], 0, 0)),
                        new Sprite(player.SpritesheetName, Destination, new Rectangle(srcOffsets[Arms], 32, 32))
                    player.Initialized = true;

                Physical physical = player.Owner.Components.Get <Physical>();
                PlayerMovementComponent movement    = player.Owner.Components.Get <PlayerMovementComponent>();
                PlayerOrientation       orientation = player.Owner.Components.Get <PlayerOrientation>();
                if (physical == null || movement == null || orientation == null)
                PulseAbility pulse = player.Owner.Components.Get <PulseAbility>();

                bool handsFree = pulse == null;

                if (orientation.Unit.X > 0 || player.LastLookedRight)
                    for (int i = Legs; i <= Arms; i++)
                        srcOffsets[i] += OrientationOffset;

                bool forceLook = handsFree && !movement.OnGround;

                if (orientation.Unit.Y >= Math.Sin(Math.PI / 9))
                    if (!forceLook)
                        srcOffsets[Head].X += 32;
                    srcOffsets[Woofer].X += 32;
                    if (!handsFree)
                        srcOffsets[Arms].X += 32;
                    if (orientation.Unit.Y >= Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI / 6))
                        srcOffsets[Woofer].X += 32;
                        if (!handsFree)
                            srcOffsets[Arms].X += 32;
                else if (orientation.Unit.Y <= Math.Sin(-Math.PI / 9))
                    if (!forceLook)
                        srcOffsets[Head].X += 64;
                    srcOffsets[Woofer].X += 96;
                    if (!handsFree)
                        srcOffsets[Arms].X += 96;
                    if (orientation.Unit.Y <= Math.Sin(-2 * Math.PI / 6))
                        srcOffsets[Woofer].X += 32;
                        destOffsets[Woofer]  += new Vector2D(0, -3); //Offset woofer down since it goes out of the spritesheet grid
                        if (!handsFree)
                            srcOffsets[Arms].X += 32;

                if (forceLook)
                    srcOffsets[Head].X += physical.Velocity.Y <= 0 ? 64 : 32;

                if (orientation.Unit.X != 0)
                    player.LastLookedRight = orientation.Unit.X > 0;

                if (pulse != null)
                    srcOffsets[Woofer].Y  = 256;
                    srcOffsets[Woofer].Y -= 32 * Math.Round(pulse.EnergyMeter / 20);
                    if (pulse.EnergyMeter == 0 && player.WooferBlinkingTime >= 0.375)
                        srcOffsets[Woofer].Y += 32;

                if (handsFree)
                    srcOffsets[Arms].Y += 32;

                if (!movement.OnGround || Math.Abs(physical.Velocity.X) <= 1e-2) /*player.WalkAnimationProgress = 0;*/ } {
Пример #14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            PatientPod Pod = new PatientPod();

            #region SetupPatient
            Blood bs = new Blood(new BloodType()
                ABO = BloodABO.AB, Rhesus = BloodRhesus.Positive
            BloodSystem     blood   = new BloodSystem(bs);
            Abdomen         abs     = new Abdomen(reproductives: new Reproductive_Male());
            Anthropometrics metrics = new Anthropometrics(21, 181, 120);
            Physical        body    = new Physical(blood: blood, abdomen: abs);
            Patient         pt      = new Patient(body: body);
            #endregion //This sucks

            pt.Body.VascularSystem.OxygenatedVessels["LeftCoronary"].Patency = 0.25f;

            Pod.PerformProceedure(new ExamineHeartCoronaryAngiogram(), out bool _);

            //VascularSystem vs = new VascularSystem();

            //vs.OxygenatedVessels["AscendingAorta"].Patency = 0.35f;
            //vs.OxygenatedVessels["LeftCoronary"].Patency = 0.25f;

            //System.Console.WriteLine(vs.GetSupply(new  Heart()));
            //Vessel restrictionPoint = vs.OxygenatedVessels["LeftAnteriorDescending"].GetLowestPatencyVessel();
            //System.Console.WriteLine($"{restrictionPoint.Name}: {restrictionPoint.Patency}");

            //LeftLung left = new LeftLung();
            //RightLung right = new RightLung();

            //RespiratorySystem respiratorySystem = new RespiratorySystem(left, right);

            ////respiratorySystem.RemoveLung(true, out Lung temp);

            //PatientExamination exam = new ExamineLungsAuscultateLungs();
            //Pod.PerformProceedure(exam, out bool _);

            //exam = new ExamineLungsPrecussLungs();
            //Pod.PerformProceedure(exam, out bool _);

            //var t = pt.Body.Infections.Chest.GetInfections();

            //PatientProceedure intervention = new PerformLumbarPuncture();
            //Pod.PerformProceedure(intervention, out bool _);

            //Lung test = new RightLung();
            //test.Lobes[LungLobeLocation.Upper]._organHealth = 0.045f;
            //test.Lobes[LungLobeLocation.Lower]._organHealth = 0.065f;
            //OrganState t = test.OrganState;

            //System.Console.WriteLine(    test.OxygenRequirement);

            System.Console.WriteLine("FOR DEBUGGING");
Пример #15
        //TODO: Actually load from file
        public static State Load(string fileName, Fader fader)
            fader.Timestep = 0.1f;

            //disabled because otherwise it gets annoying to run the game while listening to music and stuff
            //Resource<Sound>.Get("BGM/HonorForAll", "mp3").IsLooped = true;
            //Resource<Sound>.Get("BGM/HonorForAll", "mp3").Play();

            string file = Path.Combine("Content/Maps/", fileName);
            var level = new LoadedLevel(new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open));

            var chunk = new Chunk(level.Width, level.Height);
            var camera = new Camera();

            var layers = level.Layers;
            var objectgroups = level.ObjectGroups;

            foreach (var layer in layers)
                int[] tiles = layer.Value.Tiles;
                int z = int.Parse(layer.Key);

                for (int x = 0; x < chunk.Width; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < chunk.Height; y++)
                        Texture2D tex = Resource<Texture2D>.Get(level.Tileset.Image);

                        int id = tiles[x + y * chunk.Width];

                        //Texture coordinates

                        int tx = (int)(id * 32 / 1.5); //why does this work
                        int ty = 0;
                        //int tx = (id % (tex.Width / 32)) * 32;
                        //int ty = (id / (tex.Width / 32)) * 32;
                        int tw = 32;
                        int th = 32;

                        var tile = new Chunk.Tile(tex, tx, ty, tw, th);

                        Dictionary<string, string> properties;
                        if (level.Tileset.TileData.TryGetValue(id, out properties)) //If id isn't found, that means the tile id has no properties defined
                            foreach (var property in properties)
                                tile.AddProperty(property.Key, property.Value); //If id IS found, set all properties

                        tile.AddProperty("FrictionMultiplier", 1);

                        chunk.Set(x, y, z, tile);

            Physical player = null; //This gets set down here

            foreach (var objectgroup in objectgroups)
                var objects = objectgroup.Value.Entities;
                int z = int.Parse(objectgroup.Key); //TODO: Does this even work too?

                foreach (var obj in objects)
                    string name = obj.Name;

                    bool isPassable = false;
                    bool isRamp = false;

                    if (obj.Properties != null)
                        isRamp = bool.Parse(obj.Properties["IsRamp"]);
                        isPassable = bool.Parse(obj.Properties["IsPassable"]);

                    int x = (int)(obj.Position.X / 32f) - 0; //This is...
                    int y = (int)(obj.Position.Y / 32f) - 1; //Pretty wonky.

                    if (isRamp) //If it's a ramp, we don't create an entity at all, but a tile!
                        Texture2D tex = Resource<Texture2D>.Get(level.Tileset.Image);

                        int id = obj.GID;

                        //Texture coordinates

                        int tx = (int)(id * 16); //why does this work
                        int ty = 0;
                        int tw = 32;
                        int th = 32;

                        var tile = new Chunk.Tile(tex, tx, ty, tw, th);

                        foreach (var property in obj.Properties)
                            tile.AddProperty(property.Key, property.Value);

                        chunk.Set(x, y, z, tile);
                        Physical entity;

