/// <summary>
        /// Creates the layout.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">The document.</param>
        /// <param name="panel">The panel.</param>
        /// <param name="panelParas">The panel paras.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Result createLayout(RhinoDoc doc, PerforationPanel panel, int panelQty)
            if (panel == null)
                panel = new PerforationPanel();

            // Get all selected Objects
            GetObject go = new GetObject();

            go.GroupSelect     = true;
            go.SubObjectSelect = false;
            go.DeselectAllBeforePostSelect = false;
            go.EnablePreSelect(true, false);

            go.SetCommandPrompt("Select items for the new layout:");

            // Disable the scaling
            RhinoApp.RunScript("_-DocumentProperties AnnotationStyles ModelSpaceScaling=Disabled LayoutSpaceScaling=Disabled _Enter _Enter", true);

            GetResult result = go.GetMultiple(1, -1);

            if (go.CommandResult() != Rhino.Commands.Result.Success)

            RhinoApp.WriteLine("Total Objects Selected: {0}", go.ObjectCount);

            string  labelName = panel.PartName;
            string  area      = string.Format("{0:0.00}", panel.Area);
            Point2d minPoint  = new Point2d(0, 0);
            Point2d maxPoint  = new Point2d(0, 0);

            // Loop through all the objects to find Text
            for (int i = 0; i < go.ObjectCount; i++)
                BoundingBox bBox = go.Object(i).Object().Geometry.GetBoundingBox(true);

                if (bBox.Min.X < minPoint.X)
                    minPoint.X = bBox.Min.X;

                if (bBox.Min.Y < minPoint.Y)
                    minPoint.Y = bBox.Min.Y;

                if (bBox.Max.X > maxPoint.X)
                    maxPoint.X = bBox.Max.X;

                if (bBox.Max.Y > maxPoint.Y)
                    maxPoint.Y = bBox.Max.Y;

            // If the selected items has no label, return failure
            if (labelName == null)

            // Hide all the non selected objects
            foreach (var obj in doc.Objects)
                if (obj.IsSelected(true) == 0)
                    doc.Objects.Hide(obj, false);

            // Add layout
            doc.PageUnitSystem = Rhino.UnitSystem.Millimeters;

            RhinoView currentView = doc.Views.ActiveView;
            var       pageview    = doc.Views.AddPageView(string.Format("{0}", labelName), 210, 297);
            Point2d   bottomLeft  = new Point2d(10, 70);
            Point2d   topRight    = new Point2d(200, 287);

            if (pageview != null)

                var detail = pageview.AddDetailView("Panel", bottomLeft, topRight, Rhino.Display.DefinedViewportProjection.Top);

                // Show all objects
                RhinoApp.RunScript("_-Show _Enter", true);

                if (detail != null)

                    doc.Views.ActiveView = pageview;

                    // doc.Views.Redraw();
                    // Select all the objects
                    //for (int i = 0; i < go.ObjectCount; i++)
                    //   RhinoObject rhinoObject = go.Object(i).Object();

                    //   rhinoObject.Select(true);

                    //// Hide all the non selected objects
                    //var filter = new ObjectEnumeratorSettings
                    //   NormalObjects = true,
                    //   LockedObjects = false,
                    //   HiddenObjects = false,
                    //   ActiveObjects = true,
                    //   ReferenceObjects = true

                    //var rh_objects = doc.Objects.FindByFilter(filter);

                    //// pageview.SetPageAsActive();


                    //foreach (var rh_obj in rh_objects)
                    //   var select = 0 == rh_obj.IsSelected(false) && rh_obj.IsSelectable();
                    //   rh_obj.Select(select);

                    //RhinoApp.RunScript("_-HideInDetail Enter", true);

                    detail.IsActive = false;

                bottomLeft = new Point2d(10, 40);
                topRight   = new Point2d(135, 70);

                detail = pageview.AddDetailView("Sample", bottomLeft, topRight, Rhino.Display.DefinedViewportProjection.Top);


                detail.Viewport.SetCameraLocation(new Point3d(50, 160, 0), true);

                detail.DetailGeometry.IsProjectionLocked = true;
                detail.DetailGeometry.SetScale(4.5, doc.ModelUnitSystem, 1, doc.PageUnitSystem);

                detail.IsActive = true;

                RhinoApp.WriteLine("Name = {0}: Width = {1}, Height = {2}",
                                   detail.Viewport.Name, detail.Viewport.Size.Width, detail.Viewport.Size.Height);
                // doc.Views.Redraw();

                detail.IsActive = false;

                bottomLeft = new Point2d(5, 5);
                topRight   = new Point2d(205, 35);
                detail     = pageview.AddDetailView("Block", bottomLeft, topRight, Rhino.Display.DefinedViewportProjection.Top);

                detail.IsActive = true;

                detail.Viewport.SetCameraLocation(new Point3d(105, 520, 0), true);

