Пример #1
    public float GetPoint(float p, float q, float r, int seed, AnimationCurve remap)
        float perlin = PerlinNoise3D.GenerateNoise(p, q, r, octaves, frequency, lacunarity, persistence, seed + this.seed);
        float ret    = 0;

        float dist = 1e20f;

        foreach (var densityPoint in densityPoints)
            float t = Vector3.Magnitude((new Vector3(p, q, r) - offset) - densityPoint.position) * densityPoint.radius;
            dist = Mathf.Min(dist, t);

        float mid = islandScale / (dist + islandCoreSize);

        mid = Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Pow(mid, islandPow));

        ret = (perlin + adjust) * mid * multiplicator;

        ret = remap.Evaluate(ret);

        if (viewMask)
            ret = mid;

        if (dist > 1)

Пример #2
        public virtual bool Begin([NotNull] Player player, [NotNull] DrawOperation op)
            if (player == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("player");
            if (op == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("op");

            if (op.Bounds.Volume > 32 * 32 * 32)
                player.Message("{0} brush: Preparing, please wait...", Brush.Factory.Name);

            noise3D = new PerlinNoise3D(new Random(Seed))
                Amplitude   = 1,
                Frequency   = Frequency,
                Octaves     = Octaves,
                Persistence = Persistence

            // generate and normalize the raw (float) data
            float[, ,] rawData = new float[op.Bounds.Width, op.Bounds.Length, op.Bounds.Height];
            for (int x = 0; x < op.Bounds.Width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < op.Bounds.Length; y++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < op.Bounds.Height; z++)
                        rawData[x, y, z] = noise3D.Compute(x, y, z);
            Noise.Normalize(rawData, out normMultiplier, out normConstant);
            if (MapAllValues(rawData))
                Noise.Normalize(rawData, out normMultiplier, out normConstant);

            // create a mapping of raw data to blocks
            int totalBlocks = BlockRatios.Sum();
            int blocksSoFar = BlockRatios[0];

            computedThresholds    = new float[Blocks.Length];
            computedThresholds[0] = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i < Blocks.Length; i++)
                float desiredCoverage = blocksSoFar / (float)totalBlocks;
                computedThresholds[i] = Noise.FindThreshold(rawData, desiredCoverage);
                blocksSoFar          += BlockRatios[i];
Пример #3
    float Noise(Vector3 point)
        float distanceFromCenter = Vector3.Distance(point, planetOrigin);
        float noise     = PerlinNoise3D.PerlinNoise(point * noiseScale, offset);
        float influence = 1;

        influence += Sigmoid(distanceFromCenter - coreRadius, placeThreshold);
        influence -= Sigmoid(distanceFromCenter - planetRadius, -placeThreshold);

        return(Mathf.Clamp01(noise * influence));
Пример #4
    public float Evaluate(Vector3 point)
        float noiseValue = 0;
        float frequency  = settings.baseRoughness;
        float amplitude  = 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < settings.numLayers; i++)
            float v = PerlinNoise3D.Evaluate(point * settings.scale * frequency + settings.center);
            noiseValue += (v + 1) * .5f * amplitude;
            frequency  *= settings.roughness;
            amplitude  *= settings.persistence;
        return(noiseValue * settings.strength);
Пример #5
    public PerlinNoise3D(int wid, int hei, int depth, int octaves)
        if (octaves < 1)
            throw new ArgumentException("Can't be negative", "octaves");

        if (octaves == 1)
            setUpGrads(wid, hei, depth);
            p = null;
            setUpGrads(wid, hei, depth);
            p = new PerlinNoise3D(wid * 2, hei * 2, depth * 2, octaves - 1);
Пример #6
        public virtual bool Begin( Player player, DrawOperation op ) {
            if( player == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "player" );
            if( op == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "op" );

            if( op.Bounds.Volume > 32 * 32 * 32 ) {
                player.Message( "{0} brush: Preparing, please wait...", Brush.Factory.Name );

            noise3D = new PerlinNoise3D( new Random( Seed ) ) {
                Amplitude = 1,
                Frequency = Frequency,
                Octaves = Octaves,
                Persistence = Persistence

