public void VisualizarPdf(ReportDocument relatorio, ParameterFields paramFields, string caminho)
            CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource       = relatorio;
            CrystalReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo = paramFields;

            ArquivoDownload adExtratoPdf = new ArquivoDownload();

            adExtratoPdf.nome_arquivo    = "Aviso_pagto" + DateTime.Now.ToFileTime() + ".pdf";
            adExtratoPdf.caminho_arquivo = Server.MapPath(@"UploadFile\") + adExtratoPdf.nome_arquivo;
            adExtratoPdf.modo_abertura   = System.Net.Mime.DispositionTypeNames.Inline;

            ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
            DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
            PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    CrFormatTypeOptions          = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

            CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = adExtratoPdf.caminho_arquivo;
            CrExportOptions = relatorio.ExportOptions;//Report document  object has to be given here
            CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
            CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
            CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions    = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
            CrExportOptions.FormatOptions         = CrFormatTypeOptions;


            Session[ValidaCaracteres(adExtratoPdf.nome_arquivo)] = adExtratoPdf;
            string fullUrl = "WebFile.aspx?dwFile=" + ValidaCaracteres(adExtratoPdf.nome_arquivo);

            //AbrirNovaAba(this, fullUrl, adExtratoPdf.nome_arquivo);
            //((BasePage)this.Page).ResponsePdf(adExtratoPDF.caminho_arquivo, adExtratoPDF.nome_arquivo);
            //ResponsePdf(adExtratoPDF.caminho_arquivo, adExtratoPDF.nome_arquivo);
Пример #2
        private void ExcuteExportReportToPDFCommand()
                string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "\\PinnaFace\\";
                if (!Directory.Exists(path))

                var doc = ReportToView;

                var crDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                var crFormatTypeOptions          = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                var filePath = path + "\\SampleReport.pdf";
                crDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = filePath;
                var crExportOptions = doc.ExportOptions;
                    crExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                    crExportOptions.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                    crExportOptions.DestinationOptions    = crDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                    crExportOptions.FormatOptions         = crFormatTypeOptions;

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.InnerException, "Can't Export Document");
Пример #3
 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) // Export Pdf
         var file   = new FolderBrowserDialog();
         var result = file.ShowDialog();
         if (result == DialogResult.OK && file.SelectedPath != null)
             ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
             DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
             PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    CrFormatTypeOptions          = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
             CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = file.SelectedPath;
             CrExportOptions = File.ExportOptions;
                 CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                 CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                 CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions    = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                 CrExportOptions.FormatOptions         = CrFormatTypeOptions;
             MessageBox.Show("Exported Successfully!");
     catch (Exception ex)
        public static bool export_pdf(string pdf_path, string db_name, string crystal_path, string docentry)
                ReportDocument cryRpt = new ReportDocument();

                new TableLogOnInfos();
                TableLogOnInfo crtableLogoninfo;
                var            crConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();

                ParameterFieldDefinitions crParameterFieldDefinitions;
                ParameterFieldDefinition  crParameterFieldDefinition;
                ParameterValues           crParameterValues        = new ParameterValues();
                ParameterDiscreteValue    crParameterDiscreteValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue();

                crParameterDiscreteValue.Value = Convert.ToString(docentry);
                crParameterFieldDefinitions    = cryRpt.DataDefinition.ParameterFields;
                crParameterFieldDefinition     = crParameterFieldDefinitions["@DOCENTRY"];
                crParameterValues = crParameterFieldDefinition.CurrentValues;


                crConnectionInfo.ServerName   = "SYSPEXSAP04";
                crConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = db_name;
                crConnectionInfo.UserID       = "sa";
                crConnectionInfo.Password     = "******";

                var crTables = cryRpt.Database.Tables;
                foreach (Table crTable in crTables)
                    crtableLogoninfo = crTable.LogOnInfo;
                    crtableLogoninfo.ConnectionInfo = crConnectionInfo;

                ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    CrFormatTypeOptions          = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

                CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = pdf_path;
                CrExportOptions = cryRpt.ExportOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                    CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions    = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.FormatOptions         = CrFormatTypeOptions;
            catch (CrystalReportsException ex)
                throw ex;
        public void VistaPrevia(string key)
                ReportDocument objRpt = new ReportDocument();
                DataSet ds = (DataSet)this.GetDataReport(key);

                //string reportPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Reporte\\co_ordenCompra_rpt.rpt";
                string reportPath = "C:\\Reportes\\CR_Cliente_rpt01.rpt";

                DiskFileDestinationOptions crDiskFileDestinationOption = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions crFormatTypeOption = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                ExportOptions crExportOptions = new ExportOptions();

                string strfolder = "C:\\Reporte\\";
                crDiskFileDestinationOption.DiskFileName = strfolder + "Cliente.pdf";

                crExportOptions = objRpt.ExportOptions;
                crExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                crExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;

                crExportOptions.ExportDestinationOptions = crDiskFileDestinationOption;
                crExportOptions.ExportFormatOptions = crFormatTypeOption;
                crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = objRpt;

            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #6
        private string SavePDF()
                ReportDocument rpt = new ReportDocument();
                rpt.Load(ReportsFolder + "\\CashReport.rpt");

                rpt.SetDataSource(getBillDate(Convert.ToInt32(lblADID.Text), Convert.ToInt32(lblPaymentID.Text)));

                ExportOptions rptExportOption;
                DiskFileDestinationOptions rptFileDestOption = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    rptFormatOption   = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                string reportFileName = CashFolder + "\\Cash Receipt No - " + lblPaymentID.Text + ".pdf";
                rptFileDestOption.DiskFileName = reportFileName;
                rptExportOption = rpt.ExportOptions;
                    rptExportOption.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                    //if we want to generate the report as PDF, change the ExportFormatType as "ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat"
                    //if we want to generate the report as Excel, change the ExportFormatType as "ExportFormatType.Excel"
                    rptExportOption.ExportFormatType         = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                    rptExportOption.ExportDestinationOptions = rptFileDestOption;
                    rptExportOption.ExportFormatOptions      = rptFormatOption;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error while saving PDF.");
        private void btnSendMail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                cryRpt = new ReportDocument();
                cryRpt.Load("C:\\Users\\sopan\\source\\repos\\amolbshinde\\Gorakshnath-Billing-System\\Gorakshnath Billing System\\Report_Generator\\CrystalReport\\crptEstimate.rpt");

                crptEstimateViewer.ReportSource = cryRpt;

                ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    CrFormatTypeOptions          = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = "E:\\EstimateSampleReport.pdf";
                CrExportOptions = cryRpt.ExportOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                    CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions    = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.FormatOptions         = CrFormatTypeOptions;
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #8
        public void ExportarRelatorioPdf(string caminho_arquivo)

            foreach (var p in _relatorio.parametros)
                relatorio.SetParameterValue(p.parametro, p.valor);

            ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
            DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
            PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    CrFormatTypeOptions          = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

            CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = caminho_arquivo;
            CrExportOptions = relatorio.ExportOptions;//Report document  object has to be given here
            CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
            CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
            CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions    = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
            CrExportOptions.FormatOptions         = CrFormatTypeOptions;


            //((BasePage)this.Page).ResponsePdf(adExtratoPDF.caminho_arquivo, adExtratoPDF.nome_arquivo);

            //ResponsePdf(adExtratoPDF.caminho_arquivo, adExtratoPDF.nome_arquivo);
Пример #9
        public bool ExportarPDF(string nombreArchivo)
            bool resultado = false;

                ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    CrFormatTypeOptions          = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

                CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = nombreArchivo;
                CrExportOptions = _docRpt.ExportOptions;
                CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions    = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                CrExportOptions.FormatOptions         = CrFormatTypeOptions;
                resultado = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Exportar : " + ex.Message);
                PistaMgr.Instance.Error("Reportes.ExportarPDF", ex);
Пример #10
    protected void GeneratePOAsPDF(DataTable dt, string FileName, int EmailID)
        string repFilePath = Server.MapPath("TRVPOReport.rpt");

        ReportDocument repDoc = new ReportDocument();



        ExportOptions exp             = new ExportOptions();
        DiskFileDestinationOptions dk = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
        PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    pd = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

        string destFile = Server.MapPath("../Uploads/Travel") + "\\" + FileName;

        dk.DiskFileName = destFile;

        //string Network_Path = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["APP_URL"].ToString()+@"Uploads\Travel\";
        string Network_Path = @"Uploads\Travel\";

        exp.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
        exp.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
        exp.DestinationOptions    = dk;
        exp.FormatOptions         = pd;

        BLL_Infra_Common.Insert_EmailAttachedFile(EmailID, FileName, Network_Path + FileName);
Пример #11
 //SAVE PDF TO FILE              - method not used
 public void savePDF()
     using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionstring))
         SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM WIZ_BulkInvoice_CrystalReport WHERE InvNumber = '" + label_InvoiceNumber.Text + "' ", con);
         ReportDocument rpt = new ReportDocument();
         DataSet datatablesource = new DataSet();
         sda.Fill(datatablesource, "WIZ_BulkInvoice_Report");
         ExportOptions rptExportOption;
         DiskFileDestinationOptions rptFileDestOption = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
         PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    rptFormatOption   = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
         string reportFileName = @"C:\BulkInvoice\Documents\" + label_InvoiceNumber.Text + ".pdf";  //save path
         rptFileDestOption.DiskFileName = reportFileName;
         rptExportOption = rpt.ExportOptions;
             rptExportOption.ExportDestinationType    = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
             rptExportOption.ExportFormatType         = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
             rptExportOption.ExportDestinationOptions = rptFileDestOption;
             rptExportOption.ExportFormatOptions      = rptFormatOption;
Пример #12
        protected void doreport1()
            string strConnString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TOHWConnectionString"].ConnectionString;

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            rpt = new ReportDocument();
            using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(strConnString))
                SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("Report_Encounters", con);

                da.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@username", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = username;
                da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@fromdate", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = Request.QueryString["fromdate"];
                da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@todate", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value   = Request.QueryString["todate"];


                //int records = ds.Tables["Table"].Rows.Count;

            string report = Server.MapPath("~/private/reports/crystal/EncountersByPersonDate.rpt");

            //rpt.SetParameterValue("fromdate", Request.QueryString["fromdate"]);
            //rpt.SetParameterValue("todate", Request.QueryString["todate"]);

            //crv_report.ReportSource = rpt;
            //int PageCount = rpt.FormatEngine.GetLastPageNumber(new ReportPageRequestContext());

            //Literal1.Text = PageCount.ToString();

            if (1 == 2)
                ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    CrFormatTypeOptions          = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = "C:\\temp\\test.pdf";
                CrExportOptions = rpt.ExportOptions;

                CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions    = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                CrFormatTypeOptions.UsePageRange      = true;

                //CrFormatTypeOptions.FirstPageNumber = 1;
                //CrFormatTypeOptions.LastPageNumber = 1;

                CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;

                crv_report.ReportSource = rpt;
                Session.Add("Report", rpt);
Пример #13
        private void GeneraReport(string StringaOdl)
            report_pmp DtRpt = new report_pmp();

            TheSite.SchemiXSD.ReportPmp ds = new TheSite.SchemiXSD.ReportPmp();
            ds = DtRpt.GetDataRpt(StringaOdl);
            string pathRptSource = Server.MapPath(Request.ApplicationPath + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SourceReports"]);

            crReportDocument.Load(pathRptSource + "REPORT_PMP.rpt");
            CRView1.ReportSource = crReportDocument;
            //  per pdf
            string        Fname = Server.MapPath("../Report/" + Session.SessionID.ToString() + ".pdf");//pathRptSource  + Session.SessionID.ToString() + ".pdf" ;
            ExportOptions optExp;
            DiskFileDestinationOptions optDsk    = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
            PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    optPdfRtf = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

            optExp = crReportDocument.ExportOptions;
            optExp.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
            optExp.FormatOptions         = optPdfRtf;
            optExp.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
            optDsk.DiskFileName          = Fname;
            optExp.DestinationOptions    = optDsk;

            Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
        // GET: Reports
        public ActionResult Index()
            /*String _reportPath = "";
             * if(System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(_reportPath)))
             * {
             *  System.Web.UI.Page page = this;
             *  string vprinter = "";
             *  string vLetter = "";
             *  Components.ReportViewer rprt = new Components.ReportViewer(ref page);
             * }*/

                ReportDocument             cryRpt = null;
                ExportOptions              CrExportOptions;
                DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    CrFormatTypeOptions          = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = "E:\\";
                CrExportOptions = cryRpt.ExportOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                    CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions    = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.FormatOptions         = CrFormatTypeOptions;
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #15
         * Funcion que crea el pdf y lo convierte a un httpresponseMessage para enviar por http
         * @param  pbjeto de Crystal report que contiene la tabla del pdf a generar
         * @returns httpResponseMessage del pdf
        public HttpResponseMessage obtener_Response(ReportClass objRpt)
            ExportOptions           CrExportOptions;
            PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

            CrExportOptions = objRpt.ExportOptions;

            CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
            CrExportOptions.FormatOptions    = CrFormatTypeOptions;
            Stream stream = objRpt.ExportToStream(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat);

            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

            var result = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
                Content = new ByteArrayContent(ms.ToArray())

            result.Content.Headers.ContentDisposition =
                new System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue("attachment")
                FileName = "Report.pdf"
            result.Content.Headers.ContentType =
                new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/octet-stream");
Пример #16
        private void Report2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ReportDocument cryRpt = new ReportDocument();

            crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cryRpt;
                ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    CrFormatTypeOptions          = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = "C:\\Users\\M.ALI\\Documents\\ProjectAreports\\EvalReport.pdf";
                CrExportOptions = cryRpt.ExportOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                    CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions    = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.FormatOptions         = CrFormatTypeOptions;
                MessageBox.Show("Report created.At Path C:\\Users\\M.ALI\\Documents\\ProjectAreports.");
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #17
        public void ExportReport(ReportDocument oReport, string cFileName, ExportTypes oExportTypes, int nFirstPage, int nLastPage)
            ExportOptions              oExportOptions      = new ExportOptions();
            PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    oFormatOptions      = ExportOptions.CreatePdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
            DiskFileDestinationOptions oDestinationOptions = ExportOptions.CreateDiskFileDestinationOptions();

            switch (oExportTypes)
            case ExportTypes.PDF:
            case ExportTypes.MSWord:
                oExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions oPDFFormatOptions = ExportOptions.CreatePdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

                if (nFirstPage > 0 && nLastPage > 0)
                    oPDFFormatOptions.FirstPageNumber = nFirstPage;
                    oPDFFormatOptions.LastPageNumber  = nLastPage;
                    oPDFFormatOptions.UsePageRange    = true;
                oExportOptions.ExportFormatOptions = oPDFFormatOptions;

            case ExportTypes.MSExcel:
                oExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.Excel;
                ExcelFormatOptions oExcelFormatOptions = ExportOptions.CreateExcelFormatOptions();

                if (nFirstPage > 0 && nLastPage > 0)
                    oExcelFormatOptions.FirstPageNumber = nFirstPage;
                    oExcelFormatOptions.LastPageNumber  = nLastPage;
                    oExcelFormatOptions.UsePageRange    = true;
                oExcelFormatOptions.ExcelUseConstantColumnWidth = false;
                oExportOptions.ExportFormatOptions = oExcelFormatOptions;

            case ExportTypes.HTML:
                oExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.HTML40;
                HTMLFormatOptions oHTMLFormatOptions = ExportOptions.CreateHTMLFormatOptions();
                if (nFirstPage > 0 && nLastPage > 0)
                    oHTMLFormatOptions.FirstPageNumber = nFirstPage;
                    oHTMLFormatOptions.LastPageNumber  = nLastPage;
                    oHTMLFormatOptions.UsePageRange    = true;
                // can set additional HTML export options here

                oExportOptions.ExportFormatOptions = oHTMLFormatOptions;

            oDestinationOptions.DiskFileName        = cFileName;
            oExportOptions.ExportDestinationOptions = oDestinationOptions;
            oExportOptions.ExportDestinationType    = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;

