void Update() { soundDeath = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); if (transform.position.x == hitpoint.x && transform.position.z == hitpoint.z) { if (Anim.GetBool("isgun")) { GetComponent <Tir>().ActiveArme(armes[0], true); } else { GetComponent <Tir>().ActiveArme(armes[0], false); } PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("PlayAnimWalk", PhotonTargets.MasterClient, false); PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("PlayAnimRun", PhotonTargets.MasterClient, false); PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("PlayAnimIsgunmove", PhotonTargets.MasterClient, false); } if (deadd) { deadText.SetActive(true); Cursor.visible = true; Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Confined; Time.timeScale = 0; } else { // deadText.SetActive(false); Cursor.visible = true; Time.timeScale = 1; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { m.GetComponent <MENU>().ResumeBut(); } if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { Ray ray = cam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 100000, mask)) { hitpoint = hit.point; if (!GetComponent <SpellController>().run) { GetComponent <Tir>().ActiveArme(armes[0], false); PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("PlayAnimWalk", PhotonTargets.MasterClient, true); PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("PlayAnimIsgun", PhotonTargets.MasterClient, false); PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("PlayAnimIsgunmove", PhotonTargets.MasterClient, true); } else { GetComponent <Tir>().ActiveArme(armes[0], false); PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("PlayAnimRun", PhotonTargets.MasterClient, true); PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("PlayAnimIsgun", PhotonTargets.MasterClient, false); PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("PlayAnimIsgunmove", PhotonTargets.MasterClient, true); } motor.MoveToPoint(hit.point); } } if (Input.GetMouseButton(2)) { Ray ray1 = cam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit hit1; if (Physics.Raycast(ray1, out hit1, 100000, mask) && Vector3.Distance(hit1.point, transform.position) >= 3) { transform.LookAt(hit1.point); } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L)) { if (Life - 15 > 0) { Life -= 15; } else { Life = 0; deadText.SetActive(true); } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M)) { if (Life + 20 < maxlife) { Life += 20; } else { Life = maxlife; } } if (energieV >= maxenergie) { energieV = maxenergie; } if (Life >= maxlife) { Life = maxlife; } else if (Life <= 0) { if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Resurection") == 1) { Life = 50; energieV = 0; consT.text = "Resurection !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"; } else { soundDeath.clip = rip; soundDeath.Play(); Life = 0; deadd = true; } } vieSlider.GetComponent <AffichageNumb>().n.GetComponent <Text>().text = Life + " / " + maxlife; energieSlider.GetComponent <AffichageNumb>().n.GetComponent <Text>().text = energieV + " / " + maxenergie; vieSlide.value = Life / maxlife; energieSlide.value = energieV / maxenergie; vie.value = (float)Life / maxlife; energie.value = (float)energieV / maxenergie; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.I)) { int index2 = index + 1; GetComponent <PlayerController>().consT.text = index2 + ":" + " " + inventaire[index]; index += 1; if (inventaire[index] == "" | -index >= 10) { index = 0; } } } }
void Start() { photonView = PhotonView.Get(this); }
public void updateNumPlayersInRoom(int playerIndex, bool isInRoom) { PhotonView photonView = PhotonView.Get(this); photonView.RPC("UpdateNumPlayersInRoom_RPC", PhotonTargets.AllBufferedViaServer, playerIndex, isInRoom); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public void ChangeAction(string animeId) { // 全てのクライアントにアニメキーを送信 PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("OnChangeAction", RpcTarget.All, animeId); }
public void Start() { inv = GameObject.Find("Inventory").GetComponent <Inventory>(); pv = PhotonView.Get(this); }
