public void TestUsage()
            // basic use case using default base URL
            PetApi p1 = new PetApi();

            Assert.AreSame(p1.Configuration, Configuration.Default, "PetApi should use default configuration");

            // using a different base URL
            PetApi p2 = new PetApi("");

            Assert.AreEqual(p2.Configuration.ApiClient.RestClient.BaseUrl.ToString(), "");

            // using a different configuration
            Configuration c1 = new Configuration();
            PetApi        p3 = new PetApi(c1);

            Assert.AreSame(p3.Configuration, c1);

            // using a different base URL via a new Configuration
            String        newApiClientUrl = "";
            Configuration c2 = new Configuration {
                BasePath = newApiClientUrl
            PetApi p4 = new PetApi(c2);

            Assert.AreEqual(p4.Configuration.ApiClient.RestClient.BaseUrl, new Uri(newApiClientUrl));
Пример #2
        public void TestGetPetByIdInObject()
            // set timeout to 10 seconds
            Configuration c1 = new Configuration(timeout: 10000);

            PetApi            petApi   = new PetApi(c1);
            InlineResponse200 response = petApi.GetPetByIdInObject(petId);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <InlineResponse200> (response, "Response is a Pet");

            Assert.AreEqual("Csharp test", response.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(InlineResponse200.StatusEnum.Available, response.Status);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <List <Tag> > (response.Tags, "Response.Tags is a Array");
            Assert.AreEqual(petId, response.Tags [0].Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("csharp sample tag name1", response.Tags [0].Name);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <List <String> > (response.PhotoUrls, "Response.PhotoUrls is a Array");
            Assert.AreEqual("sample photoUrls", response.PhotoUrls [0]);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject> (response.Category, "Response.Category is a Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject");

            Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject category = (Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject)response.Category;
            Assert.AreEqual(56, (int)category ["id"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("sample category name2", (string)category["name"]);
Пример #3
        public void TestApiClientInstance()
            PetApi p1 = new PetApi();
            PetApi p2 = new PetApi();

            Configuration c1 = new Configuration();              // using default ApiClient
            PetApi        p3 = new PetApi(c1);

            ApiClient     a1 = new ApiClient();
            Configuration c2 = new Configuration(a1);              // using "a1" as the ApiClient
            PetApi        p4 = new PetApi(c2);

            // ensure both using the same default ApiClient
            Assert.AreSame(p1.Configuration.ApiClient, p2.Configuration.ApiClient);
            Assert.AreSame(p1.Configuration.ApiClient, Configuration.Default.ApiClient);

            // ensure both using the same default ApiClient
            Assert.AreSame(p3.Configuration.ApiClient, c1.ApiClient);
            Assert.AreSame(p3.Configuration.ApiClient, Configuration.Default.ApiClient);

            // ensure it's not using the default ApiClient
            Assert.AreSame(p4.Configuration.ApiClient, c2.ApiClient);
            Assert.AreNotSame(p4.Configuration.ApiClient, Configuration.Default.ApiClient);
        public void GetPetByIdTest()
            // set timeout to 10 seconds
            Configuration c1 = new Configuration();

            c1.Timeout   = 10000;
            c1.UserAgent = "TEST_USER_AGENT";

            PetApi petApi   = new PetApi(c1);
            Pet    response = petApi.GetPetById(petId);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Pet), response);

            Assert.AreEqual("Csharp test", response.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(Pet.StatusEnum.Available, response.Status);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(List <Tag>), response.Tags);
            Assert.AreEqual(petId, response.Tags[0].Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("csharp sample tag name1", response.Tags[0].Name);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(List <String>), response.PhotoUrls);
            Assert.AreEqual("sample photoUrls", response.PhotoUrls[0]);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Category), response.Category);
            Assert.AreEqual(56, response.Category.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("sample category name2", response.Category.Name);
Пример #5
        public void TestGetPetByIdWithHttpInfoAsync()
            PetApi petApi = new PetApi();
            var    task   = petApi.GetPetByIdWithHttpInfoAsync(petId);

            Assert.Equal(200, (int)task.Result.StatusCode);
            Assert.Equal("application/json", task.Result.Headers["Content-Type"][0]);