Пример #18
 protected void btn_Export_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
         DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
         PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    CrFormatTypeOptions          = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
         DateTime frmdate = DateTime.ParseExact(txt_FromDate.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", null);
         string   fdate   = frmdate.ToString("dd" + "_" + "MM" + "_" + "yyyy");
         DateTime todate  = DateTime.ParseExact(txt_ToDate.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", null);
         string   tdate   = todate.ToString("dd" + "_" + "MM" + "_" + "yyyy");
         string   CurrentCreateFolderName = fdate + "_" + tdate + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy");
         string   path = @"C:\BILL VYSHNAVI\" + ccode + "_" + "_" + pcode + CurrentCreateFolderName + "\\";
         if (!Directory.Exists(path))
         CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = path + ccode + "_" + pcode + "_" + "RoutewiseAbstract.pdf";
         CrExportOptions = cr.ExportOptions;
             CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
             CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
             CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions    = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
             CrExportOptions.FormatOptions         = CrFormatTypeOptions;
         WebMsgBox.Show("Report Export Successfully...");
         string             MFileName = @"C:/BILL VYSHNAVI/" + ccode + "_" + "_" + pcode + CurrentCreateFolderName + "/" + ccode + "_" + pcode + "_" + "RoutewiseAbstract.pdf";
         System.IO.FileInfo file      = new System.IO.FileInfo(MFileName);
         if (File.Exists(MFileName.ToString()))
             FileStream sourceFile = new FileStream(file.FullName, FileMode.Open);
             float      FileSize;
             FileSize = sourceFile.Length;
             byte[] getContent = new byte[(int)FileSize];
             sourceFile.Read(getContent, 0, (int)sourceFile.Length);
             Response.ClearContent(); // neded to clear previous (if any) written content
             Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + file.Name);
             Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", file.Length.ToString());
             Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
             Response.Write("File Not Found...");
     catch (Exception ex)
         WebMsgBox.Show("Please Check the ExportPath...");
Пример #19
        private void SaveReportToPDF()
                rprt.Load(Server.MapPath("~\\Crystal Reports\\UserReport.rpt"));
                string Query = QueryObj.GetQueryViaFileAndTagName("LogIn.xml", "UserReport");
                NpgsqlDataAdapter adapter    = new NpgsqlDataAdapter(Query, Connection);
                DataSet           dataSetObj = new DataSet();
                if (dataSetObj != null)
                    ExportFormatType formatType = ExportFormatType.NoFormat;
                    switch (rbFormat.SelectedItem.Value = "PDF")
                    case "Word":
                        formatType = ExportFormatType.WordForWindows;

                    case "PDF":
                        formatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;

                    case "Excel":
                        formatType = ExportFormatType.Excel;

                    case "CSV":
                        formatType = ExportFormatType.CharacterSeparatedValues;
                    adapter.Fill(dataSetObj, "User");
                    UserReportId.ReportSource = rprt;
                ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    CrFormatTypeOptions          = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = "D:\\Roshan Project\\RequiredCommonInfo\\AlumacSystem\\AlumacSystem\\Crystal Reports\\Card.pdf";
                CrExportOptions = rprt.ExportOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                    CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions    = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.FormatOptions         = CrFormatTypeOptions;
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #20
    protected void GeneratePOAsPDF(DataTable dt, string strPath, string FileName)
        string repFilePath = Server.MapPath("POReport.rpt");

        //using (ReportDocument repDoc = new ReportDocument())

        using (ReportDocument repDoc = new ReportDocument())


            decimal Total_Price  = 0;
            decimal Exchane_rate = 1;
            decimal Vat          = 0;
            decimal sercharge    = 0;
            decimal discount     = 0;
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                Exchane_rate = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["EXCHANGE_RATE"].ToString());
                discount     = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["DISCOUNT"].ToString());
                Vat          = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["VAT"].ToString());
                sercharge    = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["SURCHARGES"].ToString());
                Total_Price  = Total_Price + (Convert.ToDecimal(dr["REQUESTED_QTY"].ToString()) * Convert.ToDecimal(dr["QUOTED_RATE"].ToString()) - (Convert.ToDecimal(dr["REQUESTED_QTY"].ToString()) * Convert.ToDecimal(dr["QUOTED_RATE"].ToString()) * Convert.ToDecimal(dr["QUOTED_DISCOUNT"].ToString()) / 100));
            repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[1].Text = (Total_Price / Exchane_rate).ToString();
            repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[2].Text = (Convert.ToDecimal(repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[1].Text) * discount / 100).ToString();
            repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[3].Text = ((Convert.ToDecimal(repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[1].Text) - (Convert.ToDecimal(repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[1].Text) * discount / 100)) * sercharge / 100).ToString();
            repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[4].Text = ((Convert.ToDecimal(repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[1].Text) - Convert.ToDecimal(repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[2].Text) + Convert.ToDecimal(repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[3].Text)) * Vat / 100).ToString();
            repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[0].Text = ((Convert.ToDecimal(repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[1].Text) - Convert.ToDecimal(repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[2].Text) + Convert.ToDecimal(repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[3].Text) + Convert.ToDecimal(repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[4].Text)).ToString());

            ExportOptions exp             = new ExportOptions();
            DiskFileDestinationOptions dk = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
            PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    pd = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

            string sFile = strPath + FileName;
            dk.DiskFileName = strPath + FileName;

            exp.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
            exp.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
            exp.DestinationOptions    = dk;
            exp.FormatOptions         = pd;

            //for email attachment

            string destFile = Server.MapPath("../Uploads/Purchase") + "\\" + FileName;;
            File.Copy(sFile, destFile, true);

        void ExportCrystalReport(ReportDocument cryRpt, string formatExport, string pathReportGenerate)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathReportGenerate))
                throw new Exception("Path report generate not found");

            if (cryRpt == null)
                throw new Exception("Resource not found");

            ExportFormatType exportFormatType = ExportFormatType.NoFormat;
            string           extensionFile    = Path.GetExtension(pathReportGenerate);
            object           formatOption     = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

            switch (formatExport)
            case "WORD":
                exportFormatType = ExportFormatType.WordForWindows;
                extensionFile    = ".doc";

            case "PDF":
                exportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;

            case "EXCEL":
                exportFormatType = ExportFormatType.Excel;
                extensionFile    = ".xls";
                formatOption     = new ExcelFormatOptions();

            var downloadReportPath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/DownloadReports/");

            //Check exist folder DownloadReports
            if (!Directory.Exists(downloadReportPath))

            DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();

            CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = pathReportGenerate;
            ExportOptions CrExportOptions = cryRpt.ExportOptions;

                CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType      = exportFormatType;
                CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions    = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                CrExportOptions.FormatOptions         = formatOption;
Пример #22
    protected void GeneratePOAsPDF(DataTable dt, string strPath, string FileName)
        string repFilePath = Server.MapPath("POReport.rpt");

        using (ReportDocument repDoc = new ReportDocument())


            decimal Total_Price  = 0;
            decimal Exchane_rate = 1;
            decimal Vat          = 0;
            decimal sercharge    = 0;
            decimal discount     = 0;
            decimal withholding  = 0;
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                Exchane_rate = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["EXCHANGE_RATE"].ToString());
                discount     = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["DISCOUNT"].ToString());
                Vat          = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["VAT"].ToString());
                sercharge    = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["SURCHARGES"].ToString());

                Total_Price = Total_Price + (Convert.ToDecimal(dr["REQUESTED_QTY"].ToString()) * Convert.ToDecimal(dr["QUOTED_RATE"].ToString()) - (Convert.ToDecimal(dr["REQUESTED_QTY"].ToString()) * Convert.ToDecimal(dr["QUOTED_RATE"].ToString()) * Convert.ToDecimal(dr["QUOTED_DISCOUNT"].ToString()) / 100));
                if (dr["SURCHARGES"].ToString() == "Spares")
                    repDoc.ReportDefinition.Sections[1].SectionFormat.EnableSuppress = true;
            repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[1].Text = (Total_Price / Exchane_rate).ToString();
            repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[2].Text = (Convert.ToDecimal(repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[1].Text) * discount / 100).ToString();
            repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[3].Text = ((Convert.ToDecimal(repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[1].Text) - (Convert.ToDecimal(repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[1].Text) * discount / 100)) * sercharge / 100).ToString();
            repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[4].Text = ((Convert.ToDecimal(repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[1].Text) - Convert.ToDecimal(repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[2].Text) + Convert.ToDecimal(repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[3].Text)) * Vat / 100).ToString();
            repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[0].Text = ((Convert.ToDecimal(repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[1].Text) - Convert.ToDecimal(repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[2].Text) + Convert.ToDecimal(repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[3].Text) + Convert.ToDecimal(repDoc.DataDefinition.FormulaFields[4].Text)).ToString());

            Response.Buffer = false;
            // Clear the response content and headers

            ExportOptions exp = new ExportOptions();
            exp.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
            PdfRtfWordFormatOptions pd = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

            exp.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.NoDestination;
            exp.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
            exp.FormatOptions         = pd;
            repDoc.ExportToHttpResponse(exp, Response, false, "ghjgj");
        private void BtnImprimir_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                var boton = e.Source as Button;
                if (boton != null)
                    var elemento      = boton.CommandParameter as ImpresionCalidadMezcladoModel;
                    var calidad       = new CalidadMezcladoFormulasAlimentoPL();
                    var listaAuxiliar = new List <ImpresionCalidadMezcladoModel> {
                    var documento = new ReportDocument();
                    var reporte   = String.Format("{0}{1}", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory,
                                                  "\\Administracion\\Impresiones\\rptEf.MezRotomix 2.rpt");


                    ExportOptions rptExportOption;
                    var           rptFileDestOption = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                    var           rptFormatOption   = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                    string        reportFileName    = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.pdf", @"C:\CheckListCalidadMezclado",
                    rptFileDestOption.DiskFileName = reportFileName;
                    rptExportOption = documento.ExportOptions;
                        rptExportOption.ExportDestinationType    = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                        rptExportOption.ExportFormatType         = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                        rptExportOption.ExportDestinationOptions = rptFileDestOption;
                        rptExportOption.ExportFormatOptions      = rptFormatOption;
                                      Properties.Resources.Impresion_ReporteGeneradoConExito, MessageBoxButton.OK,
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #24
        private bool SendWebMail(string strTo, string subj, string cont, string cc, string bcc, string strfrom)
            // generate reports
            DataTable dre = bus.generatereport();

            rd.Load(Server.MapPath(Request.ApplicationPath) + "/user/MonthlyReport.rpt");

            // location of empty pdf file
            string filename = Server.MapPath("~/pdf/Monthly_Report.pdf");

            // export the report to pdf and write to empty pdf file inside pdf folder
            ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
            DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
            PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    CrFormatTypeOptions          = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

            CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = filename;
            CrExportOptions = rd.ExportOptions;//Report document  object has to be given here
            CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
            CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
            CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions    = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
            CrExportOptions.FormatOptions         = CrFormatTypeOptions;

            // send email with attachment

            bool        flg = false;
            MailMessage msg = new MailMessage();

            msg.Body    = "<table  border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' style='width: 750px; border-color: black;'><tr><td colspan='9'><br>&nbsp &nbspDear Sir / Madam,<br /><br />&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspPFA Monthly report for the Month of <b>" + dre.Rows[0][5].ToString() + " " + dre.Rows[0][6].ToString() + "</b>. The details are as follows.<br /><br /></td></tr><tr style='font-weight: 700;'></tr><tr><td colspan='9'><br/><p></p><p> &nbsp&nbsp&nbspOpening Date:   " + dre.Rows[0][2].ToString() + "</p><p>&nbsp&nbsp&nbspOpening Balance:   " + dre.Rows[0][7].ToString() + "</p><p>&nbsp&nbsp&nbspClosing Balance:   " + dre.Rows[0][15].ToString() + "</p><p>&nbsp&nbsp&nbspOpened By:   " + dre.Rows[0][4].ToString() + " </p><p>&nbsp&nbsp&nbspFreezed Date:   " + dre.Rows[0][3].ToString() + " </p><p>&nbsp&nbsp&nbspclick<a href=" + url + "> here </a>to login into the application</p><br/></td></tr><tr></tr><td colspan='9' style='font-weight: bold' align='right'><br /><br />Regards,<br />Team Petty Cash App</td></tr><tr><td align='center'><p style='color:blue;'> This is a system generated response. Please do not respond to this email id.</p></td></tr></table>";
            msg.From    = strfrom;
            msg.To      = strTo;
            msg.Subject = subj + " " + dre.Rows[0][5].ToString() + " " + dre.Rows[0][6].ToString();
            msg.Cc      = cc;
            msg.Bcc     = bcc;
            //System.Net.Mail.Attachment attach;
            //attach = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment()
            msg.Attachments.Add(new MailAttachment(filename));
            msg.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html;
                //SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "";
                SmtpMail.SmtpServer = ""; // change the ip address to this when hosting in server
                flg = true;
            catch (Exception)
                flg = false;
Пример #25
        private void download_leaves(int id, int rid)
            bus.lid = id;
            DataTable dt  = bus.fetch_download_leaves();
            int       reg = rid;

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                if (reg == 2)
                    rd.Load(Server.MapPath(Request.ApplicationPath) + "/user/approved.rpt");

                    // location of empty pdf file
                    string exportPath = Server.MapPath("~/pdf/Approved_Leave.pdf");

                    // export the report to pdf and write to empty pdf file inside pdf folder
                    ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                    DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                    PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    CrFormatTypeOptions          = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                    CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = exportPath;
                    CrExportOptions = rd.ExportOptions;//Report document  object has to be given here
                    CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                    CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions    = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.FormatOptions         = CrFormatTypeOptions;
                    Response.Redirect("~/ViewPdf?reportFile=" + exportPath);
                else if (reg == 1)
                    rd.Load(Server.MapPath(Request.ApplicationPath) + "/user/approved_malaysia.rpt");

                    // location of empty pdf file
                    string exportPath = Server.MapPath("~/pdf/Approved_Leave.pdf");

                    // export the report to pdf and write to empty pdf file inside pdf folder
                    ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                    DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                    PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    CrFormatTypeOptions          = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                    CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = exportPath;
                    CrExportOptions = rd.ExportOptions;//Report document  object has to be given here
                    CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                    CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions    = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.FormatOptions         = CrFormatTypeOptions;
                    Response.Redirect("~/ViewPdf?reportFile=" + exportPath);
        public void PrintReport(string key)
                ReportDocument objRpt = new ReportDocument();
                DataSet ds = (DataSet)this.GetDataReport(key);

                string reportPath = "C:\\Reportes\\CRIngreso_etiqueta02.rpt";

                DiskFileDestinationOptions crDiskFileDestinationOption = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions crFormatTypeOption = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                ExportOptions crExportOptions = new ExportOptions();

                string strfolder = "C:\\Reporte\\";
                crDiskFileDestinationOption.DiskFileName = strfolder + "Etiqueta.pdf";

                crExportOptions = objRpt.ExportOptions;
                crExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                crExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                crExportOptions.ExportDestinationOptions = crDiskFileDestinationOption;
                crExportOptions.ExportFormatOptions = crFormatTypeOption;

                this.printDialog1.Document = this.printDocument1;
                DialogResult dr = this.printDialog1.ShowDialog();
                if (dr == DialogResult.OK)

                    PageMargins margins;

                    margins = objRpt.PrintOptions.PageMargins;
                    margins.bottomMargin = 250;
                    margins.leftMargin = 250;
                    margins.rightMargin = 250;
                    margins.topMargin = 250;

                    string PrinterName = this.printDocument1.PrinterSettings.PrinterName;
                    objRpt.PrintOptions.PrinterName = PrinterName;
                    objRpt.PrintToPrinter(1, false, 0, 0);


            catch (Exception ex)
        public void GeneratePDF(string poId)
            ReportDocument rptDoc = new ReportDocument();
            dsPSMS ds = new dsPSMS();
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt.TableName = "PO";
            dt = getAllPOs();


            //subreport data table
            dt = new DataTable();
            dt.TableName = "Terms";
            dt = getAllTerms();


            string fileName = "PO" + poId + "_.pdf";

            String targetFolder = Server.MapPath(POAttachmentfolderPath);
            ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
            DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
            PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
            CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = targetFolder + "\\" + fileName;
            CrExportOptions = rptDoc.ExportOptions;
                CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;

            string strFields = "";
            string[] strValues = new string[3];
            strFields = "[POID],[FilePath],[Note]";

            string filePath = POAttachmentfolderPath + "/" + fileName;
            string sqlStr = "select [FilePath] from [dbo].[POAttach] where [FilePath]=@FilePath";
            DataTable hasData = am.DataAccess.RecordSet(sqlStr, new string[] { filePath });
            if (hasData.Rows.Count == 0)
                strValues = new string[] { poId.ToString() , filePath , txtAttachmentNote.Text.Trim() };
                am.DataAccess.BatchQuery.Insert("[dbo].[POAttach]", strFields, strValues);
Пример #28
        private void CreatePDFFile(string fileName = "TestFile")
            // Setup DataSet
            datasets.DataSetTest ds = new datasets.DataSetTest();

            // IList customerList = new List();