            // generate and normalize the raw (float) data
            float[, ,] rawData = new float[op.Bounds.Width, op.Bounds.Length, op.Bounds.Height];
            for( int x = 0; x < op.Bounds.Width; x++ ) {
                for( int y = 0; y < op.Bounds.Length; y++ ) {
                    for( int z = 0; z < op.Bounds.Height; z++ ) {
                        rawData[x, y, z] = noise3D.Compute( x, y, z );
            Noise.Normalize( rawData, out normMultiplier, out normConstant );
            if( MapAllValues( rawData ) ) {
                Noise.Normalize( rawData, out normMultiplier, out normConstant );

            // create a mapping of raw data to blocks
            int totalBlocks = BlockRatios.Sum();
            int blocksSoFar = BlockRatios[0];
            computedThresholds = new float[Blocks.Length];
            computedThresholds[0] = 0;
            for( int i = 1; i < Blocks.Length; i++ ) {
                float desiredCoverage = blocksSoFar / (float)totalBlocks;
                computedThresholds[i] = Noise.FindThreshold( rawData, desiredCoverage );
                blocksSoFar += BlockRatios[i];
            return true;
Пример #7
    public void Generate()
        Biome biome = parentBody.biome;
        bool  shouldGenerateTerrain = !(biome.terrainGenData.lacunarity == 0f || biome.terrainGenData.persistance == 0f ||
                                        biome.terrainGenData.meshHeightMultiplier == 0f || biome.terrainGenData.octaves == 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < faces.Length; i++)

            if (shouldGenerateTerrain)
                faceVertices[i] = new Vector3[faceComponents[i].vertices.Length];
                for (int v = 0; v < faceVertices[i].Length; v++)
                    faceVertices[i][v] = faceComponents[i].vertices[v][0];

        heightMap = null;
        if (shouldGenerateTerrain)
            TerrainGenData terrainData             = biome.terrainGenData;
            LibNoise.Unity.Generator.Perlin perlin = new LibNoise.Unity.Generator.Perlin(1f, 1f, 1f, 4, terrainData.seed,
            float actualRadius = Mathf.Lerp(terrainData.lowRadius, terrainData.highRadius,
                                            (float)perlin.GetValue(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z));
            heightMap = PerlinNoise3D.GenerateVertexHeightMap(faceVertices, terrainData.seed, terrainData.noiseScale * Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs((actualRadius - terrainData.lowRadius) / ((terrainData.highRadius - terrainData.lowRadius))), 0.5f),
                                                              terrainData.octaves, terrainData.persistance, terrainData.lacunarity, terrainData.offset);
        for (int i = 0; i < faceComponents.Length; i++)
            if (shouldGenerateTerrain)
Пример #8
    private void Awake()
        render = GetComponent <Renderer>();
        var noise = new PerlinNoise3D(10, 10, 5, 5);

        textures = new Texture2D[100];
        for (var z = 0; z < 100; z++)
            textures[z] = new Texture2D(100, 100, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
            for (var x = 0; x < 100; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < 100; y++)
                    var c     = noise.at(x / 10f, y / 10f, z / 20f) / 2 + .5f;
                    var color = Color.Lerp(c1, c2, c);
                    textures[z].SetPixel(x, y, color);


Пример #9
        public bool Begin( Player player, DrawOperation op ) {
            if( player == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "player" );
            if( op == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "op" );

            bool extraLarge = ( op.Bounds.Volume > ExtraLargeThreshold );

            if( extraLarge ) {
                player.MessageNow( "{0} brush: Preparing, please wait...", Brush.Factory.Name );

            noise3D = new PerlinNoise3D( new Random( Seed ) ) {
                Amplitude = 1,
                Frequency = Frequency,
                Octaves = Octaves,
                Persistence = Persistence

            BoundingBox samplerBox = op.Bounds;
            int sampleScale = 1;
            if( extraLarge ) {
                samplerBox = new BoundingBox( op.Bounds.MinVertex, op.Bounds.Width / 2, op.Bounds.Length / 2,
                                              op.Bounds.Height / 2 );
                sampleScale = 2;