void Start() { PunTeams.Team team = PhotonView.Get(transform.root.gameObject).owner.GetTeam(); renderer.material = ServerController.GetObjectFromTeam <Material>(team, redTeamMaterial, blueTeamMaterial, noneTeamMaterial); }
public bool CheckIfValid(string CardType) { char StartingSuit = 'N'; if (PlayedCards.Count > 0) { if (PlayedCards[0][0] == 'J' && PlayedCards[0][1] == AlternateSuits[Trump]) { StartingSuit = Trump; } else { StartingSuit = PlayedCards[0][1]; } } if (!((PlayedCards.Count == 0) || (StartingSuit == CardType[1] && !(CardType[0] == 'J' && CardType[1] == AlternateSuits[Trump] && StartingSuit == AlternateSuits[Trump])) || (CardType[1] == AlternateSuits[Trump] && CardType[0] == 'J' && StartingSuit == Trump))) { foreach (GameObject Card in DisplayedCards) { if ((Card.GetComponent <CardComponent>().GetTargetPosition().y == -600) && (((Card.GetComponent <CardComponent>().GetCardType()[1] == StartingSuit) && !(Card.GetComponent <CardComponent>().GetCardType()[0] == 'J' && Card.GetComponent <CardComponent>().GetCardType()[1] == AlternateSuits[Trump] && StartingSuit == AlternateSuits[Trump])) || (Card.GetComponent <CardComponent>().GetCardType()[0] == 'J' && Card.GetComponent <CardComponent>().GetCardType()[1] == AlternateSuits[Trump] && StartingSuit == Trump))) { return(false); } } } PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("PlayCard", RpcTarget.Others, CardType); PlayedCards.Add(CardType); int Num = 4; if (PlayerToSkip != -1) { Num -= 1; } if (PlayedCards.Count == Num) { Ticks = 0; Waits.Enqueue(new List <string> { "Score" }); } else { DoRound(); } if (PlayedCards.Count > 0) //If the player who plays the card begins the new trick, don't make all their cards locked { foreach (GameObject Card in DisplayedCards) { Card.GetComponent <CardComponent>().SetUnlocked(new List <bool> { false, false, false }); } } return(true); }
public void OnPhotonPlayerDisconnected(PhotonPlayer player) { // Setup as we don't have enough players if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient && PhotonNetwork.room.PlayerCount < minimumPlayers) { if (!((int)PhotonNetwork.room.CustomProperties["S"] > 1)) { // End round/Game and move on. StandByCam.SetActive(true); currentPhase = 0; // Set backup for next round. // Delete players GameObject[] allPlayers = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("PlayerController"); foreach (GameObject chara in allPlayers) { chara.GetComponent <PhotonView>().RPC("destroyThis", PhotonTargets.All, "RoundEnd"); } spawned = false; UIHandler uiHandler = (UIHandler)PlayerUI.GetComponent(typeof(UIHandler)); // Update UI uiHandler.updateStatus("PREPEARING"); uiHandler.updateSideUI("Undecided"); uiHandler.closeWin(); uiHandler.toggleWeapons(false); uiHandler.toggleTimer(false); // Wipe lists aliveInnocents = new List <PhotonPlayer>(); aliveTraitors = new List <PhotonPlayer>(); deadInnocents = new List <PhotonPlayer>(); deadTraitors = new List <PhotonPlayer>(); // Remove time timeLeft = 0; } else { int side = (int)player.CustomProperties["Team"]; if (side == 1) { aliveTraitors.Remove(player); deadTraitors.Add(player); } else { aliveInnocents.Remove(player); deadInnocents.Add(player); } if (aliveInnocents.Count <= 0) { PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("roundWin", PhotonTargets.All, "traitor", "Innocents Eliminated"); } else if (aliveTraitors.Count <= 0) { PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("roundWin", PhotonTargets.All, "innocent", "Traitors Eliminated"); } } } }
public void Start() { itemData = JsonMapper.ToObject(File.ReadAllText(Application.dataPath + "/StreamingAssets/Items.json")); inv = GameObject.Find("Inventory").GetComponent <Inventory>(); pv = PhotonView.Get(this); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { blackScore = 0; whiteScore = 0; photonView = PhotonView.Get(this); }