            DataTable dt = CommonFunction.getTable("select,p.firstname,p.lastname, as phid,ph.phone_num,ph.phone_type from people p left outer join phones ph on  order by", CommonFunction.getConnection());

            foreach (DataRow dr1 in dt.Rows)
                DataRow dr = ds.people.NewpeopleRow();
                if (dr1["id"] != DBNull.Value)
                    dr["id"] = Convert.ToInt32(dr1["id"]);
                if (dr1["firstname"] != DBNull.Value)
                    dr["name"] = Convert.ToString(dr1["firstname"]);
                if (dr1["phone_num"] != DBNull.Value)
                    dr["phone"] = Convert.ToString(dr1["phone_num"]);
                if (dr1["phone_type"] != DBNull.Value)
                    dr["type"] = Convert.ToString(dr1["phone_type"]);
            ReportDocument rpt = new ReportDocument();


            ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
            DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
            PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    CrFormatTypeOptions          = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

            CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = "E:\\SampleReport.pdf";
            CrExportOptions = rpt.ExportOptions;
                CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions    = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                CrExportOptions.FormatOptions         = CrFormatTypeOptions;
Пример #29
        protected void cmdPnt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MCImport mc1    = new MCImport(g_user_id, g_lang);
            Message  msg    = new Message(g_user_id, g_lang);
            DataSet  dsList = new DataSet();

            //Crystal_Report.PickingListRpt pl = new Crystal_Report.PickingListRpt();
            dsList = mc1.GetPickingList();

            ReportClass Rpt = null;

            //Rpt = new HondaTraceabilitySystem.Common.Report.FeOnline();
            Rpt = new HondaTraceabilitySystem.Crystal_Report.PickingListRpt();
            string ReportName = "PickingList";

                //Rpt.SetParameterValue("H_TITLE", "INSPECTION SHEET(SEMICONDUCTOR");

                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    pdfFormatOpts = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                DiskFileDestinationOptions diskOpts      = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();

                // exportOpts;
                ExportOptions exportOpts = Rpt.ExportOptions;
                exportOpts.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                exportOpts.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                exportOpts.FormatOptions         = pdfFormatOpts;
                string tmpFilenm = ReportName + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".pdf";

                diskOpts.DiskFileName = Server.MapPath(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ReportOutDir"].ConnectionString + tmpFilenm);

                exportOpts.DestinationOptions = diskOpts;
                Type cstype = this.GetType();
                this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(cstype, "a", @"<script>'" + WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ReportOutDir"].ConnectionString + tmpFilenm + "', '" + ReportName + "', 'status,resizable=yes');</script>");
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = ex.ToString();
                lblMsg.Text = ex.ToString();
            lblMsg.Text      = msg.GetMessage("NORMAL_PRINT");
            lblMsg.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
Пример #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Stampa il report che gli viene passato con il nome specificato
        /// overloading: viene passato un ReporDocument
        /// </summary>
        public void StampaPdf(ReportDocument ReportDaStampare, string NomeFile)
            NomeFile = _s_DirectoryStampa + NomeFile + ".pdf";
            ExportOptions optExp;
            DiskFileDestinationOptions optDsk    = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
            PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    optPdfRtf = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

            optExp = ReportDaStampare.ExportOptions;
            optExp.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
            optExp.FormatOptions         = optPdfRtf;
            optExp.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
            optDsk.DiskFileName          = NomeFile;
            optExp.DestinationOptions    = optDsk;
Пример #31
    private void ExPortReport(ReportDocument ReportDoc, string rptPath)
        CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
        DiskFileDestinationOptions            CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
        PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

        CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = Server.MapPath("~/CrystalReports/Payroll/VirtualReport/" + rptPath);
        CrExportOptions = ReportDoc.ExportOptions;
            CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
            CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
            CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions    = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
            CrExportOptions.FormatOptions         = CrFormatTypeOptions;
Пример #32
        public static void ExportPDF(ReportDocument rpt, string sCaminhoSave)
            CrystalReportViewer        cryView = new CrystalReportViewer();
            ExportOptions              CrExportOptions;
            DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
            PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    CrFormatTypeOptions          = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

            CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = sCaminhoSave;
            CrExportOptions = rpt.ExportOptions;
                CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions    = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                CrExportOptions.FormatOptions         = CrFormatTypeOptions;
        private void emailQuote_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //   var reportLocation = Properties.Settings.Default.ReportsFolder+"Quote.rpt";
            ReportDocument mailReport = new ReportDocument();
                //Report Data settings for export
                DataSet myData = new DataSet();
                MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection  conn;
                MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand     cmd;
                MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter myAdapter;
                conn                  = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection();
                cmd                   = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand();
                myAdapter             = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter();
                conn.ConnectionString = Properties.Settings.Default.abab1199_qsyncConnectionString;

                    cmd.CommandText         = "SELECT * FROM quotes WHERE QuoteNumber = " + qtNbr.Text;
                    cmd.Connection          = conn;
                    myAdapter.SelectCommand = cmd;
                    mailReport.SetParameterValue("Quote", qtNbr.Text);
                    mailReport.SetParameterValue("Quote_Number", qtNbr.Text);
                    //Report Exporting settings
                    ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                    DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                    PdfRtfWordFormatOptions    CrFormatTypeOptions          = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                    CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = tempLocation;
                    CrExportOptions = mailReport.ExportOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType      = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                    CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions    = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.FormatOptions         = CrFormatTypeOptions;

                catch (Exception ex)
        public void PrintReport(string key)
                ReportDocument objRpt = new ReportDocument();
                DataSet ds = (DataSet)this.GetDataReport(key);

                string reportPath = "C:\\Reportes\\CRIngreso_etiqueta02.rpt";

                DiskFileDestinationOptions crDiskFileDestinationOption = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions crFormatTypeOption = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                ExportOptions crExportOptions = new ExportOptions();

                string strfolder = "C:\\Reporte\\";
                crDiskFileDestinationOption.DiskFileName = strfolder + "Etiqueta.pdf";
                crExportOptions = objRpt.ExportOptions;
                crExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                crExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                crExportOptions.ExportDestinationOptions = crDiskFileDestinationOption;
                crExportOptions.ExportFormatOptions = crFormatTypeOption;
                 ////string PrinterName = this.printDocument1.PrinterSettings.PrinterName;
                 //string NombreImpresora = "";

                 ////for (int i = 0; i < PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters.Count; i++)
                 ////    PrinterSettings a = new PrinterSettings();
                 ////    a.PrinterName = PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters[i].ToString();
                 ////    if (a.IsDefaultPrinter)
                 ////    {

                 ////        PrinterName = PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters[i].ToString();
                 ////    }

                //this.printDialog1.Document = this.printDocument1;
                //DialogResult dr = this.printDialog1.ShowDialog();
                //if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
                //     {
                         PageMargins margins;
                         margins = objRpt.PrintOptions.PageMargins;
                         margins.bottomMargin = 250;
                         margins.leftMargin = 250;
                         margins.rightMargin = 250;
                         margins.topMargin = 250;
                     //string PrinterName = this.printDocument1.PrinterSettings.PrinterName;
                     //                    ////objRpt.PrintOptions.PrinterName = PrinterName;
                    objRpt.PrintOptions.PrinterName = GetImpresoraDefecto();
                         //objRpt.PrintOptions.PrinterName = PrinterName;
                         objRpt.PrintToPrinter(1, false, 0, 0);

            catch (Exception ex)
        private void Export_pdf(string branch_code,DataTable dt)
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    string file_path = tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + branch_code.Trim() + "_"
                            + dp_from_date.Text.Trim().Replace("/", ".") + "_"
                            + dp_to_date.Text.Trim().Replace("/", ".") + ".pdf";
                    //string file_path = tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + branch_code.Trim() + ".pdf";
                    //export PDF
                    Rpt_PHT18 cry = new Rpt_PHT18();
                    string title = "", Fromdate = "", Todate = "";
                    string title2 = "";
                    title = "DANH SÁCH CÁC THẺ CẦN GIA HẠN ";
                    Fromdate = dp_from_date.Text.Trim();
                    Todate = dp_to_date.Text.Trim();
                    //title2 = "(Từ ngày " + dp_from_date.Text.Trim() + " đến ngày " + dp_to_date.Text.Trim() + " )";
                    cry.SetParameterValue("title", title);
                    cry.SetParameterValue("Fromdate", Fromdate);
                    cry.SetParameterValue("Todate", Todate);
                    //cry.SetParameterValue("title2", title2);
                    ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                    DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                    PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                    CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = file_path;// tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";//"c:\\";
                    CrExportOptions = cry.ExportOptions;
                        CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                        CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                        CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                        CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;

                    //--Fix for Load Report failse
                    if (cry != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
                //MessageBox.Show("Err Export_pdf: \n Branch: "+ branch_code +"\n" + ex.ToString());
                string[] row = { branch_code, ex.ToString() };
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string sql = "", err = "";
            string title = "";
            string type = "";
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 1)
                type = "MB-TNT01";
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 2)
                type = "MB-TNT04";
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 3)
                type = "MB-TNT05";
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 4)
                type = "CR_TN21";
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 5)
                type = "CR_TN3";
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 6)
                type = "CR_ADC";
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 7)
                type = "MB-TNT09";
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 8)
                type = "CR_LV1";
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 9)
                type = "CR_TD1";

            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            string folderOut = tbFilePath.Text.Trim();

            //Tao thu muc
            if (!Directory.Exists(folderOut))
            if (type != "")
                sql = ""; err = "";
                sql  = "  select *";
                sql += "  from "+Businessbp.executedb.owner+"nab_credit_xln_sendmail g";
                sql += "  where trim(g.type_report)='" + type + "'";
                sql += "      and trunc(g.date_create)=trunc(sysdate)";

                DataTable dtCheck = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err);
                if (err != "")
                    if (dtCheck.Rows.Count > 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Đã xử lý Report này cho hôm nay.");

                for (int k = 0; k < dtBranch.Rows.Count; k++)//Vòng lặp để xuất ra từng Branch
                    string branch = dtBranch.Rows[k]["branch_code"].ToString().Trim();
                    tbStatus.Text = "Da xu ly : "+ (k +1).ToString() +" --" +"Dang xu ly :"+branch;
                    if (type.ToUpper() == "MB-TNT04")
                        //sql = "select a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,"; //old 2014-04-01 (1)
                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                            sql = "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,a.cr_account_nbr , e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,"; //2014-04-01 (1)
                            sql = "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,substr(a.cr_account_nbr,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.cr_account_nbr,-4) cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,"; //2014-04-01 (1)

                        sql += "       nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";
                        sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "account a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term b, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card c, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application d, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card e";
                        sql += " where a.cr_account_nbr = b.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr = c.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += " and c.cr_account_nbr = d.card_number";
                        sql += " and d.application_no = e.source_application_no";
                        //sql += " and nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status, '0') <> '0'";
                        sql += " and " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) <> '0'  ";
                        sql += " and b.stat_date = (";
                        sql += "                    select max(f.stat_date)";
                        sql += "                    from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term f";
                        sql += "                    where f.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "                  )";
                        sql += " and c.status_code in ('0','3','9','10')   "; //Phong edit 15/06/2013
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) >= 1 ";
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) < 16 ";
                        sql += " and trim(e.branch_code_dsa_code) = '" + branch + "'";// --set for choosing branch";
                        if (cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "000")//000: All
                            sql += " and a.cycoff_code = '" + cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";
                        title = "DANH SÁCH KHÁCH HÀNG CẦN THÚC NỢ LẦN 1";

                    #region chualam
                    else if (type.ToUpper() == "MB-TNT05")

                        //sql = "select a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,";  //old 2014-04-01 (1)
                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)

                            sql = "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,a.cr_account_nbr , e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,";  //2014-04-01 (1)

                            sql = "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,substr(a.cr_account_nbr,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.cr_account_nbr,-4) cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,";  //2014-04-01 (1)

                        sql += "       nvl(" +Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";
                        sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "account a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term b, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card c, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application d, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card e";
                        sql += " where a.cr_account_nbr = b.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr = c.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += " and c.cr_account_nbr = d.card_number";
                        sql += " and d.application_no = e.source_application_no";
                       // sql += " and nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status, '0') <> '0'";
                        sql += " and " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) <> '0'  ";
                        sql += " and b.stat_date = (";
                        sql += "                    select max(f.stat_date)";
                        sql += "                    from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term f";
                        sql += "                    where f.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "                  )";
                        sql += " and c.status_code in ('0','3','9','10')  "; //Phong edit 15/06/2013
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) >= 16 ";
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) < 31 ";
                        sql += " and trim(e.branch_code_dsa_code) = '" + branch.ToUpper() + "'";// --set for choosing branch";
                        if (cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "000")//000: All
                            sql += " and a.cycoff_code = '" + cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";

                        title = "DANH SÁCH KHÁCH HÀNG CẦN THÚC NỢ LẦN 2";
                    else if (type.ToUpper() == "CR_TN21")

                        //sql = "select a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, trunc(b.payment_date) payment_date,"; //old 2014-04-01 (1)
                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                            sql = "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,a.cr_account_nbr , e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, trunc(b.payment_date) payment_date,"; //2014-04-01 (1)
                            sql = "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,substr(a.cr_account_nbr,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.cr_account_nbr,-4) cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, trunc(b.payment_date) payment_date,"; //2014-04-01 (1)

                        sql += "       nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";
                        sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "account a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term b, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card c, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application d, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card e";
                        sql += " where a.cr_account_nbr = b.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr = c.card_number";
                        sql += " and c.cr_account_nbr = d.card_number";
                        sql += " and d.application_no = e.source_application_no";
                       // sql += " and nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status, '0') <> '0'";
                        sql += " and " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) <> '0'  ";
                        sql += " and b.stat_date = (";
                        sql += "                    select max(f.stat_date)";
                        sql += "                    from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term f";
                        sql += "                    where f.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "                  )";
                        sql += " and c.status_code in ('0','3','9','10')   "; //Phong edit 15/06/2013
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) >= 31";
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) < 61 ";
                        sql += " and trim(e.branch_code_dsa_code) = '" + branch.ToUpper() + "'";// --set for choosing branch";
                        if (cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "000")//000: All
                            sql += " and a.cycoff_code = '" + cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";
                        title = "DANH SÁCH KHÁCH HÀNG CẦN THÚC NỢ LẦN 3";// VÀ GỬI THƯ LẦN 1";

                    else if (type.ToUpper() == "CR_TN3")
                        //sql = "select a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,"; //old 2014-04-01 (1)
                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                            sql = "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,a.cr_account_nbr , e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,"; //2014-04-01 (1)
                            sql = "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,substr(a.cr_account_nbr,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.cr_account_nbr,-4) cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,"; //2014-04-01 (1)

                        sql += "       nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";
                        sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "account a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term b, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card c, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application d, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card e";
                        sql += " where a.cr_account_nbr = b.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr = c.card_number";
                        sql += " and c.card_number = d.card_number";
                        sql += " and d.application_no = e.source_application_no";
                      //  sql += " and nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status, '0') <> '0'";
                        sql += " and " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) <> '0'  ";
                        sql += " and b.stat_date = (";
                        sql += "                    select max(f.stat_date)";
                        sql += "                    from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term f";
                        sql += "                    where f.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "                  )";
                        sql += " and c.status_code in ('0','3','9','10')   "; //Phong edit 15/06/2013
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) >= 61";
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) < 91";
                        sql += " and trim(e.branch_code_dsa_code) = '" + branch.ToUpper() + "'";// --set for choosing branch";

                        if (cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "000")//000: All
                            sql += " and a.cycoff_code = '" + cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";
                        title = "DANH SÁCH CÁC THẺ CẦN GỬI THƯ LẦN 2";

                    else if (type.ToUpper() == "CR_ADC")
                        //sql = " select a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status,to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,'' as number_days,'' as Ghi_chu"; //old 2014-04-01 (1)
                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)

                            sql = " select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,a.cr_account_nbr , e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status,to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,'' as number_days,'' as Ghi_chu"; //old 2014-04-01 (1)
                            sql = " select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,substr(a.cr_account_nbr,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.cr_account_nbr,-4) cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status,to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,'' as number_days,'' as Ghi_chu"; //old 2014-04-01 (1)