            // generate and normalize the raw (float) data
            float[,,] rawData = new float[samplerBox.Width,samplerBox.Length,samplerBox.Height];
            for( int x = 0; x < samplerBox.Width; x++ ) {
                for( int y = 0; y < samplerBox.Length; y++ ) {
                    for( int z = 0; z < samplerBox.Height; z++ ) {
                        rawData[x, y, z] = noise3D.Compute( x * sampleScale, y * sampleScale, z * sampleScale );
            Noise.Normalize( rawData, out normMultiplier, out normConstant );

            // create a mapping of raw data to blocks
            int totalBlocks = BlockRatios.Sum();
            int blocksSoFar = BlockRatios[0];
            computedThresholds = new float[Blocks.Length];
            computedThresholds[0] = 0;
            for( int i = 1; i < Blocks.Length; i++ ) {
                float desiredCoverage = blocksSoFar / (float)totalBlocks;
                computedThresholds[i] = Noise.FindThreshold( rawData, desiredCoverage );
                blocksSoFar += BlockRatios[i];
            return true;
Пример #10
        public bool Begin(Player player, DrawOperation op)
            if (player == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("player");
            if (op == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("op");

            bool extraLarge = (op.Bounds.Volume > ExtraLargeThreshold);

            if (extraLarge)
                player.MessageNow("{0} brush: Preparing, please wait...", Brush.Factory.Name);

            noise3D = new PerlinNoise3D(new Random(Seed))
                Amplitude   = 1,
                Frequency   = Frequency,
                Octaves     = Octaves,
                Persistence = Persistence

            BoundingBox samplerBox  = op.Bounds;
            int         sampleScale = 1;

            if (extraLarge)
                samplerBox = new BoundingBox(op.Bounds.MinVertex, op.Bounds.Width / 2, op.Bounds.Length / 2,
                                             op.Bounds.Height / 2);
                sampleScale = 2;

            // generate and normalize the raw (float) data
            float[,,] rawData = new float[samplerBox.Width, samplerBox.Length, samplerBox.Height];
            for (int x = 0; x < samplerBox.Width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < samplerBox.Length; y++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < samplerBox.Height; z++)
                        rawData[x, y, z] = noise3D.Compute(x * sampleScale, y * sampleScale, z * sampleScale);
            Noise.Normalize(rawData, out normMultiplier, out normConstant);

            // create a mapping of raw data to blocks
            int totalBlocks = BlockRatios.Sum();
            int blocksSoFar = BlockRatios[0];