                // doc.Views.Redraw();

                detail.DetailGeometry.IsProjectionLocked = true;
                detail.DetailGeometry.SetScale(1, doc.ModelUnitSystem, 1, doc.PageUnitSystem);

                detail.IsActive = false;

                drawBlock(doc, labelName, area, panel.PanelNumber, panel, panelQty);

                // doc.Views.Redraw();

            // Show all objects
            RhinoApp.RunScript("_-Show _Enter", true);


            doc.Views.ActiveView = currentView;

Пример #2
         * Method contains the logic to draw fixing holes evening on the panel based on the user's criteria
         * */
        public static List <Guid> drawFixingFoles(PerforationPanel panel, FoldedPerforationPanel foldPanel, Boolean Folded, double panelBottom, double panelLeft, int folds, double panelY0, double panelY1, DimensionStyle dimStyle, List <Guid> guidList, double panelX0, double panelX1, double panelRight, double panelTop)
            RhinoDoc doc = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc;

            Rhino.Geometry.Point3d pt;
            Point3d offset;
            Plane   plane = Rhino.Geometry.Plane.WorldXY;
            Point3d origin;
            double  pointOne = 0;

            //Execute the method only if atleast one of the side contain fixing holes
            if (panel.TopFixingHoles.Equals("1") || panel.BottomFixingHoles.Equals("1") || panel.LeftFixingHoles.Equals("1") || panel.RightFixingHoles.Equals("1"))
                int tempLayerIndex = 0;
                tempLayerIndex = createSubLayers.createSubLayer("FIXING HOLES DIMENSIONS",
                                                                System.Drawing.Color.DarkGreen, doc.Layers[doc.Layers.Find("LAYERS FOR APPROVAL DRAWINGS", true)]);

                Rhino.DocObjects.RhinoObject[] go = null;
                int layerIndex = createSubLayers.createSubLayer("FIXING HOLES",
                                                                System.Drawing.Color.Black, doc.Layers[doc.Layers.Find("LAYERS FOR NESTING", true)]);
                doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(layerIndex, true);

                go = doc.Objects.FindByLayer("Fixing");

                double holeSize               = panel.HoleDiameter;
                double totalTopFixingHoles    = panel.TopFixingHoleQuantity;
                double totalBottomFixingHoles = panel.BottomFixingHoleQuantity;
                double totalLeftFixingHoles   = panel.LeftFixingHoleQuantity;
                double totalRightFixingHoles  = panel.RightFixingHoleQuantity;

                int objecTCount = go.Length;

                foreach (RhinoObject ob in go)
                    ObjRef objRef = new ObjRef(ob);
                    Curve  curve  = objRef.Curve();

                    // If curve is null, means objRef is not a curve
                    if (curve == null)

                    // If curve is not Closed Curve
                    if (curve.IsClosed == false)
                        RhinoApp.WriteLine(objRef.ToString() + " curve is open");

                    if (curve.IsPlanar() == false)
                        RhinoApp.WriteLine(objRef.ToString() + " curve is not planar");

                    // Find the boundary
                    BoundingBox boundingBox = curve.GetBoundingBox(Plane.WorldXY);
                    Point3d     min         = boundingBox.Min;
                    Point3d     max         = boundingBox.Max;

                    List <Point3d> pointsList = new List <Point3d>();
                    double         runningX   = 0;
                    double         runningY   = 0;
                    runningY = max.Y - panel.TopHoleSetbackTop; //calculate the starting point for the first from the right (with setback)

                    if (Folded)
                        runningX = panelX0 + foldPanel.LeftFirstFoldSetbackTop + foldPanel.KFactor + panel.TopHoleSetbackLeft;
                        runningX = min.X + panel.TopHoleSetbackLeft; //calculate the starting point for the first hole from the left(with set back)

                    int     points = 1;
                    Point3d point;

                    //Draw the top holes
                    if (panel.TopFixingHoles.Equals("1"))
                        if (Folded)
                            if (folds == 4)
                                if (foldPanel != null)
                                    point = new Point3d(panelX1 - panel.TopHoleSetbackRight - foldPanel.TopFirstFoldSetbackRight, runningY, 0); //adds the top right fixing hole
                                    point = new Point3d(panelX1 - foldPanel.RightFirstFoldSetbackBottom - foldPanel.KFactor - panel.TopHoleSetbackRight, runningY, 0); //adds the top right fixing hole