                        sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "account a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term b, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card c, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application d, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card e";
                        sql += " where a.cr_account_nbr = b.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr = c.card_number";
                        sql += " and c.card_number = d.card_number";
                        sql += " and d.application_no = e.source_application_no";
                        // sql += " and nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status, '0') <> '0'";
                        sql += " and b.stat_date = (";
                        sql += "                    select max(f.stat_date)";
                        sql += "                    from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term f";
                        sql += "                    where f.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "                  )";
                        sql += " and c.status_code in ('0','3','9','10')  "; //Phong edit 15/06/2013
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) ,0) >= 3";
                        sql += " and nvl(a.acc_adm_status,0) = 0 ";
                        sql += " and trim(e.branch_code_dsa_code) = '" + branch.ToUpper() + "'";// --set for choosing branch";
                        if (cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "000")//000: All
                            sql += " and a.cycoff_code = '" + cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";
                        title = "DANH SÁCH CÁC THẺ CẦN KHÓA ADMIN STATUS";

                    else if (type.ToUpper() == "CR_LV1")
                        //sql = " select a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,"; //old 2014-04-01 (1)
                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                            sql = " select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,a.cr_account_nbr , e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,"; //2014-04-01 (1)
                            sql = " select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,substr(a.cr_account_nbr,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.cr_account_nbr,-4) cr_account_nbr,e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,"; //2014-04-01 (1)

                        sql += "       nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";
                        sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "account a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term b, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card c, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application d, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card e";
                        sql += " where a.cr_account_nbr = b.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr = c.card_number";
                        sql += " and c.card_number = d.card_number";
                        sql += " and d.application_no = e.source_application_no";
                       // sql += " and nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status, '0') <> '0'";
                        sql += " and " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) <> '0'  ";
                        sql += " and b.stat_date = (";
                        sql += "                    select max(f.stat_date)";
                        sql += "                    from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term f";
                        sql += "                    where f.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "                  )";
                        sql += " and c.status_code  in ('0','3','9','10')   "; //Phong edit 15/06/2013
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) >= 91";
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) < 121 ";
                        sql += " and trim(e.branch_code_dsa_code) = '" + branch.ToUpper() + "'";// --set for choosing branch";
                        if (cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "000")//000: All
                            sql += " and a.cycoff_code = '" + cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";

                        title = "DANH SÁCH CÁC THẺ CẦN LÀM VIỆC TRỰC TIẾP";

                    else if (type.ToUpper() == "CR_TD1")
                        //sql = " select a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,";//old 2014-04-01 (1)
                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                            sql = " select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,a.cr_account_nbr , e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,";//2014-04-01 (1)
                            sql = " select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,substr(a.cr_account_nbr,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.cr_account_nbr,-4) cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,";//2014-04-01 (1)

                        sql += "       nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";
                        sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "account a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term b, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card c, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application d, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card e";
                        sql += " where a.cr_account_nbr = b.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr = c.card_number";
                        sql += " and c.card_number = d.card_number";
                        sql += " and d.application_no = e.source_application_no";
                       // sql += " and nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status, '0') <> '0'";
                        sql += " and " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) <> '0'  ";
                        sql += " and b.stat_date = (";
                        sql += "                    select max(f.stat_date)";
                        sql += "                    from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term f";
                        sql += "                    where f.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "                  )";
                        sql += " and c.status_code  in ('0','3','9','10')   "; //Phong edit 15/06/2013
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) >= 121";
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) <= 150";
                        sql += " and a.acc_adm_status not in ('3')";
                        //sql += " and c.embossed_name not in ('%NQH-CD')";
                        sql += " and trim(e.branch_code_dsa_code) = '" + branch.ToUpper() + "'";// --set for choosing branch";
                        if (cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "000")//000: All
                            sql += " and a.cycoff_code = '" + cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";

                        title = "DANH SÁCH CÁC THẺ CẦN TÁI THẨM ĐỊNH";

                    else if (type.ToUpper() == "MB-TNT01")
                        //sql = "select a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code,";//old 2014-04-01 (1)
                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                            sql = "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,a.cr_account_nbr , e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code,";// 2014-04-01 (1)
                            sql = "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,substr(a.cr_account_nbr,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.cr_account_nbr,-4) cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code,";// 2014-04-01 (1)

                        sql += "         decode(e.ADDON_CARD_FLAG, '1', nvl((";
                        sql += "                                             select aa.embossed_name";
                        sql += "                                             from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card aa";
                        sql += "                                             where aa.card_number = e.ADDON_CARD_NUMBER";
                        sql += "                                             ),' ')";
                        sql += "        , c.embossed_name) embossed_name,";//Lấy embossing name cho thẻ phụ

                        sql += " c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,";
                        sql += "       nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";
                        sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "account a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term b, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card c, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application d, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card e";
                        sql += " where a.cr_account_nbr = b.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr = c.card_number";
                        sql += " and c.card_number = d.card_number";
                        sql += " and d.application_no = e.source_application_no";
                        //sql += " and nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status, '0') <> '0'";
                        sql += " and b.stat_date = (";
                        sql += "                    select max(f.stat_date)";
                        sql += "                    from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term f";
                        sql += "                    where f.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "                  )";
                        sql += " and c.status_code in ('0','3','9','10')   "; //Phong edit 15/06/2013
                        sql += " and b.min_due>0 ";
                        sql += " and nvl(b.closing_bal,0)>0 ";
                        sql += " and trunc(b.stat_date)<=trunc(sysdate) ";// Sau ngay chay mounthly
                        sql += " and trunc(sysdate)<= trunc(nvl(b.payment_date,sysdate)) ";// Nho hon ngay T
                        sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr not in (select r.cr_account_nbr from  " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_credit_unpaid r) ";

                            sql += " and trim(e.branch_code_dsa_code) = '" + branch.ToUpper() + "'";// --set for choosing branch";
                        if (cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "000")//000: All
                            sql += " and a.cycoff_code = '" + cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";

                        title = "DANH SÁCH CÁC THẺ CẦN NHẮC NỢ";

                    ////else if (cbOption.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() == "MB-CNQH")
                    ////    Session["type"] = "MB-CNQH";

                    ////    //sql += "  select a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, a.acc_unpaid_status, b.payment_date,";
                    ////    //sql += "         ((sysdate - nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status_date, sysdate)) + (nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status,0) - 1)*30) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";
                    ////    sql = "  select to_char(rownum) as STT,a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, e.legal_id as CMND      ";
                    ////    sql += "  ,(nvl(a.bal_purchase,0) + nvl(a.bal_cash,0) + nvl(a.bal_te,0) + nvl(a.bal_unique,0) + nvl(a.bal_cheque,0) + nvl(a.bal_fee,0) + nvl(a.bal_interest,0) - nvl(a.bal_payment,0) + nvl(a.bal_transfer,0) + nvl(a.cur_purchase,0) + nvl(a.cur_cash,0) + nvl(a.cur_te,0) + nvl(a.cur_unique,0) + nvl(a.cur_cheque,0) + nvl(a.cur_fee,0) + nvl(a.cur_interest,0) - nvl(a.cur_payment,0) + nvl(a.cur_transfer,0)) as du_no";
                    ////    sql += "   , b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, a.acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') as payment_date";
                    ////    sql += "   ,a.cycoff_code";
                    ////    sql += "   ,round(((sysdate - nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status_date, sysdate)) + (nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status,0) - 1)*30)) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";

                    ////    sql += "  from " + executedb.owner + "account a, " + executedb.owner + "cr_term b, card c, " + executedb.owner + "application d, " + executedb.owner + "cp_card e";
                    ////    sql += "  where a.cr_account_nbr = b.cr_account_nbr";
                    ////    sql += "  and a.cr_account_nbr = c.card_number";
                    ////    sql += "  and c.card_number = d.card_number";
                    ////    sql += "  and d.application_no = e.source_application_no";
                    ////    sql += "  and b.stat_date = (";
                    ////    sql += "                      select max(f.stat_date)";
                    ////    sql += "                      from " + executedb.owner + "cr_term f";
                    ////    sql += "                      where f.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                    ////    sql += "                    )";
                    ////    sql += "  and ((sysdate - nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status_date, sysdate)) + (nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status,0) - 1)*30) >= 106";
                    ////    sql += "  and not exists (";
                    ////    sql += "                   select 1 ";
                    ////    sql += "                   from " + executedb.owner + "nab_credit_unpaid v";
                    ////    sql += "                   where v.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                    ////    sql += "                 )";

                    ////    if (cbBranch.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "9999")//9999: all
                    ////        sql += " and e.branch_code_dsa_code = '" + cbBranch.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";// --set for choosing branch";
                    ////    if (tbAccount.Text.Trim() != "")
                    ////        sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr = '" + tbAccount.Text.Trim() + "'";//  --set for choosing account";
                    ////    if (cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "000")//000: All
                    ////        sql += " and a.cycoff_code = '" + cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";

                    ////    Session["sql"] = sql;
                    ////    Session["title"] = "DANH SÁCH KHÁCH HÀNG CẦN CHUYỂN NỢ QUÁ HẠN NHƯNG CHƯA CHUYỂN";
                    ////    //Session["fromtime"] = dpFromDate.Text;
                    ////    // Session["totime"] = dpToDate.Text;
                    ////    Response.Write("<script type='text/javascript'>'reportview.aspx','window_name','scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,height=700,width=785,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,fullscreen=no,titlebar=no,directories=no');</script>");

                    else if (type.ToUpper() == "MB-TNT09")

                        //sql += "  select a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, a.acc_unpaid_status, b.payment_date,";
                        //sql += "         ((sysdate - nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status_date, sysdate)) + (nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status,0) - 1)*30) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";
                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                            sql = "  select to_char(rownum) as STT,a.cr_account_nbr,a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, e.legal_id as CMND      ";
                            sql = "  select to_char(rownum) as STT,substr(a.cr_account_nbr,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.cr_account_nbr,-4) cr_account_nbr ,a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, e.legal_id as CMND      ";

                        sql += "  ,(nvl(a.bal_purchase,0) + nvl(a.bal_cash,0) + nvl(a.bal_te,0) + nvl(a.bal_unique,0) + nvl(a.bal_cheque,0) + nvl(a.bal_fee,0) + nvl(a.bal_interest,0) - nvl(a.bal_payment,0) + nvl(a.bal_transfer,0) + nvl(a.cur_purchase,0) + nvl(a.cur_cash,0) + nvl(a.cur_te,0) + nvl(a.cur_unique,0) + nvl(a.cur_cheque,0) + nvl(a.cur_fee,0) + nvl(a.cur_interest,0) - nvl(a.cur_payment,0) + nvl(a.cur_transfer,0)) as du_no";
                        sql += "   , b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') as payment_date";
                        sql += "   ,a.cycoff_code";
                        sql += "   ,nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";

                        sql += "  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "account a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term b, card c, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application d, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card e";
                        sql += "  where a.cr_account_nbr = b.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "  and a.cr_account_nbr = c.card_number";
                        sql += "  and c.card_number = d.card_number";
                        sql += "  and d.application_no = e.source_application_no";
                        sql += "  and b.stat_date = (";
                        sql += "                      select max(f.stat_date)";
                        sql += "                      from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term f";
                        sql += "                      where f.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "                    )";
                        sql += " and c.status_code  in ('0','3','9','10')   "; //Phong edit 15/06/2013
                        //sql += "  and ((sysdate - nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status_date, sysdate)) + (nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status,0) - 1)*30) >= 91";
                        sql += "  and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) >= 106";
                        sql += "  and not exists (";
                        sql += "                   select 1 ";
                        sql += "                   from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_credit_unpaid v";
                        sql += "                   where v.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "                 )";
                            sql += " and trim(e.branch_code_dsa_code) = '" + branch.ToUpper() + "'";// --set for choosing branch";

                        if (cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "000")//000: All
                            sql += " and a.cycoff_code = '" + cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";



                    #endregion chualam
                    if (sql != "")
                        DataTable dtReport = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err);
                        if (err != "")
                            this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                            string file_path = tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + branch.Trim() + "_" + type + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy") + ".pdf";
                            //Export pdf
                                if (dtReport.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    rpt_Xu_Ly_No cry = new rpt_Xu_Ly_No();
                                    // string title = "";
                                    cry.SetParameterValue("title", title);
                                    cry.SetParameterValue("MauBieu", "Mẫu: ");
                                    cry.SetParameterValue("Ngayin", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
                                    cry.SetParameterValue("Gioin", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());

                                    ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                                    DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                                    PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

                                    CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = file_path;// tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";//"c:\\";
                                    CrExportOptions = cry.ExportOptions;
                                        CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                                        CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                                        //CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.WordForWindows;
                                        CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                                        CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;

                                    //--Fix for Load Report failse
                                    if (cry != null)
                                    //lấy dữ liệu insert table
                                    sql = ""; err = "";
                                    sql = "insert into " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "NAB_CREDIT_XLN_SENDMAIL";
                                    sql += " (BRANCH_CODE ,FILE_PATH ,USER_CREATE ,DATE_CREATE,SEND_FLAG ,TYPE_REPORT)";
                                    sql += "values (";
                                    sql += "'" + branch + "',";
                                    sql += "'" + file_path.Replace("\\",@"\") + "',";
                                    sql += "'" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "',";
                                    sql += "sysdate,";
                                    sql += "'0',";
                                    sql += "'" + type + "'";
                                    sql += ")";
                                    Businessbp.executedb.ExecuteDML(sql, ref err);
                                    if (err != "")
                                        MessageBox.Show(err); //return;
                                      //  this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                                   // MessageBox.Show("");//+ card_number.Trim());
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                    }//End for branch
                    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                    tbStatus.Text += "-- Success";

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            /* Điều kiện kiểm tra
             * B1: kiểm tra trong ổ D:\KTT\SEND_EMAIL\BTBGD\yyyymmdd đã xử lý với ngày hiện tại chưa
             * Nếu đã xử lý: Không cho xử lý nữa
             * B2: Kiểm tra trong bảng NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL đã xử lý với ngày hiện tại chưa? Nếu rồi--> Không xử lý
             * Xử lý tạo file pdf và lưu vào đường dẫn trên D:\KTT\SEND_EMAIL\BTBGD\yyyymmdd\số thẻ.pdf
             * */

            //B1: Kiểm tra đường dẫn đã tồn tại chưa?
            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            string folderOut = tbFilePath.Text.Trim();
            if (Directory.Exists(folderOut))
                MessageBox.Show("Đã xử lý SendMail ngày " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

                // Directory.CreateDirectory(folderOut);
            string sql = "", err = "";
            sql += "  select * from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL a";
            sql += "  where trunc(a.DATE_CREATE)= trunc(sysdate)";
            //sql += "        and trunc(sysdate)>=(select trunc(max(b.stat_date)) from cr_term b)";

            DataTable dt = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err);
            if (err != "")
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Đã xử lý SendMail ngày " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
                    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                    //Xử lý và insert vào table
                    //tạo thư mục

                        sql = ""; err = "";
                        #region 2014-10-28 (6) old
                        //sql = " select distinct a.cr_account_nbr ";
                        //sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log a";
                        //sql += " where trunc(a.stat_date)=trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "','dd/mm/yyyy'))";
                        //sql += " order by a.cr_account_nbr asc";
                        #endregion 2014-10-28 (6) old

                        #region 2014-10-28 (6) new
                        sql += "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card c";
                        sql += " where a.card_number = c.card_number";
                        sql += "   and trunc(a.stat_date) = trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "', 'dd/mm/yyyy'))";
                        sql += "   and trim(c.email_id) is not null";
                        //sql += "   and a.card_number ='5331470000139786'";
                        sql += " order by a.cr_account_nbr asc";
                        #endregion 2014-10-28 (6) new

                        DataTable dt_card_process = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err);
                        if (err != "")
                            this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                            if (dt_card_process.Rows.Count <= 0)
                                MessageBox.Show("Chưa xử lý cuối ngày.");
                                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                                DataTable dt_bill = new DataTable();
                                for (int i = 0; i < dt_card_process.Rows.Count; i++)
                                    //string card_number = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["card_number"].ToString();
                                    string cr_account_nbr = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["cr_account_nbr"].ToString();
                                    sql = ""; err = "";
                                    #region old 2014-06-19 (2)
                                    /*sql = " select a.card_number, a.embossed_name,a.credit_limit";
                                    sql += " ,to_char(a.processing_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') as processing_date";
                                    sql += " ,to_char(a.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') as payment_date";
                                    sql += " ,a.opening_bal,a.total_debit,a.bal_payment,a.closing_bal,a.min_due";
                                    sql += " ,to_char(a.transaction_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') as transaction_date";
                                    sql += " ,to_char(a.value_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') as value_date";
                                    sql += " ,a.arn,a.details,nvl(a.billing_amount,0) billing_amount";
                                    sql += " ,(a.MAILING_ADDRESS1||' '||a.MAILING_ADDRESS2||' '||a.MAILING_ADDRESS3||' '||a.MAILING_ADDRESS4) address";
                                    sql += " ,a.PHONE_HOME, a.PHONE_MOBILE, a.cr_account_nbr, a.transaction_amount ";
                                    sql += " ,(select b.currency_code_alpha from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table b where trim(b.currency_code) = trim(a.transaction_currency)) transaction_currency";
                                    sql += " ,(select b.currency_code_alpha from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table b where trim(b.currency_code) = trim(a.billing_currency)) billing_currency";
                                    sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log a";
                                    sql += " where trunc(a.stat_date)=trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "','dd/mm/yyyy'))";
                                    //sql += " and a.card_number='" + card_number.Trim() + "'";
                                    sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr='" + cr_account_nbr.Trim() + "'";
                                    sql += " order by a.card_number asc,a.transaction_date asc";*/
                                    #endregion old 2014-06-19 (2)
                                    //dt_bill = null;

