internal PenContext[] CreateContexts(IntPtr hwnd, PenContexts contexts) { int c = Count + _deferredTablets.Count; PenContext[] ctxs = new PenContext[c]; int i = 0; foreach (TabletDevice tablet in _tablets) { ctxs[i++] = tablet.As <WispTabletDevice>().CreateContext(hwnd, contexts); } // DevDiv:1078091 // We need to re-enable contexts for anything that is marked // as a pending disposal. This is so we continue getting any // Wisp messages that might be waiting to come over the shared // memory channel. foreach (TabletDevice tablet in _deferredTablets) { ctxs[i++] = tablet.As <WispTabletDevice>().CreateContext(hwnd, contexts); } return(ctxs); }
public void Process(PipelineArgs args) { PenContext.Initialize(); var cdr = new ChainedMvcResolver( new AutofacDependencyResolver(PenContext.Current.IOCContainerManager.Container), DependencyResolver.Current); DependencyResolver.SetResolver(cdr); var controllerFactory = new AutofacControllerFactory(PenContext.Current.IOCContainerManager.Container); ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(controllerFactory); }
public PenRepository(DbContextOptions options) { context = new PenContext(options); }
public PenRepository() { context = new PenContext(); }