            computedThresholds    = new float[Blocks.Length];
            computedThresholds[0] = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i < Blocks.Length; i++)
                float desiredCoverage = blocksSoFar / (float)totalBlocks;
                computedThresholds[i] = Noise.FindThreshold(rawData, desiredCoverage);
                blocksSoFar          += BlockRatios[i];
Пример #11
 public TerrainGenerator()
     double[] values = new double[] { 0.4509611, 0.7773679, 0.3903314, 0.113022, 0.7033318, 0.5206975, 0.8149701, 0.2739967, 0.377223, 0.03645039, 0.6489916, 0.9504886, 0.888083, 0.4379272, 0.7617954, 0.01397753, 0.9920754, 0.1349456, 0.09174395, 0.7701716, 0.6634083, 0.04010308, 0.3421368, 0.5690462, 0.9310497, 0.475233, 0.3826113, 0.0959474, 0.2416303, 0.002116919, 0.793354, 0.1447756, 0.6243004, 0.4998934, 0.6565034, 0.8695886, 0.5364249, 0.8247738, 0.4721088, 0.6777615, 0.7342876, 0.4527584, 0.04462839, 0.009242178, 0.46082, 0.3692358, 0.4404144, 0.2448358, 0.5455244, 0.8541789, 0.3139704, 0.8707908, 0.09771182, 0.3498465, 0.5676764, 0.1103195, 0.3828279, 0.9724042, 0.5755488, 0.3541023, 0.5071647, 0.8568001, 0.0878892, 0.9266615, 0.2250212, 0.6813223, 0.2366791, 0.1869412, 0.6847555, 0.4875249, 0.1907877, 0.6442153, 0.3760758, 0.866846, 0.2975649, 0.4077615, 0.7827343, 0.9525133, 0.9119281, 0.3673666, 0.6823246, 0.6502338, 0.2558978, 0.5682008, 0.2368836, 0.3167103, 0.9487535, 0.4233723, 0.8545856, 0.712423, 0.01343799, 0.3878202, 0.5378482, 0.9476615, 0.3167106, 0.2898225, 0.183171, 0.3860207, 0.8970317, 0.5320386, 0.3929991, 0.3970609, 0.1098591, 0.3104832, 0.2107239, 0.2675501, 0.8177066, 0.907057, 0.9467438, 0.3122553, 0.8880929, 0.1060079, 0.8594784, 0.8221202, 0.4346883, 0.5814888, 0.3985407, 0.3269691, 0.2004237, 0.3141518, 0.6023197, 0.04174173, 0.09524347, 0.4416685, 0.9605103, 0.9633414, 0.335729, 0.03620828, 0.9512711, 0.5911935, 0.5035984, 0.2465422, 0.6624438, 0.9460003, 0.3114779, 0.5915158, 0.4944902, 0.8465086, 0.7990158, 0.3068587, 0.3732031, 0.9536197, 0.610964, 0.05677057, 0.9999268, 0.4973769, 0.3157884, 0.8166069, 0.2866444, 0.353216, 0.9547226, 0.7967895, 0.4564463, 0.8843549, 0.8049586, 0.1947844, 0.4291916, 0.3471391, 0.09592368, 0.8543749, 0.3433329, 0.7041551, 0.586894, 0.8080976, 0.5434607, 0.2608106, 0.1053803, 0.5779516, 0.7372597, 0.339594, 0.9276166, 0.3691824, 0.3132843, 0.972478, 0.9748574, 0.5263558, 0.3411763, 0.8216913, 0.3268042, 0.09883143, 0.3411677, 0.01137149, 0.7340073, 0.04663229, 0.974427, 0.3480197, 0.3682905, 0.09301055, 0.04135168, 0.2533332, 0.2889363, 0.7230324, 0.2116137, 0.4374341, 0.04735745, 0.9782459, 0.4126388, 0.09996571, 0.6391092, 0.3468, 0.06144572, 0.7667269, 0.4444824, 0.2987672, 0.3728156, 0.1490888, 0.7195756, 0.007476927, 0.6200797, 0.6152714, 0.7166216, 0.120652, 0.1620965, 0.543339, 0.7514929, 0.171404, 0.9339439, 0.5524563, 0.4193994, 0.8152484, 0.1384792, 0.3274173, 0.3602177, 0.8795792, 0.631864, 0.5669954, 0.4296944, 0.8141296, 0.7449469, 0.7028691, 0.5786027, 0.5801895, 0.7370556, 0.5211276, 0.4234285, 0.7775999, 0.4453518, 0.9815862, 0.2461757, 0.6528264, 0.7694696, 0.4448327, 0.7775905, 0.1540802, 0.6138043, 0.9057682, 0.7339018, 0.6894183, 0.9372724, 0.01388657, 0.2977304, 0.1161649, 0.3583924, 0.3901919, 0.1645464, 0.5804722, 0.3998006, 0.7696404, 0.2666973, 0.9732393, 0.4389157, 0.4364658, 0.6510566, 0.8662932, 0.5860874, 0.8470176, 0.08477116, 0.7402862, 0.7225738,