                        if (name == "player.Start") //TODO: Maybe make these "hardcoded" entities a lookup table of prefabs?
                            entity = new Physical(Resource<Texture2D>.Get("debug-entity"), x, y, z);
                            player = entity;
                            entity = new Physical(Resource<Texture2D>.Get("debug-entity"), //TODO: Read texture from entity
                                                  x, y, z,

                        //TODO: For now, entities don't seem to have a way to set properties...


            for (int i = 0; i < 0; i++) //LOOK AT ALL THOSE DUDES HAVING FUN
                var otherDude = new Physical(Resource<Texture2D>.Get("debug-entity"), RandomHelper.Range(3, 16-3), RandomHelper.Range(3, 16-3), 0);

                float time = RandomHelper.Range();
                otherDude.Tick += f =>
                        time += f * 0.25f;
                        otherDude.Move((int)Math.Round(Math.Cos(time * Math.PI * 2)), (int)Math.Round(Math.Sin(time * Math.PI * 2)), 100 * f);


            if (player == null)
                throw new Exception("Well, well, well. Looks like SOMEONE forgot to put a player.Start in the level. Have fun with all your NullReferenceExceptions down here.");

            player.Tick += dt =>
                    var k = Keyboard.GetState();

                    var move = Vector2.Zero;

                    foreach (var i in k.GetPressedKeys())
                        switch (i)
                            case Keys.W:
                                move.Y = -1;
                            case Keys.S:
                                move.Y = 1;
                            case Keys.A:
                                move.X = -1;
                            case Keys.D:
                                move.X = 1;
                            case Keys.LeftShift:

                    if (move != Vector2.Zero) player.Move((int)move.X, (int)move.Y, 200 * dt);

                    camera.Position = player.CenterPosition + Vector2.One / 2; //Add (0.5, 0.5) to player position so we don't get shakyness (it works trust me DON'T REMOVE IT)


            return new State(chunk, camera) { Player = player };
Пример #16
        public void TestEditing()
            string configFile = Path.GetTempFileName();

            File.WriteAllLines(configFile, new[]
                // Modify an array
                "[Report].VariableNames = x,y,z",

                // Modify a date - try a few different formats.
                "[Clock].StartDate = 2000-01-01",
                "[Clock].EndDate = 2000-01-10T00:00:00",

                // Modify a string
                "[Weather].FileName = fdsa.met",
                @"[Weather2].FullFileName = jkl.met",

                // Replace a model with a model from another file.
                $"[Weather3] = {extFile}",
                $"[Weather4] = {extFile};[w2]",

                // Change a property of a resource model.
                "[Wheat].Leaf.Photosynthesis.RUE.FixedValue = 0.4",

                // Change a property of a manager script.
                "[Manager].Script.Amount = 1234",

                // Set an entire array.
                "[Physical].BD = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5",

                // Modify a single element of an array.
                "[Physical].AirDry[2] = 6",

                // Modify multiple elements of an array.
                "[Physical].LL15[3:4] = 7",

            Simulations file = EditFile.Do(fileName, configFile);

            var report = file.FindInScope <Models.Report>();

            string[] variableNames = new[] { "x", "y", "z" };
            Assert.AreEqual(variableNames, report.VariableNames);

            IModel sim = file.FindChild <Simulation>();

            // Use an index-based lookup to locate child models.
            // When we replace an entire model, we want to ensure
            // that the replacement is inserted at the correct index.

            Clock clock = sim.Children[0] as Clock;

            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), clock.StartDate);
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2000, 1, 10), clock.EndDate);

            var weather = sim.Children[3] as Models.Climate.Weather;

            Assert.AreEqual("Weather", weather.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("fdsa.met", weather.FileName);

            var weather2 = sim.Children[4] as Models.Climate.Weather;

            Assert.AreEqual("Weather2", weather2.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(@"jkl.met", weather2.FileName);

            // Weather3 and Weather4 should have been
            // renamed to w1 and w2, respectively.
            var weather3 = sim.Children[5] as Models.Climate.Weather;

            Assert.AreEqual("w1", weather3.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("w1.met", weather3.FileName);

            var weather4 = sim.Children[6] as Models.Climate.Weather;

            Assert.AreEqual("w2", weather4.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("w2.met", weather4.FileName);

            // The edit file operation should have changed RUE value to 0.4.
            var wheat = sim.Children[2].Children[2] as Plant;
            var rue   = wheat.Children[6].Children[4].Children[0] as Constant;

            Assert.AreEqual(0.4, rue.FixedValue);

            double amount = (double)sim.FindByPath("[Manager].Script.Amount")?.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(1234, amount);

            Physical physical = sim.Children[2].Children[4] as Physical;

            Assert.AreEqual(new double[5] {
                1, 2, 3, 4, 5
            }, physical.BD);
            Assert.AreEqual(new double[5] {
                0, 6, 0, 0, 0
            }, physical.AirDry);
            Assert.AreEqual(new double[5] {
                0, 0, 7, 7, 0
            }, physical.LL15);
Пример #17
        public override void Input()
            IInputMap inputMap = Woofer.Controller.InputManager.ActiveInputMap;

            foreach (PlayerMovementComponent pmc in WatchedComponents)
                if (!pmc.Owner.Active)
                if ((pmc.Owner.Components.Get <Health>()?.InvincibilityTimer ?? 0) > 40)
                if ((pmc.Owner.Components.Get <Health>()?.CurrentHealth ?? 1) <= 0)

                Physical phys = pmc.Owner.Components.Get <Physical>();
                if (phys == null)

                ButtonInput jumpButton = inputMap.Jump;

                //Jump logic
                if (pmc.OnGround)
                    if (jumpButton.Consume())
                        phys.Velocity.Y = pmc.JumpSpeed;
                        Owner.Events.InvokeEvent(new PlayerJumpEvent(pmc));

                //Walking logic
                double xMovement    = inputMap.Movement.X * pmc.CurrentSpeed;
                double xMovementCap = pmc.CurrentMaxSpeed;
                if (xMovement > 0)
                    if (phys.Velocity.X <= xMovementCap)
                        phys.Velocity.X = Math.Min(phys.Velocity.X + xMovement, xMovementCap);
                else if (xMovement < 0)
                    if (phys.Velocity.X >= -xMovementCap)
                        phys.Velocity.X = Math.Max(phys.Velocity.X + xMovement, -xMovementCap);

                //For smoothly walking down slopes
                if (phys.Velocity.Y <= 0)
                    //Raycast down under the player's feet up to a distance of 4 pixels
                    RaycastEvent raycast = new RaycastEvent(pmc, new FreeVector2D(phys.Position, phys.Position - 8 * Vector2D.UnitJ));
                    if (raycast.Intersected != null)
                        foreach (RaycastIntersection intersection in raycast.Intersected)
                            if (intersection.Component.Owner != pmc.Owner)
                                if (intersection.FaceProperties.Snap)   //If the intersected face has the 'snap' property enabled (for slopes)
                                    phys.Position = intersection.Point; //Move the player down to the point of intersection, assuming the player's origin is at their feet
Пример #18
        public void TestEditing()
            string configFile = Path.GetTempFileName();

            File.WriteAllLines(configFile, new[]
                // Modify an array
                "[Report].VariableNames = x,y,z",

                // Modify a date - try a few different formats.
                "[Clock].StartDate = 2000-01-01",
                "[Clock].EndDate = 2000-01-10T00:00:00",

                // Modify a string
                "[Weather].FileName = fdsa.met",
                @"[Weather2].FullFileName = jkl.met",

                // Replace a model with a model from another file.
                $"[Weather3] = {extFile}",
                $"[Weather4] = {extFile};[w2]",

                // Change a property of a resource model.
                "[Wheat].Leaf.Photosynthesis.RUE.FixedValue = 0.4",

                // Change a property of a manager script.
                "[Manager].Script.Amount = 1234",

                // Set an entire array.
                "[Physical].BD = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5",

                // Modify a single element of an array.
                "[Physical].AirDry[2] = 6",

                // Modify multiple elements of an array.
                "[Physical].LL15[3:4] = 7",

            string models = typeof(IModel).Assembly.Location;
            string args   = $"{fileName} /Edit {configFile}";

            var proc = new ProcessUtilities.ProcessWithRedirectedOutput();

            proc.Start(models, args, Path.GetTempPath(), true, writeToConsole: true);

            // Children of simulation are, in order:
            // Clock, summary, zone, Weather, Weather2, w1, w2
            Assert.AreEqual(null, proc.StdOut);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, proc.StdErr);

            Simulations file = FileFormat.ReadFromFile <Simulations>(fileName, out List <Exception> errors);

            if (errors != null && errors.Count > 0)
                throw errors[0];

            var report = file.FindInScope <Models.Report>();

            string[] variableNames = new[] { "x", "y", "z" };
            Assert.AreEqual(variableNames, report.VariableNames);

            IModel sim = file.FindChild <Simulation>();

            // Use an index-based lookup to locate child models.
            // When we replace an entire model, we want to ensure
            // that the replacement is inserted at the correct index.