                                point = new Point3d(runningX, runningY, 0); //adds the top left fixing hole

                                while (points <= (panel.TopFixingHoleQuantity - 2))
                                    runningX = runningX + panel.TopFixingHoleDistance; //multiply by 2 to increase width (for equaliity)
                                    point    = new Point3d(runningX, runningY, 0);     //adds the top left fixing hole
                            point = new Point3d(max.X - panel.TopHoleSetbackRight, runningY, 0); //adds the top right fixing hole

                            point = new Point3d(runningX, runningY, 0); //adds the top left fixing hole

                            while (points <= (panel.TopFixingHoleQuantity - 2))
                                runningX = runningX + panel.TopFixingHoleDistance; //multiply by 2 to increase width (for equaliity)
                                point    = new Point3d(runningX, runningY, 0);     //adds the top left fixing hole

                    //Draw the top horizontal fixing holes dimension (between the fixing holes)
                    doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(tempLayerIndex, true);
                    if (foldPanel.TopFixingHoles == "1")
                        runningY = max.Y - panel.TopHoleSetbackTop; //calculate the starting point for the first from the right (with setback)

                        if (Folded)
                            runningX = panelX0 + foldPanel.LeftFirstFoldSetbackTop + foldPanel.KFactor + panel.TopHoleSetbackLeft;
                            runningX = min.X + panel.TopHoleSetbackLeft; //calculate the starting point for the first hole from the left(with set back)

                        points = 0;
                        while (points <= (panel.TopFixingHoleQuantity) - 2)
                            origin = new Point3d(runningX + panel.TopFixingHoleDistance, runningY + 15, 0); //right
                            offset = new Point3d(runningX, runningY + 15, 0);                               //left
                            pt     = new Point3d((offset.X - origin.X) / 2, (runningY + 15) + (dimStyle.TextHeight * 4), 0);

                            plane        = Plane.WorldXY;
                            plane.Origin = origin;

                            guidList = drawDimension(plane, pt, offset, origin, guidList, doc); //draw the dimension

                            runningX = runningX + panel.TopFixingHoleDistance;                  //multiply by 2 to increase width (for equaliity)

                        //Draw the setback dimension of top fixing hole (left)
                        runningY = max.Y - panel.TopHoleSetbackTop; //calculate the starting point for the first from the right (with setback)

                        if (Folded)
                            runningX = panelX0 + foldPanel.LeftFirstFoldSetbackTop + foldPanel.KFactor + panel.TopHoleSetbackLeft;
                            runningX = min.X + panel.TopHoleSetbackLeft; //calculate the starting point for the first hole from the left(with set back)
                        origin = new Point3d(runningX, runningY + 15, 0);
                        offset = new Point3d(runningX - panel.TopHoleSetbackLeft, runningY + 15, 0);
                        pt     = new Point3d((offset.X - origin.X) / 2, (runningY + 15) + (dimStyle.TextHeight * 2), 0);

                        plane    = Plane.WorldXY;
                        guidList = drawDimension(plane, pt, offset, origin, guidList, doc); //draw the dimension

                        runningY = max.Y - panel.TopHoleSetbackTop;                         //calculate the starting point for the first from the right (with setback)

                        //Draw the setback dimension of top fixing hole (right)
                        if (Folded)
                            runningX = panelX1 - foldPanel.LeftFirstFoldSetbackTop - foldPanel.KFactor - panel.TopHoleSetbackLeft;
                            runningX = max.X - panel.TopHoleSetbackLeft; //calculate the starting point for the first hole from the left(with set back)
                        origin = new Point3d(runningX, runningY + 15, 0);
                        offset = new Point3d(runningX + panel.TopHoleSetbackLeft, runningY + 15, 0);
                        pt     = new Point3d((offset.X - origin.X) / 2, (runningY + 15) + (dimStyle.TextHeight * 2), 0);

                        plane    = Plane.WorldXY;
                        guidList = drawDimension(plane, pt, offset, origin, guidList, doc); //draw the dimension

                        //Draw the dimension between the top folded line and the center of the fixing hole
                        origin = new Point3d(min.X - 30, runningY, 0);                  //upper horizontal line of dimension
                        offset = new Point3d(min.X - 30, max.Y, 0);                     //bottom horizontal line of the dimension
                        pt     = new Point3d(min.X - 30, (offset.Y - origin.Y) / 2, 0); //addjust the text position

