public void ATTClientAttributeValueEvent(object sender, Bluegiga.BLE.Events.ATTClient.AttributeValueEventArgs e) { // check for a new value from the connected peripheral's heart rate measurement attribute if (e.connection == GetConnectionHandle() && e.atthandle == att_handle_measurement) { aX = (e.value[1] * 256 + e.value[2]) * accelerometerFSR / Math.Pow(2, 16); aY = (e.value[3] * 256 + e.value[4]) * accelerometerFSR / Math.Pow(2, 16); aZ = (e.value[5] * 256 + e.value[6]) * accelerometerFSR / Math.Pow(2, 16); gX = (e.value[7] * 256 + e.value[8]) * gyroFSR / Math.Pow(2, 16); gY = (e.value[9] * 256 + e.value[10]) * gyroFSR / Math.Pow(2, 16); gZ = (e.value[11] * 256 + e.value[12]) * gyroFSR / Math.Pow(2, 16); AccelerationValue = new Acceleration(aX, aY, aZ); AngularvelocityValue = new AngularVelocity(gX, gY, gZ); double x0 = aX * aX + aY * aY + aZ * aZ; if (x0 - x1 > 290) { if (originalStep < 0) { originalStep = step; } currentStep = step - originalStep; PedometerValue = new PedometerData(step, calorie, distance, duration, currentStep); step = step + 1; } x1 = x0; } }
public WindowsGem(string address) { _last = Quaternion.identity; reference = Quaternion.identity; _lastAcceleration =; State = GemState.Disconnected; Pedometer = new PedometerData(); string[] str = address.Split(':'); var addrBytes = new byte[str.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < addrBytes.Length; i++) { addrBytes[i] = Byte.Parse(str[i], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); } this.address = addrBytes; this.addressStr = address; State = GemState.Disconnected; onCombinedDataRecieved = new NativeWrapper.gemOnCombinedDataReceived(CombinedDataReceived); NativeWrapper.gemSetOnCombinedData(addrBytes, onCombinedDataRecieved); onPedometerDataRecieved = new NativeWrapper.gemOnPedometerReceived(PedometerDataReceived); NativeWrapper.gemSetOnPedometerData(addrBytes, onPedometerDataRecieved); onTapDataRecieved = new NativeWrapper.gemOnTapDataReceived(TapDataReceived); NativeWrapper.gemSetOnTapData(addrBytes, onTapDataRecieved); onStateChanged = new NativeWrapper.gemOnStateChanged(StateChanged); NativeWrapper.gemSetOnStateChanged(addrBytes, onStateChanged); }
private void PedometerDataReceived(uint steps, float walktime) { PedometerData pedometer = new PedometerData(); pedometer.Steps = (int)steps; pedometer.WalkTime = walktime; Pedometer = pedometer; }
public void ATTClientAttributeValueEvent(object sender, Bluegiga.BLE.Events.ATTClient.AttributeValueEventArgs e) { String log = String.Format("ble_evt_attclient_attribute_value: connection={0}, atthandle={1}, type={2}, value=[ {3}]" + Environment.NewLine, e.connection, e.atthandle, e.type, ByteArrayToHexString(e.value) ); Console.Write(log); // check for a new value from the connected peripheral's heart rate measurement attribute if (e.connection == GetConnectionHandle() && e.atthandle == att_handle_rx) { if (e.value[0] == SIPP_02_CMD_11_REALTIME) { step = e.value[1] << 16 & 0xff0000 | e.value[2] << 8 & 0xff00 | e.value[3] & 0xff; calorie = e.value[7] << 16 & 0xff0000 | e.value[8] << 8 & 0xff00 | e.value[9] & 0xff; distance = e.value[10] << 16 & 0xff0000 | e.value[11] << 8 & 0xff00 | e.value[12] & 0xff; duration = e.value[13] << 8 & 0xff00 | e.value[14] & 0xff; if (originalStep < 0) { originalStep = step; } currentStep = step - originalStep; PedometerValue = new PedometerData(step, calorie, distance, duration, currentStep); // display actual measurement Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Step: {0}, Calore: {1} K, Distance: {2} meter, Duration: {3} minute", step, calorie, distance, duration) + Environment.NewLine); } else if (e.value[0] == SIPP_02_CMD_09_READ_DATA) { if (e.value[1] == 0x00) { step = e.value[6] << 16 & 0xff0000 | e.value[7] << 8 & 0xff00 | e.value[8] & 0xff; calorie = e.value[12] << 16 & 0xff0000 | e.value[13] << 8 & 0xff00 | e.value[14] & 0xff; if (originalStep < 0) { originalStep = step; } currentStep = step - originalStep; } else if (e.value[1] == 0x01) { distance = e.value[6] << 16 & 0xff0000 | e.value[7] << 8 & 0xff00 | e.value[8] & 0xff; duration = e.value[9] << 8 & 0xff00 | e.value[10] & 0xff; PedometerValue = new PedometerData(step, calorie, distance, duration, currentStep); // display actual measurement Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Step: {0}, Calore: {1} K, Distance: {2} meter, Duration: {3} minute", step, calorie, distance, duration) + Environment.NewLine); } } } }
public void ATTClientAttributeValueEvent(object sender, Bluegiga.BLE.Events.ATTClient.AttributeValueEventArgs e) { // check for a new value from the connected peripheral's heart rate measurement attribute if (e.connection == GetConnectionHandle() && e.atthandle == att_handle_measurement) { aX = BitConverter.ToInt16(e.value, 0) * accelerometerFSR / Math.Pow(2, 16); aY = BitConverter.ToInt16(e.value, 2) * accelerometerFSR / Math.Pow(2, 16); aZ = BitConverter.ToInt16(e.value, 4) * accelerometerFSR / Math.Pow(2, 16); gX = BitConverter.ToInt16(e.value, 6) * gyroFSR / Math.Pow(2, 16); gY = BitConverter.ToInt16(e.value, 8) * gyroFSR / Math.Pow(2, 16); gZ = BitConverter.ToInt16(e.value, 10) * gyroFSR / Math.Pow(2, 16); AccelerationValue = new Acceleration(aX, aY, aZ); AngularvelocityValue = new AngularVelocity(gX, gY, gZ); double x0 = aX * aX + aY * aY + aZ * aZ; if (x0 < (this.threshold * this.threshold)) { if (x1 > 0) { x1 = 0; } return; } if (x0 - x1 > (this.threshold * this.threshold)) { if (originalStep < 0) { originalStep = step; } currentStep = step - originalStep; PedometerValue = new PedometerData(step, calorie, distance, duration, currentStep); step = step + 1; } x1 = x0; } }