                                    #region 2015-05-20 (10) comment
                                    //#region 2014-06-19 (2)
                                    //sql += " select r.card_number, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.embossed_name, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.credit_limit, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.processing_date, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.payment_date, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.opening_bal, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.total_debit, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.bal_payment, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.closing_bal, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.min_due, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.transaction_date, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.value_date, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.arn, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.details, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.billing_amount_du_co, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.billing_amount_du_no, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.address, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.PHONE_HOME, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.PHONE_MOBILE, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.cr_account_nbr, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.transaction_amount, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.transaction_currency, ";
                                    //sql += "        r.billing_currency, ";
                                    //sql += "        to_char(nvl(r.cashback_amt_old, 0), '999,999,999,999') cashback_old, "; //2015-04-22 (9)
                                    //sql += "        to_char(nvl(r.cashback_amt, 0), '999,999,999,999') cashback"; //2015-03-19 (8)
                                    //sql += "   from (select a.card_number, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.embossed_name, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.credit_limit, ";
                                    ////sql += "                to_char(a.processing_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as processing_date, "; //old 2014-08-26 (3)
                                    //sql += "                to_char(a.stat_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as processing_date, "; // 2014-08-26 (3)
                                    //sql += "                to_char(a.payment_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as payment_date, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.opening_bal, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.total_debit, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.bal_payment, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.closing_bal, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.min_due, ";
                                    //sql += "                to_char(a.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as transaction_date, ";
                                    //sql += "                to_char(a.value_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as value_date, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.arn, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.details, ";
                                    //sql += "                decode(e.transaction_sign, ";
                                    //sql += "                       '0', ";
                                    //sql += "                       to_number(''), ";
                                    //sql += "                       '1', ";
                                    //sql += "                       a.billing_amount, ";
                                    //sql += "                       a.billing_amount) billing_amount_du_co, ";
                                    //sql += "                decode(e.transaction_sign, ";
                                    //sql += "                       '0', ";
                                    //sql += "                       a.billing_amount, ";
                                    //sql += "                       '1', ";
                                    //sql += "                       to_number(''), ";
                                    //sql += "                       a.billing_amount) billing_amount_du_no, ";
                                    //sql += "                (a.MAILING_ADDRESS1 || ' ' || a.MAILING_ADDRESS2 || ' ' || ";
                                    //sql += "                a.MAILING_ADDRESS3 || ' ' || a.MAILING_ADDRESS4) address, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.PHONE_HOME, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.PHONE_MOBILE, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.cr_account_nbr, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.transaction_amount, ";
                                    //sql += "                (select b.currency_code_alpha ";
                                    //sql += "                   from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table b ";
                                    //sql += "                  where trim(b.currency_code) = trim(a.transaction_currency)) transaction_currency, ";
                                    //sql += "                (select b.currency_code_alpha ";
                                    //sql += "                   from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table b ";
                                    //sql += "                  where trim(b.currency_code) = trim(a.billing_currency)) billing_currency, ";
                                    //#region 2015-03-19 (8)
                                    ////sql += "                " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getCashBack_Amount(a.cr_account_nbr,";
                                    ////sql += "                                               to_char(ADD_MONTHS(a.stat_date,";
                                    ////sql += "                                                                  -1) + 1,";
                                    ////sql += "                                                       'dd/mm/yyyy'),";
                                    ////sql += "                                               to_char(a.stat_date,";
                                    ////sql += "                                                       'dd/mm/yyyy')) cashback_amt";
                                    //#endregion 2015-03-19 (8)
                                    //#region 2015-04-22 (9)
                                    //sql += "               (select sum(nvl(b.transaction_amount, 0)) ";
                                    //sql += "                  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_balance_credit b";
                                    //sql += "                 where 1 = 1";
                                    //sql += "                   and b.type = '9'";
                                    //sql += "                   and b.user_create = 'AutoCashBack'";
                                    //sql += "                   and b.batch_id = '000656'";
                                    //sql += "                   and b.card_number = a.cr_account_nbr) cashback_amt_old,";
                                    //sql += "                " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getCashBack_Amount(a.cr_account_nbr,";
                                    //sql += "                                                                        '11/03/2015','10/04/2015') cashback_amt";
                                    //#endregion 2015-04-22 (9)
                                    //sql += "           from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "trans_def_stand e ";
                                    //sql += "          where 1 = 1 ";
                                    //sql += "            and a.transaction_code = e.transaction_code ";
                                    //sql += "            and trunc(a.stat_date) = ";
                                    //sql += "                trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "', 'dd/mm/yyyy')) ";
                                    //sql += "            and a.cr_account_nbr = '" + cr_account_nbr.Trim() + "' ";
                                    //sql += "         UNION ALL ";
                                    //sql += "         select a.card_number, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.embossed_name, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.credit_limit, ";
                                    ////sql += "                to_char(a.processing_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as processing_date, "; //old 2014-08-26 (3)
                                    //sql += "                to_char(a.stat_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as processing_date, "; //2014-08-26 (3)
                                    //sql += "                to_char(a.payment_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as payment_date, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.opening_bal, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.total_debit, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.bal_payment, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.closing_bal, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.min_due, ";
                                    //sql += "                to_char(a.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as transaction_date, ";
                                    //sql += "                to_char(a.value_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as value_date, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.arn, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.details, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.billing_amount billing_amount_du_co, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.billing_amount billing_amount_du_no, ";
                                    //sql += "                (a.MAILING_ADDRESS1 || ' ' || a.MAILING_ADDRESS2 || ' ' || ";
                                    //sql += "                a.MAILING_ADDRESS3 || ' ' || a.MAILING_ADDRESS4) address, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.PHONE_HOME, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.PHONE_MOBILE, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.cr_account_nbr, ";
                                    //sql += "                a.transaction_amount transaction_amount, ";
                                    //sql += "                (select b.currency_code_alpha ";
                                    //sql += "                   from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table b ";
                                    //sql += "                  where trim(b.currency_code) = trim(a.transaction_currency)) transaction_currency, ";
                                    //sql += "                (select b.currency_code_alpha ";
                                    //sql += "                   from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table b ";
                                    //sql += "                  where trim(b.currency_code) = trim(a.billing_currency)) billing_currency, ";
                                    //#region 2015-03-19 (8)
                                    ////sql += "                " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getCashBack_Amount(a.cr_account_nbr,";
                                    ////sql += "                                               to_char(ADD_MONTHS(a.stat_date,";
                                    ////sql += "                                                                  -1) + 1,";
                                    ////sql += "                                                       'dd/mm/yyyy'),";
                                    ////sql += "                                               to_char(a.stat_date,";
                                    ////sql += "                                                       'dd/mm/yyyy')) cashback_amt";
                                    //#endregion 2015-03-19 (8)
                                    //#region 2015-04-22 (9)
                                    //sql += "               (select sum(nvl(b.transaction_amount, 0)) ";
                                    //sql += "                  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_balance_credit b";
                                    //sql += "                 where 1 = 1";
                                    //sql += "                   and b.type = '9'";
                                    //sql += "                   and b.user_create = 'AutoCashBack'";
                                    //sql += "                   and b.batch_id = '000656'";
                                    //sql += "                   and b.card_number = a.cr_account_nbr) cashback_amt_old,";
                                    //sql += "                " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getCashBack_Amount(a.cr_account_nbr,";
                                    //sql += "                                                                        '11/03/2015','10/04/2015') cashback_amt";
                                    //#endregion 2015-04-22 (9)
                                    //sql += "           from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log a ";
                                    //sql += "          where trunc(a.stat_date) = ";
                                    //sql += "                trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "', 'dd/mm/yyyy')) ";
                                    //sql += "            and trim(a.transaction_code) is null ";
                                    //sql += "            and a.cr_account_nbr = '" + cr_account_nbr.Trim() + "') r , ";

                                    //#region 2014-10-03 (5)
                                    ////sql += " (select s.cr_account_nbr, s.so_luong ";
                                    ////sql += "           from (select r.cr_account_nbr, ";
                                    ////sql += "                        count(r.microfilm_ref_number) as so_luong ";
                                    ////sql += "                   from (select distinct cct.cr_account_nbr, ";
                                    ////sql += "                                         cct.microfilm_ref_number ";
                                    ////sql += "                           from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_current_trans       cct, ";
                                    ////sql += "                                " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log l ";
                                    ////sql += "                          where cct.cr_account_nbr = l.cr_account_nbr ";
                                    ////sql += "                            and trunc(cct.statement_date) = ";
                                    ////sql += "                                trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "', 'dd/mm/yyyy')) ";
                                    ////sql += "                         union all ";
                                    ////sql += "                         select distinct cht.cr_account_nbr, ";
                                    ////sql += "                                         cht.microfilm_ref_number ";
                                    ////sql += "                           from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_hist_trans          cht, ";
                                    ////sql += "                                " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log l ";
                                    ////sql += "                          where cht.cr_account_nbr = l.cr_account_nbr ";
                                    ////sql += "                            and trunc(cht.statement_date) = ";
                                    ////sql += "                                trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "', 'dd/mm/yyyy'))) r ";
                                    ////sql += "                  group by r.cr_account_nbr) s ";
                                    ////sql += "          where s.so_luong > 0) t ";
                                    ////sql += "  where 1 = 1 ";
                                    ////sql += "    and r.cr_account_nbr = t.cr_account_nbr ";
                                    //#endregion 2014-10-03 (5)

                                    //#region 2014-10-28 (7)
                                    //sql += "        (select distinct l.cr_account_nbr ";
                                    //sql += "           from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log l ";
                                    //sql += "          where 1 = 1 ";
                                    //sql += "            and trunc(l.stat_date) = to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "', 'dd/mm/yyyy') ";
                                    //sql += "            and l.cr_account_nbr = '" + cr_account_nbr.Trim() + "' ";
                                    //sql += "            and (l.closing_bal <> 0 or ";
                                    //sql += "                l.cr_account_nbr = ";
                                    //sql += "                (select s.cr_account_nbr ";
                                    //sql += "                    from (select r.cr_account_nbr, ";
                                    //sql += "                                 count(r.microfilm_ref_number) as so_luong ";
                                    //sql += "                            from (select distinct cct.cr_account_nbr, ";
                                    //sql += "                                                  cct.microfilm_ref_number ";
                                    //sql += "                                    from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_current_trans       cct, ";
                                    //sql += "                                         " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log l ";
                                    //sql += "                                   where cct.cr_account_nbr = l.cr_account_nbr ";
                                    //sql += "                                     and trunc(cct.statement_date) = ";
                                    //sql += "                                         trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "', ";
                                    //sql += "                                                       'dd/mm/yyyy')) ";
                                    //sql += "                                  union all ";
                                    //sql += "                                  select distinct cht.cr_account_nbr, ";
                                    //sql += "                                                  cht.microfilm_ref_number ";
                                    //sql += "                                    from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_hist_trans          cht, ";
                                    //sql += "                                         " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log l ";
                                    //sql += "                                   where cht.cr_account_nbr = l.cr_account_nbr ";
                                    //sql += "                                     and trunc(cht.statement_date) = ";
                                    //sql += "                                         trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "', ";
                                    //sql += "                                                       'dd/mm/yyyy'))) r ";
                                    //sql += "                           group by r.cr_account_nbr) s ";
                                    //sql += "                   where s.so_luong > 0 ";
                                    //sql += "                     and s.cr_account_nbr = '" + cr_account_nbr.Trim() + "'))) t ";
                                    //sql += "  where 1 = 1 ";
                                    //sql += "    and r.cr_account_nbr = t.cr_account_nbr ";
                                    //#endregion 2014-10-28 (7)

                                    //////sql += "  order by r.card_number asc, to_date(r.transaction_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') asc "; // 2014-08-26 (3)
                                    ////sql += "  order by r.card_number asc, to_date(r.transaction_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') desc "; // 2014-10-03 (4)
                                    ////#endregion 2014-06-19 (2)
                                    //#endregion 2015-05-20 (10) comment
                                    #endregion 2015-05-20 (10) comment