                        plane        = Plane.WorldXY;
                        plane.XAxis  = new Vector3d(0, -1, 0);
                        plane.YAxis  = new Vector3d(-1, 0, 0);
                        plane.ZAxis  = new Vector3d(0, 0, -1);
                        plane.Origin = origin;

                        guidList = drawDimension(plane, pt, offset, origin, guidList, doc); //draw the dimension

                    //Draw the bottom holes
                    doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(layerIndex, true);
                    if (panel.BottomFixingHoles.Equals("1"))
                        runningY = min.Y + panel.BottomHoleSetbackBottom; //calculate the starting point for the first from the right (with setback)

                        if (Folded)
                            runningX = panelX0 + foldPanel.LeftFirstFoldSetbackBottom + foldPanel.KFactor + panel.BottomHoleSetbackLeft;
                            runningX = min.X + panel.BottomHoleSetbackLeft; //calculate the starting point for the first hole from the left(with set back)

                        if (Folded)
                            point = new Point3d(runningX, runningY, 0); //adds the bottom  Left fixing hole

                            if (foldPanel != null)
                                point = new Point3d(panelX1 - panel.BottomHoleSetbackRight - foldPanel.BottomFirstFoldSetbackRight, runningY, 0); //adds the bottom right fixing hole
                                point = new Point3d(panelX1 - foldPanel.LeftFirstFoldSetbackBottom - foldPanel.KFactor - panel.BottomHoleSetbackRight, runningY, 0); //adds the bottom right fixing hole
                            points = 1;
                            while (points <= panel.BottomFixingHoleQuantity - 2)
                                runningX = runningX + panel.BottomFixingHoleDistance;
                                point    = new Point3d(runningX, runningY, 0); //adds the bottom fixing hole
                            point = new Point3d(runningX, runningY, 0); //adds the bottom  Left fixing hole

                            point = new Point3d(max.X - panel.BottomHoleSetbackRight, runningY, 0); //adds the bottom right fixing hole

                            points = 1;
                            while (points <= panel.BottomFixingHoleQuantity - 2)
                                runningX = runningX + panel.BottomFixingHoleDistance;
                                point    = new Point3d(runningX, runningY, 0); //adds the bottom fixing hole

                    //Draw the Bottom horizontal fixing holes dimension (between the fixing holes)
                    doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(tempLayerIndex, true);
                    if (panel.BottomFixingHoles == "1")
                        runningY = min.Y + panel.BottomHoleSetbackBottom; //calculate the starting point for the first from the right (with setback)

                        if (Folded)
                            runningX = panelX0 + foldPanel.LeftFirstFoldSetbackBottom + foldPanel.KFactor + panel.BottomHoleSetbackLeft;
                            runningX = min.X + panel.BottomHoleSetbackLeft; //calculate the starting point for the first hole from the left(with set back)
                        points = 0;
                        while (points <= (panel.BottomFixingHoleQuantity) - 2)
                            origin = new Point3d(runningX + panel.BottomFixingHoleDistance, runningY + panel.BottomHoleSetbackBottom, 0); //right
                            offset = new Point3d(runningX, runningY + panel.BottomHoleSetbackBottom, 0);                                  //left
                            pt     = new Point3d((offset.X - origin.X) / 2, (runningY + panel.BottomHoleSetbackBottom) - (dimStyle.TextHeight * 4), 0);

                            plane        = Plane.WorldXY;
                            plane.Origin = origin;

                            guidList = drawDimension(plane, pt, offset, origin, guidList, doc); //draw the dimension

                            runningX = runningX + panel.BottomFixingHoleDistance;               //multiply by 2 to increase width (for equaliity)
                    //Draw the Left holes
                    doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(layerIndex, true);
                    if (panel.LeftFixingHoles.Equals("1"))
                        runningX = min.X + panel.LeftHoleSetbackLeft;
                        if (Folded) //if the panel is folded x value should be within the fold
                            runningY = panelY1 - foldPanel.LeftFirstFoldSetbackTop - foldPanel.KFactor - panel.LeftHoleSetbackTop;
                        else //if the panel is flat panel the x value should be between the folded panel finished and the borders
                            runningY = max.Y - panel.LeftHoleSetbackTop;

                        if (!panel.TopFixingHoles.Equals("1") || folds == 4) //check if there is top fixing holes
                            point = new Point3d(runningX, runningY, 0);      //adds the Left top fixing hole

                        if (!panel.BottomFixingHoles.Equals("1") || folds == 4) //check if there is bottom fixing holes
                            if (foldPanel != null)
                                point = new Point3d(runningX, panelY0 + panel.LeftHoleSetbackBottom + foldPanel.LeftFirstFoldSetbackBottom, 0); //adds the  left bottom fixing hole
                                point = new Point3d(runningX, panelY0 + panel.LeftHoleSetbackBottom, 0); //adds the  left bottom fixing hole

