public void Run()
            using (var service = new PersonService())
                string firstName = "Test", lastName = $"Person{DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")}";

                var update = new PersonUpdate
                    FirstName    = firstName,
                    LastName     = lastName,
                    SupportLevel = SupportLevel.Undecided
                update.SetCustomField("test1", "blah1");

                // Create a new person
                var createResult = service.Create(update);

                var personId = createResult.Person.Id;

                // Update the new person's support level
                var updateResult = service.Update(personId, new PersonUpdate
                    SupportLevel = SupportLevel.Supporter

                // Match the new person
                var matched = service.Match(new MatchPersonParameters
                    FirstName = firstName,
                    LastName  = lastName

                // Search for the new person
                var searchResults = service.Search(new SearchPeopleParameters
                    FirstName = firstName,
                    LastName  = lastName

                // Add some tags to the person
                service.AddTags(personId, new List <string> {
                    "testtag1", "testtag2"

                // Remove one of the tags we added
                service.RemoveTags(personId, new List <string> {

                // Add a private note to the person
                service.AddPrivateNote(personId, "Test private note");

                // Get the person details
                var showResult = service.Show(personId, true);

                // Get first 5 voters near Chicago
                var nearby = service.GetNearby(new GetNearbyPeopleParameters(new Coordinates(41.8781, -87.6298), 5000))

                // Get first 2 people from the person index
                var indexPeople = service.GetIndex()

                // Get the first 2 pages of people from the people index. Each page will contain 2 people.
                var indexPages = service.GetIndexAsPages(2)

                // Delete the test person we created