                                      0.7320326, 0.02274561, 0.5424795, 0.2207792, 0.09662248, 0.885698, 0.6734832, 0.7699534, 0.8802918, 0.559356, 0.256579, 0.3045837, 0.5737866, 0.423227, 0.9633018, 0.6502431, 0.9233561, 0.5444775, 0.06743205, 0.9284189, 0.4581543, 0.3892949, 0.5400077, 0.9334836, 0.5128104, 0.8098092, 0.436021, 0.2902746, 0.753754, 0.3087867, 0.1548529, 0.7947681, 0.03087807, 0.8276678, 0.5781025, 0.03337253, 0.07955719, 0.6804689, 0.9559656, 0.737163, 0.620926, 0.8527597, 0.3925799, 0.6823311, 0.5681763, 0.4029546, 0.188417, 0.3291618, 0.1958721, 0.6846167, 0.3064019, 0.7141392, 0.4631012, 0.2743661, 0.2049241, 0.7699946, 0.7568401, 0.4942157, 0.8398663, 0.5694256, 0.09676303, 0.9350917, 0.8837919, 0.7934356, 0.4269989, 0.08456565, 0.7822269, 0.08550859, 0.2614978, 0.3850853, 0.4930741, 0.6867535, 0.2767211, 0.637534, 0.1150823, 0.5624356, 0.3571569, 0.4618502, 0.1115132, 0.3520822, 0.9273106, 0.5720605, 0.6664439, 0.5261837, 0.06201292, 0.3904949, 0.7529274, 0.2181212, 0.8463131, 0.9156922, 0.8015819, 0.004623533, 0.1903398, 0.152889, 0.7571323, 0.1156987, 0.01262915, 0.8193754, 0.8599553, 0.1330736, 0.9045616, 0.2773487, 0.9643581, 0.8771092, 0.0256393, 0.657998, 0.4028226, 0.8819809, 0.9124508, 0.7722616, 0.03969813, 0.9478865, 0.2052846, 0.5398886, 0.05540384, 0.9235824, 0.3007562, 0.5897322, 0.9261484, 0.2295413, 0.2355402, 0.9038041, 0.6174894, 0.07056046, 0.4368431, 0.02813161, 0.9159619, 0.3471368, 0.4973894, 0.2459282, 0.4150966, 0.2129174, 0.8372934, 0.6844618, 0.8012763, 0.932448, 0.8520837, 0.6964239, 0.4811411, 0.2020837, 0.4703398, 0.3061362, 0.8551601, 0.987287, 0.8174621, 0.05484987, 0.7749298, 0.4698626, 0.3097906, 0.2782797, 0.827824, 0.9600972, 0.6493252, 0.4573881, 0.2550128, 0.3686529, 0.4542573, 0.006585957, 0.597562, 0.06078959, 0.9309249, 0.2635867, 0.5721183, 0.09341503, 0.3059116, 0.3513251, 0.942571, 0.9046963, 0.5427929, 0.7870451, 0.05888034, 0.5425147, 0.8509085, 0.1913592, 0.1881956, 0.6818445, 0.2234162, 0.743638, 0.1743423, 0.8405595, 0.02285493, 0.2992832, 0.2329345, 0.1844696, 0.6388469, 0.0126487, 0.8489101, 0.7523632, 0.8987402, 0.852941, 0.4537738, 0.7160682, 0.9439669, 0.9858102, 0.3019941, 0.1477057, 0.7374606, 0.5539677, 0.6187506, 0.0172143, 0.2888701, 0.3423003, 0.3430463, 0.3191514, 0.04963995, 0.20952, 0.1699485, 0.3266583, 0.1527449, 0.4821095, 0.1059231, 0.5274655, 0.2176444, 0.7804652, 0.6251413, 0.3565861, 0.3242567, 0.1561705, 0.714906, 0.2755947, 0.1447977, 0.5290672, 0.7434685, 0.3274885, 0.01081777, 0.734961, 0.2727204, 0.8189788, 0.9645079, 0.1970245, 0.6377719, 0.7379608, 0.7164496, 0.8447224, 0.3547212, 0.8090981, 0.6260758, 0.6982262, 0.7242427, 0.5263712, 0.004584551, 0.9667231, 0.7087484 };
     noise3d = new PerlinNoise3D(1 / 30f, values);
Пример #12
 public NoiseArray3D(float scale)
     noise = new PerlinNoise3D(scale);
Пример #13
 public PerlinNoiseTexture(PerlinNoise3D noise)
     this._noise = noise;
Пример #14
 public PerlinNoiseTexture(int seed)
     this._noise = new PerlinNoise3D(new Random(seed));