public override List <PermissoesRule.ObjDig> LoadDataObjDigital(DataSet CurrentDataSet, long IDNivel, long IDTrustee, long IDLoginTrustee, out Dictionary <long, Dictionary <long, byte> > permsImpl, IDbConnection conn) { var res = new List <PermissoesRule.ObjDig>(); permsImpl = new Dictionary <long, Dictionary <long, byte> >(); using (var command = new SqlCommand("", (SqlConnection)conn)) using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(command)) { command.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE #temp(ID BIGINT PRIMARY KEY); CREATE TABLE #odsTemp(ID BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, pid NVARCHAR(20), titulo NVARCHAR(768));"; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO #temp VALUES (@IDNivel)"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IDNivel", IDNivel); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.CommandText = @" WITH Temp (ID, IDUpper) AS ( SELECT rh.ID, rh.IDUpper FROM RelacaoHierarquica rh WHERE rh.IDUpper = @IDNivel AND rh.isDeleted = @isDeleted UNION ALL SELECT rh.ID, rh.IDUpper FROM RelacaoHierarquica rh INNER JOIN Temp ON Temp.ID = rh.IDUpper WHERE rh.isDeleted = @isDeleted ) INSERT INTO #temp SELECT Temp.ID FROM Temp"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@isDeleted", 0); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); PermissoesRule.Current.GetEffectiveReadPermissions(" FROM #temp ", IDLoginTrustee, conn); command.CommandText = "DELETE FROM #temp WHERE ID IN (SELECT IDNivel FROM #effective WHERE Ler = @Ler OR Ler IS NULL)"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Ler", 0); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); PermissoesRule.Current.DropEffectivePermissionsTempTable(conn); command.CommandText = @" INSERT INTO #odsTemp SELECT ID, pid, Titulo FROM ( SELECT od.ID,, od.Titulo FROM #temp T INNER JOIN FRDBase frd ON frd.IDNivel = T.ID AND frd.IDTipoFRDBase = @IDTipoFRDBase AND frd.isDeleted = @isDeleted INNER JOIN SFRDImagem img ON img.IDFRDBase = frd.ID AND img.Tipo = @imgTipo AND img.isDeleted = @isDeleted INNER JOIN SFRDImagemObjetoDigital imgOD ON imgOD.IDFRDBase = img.IDFRDBase AND imgOD.idx = img.idx AND imgOD.isDeleted = @isDeleted INNER JOIN ObjetoDigital od ON od.ID = imgOD.IDObjetoDigital AND od.isDeleted = @isDeleted UNION ALL SELECT odSimples.ID,, odSimples.Titulo FROM #temp T INNER JOIN FRDBase frd ON frd.IDNivel = T.ID AND frd.IDTipoFRDBase = @IDTipoFRDBase AND frd.isDeleted = @isDeleted INNER JOIN SFRDImagem img ON img.IDFRDBase = frd.ID AND img.Tipo = @imgTipo AND img.isDeleted = @isDeleted INNER JOIN SFRDImagemObjetoDigital imgOD ON imgOD.IDFRDBase = img.IDFRDBase AND imgOD.idx = img.idx AND imgOD.isDeleted = @isDeleted INNER JOIN ObjetoDigital od ON od.ID = imgOD.IDObjetoDigital AND od.isDeleted = @isDeleted INNER JOIN ObjetoDigitalRelacaoHierarquica odrh ON odrh.IDUpper = od.ID AND odrh.isDeleted = @isDeleted INNER JOIN ObjetoDigital odSimples ON odSimples.ID = odrh.ID AND odSimples.isDeleted = @isDeleted ) ods"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IDTipoFRDBase", 1); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@imgTipo", "Fedora"); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); PermissoesRule.Current.GetODEffectivePermissions(" FROM #odsTemp ", IDLoginTrustee, conn); command.CommandText = "DELETE FROM #odsTemp WHERE ID IN (SELECT DISTINCT ID FROM #effective WHERE IsGrant = @IsGrant OR IsGrant IS NULL)"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IsGrant", 0); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); PermissoesRule.Current.DropEffectivePermissionsTempTable(conn); command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM #odsTemp"; var reader = command.ExecuteReader(); var od = new PermissoesRule.ObjDig(); while (reader.Read()) { od = new PermissoesRule.ObjDig(); od.ID = reader.GetInt64(0); = reader.GetString(1); od.titulo = reader.GetString(2); res.Add(od); } reader.Close(); da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSyntax.CreateSelectCommandText(CurrentDataSet.Tables["ObjetoDigital"], "INNER JOIN #odsTemp ON #odsTemp.ID = ObjetoDigital.ID "); da.Fill(CurrentDataSet, "ObjetoDigital"); da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSyntax.CreateSelectCommandText(CurrentDataSet.Tables["TrusteeUser"]); da.Fill(CurrentDataSet, "TrusteeUser"); da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSyntax.CreateSelectCommandText(CurrentDataSet.Tables["TrusteeGroup"]); da.Fill(CurrentDataSet, "TrusteeGroup"); da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSyntax.CreateSelectCommandText(CurrentDataSet.Tables["UserGroups"]); da.Fill(CurrentDataSet, "UserGroups"); // carregar permissões da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSyntax.CreateSelectCommandText(CurrentDataSet.Tables["TrusteeObjetoDigitalPrivilege"], "INNER JOIN #odsTemp ON #odsTemp.ID = TrusteeObjetoDigitalPrivilege.IDObjetoDigital " + "WHERE TrusteeObjetoDigitalPrivilege.IDTrustee = " + IDTrustee); da.Fill(CurrentDataSet, "TrusteeObjetoDigitalPrivilege"); command.CommandText = "DROP TABLE #temp; DROP TABLE #odsTemp; "; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } return(res); }