                                    if (DateTime.ParseExact(dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim(), "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) < DateTime.ParseExact("24/09/2015", "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) // 2015-09-08 (12)
                                        #region 2015-05-20 (10)
                                        sql += "select distinct A.*,";
                                        sql += "                case";
                                        sql += "                  when (A.date_create + 90 <";
                                        sql += "                       add_months(to_date(A.processing_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy'),";
                                        sql += "                                   -1)) then";
                                        sql += "                   '0'";
                                        sql += "                  else";
                                        sql += "                   to_char(decode(decode(A.machinhsachtd,";
                                        sql += "                                 'B01 - STK - UU DAI',";
                                        sql += "                                 '1',";
                                        sql += "                                 '0'),";
                                        sql += "                          '1',";
                                        sql += "                          " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getcashback_amount(A.cr_account_nbr,";
                                        sql += "                                                         to_char(add_months(to_date(A.processing_date,";
                                        sql += "                                                                                    'dd/mm/yyyy'),";
                                        sql += "                                                                            -1) + 1,";
                                        sql += "                                                                 'dd/mm/yyyy'),";
                                        sql += "                                                         to_char(least(A.date_create + 90,";
                                        sql += "                                                                       to_date(A.processing_date,";
                                        sql += "                                                                               'dd/mm/yyyy')),";
                                        sql += "                                                                 'dd/mm/yyyy')),";
                                        sql += "                          0),'999,999,999,999')";
                                        sql += "                end cashback";
                                        sql += "  from (select r.card_number,";
                                        sql += "               r.embossed_name,";
                                        sql += "               r.credit_limit,";
                                        sql += "               r.processing_date,";
                                        sql += "               r.payment_date,";
                                        sql += "               r.opening_bal,";
                                        sql += "               r.total_debit,";
                                        sql += "               r.bal_payment,";
                                        sql += "               r.closing_bal,";
                                        sql += "               r.min_due,";
                                        sql += "               r.transaction_date,";
                                        sql += "               r.value_date,";
                                        sql += "               r.arn,";
                                        sql += "               r.details,";
                                        sql += "               r.billing_amount_du_co,";
                                        sql += "               r.billing_amount_du_no,";
                                        sql += "               r.address,";
                                        sql += "               r.PHONE_HOME,";
                                        sql += "               r.PHONE_MOBILE,";
                                        sql += "               r.cr_account_nbr,";
                                        sql += "               r.transaction_amount,";
                                        sql += "               r.transaction_currency,";
                                        sql += "               r.billing_currency,";
                                        sql += "               r.machinhsachtd,";
                                        sql += "               (select date_create";
                                        sql += "                  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card";
                                        sql += "                 where card_number = r.cr_account_nbr) date_create";
                                        sql += "          from (select a.card_number,";
                                        sql += "                       a.embossed_name,";
                                        sql += "                       a.credit_limit,";
                                        sql += "                       to_char(a.stat_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as processing_date,";
                                        sql += "                       to_char(a.payment_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as payment_date,";
                                        sql += "                       a.opening_bal,";
                                        sql += "                       a.total_debit,";
                                        sql += "                       a.bal_payment,";
                                        sql += "                       a.closing_bal,";
                                        sql += "                       a.min_due,";
                                        sql += "                       to_char(a.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as transaction_date,";
                                        sql += "                       to_char(a.value_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as value_date,";
                                        sql += "                       a.arn,";
                                        sql += "                       a.details,";
                                        sql += "                       decode(e.transaction_sign,";
                                        sql += "                              '0',";
                                        sql += "                              to_number(''),";
                                        sql += "                              '1',";
                                        sql += "                              a.billing_amount,";
                                        sql += "                              a.billing_amount) billing_amount_du_co,";
                                        sql += "                       decode(e.transaction_sign,";
                                        sql += "                              '0',";
                                        sql += "                              a.billing_amount,";
                                        sql += "                              '1',";
                                        sql += "                              to_number(''),";
                                        sql += "                              a.billing_amount) billing_amount_du_no,";
                                        sql += "                       (a.MAILING_ADDRESS1 || ' ' || a.MAILING_ADDRESS2 || ' ' ||";
                                        sql += "                       a.MAILING_ADDRESS3 || ' ' || a.MAILING_ADDRESS4) address,";
                                        sql += "                       a.PHONE_HOME,";
                                        sql += "                       a.PHONE_MOBILE,";
                                        sql += "                       a.cr_account_nbr,";
                                        sql += "                       a.transaction_amount,";
                                        sql += "                       (select b.currency_code_alpha";
                                        sql += "                          from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table b";
                                        sql += "                         where trim(b.currency_code) =";
                                        sql += "                               trim(a.transaction_currency)) transaction_currency,";
                                        sql += "                       (select b.currency_code_alpha";
                                        sql += "                          from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table b";
                                        sql += "                         where trim(b.currency_code) =";
                                        sql += "                               trim(a.billing_currency)) billing_currency,";
                                        sql += "                       c.machinhsachtd";
                                        sql += "                  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log a,";
                                        sql += "                       " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "trans_def_stand        e,";
                                        sql += "                       " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application            app,";
                                        sql += "                       " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card                c";
                                        sql += "                 where 1 = 1";
                                        sql += "                   and a.transaction_code = e.transaction_code";
                                        sql += "                   and a.cr_account_nbr = app.card_number";
                                        sql += "                   and app.application_no = c.source_application_no";
                                        sql += "                   and trunc(a.stat_date) =";
                                        sql += "                       trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "', 'dd/mm/yyyy'))";
                                        sql += "                   and a.cr_account_nbr = '" + cr_account_nbr.Trim() + "'";
                                        sql += "                UNION ALL";
                                        sql += "                select a.card_number,";
                                        sql += "                       a.embossed_name,";
                                        sql += "                       a.credit_limit,";
                                        sql += "                       to_char(a.stat_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as processing_date,";
                                        sql += "                       to_char(a.payment_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as payment_date,";
                                        sql += "                       a.opening_bal,";
                                        sql += "                       a.total_debit,";
                                        sql += "                       a.bal_payment,";
                                        sql += "                       a.closing_bal,";
                                        sql += "                       a.min_due,";
                                        sql += "                       to_char(a.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as transaction_date,";
                                        sql += "                       to_char(a.value_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as value_date,";
                                        sql += "                       a.arn,";
                                        sql += "                       a.details,";
                                        sql += "                       a.billing_amount billing_amount_du_co,";
                                        sql += "                       a.billing_amount billing_amount_du_no,";
                                        sql += "                       (a.MAILING_ADDRESS1 || ' ' || a.MAILING_ADDRESS2 || ' ' ||";
                                        sql += "                       a.MAILING_ADDRESS3 || ' ' || a.MAILING_ADDRESS4) address,";
                                        sql += "                       a.PHONE_HOME,";
                                        sql += "                       a.PHONE_MOBILE,";
                                        sql += "                       a.cr_account_nbr,";
                                        sql += "                       a.transaction_amount transaction_amount,";
                                        sql += "                       (select b.currency_code_alpha";
                                        sql += "                          from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table b";
                                        sql += "                         where trim(b.currency_code) =";
                                        sql += "                               trim(a.transaction_currency)) transaction_currency,";
                                        sql += "                       (select b.currency_code_alpha";
                                        sql += "                          from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table b";
                                        sql += "                         where trim(b.currency_code) =";
                                        sql += "                               trim(a.billing_currency)) billing_currency,";
                                        sql += "                       c.machinhsachtd";
                                        sql += "                  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log a,";
                                        sql += "                       " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application            app,";
                                        sql += "                       " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card                c";
                                        sql += "                 where trunc(a.stat_date) =";
                                        sql += "                       trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "', 'dd/mm/yyyy'))";
                                        sql += "                   and a.cr_account_nbr = app.card_number";
                                        sql += "                   and app.application_no = c.source_application_no";
                                        sql += "                   and trim(a.transaction_code) is null";
                                        sql += "                   and a.cr_account_nbr = '" + cr_account_nbr.Trim() + "') r,";
                                        sql += "               (select distinct l.cr_account_nbr";
                                        sql += "                  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log l";
                                        sql += "                 where 1 = 1";
                                        sql += "                   and trunc(l.stat_date) =";
                                        sql += "                       to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "', 'dd/mm/yyyy')";
                                        sql += "                   and l.cr_account_nbr = '" + cr_account_nbr.Trim() + "'";
                                        sql += "                   and (l.closing_bal <> 0 or";
                                        sql += "                       l.cr_account_nbr =";
                                        sql += "                       (select s.cr_account_nbr";
                                        sql += "                           from (select r.cr_account_nbr,";
                                        sql += "                                        count(r.microfilm_ref_number) as so_luong";
                                        sql += "                                   from (select distinct cct.cr_account_nbr,";
                                        sql += "                                                         cct.microfilm_ref_number";
                                        sql += "                                           from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_current_trans       cct,";
                                        sql += "                                                " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log l";
                                        sql += "                                          where cct.cr_account_nbr =";
                                        sql += "                                                l.cr_account_nbr";
                                        sql += "                                            and trunc(cct.statement_date) =";
                                        sql += "                                                trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "',";
                                        sql += "                                                              'dd/mm/yyyy'))";
                                        sql += "                                         union all";
                                        sql += "                                         select distinct cht.cr_account_nbr,";
                                        sql += "                                                         cht.microfilm_ref_number";
                                        sql += "                                           from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_hist_trans          cht,";
                                        sql += "                                                " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log l";
                                        sql += "                                          where cht.cr_account_nbr =";
                                        sql += "                                                l.cr_account_nbr";
                                        sql += "                                            and trunc(cht.statement_date) =";
                                        sql += "                                                trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "',";
                                        sql += "                                                              'dd/mm/yyyy'))) r";
                                        sql += "                                  group by r.cr_account_nbr) s";
                                        sql += "                          where s.so_luong > 0";
                                        sql += "                            and s.cr_account_nbr = '" + cr_account_nbr.Trim() + "'))) t";
                                        sql += "         where 1 = 1";
                                        sql += "           and r.cr_account_nbr = t.cr_account_nbr";
                                        sql += "         order by r.card_number asc,";
                                        sql += "                  to_date(r.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') desc) A";
                                        sql += " order by A.card_number asc, to_date(A.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') desc ";//2015-06-23 (11)
                                        #endregion 2015-05-20 (10)
                                    #region 2015-09-08 (12)
                                        sql = " select (substr(l.card_number,1,4) || ' '||substr(l.card_number,5,2) || 'xx xxxx '||substr(l.card_number,13,4)) card_number, ";
                                        sql += "       (substr(l.cr_account_nbr,1,4) || ' '||substr(l.cr_account_nbr,5,2) || 'xx xxxx '||substr(l.cr_account_nbr,13,4)) cr_account_nbr, ";
                                        sql += "       l.embossed_name, ";
                                        sql += "       l.phone_mobile, ";
                                        sql += "       nvl(l.credit_limit,0) credit_limit_acc, ";
                                        sql += "       nvl(l.credit_limit_client,0) credit_limit_client, ";
                                        sql += "       nvl(l.avail_amount_acc,0) avail_amount_acc, ";
                                        sql += "       nvl(l.avail_amount_client,0) avail_amount_client, ";
                                        sql += "       to_char(l.stat_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as stat_date, ";
                                        sql += "       to_char(l.payment_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as payment_date, ";
                                        sql += "       nvl(l.opening_bal,0) opening_bal, ";
                                        sql += "       nvl(l.total_debit,0) total_debit, ";
                                        sql += "       (nvl(l.fee,0) + nvl(l.interest,0)) fee_and_interest, ";
                                        sql += "       nvl(l.bal_payment,0) bal_payment, ";
                                        sql += "       nvl(l.closing_bal,0) closing_bal, ";
                                        sql += "       (trim(l.MAILING_ADDRESS1) || ' ' || trim(l.MAILING_ADDRESS2) || ' ' || ";
                                        sql += "       trim(l.MAILING_ADDRESS3) || ' ' || trim(l.MAILING_ADDRESS4)) address, ";
                                        sql += "       to_char(l.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as transaction_date, ";
                                        sql += "       to_char(l.value_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as value_date, ";
                                        sql += "       l.arn, ";
                                        sql += "       nvl(l.transaction_amount,0) transaction_amount, ";
                                        sql += "       (select '('||ccy.currency_code_alpha||')' ";
                                        sql += "          from   " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table ccy ";
                                        sql += "         where trim(ccy.currency_code) = ";
                                        sql += "               trim(l.transaction_currency)) ";
                                        sql += "        transaction_currency, ";
                                        sql += "       nvl(l.billing_amount,0) billing_amount, ";
                                        sql += "       decode((select tds.transaction_sign ";
                                        sql += "               from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "trans_def_stand tds ";
                                        sql += "               where tds.transaction_code = l.transaction_code), ";
                                        sql += "              '0','(DR)','1','(CR)','') transaction_sign,                 ";
                                        sql += "       l.details, ";
                                        sql += "       (case when not exists (select 1 ";
                                        sql += "                              from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_credit_unpaid un ";
                                        sql += "                              where 1 = 1";
                                        sql += "                                and un.cr_account_nbr = l.cr_account_nbr ";
                                        sql += "                                and substr(un.nqh_code, 1, 1) = 'O') then ";
                                        sql += "          nvl(l.min_due, 0)  ";
                                        sql += "       else ";
                                        sql += "          nvl(l.closing_bal, 0) ";
                                        sql += "       end ) min_due, ";
                                        sql += "       nvl(l.min_due_install,0) min_due_install, ";
                                        sql += "       nvl(l.min_due_crterm,0) min_due_crterm, ";
                                        sql += "       nvl(l.cash_back_amount,0) cash_back_amount, ";
                                        sql += "       nvl(l.diamondbay_amount,0) diamondbay_amount, ";
                                        sql += "       nvl(l.diamondbay_rank,0) diamondbay_rank, ";
                                        sql += "       nvl(l.loyalty_score_earned,0) loyalty_score_earned, ";
                                        sql += "       nvl(l.loyalty_score_spent,0) loyalty_score_spent, ";
                                        sql += "       nvl(l.loyalty_cash_exchanged,0) loyalty_cash_exchanged, ";
                                        sql += "       nvl(l.loyalty_score_avail,0) loyalty_score_avail ";
                                        sql += "  from   " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log l, ";
                                        sql += "         " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application            app, ";
                                        sql += "         " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card                cc, ";
                                        sql += "         " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card                   c ";
                                        sql += " where 1=1 ";
                                        sql += "   and trunc(l.stat_date) =trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "', 'dd/mm/yyyy')) ";
                                        sql += "   and (l.cr_account_nbr = app.card_number) ";
                                        sql += "   and l.card_number = c.card_number ";
                                        sql += "   and app.application_no = cc.source_application_no ";
                                        //sql += "   and (trim(l.arn) is not null or l.card_number=l.cr_account_nbr) "; //2015-10-21 (13) //old 2015-11-30 (14)
                                        sql += "   and (trim(l.arn) is not null or (l.total_debit+l.fee+l.bal_payment+abs(l.closing_bal)) <>0 ) "; //2015-11-30 (14)
                                        sql += "   and trim(c.cr_account_nbr)='" + cr_account_nbr.Trim() + "' ";
                                        sql += " order by l.card_number asc, to_date(l.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') desc,to_date(l.value_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') desc    ";
                                    #endregion 2015-09-08 (12)

                                    dt_bill = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err);

                                    if (err != "")
                                        this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("card_number", typeof(string));//card_number
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("embossed_name", typeof(string));//embossed_name
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("credit_limit", typeof(string));//credit_limit
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("processing_date", typeof(string));//processing_date
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("payment_date", typeof(string));//payment_date
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("opening_bal", typeof(string));//opening_bal
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("total_debit", typeof(string));//total_debit
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("bal_payment", typeof(string));//bal_payment
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("closing_bal", typeof(string));//closing_bal
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("min_due", typeof(string));//min_due
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("transaction_date", typeof(string));//transaction_date
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("value_date", typeof(string));//value_date
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("arn", typeof(string));
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("details", typeof(string));
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("billing_amount", typeof(string));

                                        ////get data
                                        //string card_number = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["card_number"].ToString();
                                        //string embossed_name = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["embossed_name"].ToString();
                                        //string credit_limit = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["credit_limit"].ToString();
                                        //string processing_date = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["processing_date"].ToString();
                                        //string payment_date = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["payment_date"].ToString();
                                        //string opening_bal = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["opening_bal"].ToString();
                                        //string total_debit = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["total_debit"].ToString();
                                        //string bal_payment = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["bal_payment"].ToString();
                                        //string closing_bal = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["closing_bal"].ToString();
                                        //string min_due = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["min_due"].ToString();
                                        //string transaction_date = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["transaction_date"].ToString();
                                        //string value_date = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["value_date"].ToString();
                                        //string arn = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["arn"].ToString();
                                        //string details = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["details"].ToString();
                                        //string billing_amount = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["billing_amount"].ToString();
                                        //    dt_bill.Rows.Add(card_number, embossed_name, credit_limit, processing_date, payment_date, opening_bal, total_debit, bal_payment
                                        //        , closing_bal, min_due, transaction_date, value_date, arn, details, billing_amount);
                                        //catch (Exception ex)
                                        //    MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString());

                                        //string file_path = tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";
                                        string file_path = tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + cr_account_nbr.Trim() + ".pdf";
                                        //Export pdf
                                            if (dt_bill.Rows.Count > 0)

                                                if (DateTime.ParseExact(dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim(), "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) < DateTime.ParseExact("24/09/2015", "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) // 2015-09-08 (12)
                                                    //Rpt_Credit_Billing_new cry = new Rpt_Credit_Billing_new(); //2015-03-19 (8) old
                                                    Rpt_Credit_Billing_new_2 cry = new Rpt_Credit_Billing_new_2(); //2015-03-19 (8) new
                                                    string title = "";
                                                    string title2 = "";
                                                    string title3 = "";
                                                    title = "BẢNG THÔNG BÁO GIAO DỊCH";
                                                    title2 = "(Từ ngày " + dateTimePicker1.Value.AddMonths(-1).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy").Trim() + " đến ngày " + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + " )";
                                                    cry.SetParameterValue("title", title);
                                                    cry.SetParameterValue("title2", title2);
                                                    title3 = Get_title3(cr_account_nbr);
                                                    if (title3.Trim() != "")
                                                        cry.SetParameterValue("title3", title3);
                                                        MessageBox.Show("Err when get title3");
                                                    // a.title3 = "Yêu cầu thanh toán trước 10h ngày:";

                                                    ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                                                    DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                                                    PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                                                    CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = file_path;// tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";//"c:\\";
                                                    CrExportOptions = cry.ExportOptions;
                                                        CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                                                        CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                                                        CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                                                        CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;

                                                    //--Fix for Load Report failse
                                                    if (cry != null)
                                                #region 2015-09-08 (12)
                                                    Rpt_Credit_Billing_new_3 cry = new Rpt_Credit_Billing_new_3();

                                                    ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                                                    DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                                                    PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                                                    CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = file_path;// tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";//"c:\\";
                                                    CrExportOptions = cry.ExportOptions;
                                                        CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                                                        CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                                                        CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                                                        CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;

                                                    //--Fix for Load Report failse
                                                    if (cry != null)
                                                #endregion 2015-09-08 (12)
                                                //ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                                                //DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                                                //PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                                                //CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = file_path;// tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";//"c:\\";
                                                //CrExportOptions = cry.ExportOptions;
                                                //    CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                                                //    CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                                                //    CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                                                //    CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;

                                                ////--Fix for Load Report failse
                                                //if (cry != null)
                                                //    cry.Close();
                                                //    cry.Dispose();
                                                //lấy dữ liệu insert table
                                                sql = ""; err = "";
                                                //sql += "  select distinct to_char(a.stat_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') DATE_START,c.email_id EMAIL,to_char(a.stat_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') BILL_DATE";
                                                //sql += "  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log a," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application b, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card c";
                                                //sql += "  where a.card_number=b.card_number";
                                                //sql += "        and b.application_no=c.source_application_no";
                                                //sql += "        and trunc(a.stat_date) =trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "','dd/mm/yyyy'))";
                                                //sql += "        and a.card_number='" + card_number.Trim() + "'";
                                                //sql += "        and c.email_id is not null";