            Clock clock = sim.Children[0] as Clock;

            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), clock.StartDate);
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2000, 1, 10), clock.EndDate);

            var weather = sim.Children[3] as Models.Climate.Weather;

            Assert.AreEqual("Weather", weather.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("fdsa.met", weather.FileName);

            var weather2 = sim.Children[4] as Models.Climate.Weather;

            Assert.AreEqual("Weather2", weather2.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(@"jkl.met", weather2.FileName);

            // Weather3 and Weather4 should have been
            // renamed to w1 and w2, respectively.
            var weather3 = sim.Children[5] as Models.Climate.Weather;

            Assert.AreEqual("w1", weather3.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("w1.met", weather3.FileName);

            var weather4 = sim.Children[6] as Models.Climate.Weather;

            Assert.AreEqual("w2", weather4.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("w2.met", weather4.FileName);

            // The edit file operation should have changed RUE value to 0.4.
            var wheat = sim.Children[2].Children[2] as Plant;
            var rue   = wheat.Children[6].Children[4].Children[0] as Constant;

            Assert.AreEqual(0.4, rue.FixedValue);

            double amount = (double)sim.FindByPath("[Manager].Script.Amount")?.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(1234, amount);

            Physical physical = sim.Children[2].Children[4] as Physical;

            Assert.AreEqual(new double[5] {
                1, 2, 3, 4, 5
            }, physical.BD);
            Assert.AreEqual(new double[5] {
                0, 6, 0, 0, 0
            }, physical.AirDry);
            Assert.AreEqual(new double[5] {
                0, 0, 7, 7, 0
            }, physical.LL15);
Пример #19
        public override void Update()
            Entity player = WatchedComponents.OfType <PlayerComponent>().FirstOrDefault()?.Owner;

            foreach (Boss boss in WatchedComponents.OfType <Boss>())
                if (boss.Health <= 0)
                Spatial  sp   = boss.Owner.GetComponent <Spatial>();
                Physical phys = boss.Owner.GetComponent <Physical>();

                Spatial playerSp = player?.GetComponent <Spatial>();
                if (sp == null || phys == null)

                phys.GravityMultiplier = 1;
                phys.Velocity          = new Vector2D(0, 362) * Owner.DeltaTime;

                Vector2D?flyTo    = null;
                float    flySpeed = 1;

                bool showParticles = true;

                boss.Difficulty = boss.Health > 20 ? 0 : 1;

                if (boss.State == Boss.Circling)
                    if (boss.Transitioning)
                        if ((sp.Position - new Vector2D(0, boss.Difficulty >= 1 ? 192 : 128)).Magnitude < 1)
                            boss.Transitioning = false;
                            boss.StateData     = 0;
                            flyTo    = new Vector2D(0, boss.Difficulty >= 1 ? 192 : 128);
                            flySpeed = 2;
                    if (!boss.Transitioning)
                        boss.StateData += Owner.DeltaTime;
                        if (boss.StateData > 16)
                            boss.ChangeState(Owner.Random.Next(4) == 0 ? Boss.Drop : Boss.Laser);
                            phys.Velocity += new Vector2D(125.6 * Math.Cos(Math.PI * boss.StateData / 4), 0);
                            Vector2D hoverVelocity = new Vector2D(0, 48 * Math.Cos(Math.PI * boss.StateData));
                            phys.Velocity += hoverVelocity;

                            if (boss.Difficulty >= 1 && Math.Round(boss.StateData, 3) % 4 == 0)
                                Owner.Entities.Add(new BossProjectileEntity(sp.Position + new Vector2D(0, -48)));
                else if (boss.State == Boss.Laser)
                    if (boss.Transitioning)
                        if ((sp.Position - new Vector2D(boss.Difficulty >= 1 ? 160 : 0, 256)).Magnitude < 1)
                            boss.Transitioning = false;
                            boss.StateData     = 0;
                            flyTo    = new Vector2D(boss.Difficulty >= 1 ? 160 : 0, 256);
                            flySpeed = 2;
                    if (!boss.Transitioning)
                        boss.StateData += Owner.DeltaTime;
                        if (boss.Difficulty < 1 && boss.StateData < 1.5)
                            if (playerSp != null)
                                flyTo = new Vector2D(playerSp.Position.X, sp.Position.Y);
                            if (boss.FlameEntity != 0)
                                Entity entity = Owner.Entities[boss.FlameEntity];
                                if (entity != null)
                                    entity.Active = false;
                            var laser1 = new BossLaser(sp.Position + new Vector2D(0, -44), true);
                            var laser2 = new BossLaser(sp.Position + new Vector2D(-88, -76), false);
                            var laser3 = new BossLaser(sp.Position + new Vector2D(88, -76), false);
                            laser1.Components.Add(new FollowingComponent(boss.Owner.Id)
                                Offset = new Vector2D(0, -44)
                            laser2.Components.Add(new FollowingComponent(boss.Owner.Id)
                                Offset = new Vector2D(-88, -76)
                            laser3.Components.Add(new FollowingComponent(boss.Owner.Id)
                                Offset = new Vector2D(88, -76)
                            showParticles = false;
                else if (boss.State == Boss.LaserIdle)
                    boss.Transitioning = false;
                    boss.StateData    += Owner.DeltaTime;
                    if (boss.StateData >= 5)
                        if (boss.FlameEntity != 0)
                            Entity entity = Owner.Entities[boss.FlameEntity];
                            if (entity != null)
                                entity.Active = true;
                        if (boss.Difficulty >= 1)
                            phys.Velocity += new Vector2D(-64, 0);
                        showParticles = false;
                else if (boss.State == Boss.Drop)
                    if (boss.Transitioning)
                        if ((sp.Position - new Vector2D(-160, 256)).Magnitude < 1)
                            boss.Transitioning = false;
                            boss.StateData     = 0;
                            flyTo    = new Vector2D(-160, 256);
                            flySpeed = 2;
                    if (!boss.Transitioning)
                        if (sp.Position.X >= 160)
                            boss.StateData += Owner.DeltaTime;
                            phys.Velocity  += new Vector2D(96, 0);
                            if (boss.StateData >= 1)
                                boss.StateData = 0;
                                if (boss.SentrySpawnerEntity != 0)
                                    Entity spawner = Owner.Entities[boss.SentrySpawnerEntity];
                                    if (spawner != null)
                                        Owner.Events.InvokeEvent(new ActivationEvent(boss, spawner, null));

                if (flyTo != null)
                    phys.Velocity += flySpeed * (flyTo.Value - sp.Position);