                        points = 1;
                        if (Folded)
                            while (points <= panel.LeftFixingHoleQuantity - 2)
                                runningY = runningY - panel.LeftFixingHoleDistance;
                                point    = new Point3d(runningX, runningY, 0); //draw the left fixing holes
                            while (points <= panel.LeftFixingHoleQuantity - 2)
                                runningY = runningY - panel.LeftFixingHoleDistance;
                                point    = new Point3d(runningX, runningY, 0); //draw the left fixing holes

                    //Draw the left vertical fixing holes dimension (between the left fixing holes)
                    doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(tempLayerIndex, true);
                    if (panel.LeftFixingHoles == "1")
                        runningX = min.X + panel.LeftHoleSetbackLeft;
                        if (Folded) //if the panel is folded x value should be within the fold
                            runningY = panelY1 - foldPanel.LeftFirstFoldSetbackTop - foldPanel.KFactor - panel.LeftHoleSetbackTop;
                        else //if the panel is flat panel the x value should be between the folded panel finished and the borders
                            runningY = max.Y - panel.LeftHoleSetbackTop;
                        points = 0;
                        while (points < (panel.LeftFixingHoleQuantity) - 1)
                            if (Folded)
                                origin = new Point3d(min.X - foldPanel.LeftFirstFoldWidth, runningY - panel.LeftFixingHoleDistance, 0); //right
                                offset = new Point3d(min.X - foldPanel.LeftFirstFoldWidth, runningY, 0);                                //left
                                pt     = new Point3d(min.X - foldPanel.LeftFirstFoldWidth, runningY + (dimStyle.TextHeight * 4), 0);
                                origin = new Point3d(min.X + 20, runningY - panel.LeftFixingHoleDistance, 0); //right
                                offset = new Point3d(min.X + 20, runningY, 0);                                //left
                                pt     = new Point3d(min.X - 20, runningY + (dimStyle.TextHeight * 4), 0);

                            plane        = Plane.WorldXY;
                            plane.XAxis  = new Vector3d(0, -1, 0);
                            plane.YAxis  = new Vector3d(-1, 0, 0);
                            plane.ZAxis  = new Vector3d(0, 0, -1);
                            plane.Origin = origin;

                            guidList = drawDimension(plane, pt, offset, origin, guidList, doc); //draw the dimension
                            runningY = runningY - panel.LeftFixingHoleDistance;                 //multiply by 2 to increase width (for equaliity)

                            pointOne = runningY;


                    //Draw the Right holes
                    doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(layerIndex, true);
                    if (panel.RightFixingHoles.Equals("1"))
                        runningX = max.X - panel.RightHoleSetbackRight;
                        if (Folded) //if the panel is folded x value should be within the fold
                            runningY = panelY1 - foldPanel.RightFirstFoldSetbackTop - foldPanel.KFactor - panel.RightHoleSetbackTop;
                        else //if the panel is flat panel the x value should be between the folded panel finished and the borders
                            runningY = max.Y - panel.RightHoleSetbackTop;

                        if (!panel.TopFixingHoles.Equals("1") || folds == 4)
                            point = new Point3d(runningX, runningY, 0); //adds the Right top fixing hole
                        if (!panel.BottomFixingHoles.Equals("1") || folds == 4)
                            if (foldPanel != null)
                                point = new Point3d(runningX, panelY0 + panel.RightHoleSetbackBottom + foldPanel.RightFirstFoldSetbackBottom, 0); //adds the  RIght bottom fixing hole
                                point = new Point3d(runningX, panelY0 + panel.RightHoleSetbackBottom, 0); //adds the  RIght bottom fixing hole
                        points = 1;
                        while (points <= panel.RightFixingHoleQuantity - 2)
                            runningY = runningY - panel.RightFixingHoleDistance;
                            point    = new Point3d(runningX, runningY, 0); //draw the right fixing holes

                    //Draw the right vertical fixing holes dimension (between the right fixing holes)
                    doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(tempLayerIndex, true);
                    if (panel.RightFixingHoles == "1")
                        runningX = max.X - panel.RightHoleSetbackRight;