                                                //sql += "  select distinct to_char(a.stat_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') DATE_START,e.email_id EMAIL,to_char(a.stat_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') BILL_DATE,a.card_number";
                                                //sql += "  select distinct to_char(a.stat_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') DATE_START,e.email_id EMAIL,to_char(a.stat_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') BILL_DATE,a.cr_account_nbr";
                                                //sql += "  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log a," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card e";
                                                //sql += "  where a.cr_account_nbr=e.card_number";   // 2016-03-04 (15)
                                                //sql += "        and trunc(a.stat_date) =trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "','dd/mm/yyyy'))";
                                                ////sql += "        and e.email_id is not null"; //OLD 2014-05-08 (1)
                                                //sql += "        and trim(e.email_id) is not null"; // 2014-05-08 (1)
                                                ////sql += "        and a.card_number='" + card_number.Trim() + "'";
                                                //sql += "        and a.cr_account_nbr='" + cr_account_nbr.Trim() + "'";

                                                #region 2016-06-16 (16)
                                                sql += "select distinct to_char(a.stat_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') DATE_START, ";
                                                sql += "                e.email_id EMAIL, ";
                                                sql += "                to_char(a.stat_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') BILL_DATE, ";
                                                sql += "                a.cr_account_nbr, ";
                                                sql += "                cor.email_id EMAILCOR ";
                                                sql += "  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log a ";
                                                sql += "  left join " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_corporate_card cor ";
                                                sql += "    on a.cr_account_nbr = cor.cr_account_number_corporate ";
                                                sql += "   and trim(cor.email_id) is not null, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card e ";
                                                sql += " where a.cr_account_nbr = e.card_number ";
                                                sql += "        and trunc(a.stat_date) =trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim ( ) + "','dd/mm/yyyy'))";
                                                sql += "   and trim(e.email_id) is not null ";
                                                sql += "        and a.cr_account_nbr='" + cr_account_nbr.Trim ( ) + "'";
                                                #endregion 2016-06-16 (16)

                                                sql += " ";
                                                DataTable dtInsert = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err);
                                                if (err != "")
                                                    // return;
                                                    if (dtInsert.Rows.Count > 0)
                                                        string DATE_START = dtInsert.Rows[0]["DATE_START"].ToString().Trim();
                                                        string EMAIL = dtInsert.Rows[0]["EMAIL"].ToString().Trim();
                                                        string BILL_DATE = dtInsert.Rows[0]["BILL_DATE"].ToString().Trim();
                                                        sql = ""; err = "";
                                                        if (EMAIL.Trim() == "")
                                                        { }
                                                            if (!cr_account_nbr.Substring ( 0, 4 ).Trim ( ).Equals ( "5592" ))
                                                                sql = "insert into " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL(DATE_START ,CARD_NUMBER ,FILE_NAME ,EMAIL,BILL_DATE ,SEND_FLAG, USER_CREATE , DATE_CREATE)";
                                                                sql += "values (";
                                                                sql += "" + ( DATE_START.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + DATE_START + "','dd/MM/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                //sql += "'" + card_number + "',";
                                                                sql += "'" + cr_account_nbr + "',";
                                                                sql += "'" + file_path + "',";
                                                                sql += "" + ( EMAIL.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "'" + EMAIL + "'" ) ) + ",";
                                                                sql += "" + ( BILL_DATE == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + BILL_DATE + "','dd/mm/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                sql += "'0',";
                                                                sql += "'" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "',";
                                                                sql += "sysdate";
                                                                sql += ")";
                                                                Businessbp.executedb.ExecuteDML ( sql, ref err );
                                                                if (err != "")
                                                                    MessageBox.Show ( err ); //return;
                                                            else //2016-06-16 (16)
                                                                string EMAILCOR = dtInsert.Rows[0]["EMAILCOR"].ToString ( ).Trim ( );
                                                                if (EMAILCOR.Trim ( ) != "")
                                                                    sql = " begin ";
                                                                    sql += " insert into " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL(DATE_START ,CARD_NUMBER ,FILE_NAME ,EMAIL,BILL_DATE ,SEND_FLAG, USER_CREATE , DATE_CREATE)";
                                                                    sql += " values (";
                                                                    sql += "" + ( DATE_START.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + DATE_START + "','dd/MM/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                    //sql += "'" + card_number + "',";
                                                                    sql += "'" + cr_account_nbr + "',";
                                                                    sql += "'" + file_path + "',";
                                                                    sql += "" + ( EMAILCOR.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "'" + EMAILCOR.Trim ( ) + "'" ) ) + ",";
                                                                    sql += "" + ( BILL_DATE == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + BILL_DATE + "','dd/mm/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                    sql += "'0',";
                                                                    sql += "'" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "',";
                                                                    sql += "sysdate";
                                                                    sql += ");";
                                                                    sql += " insert into " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL(DATE_START ,CARD_NUMBER ,FILE_NAME ,EMAIL,BILL_DATE ,SEND_FLAG, USER_CREATE , DATE_CREATE)";
                                                                    sql += " values (";
                                                                    sql += "" + ( DATE_START.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + DATE_START + "','dd/MM/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                    //sql += "'" + card_number + "',";
                                                                    sql += "'" + cr_account_nbr + "',";
                                                                    sql += "'" + file_path + "',";
                                                                    sql += "" + ( EMAIL.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "'" + EMAIL + "'" ) ) + ",";
                                                                    sql += "" + ( BILL_DATE == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + BILL_DATE + "','dd/mm/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                    sql += "'0',";
                                                                    sql += "'" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "',";
                                                                    sql += "sysdate";
                                                                    sql += ");";
                                                                    sql += " insert into " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL(DATE_START ,CARD_NUMBER ,FILE_NAME ,EMAIL,BILL_DATE ,SEND_FLAG, USER_CREATE , DATE_CREATE)";
                                                                    sql += " values (";
                                                                    sql += "" + ( DATE_START.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + DATE_START + "','dd/MM/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                    //sql += "'" + card_number + "',";
                                                                    sql += "'" + cr_account_nbr + "',";
                                                                    sql += "'" + file_path + "',";
                                                                    sql += " '*****@*****.**',";
                                                                    sql += "" + ( BILL_DATE == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + BILL_DATE + "','dd/mm/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                    sql += "'0',";
                                                                    sql += "'" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "',";
                                                                    sql += "sysdate";
                                                                    sql += ");";
                                                                    sql += " commit;";
                                                                    sql += " exception";
                                                                    sql += " when others then";
                                                                    sql += " rollback;";
                                                                    sql += " end;";
                                                                    Businessbp.executedb.ExecuteDML ( sql, ref err );
                                                                    if (err != "")
                                                                        MessageBox.Show ( err ); //return;
                                                    else//Nếu không có dữ liệu
                                                //MessageBox.Show("" + card_number.Trim());
                                                //MessageBox.Show("" + cr_account_nbr.Trim()); //2014-10-28 Dong tam thoi MessageBox
                                        catch (Exception ex)

                                tbStatus.Text = "Successful!!!";
                                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                    catch (Exception ex)
        private void btProcess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (rbMBPHT08.Checked)
                    string sql = "", err = "";
                    DataTable dtReport = new DataTable();

                    string from_dt = dpFromDate.Text;
                    string to_dt = dpToDate.Text;
                    #region SQL_PHT08
                    sql += " select h.branch_code,h.branch_name,nvl(sum(h.SoLuongThe),0) SoLuongThe ";
                    sql += " from ( ";
                    sql += " Select trim(cp.branch_receive_card )  branch_code     ";
                    sql += "        ,(select b.code ||'- '|| from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "branch b  ";
                    sql += "        where trim(b.code)=trim(cp.branch_receive_card) and b.amnd_state='A'  ";
                    sql += "        ) branch_name  ";
                    sql += "        ,count(c.contract_number) as SoLuongThe ";
                    sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract c";
                    sql += "          ,nab_cp_card_prepaid cp,";
                    sql += "       nab_product sp  ";
                    sql += " where  c.add_info_01 = cp.source_application_no   ";
                    sql += "        and c.amnd_state = 'A'";
                    sql += "        and c.con_cat = 'C'   ";
                    sql += "        and c.contr_status = '267'";
                    sql += "        and trunc(c.date_open) >= trunc(to_date('" + from_dt + "','dd/mm/yyyy'))   ";
                    sql += "        and trunc(c.date_open) <= trunc(to_date('" + to_dt + "','dd/mm/yyyy'))   ";
                    sql += "        and sp.product_code <> '333'  ";
                    sql += "        and c.product = sp.product_code  ";
                    sql += "        and sp.type in ('D','P') ";
                    if (cb_branch.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() != "888")
                        sql += "   and trim(cp.branch_receive_card) ='" + cb_branch.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() + "' ";
                    sql += " group by cp.branch_receive_card    ";
                    sql += " union all  ";
                    sql += " Select trim(cd.branch_receive_card) branch_code, ";
                    sql += "        (select b.code ||'- '|| from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "branch b  ";
                    sql += "        where trim(b.code)=trim(cd.branch_receive_card) and b.amnd_state='A') branch_name  ";
                    sql += "        ,count(c.contracT_number) as SoLuongThe ";
                    sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract c,nab_cp_card cd, nab_product sp2";
                    sql += " where  c.add_info_01 = cd.source_application_no   ";
                    sql += "        and c.amnd_state = 'A'";
                    sql += "        and c.con_cat = 'C'   ";
                    sql += "        and c.contr_status = '267'";
                    sql += "        and trunc(c.date_open) >= trunc(to_date('" + from_dt + "','dd/mm/yyyy'))   ";
                    sql += "        and trunc(c.date_open) <= trunc(to_date('" + to_dt + "','dd/mm/yyyy'))   ";
                    sql += "        and sp2.product_code <> '333'  ";
                    sql += "        and c.product = sp2.product_code  ";
                    sql += "        and sp2.type in ('C') ";

                    if (cb_branch.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() != "888")
                        sql += "   and trim(cd.branch_receive_card) ='" + cb_branch.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() + "' ";
                    sql += " group by cd.branch_receive_card ";

                    sql += " )h ";
                    sql += " group by  h.branch_code,h.branch_name ";
                    #endregion SQL_PHT08
                    this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                    string type = "MB_PHT08";

                    if (sql != "")
                        dtReport = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err);
                        if (err != "")
                            this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                            string folderOut = tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "" + type + "\\"; ;

                            //Tao thu muc
                            if (!Directory.Exists(folderOut))

                            //Export pdf
                            #region Export
                                if (dtReport.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    for (int i = 0; i < dtReport.Rows.Count; i++)
                                        string branch = dtReport.Rows[i]["branch_code"].ToString().Trim();
                                        string Branch_name = dtReport.Rows[i]["branch_name"].ToString().Trim();
                                        string file_path = folderOut.Trim() + branch.Trim() + "_" + type + "_" + dpFromDate.Text.Trim().Replace("/", "") + "_"
                                                           + dpToDate.Text.Trim().Replace("/", "") + ".doc";
                                        ConvertNumToStr objConvert = new ConvertNumToStr();
                                        string SoLuongThe_Chu = "";
                                        string SoLuongThe_Nbr = dtReport.Rows[i]["SoLuongThe"].ToString().Trim();

                                        SoLuongThe_Chu = objConvert.converNumToString(objConvert.slipArray(SoLuongThe_Nbr));
                                        string Date_Send = " ngày " + DateTime.Now.Day + " tháng " + DateTime.Now.Month + " năm " + DateTime.Now.Year;
                                        string From_To_Date = dpFromDate.Text + " - " + dpToDate.Text;
                                        Rpt_MH_PHT08_GiaoNhanThePin cry = new Rpt_MH_PHT08_GiaoNhanThePin();
                                        // cry.SetDataSource(dtReport);
                                        // string title = "";
                                        cry.SetParameterValue("Branch", Branch_name);
                                        cry.SetParameterValue("Date_Send", Date_Send);
                                        cry.SetParameterValue("SoLuongThe_Nbr", SoLuongThe_Nbr);
                                        cry.SetParameterValue("SoLuongThe_Chu", SoLuongThe_Chu + " Thẻ");
                                        cry.SetParameterValue("SoLuongPin_Nbr", SoLuongThe_Nbr);
                                        cry.SetParameterValue("SoLuongPin_Chu", SoLuongThe_Chu + " PIN");
                                        cry.SetParameterValue("From_To_Date", From_To_Date);

                                        ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                                        DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                                        PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

                                        CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = file_path;// tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";//"c:\\";
                                        CrExportOptions = cry.ExportOptions;
                                            CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                                            //CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                                            CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.WordForWindows;
                                            CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                                            CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;

                                        //--Fix for Load Report failse
                                        if (cry != null)
                                    // MessageBox.Show("");//+ card_number.Trim());
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                            #endregion Export
                    }//End for branch
                    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                    tbStatus.Text += "-- Success:" + dtReport.Rows.Count;
                else //MB-PHT06
                    this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                    string branch_code = cb_branch.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim();

                        tbStatus.Text = "DONE!!!";
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Err btn_Process_Click: " + ex.ToString());
                    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

            { }
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string sql = "", err = "";
            string title = "";
            string type = "";
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 1)
            { type = "MB-TNT01";   }
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 2)
            { type = "MB-TNT02";  }
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 3)
            { type = "MB-TNT03";  }
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 4)
            { type = "MB-TLT01";   }

            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            string folderOut = tbFilePath.Text.Trim();

            //Tao thu muc
            if (!Directory.Exists(folderOut))
            if (type != "")
                sql = ""; err = "";
                sql  = "  select *";
                sql += "  from nab_credit_xln_sendmail g";
                sql += "  where trim(g.type_report)='" + type + "'";
                sql += "      and trunc(g.date_create)=trunc(sysdate)";

                DataTable dtCheck = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err);
                if (err != "")
                    //if (dtCheck.Rows.Count > 0)
                    //    MessageBox.Show("Đã xử lý Report này cho hôm nay.");
                    //    return;