int currentPhase = 0; // 0 - Not Start, 1 - Prepearing, 2 - Playing, 3 - Ending. // This function is used to call for the phase timing by the host. public void nextPhase(bool timeWin) { if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient && timeLeft <= 0) { if (currentPhase == 0 && PhotonNetwork.room.PlayerCount >= minimumPlayers) { PhotonView photonView = PhotonView.Get(this); photonView.RPC("SpawnUser", PhotonTargets.All); ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable hash = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable() { { "S", 1 } }; PhotonNetwork.room.SetCustomProperties(hash); currentPhase += 1; PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("updatePhase", PhotonTargets.All, "PREPEARING"); // Setup UI timeLeft = preparingTime; StartCoroutine("timePhase"); } else if (currentPhase == 1 && PhotonNetwork.room.PlayerCount >= minimumPlayers) { currentPhase += 1; ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable hash = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable() { { "S", 2 } }; PhotonNetwork.room.SetCustomProperties(hash); // Code for selecting traitors etc. selectTraitors(); PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("updatePhase", PhotonTargets.All, "PLAYING"); // Setup UI timeLeft = gamingTime; StartCoroutine("timePhase"); } else if (currentPhase == 2) { currentPhase += 1; ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable hash = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable() { { "S", 3 } }; PhotonNetwork.room.SetCustomProperties(hash); if (timeWin) { // If it makes it to this point, they innocents win by time! PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("roundWin", PhotonTargets.All, "innocent", "Time Up"); } PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("updatePhase", PhotonTargets.All, "ROUND END"); // Setup UI Debug.Log("Yay"); timeLeft = endingTime; Debug.Log(timeLeft); StartCoroutine("timePhase"); } else { // Next round? PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("nextRound", PhotonTargets.All); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { this.photonView = PhotonView.Get(this); PhotonNetwork.isMessageQueueRunning = true; player = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <Player>(); }
public void TriggerGivePhysControlOnAll(bool givePhysControl) { //Debug.Log("Control changed"); PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("GivePhysSysControl", RpcTarget.All, givePhysControl); }
// Use this for initialization private void Start() { pv = PhotonView.Get(this); }
public void populateAllPlayersList() { PhotonView photonView = PhotonView.Get(this); AllPlayers = PhotonNetwork.playerList; }
public void Start() { PV = PhotonView.Get(this); startAndend.text = "StartTurn"; }
public void Start() { inv = GameObject.Find("Inventory").GetComponent <Inventory>(); pv = PhotonView.Get(this); cityui.SetActive(false); }
void SyncPortTransparency() { PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("SetPortTransparency", RpcTarget.Others); SetPortTransparency(); }
public void ScoreTrick() { List <int> Best = new List <int> { 0, 0 }; // 0th - best player, 1st - best card char StartingSuit = PlayedCards[0][1]; if (PlayedCards[0][0] == 'J' && PlayedCards[0][1] == AlternateSuits[Trump]) { StartingSuit = AlternateSuits[Trump]; } PlayedCards.Reverse(); for (int i = 0; i < PlayedCards.Count; i++) { if (EvaluateCard(PlayedCards[i], StartingSuit) > Best[1]) { Best[1] = EvaluateCard(PlayedCards[i], StartingSuit); Best[0] = Turn; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < i; i2++) { Best[0] -= 1; if (Best[0] < 0) { Best[0] += 4; } else if (Best[0] > 3) { Best[0] -= 4; } if (Best[0] == PlayerToSkip) { Best[0] -= 1; } if (Best[0] < 0) { Best[0] += 4; } else if (Best[0] > 3) { Best[0] -= 4; } } } } Turn = Best[0] - 1; if ((Best[0] % 2) == 0) { Team1Tricks += 1; } else { Team2Tricks += 1; } PlayedCards = new List <string>(); int Removed = 0; int Temp = DisplayedCards.Count; for (int i = 0; i < Temp; i++) { if (!