Пример #1
        static void SimulateRandomUserPreferences()
            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                Random random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

                IList <RankableAction> actions = GetActions();

                PersonalizerClient client = InitializePersonalizerClient(ServiceEndpoint);

                IList <object> currentContext = new List <object>()
                    new { professiom = random.Next(1, 5) },
                    new { preference = random.Next(1, 3) }
                IList <string> excludeActions = new List <string> {

                // Generate an ID to associate with the request.
                string eventId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                var          request  = new RankRequest(actions, currentContext, excludeActions, eventId);
                RankResponse response = client.Rank(request);
                client.Reward(response.EventId, new RewardRequest(random.Next(0, 2)));
        public float SimulateEvent()
            IList <RankableAction> actions = GetActions();

            int userId = 1;

            UserSimulator sim = new UserSimulator(userId, rand);

            var currentContext = GetSimulatedContext(userId);

            string eventId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            var          request  = new RankRequest(actions, currentContext, null, eventId);
            RankResponse response = client.Rank(request);

            //RankResponse response = new RankResponse();

            float reward = 0f;

            string simulationResponse = sim.ReturnSimulatedAction(currentContext);

            Console.WriteLine("For Context {2}: Personalizer suggested {0}, simulation chose {1}", response.RewardActionId, simulationResponse, sim.GetKey((FoodContext)currentContext[0]));

            if (response.RewardActionId == simulationResponse)
                reward = 1f;

            // Send the reward for the action based on user response.
            client.Reward(response.EventId, new RewardRequest(reward));

 public IActionResult PostReward([FromRoute] string eventId, [FromBody] RewardRequest reward)
         personalizerClient?.Reward(eventId, reward);
     catch (Exception e)
 public string PostReward([FromRoute] string eventId, [FromBody] RewardRequest rewardRequest)
         client.Reward(eventId, rewardRequest);
     catch (Exception e)
     return("204: No content (Success!)");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int  iteration = 1;
            bool runLoop   = true;

            // Get the actions list to choose from personalizer with their features.
            IList <RankableAction> actions = GetActions();

            // Initialize Personalizer client.
            PersonalizerClient client = InitializePersonalizerClient(ServiceEndpoint);

                Console.WriteLine("\nIteration: " + iteration++);

                // Get context information from the user.
                string timeOfDayFeature = GetUsersTimeOfDay();
                string tasteFeature     = GetUsersTastePreference();

                // Create current context from user specified data.
                IList <object> currentContext = new List <object>()
                    new { time = timeOfDayFeature },
                    new { taste = tasteFeature }

                // Exclude an action for personalizer ranking. This action will be held at its current position.
                IList <string> excludeActions = new List <string> {

                // Generate an ID to associate with the request.
                string eventId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                // Rank the actions
                var          request  = new RankRequest(actions, currentContext, excludeActions, eventId);
                RankResponse response = client.Rank(request);

                Console.WriteLine("\nPersonalizer service thinks you would like to have: " + response.RewardActionId + ". Is this correct? (y/n)");

                float  reward = 0.0f;
                string answer = GetKey();

                if (answer == "Y")
                    reward = 1;
                    Console.WriteLine("\nGreat! Enjoy your food.");
                else if (answer == "N")
                    reward = 0;
                    Console.WriteLine("\nYou didn't like the recommended food choice.");
                    Console.WriteLine("\nEntered choice is invalid. Service assumes that you didn't like the recommended food choice.");

                Console.WriteLine("\nPersonalizer service ranked the actions with the probabilities as below:");
                foreach (var rankedResponse in response.Ranking)
                    Console.WriteLine(rankedResponse.Id + " " + rankedResponse.Probability);

                // Send the reward for the action based on user response.
                client.Reward(response.EventId, new RewardRequest(reward));

                Console.WriteLine("\nPress q to break, any other key to continue:");
                runLoop = !(GetKey() == "Q");
            } while (runLoop);
Пример #6
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            int  iteration = 1;
            bool runLoop   = true;

            // Initialize Personalization client.
            PersonalizerClient client = InitializePersonalizationClient(ServiceEndpoint);

            // Initialize the RSS Feed actions provider
            IActionProvider actionProvider = new RSSFeedActionProvider(new RSSParser
                // Number of items to fetch while crawling the RSS feed
                ItemLimit = 2

            // Initialize the Cognitive Services TextAnalyticsClient for featurizing the crawled action articles
            TextAnalyticsClient textAnalyticsClient = new TextAnalyticsClient(new Uri(CognitiveTextAnalyticsEndpoint), new AzureKeyCredential(CognitiveTextAnalyticsAPIKey));

