Пример #1
         *  Returns the Employee view
         *  @return the AdminViewData
        public IActionResult Index()
            ViewData["Message"] = "Employee page.";

            //Check if User is logged in, if not, make the url forbidden. This is useful if they attempt to type in the URL.
            if (HttpContext.Session.GetInt32(SessionKeyRoleId) == null)

            //Check if they are a Manager or an Employee, if not, send them to the forbidden page.
            int Roleid = (int)HttpContext.Session.GetInt32(SessionKeyRoleId);

            if ((Roleid != 1) && (Roleid != 2))

            dynamic mymodel = new ExpandoObject();

            // set user and transaction contexts
            TransactionContext transactionContext = HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(TransactionContext)) as TransactionContext;
            UserContext        userContext        = HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(UserContext)) as UserContext;

            // gets the current user's details
            User user = userContext.retrieveUserDetails((int)HttpContext.Session.GetInt32(SessionKeyId));

            mymodel.CurrentUser = user;

            // get and set the UI's budget
            double budget = transactionContext.getCurrentBudget(user.ID, user.ChangeAnnualBudgetDate, user.StartBudget, user.AnnualBudget, user.ChangeAnnualBudget);

            mymodel.Budget = budget;

            //get the user's max budget spend so they can't spend more than they currently have and will
            //accrue for the year
            var futureAccruedBudget = getUserMaxBudgetRequest(user);
            var maxBudget           = futureAccruedBudget + budget;

            if (maxBudget > user.AnnualBudget)
                maxBudget = user.AnnualBudget;
            mymodel.MaxBudgetRequest = maxBudget;

            // pending request
            PendingRequestsContext context = HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(PendingRequestsContext)) as PendingRequestsContext;

            mymodel.PendingRequests = context.GetAllPendingRequests(user.ID);

            // past requests
            mymodel.PastRequests = transactionContext.GetAllPastRequests((int)HttpContext.Session.GetInt32(SessionKeyId));

Пример #2
         *  This function gets information about a selected user to be displayed on the right hand side of the manager screen
         *  @param UserID ID of the user being selected
         *  @return the selected users information
        public IActionResult GetSelectedInfo(int UserID)
            ViewData["Message"] = "Management page.";

            // gets selected employee
            UserContext context          = HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(UserContext)) as UserContext;
            User        selectedEmployee = context.retrieveUserDetails(UserID);

            // gets employee's pending requests
            PendingRequestsContext Pendingcontext = HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(PendingRequestsContext)) as PendingRequestsContext;
            var pendingRequests = Pendingcontext.GetAllPendingRequests(UserID);

            // gets employee's past requests
            TransactionContext transactionContext = HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(TransactionContext)) as TransactionContext;
            var pastRequests = transactionContext.GetAllPastRequests(UserID);

            // gets the employees current budget
            double budget = transactionContext.getCurrentBudget(selectedEmployee.ID, selectedEmployee.ChangeAnnualBudgetDate, selectedEmployee.StartBudget, selectedEmployee.AnnualBudget, selectedEmployee.ChangeAnnualBudget);

            // Returns info of the employee that was selected back to the view
            return(Json(new { id = UserID, selectedEmployee = selectedEmployee, currentBudget = budget, pendingRequests = pendingRequests, pastRequests = pastRequests }));
Пример #3
        public IActionResult SubmitRequest()
            // Build user model
            PendingRequest newRequest = new PendingRequest();

            newRequest.Description = HttpContext.Request.Form["description"].ToString();
            newRequest.Cost        = HttpContext.Request.Form["requestCost"].ToString();
            DateTime dateTimeNow = DateTime.Now;

            newRequest.Date = dateTimeNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

            // Get context
            PendingRequestsContext pendingRequestContext = HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(TevenStudiosBudgetTracker.Models.PendingRequestsContext)) as PendingRequestsContext;

            //Save user to database, get result
            int result = pendingRequestContext.SubmitPendingRequest(newRequest, (int)HttpContext.Session.GetInt32(SessionKeyId));

            if (result > 0)
                ViewBag.Result    = " Request was successfully submitted";
                ViewBag.isSuccess = true;
                ViewBag.Result    = "Something went wrong";
                ViewBag.isSuccess = false;

            ViewData["Message"] = "Employee page.";

            dynamic mymodel = new ExpandoObject();

            // set user and transaction contexts
            TransactionContext transactionContext = HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(TransactionContext)) as TransactionContext;
            UserContext        userContext        = HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(UserContext)) as UserContext;

            // gets the current user's details
            User user = userContext.retrieveUserDetails((int)HttpContext.Session.GetInt32(SessionKeyId));

            mymodel.CurrentUser = user;

            // get and set the UI's budget
            double budget = transactionContext.getCurrentBudget(user.ID, user.ChangeAnnualBudgetDate, user.StartBudget, user.AnnualBudget, user.ChangeAnnualBudget);

            mymodel.Budget = budget;

            //get the user's max budget spend so they can't spend more than they currently have and will
            //accrue for the year
            var futureAccruedBudget = getUserMaxBudgetRequest(user);
            var maxBudget           = futureAccruedBudget + budget;

            if (maxBudget > user.AnnualBudget)
                maxBudget = user.AnnualBudget;
            mymodel.MaxBudgetRequest = maxBudget;

            // pending request
            PendingRequestsContext context = HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(PendingRequestsContext)) as PendingRequestsContext;

            mymodel.PendingRequests = context.GetAllPendingRequests(user.ID);

            // past requests
            mymodel.PastRequests = transactionContext.GetAllPastRequests((int)HttpContext.Session.GetInt32(SessionKeyId));

            return(View("Index", mymodel));