                if (showParticles && (boss.FlameParticleProgress == 0 || boss.FlameParticleProgress == 5 * 3 || boss.FlameParticleProgress == 5 * 5 || boss.FlameParticleProgress == 2 * 5 || boss.FlameParticleProgress == 7 * 5))
                    int variant  = boss.FlameParticleProgress == 0 ? 0 : boss.FlameParticleProgress == 3 * 5 ? 1 : boss.FlameParticleProgress == 5 * 5 ? 2 : boss.FlameParticleProgress == 2 * 5 ? 3 : 4;
                    var particle = new BossFlameParticle(sp.Position + phys.Velocity * Owner.DeltaTime + new Vector2D(0, -40), variant);
                    particle.GetComponent <Physical>().Velocity = phys.Velocity * 0.35;
                if (boss.FlameParticleProgress >= 5 * 8)
                    boss.FlameParticleProgress = 0;
Пример #20
        /// This alternative approach for obtaining ISRIC soil data need a little bit more work, but is largely complete
        /// There are still bits of the soil organic matter initialisation that should be enhanced.
        /// We probably don't really need two different ways to get to ISRIC data, but it may be interesting to see how the
        /// two compare. The initial motiviation was what appears to be an order-of-magnitude problem with soil carbon
        /// in the World Modellers version.
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets and ISRIC soil description directly from SoilGrids
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if successful</returns>
        private IEnumerable <SoilFromDataSource> GetISRICSoils()
            var    soils = new List <SoilFromDataSource>();
            string url   = "https://rest.soilgrids.org/query?lon=" +
                           longitudeEditBox.Text + "&lat=" + latitudeEditBox.Text;

                double[] bd       = new double[7];
                double[] coarse   = new double[7];
                double[] clay     = new double[7];
                double[] silt     = new double[7];
                double[] sand     = new double[7];
                double[] thetaSat = new double[7];
                double[] awc20    = new double[7];
                double[] awc23    = new double[7];
                double[] awc25    = new double[7];
                double[] thetaWwp = new double[7];
                double[] ocdrc    = new double[7];
                double[] phWater  = new double[7];
                double[] cationEC = new double[7];
                double[] texture  = new double[7];
                string   soilType = String.Empty;
                double   maxTemp  = 0.0;
                double   minTemp  = 0.0;
                double   ppt      = 0.0;
                double   bedrock  = 2500.0;

                string[]     textureClasses = new string[] { "Clay", "Silty Clay", "Sandy Clay", "Clay Loam", "Silty Clay Loam", "Sandy Clay Loam", "Loam", "Silty Loam", "Sandy Loam", "Silt", "Loamy Sand", "Sand", "NO DATA" };
                double[]     textureToAlb   = new double[] { 0.12, 0.12, 0.13, 0.13, 0.12, 0.13, 0.13, 0.14, 0.13, 0.13, 0.16, 0.19, 0.13 };
                double[]     textureToCN2   = new double[] { 73.0, 73.0, 73.0, 73.0, 73.0, 73.0, 73.0, 73.0, 68.0, 73.0, 68.0, 68.0, 73.0 };
                double[]     textureToSwcon = new double[] { 0.25, 0.3, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.6, 0.5, 0.6, 0.75, 0.5 };
                MemoryStream stream         = WebUtilities.ExtractDataFromURL(url);
                stream.Position = 0;
                JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(new StreamReader(stream));
                while (reader.Read())
                    if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName && reader.Value.Equals("properties") && reader.Depth == 1)
                        reader.Read(); // Read the "start object" token
                        while (reader.Read())
                            if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName)
                                string   propName   = reader.Value.ToString();
                                double[] dest       = null;
                                double   multiplier = 1.0;
                                if (propName == "TAXNWRBMajor")
                                    soilType = reader.ReadAsString();
                                else if (propName == "TMDMOD_2011")
                                    maxTemp = 0.0;
                                    while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject)
                                        if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName && reader.Value.Equals("M"))
                                            reader.Read(); // Read start of object token
                                            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                                                reader.Read(); // Read a month name
                                                maxTemp += (double)reader.ReadAsDouble();
                                            maxTemp /= 12.0;
                                else if (propName == "TMNMOD_2011")
                                    minTemp = 0.0;
                                    while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject)
                                        if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName && reader.Value.Equals("M"))
                                            reader.Read(); // Read start of object token
                                            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                                                reader.Read(); // Read a month name
                                                minTemp += (double)reader.ReadAsDouble();
                                            minTemp /= 12.0;
                                else if (propName == "PREMRG")
                                    ppt = 0.0;
                                    while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject)
                                        if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName && reader.Value.Equals("M"))
                                            reader.Read(); // Read start of object token
                                            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                                                reader.Read(); // Read a month name
                                                ppt += (double)reader.ReadAsDouble();
                                else if (propName == "BDTICM")  // Is this the best metric to use for find the "bottom" of the soil?
                                    while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject)
                                        if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName && reader.Value.Equals("M"))
                                            reader.Read(); // Read start of object token
                                            reader.Read(); // Read property name (which ought to be BDTICM_M)
                                            bedrock = 10.0 * (double)reader.ReadAsDouble();
                                else if (propName == "AWCh1")
                                    dest       = awc20;
                                    multiplier = 0.01;
                                else if (propName == "AWCh2")
                                    dest       = awc23;
                                    multiplier = 0.01;
                                else if (propName == "AWCh3")
                                    dest       = awc25;
                                    multiplier = 0.01;
                                else if (propName == "AWCtS")
                                    dest       = thetaSat;
                                    multiplier = 0.01;
                                else if (propName == "BLDFIE")
                                    dest       = bd;
                                    multiplier = 0.001;
                                else if (propName == "CECSOL")
                                    dest       = cationEC;
                                    multiplier = 1.0;
                                else if (propName == "CLYPPT")
                                    dest       = clay;
                                    multiplier = 1.0;
                                else if (propName == "CRFVOL")
                                    dest       = coarse;
                                    multiplier = 1.0;
                                else if (propName == "ORCDRC")
                                    dest       = ocdrc;
                                    multiplier = 0.1;
                                else if (propName == "PHIHOX")
                                    dest       = phWater;
                                    multiplier = 0.1;
                                else if (propName == "SLTPPT")
                                    dest       = silt;
                                    multiplier = 1.0;
                                else if (propName == "SNDPPT")
                                    dest       = sand;
                                    multiplier = 1.0;
                                else if (propName == "TEXMHT")
                                    dest       = texture;
                                    multiplier = 1.0;
                                else if (propName == "WWP")
                                    dest       = thetaWwp;
                                    multiplier = 0.01;

                                if (dest != null)
                                    while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject)
                                        if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName && reader.Value.Equals("M"))
                                            while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject)
                                                if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName)
                                                    string tokenName = reader.Value.ToString();
                                                    if (tokenName.StartsWith("sl"))
                                                        int index = Int32.Parse(tokenName.Substring(2)) - 1;
                                                        dest[index] = (double)reader.ReadAsDouble() * multiplier;

                var          newSoil         = new Soil();
                Chemical     analysis        = new Chemical();
                Physical     waterNode       = new Physical();
                Organic      organicMatter   = new Organic();
                WaterBalance soilWater       = new WaterBalance();
                InitialWater initialWater    = new InitialWater();
                Sample       initialNitrogen = new Sample();
                Nutrient     nutrient        = new Nutrient();
                nutrient.ResourceName = "Nutrient";

                SoilCrop wheat = new SoilCrop();
                wheat.Name = "WheatSoil";

                newSoil.Children.Add(new CERESSoilTemperature());

                newSoil.Name       = "Synthetic soil derived from ISRIC SoilGrids REST API";
                newSoil.DataSource = "ISRIC SoilGrids";
                newSoil.SoilType   = soilType;
                newSoil.Latitude   = Convert.ToDouble(latitudeEditBox.Text, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                newSoil.Longitude  = Convert.ToDouble(longitudeEditBox.Text, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                // ISRIC values are for "levels", not "intervals", so we need to convert to layers
                // Following Andrew Moore's lead on layer thickness and weightings.

                double[] thickness  = new double[] { 150.0, 150.0, 150.0, 150.0, 200.0, 200.0, 200.0, 200.0, 300.0, 300.0 };
                double[] depth      = new double[thickness.Length];
                int      layerCount = thickness.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < thickness.Length; i++)
                    depth[i] = thickness[i] + (i > 0 ? depth[i - 1] : 0.0);
                    if ((i > 0) && (layerCount == thickness.Length) && (bedrock < depth[i] + 20.0))
                        layerCount   = i + 1;
                        thickness[i] = Math.Min(thickness[i], Math.Max(0.0, bedrock - (depth[i] - thickness[i])));
                        if (i == 1)
                            thickness[i] = Math.Max(50.0, thickness[i]);
                        Array.Resize(ref thickness, layerCount);

                analysis.Thickness      = thickness;
                waterNode.Thickness     = thickness;
                soilWater.Thickness     = thickness;
                organicMatter.Thickness = thickness;

                initialWater.Name          = "Initial water";
                initialWater.PercentMethod = InitialWater.PercentMethodEnum.FilledFromTop;
                initialWater.FractionFull  = 0.0;