            // Initialize the Cognitive Text Analytics actions featurizer
            IActionFeaturizer actionFeaturizer = new CognitiveTextAnalyticsFeaturizer(textAnalyticsClient);

            var newsActions = new List <RankableAction>();

            foreach (var newsTopic in newsRSSFeeds)
                Console.WriteLine($"Fetching Actions for: {newsTopic.Key} from {newsTopic.Value}");

                IList <CrawlAction> crawlActions = actionProvider.GetActionsAsync(newsTopic.Value).Result.ToList();
                Console.WriteLine($"Fetched {crawlActions.Count} actions");

                Console.WriteLine($"Featurized actions for {newsTopic.Key}");

                // Generate a rankable action for each crawlAction and add the news topic as additional feature
                newsActions.AddRange(crawlActions.Select(a =>
                    a.Features.Add(new { topic = newsTopic.Key });

                Console.WriteLine("Iteration: " + iteration++);

                // Get context information from the user.
                string username  = GetUserName();
                string timeOfDay = GetUsersTimeOfDay();
                string location  = GetLocation();

                // Create current context from user specified data.
                IList <object> currentContext = new List <object>()
                    new { username },
                    new { timeOfDay },
                    new { location }

                // Id to associate with the request
                string eventId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                // Rank the actions
                var          request  = new RankRequest(newsActions, currentContext, null, eventId);
                RankResponse response = client.Rank(request);

                var recommendedAction = newsActions.Where(a => a.Id.Equals(response.RewardActionId)).FirstOrDefault();

                Console.WriteLine("Personalization service thinks you would like to read: ");
                Console.WriteLine("Id: " + recommendedAction.Id);

                JsonSerializerOptions options = new JsonSerializerOptions
                    WriteIndented = true
                Console.WriteLine("Features : " + JsonSerializer.Serialize(recommendedAction.Features, options));

                Console.WriteLine("Do you like this article ?(y/n)");

                float  reward = 0.0f;
                string answer = GetKey();
                if (answer == "Y")
                    reward = 1;
                else if (answer == "N")
                    reward = 0;
                    Console.WriteLine("You didn't like the recommended news article.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Entered choice is invalid. Service assumes that you didn't like the recommended news article.");

                Console.WriteLine("Personalization service ranked the actions with the probabilities as below:");
                Console.WriteLine("{0, 10} {1, 0}", "Probability", "Id");
                var rankedResponses = response.Ranking.OrderByDescending(r => r.Probability);
                foreach (var rankedResponse in rankedResponses)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0, 10} {1, 0}", rankedResponse.Probability, rankedResponse.Id);

                // Send the reward for the action based on user response.
                client.Reward(response.EventId, new RewardRequest(reward));

                Console.WriteLine("Press q to break, any other key to continue:");
                runLoop = !(GetKey() == "Q");
            } while (runLoop);
Пример #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int  iteration = 1;
            bool runLoop   = true;

            // Get the actions list to choose from personalizer with their features.
            IList <RankableAction> actions = GetActions();

            // Initialize Personalizer client.
            PersonalizerClient client = InitializePersonalizerClient(ServiceEndpoint);

                Console.WriteLine("\nIteration: " + iteration++);

                // Get context information from the user.
                string userProfession = GetUserProfession();
                string UserPreference = GetUsersPreference();

                // Create current context from user specified data.
                IList <object> currentContext = new List <object>()
                    new { professiom = userProfession },
                    new { preference = UserPreference }

                // Exclude an action for personalizer ranking. This action will be held at its current position.
                // This simulates a business rule to force the action "juice" to be ignored in the ranking.
                // As juice is excluded, the return of the API will always be with a probability of 0.
                IList <string> excludeActions = new List <string> {

                // Generate an ID to associate with the request.
                string eventId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                // Rank the actions
                var          request  = new RankRequest(actions, currentContext, excludeActions, eventId);
                RankResponse response = client.Rank(request);

                Console.WriteLine("\nPersonalizer service thinks you should read this: " + response.RewardActionId + ". Is this correct? (y/n)");

                float  reward = 0.0f;
                string answer = GetKey();

                if (answer == "Y")
                    reward = 1;
                    Console.WriteLine("\nGreat! Enjoy this article.");
                else if (answer == "N")
                    reward = 0;
                    Console.WriteLine("\nSorry, but try again we can do better!");
                    Console.WriteLine("\nEntered choice is invalid. Service assumes that you didn't like the article.");

                Console.WriteLine("\nPersonalizer service ranked the actions with the probabilities as below:");
                foreach (var rankedResponse in response.Ranking)
                    Console.WriteLine(rankedResponse.Id + " " + rankedResponse.Probability);

