Пример #1
        public void TestActivate()
            perceptron.Feed(Input.FromArray(new float[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }));
            float expect = 1;
            float actual = perceptron.Activate();

            Assert.AreEqual(expect, actual);
        static void Evaluate(Perceptron p, double from, double to, double step)
            string output = "";

            for (double i = from; i < to; i += step)
                double res = p.Activate(new double[] { normalize(i, inputMin, inputMax) })[0];

                output += i + ";" + inverseNormalize(res, outputMin, outputMax) + "\n";
                Console.WriteLine(i + ";" + res + "\n");

            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(outputPath, output);
Пример #3
        //Tests an Individual's "solution" (the weights and bias it generated)
        static int RunTest(ref Perceptron perceptron, DataSet dataSet, Individual individual)
            int score = 0;

            ApplyWeightAndBias(ref perceptron, individual);

            for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.Data.Count; i++)
                double perceptronResult =
                    Math.Round(perceptron.Activate(dataSet.Data[i]), MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

                if (perceptronResult == dataSet.DataSolutions[i])

Пример #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Start prompt.
            Console.Title = "Evolutionary Perceptron";
            Console.WriteLine("Evolutionary Perceptron is ready. Press enter to start...");

            //Initialize everything.
            Random           random           = new Random();
            DataSet          dataSet          = new DataSet("Training data\\CloudsDataSet.txt");
            GeneticAlgorithm geneticAlgorithm = new GeneticAlgorithm(500, 3, 0.5d, random);
            Perceptron       perceptron       = new Perceptron(2);

            //Load info about the data set.
            Console.WriteLine("Loaded data set:\n" + dataSet.Name + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Description:\n" + dataSet.Description);

            //Evolve the perceptron.
            while (true)
                /* Test all the Individuals (which evolve the weights and bias
                 * for the perceptron) to see which ones have generated the best
                 * weights and bias for the perceptron. */
                for (int i = 0; i < geneticAlgorithm.Population.Length; i++)
                    geneticAlgorithm.Population[i].Fitness =
                        RunTest(ref perceptron, dataSet, geneticAlgorithm.Population[i]);

                Console.Write("\rGeneration: " + geneticAlgorithm.Generation +
                              ", Fitness: " + geneticAlgorithm.BestIndividual.Fitness);

                //Check to exit the loop (see note at the bottom of this file).
                if (geneticAlgorithm.BestIndividual.Fitness >= dataSet.Data.Count)
                    ApplyWeightAndBias(ref perceptron, geneticAlgorithm.BestIndividual);


            Console.WriteLine("\n\nRunning test data...\n");

            //Run the test data through the perceptron.
            foreach (double[] testData in dataSet.TestData)
                double perceptronResult = perceptron.Activate(testData);

                string cloudShape    = testData[1] == 0 ? "puffy" : "thin";
                string cloudAltitude = testData[0].ToString();
                string cloudType     = perceptronResult < 0.5 ? "Cumulus" : "Cirrus";

                Console.WriteLine("Test data: " + cloudAltitude + "," + cloudShape);
                Console.WriteLine("A cloud that is " + cloudShape +
                                  " in shape and has an altitude of " + cloudAltitude +
                                  " is a " + cloudType + " cloud.\n");

            Console.WriteLine("\nExecution finished. Press enter to exit...");