                // Initialise nitrogen to 0.0
                initialNitrogen.Name = "Initial nitrogen";
                initialNitrogen.NH4  = new double[layerCount];
                initialNitrogen.NO3  = new double[layerCount];

                double tAvg = (maxTemp + minTemp) / 2.0;
                soilWater.CNCov      = 0.0;
                soilWater.CNRed      = 20.0;
                soilWater.SummerDate = newSoil.Latitude <= 0.0 ? "1-nov" : "1-may";
                soilWater.WinterDate = newSoil.Latitude <= 0.0 ? "1-apr" : "1-oct";
                soilWater.SummerCona = 6.0;
                soilWater.SummerU    = 6.0;
                soilWater.WinterCona = tAvg < 21.0 ? 2.5 : 6.0;
                soilWater.WinterU    = tAvg < 21.0 ? 4.0 : 6.0;
                soilWater.Salb       = textureToAlb[(int)Math.Round(texture[0] - 1)];
                soilWater.CN2Bare    = textureToCN2[(int)Math.Round(texture[0] - 1)];
                double[] swcon = new double[7];
                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    swcon[i] = textureToSwcon[(int)Math.Round(texture[i] - 1)];
                soilWater.SWCON = ConvertLayers(swcon, layerCount);

                waterNode.BD     = ConvertLayers(bd, layerCount);
                waterNode.LL15   = ConvertLayers(thetaWwp, layerCount);
                waterNode.SAT    = ConvertLayers(thetaSat, layerCount);
                waterNode.AirDry = ConvertLayers(MathUtilities.Divide_Value(thetaWwp, 3.0), layerCount);
                double[] dul = new double[7];
                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    dul[i] = thetaWwp[i] + awc20[i];  // This could be made Moore complex
                waterNode.DUL = ConvertLayers(dul, layerCount);

                waterNode.ParticleSizeSand = ConvertLayers(sand, layerCount);
                waterNode.ParticleSizeSilt = ConvertLayers(silt, layerCount);
                waterNode.ParticleSizeClay = ConvertLayers(clay, layerCount);
                // waterNode.Rocks = ConvertLayers(coarse, layerCount);
                analysis.PH = ConvertLayers(phWater, layerCount);
                // Obviously using the averaging in "ConvertLayers" for texture classes is not really correct, but should be OK as a first pass if we don't have sharply contrasting layers
                double[] classes  = ConvertLayers(texture, layerCount);
                string[] textures = new string[layerCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < layerCount; i++)
                    textures[i] = textureClasses[(int)Math.Round(classes[i]) - 1];

                double[] xf          = new double[layerCount];
                double[] kl          = new double[layerCount];
                double[] ll          = new double[layerCount];
                double   p1          = 1.4;
                double   p2          = 1.60 - p1;
                double   p3          = 1.80 - p1;
                double   topEffDepth = 0.0;
                double   klMax       = 0.06;
                double   depthKl     = 900.0;
                double   depthRoot   = 1900.0;

                for (int i = 0; i < layerCount; i++)
                    xf[i] = 1.0 - (waterNode.BD[i] - (p1 + p2 * 0.01 * waterNode.ParticleSizeSand[i])) / p3;
                    xf[i] = Math.Max(0.1, Math.Min(1.0, xf[i]));
                    double effectiveThickness = thickness[i] * xf[i];
                    double bottomEffDepth     = topEffDepth + effectiveThickness;
                    double propMaxKl          = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(bottomEffDepth, depthKl) - topEffDepth) / effectiveThickness;
                    double propDecrKl         = Math.Max(Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(bottomEffDepth, depthRoot) - topEffDepth) / effectiveThickness - propMaxKl, 0.0);
                    double propZeroKl         = 1.0 - propMaxKl - propDecrKl;
                    double ratioTopDepth      = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min((depthRoot - topEffDepth) / (depthRoot - depthKl), 1.0));
                    double ratioBottomDepth   = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min((depthRoot - bottomEffDepth) / (depthRoot - depthKl), 1.0));
                    double meanDecrRatio      = 0.5 * (ratioTopDepth + ratioBottomDepth);
                    double weightedRatio      = propMaxKl * 1.0 + propDecrKl * meanDecrRatio + propZeroKl * 0.0;
                    kl[i] = klMax * weightedRatio;
                    ll[i] = waterNode.LL15[i] + (waterNode.DUL[i] - waterNode.LL15[i]) * (1.0 - weightedRatio);
                    if (kl[i] <= 0.0)
                        xf[i] = 0.0;
                    topEffDepth = bottomEffDepth;
                wheat.XF = xf;
                wheat.KL = kl;
                wheat.LL = ll;

                organicMatter.Carbon = ConvertLayers(ocdrc, layerCount);

                double rootWt = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(3000.0, 2.5 * (ppt - 100.0)));
                // For AosimX, root wt needs to be distributed across layers. This conversion logic is adapted from that used in UpgradeToVersion52
                double[] rootWtFraction = new double[layerCount];
                double   profileDepth   = depth[layerCount - 1];
                double   cumDepth       = 0.0;
                for (int layer = 0; layer < layerCount; layer++)
                    double fracLayer = Math.Min(1.0, MathUtilities.Divide(profileDepth - cumDepth, thickness[layer], 0.0));
                    cumDepth += thickness[layer];
                    rootWtFraction[layer] = fracLayer * Math.Exp(-3.0 * Math.Min(1.0, MathUtilities.Divide(cumDepth, profileDepth, 0.0)));
                // get the actuall FOM distribution through layers (adds up to one)
                double totFOMfraction = MathUtilities.Sum(rootWtFraction);
                for (int layer = 0; layer < thickness.Length; layer++)
                    rootWtFraction[layer] /= totFOMfraction;
                organicMatter.FOM = MathUtilities.Multiply_Value(rootWtFraction, rootWt);

                double[] fBiom = { 0.04,                                                                                                                             0.04 - 0.03 * (225.0 - 150.0) / (400.0 - 150.0),
                                   (400.0 - 300.0) / (450.0 - 300.0) * (0.04 - 0.03 * (350.0 - 150.0) / (400.0 - 150.0)) + (450.0 - 400.0) / (450.0 - 300.0) * 0.01,
                                   0.01,                                                                                                                                                                        0.01,0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01 };
                Array.Resize(ref fBiom, layerCount);
                double   inert_c = 0.95 * ocdrc[4];
                double[] fInert  = new double[7];
                for (int layer = 0; layer < 7; layer++)
                    fInert[layer] = Math.Min(0.99, inert_c / ocdrc[layer]);
                organicMatter.FInert      = ConvertLayers(fInert, layerCount); // Not perfect, but should be good enough
                organicMatter.FBiom       = fBiom;
                organicMatter.FOMCNRatio  = 40.0;
                organicMatter.SoilCNRatio = Enumerable.Repeat(11.0, layerCount).ToArray(); // Is there any good way to estimate this? ISRIC provides no N data

                newSoil.Children.Add(new CERESSoilTemperature());

                soils.Add(new SoilFromDataSource()
                    DataSource = "ISRIC",
                    Soil       = newSoil
            catch (Exception err)
Пример #21
        public override void EventFired(object sender, Event evt)
            PulseEmitterComponent pem;

            if (evt is PulseEvent pe)
                foreach (PulsePushable pp in WatchedComponents.Where(c => c is PulsePushable))
                    if (!pp.Owner.Active)
                    if (pp.Owner == evt.Sender.Owner)
                    if (!pp.Owner.Components.Has <Transform>() || !pp.Owner.Components.Has <Physical>())
                    Physical ph = pp.Owner.Components.Get <Physical>();