                        if (Folded) //if the panel is folded x value should be within the fold
                            runningY = panelY1 - foldPanel.RightFirstFoldSetbackTop - foldPanel.KFactor - panel.RightHoleSetbackTop;
                        else //if the panel is flat panel the x value should be between the folded panel finished and the borders
                            runningY = max.Y - panel.RightHoleSetbackTop;
                        points = 0;
                        while (points < (panel.LeftFixingHoleQuantity) - 1)
                            //multiply by 2 to increase width (for equaliity)
                            origin = new Point3d(max.X + 50, runningY - panel.RightFixingHoleDistance, 0); //right
                            offset = new Point3d(max.X + 50, runningY, 0);                                 //left
                            pt     = new Point3d(max.X + 50, runningY + (dimStyle.TextHeight * 4), 0);

                            plane        = Plane.WorldXY;
                            plane.XAxis  = new Vector3d(0, -1, 0);
                            plane.YAxis  = new Vector3d(-1, 0, 0);
                            plane.ZAxis  = new Vector3d(0, 0, -1);
                            plane.Origin = origin;

                            guidList = drawDimension(plane, pt, offset, origin, guidList, doc); //draw the dimension
                            runningY = runningY - panel.RightFixingHoleDistance;

                    //Drawing fixings holes on the dimensions
                    doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(layerIndex, true);
                    //Draw the top hole
                    if (panel.TopFixingHoles.Equals("1") && Folded)
                        runningX = panelX0 + foldPanel.LeftFirstFoldSetbackTop + foldPanel.KFactor + panel.TopHoleSetbackLeft;
                        runningY = (panelBottom + foldPanel.TopFirstFoldWidth) - panel.TopHoleSetbackTop; //calculate the starting point for the first from the right (with setback)

                        points = 1;
                        if (foldPanel != null)
                            if (foldPanel.TopFirstFoldDirection == 1)
                                runningY = (panelTop - foldPanel.TopFirstFoldWidth) + panel.TopHoleSetbackTop; //calculate the starting point for the first from the right (with setback)
                            point = new Point3d(panelX1 - foldPanel.LeftFirstFoldSetbackTop - foldPanel.KFactor - panel.TopHoleSetbackRight, (panelBottom + foldPanel.TopFirstFoldWidth) - panel.TopHoleSetbackTop, 0); //adds the top right fixing hole in the dimensions blue (use panel bottom)
                        point = new Point3d(panelX1 - panel.TopHoleSetbackRight - foldPanel.TopFirstFoldSetbackRight, runningY, 0); //adds the top right fixing hole in the dimensions blue (use panel bottom)
                        point = new Point3d(runningX, runningY, 0);                                                                 //adds the top left fixing hole

                        while (points <= (panel.TopFixingHoleQuantity - 2))
                            runningX = runningX + panel.TopFixingHoleDistance; //multiply by 2 to increase width (for equaliity)
                            point    = new Point3d(runningX, runningY, 0);     //adds the top left fixing hole

                    //Draw the Left holes
                    if (panel.LeftFixingHoles.Equals("1") && Folded && folds == 4) //draw the fixing holes on the left dimension only on folded panels because flat panels do not have the left dimension
                        runningY = panelY1 - foldPanel.LeftFirstFoldSetbackTop - foldPanel.KFactor - panel.LeftHoleSetbackTop;
                        runningX = panelRight - foldPanel.LeftFirstFoldWidth + panel.LeftHoleSetbackLeft;

                        if (foldPanel != null)
                            if (foldPanel.TopFirstFoldDirection == 1)
                                runningX = (panelLeft + foldPanel.LeftFirstFoldWidth) - panel.LeftHoleSetbackLeft;
                            point = new Point3d(runningX, panelY0 + panel.LeftHoleSetbackBottom, 0); //adds the  left bottom fixing hole
                        point = new Point3d(runningX, runningY, 0);                                                                     //adds the Left top fixing hole
                        point = new Point3d(runningX, panelY0 + panel.LeftHoleSetbackBottom + foldPanel.LeftFirstFoldSetbackBottom, 0); //adds the  left bottom fixing hole

                        points = 1;
                        while (points <= panel.LeftFixingHoleQuantity - 2)
                            runningY = runningY - panel.LeftFixingHoleDistance;
                            point    = new Point3d(runningX, runningY, 0); //draw the left fixing holes

                    // Process the curve

                    // Draw all the holes
                    Round round = new Round();
                    round.X = holeSize;

                    foreach (Point3d p in pointsList)
        public void drawBlock(RhinoDoc doc, string labelName, string area, int panelNum, PerforationPanel panel, int panelQty)
            RhinoUtilities.SetActiveLayer("LAYOUT DETAILS", System.Drawing.Color.Black);

            //// Get the location of current API
            //String path = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\Logo\\MetrixLogo.jpg";

            //Plane picture = new Plane(new Point3d(5, 10, 0), new Vector3d(0, 0, 1));