            Pet response = task.Result.Data;

            Assert.IsType <Pet>(response);

            Assert.Equal("Csharp test", response.Name);
            Assert.Equal(Pet.StatusEnum.Available, response.Status);

            Assert.IsType <List <Tag> >(response.Tags);
            Assert.Equal(petId, response.Tags[0].Id);
            Assert.Equal("csharp sample tag name1", response.Tags[0].Name);

            Assert.IsType <List <String> >(response.PhotoUrls);
            Assert.Equal("sample photoUrls", response.PhotoUrls[0]);

            Assert.IsType <Category>(response.Category);
            Assert.Equal(56, response.Category.Id);
            Assert.Equal("sample category name2", response.Category.Name);
        public void TestGetPetByIdAsyncWithHttpInfo()
            PetApi petApi = new PetApi();
            var    task   = petApi.GetPetByIdAsyncWithHttpInfo(petId);

            Assert.AreEqual(200, task.Result.StatusCode);
            Assert.AreEqual(task.Result.Headers["Content-Type"], "application/json");

            Pet response = task.Result.Data;

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Pet), response);

            Assert.AreEqual("Csharp test", response.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(Pet.StatusEnum.Available, response.Status);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(List <Tag>), response.Tags);
            Assert.AreEqual(petId, response.Tags[0].Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("csharp sample tag name1", response.Tags[0].Name);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(List <String>), response.PhotoUrls);
            Assert.AreEqual("sample photoUrls", response.PhotoUrls[0]);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Category), response.Category);
            Assert.AreEqual(56, response.Category.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("sample category name2", response.Category.Name);
Пример #7
        [SetUp] public void Init()
            // create pet
            Pet p = new Pet();

            p.Id     = petId;
            p.Name   = "Csharp test";
            p.Status = "available";
            // create Category object
            Category category = new Category();

            category.Id   = 56;
            category.Name = "sample category name2";
            List <String> photoUrls = new List <String>(new String[] { "sample photoUrls" });
            // create Tag object
            Tag tag = new Tag();

            tag.Id   = petId;
            tag.Name = "sample tag name1";
            List <Tag> tags = new List <Tag>(new Tag[] { tag });

            p.Tags      = tags;
            p.Category  = category;
            p.PhotoUrls = photoUrls;

            // add pet before testing
            PetApi petApi = new PetApi("");

        public void Cleanup()
            // remove the pet after testing
            PetApi petApi = new PetApi();

            petApi.DeletePet(petId, "test key");
Пример #9
        public void TestGetPetByIdAsyncWithHttpInfo()
            PetApi petApi = new PetApi();
            var    task   = petApi.GetPetByIdAsyncWithHttpInfo(petId);

            Assert.AreEqual(200, task.Result.StatusCode);
            Assert.AreEqual(task.Result.Headers["Content-Type"], "application/json");

            Pet response = task.Result.Data;

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <Pet> (response, "Response is a Pet");

            Assert.AreEqual("Csharp test", response.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("available", response.Status);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <List <Tag> > (response.Tags, "Response.Tags is a Array");
            Assert.AreEqual(petId, response.Tags [0].Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("csharp sample tag name1", response.Tags [0].Name);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <List <String> > (response.PhotoUrls, "Response.PhotoUrls is a Array");
            Assert.AreEqual("sample photoUrls", response.PhotoUrls [0]);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <Category> (response.Category, "Response.Category is a Category");
            Assert.AreEqual(56, response.Category.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("sample category name2", response.Category.Name);
Пример #10
        public void GetPetByIdTest()
            // set timeout to 10 seconds
            Configuration c1 = new Configuration();

            c1.Timeout   = 10000;
            c1.UserAgent = "TEST_USER_AGENT";

            HttpClient        httpClient        = new HttpClient();
            HttpClientHandler httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler();
            PetApi            petApi            = new PetApi(httpClient, c1, httpClientHandler);
            Pet response = petApi.GetPetById(petId);

            Assert.IsType <Pet>(response);

            Assert.Equal("Csharp test", response.Name);
            Assert.Equal(Pet.StatusEnum.Available, response.Status);

