Пример #1
        public async Task <ServiceResponse <PeerGradeInfoDto> > GetPeerGradeById(GetPeerGradeByIdDto getPeerGradeDto)
            ServiceResponse <PeerGradeInfoDto> response = new ServiceResponse <PeerGradeInfoDto>();
            User user = await _context.Users
                        .Include(u => u.InstructedCourses)
                        .FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.Id == GetUserId());

            PeerGrade peerGrade = await _context.PeerGrades.FirstOrDefaultAsync(pg => pg.Id == getPeerGradeDto.Id);

            if (peerGrade == null)
                response.Data    = null;
                response.Message = "There is no peer grade with this id";
                response.Success = false;

            PeerGradeInfoDto dto = new PeerGradeInfoDto
                Id             = peerGrade.Id,
                ProjectGroupId = peerGrade.ProjectGroupId,
                ReviewerId     = peerGrade.ReviewerId,
                RevieweeId     = peerGrade.RevieweeId,
                MaxGrade       = peerGrade.MaxGrade,
                Grade          = peerGrade.Grade,
                Comment        = peerGrade.Comment,
                LastEdited     = peerGrade.LastEdited

            ProjectGroup projectGroup = await _context.ProjectGroups
                                        .FirstOrDefaultAsync(rg => rg.Id == dto.ProjectGroupId);

            if (user == null || (!doesUserInstruct(user, projectGroup.AffiliatedCourseId) && user.Id != dto.ReviewerId))
                response.Data    = null;
                response.Message = "You are not authorized to see this peer grade";
                response.Success = false;

            response.Data    = dto;
            response.Message = "Success";
            response.Success = true;

Пример #2
        public async Task <ServiceResponse <PeerGradeInfoDto> > GetPeerGradeByUsersAndGroup(GetPeerGradeDto getPeerGradeDto)
            ServiceResponse <PeerGradeInfoDto> response = new ServiceResponse <PeerGradeInfoDto>();
            User user = await _context.Users
                        .Include(u => u.InstructedCourses)
                        .FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.Id == GetUserId());

            ProjectGroup projectGroup = await _context.ProjectGroups.Include(g => g.AffiliatedCourse).ThenInclude(c => c.PeerGradeAssignment)
                                        .Include(g => g.GroupMembers)
                                        .FirstOrDefaultAsync(rg => rg.Id == getPeerGradeDto.ProjectGroupId);

            if (projectGroup == null)
                response.Data    = null;
                response.Message = "There is no project group with this id";
                response.Success = false;

            if (!IsUserInGroup(projectGroup, getPeerGradeDto.ReviewerId))
                response.Data    = null;
                response.Message = "There is no user with reviewerId in group";
                response.Success = false;

            if (!IsUserInGroup(projectGroup, getPeerGradeDto.RevieweeId))
                response.Data    = null;
                response.Message = "There is no user with revieweeId in group";
                response.Success = false;

            PeerGradeAssignment pga = await _context.PeerGradeAssignments
                                      .FirstOrDefaultAsync(pga => pga.CourseId == projectGroup.AffiliatedCourseId);

            if (pga == null)
                response.Data    = null;
                response.Message = "Course doesn't have a peer grade assignment";
                response.Success = false;

            if (user == null || (!doesUserInstruct(user, projectGroup.AffiliatedCourseId) && user.Id != getPeerGradeDto.ReviewerId))
                response.Data    = null;
                response.Message = "You are not authorized to see this peer grade";
                response.Success = false;

            PeerGrade peerGrade = await _context.PeerGrades
                                  .FirstOrDefaultAsync(pg => pg.ReviewerId == getPeerGradeDto.ReviewerId && pg.RevieweeId == getPeerGradeDto.RevieweeId && pg.ProjectGroupId == getPeerGradeDto.ProjectGroupId);

            if (peerGrade == null)
                response.Data    = null;
                response.Message = "There is no such peer grade";
                response.Success = false;

            PeerGradeInfoDto dto = new PeerGradeInfoDto
                Id             = peerGrade.Id,
                ProjectGroupId = peerGrade.ProjectGroupId,
                ReviewerId     = peerGrade.ReviewerId,
                RevieweeId     = peerGrade.RevieweeId,
                MaxGrade       = peerGrade.MaxGrade,
                Grade          = peerGrade.Grade,
                Comment        = peerGrade.Comment,
                LastEdited     = peerGrade.LastEdited

            response.Data    = dto;
            response.Message = "Success";
            response.Success = true;

Пример #3
        public async Task <ServiceResponse <PeerGradeInfoDto> > EditPeerGrade(EditPeerGradeDto editPeerGradeDto)
            ServiceResponse <PeerGradeInfoDto> response = new ServiceResponse <PeerGradeInfoDto>();
            User user = await _context.Users.Include(u => u.ProjectGroups)
                        .ThenInclude(g => g.ProjectGroup)
                        .FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.Id == GetUserId());

            PeerGrade peerGrade = await _context.PeerGrades.FirstOrDefaultAsync(pg => pg.Id == editPeerGradeDto.Id);

            if (peerGrade == null)
                response.Data    = null;
                response.Message = "There is no peer grade with this Id.";
                response.Success = false;

            if (peerGrade.ReviewerId != user.Id)
                response.Data    = null;
                response.Message = "You are not authorized to change this peer grade";
                response.Success = false;
            ProjectGroup projectGroup = await _context.ProjectGroups
                                        .Include(g => g.GroupMembers)
                                        .FirstOrDefaultAsync(rg => rg.Id == peerGrade.ProjectGroupId);

            PeerGradeAssignment pga = await _context.PeerGradeAssignments
                                      .FirstOrDefaultAsync(pga => pga.CourseId == projectGroup.AffiliatedCourseId);

            if (pga.DueDate < editPeerGradeDto.LastEdited)
                response.Data    = null;
                response.Message = "Due date has passed for the peer grade assignment";
                response.Success = false;

            if (peerGrade.MaxGrade < editPeerGradeDto.Grade)
                response.Data    = null;
                response.Message = "Grade should be less than or equal to the max grade";
                response.Success = false;

            peerGrade.Grade   = editPeerGradeDto.Grade;
            peerGrade.Comment = editPeerGradeDto.Comment;

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            PeerGradeInfoDto peerGradeInfoDto = new PeerGradeInfoDto
                Id             = peerGrade.Id,
                ProjectGroupId = peerGrade.ProjectGroupId,
                ReviewerId     = peerGrade.ReviewerId,
                RevieweeId     = peerGrade.RevieweeId,
                MaxGrade       = peerGrade.MaxGrade,
                Grade          = peerGrade.Grade,
                Comment        = peerGrade.Comment,
                LastEdited     = peerGrade.LastEdited

            response.Data    = peerGradeInfoDto;
            response.Message = "You successfully entered peer grade";
            response.Success = true;
