/// <summary> /// Adds the specified child phase to the collection AND sets the parent phase property of the specified child phase /// </summary> /// <param name="parentPhaseModel">The phase parentPhaseModel which is to receive the child phase</param> /// <param name="childPhase">The child phase to add to the parent's collection</param> public static void AddChildPhase(this PhaseModel parentPhaseModel, PhaseModel childPhase) { if (childPhase == null) { return; } childPhase.ParentPhase = parentPhaseModel; parentPhaseModel.ChildPhases.Add(childPhase); }
public IActionResult ChangePhase(PhaseModel pm, int phaseId) { Phase updatePhase = _projManager.GetPhase(phaseId); updatePhase.Description = pm.Description; updatePhase.StartDate = pm.StartDate; updatePhase.EndDate = pm.EndDate; _projManager.EditPhase(updatePhase); return(RedirectToAction("CollectProject", "Platform", new { id = updatePhase.Project.Id })); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { winText.text = ""; turn = 1; pm = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<PhaseModel> (); if (pm == null) { Debug.LogError("Cannot find any PhaseModels in Scene. Please add a PhaseModel and try again."); } currentPhase = InnerPhase.INITIATE_GAME; skipDefendButton.gameObject.SetActive (false); simpleAttackButton.gameObject.SetActive (false); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the specified child phases to the collection AND sets the parent phase property of the specified child phases /// </summary> /// <param name="parentPhaseModel">The phase which is to receive the child phases</param> /// <param name="childPhaseCollection">The child phases to add to the parent's collection</param> public static void AddMultipleChildPhases(this PhaseModel parentPhaseModel, IList <PhaseModel> childPhaseCollection) { if (childPhaseCollection == null) { return; } foreach (var childPhase in childPhaseCollection) { parentPhaseModel.AddChildPhase(childPhase); } }
public ImportMachineRequestWindow() { bwLoad = new BackgroundWorker(); bwLoad.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(bwLoad_DoWork); bwLoad.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(bwLoad_RunWorkerCompleted); phaseSelected = new PhaseModel(); phaseList = new List <PhaseModel>(); machineList = new List <MachineModel>(); machineList_PhaseSelected = new List <MachineModel>(); InitializeComponent(); }
/// <summary> /// Create project select list /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private async Task <TaskViewModel> PrepareData() { TaskViewModel viewModel = new TaskViewModel(); IList <ProjectModel> projects = await EzTask.Project.GetProjects(Context.CurrentAccount.AccountId); if (projects.Any()) { viewModel.Project = projects.First(); PhaseModel features = await EzTask.Phase.GetOpenFeaturePhase(viewModel.Project.ProjectId); viewModel.Phase = features; } viewModel.ProjectItems = BuildProjectSelectList(projects); return(viewModel); }
public IActionResult AddPhase(PhaseModel pm, int projectId) { if (pm == null) { return(BadRequest("Phase cannot be null")); } Phase p = new Phase() { Project = _projManager.GetProject(projectId, false), Description = pm.Description, StartDate = pm.StartDate, EndDate = pm.EndDate }; _projManager.MakePhase(p); return(RedirectToAction("CollectProject", "Platform", new { id = projectId })); }
/// <summary> /// Delete phase /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <ResultModel <PhaseModel> > Delele(PhaseModel model) { ResultModel <PhaseModel> result = new ResultModel <PhaseModel>(); if (!IsOwner(model.ProjectId)) { result.Status = ActionStatus.UnAuthorized; } else { UnitOfWork.PhaseRepository.Delete(model.Id); int iResult = await UnitOfWork.CommitAsync(); if (iResult > 0) { result.Status = ActionStatus.Ok; } } return(result); }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateOrUpdatePhase(PhaseViewModel viewmodel) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(Context.GetStringResource("CreatePhaseError", StringResourceType.TaskPage))); } PhaseModel model = new PhaseModel() { StartDate = DateTimeUtilities.ParseFromString(viewmodel.StartDate), EndDate = DateTimeUtilities.ParseFromString(viewmodel.EndDate), Id = viewmodel.PhaseId, PhaseName = viewmodel.PhaseName, ProjectId = viewmodel.ProjectId, IsDefault = viewmodel.IsDefault, PhaseGoal = viewmodel.PhaseGoal, Status = viewmodel.Status.ToEnum <PhaseStatus>() }; if (model.EndDate < model.StartDate) { return(BadRequest(Context.GetStringResource("DateRange", StringResourceType.Error))); } ResultModel <PhaseModel> iResult = await EzTask.Phase.Save(model); if (iResult.Status == ActionStatus.Ok) { return(await LoadPhaseListAsync(model.ProjectId)); } if (model.Id > 0) { return(BadRequest(Context.GetStringResource("UpdatePhaseError", StringResourceType.TaskPage))); } return(BadRequest(Context.GetStringResource("CreatePhaseError", StringResourceType.TaskPage))); }