                // Send the reward for the action based on user response.
                client.Reward(response.EventId, new RewardRequest(reward));

                Console.WriteLine("\nPress q to break, any other key to continue:");
                runLoop = !(GetKey() == "Q");
            } while (runLoop);
Пример #8
        // </classVariables>

        // <mainLoop>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int  iteration = 1;
            bool runLoop   = true;

            IList <PersonalizerRankableAction> actions = GetActions();

            PersonalizerClient client = InitializePersonalizerClient(new Uri(ServiceEndpoint));

                Console.WriteLine("\nIteration: " + iteration++);

                string timeOfDayFeature = GetUsersTimeOfDay();
                string tasteFeature     = GetUsersTastePreference();

                IList <object> currentContext = new List <object>()
                    new { time = timeOfDayFeature },
                    new { taste = tasteFeature }

                IList <string> excludeActions = new List <string> {

                string eventId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                var rankOptions = new PersonalizerRankOptions(actions, currentContext, excludeActions, eventId);
                PersonalizerRankResult result = client.Rank(rankOptions);

                Console.WriteLine("\nPersonalizer service thinks you would like to have: " + result.RewardActionId + ". Is this correct? (y/n)");

                float  reward = 0.0f;
                string answer = GetKey();

                if (answer == "Y")
                    reward = 1f;
                    Console.WriteLine("\nGreat! Enjoy your food.");
                else if (answer == "N")
                    reward = 0f;
                    Console.WriteLine("\nYou didn't like the recommended food choice.");
                    Console.WriteLine("\nEntered choice is invalid. Service assumes that you didn't like the recommended food choice.");

                Console.WriteLine("\nPersonalizer service ranked the actions with the probabilities as below:");
                foreach (var rankedResponse in result.Ranking)
                    Console.WriteLine(rankedResponse.Id + " " + rankedResponse.Probability);

                client.Reward(result.EventId, reward);

                Console.WriteLine("\nPress q to break, any other key to continue:");
                runLoop = !(GetKey() == "Q");
            } while (runLoop);
Пример #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int  iteration = 1;
            bool runLoop   = true;

            string csvPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
            string csvFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(csvPath, "PersonalizeDocs/Volkswagen-Models.csv");

            List <List <string> > csvFileRead = readCSV(csvFile);

            // Get the actions list to choose from personalizer with their features.
            IList <RankableAction> actions = GetActions(csvFileRead);
            //foreach (RankableAction s in actions){ Console.WriteLine(s.Id);
            //foreach (object i in s.Features) Console.WriteLine(i);}

            // Initialize Personalizer client.
            PersonalizerClient client = InitializePersonalizerClient(ServiceEndpoint);

                Console.WriteLine("\nIteration: " + iteration++);

                // Get context information from the user.
                string typeOfCarFeature   = GetUsersCarChoice();
                string personalityFeature = GetUsersCarFeatures();

                // Create current context from user specified data.
                string feat1 = csvFileRead[0][1];
                string feat2 = csvFileRead[0][2];

                //Console.WriteLine(feat1 + "  " + feat2);

                IList <object> currentContext = new List <object>()
                    new { feat1 = typeOfCarFeature },
                    new { feat2 = personalityFeature }
                }; //to print
                   //foreach (object k in currentContext){Console.WriteLine(k);}

                // Exclude an action for personalizer ranking. This action will be held at its current position.
                IList <string> excludeActions = new List <string> {

                // Generate an ID to associate with the request.
                string eventId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                // Rank the actions
                var request = new RankRequest(actions, currentContext, excludeActions, eventId);

                RankResponse response = client.Rank(request);

                Console.WriteLine("\nPersonalizer service thinks you would like to have: " + response.RewardActionId + ". Is this correct? (y/n)");

                float  reward = 0.0f;
                string answer = GetKey();

                if (answer == "Y")
                    reward = 1;
                    Console.WriteLine("\nGreat! Enjoy your car.");
                else if (answer == "N")
                    reward = 0;
                    Console.WriteLine("\nYou didn't like the recommended car.");
                    Console.WriteLine("\nEntered choice is invalid. Service assumes that you didn't like the recommended car.");

                Console.WriteLine("\nPersonalizer service ranked the actions with the probabilities as below:");
                foreach (var rankedResponse in response.Ranking)
                    Console.WriteLine(rankedResponse.Id + " " + rankedResponse.Probability);

                // Send the reward for the action based on user response.
                client.Reward(response.EventId, new RewardRequest(reward));

                Console.WriteLine("\nPress q to break, any other key to continue:");
                runLoop = !(GetKey() == "Q");
            } while (runLoop);