(DisplayedCards[i - Removed].GetComponent <CardComponent>().GetTargetPosition().y == -600)) { Destroy(DisplayedCards[i - Removed]); DisplayedCards.RemoveAt(i - Removed); Removed += 1; } } if (Team1Tricks + Team2Tricks == 5) { int Temp2 = DisplayedCards.Count; for (int i = 0; i < Temp2; i++) { Destroy(DisplayedCards[0]); DisplayedCards.RemoveAt(0); } if (TrumpPickerTeam == 0) { if (Team1Tricks == 5) { if (PlayerToSkip != -1) { Team1Score += 4; } else { Team1Score += 2; } } else if (Team1Tricks > 2) { Team1Score += 1; } else { Team2Score += 2; } } else { if (Team2Tricks == 5) { if (PlayerToSkip != -1) { Team2Score += 4; } else { Team2Score += 2; } } else if (Team2Tricks > 2) { Team2Score += 1; } else { Team1Score += 2; } } Loaded = false; Deck = new List <string>(); Hands = new List <string>(); PlayedCards = new List <string>(); DisplayedCards = new List <GameObject>(); if (Host) { Initialise(); PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("SyncOtherPlayer", RpcTarget.Others, string.Join("", Hands), string.Join("", Deck), -1, "", -1, -2); PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("GameStart", RpcTarget.All, PlayerNames[0], PlayerNames[1], PlayerNames[2], PlayerNames[3]); } } else { DoRound(); } }
public void setupGame(int playerChoice) { Debug.Log(PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.NickName + " " + PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.CustomProperties["TeamNum"]); Debug.Log("Setup for " + playerChoice); // TEMPORARY if (!PhotonNetwork.IsConnected) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (i == playerChoice) { teamTypes[i] = Team.Type.player; } else { teamTypes[i] = Team.Type.ai; } } } createTeams(); if (PhotonNetwork.IsConnected) { GameObject.Find("OverlayCanvas/UISidePanel/UIShipControl/GoButton/GoText").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Click to Ready Up"; for (int i = 0; i < teamTypes.Length; i++) { switch (teamTypes[i]) { case (Team.Type) 2: Debug.Log("Team " + teams[i].TeamFaction + " is off"); teams[i].setTeamType((Team.Type) 2); break; case (Team.Type) 1: Debug.Log("Team " + teams[i].TeamFaction + " is human"); teams[i].setTeamType((Team.Type) 1); break; case (Team.Type) 0: default: Debug.Log("Team " + teams[i].TeamFaction + " is ai"); teams[i].setTeamType((Team.Type) 0); break; } foreach (Player p in PhotonNetwork.PlayerList) { if ((int)p.CustomProperties["TeamNum"] == i) { GameObject.Find("OverlayCanvas/UIBottomPanel/Player" + (i + 1) + "Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = p.NickName; } } } foreach (Team t in teams) { if (t.TeamType == (Team.Type) 1) { t.aiTeam = false; } } } if (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient) { foreach (Team t in teams) { if (t.TeamType == (Team.Type) 0) { PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("SetDefaultAITextColor", RpcTarget.All, ((int)t.TeamFaction + 1)); } } } playerFaction = (Team.Faction)playerChoice; playerTeam = teams[(int)playerFaction]; Debug.Log("My playerFaction is " + playerFaction.ToString()); Debug.Log("My team is " + playerTeam.TeamFaction.ToString()); //if (PhotonNetwork.IsConnected) // PhotonView.Get(this).RPC("teamIsHuman",RpcTarget.All,playerChoice); if (playerTeam == null) { Debug.LogError("Player's team is null"); } createPorts(); if (playerTeam == null) { Debug.LogError("Player's team is null"); } createShips(); if (!PhotonNetwork.IsConnected || (PhotonNetwork.IsConnected && PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient)) { assignAI(); setAIDirections(); uiControl.PostTeamSelection(); } if (!PhotonNetwork.IsConnected) { SetPortTransparency(); SetInitialRedirects(); RevealRedirects(); } if (PhotonNetwork.IsConnected) { ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable ht = PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.CustomProperties; ht["LoadedGame"] = true; PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.SetCustomProperties(ht); } cameraLock = false; GameObject.Find("TeamIcon").GetComponent <Image>().sprite = playerTeam.getPortSprite(); }
public void sendAttack() { PhotonView photonView = PhotonView.Get(this); photonView.RPC("Attack", RpcTarget.All); }
void Awake() { photonView = PhotonView.Get(this); }