public void Switch_Toggled(PhaseModel phase) { phase.IsSelected = !phase.IsSelected; this.Vm.ValidateStageSelection(); }
public TaskViewModel() { ProjectItems = new List <SelectListItem>(); Project = new ProjectModel(); Phase = new PhaseModel(); }
/// <summary> /// Compare changes of old and new task /// </summary> /// <param name="newData"></param> /// <param name="oldData"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <string> CompareChangesAsync(TaskItemModel newData, TaskItemModel oldData) { if (newData.TaskId != oldData.TaskId) { return(string.Empty); } string content = string.Empty; if (newData.TaskTitle != oldData.TaskTitle) { content += FormartHistoryContent("Title", oldData.TaskTitle, newData.TaskTitle); } if (newData.TaskDetail != oldData.TaskDetail) { content += FormartHistoryContent("Detail", oldData.TaskDetail, newData.TaskDetail); } if (newData.Phase.Id != oldData.Phase.Id) { string oldItem = "Open Features"; string newItem = "Open Features"; if (newData.Phase.Id > 0) { PhaseModel phase = await _phase.GetPhaseById(newData.Phase.Id); newItem = phase.PhaseName; } if (oldData.Phase.Id > 0) { PhaseModel phase = await _phase.GetPhaseById(oldData.Phase.Id); oldItem = phase.PhaseName; } content += FormartHistoryContent("Phase", oldItem, newItem); } if (newData.Assignee.AccountId != oldData.Assignee.AccountId) { string oldItem = "Non-Assigned"; string newItem = "Non-Assigned"; if (newData.Assignee.AccountId > 0) { AccountInfoModel account = await _account.GetAccountInfo(newData.Assignee.AccountId); newItem = account.DisplayName; } if (oldData.Assignee.AccountId > 0) { AccountInfoModel account = await _account.GetAccountInfo(oldData.Assignee.AccountId); oldItem = account.DisplayName; } content += FormartHistoryContent("Assignee", oldItem, newItem); } if (newData.Priority != oldData.Priority) { string oldItem = oldData.Priority.ToString(); string newItem = newData.Priority.ToString(); content += FormartHistoryContent("Priority", oldItem, newItem); } if (newData.Status != oldData.Status) { string oldItem = oldData.Status.ToString(); string newItem = newData.Status.ToString(); content += FormartHistoryContent("Status", oldItem, newItem); } if (newData.PercentCompleted != oldData.PercentCompleted) { string oldItem = oldData.PercentCompleted.ToString(); string newItem = newData.PercentCompleted.ToString(); content += FormartHistoryContent("Percent Completed", oldItem, newItem); } return(content); }
private void cbPhase_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { phaseSelected = cbPhase.SelectedItem as PhaseModel; machineList_PhaseSelected = machineList.Where(w => w.PhaseID == phaseSelected.PhaseID).ToList(); // show machine var machineListActList = machineList_PhaseSelected.Where(w => w.IsMachine == true).ToList(); grbMachine.Header = String.Format("Input Machine Request for: {0}", phaseSelected.PhaseName); gridMachine.Children.Clear(); int countColumn = gridMachine.ColumnDefinitions.Count(); int countRow = countRow = machineListActList.Count / countColumn; if (machineListActList.Count % countColumn != 0) { countRow = machineListActList.Count / countColumn + 1; } gridMachine.RowDefinitions.Clear(); for (int i = 1; i <= countRow; i++) { RowDefinition rd = new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star), }; gridMachine.RowDefinitions.Add(rd); } for (int i = 0; i <= machineListActList.Count() - 1; i++) { MachineModel machine = machineListActList[i]; StackPanel stkMachine = new StackPanel(); stkMachine.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; stkMachine.Margin = new Thickness(4, 0, 4, 0); if (i / countColumn > 0) { stkMachine.Margin = new Thickness(4, 4, 4, 0); } TextBlock txtMachineName = new TextBlock(); txtMachineName.Text = machine.MachineName; txtMachineName.FontWeight = FontWeights.SemiBold; TextBox txtMachineID = new TextBox(); txtMachineID.Tag = machine; txtMachineID.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black; txtMachineID.Foreground = Brushes.Blue; txtMachineID.VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; //txtMachineID.LostKeyboardFocus += new KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler(txtMachineID_LostKeyboardFocus); stkMachine.Children.Add(txtMachineName); stkMachine.Children.Add(txtMachineID); Grid.SetColumn(stkMachine, i % countColumn); Grid.SetRow(stkMachine, i / countColumn); gridMachine.Children.Add(stkMachine); } // show worker var machineIsWorkerListAct = machineList_PhaseSelected.Where(w => w.PhaseID == phaseSelected.PhaseID && w.IsMachine == false).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i <= machineIsWorkerListAct.Count() - 1; i++) { var machine = machineIsWorkerListAct[i]; } }