public static void CheckSorting(IEnumerable <int> source, int n) { int count = 0; int errCount = 0; PerformanceTimer.Time(() => { int prev = -1; foreach (int value in source) { count++; if (value < prev) { errCount++; } prev = value; } }, 1, "Iteraing items"); if (count != n) { Console.WriteLine("Count mismatch: count={0}", count); } if (errCount == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Sorting OK"); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0} Sorting ERRORS !!!", errCount); string values = "{" + String.Join(",", source) + "}"; Console.WriteLine(values); } }
public void ImportFromMdbFileTest() { string path = PathToTestFolder.Get(TestFolders.Db) + "Data\\"; long start = 1009508; long chunkSize = 10000; EidssUserContext.Init(); DbManagerFactory.SetSqlFactory(bv.common.Configuration.Config.GetSetting("EidssConnectionString")); for (long i = start; i < 1009509; i += chunkSize) { var timer = new PerformanceTimer("mdb records loading", 0); using (var _manager = DbManagerFactory.Factory.Create(EidssUserContext.Instance)) { var _accessor = Upload506Master.Accessor.Instance(null); var _master = _accessor.CreateNewT(_manager, null); var result = _master.GetItems(path + "Cddata.mdb", i, chunkSize); timer.Stop(); Debug.WriteLine("records from {0} to {1} loading time:{2}", i, i + chunkSize, timer.Time()); timer = new PerformanceTimer("set item resolution", 0); foreach (var item in _master.Items) { item.Resolution = (int)Upload506Resolution.Created; } timer.Stop(); Debug.WriteLine("set item resolution time:{0}", timer.Time()); Assert.AreEqual(Upload506FileError.Success, result); Assert.AreEqual(chunkSize, _master.Items.Count); Assert.AreEqual(Upload506MasterState.ReadyForValidation, _master.GetState()); timer = new PerformanceTimer("post", 0); Assert.IsTrue(_accessor.Post(_manager, _master)); timer.Stop(); Debug.WriteLine("records from {0} to {1} posting time:{2}", i, i + chunkSize, timer.Time()); } } EidssUserContext.Clear(); }
public void LoadExcelFilePerformanceTest() { string path = PathToTestFolder.Get(TestFolders.Db) + "Data\\"; var timer = new PerformanceTimer("100 records loading", 0); var result = master.GetItems(path + "506File100records.xlsx"); timer.Stop(); var t = timer.Time(); Debug.WriteLine("100 records loading time: {0}", t); //Assert.IsTrue(t < 0.5, "100 record loading time is {0}", t); timer = new PerformanceTimer("1000 records loading", 0); result = master.GetItems(path + "506File1000records.xlsx"); timer.Stop(); t = timer.Time(); Debug.WriteLine("1000 records loading time: {0}", t); Assert.IsTrue(t < 1, "1000 record loading time is {0}", t); timer = new PerformanceTimer("10000 records loading", 0); result = master.GetItems(path + "506File10000records.xlsx"); timer.Stop(); t = timer.Time(); Debug.WriteLine("10000 records loading time: {0}", t); //Assert.IsTrue(t < 10, "1000 record loading time is {0}", t); timer = new PerformanceTimer("20000 records loading", 0); result = master.GetItems(path + "506FileUploadExample.xlsx"); timer.Stop(); t = timer.Time(); Debug.WriteLine("20000 records loading time: {0}", t); //Assert.IsTrue(t < 15, "20000 record loading time is {0}", t); timer = new PerformanceTimer("20000 records validation", 0); var validate = master.ValidateItems(); Assert.IsFalse(validate); timer.Stop(); t = timer.Time(); Debug.WriteLine("20000 records validation time: {0}", t); //Assert.IsTrue(t < 10, "20000 record validation time is {0}", t); timer = new PerformanceTimer("20000 example records errors writing", 0); WriteErrorsToFile(path + "506FileUploadExampleErrors.xlsx"); timer.Stop(); t = timer.Time(); Debug.WriteLine("20000 example records errors writing: {0}", t); timer = new PerformanceTimer("100 example records loading", 0); result = master.GetItems(path + "506FileUploadExample100.xlsx"); timer.Stop(); t = timer.Time(); Debug.WriteLine("100 example records loading time: {0}", t); //Assert.IsTrue(t < 5, "100 example record loading time is {0}", t); timer = new PerformanceTimer("100 example records validation", 0); validate = master.ValidateItems(); Assert.IsTrue(validate); timer.Stop(); t = timer.Time(); Debug.WriteLine("100 example records validation time: {0}", t); //Assert.IsTrue(t < 5, "100 example record validation time is {0}", t); timer = new PerformanceTimer("100 example records errors writing", 0); WriteErrorsToFile(path + "506FileUploadExample100Errors.xlsx"); timer.Stop(); t = timer.Time(); Debug.WriteLine("100 example records errors writing: {0}", t); }