/*########### # START # ###########*/ // Use this for initialization void Start() { //On récupère l'ID du joueur PhotonView photonView = PhotonView.Get(this); int myID = photonView.owner.ID; //We activate the scoreScript scoreScript scoreEn = GetComponent <scoreScript>(); if (photonView.isMine) { scoreEn.enabled = true; } else { scoreEn.enabled = false; } //On change le nom du joueur PhotonNetwork.playerName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Gamertag"); /*--------------------------------------------------------BUG WITH THE PLAYER NAME, PUT BACK TO NORMAL, JUST FOR TEST -----------------------------*/ /*int playerNumb = Random.Range(0, 10000); * PhotonNetwork.playerName = "player" + playerNumb.ToString();*/ networkManager netMan = (networkManager)GameObject.Find("multiScripts").GetComponent("networkManager"); /*----- IN MATCH -----*/ blueSpawn = GameObject.Find("spawn_Blue"); spawnBlue1 = blueSpawn.transform.Find("spawnBlue1").gameObject; spawnBlue2 = blueSpawn.transform.Find("spawnBlue2").gameObject; playerCountUpdateTimer = 0f; //We change the team of the player if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { blueCount = 0; redCount = 0; scoreScript scoreMan = GetComponent <scoreScript>(); if (blueCount <= redCount) { actualTeam = "Blue"; blueCount++; scoreMan.myTeam = "Blue"; } else { actualTeam = "Red"; redCount++; scoreMan.myTeam = "Red"; } } else { this.photonView.RPC("ajoutTeam", PhotonTargets.MasterClient, myID); } }
void updateMe(int senderID) { //********** ADDING US ON THE BOARD //We get the ID of the new player who needs to be updated PhotonPlayer sender = PhotonPlayer.Find(senderID); //We get our own ID PhotonView myView = PhotonView.Get(this); int myID = myView.owner.ID; //We get our basic stats string myTag = ""; int iA = 0; bool doneA = false; //Retrieving our gamertag /*while(iA<4 && doneA==false) * { * if(myTeam=="Blue") * { * myTag = playerTagsBlue[iA]; * } * else * { * myTag = playerTagsRed[iA]; * } * iA++; * }*/ myTag = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Gamertag"); //We pack all of this string myTagTeam = myID.ToString() + ";" + myTag + ";" + myTeam; //We add ourself on his board myView.RPC("addOnBoard", PhotonTargets.All, myTagTeam); //********* UPDATING OUR STATS ON THE BOARD //We get our stats int myKill = 0; int myAssist = 0; int myDeath = 0; int iU = 0; bool doneU = false; //Retrieving our score /*while(iU<4 && doneU==false) * { * if(myTeam=="Blue") * { * if(playerScoreBlue[iU,0]==myID) * { * myKill = playerScoreBlue[iU,1]; * myAssist = playerScoreBlue[iU,2]; * myDeath = playerScoreBlue[iU,3]; * doneU=true; * } * } * else { * if(playerScoreRed[iU,0]==myID) * { * myKill = playerScoreRed[iU,1]; * myAssist = playerScoreRed[iU,2]; * myDeath = playerScoreRed[iU,3]; * doneU=true; * } * } * iU++; * }*/ while (iU < 4 && doneU == false) { if (myTeam == "Blue") { if (playerScoreBlue[4 * iU] == myID) { myKill = playerScoreBlue[4 * iU + 1]; myAssist = playerScoreBlue[4 * iU + 2]; myDeath = playerScoreBlue[4 * iU + 3]; doneU = true; } } else { if (playerScoreRed[4 * iU] == myID) { myKill = playerScoreRed[4 * iU + 1]; myAssist = playerScoreRed[4 * iU + 2]; myDeath = playerScoreRed[4 * iU + 3]; doneU = true; } } iU++; } //We pack this into a string string myTagScore = myID.ToString() + ";" + myKill.ToString() + ";" + myAssist.ToString() + ";" + myDeath.ToString(); myView.RPC("updateScore", PhotonTargets.All, myTagScore); }
public void Start() { view = PhotonView.Get(this); instance = this; checklist = new bool[] { false, false, false, false }; }
void addOnBoard(string ident) { PhotonView photonView = PhotonView.Get(this); //We take back his infos string[] playerSet = ident.Split(';'); int playerID = int.Parse(playerSet[0]); string playerTag = playerSet[1]; string playerTeam = playerSet[2]; //We look for an empty place on the board int i = 0; bool done = false; /*while(i<4 && done==false) * { * if(playerScoreBlue[i,0]==playerID || playerScoreRed[i,0]==playerID) * done=true; * * if(playerScoreBlue[i,0]==0 && playerTeam=="Blue" && done==false) * { * playerScoreBlue[i,0]=playerID; * playerScoreBlue[i,1]=0; * playerScoreBlue[i,2]=0; * playerScoreBlue[i,3]=0; * * playerTagsBlue[i]=playerTag; * Debug.Log("Added player " + playerID + " on team " + playerTeam); * done=true; * } * if(playerScoreRed[i,0]==0 && playerTeam=="Red" && done==false) * { * playerScoreRed[i,0]=playerID; * playerScoreRed[i,1]=0; * playerScoreRed[i,2]=0; * playerScoreRed[i,3]=0; * * playerTagsRed[i]=playerTag; * Debug.Log("Added