                    Vector2D center = pp.Owner.Components.Has <SoftBody>() ? pp.Owner.Components.Get <SoftBody>().Bounds.Offset(ph.Position).Center : ph.Position;

                    double distance = (center - pe.Source).Magnitude;

                    if (distance > pe.Reach)

                    if (pe.Direction.Magnitude == 0 || GeneralUtil.SubtractAngles((center - pe.Source).Angle, pe.Direction.Angle) <= Math.Atan(1 / pe.Direction.Magnitude))
                        double mass = 1;
                        if (pp.Owner.Components.Has <SoftBody>())
                            mass = pp.Owner.Components.Get <SoftBody>().Mass;
                        double factor = 1 - (distance / pe.Reach);
                        ph.Velocity += ((center - pe.Source).Normalize() * (factor * pe.Strength) / mass);

                        if (pp.Owner.Components.Get <ProjectileComponent>() is ProjectileComponent projectile && projectile.Deflectable && pp.Owner.Components.Get <DamageOnContactComponent>() is DamageOnContactComponent damager)
                            if (pe.Sender != null)
                                projectile.Thrower = pe.Sender.Owner.Id;
                                if (pe.Sender.Owner.Components.Has <PlayerComponent>())
                                    damager.Filter = DamageFilter.DamageEnemies;
                                else if (pe.Sender.Owner.Components.Has <EnemyComponent>())
                                    damager.Filter = DamageFilter.DamageAllies;

                if (pe.Direction.Magnitude > 0)
                    List <Entity> hit     = new List <Entity>();
                    List <Entity> damaged = new List <Entity>();

                    for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
                        RaycastEvent raycast = new RaycastEvent(evt.Sender, new FreeVector2D(pe.Source, pe.Source + pe.Direction.Rotate(i * (Math.PI / 4)) * pe.Reach));
                        if (raycast.Intersected != null)
                            foreach (RaycastIntersection intersection in raycast.Intersected)
                                if (intersection.Component.Owner != pe.Sender.Owner &&
                                    intersection.Component.Owner.Components.Has <PulseReceiverPhysical>() &&
                                else if (intersection.Component.Owner != pe.Sender.Owner &&
                                         intersection.Component.Owner.Components.Has <PulseDamaged>() &&

                    hit.ForEach(e => Owner.Events.InvokeEvent(new ActivationEvent(pe.Sender, e, pe)));
                    damaged.ForEach(e => Owner.Events.InvokeEvent(new DamageEvent(e, 1, pe.Sender)));

                foreach (PulseReceiver pr in WatchedComponents.Where(c => c is PulseReceiver))
                    if (!pr.Owner.Active)
                    if (pr.Owner == evt.Sender.Owner)

                    Vector2D point = pr.Offset;

                    if (pr.Owner.Components.Get <Transform>() is Transform sp)
                        point += sp.Position;

                    if (pe.Direction.Magnitude == 0 || GeneralUtil.SubtractAngles((point - pe.Source).Angle, pe.Direction.Angle) <= Math.PI / 4)
                        double distance = (point - pe.Source).Magnitude;
                        if (distance <= pe.Reach * pr.Sensitivity)
                            Owner.Events.InvokeEvent(new ActivationEvent(pe.Sender, pr.Owner, pe));

                if (!pe.Sender.Owner.Components.Has <PlayerAnimation>())
                    for (int i = 0; i < 5 * Math.Pow(pe.Strength / 16384, 2); i++)
                        SoundParticle particle = new SoundParticle(pe.Source + pe.Direction * 12, i * 8);
            else if (evt is ActivationEvent e && (pem = e.Affected.Components.Get <PulseEmitterComponent>()) != null)
                Vector2D source = pem.Offset;
                if (pem.Owner.Components.Get <Transform>() is Transform sp)
                    source += sp.Position;
                Owner.Events.InvokeEvent(new PulseEvent(pem, source, pem.Direction, pem.Strength, pem.Reach));
Пример #22
        protected internal override void OnEnter(Engine.CoreEngine engine)

            var menu = new Interface.Menu()
                Position = new Vector2(),
                Size     = new Vector2(9000, 40)

            menu.Items.AddRange("File", "Edit", "View", "Window", "Help");
            menu.Items[0].Children.AddRange("New", "Open", "Save", "Exit");
            menu.Items[0].Children[3].Clicked += (s, e) => engine.Form.Close();
            menu.Items[1].Children.AddRange("Cut", "Copy", "Paste");

            var entityTree = new Interface.Custom.EntityComponentTree(Scene)
                Position = new Vector2(10, 100),
                Size     = new Vector2(200, 400),


            var skyBox = Texture2D.FromFile(Engine.Device,

            pbr.skybox = skyBox;
            sbr.skybox = skyBox;

            var material = new Material()
                Albedo    = Texture2D.FromFile(Engine.Device, "../../pbr/albedo.jpg"),
                Normal    = Texture2D.FromFile(Engine.Device, "../../pbr/normal.jpg"),
                Roughness = Texture2D.FromFile(Engine.Device, "../../pbr/roughness.jpg"),
                Height    = Texture2D.FromFile(Engine.Device, "../../pbr/height.jpg"),
                Specular  = Texture2D.FromFile(Engine.Device, "../../pbr/metallic.jpg"),
                Alpha     = Texture2D.FromFile(Engine.Device, "../../pbr/alpha.jpg"),
                Occlusion = Texture2D.FromFile(Engine.Device, "../../pbr/ambientocclusion.jpg"),

            material.Roughness = material.Height;
            //material.Specular = material.Normal;

            Color red   = Color.Red;
            Color green = Color.Green;

            var aMaterial = new Material()
                //Albedo = Texture2D.FromColor(Engine.Device, Color.Red),
                Albedo    = Texture2D.FromColor(Engine.Device, new Color(0.7038f, 0.27048f, 0.0828f, 1f)),
                Normal    = Texture2D.FromColor(Engine.Device, new Color(0.5f, 1f, 0.5f)),
                Roughness = Texture2D.FromColor(Engine.Device, new Color(0.2f)),
                Specular  = Texture2D.FromColor(Engine.Device, new Color(0.256777f, 0.137622f, 0.086014f, 1)),
                Occlusion = Texture2D.FromColor(Engine.Device, Color.White),

            var shipModel = Model.FromMesh(Engine.Device, Mathematics.Geometry.WavefrontObj.Load("../../Model.obj"));

            var missileModel = Model.FromMesh(Engine.Device, Mathematics.Geometry.WavefrontObj.Load("../../Missile.obj"));

            var boxModel = Model.FromMesh(Engine.Device, Mathematics.Geometry.Mesh.CreateCube().Invert());

            var rock1 = Model.FromMesh(Engine.Device, Mathematics.Geometry.WavefrontObj.Load("../../Rock1.obj"));

            var rock2 = Model.FromMesh(Engine.Device, Mathematics.Geometry.WavefrontObj.Load("../../Rock2.obj"));


            Scene.Entities.Add(new Entity("Camera")
                               .Add(camera = new Camera
                View       = view,
                Projection = projection,
                               .Add(new Renderable
                Model    = boxModel,
                Renderer = sbr,

            Scene.Entities.Add(new Entity("Ship 1",
                                          new Transform
                Scaling = new Axiverse.Vector3(5),
                               .Add(new Renderable()
                Model    = rock2,
                Renderer = pbr,
                               .Add(new Physical()));

            Scene.Entities.Add(new Entity("Point Light",
                                          new Transform
                Translation = new Axiverse.Vector3(4, 50, 6),
                               .Add(new Light()
                Color     = Color.White,
                Intensity = 1,