            Assert.IsType <List <Tag> >(response.Tags);
            Assert.Equal(petId, response.Tags[0].Id);
            Assert.Equal("csharp sample tag name1", response.Tags[0].Name);

            Assert.IsType <List <String> >(response.PhotoUrls);
            Assert.Equal("sample photoUrls", response.PhotoUrls[0]);

            Assert.IsType <Category>(response.Category);
            Assert.Equal(56, response.Category.Id);
            Assert.Equal("sample category name2", response.Category.Name);
Пример #11
        public void TestUploadFile()
            PetApi petApi = new PetApi();
            //NOTE: please provide a valid file (full path)
            FileStream fileStream = new FileStream("/var/tmp/small.gif", FileMode.Open);

            petApi.UploadFile(petId, "new form name", fileStream);
        public void TestStatusCodeAndHeader()
            PetApi petApi   = new PetApi();
            var    response = petApi.GetPetByIdWithHttpInfo(petId);

            Assert.AreEqual(response.StatusCode, 200);
            Assert.AreEqual(response.Headers["Content-Type"], "application/json");
Пример #13
        public void TestDefaultHeader()
            PetApi petApi = new PetApi();

            // there should be a warning for using AddDefaultHeader (deprecated) below
            petApi.AddDefaultHeader("header_key", "header_value");
            // the following should be used instead as suggested in the doc
            petApi.Configuration.AddDefaultHeader("header_key2", "header_value2");
        public void TestBasePath()
            PetApi p = new PetApi("");

            Assert.AreEqual(p.Configuration.ApiClient.RestClient.BaseUrl, "");
            // Given that PetApi is initailized with a base path, a new configuration (with a new ApiClient)
            // is created by default
            Assert.AreNotSame(p.Configuration, Configuration.Default);
        public void TestDefaultHeader()
            PetApi petApi = new PetApi();

            // commented out the warning test below as it's confirmed the warning is working as expected
            // there should be a warning for using AddDefaultHeader (deprecated) below
            //petApi.AddDefaultHeader ("header_key", "header_value");
            // the following should be used instead as suggested in the doc
            petApi.Configuration.AddDefaultHeader("header_key2", "header_value2");
Пример #16
        [SetUp] public void Init()
            // create pet
            Pet p = createPet();

            // add pet before testing
            PetApi petApi = new PetApi("");

Пример #17
        public void TestGetPetByIdWithByteArray()
            // set timeout to 10 seconds
            Configuration c1 = new Configuration(timeout: 10000);

            PetApi petApi = new PetApi(c1);

            byte[] response = petApi.PetPetIdtestingByteArraytrueGet(petId);
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <byte[]> (response, "Response is byte array");
Пример #18
        public void TestStatusCodeAndHeader()
            PetApi petApi   = new PetApi();
            var    response = petApi.GetPetByIdWithHttpInfo(petId);

            //Assert.Equal("OK", response.StatusCode);
            Assert.Equal(200, (int)response.StatusCode);
            Assert.Equal("application/json", response.Headers["Content-Type"][0]);
Пример #19
        public void TestAddPetUsingByteArray()
            // set timeout to 10 seconds
            Configuration c1 = new Configuration(timeout: 10000);

            PetApi petApi = new PetApi(c1);
            Pet    p      = createPet();

            byte[] petByteArray = GetBytes((string)petApi.Configuration.ApiClient.Serialize(p));
Пример #20
        public void UploadFileTest()
            Assembly _assembly    = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            Stream   _imageStream = _assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Org.OpenAPITools.Test.linux-logo.png");
            PetApi   petApi       = new PetApi();
            // test file upload with form parameters
            //petApi.UploadFile(petId, "new form name", _imageStream);

            // test file upload without any form parameters
            // using optional parameter syntax introduced at .net 4.0
            //petApi.UploadFile(petId: petId, file: _imageStream);
Пример #21
        public void TestUploadFile()
            PetApi petApi = new PetApi();
            //NOTE: please provide a valid file (full path)
            FileStream fileStream = new FileStream("/var/tmp/small.gif", FileMode.Open);