public override List<PermissoesRule.ObjDig> LoadDataObjDigital(DataSet CurrentDataSet, long IDNivel, long IDTrustee, long IDLoginTrustee, out Dictionary<long, Dictionary<long, byte>> permsImpl, IDbConnection conn) { var res = new List<PermissoesRule.ObjDig>(); permsImpl = new Dictionary<long, Dictionary<long, byte>>(); using (var command = new SqlCommand("", (SqlConnection)conn)) using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(command)) { command.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE #temp(ID BIGINT PRIMARY KEY); CREATE TABLE #odsTemp(ID BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, pid NVARCHAR(20), titulo NVARCHAR(768));"; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO #temp VALUES (@IDNivel)"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IDNivel", IDNivel); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.CommandText = @" WITH Temp (ID, IDUpper) AS ( SELECT rh.ID, rh.IDUpper FROM RelacaoHierarquica rh WHERE rh.IDUpper = @IDNivel AND rh.isDeleted = @isDeleted UNION ALL SELECT rh.ID, rh.IDUpper FROM RelacaoHierarquica rh INNER JOIN Temp ON Temp.ID = rh.IDUpper WHERE rh.isDeleted = @isDeleted ) INSERT INTO #temp SELECT Temp.ID FROM Temp"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@isDeleted", 0); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); PermissoesRule.Current.GetEffectiveReadPermissions(" FROM #temp ", IDLoginTrustee, conn); command.CommandText = "DELETE FROM #temp WHERE ID IN (SELECT IDNivel FROM #effective WHERE Ler = @Ler OR Ler IS NULL)"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Ler", 0); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); PermissoesRule.Current.DropEffectivePermissionsTempTable(conn); command.CommandText = @" INSERT INTO #odsTemp SELECT ID, pid, Titulo FROM ( SELECT od.ID,, od.Titulo FROM #temp T INNER JOIN FRDBase frd ON frd.IDNivel = T.ID AND frd.IDTipoFRDBase = @IDTipoFRDBase AND frd.isDeleted = @isDeleted INNER JOIN SFRDImagem img ON img.IDFRDBase = frd.ID AND img.Tipo = @imgTipo AND img.isDeleted = @isDeleted INNER JOIN SFRDImagemObjetoDigital imgOD ON imgOD.IDFRDBase = img.IDFRDBase AND imgOD.idx = img.idx AND imgOD.isDeleted = @isDeleted INNER JOIN ObjetoDigital od ON od.ID = imgOD.IDObjetoDigital AND od.isDeleted = @isDeleted UNION ALL SELECT odSimples.ID,, odSimples.Titulo FROM #temp T INNER JOIN FRDBase frd ON frd.IDNivel = T.ID AND frd.IDTipoFRDBase = @IDTipoFRDBase AND frd.isDeleted = @isDeleted INNER JOIN SFRDImagem img ON img.IDFRDBase = frd.ID AND img.Tipo = @imgTipo AND img.isDeleted = @isDeleted INNER JOIN SFRDImagemObjetoDigital imgOD ON imgOD.IDFRDBase = img.IDFRDBase AND imgOD.idx = img.idx AND imgOD.isDeleted = @isDeleted INNER JOIN ObjetoDigital od ON od.ID = imgOD.IDObjetoDigital AND od.isDeleted = @isDeleted INNER JOIN ObjetoDigitalRelacaoHierarquica odrh ON odrh.IDUpper = od.ID AND odrh.isDeleted = @isDeleted INNER JOIN ObjetoDigital odSimples ON odSimples.ID = odrh.ID AND odSimples.isDeleted = @isDeleted ) ods"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IDTipoFRDBase", 1); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@imgTipo", "Fedora"); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); PermissoesRule.Current.GetODEffectivePermissions(" FROM #odsTemp ", IDLoginTrustee, conn); command.CommandText = "DELETE FROM #odsTemp WHERE ID IN (SELECT DISTINCT ID FROM #effective WHERE IsGrant = @IsGrant OR IsGrant IS NULL)"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IsGrant", 0); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); PermissoesRule.Current.DropEffectivePermissionsTempTable(conn); command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM #odsTemp"; var reader = command.ExecuteReader(); var od = new PermissoesRule.ObjDig(); while (reader.Read()) { od = new PermissoesRule.ObjDig(); od.ID = reader.GetInt64(0); = reader.GetString(1); od.titulo = reader.GetString(2); res.Add(od); } reader.Close(); da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSyntax.CreateSelectCommandText(CurrentDataSet.Tables["ObjetoDigital"], "INNER