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                Physical p;
                Scene.Entities.Add(new Entity("Missile " + (i + 1),
                                              new Transform
                    Scaling = new Axiverse.Vector3(0.2f, 1, 0.2f),
                                   .Add(new Renderable()
                    Model    = missileModel,
                    Renderer = pbr,
                                   .Add(new Agent())
                                   .Add(p = new Physical()));
                p.Body.AngularPosition    = Functions.Random.NextQuaternion();
Пример #23
 protected override IReadOnlyList <MatcherData> CreateCollection() =>
 new FormAndStatMatcherCollection(_modifierBuilder, ValueFactory)
     // attributes
     // offense
     // - damage
         @"adds # to # ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage",
         BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]), Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithHits
         @"# to # added ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage",
         BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]), Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithHits
         "# to # ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage",
         BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]), Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithHits
         @"adds # to # ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage to attacks",
         BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]),
         @"adds # to # ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage to unarmed attacks",
         BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]),
         @"adds # to # ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage to bow attacks",
         BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]),
         @"adds # to # ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage to spells",
         BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]),
         @"adds # to # ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage to spells and attacks",
         BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]),
         @"# to # additional ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage",
         BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]), Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithHits
         @"adds # maximum ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage",
         BaseAdd, Value.MaximumOnly, Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithHits
     { "deal no ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", TotalOverride, 0, Reference.AsDamageType.Damage },
         @"explosion deals (base )?({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage equal to #% of the (corpse|monster)'s maximum life",
         BaseSet, Value.AsPercentage *Life.For(Enemy).Value,
         @"explosion deals # to # base ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage",
         BaseSet, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]),
         "deals # to # base ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage",
         BaseSet, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]),
     // - damage taken
         "cold damage taken increased by chill effect",
         PercentIncrease, 100 * (Ailment.ChillEffect.Value - 1),
     // - damage taken as
     // - conversion and gain
         "(gain )?#% of ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage (gained |added )?as (extra )?({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage",
         BaseAdd, Value, References[0].AsDamageType.Damage.WithHitsAndAilments
         "gain #% of ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage as extra damage of a random element",
         BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithHitsAndAilments
         "gain #% of wand ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage as extra ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage",
         BaseAdd, Value,
         "#% of ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage converted to ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage",
         BaseAdd, Value, References[0].AsDamageType.Damage.WithHitsAndAilments
         "({DamageTypeMatchers}) spells have #% of ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage converted to ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage",
         BaseAdd, Value, References[1].AsDamageType.Damage.With(DamageSource.Spell)
     // - penetration
         "damage penetrates #% (of enemy )?({DamageTypeMatchers}) resistances?",
         BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsDamageType.Penetration
         "damage (?<inner>with .*|dealt by .*) penetrates #% ({DamageTypeMatchers}) resistances?",
         BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsDamageType.Penetration, "${inner}"
         "penetrates? #% ({DamageTypeMatchers}) resistances?",
         BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsDamageType.Penetration
         "({KeywordMatchers}) damage penetrates #% ({DamageTypeMatchers}) resistances?",
         BaseAdd, Value, References[1].AsDamageType.Penetration.With(References[0].AsKeyword)
         "({KeywordMatchers}) damage (?<inner>with .*|dealt by .*) penetrates #% ({DamageTypeMatchers}) resistances?",
         BaseAdd, Value, References[1].AsDamageType.Penetration.With(References[1].AsKeyword), "${inner}"
         "hits ignore enemy monster ({DamageTypeMatchers}) resistance",
         TotalOverride, 1, Reference.AsDamageType.IgnoreResistance
     // - exposure
         @"(?<damageType>({DamageTypeMatchers})) exposure applies #% to \k<damageType> resistance",
         BaseSet, Value, Reference.AsDamageType.Exposure
     // - crit
     { @"\+#% critical strike chance", BaseAdd, Value, CriticalStrike.Chance },
         "no critical strike multiplier, no damage multiplier for ailments from critical strikes",
         TotalOverride, 0, CriticalStrike.Multiplier
     { "never deal critical strikes", TotalOverride, 0, CriticalStrike.Chance },
     // - speed
     { "actions are #% slower", PercentLess, Value, Stat.ActionSpeed },
     { @"\+# seconds to attack time", BaseAdd, Value, Stat.BaseCastTime.With(DamageSource.Attack) },
     // - projectiles
     { "fires # additional projectiles", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.Count },
     { "fires # additional arrows", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.Count, With(Keyword.Attack) },
     { "fires an additional projectile", BaseAdd, 1, Projectile.Count },
     { "fires an additional arrow", BaseAdd, 1, Projectile.Count, With(Keyword.Attack) },
     { "skills fire an additional projectile", BaseAdd, 1, Projectile.Count },
     { "skills fire # additional projectiles", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.Count },
     { "supported skills fire # additional projectiles", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.Count },
     { "pierces # additional targets", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.PierceCount },
     { "projectiles pierce an additional target", BaseAdd, 1, Projectile.PierceCount },
     { "arrows pierce an additional target", BaseAdd, 1, Projectile.PierceCount, With(Keyword.Attack) },
     { "projectiles pierce # (additional )?targets", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.PierceCount },
         "arrows pierce # (additional )?targets",
         BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.PierceCount, With(Keyword.Attack)
         "projectiles from supported skills pierce # additional targets", BaseAdd, Value,
         "projectiles pierce all nearby targets",
         TotalOverride, double.PositiveInfinity, Projectile.PierceCount, Enemy.IsNearby
         "projectiles pierce all targets",
         TotalOverride, double.PositiveInfinity, Projectile.PierceCount
     { @"chains \+# times", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.ChainCount },
     { @"(supported )?skills chain \+# times", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.ChainCount },
     // - other
     { "your hits can't be evaded", TotalOverride, 100, Stat.ChanceToHit },
     { "can't be evaded", TotalOverride, 100, Stat.ChanceToHit },
     // defense
     // - life, mana, defences
     { "maximum life becomes #", TotalOverride, Value, Life },
     { "removes all mana", TotalOverride, 0, Mana },
     { "converts all evasion rating to armour", TotalOverride, 100, Evasion.ConvertTo(Armour) },
     { "cannot evade enemy attacks", TotalOverride, 0, Evasion.Chance },
     { @"\+# evasion rating", BaseAdd, Value, Evasion },
     // - resistances
     { "immune to ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", TotalOverride, 100, Reference.AsDamageType.Resistance },
     { @"\+#% elemental resistances", BaseAdd, Value, Elemental.Resistance },
     { @"\+?#% physical damage reduction", BaseAdd, Value, Physical.Resistance },
     // - leech
         "leech energy shield instead of life",
         TotalOverride, 100, Life.Leech.Of(Damage).ConvertTo(EnergyShield.Leech.Of(Damage))