            // test file upload with form parameters
            petApi.UploadFile(petId, "new form name", fileStream);

            // test file upload without any form parameters
            petApi.UploadFile(petId, null, fileStream);
Пример #22
        public PetApiTests()
            instance = new PetApi();

            // create pet
            Pet p = createPet();

            // add pet before testing
            PetApi petApi = new PetApi("");

Пример #23
        public void TestFindPetByStatus()
            PetApi        petApi     = new PetApi();
            List <String> statusList = new List <String>(new String[] { "available" });

            List <Pet> listPet = petApi.FindPetsByStatus(statusList);

            foreach (Pet pet in listPet)             // Loop through List with foreach.
                Assert.IsInstanceOf <Pet> (pet, "Response is a Pet");
                Assert.AreEqual("available", pet.Status);
        public void FindPetsByStatusTest()
            PetApi        petApi   = new PetApi();
            List <String> tagsList = new List <String>(new String[] { "available" });

            List <Pet> listPet = petApi.FindPetsByTags(tagsList);

            foreach (Pet pet in listPet)             // Loop through List with foreach.
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Pet), pet);
                Assert.AreEqual("csharp sample tag name1", pet.Tags[0]);
Пример #25
        public void TestUploadFile()
            Assembly _assembly    = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            Stream   _imageStream = _assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("SwaggerClientTest.swagger-logo.png");
            PetApi   petApi       = new PetApi();

            // test file upload with form parameters
            petApi.UploadFile(petId, "new form name", _imageStream);

            // test file upload without any form parameters
            // using optional parameter syntax introduced at .net 4.0
            petApi.UploadFile(petId: petId, file: _imageStream);
Пример #26
        public void TestUploadFile()
            PetApi petApi = new PetApi();
            //NOTE: please provide a valid file (full path)
            FileStream fileStream = new FileStream("/var/tmp/small.gif", FileMode.Open);

            // test file upload with form parameters
            petApi.UploadFile(petId, "new form name", fileStream);

            // test file upload without any form parameters
            // using optional parameter syntax introduced at .net 4.0
            petApi.UploadFile(petId: petId, file: fileStream);
Пример #27
        public void TestFindPetByTags()
            PetApi        petApi   = new PetApi();
            List <String> tagsList = new List <String>(new String[] { "available" });

            List <Pet> listPet = petApi.FindPetsByTags(tagsList);

            foreach (Pet pet in listPet)             // Loop through List with foreach.
                Assert.IsInstanceOf <Pet> (pet, "Response is a Pet");
                Assert.AreEqual("csharp sample tag name1", pet.Tags[0]);
Пример #28
        public void FindPetsByStatusTest()
            PetApi        petApi   = new PetApi();
            List <String> tagsList = new List <String>(new String[] { "available" });

            List <Pet> listPet = petApi.FindPetsByTags(tagsList);

            foreach (Pet pet in listPet) // Loop through List with foreach.
                Assert.IsType <Pet>(pet);
                Assert.Equal("available", pet.Tags[0].Name);
        public void TestGetPetById_TestException()
            PetApi petApi = new PetApi();

            var exception = Assert.Throws <ApiException>(() =>

            Assert.IsType <ApiException>(exception);
            Assert.Equal(404, exception.ErrorCode);
            Assert.Equal("{\"code\":1,\"type\":\"error\",\"message\":\"Pet not found\"}", exception.ErrorContent);
            Assert.Equal("Error calling GetPetById: {\"code\":1,\"type\":\"error\",\"message\":\"Pet not found\"}", exception.Message);
        public void TestApiClientInstance()
            PetApi p1 = new PetApi();
            PetApi p2 = new PetApi();

            Configuration c1 = new Configuration();             // using default ApiClient
            PetApi        p3 = new PetApi(c1);

            // ensure both using the same default ApiClient
            Assert.AreSame(p1.Configuration.ApiClient, p2.Configuration.ApiClient);
            Assert.AreSame(p1.Configuration.ApiClient, Configuration.Default.ApiClient);

            // ensure both using the same default ApiClient
            Assert.AreSame(p3.Configuration.ApiClient, c1.ApiClient);