private void OnMouseMoveImpl(MouseEventArgs e, StringBuilder sbLogger) { if (!this.tracking) { sbLogger.Append("1 "); Cursor cursor = this.moveToolCursor; for (int i = 0; i < this.moveNubs.Length; ++i) { sbLogger.Append("2 "); MoveNubRenderer nub = this.moveNubs[i]; sbLogger.Append("3 "); if (nub.Visible && nub.IsPointTouching(new Point(e.X, e.Y), true)) { sbLogger.Append("4 "); cursor = this.handCursor; break; } } this.Cursor = cursor; sbLogger.Append("5 "); } else { sbLogger.Append("6 "); if (this.context.currentMode != Mode.Translate) { sbLogger.Append("7 "); this.Cursor = this.handCursorMouseDown; } sbLogger.Append("8 "); Point newMouseXY = new Point(e.X, e.Y); Point newOffset = new Point(newMouseXY.X - context.startMouseXY.X, newMouseXY.Y - context.startMouseXY.Y); PreRender(); this.dontDrop = true; sbLogger.Append("9 "); Selection.PerformChanging(); using (Matrix translateMatrix = new Matrix()) { RectangleF rect; translateMatrix.Reset(); if (this.context.baseTransform != null) { Selection.SetInterimTransform(this.context.baseTransform); } Matrix interim = Selection.GetInterimTransformCopy(); switch (this.context.currentMode) { case Mode.Translate: translateMatrix.Translate((float)newOffset.X, (float)newOffset.Y, MatrixOrder.Append); break; case Mode.Rotate: rect = this.context.liftedBounds; PointF center = new PointF(rect.X + (rect.Width / 2.0f), rect.Y + (rect.Height / 2.0f)); center = Utility.TransformOnePoint(interim, center); double theta1 = Math.Atan2(context.startMouseXY.Y - center.Y, context.startMouseXY.X - center.X); double theta2 = Math.Atan2(e.Y - center.Y, e.X - center.X); double thetaDelta = theta2 - theta1; this.angleDelta = (float)(thetaDelta * (180.0f / Math.PI)); float angle = this.context.startAngle + this.angleDelta; if ((ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0) { angle = ConstrainAngle(angle); angleDelta = angle - this.context.startAngle; } translateMatrix.RotateAt(angleDelta, center, MatrixOrder.Append); this.rotateNub.Location = center; this.rotateNub.Angle = this.context.startAngle + angleDelta; break; case Mode.Scale: PointF xyAxes = GetEdgeVector(this.context.startEdge); PointF xAxis = new PointF(xyAxes.X, 0); PointF yAxis = new PointF(0, xyAxes.Y); PointF edgeX = Utility.TransformOneVector(interim, xAxis); PointF edgeY = Utility.TransformOneVector(interim, yAxis); PointF edgeXN = Utility.NormalizeVector2(edgeX); PointF edgeYN = Utility.NormalizeVector2(edgeY); PointF xu; float xulen; PointF xv; Utility.GetProjection((PointF)newOffset, edgeXN, out xu, out xulen, out xv); PointF yu; float yulen; PointF yv; Utility.GetProjection((PointF)newOffset, edgeYN, out yu, out yulen, out yv); PdnGraphicsPath startPath2 = this.context.startPath.Clone(); RectangleF sp2Bounds = startPath2.GetBounds(); PointF sp2BoundsCenter = new PointF((sp2Bounds.Left + sp2Bounds.Right) / 2.0f, (sp2Bounds.Top + sp2Bounds.Bottom) / 2.0f); float tAngle = Utility.GetAngleOfTransform(interim); bool isFlipped = Utility.IsTransformFlipped(interim); using (Matrix spm = new Matrix()) { spm.Reset(); spm.RotateAt(-tAngle, sp2BoundsCenter, MatrixOrder.Append); translateMatrix.RotateAt(-tAngle, sp2BoundsCenter, MatrixOrder.Append); startPath2.Transform(spm); } RectangleF spBounds2 = startPath2.GetBounds(); startPath2.Dispose(); startPath2 = null; float xTranslate; float yTranslate; bool allowConstrain; Edge theEdge = this.context.startEdge; // If the transform is flipped, then GetTransformAngle will return 180 degrees // even though no rotation has actually taken place. Thus we have to scratch // our head and go "hmm, let's make some adjustments to this." Otherwise stretching // the top and bottom nubs goes in the wrong direction. if (isFlipped) { theEdge = FlipEdgeVertically(theEdge); } switch (theEdge) { default: throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(); case Edge.TopLeft: allowConstrain = true; xTranslate = -spBounds2.X - spBounds2.Width; yTranslate = -spBounds2.Y - spBounds2.Height; break; case Edge.Top: allowConstrain = false; xTranslate = 0; yTranslate = -spBounds2.Y - spBounds2.Height; break; case Edge.TopRight: allowConstrain = true; xTranslate = -spBounds2.X; yTranslate = -spBounds2.Y - spBounds2.Height; break; case Edge.Left: allowConstrain = false; xTranslate = -spBounds2.X - spBounds2.Width; yTranslate = 0; break; case Edge.Right: allowConstrain = false; xTranslate = -spBounds2.X; yTranslate = 0; break; case Edge.BottomLeft: allowConstrain = true; xTranslate = -spBounds2.X - spBounds2.Width; yTranslate = -spBounds2.Y; break; case Edge.Bottom: allowConstrain = false; xTranslate = 0; yTranslate = -spBounds2.Y; break; case Edge.BottomRight: allowConstrain = true; xTranslate = -spBounds2.X; yTranslate = -spBounds2.Y; break; } translateMatrix.Translate(xTranslate, yTranslate, MatrixOrder.Append); float newWidth = spBounds2.Width + xulen; float newHeight = spBounds2.Height + yulen; float xScale = newWidth / spBounds2.Width; float yScale = newHeight / spBounds2.Height; if (allowConstrain && (this.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0) { ConstrainScaling(this.context.liftedBounds, spBounds2.Width, spBounds2.Height, newWidth, newHeight, out xScale, out yScale); } translateMatrix.Scale(xScale, yScale, MatrixOrder.Append); translateMatrix.Translate(-xTranslate, -yTranslate, MatrixOrder.Append); translateMatrix.RotateAt(+tAngle, sp2BoundsCenter, MatrixOrder.Append); break; default: throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(); } this.context.deltaTransform.Reset(); this.context.deltaTransform.Multiply(this.context.liftTransform, MatrixOrder.Append); this.context.deltaTransform.Multiply(translateMatrix, MatrixOrder.Append); translateMatrix.Multiply(this.context.baseTransform, MatrixOrder.Prepend); Selection.SetInterimTransform(translateMatrix); interim.Dispose(); interim = null; } // advertise our angle of rotation to any host (i.e. mainform) that might want to use that information this.hostShouldShowAngle = this.rotateNub.Visible; this.hostAngle = -this.rotateNub.Angle; Selection.PerformChanged(); dontDrop = false; Render(newOffset, true); Update(); sbLogger.Append("a "); this.context.offset = newOffset; sbLogger.Append("b "); if (this.enableOutline) { DocumentWorkspace.ResetOutlineWhiteOpacity(); } sbLogger.Append("c "); } sbLogger.Append("d "); }