public ActionResult Edit(int MstPenaltyId) { if (CurrentUser.UserRole == Enums.UserRole.Viewer) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } var data = _penaltyBLL.GetByID(MstPenaltyId); var model = new PenaltyItem(); model = Mapper.Map <PenaltyItem>(data); model.VendorName = _vendorBLL.GetByID(model.Vendor) == null ? "" : _vendorBLL.GetByID(model.Vendor).VendorName; model.PenaltyLogic = this.GetPenaltyLogicById(MstPenaltyId).Data.ToString(); model = listdata(model); model.MainMenu = _mainMenu; model.CurrentLogin = CurrentUser; model.ChangesLogs = GetChangesHistory((int)Enums.MenuList.MasterPenalty, MstPenaltyId); if (CurrentUser.UserRole == Enums.UserRole.Viewer) { model.IsNotViewer = false; } else { model.IsNotViewer = true; } return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Create() { if (CurrentUser.UserRole == Enums.UserRole.Viewer) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } var model = new PenaltyItem(); model.MainMenu = _mainMenu; model.CurrentLogin = CurrentUser; model = listdata(model); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult View(int MstPenaltyId) { var data = _penaltyBLL.GetByID(MstPenaltyId); var model = new PenaltyItem(); model = Mapper.Map <PenaltyItem>(data); model.VendorName = _vendorBLL.GetByID(model.Vendor) == null ? "" : _vendorBLL.GetByID(model.Vendor).VendorName; model.PenaltyLogic = this.GetPenaltyLogicById(MstPenaltyId).Data.ToString(); model = listdata(model); model.MainMenu = _mainMenu; model.CurrentLogin = CurrentUser; model.ChangesLogs = GetChangesHistory((int)Enums.MenuList.MasterPenalty, MstPenaltyId); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Create(PenaltyItem model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { var Exist = _penaltyBLL.GetPenalty().Where(x => (x.BodyType == null ? "" : x.BodyType.ToUpper()) == (model.BodyType == null ? "" : model.BodyType.ToUpper()) && (x.Manufacturer == null ? "" : x.Manufacturer.ToUpper()) == (model.Manufacturer == null? "" : model.Manufacturer.ToUpper()) && (x.Model == null ? "" : x.Model.ToUpper()) == (model.Models == null ? "" : model.Models.ToUpper()) && (x.VehicleType == null ? "" :x.VehicleType.ToUpper()) == (model.VehicleType == null ? "" : model.VehicleType.ToUpper()) && (x.BodyType == null ? "" :x.BodyType.ToUpper()) == (model.BodyType == null ? "" : model.BodyType.ToUpper()) && (x.Series == null ? "" : x.Series.ToUpper()) == (model.Series == null ? "" : model.Series.ToUpper()) && x.Year == model.Year && x.Vendor == model.Vendor && x.Penalty == model.Penalty && x.MonthEnd == model.MonthEnd && x.MonthStart == model.MonthStart && x.IsActive).FirstOrDefault(); if (Exist != null) { model.ErrorMessage = "Data Already Exist in Master Penalty"; model.MainMenu = _mainMenu; model.CurrentLogin = CurrentUser; model.PenaltyLogic = this.GetPenaltyLogicById(model.Penalty).Data.ToString(); model = listdata(model); return(View(model)); } var data = Mapper.Map <PenaltyDto>(model); data.CreatedBy = CurrentUser.USER_ID; data.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; data.ModifiedDate = null; data.IsActive = true; _penaltyBLL.Save(data); _penaltyBLL.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception exp) { model.ErrorMessage = exp.Message; model.MainMenu = _mainMenu; model.CurrentLogin = CurrentUser; model = listdata(model); return(View(model)); } } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "MstPenalty")); }
public PenaltyItem listdata(PenaltyItem model) { var Vehiclelist = new List <SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Text = "BENEFIT", Value = "BENEFIT" }, new SelectListItem { Text = "WTC", Value = "WTC" } }; model.VehicleList = new SelectList(Vehiclelist, "Value", "Text"); var PenaltyLogicDataList = _penaltyLogicBLL.GetPenaltyLogic().Where(x => x.IsActive).Select(x => new { x.MstPenaltyLogicId }).Distinct().ToList(); model.PenaltyList = new SelectList(PenaltyLogicDataList, "MstPenaltyLogicId", "MstPenaltyLogicId"); var VendorDataList = _vendorBLL.GetVendor().Where(x => x.IsActive).Select(x => new { x.VendorName, x.MstVendorId }).Distinct().ToList(); model.VendorList = new SelectList(VendorDataList, "MstVendorId", "VendorName"); return(model); }
public JsonResult UploadFile(HttpPostedFileBase upload) { var data = (new ExcelReader()).ReadExcel(upload); var model = new List <PenaltyItem>(); if (data != null) { foreach (var dataRow in data.DataRows) { if (dataRow.Count <= 0) { continue; } if (dataRow[0] == "") { continue; } var item = new PenaltyItem(); item.ErrorMessage = ""; var vendorName = dataRow[0].ToString(); if (vendorName == "") { item.ErrorMessage = "Vendor Name Can't be Empty"; } else { item.VendorName = vendorName; var vendor = _vendorBLL.GetVendor().Where(x => x.IsActive && (x.VendorName == null ? "" : x.VendorName.ToUpper()) == (vendorName == null ? "" : vendorName.ToUpper())).FirstOrDefault(); if (vendor == null) { item.ErrorMessage = "Vendor is not in the Master Vendor"; } else { item.Vendor = vendor.MstVendorId; } } if (dataRow[1] == "") { item.ErrorMessage = "Request Year Can't be Empty"; } else { try { item.Year = Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[1].ToString()); } catch (Exception) { item.ErrorMessage = "Request year must be number"; } } if (dataRow[2] == "") { item.ErrorMessage = "Minimum lease Term Can't be Empty"; } else { try { item.MonthStart = Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[2].ToString()); } catch (Exception) { item.ErrorMessage = "Minimum lease Term must be number"; } } if (dataRow[3] == "") { item.ErrorMessage = "Maximum lease Term Can't be Empty"; } else { try { item.MonthEnd = Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[3].ToString()); } catch (Exception) { item.ErrorMessage = "Maximum lease must be number"; } } item.Manufacturer = dataRow[4].ToString(); item.Models = dataRow[5].ToString(); item.Series = dataRow[6].ToString(); item.BodyType = dataRow[7].ToString(); item.VehicleType = (dataRow[8] == null ?"" :dataRow[8].ToUpper()); if (item.VehicleType == "") { item.ErrorMessage = "Vehicle Type can't be empty"; } if (dataRow[9] == "") { item.ErrorMessage = "Penalty Id Can't be empty"; } else { try { item.Penalty = Convert.ToInt32(dataRow[9].ToString()); var PenaltyLogic = _penaltyLogicBLL.GetPenaltyLogicById(item.Penalty); if (PenaltyLogic == null) { item.ErrorMessage = "This Penalty Id is not in master penalty Logic"; } } catch (Exception) { item.ErrorMessage = "Penalty Id must be number"; } } model.Add(item); } } return(Json(model)); }