internal JToken AsPfa(BoundPfaContext ctx, JToken feat) { var toAdd = new JArray(); foreach (var tree in Trees) { toAdd.Add(tree.AsPfa(feat)); } if (Bias != 0) { toAdd.Add(Bias); } switch (toAdd.Count) { case 0: return(0.0); case 1: return(toAdd[0]); default: return(PfaUtils.Call("a.sum", ((JObject)null) .AddReturn("type", PfaUtils.Type.Array(PfaUtils.Type.Double)).AddReturn("new", toAdd))); } }
public JToken SaveAsPfa(BoundPfaContext ctx, JToken input) { Host.CheckValue(ctx, nameof(ctx)); Host.CheckValue(input, nameof(input)); const string typeName = "MCLinearPredictor"; JToken typeDecl = typeName; if (ctx.Pfa.RegisterType(typeName)) { JObject type = new JObject(); type["type"] = "record"; type["name"] = typeName; JArray fields = new JArray(); JObject jobj = null; fields.Add(jobj.AddReturn("name", "coeff").AddReturn("type", PfaUtils.Type.Array(PfaUtils.Type.Array(PfaUtils.Type.Double)))); fields.Add(jobj.AddReturn("name", "const").AddReturn("type", PfaUtils.Type.Array(PfaUtils.Type.Double))); type["fields"] = fields; typeDecl = type; } JObject predictor = new JObject(); predictor["coeff"] = new JArray(_weights.Select(w => new JArray(w.DenseValues()))); predictor["const"] = new JArray(_biases); var cell = ctx.DeclareCell("MCLinearPredictor", typeDecl, predictor); var cellRef = PfaUtils.Cell(cell); return(PfaUtils.Call("", PfaUtils.Call("model.reg.linear", input, cellRef))); }
protected override JToken SaveAsPfaCore(BoundPfaContext ctx, int iinfo, ColInfo info, JToken srcToken) { Contracts.AssertValue(ctx); Contracts.Assert(0 <= iinfo && iinfo < Infos.Length); Contracts.Assert(Infos[iinfo] == info); Contracts.AssertValue(srcToken); Contracts.Assert(CanSavePfa); int keyCount = info.TypeSrc.ItemType.KeyCount; Host.Assert(keyCount > 0); // If the input type is scalar, we can just use the fanout function. if (!info.TypeSrc.IsVector) { return(PfaUtils.Call("cast.fanoutDouble", srcToken, 0, keyCount, false)); } JToken arrType = PfaUtils.Type.Array(PfaUtils.Type.Double); if (_concat[iinfo]) { // The concatenation case. We can still use fanout, but we just append them all together. return(PfaUtils.Call("a.flatMap", srcToken, PfaContext.CreateFuncBlock(new JArray() { PfaUtils.Param("k", PfaUtils.Type.Int) }, arrType, PfaUtils.Call("cast.fanoutDouble", "k", 0, keyCount, false)))); } // The bag case, while the most useful, is the most elaborate and difficult: we create // an all-zero array and then add items to it. const string funcName = "keyToVecUpdate"; if (!ctx.Pfa.ContainsFunc(funcName)) { var toFunc = PfaContext.CreateFuncBlock( new JArray() { PfaUtils.Param("v", PfaUtils.Type.Double) }, PfaUtils.Type.Double, PfaUtils.Call("+", "v", 1)); ctx.Pfa.AddFunc(funcName, new JArray(PfaUtils.Param("a", arrType), PfaUtils.Param("i", PfaUtils.Type.Int)), arrType, PfaUtils.If(PfaUtils.Call(">=", "i", 0), PfaUtils.Index("a", "i").AddReturn("to", toFunc), "a")); } return(PfaUtils.Call("a.fold", srcToken, PfaUtils.Call("cast.fanoutDouble", -1, 0, keyCount, false), PfaUtils.FuncRef("u." + funcName))); }
private protected override JToken PredictedLabelPfa(string[] mapperOutputs) { Contracts.CheckParam(Utils.Size(mapperOutputs) >= 1, nameof(mapperOutputs)); var scoreToken = mapperOutputs[0]; JToken trueVal = 1; JToken falseVal = 0; JToken nullVal = -1; if (!(Bindings.PredColType is KeyType)) { trueVal = true; falseVal = nullVal = false; // Let's pretend those pesky nulls are not there. } return(PfaUtils.If(PfaUtils.Call(">", scoreToken, _threshold), trueVal, PfaUtils.If(PfaUtils.Call("<=", scoreToken, _threshold), falseVal, nullVal))); }