JOIN #odsTemp ON #odsTemp.ID = ObjetoDigital.ID "); da.Fill(CurrentDataSet, "ObjetoDigital"); da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSyntax.CreateSelectCommandText(CurrentDataSet.Tables["TrusteeUser"]); da.Fill(CurrentDataSet, "TrusteeUser"); da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSyntax.CreateSelectCommandText(CurrentDataSet.Tables["TrusteeGroup"]); da.Fill(CurrentDataSet, "TrusteeGroup"); da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSyntax.CreateSelectCommandText(CurrentDataSet.Tables["UserGroups"]); da.Fill(CurrentDataSet, "UserGroups"); // carregar permissões da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSyntax.CreateSelectCommandText(CurrentDataSet.Tables["TrusteeObjetoDigitalPrivilege"], "INNER JOIN #odsTemp ON #odsTemp.ID = TrusteeObjetoDigitalPrivilege.IDObjetoDigital " + "WHERE TrusteeObjetoDigitalPrivilege.IDTrustee = " + IDTrustee); da.Fill(CurrentDataSet, "TrusteeObjetoDigitalPrivilege"); command.CommandText = "DROP TABLE #temp; DROP TABLE #odsTemp; "; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } return res; }
public override ArrayList GetODItems(DataSet currentDataSet, int pageNr, int itemsPerPage, long IDTrustee, IDbConnection conn) { var res = new ArrayList(); using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("", (SqlConnection)conn)) { command.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE #ItemsID (ID BIGINT, pid NVARCHAR(20), Titulo NVARCHAR(768))"; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO #ItemsID " + "SELECT od.ID,, od.Titulo " + "FROM #OrderedItems " + "INNER JOIN ObjetoDigital od ON od.ID = #OrderedItems.ID AND od.isDeleted = @isDeleted " + "WHERE seq_id >= @seq_id1 AND seq_id <= @seq_id2 ORDER BY seq_id"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@isDeleted", 0); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@seq_id1", (pageNr - 1) * itemsPerPage + 1); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@seq_id2", pageNr * itemsPerPage); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(command)) { da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSyntax.CreateSelectCommandText(currentDataSet.Tables["ObjetoDigital"], "INNER JOIN #ItemsID ON #ItemsID.ID = ObjetoDigital.ID "); da.Fill(currentDataSet, "ObjetoDigital"); da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSyntax.CreateSelectCommandText(currentDataSet.Tables["TrusteeUser"]); da.Fill(currentDataSet, "TrusteeUser"); da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSyntax.CreateSelectCommandText(currentDataSet.Tables["TrusteeGroup"]); da.Fill(currentDataSet, "TrusteeGroup"); da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSyntax.CreateSelectCommandText(currentDataSet.Tables["UserGroups"]); da.Fill(currentDataSet, "UserGroups"); // carregar permissões da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSyntax.CreateSelectCommandText(currentDataSet.Tables["TrusteeObjetoDigitalPrivilege"], "INNER JOIN #ItemsID ON #ItemsID.ID = TrusteeObjetoDigitalPrivilege.IDObjetoDigital " + "WHERE TrusteeObjetoDigitalPrivilege.IDTrustee = " + IDTrustee); da.Fill(currentDataSet, "TrusteeObjetoDigitalPrivilege"); da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSyntax.CreateSelectCommandText(currentDataSet.Tables["TrusteeObjetoDigitalPrivilege"], "INNER JOIN #ItemsID ON #ItemsID.ID = TrusteeObjetoDigitalPrivilege.IDObjetoDigital " + "WHERE TrusteeObjetoDigitalPrivilege.IDTrustee IN (SELECT IDGroup FROM UserGroups WHERE IDUser = "******")"); da.Fill(currentDataSet, "TrusteeObjetoDigitalPrivilege"); } PermissoesRule.Current.GetODEffectivePermissions(" FROM #ItemsID ", IDTrustee, conn); command.CommandText = "SELECT I.ID,, I.Titulo, E.IDTipoOperation, E.IsGrant FROM #ItemsID I INNER JOIN #effective E ON E.ID = I.ID"; var reader = command.ExecuteReader(); var od = new PermissoesRule.ObjDig(); var readed_rows = new Dictionary<long, PermissoesRule.ObjDig>(); long ID = 0; while (reader.Read()) { ID = reader.GetInt64(0); if (readed_rows.ContainsKey(ID)) { od = readed_rows[ID]; if (!reader.IsDBNull(4)) od.Permissoes.Add(reader.GetInt64(3), reader.GetByte(4)); } else { od = new PermissoesRule.ObjDig(); od.ID = reader.GetInt64(0); = reader.GetString(1); od.titulo = reader.GetString(2); od.Permissoes = new Dictionary<long, byte>(); if (!reader.IsDBNull(4)) od.Permissoes.Add(reader.GetInt64(3), reader.GetByte(4)); readed_rows.Add(ID, od); res.Add(od); } } reader.Close(); PermissoesRule.Current.DropEffectivePermissionsTempTable(conn); } return res; }