player " + playerID + " on team " + playerTeam); * done=true; * } * i++; * }*/ while (i < 4 && done == false) { if (playerScoreBlue[4 * i] == playerID || playerScoreRed[4 * i] == playerID) { done = true; } if (playerScoreBlue[4 * i] == 0 && playerTeam == "Blue" && done == false) { playerScoreBlue[4 * i] = playerID; playerScoreBlue[4 * i + 1] = 0; playerScoreBlue[4 * i + 2] = 0; playerScoreBlue[4 * i + 3] = 0; playerTagsBlue[i] = playerTag; Debug.Log("Added player " + playerID + " on team " + playerTeam); done = true; } if (playerScoreRed[4 * i] == 0 && playerTeam == "Red" && done == false) { playerScoreRed[4 * i] = playerID; playerScoreRed[4 * i + 1] = 0; playerScoreRed[4 * i + 2] = 0; playerScoreRed[4 * i + 3] = 0; playerTagsRed[i] = playerTag; Debug.Log("Added player " + playerID + " on team " + playerTeam); done = true; } i++; } //if (photonView.isMine) //photonView.RPC("addOnBoard", PhotonTargets.Others, ident); }
void Start() { pv = PhotonView.Get(this); SpawnPoint = GameObject.Find("SpawnPoint").GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); }
/*---------------------------- UPDATE ----------------------------*/ // Update is called once per frame void Update() { PhotonView photonView = PhotonView.Get(this); /*------------------------- VERIFYING SYNCHRONIZATION -------------*/ //We check if we have the scores of everyone int numberOfScores = countPlayers(); if (numberOfScores != PhotonNetwork.playerList.Length) //We do not have all scores { if (updateCounter >= 2.0f) { int myID = photonView.owner.ID; photonView.RPC("updateMe", PhotonTargets.All, myID); updateCounter = 0f; Debug.Log("Requesting update"); } else { updateCounter += Time.deltaTime; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //When our playerCreator is created we add ourself on the scoreboards playerSpawn playSpawn = GetComponent <playerSpawn>(); //While we're not on the scoreboard we try to be added if (addedOnBoard == false) { //We make a string out of our gamertag and playerID string myTag = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Gamertag"); int myID = photonView.owner.ID; //If we have all the components we send the RPC if (myTeam == "Blue" || myTeam == "Red") { string tagTeamID = myID.ToString() + ";" + myTag + ";" + myTeam; if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { photonView.RPC("addOnBoard", PhotonTargets.All, tagTeamID); } else { photonView.RPC("addOnBoard", PhotonTargets.All, tagTeamID); photonView.RPC("updateMe", PhotonTargets.All, myID); } /*if(photonView.isMine) * { * addOnBoard(tagTeamID); * }*/ addedOnBoard = true; } } //Managing the kills //We update the last shot each frame foreach (Transform child in transform) { if (child.name != "globalHUD" && child.name != "scoreBoardUI" && child.name != "InGameMenu") { playerNetwork playSet = child.GetComponent <playerNetwork>(); myLastShot = playSet.lastShot; } } //If we're killed we add the kill and update the score if (wasKilled) { int myID = photonView.owner.ID; if (myTeam == "Blue") { photonView.RPC("addRedKill", PhotonTargets.All, myLastShot); photonView.RPC("addBlueDeath", PhotonTargets.All, myID); } else { photonView.RPC("addBlueKill", PhotonTargets.All, myLastShot); photonView.RPC("addRedDeath", PhotonTargets.All, myID); } wasKilled = false; } /*--------------------------- SCOREBOARD ----------------------*/ //We get the scoreboard object Transform scoreB = transform.Find("scoreBoardUI"); //Drawing the score if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Tab)) { drawTheScore = true; } if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Tab)) { drawTheScore = false; } if (photonView.isMine) { if (drawTheScore) //If the player press tab we activate the board { scoreB.gameObject.active = true; } else { scoreB.gameObject.active = false; } } else { scoreB.gameObject.active = false; } }
public void putPlayerNameOnScoreBoard(string name, int playerIndex) { PhotonView photonView = PhotonView.Get(this); photonView.RPC("PutPlayerNameOnScoreBoard_RPC", PhotonTargets.AllBufferedViaServer, PhotonNetwork.player.name, playerIndex); }
private void Awake() { _photonView = PhotonView.Get(this); }