public override JToken SaveAsPfa(BoundPfaContext ctx, JToken input) { Contracts.CheckValue(ctx, nameof(ctx)); Contracts.CheckValue(input, nameof(input)); Contracts.Assert(CanSavePfa); JArray rootObjects = new JArray(); for (int i = 0; i < Predictors.Length; ++i) { var pred = (IDistCanSavePfa)Predictors[i]; Contracts.Assert(pred.CanSavePfa); pred.SaveAsPfa(ctx, input, null, out JToken scoreToken, null, out JToken probToken); rootObjects.Add(probToken); } JObject jobj = null; var rootResult = jobj.AddReturn("type", PfaUtils.Type.Array(PfaUtils.Type.Double)).AddReturn("new", rootObjects); var resultVar = ctx.DeclareVar(null, rootResult); var factorVar = ctx.DeclareVar(null, PfaUtils.Call("/", 1.0, PfaUtils.Call("a.sum", resultVar))); return(PfaUtils.Call("la.scale", resultVar, factorVar)); }
protected override JToken SaveAsPfaCore(BoundPfaContext ctx, int iinfo, ColInfo info, JToken srcToken) { Contracts.AssertValue(ctx); Contracts.Assert(0 <= iinfo && iinfo < Infos.Length); Contracts.Assert(Infos[iinfo] == info); Contracts.AssertValue(srcToken); Contracts.Assert(CanSavePfa); var exInfo = _exes[iinfo]; var sep = PfaUtils.String("" + exInfo.Separators[0]); if (info.TypeSrc.IsVector) { // If it's a vector, we'll concatenate them together. srcToken = PfaUtils.Call("s.join", srcToken, sep); } if (exInfo.Separators.Length > 1) { // Due to the intrinsics in PFA, it is much easier if we can do // one split, rather than multiple splits. So, if there are multiple // separators, we first replace them with the first separator, then // split once on that one. This could also have been done with a.flatMap. for (int i = 1; i < exInfo.Separators.Length; ++i) { var postSep = PfaUtils.String("" + exInfo.Separators[i]); srcToken = PfaUtils.Call("s.replaceall", srcToken, postSep, sep); } } srcToken = PfaUtils.Call("s.split", srcToken, sep); // The TLC word tokenizer does not yield empty strings, but PFA's // split does. Filter them out. var hasCharsRef = PfaUtils.FuncRef(ctx.Pfa.EnsureHasChars()); srcToken = PfaUtils.Call("a.filter", srcToken, hasCharsRef); return(srcToken); }
protected override JToken SaveAsPfaCore(BoundPfaContext ctx, int iinfo, ColInfo info, JToken srcToken) { Contracts.AssertValue(ctx); Contracts.Assert(0 <= iinfo && iinfo < Infos.Length); Contracts.Assert(Infos[iinfo] == info); Contracts.AssertValue(srcToken); Contracts.Assert(CanSavePfa); if (!info.TypeSrc.ItemType.IsText) { return(null); } var terms = default(VBuffer <DvText>); TermMap <DvText> map = (TermMap <DvText>)_termMap[iinfo].Map; map.GetTerms(ref terms); var jsonMap = new JObject(); foreach (var kv in terms.Items()) { jsonMap[kv.Value.ToString()] = kv.Key; } string cellName = ctx.DeclareCell( "TermMap", PfaUtils.Type.Map(PfaUtils.Type.Int), jsonMap); JObject cellRef = PfaUtils.Cell(cellName); if (info.TypeSrc.IsVector) { var funcName = ctx.GetFreeFunctionName("mapTerm"); ctx.Pfa.AddFunc(funcName, new JArray(PfaUtils.Param("term", PfaUtils.Type.String)), PfaUtils.Type.Int, PfaUtils.If(PfaUtils.Call("map.containsKey", cellRef, "term"), PfaUtils.Index(cellRef, "term"), -1)); var funcRef = PfaUtils.FuncRef("u." + funcName); return(PfaUtils.Call("", srcToken, funcRef)); } return(PfaUtils.If(PfaUtils.Call("map.containsKey", cellRef, srcToken), PfaUtils.Index(cellRef, srcToken), -1)); }
protected override JToken PredictedLabelPfa(string[] mapperOutputs) { Contracts.Assert(Utils.Size(mapperOutputs) == 1); return(PfaUtils.Call("a.argmax", mapperOutputs[0])); }