            //// Add Company logo.
            //doc.Objects.AddPictureFrame(picture, path, false, 62.5, 25, false, false);

            // Draw bottom line
            doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(5, 5, 0), new Point3d(205, 5, 0));

            // Top line
            doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(5, 292, 0), new Point3d(205, 292, 0));

            // Left line
            doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(5, 5, 0), new Point3d(5, 292, 0));

            // Right line
            doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(205, 5, 0), new Point3d(205, 292, 0));

            //// Divider line
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(5, 10, 0), new Point3d(205, 10, 0));

            //// Row 1 line
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(67.5, 15, 0), new Point3d(205, 15, 0));

            //// Row 2 line
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(67.5, 20, 0), new Point3d(205, 20, 0));

            //// Row 3 line
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(67.5, 25, 0), new Point3d(205, 25, 0));

            //// Row 4 line
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(67.5, 30, 0), new Point3d(205, 30, 0));

            //// Row 5 line
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(67.5, 35, 0), new Point3d(205, 35, 0));

            //// Vertical divider line
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(136.5, 5, 0), new Point3d(136.5, 35, 0));

            //// Vertical divider line
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(87.5, 10, 0), new Point3d(87.5, 35, 0));

            //// Vertical divider line
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(156.5, 10, 0), new Point3d(156.5, 35, 0));

            // Draw Approval Box
            // Horizontal lines
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(136.5, 40, 0), new Point3d(200, 40, 0));
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(136, 39.5, 0), new Point3d(200.5, 39.5, 0));
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(136.5, 45, 0), new Point3d(200, 45, 0));
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(136.5, 55, 0), new Point3d(200, 55, 0));
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(136.5, 60, 0), new Point3d(200, 60, 0));
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(136.5, 65, 0), new Point3d(200, 65, 0));
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(136, 65.5, 0), new Point3d(200.5, 65.5, 0));

            //// Vertical lines
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(136, 39.5, 0), new Point3d(136, 65.5, 0));
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(136.5, 40, 0), new Point3d(136.5, 65, 0));
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(156.5, 40, 0), new Point3d(156.5, 60, 0));
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(200, 40, 0), new Point3d(200, 65, 0));
            //doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(200.5, 39.5, 0), new Point3d(200.5, 65.5, 0));

            Rhino.Geometry.Point3d pt = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(11, 15, 0);
            string text   = "51 Holloway Drive            metrixgroup.com.au\nBayswater VIC 3153                  1300 792 493";
            double height = 3.5;
            string font   = "Arial";

            Rhino.Geometry.Plane plane = doc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport.ConstructionPlane();
            plane.Origin = pt;
            Guid id;

            //XXX: This has been turned off due to a request by Keyur(Confirmed with Ross)
            //if (panel.FixingHoles == "1") //Add this text only if there are fixing holes
            //   pt = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(43, 45, 0);
            //   text = "Fixing Holes Diameter : " + panel.HoleDiameter + " and Centers Approximated at : "+panel.FixingHoleCentres;
            //   height = 2.3;
            //   font = "Arial";
            //   plane.Origin = pt;
            //   id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);
            //if (panel.DrawPerf != 3) //If draw perf is not solid panel