     { "gain life from leech instantly", TotalOverride, 1, Life.Leech.IsInstant },
     { "leech #% of damage as life", BaseAdd, Value, Life.Leech.Of(Damage) },
     { "cannot leech mana", TotalOverride, 0, Mana.Leech.Of(Damage) },
     // - block
         "#% of block chance applied to spells",
         BaseAdd, Value.PercentOf(Block.AttackChance), Block.SpellChance
     // - other
         "chaos damage does not bypass energy shield",
         TotalOverride, 100, Chaos.DamageTakenFrom(EnergyShield).Before(Life)
         "#% of chaos damage does not bypass energy shield",
         BaseAdd, Value, Chaos.DamageTakenFrom(EnergyShield).Before(Life)
         "#% of physical damage bypasses energy shield",
         BaseSubtract, Value, Physical.DamageTakenFrom(EnergyShield).Before(Life)
         "you take #% reduced extra damage from critical strikes",
         PercentReduce, Value, CriticalStrike.ExtraDamageTaken
         "you take no extra damage from critical strikes",
         PercentLess, 100, CriticalStrike.ExtraDamageTaken
     // regen and recharge
     // (need to be FormAndStatMatcher because they also exist with flat values)
         "#%( of)? ({PoolStatMatchers}) regenerated per second",
         BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsPoolStat.Regen.Percent
         "#% of ({PoolStatMatchers}) and ({PoolStatMatchers}) regenerated per second",
         BaseAdd, Value, References[0].AsPoolStat.Regen.Percent, References[1].AsPoolStat.Regen.Percent
         "regenerate #%( of)?( their| your)? ({PoolStatMatchers}) per second",
         BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsPoolStat.Regen.Percent
         "# ({PoolStatMatchers}) regenerated per second", BaseAdd, Value,
         "#% faster start of energy shield recharge", PercentIncrease, Value,
     { "life regeneration has no effect", PercentLess, 100, Life.Regen },
         "life regeneration is applied to energy shield instead",
         TotalOverride, (int)Pool.EnergyShield, Life.Regen.TargetPool
     // gain (need to be FormAndStatMatcher because they also exist with flat values)
         "#% of ({PoolStatMatchers}) gained",
         BaseAdd, Value.PercentOf(Reference.AsStat), Reference.AsPoolStat.Gain
         "recover #% of( their)? ({PoolStatMatchers})",
         BaseAdd, Value.PercentOf(Reference.AsStat), Reference.AsPoolStat.Gain
         "removes #% of ({PoolStatMatchers})",
         BaseSubtract, Value.PercentOf(Reference.AsStat), Reference.AsPoolStat.Gain
     { @"\+# ({PoolStatMatchers}) gained", BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsPoolStat.Gain },
     { @"gain \+# ({PoolStatMatchers})", BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsPoolStat.Gain },
     { "replenishes energy shield by #% of armour", BaseAdd, Value.PercentOf(Armour), EnergyShield.Gain },
         "recover ({PoolStatMatchers}) equal to #% of your evasion rating",
         BaseAdd, Value.PercentOf(Evasion), Reference.AsPoolStat.Gain
     // charges
         "#% chance to gain a power, frenzy or endurance charge",
         BaseAdd, Value / 3,
         Charge.Power.ChanceToGain, Charge.Frenzy.ChanceToGain, Charge.Endurance.ChanceToGain
         "(?<!chance to |when you )gain an? ({ChargeTypeMatchers})",
         BaseAdd, 100, Reference.AsChargeType.ChanceToGain
         "(?<!chance to |when you )gain a power or frenzy charge",
         BaseAdd, 50, Charge.Power.ChanceToGain, Charge.Frenzy.ChanceToGain
     // skills
     { "base duration is # seconds", BaseSet, Value, Stat.Duration },
     { @"\+# seconds to base duration", BaseAdd, Value, Stat.Duration },
     { "base secondary duration is # seconds", BaseSet, Value, Stat.SecondaryDuration },
         "#% increased duration(?! of)",
         PercentIncrease, Value, ApplyOnce(Stat.Duration, Stat.SecondaryDuration)
         "#% reduced duration(?! of)", PercentReduce, Value, ApplyOnce(Stat.Duration, Stat.SecondaryDuration)
     { "skills cost no mana", TotalOverride, 0, Mana.Cost },
     { "you can cast an additional brand", BaseAdd, 1, Skills[Keyword.Brand].CombinedInstances },
     // traps, mines, totems
     { "trap lasts # seconds", BaseSet, Value, Stat.Trap.Duration },
     { "mine lasts # seconds", BaseSet, Value, Stat.Mine.Duration },
     { "totem lasts # seconds", BaseSet, Value, Stat.Totem.Duration },
         "detonating mines is instant",
         TotalOverride, 0, Stat.BaseCastTime, With(Skills.DetonateMines)
     // minions
     { "can summon up to # golem at a time", BaseSet, Value, Golems.CombinedInstances.Maximum },
     // buffs
         "(?<!while |chance to )you have ({BuffMatchers})",
         TotalOverride, 1, Reference.AsBuff.NotAsBuffOn(Self)
         "(?<!while |chance to )gain ({BuffMatchers})",
         TotalOverride, 1, Reference.AsBuff.On(Self)
         "you can have one additional curse",
         BaseAdd, 1, Buff.CurseLimit
         "enemies can have # additional curse",
         BaseAdd, Value, Buff.CurseLimit.For(Enemy)
     { "you can apply an additional curse", BaseAdd, 1, Buff.CurseLimit.For(Enemy) },
     { "unaffected by curses", PercentLess, 100, Buffs(targets: Self).With(Keyword.Curse).Effect },
         "unaffected by ({SkillMatchers})",
         PercentLess, 100, Reference.AsSkill.Buff.EffectOn(Self).For(Entity.Any)
     { "immun(e|ity) to curses", TotalOverride, 0, Buffs(targets: Self).With(Keyword.Curse).On },
         "monsters are hexproof",
         TotalOverride, 0, Buffs(Self, Enemy).With(Keyword.Curse).On, Flag.IgnoreHexproof.IsSet.Not
     { "grants? fortify", TotalOverride, 1, Buff.Fortify.On(Self) },
     { "gain elemental conflux", TotalOverride, 1, Buff.Conflux.Elemental.On(Self) },
     { "creates consecrated ground", TotalOverride, 1, Buff.Conflux.Elemental.On(Self) },
     { "(?<!chance to )impale enemies", TotalOverride, 100, Buff.Impale.Chance },
     { "({BuffMatchers}) lasts # seconds", BaseSet, Value, Reference.AsBuff.Duration },
         "supported auras do not affect you",
         TotalOverride, 0, Skills.ModifierSourceSkill.Buff.EffectOn(Self)
     { "totems cannot gain ({BuffMatchers})", TotalOverride, 0, Reference.AsBuff.On(Entity.Totem) },
     // flags
     // ailments
     { "causes bleeding", TotalOverride, 100, Ailment.Bleed.Chance },
     { "bleed is applied", TotalOverride, 100, Ailment.Bleed.Chance },
     { "always poison", TotalOverride, 100, Ailment.Poison.Chance },
     { "always ({AilmentMatchers}) enemies", TotalOverride, 100, Reference.AsAilment.Chance },
     { "cannot cause bleeding", TotalOverride, 0, Ailment.Bleed.Chance },
     { "cannot ignite", TotalOverride, 0, Ailment.Ignite.Chance },
     { "cannot (apply|inflict) shock", TotalOverride, 0, Ailment.Shock.Chance },
     { "cannot inflict elemental ailments", TotalOverride, 0, Ailment.Elemental.Select(s => s.Chance) },
         "(you )?can afflict an additional ignite on an enemy",
         BaseAdd, 1, Ailment.Ignite.InstancesOn(Enemy).Maximum
     { "(you are )?immune to ({AilmentMatchers})", TotalOverride, 100, Reference.AsAilment.Avoidance },
     { "cannot be ({AilmentMatchers})", TotalOverride, 100, Reference.AsAilment.Avoidance },
         "cannot be ({AilmentMatchers}) or ({AilmentMatchers})",
         TotalOverride, 100, References[0].AsAilment.Avoidance, References[1].AsAilment.Avoidance
         "(immune to|cannot be affected by|immunity to) elemental ailments",
         TotalOverride, 100, Ailment.Elemental.Select(a => a.Avoidance)
         "poison you inflict with critical strikes deals #% more damage",
         PercentMore, Value, CriticalStrike.Multiplier.With(Ailment.Poison)
     // stun
     { "(you )?cannot be stunned", TotalOverride, 100, Effect.Stun.Avoidance },
     { "additional #% chance to be stunned", BaseAdd, Value, Effect.Stun.Chance.For(Entity.OpponentOfSelf) },
     // item quantity/quality
     // range and area of effect
     // other
     { "knocks back enemies", TotalOverride, 100, Effect.Knockback.Chance },
     { "knocks enemies back", TotalOverride, 100, Effect.Knockback.Chance },
     { "knockback(?! distance)", TotalOverride, 100, Effect.Knockback.Chance },
Пример #24
        public static Object GetNominalDatumValue(DatumType datum)
            Object value = null;

            if (datum is binary)
                value = ((binary)datum).value;
            else if (datum is boolean)
                value = ((boolean)datum).value;
            else if (datum is dateTime)
                value = ((dateTime)datum).value;
            else if (datum is @double
                || datum is integer
                || datum is @long
                || datum is unsignedInteger
                || datum is unsignedLong )
                Physical physical = new Physical(datum.ToString());
                value = physical.Magnitude.AnyQuantity.NominalValue;
            else if (datum is hexadecimal)
                value = ((hexadecimal)datum).value;
            else if (datum is octal)
                value = ((octal)datum).value;
            else if (datum is @string)
                value = ((@string)datum).Value;

            return value;
Пример #25
 public Stream CreateReadStream() => Physical.CreateReadStream();