            //   //MetrixUtilities.createMetrixBordersDimension();
            //   //pt = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(43, 65, 0);
            //   //text = "Pattern: " + panel.PatternName;
            //   //height = 2.3;
            //   //font = "Arial";
            //   //plane = doc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport.ConstructionPlane();
            //   //plane.Origin = pt;
            //   //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //   //pt = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(43, 55, 0);
            //   //text = "Open Area: " + openArea + "%";
            //   //height = 2.3;
            //   //font = "Arial";
            //   //plane.Origin = pt;
            //   //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);
            //   pt = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(43, 65, 0);
            //   text = "Solid Panel";
            //   height = 2.3;
            //   font = "Arial";
            //   plane = doc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport.ConstructionPlane();
            //   plane.Origin = pt;
            //   id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);
            // id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //height = 1.5;
            //text = "Supply of this order will be solely and exlusively according to the terms and conditions of Metrix Group Pty Ltd.";
            //plane.Origin = new Point3d(7, 6, 0);
            //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //height = 1.5;
            //text = "PANEL";
            //plane.Origin = new Point3d(69, 31, 0);
            //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            height       = 1.5;
            text         = labelName;
            plane.Origin = new Point3d(89, 31 + height, 0);
            id           = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //text = "DRAWN";
            //plane.Origin = new Point3d(69, 26, 0);
            //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);
            //Using reg pattern to split part name and extract the quantity
            //Regex re = new Regex(@"([a-zA-Z]+)(\d+)");
            //Match result = re.Match(panel.PartName);
            //text = result.Groups[2].Value;
            text         = "" + panel.PanelQuantity; //set the quantity for each panel
            plane.Origin = new Point3d(89, 21 + height, 0);
            id           = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //text = "m²";
            //plane.Origin = new Point3d(69, 16, 0);
            //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            text         = area;
            plane.Origin = new Point3d(89, 16 + height, 0);
            id           = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //text = "Page ";
            //plane.Origin = new Point3d(69, 11, 0);
            //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            text         = panelNum + " of " + panelQty;
            plane.Origin = new Point3d(89, 11 + height, 0);
            id           = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //text = "PROJECT";
            //plane.Origin = new Point3d(138, 31, 0);
            //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //height = 1.5;
            //text = panelParas.Project;
            //plane.Origin = new Point3d(158, 31, 0);
            //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //text = "CUSTOMER ";
            //plane.Origin = new Point3d(138, 26, 0);
            //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //height = 1.5;
            //text = panelParas.CustomerName;
            //plane.Origin = new Point3d(158, 26, 0);
            //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //text = "JOB NO.";
            //plane.Origin = new Point3d(138, 21, 0);
            //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //height = 1.5;
            //text = panelParas.JobNo;
            //plane.Origin = new Point3d(158, 21, 0);
            //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //text = "MATERIAL";
            //plane.Origin = new Point3d(138, 16, 0);
            //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //height = 1.5;
            //text = panelParas.Material;
            //plane.Origin = new Point3d(158, 16, 0);
            //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //text = "COATING";
            //plane.Origin = new Point3d(138, 11, 0);
            //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //height = 1.5;
            //text = panelParas.Coating;
            //plane.Origin = new Point3d(158, 11, 0);
            //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //text = "Copyright © Metrix Group " + DateTime.Today.Year;
            //plane.Origin = new Point3d(138, 6, 0);
            //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //text = "APPROVED BY";
            //plane.Origin = new Point3d(138, 61, 0);
            //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //text = "NAME";
            //plane.Origin = new Point3d(138, 56, 0);
            //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //text = "SIGNATURE";
            //plane.Origin = new Point3d(138, 51, 0);
            //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            //text = "DATE";
            //plane.Origin = new Point3d(138, 41, 0);
            //id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            if (panel.DotFontLabel == 1)
                if (panel.DotFontLabellerSide.Equals("Rear"))
                    text         = "* 9 mm Dot font labelling to the rear of all panels";
                    plane.Origin = new Point3d(136.392, 53.865 + height, 0.000);
                    id           = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);
                    text         = "* 9 mm Dot font labelling to the front of all panels";
                    plane.Origin = new Point3d(136.392, 53.865 + height, 0.000);
                    id           = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);
            text         = "** The purple line represents the unperforated distance" + "\nbetween the edge of the panel and the perforation";
            plane.Origin = new Point3d(136.392, 48.865 + height, 0.000);
            id           = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            text         = "*** The border dimensions shown are minimum values.\n Actual borders will be ≥ those shown.";
            plane.Origin = new Point3d(136.284, 42.595 + height, 0.000);
            id           = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            var parentlayerIndex = doc.Layers.Find("LAYERS FOR APPROVAL DRAWINGS", true); //get parent layer index

            // Draw the sample block
            createSubLayers.createSubLayer("COLOUR AND QUANTITY",
                                           System.Drawing.Color.Red, doc.Layers[parentlayerIndex]); //create layer called perf orientation (sublayer)

            if (panel.coating.Equals("Mill finish") || panel.coating.Equals("Mill Finish"))
                text         = "Quantity: " + panel.PanelQuantity + "\nColour: " + panel.coating;
                plane.Origin = new Point3d(102.148, 63.946 + height, 0.000);
                text         = "Quantity: " + panel.PanelQuantity + "\nColour: " + panel.colour;
                plane.Origin = new Point3d(102.204, 65.299 + height, 0.000);
            height = 2.5;
            ObjectAttributes objAttributes = new ObjectAttributes();

            objAttributes.ObjectColor     = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            objAttributes.ColorSource     = ObjectColorSource.ColorFromObject;
            objAttributes.PlotColor       = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            objAttributes.PlotColorSource = Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectPlotColorSource.PlotColorFromObject;
            id = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false, objAttributes);
            RhinoObject colorText = doc.Objects.Find(id);

            colorText.Attributes.LayerIndex = doc.Layers.Find("COLOUR AND QUANTITY", true);