                for (int k = 0; k < dtBranch.Rows.Count; k++)//Vòng lặp để xuất ra từng Branch
                    string branch = dtBranch.Rows[k]["branch_code"].ToString().Trim();
                    tbStatus.Text = "Da xu ly : "+ (k +1).ToString() +" --" +"Dang xu ly :"+branch;
                    if (type.ToUpper() == "MB-TNT01")
                        sql = "select cl.short_name embossed_name, ";
                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                            sql += "       ctr_a.contract_number cr_account_nbr, ";
                            sql += "       substr(ctr_a.contract_number,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(ctr_a.contract_number,-4) cr_account_nbr, ";
                        sql += "       cl.reg_number, ";
                        sql += "       cl.client_number, ";
                        sql += "       abs(te.CLOSE_CASH + te.CLOSE_SALE) closing_bal, ";
                        sql += "       (select abs(blg.total_balance) ";
                        sql += "          from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "billing_log blg ";
                        sql += "         where blg.acnt_contract__oid = bl.acnt_contract__oid ";
                        sql += "         and blg.start_billing_date = ";
                        sql += "               (select max(blg1.start_billing_date) ";
                        sql += "                  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "billing_log blg1 ";
                        sql += "                 where blg1.acnt_contract__oid = opening_bal,  ";
                        sql += "              (nab_pck_out.nab_fnc_Get_payment(ctr_a.contract_number, ";
                        sql += "                                       (case ";
                        sql += "                                         when extract(day from sysdate) >= 24 then ";
                        sql += "                                          to_date('24/' || to_char(sysdate, 'mm/yyyy'), 'dd/mm/yyyy') ";
                        sql += "                                         else ";
                        sql += "                                          to_date('24/' || to_char(add_months(sysdate, -1), 'mm/yyyy'), ";
                        sql += "                                                  'dd/mm/yyyy') ";
                        sql += "                                       end), ";
                        sql += "                                       trunc(sysdate)) + ";
                        sql += "              (select nvl(sum(r.transaction_amount), 0) ";
                        sql += "                  from nab_balance_credit r ";
                        sql += "                 where (select ctr.contract_number ";
                        sql += "                          from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "Acnt_Contract ctr ";
                        sql += "                         where ctr.amnd_state = 'A' ";
                        sql += "                           and = ";
                        sql += "                               (select ctr1.acnt_contract__oid ";
                        sql += "                                  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract ctr1 ";
                        sql += "                                 where 1 = 1 ";
                        sql += "                                   and ctr1.amnd_state = 'A' ";
                        sql += "                                   and ctr1.contract_number = r.card_number)) = ";
                        sql += "                       ctr_a.contract_number ";
                        sql += "                   and nvl(r.extract_flag, 'N') = 'N' ";
                        sql += "                   and substr(r.message_receive, 1, 7) = 'success' ";
                        sql += "                   and nvl(r.authorize, 'N') = 'Y')) cur_payment, ";
                        sql += "       abs(bl.total_due) + ";
                        sql += "       (select abs(nvl(sum(acc1.current_balance), 0)) ";
                        sql += "          from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "account acc1 ";
                        sql += "         where acc1.acnt_contract__oid = ";
                        sql += "           and acc1.code in ('L2', 'L4')) min_due, ";
                        sql += "       bl.due_date, ";
                        sql += "       nvl(ctr_a.add_info_03, 0) unpaid_period, ";
                        sql += "       nab_pck_out.nab_fnc_getThucNoDays(ctr_a.contract_number) unpaid_date, ";
                        sql += "       (select addr.phone_m ";
                        sql += "          from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "contract_addresses addr ";
                        sql += "         where 1 = 1 ";
                        sql += "           and addr.acnt_contract__oid = ";
                        sql += "           and addr.address_type__id = ";
                        sql += "               (select ";
                        sql += "                  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "address_type at ";
                        sql += "                 where 1 = 1 ";
                        sql += "                   and at.amnd_state = 'A' ";
                        sql += "                   and at.code = 'PHS_ADDR')) phone_mobile, ";
                        sql += "                   cl.e_mail, ";
                        sql += "       decode(nvl(ctr_a.add_info_01, '0'), ";
                        sql += "              'M', ";
                        sql += "              'MAD', ";
                        sql += "              '100', ";
                        sql += "              'TAD', ";
                        sql += "              '0', ";
                        sql += "              'not registed', ";
                        sql += "              (to_number(ctr_a.add_info_01) || '%')) auto_payment, ";
                        sql += "       ctr_a.rbs_number, ";
                        sql += "       (select nvl(acy_avl_bal, 0) ";
                        sql += "          from sttm_cust_account@Flexcube ";
                        sql += "         where cust_ac_no = ctr_a.rbs_number ";
                        sql += "           and record_stat = 'O' ";
                        sql += "           and auth_stat = 'A') So_Tien_TKTT ";
                        sql += "  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract     ctr_a, ";
                        sql += "       " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract     ctr_c, ";
                        sql += "       " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "appl_product      prd, ";
                        sql += "       nab_cp_card           cc, ";
                        sql += "       nab_vw_total_endcycle te, ";
                        sql += "       " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "billing_log       bl, ";
                        sql += "       " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "client            cl ";
                        sql += " where 1 = 1 ";
                        sql += "   and = ctr_c.client__id ";
                        sql += "   and ctr_c.acnt_contract__oid = ";
                        sql += "   and ctr_c.product = prd.internal_code ";
                        sql += "   and ctr_a.contract_number = te.contract_number ";
                        sql += "   and ctr_c.add_info_01 = cc.source_application_no ";
                        sql += "   and bl.acnt_contract__oid = ";
                        sql += "   and te.DATE_TO = bl.finish_billing_date ";
                        sql += "   and ctr_a.amnd_state = 'A' ";
                        sql += "   and ctr_c.amnd_state = 'A' ";
                        sql += "   and prd.amnd_state = 'A' ";
                        sql += "   and substr(prd.code, 5, 1) = 'M' ";
                        sql += "   and te.DATE_TO = (case ";
                        sql += "         when extract(day from sysdate) >= 24 then ";
                        sql += "          to_date('24/' || to_char(sysdate, 'mm/yyyy'), 'dd/mm/yyyy') ";
                        sql += "         else ";
                        sql += "          to_date('24/' || to_char(add_months(sysdate, -1), 'mm/yyyy'), ";
                        sql += "                  'dd/mm/yyyy') ";
                        sql += "       end) ";
                        sql += "        ";
                        sql += "    and ctr_c.branch = '" + branch + "' ";


                        title = "DANH SÁCH KHÁCH HÀNG CẦN NHẮC NỢ";

                    #region chualam
                    else if (type.ToUpper() == "MB-TNT02")

                        sql = "select cl.short_name embossed_name, ";
                        sql += "       cl.client_number client_number, ";
                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                            sql += "       ca.contract_number cr_account_nbr, ";
                            sql += "       substr(ca.contract_number,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(ca.contract_number,-4) cr_account_nbr, ";
                        sql += "       -ca.total_balance closing_bal, ";
                        sql += "       -l.total_balance opening_bal, ";
                        sql += "       -l.total_due min_due, ";
                        sql += "       to_char(trunc(l.due_date-1),'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date, ";
                        sql += "       to_char(nab_pck_out.GET_UNPAID_STATUS(ca.contract_number),'999') acc_unpaid_status, ";
                        //sql += "       to_char(nab_pck_out.nab_fnc_getThucNoDays(ca.contract_number),'999') number_days, ";
                        sql += "       cl.phone_m phone_mobile, ";
                        sql += "       cl.e_mail, ";
                        sql += "       ca.add_info_01 auto_payment, ";
                        sql += "       ca.rbs_number rbs_number, ";
                        sql += "       (select ltrim(to_char(nvl(a.acy_avl_bal, 0), '999,999,999,999')) as acy_avl_bal ";
                        sql += "        from sttm_cust_account@FLEXCUBE a ";
                        sql += "       WHERE a.cust_ac_no = trim(ca.rbs_number)) So_Tien_TKTT, ";
                        sql += "        (select";
                        sql += "         from ows.branch br";
                        sql += "         where br.amnd_state = 'A'";
                        sql += "             and br.code = ca.branch) branch_code";
                        sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract ca, ";
                        sql += "     " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "client cl, ";
                        sql += "     " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "billing_log l ";
                        sql += " where ca.amnd_state = 'A' and ca.con_cat = 'A' ";
                        sql += "  and cl.amnd_state = 'A' ";
                        sql += "  and ca.client__id = ";
                        sql += "  and = l.acnt_contract__oid ";
                        sql += "  and l.finish_billing_date = (select max(l1.finish_billing_date) ";
                        sql += "                                from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "billing_log l1 ";
                        sql += "                               where l1.acnt_contract__oid = ";
                        sql += "  and nab_pck_out.GET_UNPAID_STATUS(ca.contract_number) = '4' ";
                        sql += "  and not exists (select 1 from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "V_CS_ALL_ACNT_STATUS vcs ";
                        sql += "               where vcs.acnt_contract__oid = ";
                        sql += "                 and vcs.status_type_code = 'DEBT_LEVEL' ";
                        sql += "                 and substr(vcs.status_value_code,1,1) = 'O') ";
                        sql += "  and ca.branch = '" + branch + "' ";


                        title = "DANH SÁCH KHÁCH HÀNG CẦN CHUYỂN NỢ QUÁ HẠN";
                    else if (type.ToUpper() == "MB-TNT03")
                        sql = "";
                        sql += " with payment as";
                        sql += " (";
                        sql += "     select nvl(sum(th.local_amount),0) payment,";
                        sql += "      from v_transaction_hist th, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract acnt ";
                        sql += "      where th.issuing_id =";
                        sql += "          and acnt.amnd_state = 'A'";
                        sql += "          and acnt.con_cat = 'A'";
                        sql += "          and th.POSTING_DATE >= acnt.last_billing_date";
                        sql += "          and th.trans_type in ('36628','36630','36643','36646','36461','37250','146','700','15','36522','36682','36994')";
                        sql += "     group by";
                        sql += "  ), ";
                        sql += "  payment_total as";
                        sql += "  ( ";
                        sql += "     select  p.payment,  ";
                        sql += "   ,";
                        sql += "             -bl.total_balance total_balance,";
                        sql += "             -bl.total_due total_due,";
                        sql += "             bl.due_date";
                        sql += "     from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "billing_log bl,";
                        sql += "          " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract ac,";
                        sql += "          (select *";
                        sql += "            from payment p ";
                        sql += "           union ";
                        sql += "           select 0 payment , id";
                        sql += "            from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract ac";
                        sql += "            where ac.amnd_state = 'A'";
                        sql += "                 and ac.con_cat = 'A'";
                        sql += "                 and ac.liab_category is not null";
                        sql += "                 and substr(ac.contract_number,1,1) in ('3','6')";
                        sql += "                 and not exists (select 1 from payment p1 where = p";
                        sql += "     where bl.finish_billing_date = (select max(l.finish_billing_date) from ows.billing_log l where l.acnt_contract__oid = bl.acnt_contract__oid)";
                        sql += "           and ac.con_cat = 'A'";
                        sql += "           and ac.amnd_state = 'A'";
                        sql += "           and = bl.acnt_contract__oid";
                        sql += "           and bl.total_due < 0";
                        sql += "           and =  ";
                        sql += " ),";
                        sql += "    email_phone as";
                        sql += "     (select cp.mobile_number,";
                        sql += "             cp.email_id,";
                        sql += "             c.acnt_contract__oid,";
                        sql += "             cp.machinhsachtd";
                        sql += "        from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract c, nab_cp_card cp, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "appl_product pr";
                        sql += "       where c.amnd_state = 'A'";
                        sql += "         and c.con_cat = 'C'";
                        sql += "         and c.add_info_01 = cp.source_application_no";
                        sql += "         and c.product = pr.internal_code";
                        sql += "         and pr.amnd_state = 'A'";
                        sql += "         and substr(pr.code, 2, 1) = 'C'";
                        sql += "         and substr(pr.code, 5, 1) = 'M'";
                        sql += "         and c.contr_status in ('14', '423', '267', '174', '109')";
                        sql += "      ";
                        sql += "      )";
                        sql += "  select (select";
                        sql += "              from ows.branch br";
                        sql += "             where br.amnd_state = 'A'";
                        sql += "               and br.code = ctr_a.branch) branch_code,";
                        sql += "           cl.short_name embossed_name,";
                        sql += "           cl.client_number client_number,";
                        sql += "           cl.reg_number legal_id,";
                        sql += "           ctr_a.contract_number cr_account_nbr,";
                        sql += "           -ctr_a.total_balance closing_bal,";
                        sql += "           (select sum(acc.current_balance)";
                        sql += "              from ows.account acc";
                        sql += "             where acc.acnt_contract__oid =";
                        sql += "               and acc.account_type in ('929', '933', '1098', '1099')) lai_ngoai_bang,";
                        sql += "           to_char((select min(ua.start_date)";
                        sql += "                     from ows.usage_action ua";
                        sql += "                    where ua.posting_status = 'C'";
                        sql += "                      and (select substr(, 1, 4)";
                        sql += "                             from ows.event_type et";
                        sql += "                            where = ua.event_type) = 'Dept'";
                        sql += "                      and ua.acnt_contract__id =,";
                        sql += "                   'dd/mm/yyyy') ngay_chuyen_lan_dau,";
                        sql += "           bl.total_balance opening_bal,";
                        sql += "           to_char(bl.total_due,'999,999,999,999') min_due,";
                        sql += "           bl.payment,";
                        sql += "           to_char(bl.due_date-1, 'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,";
                        sql += "           ctr_a.add_info_03 acc_unpaid_status,";
                        //sql += "           to_char(nab_pck_out.nab_fnc_getThucNoDays(ctr_a.contract_number),'999') number_days,";
                        sql += "           (select c.mobile_number";
                        sql += "              from email_phone c";
                        sql += "             where c.acnt_contract__oid = phone_mobile,";
                        sql += "           (select c.email_id";
                        sql += "              from email_phone c";
                        sql += "             where c.acnt_contract__oid = e_mail,";
                        sql += "           decode(nvl(ctr_a.add_info_01, '0'),";
                        sql += "                  'M',";
                        sql += "                  'MAD',";
                        sql += "                  '100',";
                        sql += "                  'TAD',";
                        sql += "                  '0',";
                        sql += "                  'not registed',";
                        sql += "                  (to_number(ctr_a.add_info_01) || '%')) auto_payment,";
                        sql += "           ctr_a.rbs_number,";
                        sql += "           (select nvl(acy_avl_bal, 0)";
                        sql += "              from sttm_cust_account@Flexcube";
                        sql += "             where cust_ac_no = ctr_a.rbs_number";
                        sql += "               and record_stat = 'O'";
                        sql += "               and auth_stat = 'A') So_Tien_TKTT";
                        sql += "      from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract ctr_a, payment_total bl, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "client cl";
                        sql += "     where 1 = 1";
                        sql += "       and = ctr_a.client__id";
                        sql += "       and ctr_a.amnd_state = 'A'";
                        sql += "       and ctr_a.con_cat = 'A'";
                        sql += "       and cl.amnd_state = 'A'";
                        sql += "       and ctr_a.liab_category is not null";
                        sql += "       and ctr_a.add_info_03 = 2";
                        sql += "       and =";
                        sql += "       and bl.total_due > bl.payment";
                        sql += "       and ctr_a.contr_status = '51'";
                        sql += "    and ctr_a.branch = '"+branch+"' ";

                        title = "DANH SÁCH KHÁCH HÀNG QUÁ HẠN/KÉO THEO";
                    else if (type.ToUpper() == "MB-TLT01")

                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                            sql = " select branch_code, a.contract_name hoten,cl.reg_number gttt,cl.client_number makh, a.contract_number sotaikhoan, trangthai,to_char(h.amnd_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') ngaythanhly,to_char(-a.total_balance,'999,999,999,999,999') duno";
                            sql = " select branch_code, a.contract_name hoten,cl.reg_number gttt,cl.client_number makh, substr(a.contract_number,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.contract_number,-4) sotaikhoan, trangthai,to_char(a.amnd_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') ngaythanhly,to_char(-a.total_balance,'999,999,999,999,999') duno";

                        sql += "  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "contr_status st," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "client cl, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "branch br, status_history h" +
                              "  where a.amnd_state ='A' and cl.amnd_state = 'A'"+
                              "  and a.con_cat = 'A' "+
                              "  and = a.contr_status"+
                              "  and = a.client__id and br.code = a.branch" +
                              "  and h.contract_number = a.contract_number" +
                              "  and h.val like '%--> 13 (Account Closed)%'" +
                              "  and trunc(h.amnd_date)= to_date('" + dt_Date.Text + "', 'dd/mm/yyyy')";
                        sql += "    and a.branch = '" + branch + "' ";



                    #endregion chualam
                    if (sql != "")
                        DataTable dtReport = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err);
                        if (err != "")
                            this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                            string file_path = "";
                            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 != 4)
                                file_path = tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + branch.Trim() + "_" + type + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy") + ".pdf";
                                string s = Convert.ToDateTime(dt_Date.Value).ToString("ddMMyyyy");
                                file_path = tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + branch.Trim() + "_" + type + "_" + s + ".pdf";
                            //Export pdf
                                if (dtReport.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 != 4)
                                        rpt_Xu_Ly_No cry = new rpt_Xu_Ly_No();
                                        // string title = "";
                                        cry.SetParameterValue("title", title);
                                        cry.SetParameterValue("MauBieu", "Mẫu: ");
                                        cry.SetParameterValue("Ngayin", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
                                        cry.SetParameterValue("Gioin", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());

                                        ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                                        DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                                        PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

                                        CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = file_path;// tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";//"c:\\";
                                        CrExportOptions = cry.ExportOptions;
                                            CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                                            CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                                            //CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.WordForWindows;
                                            CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                                            CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;

                                        //--Fix for Load Report failse
                                        if (cry != null)
                                        //lấy dữ liệu insert table
                                        sql = ""; err = "";
                                        sql = "insert into NAB_CREDIT_XLN_SENDMAIL";
                                        sql += " (BRANCH_CODE ,FILE_PATH ,USER_CREATE ,DATE_CREATE,SEND_FLAG ,TYPE_REPORT)";
                                        sql += "values (";
                                        sql += "'" + branch + "',";
                                        sql += "'" + file_path.Replace("\\", @"\") + "',";
                                        sql += "'" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "',";
                                        sql += "sysdate,";
                                        sql += "'0',";
                                        sql += "'" + type + "'";
                                        sql += ")";
                                        Businessbp.executedb.ExecuteDML(sql, ref err);
                                        if (err != "")
                                            MessageBox.Show(err); //return; 
                                            //  this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                                        rpt_Thanh_ly_tai_khoan cry1 = new rpt_Thanh_ly_tai_khoan();
                                        // string title = "";
                                        cry1.SetParameterValue("title", title);
                                        cry1.SetParameterValue("Ngayin", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
                                        cry1.SetParameterValue("Gioin", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());

                                        ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                                        DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                                        PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

                                        CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = file_path;// tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";//"c:\\";
                                        CrExportOptions = cry1.ExportOptions;
                                            CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                                            CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                                            //CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.WordForWindows;
                                            CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                                            CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;

                                        //--Fix for Load Report failse
                                        if (cry1 != null)
                                        //lấy dữ liệu insert table
                                        sql = ""; err = "";
                                        sql = "insert into NAB_CREDIT_XLN_SENDMAIL";
                                        sql += " (BRANCH_CODE ,FILE_PATH ,USER_CREATE ,DATE_CREATE,SEND_FLAG ,TYPE_REPORT)";
                                        sql += "values (";
                                        sql += "'" + branch + "',";
                                        sql += "'" + file_path.Replace("\\", @"\") + "',";
                                        sql += "'" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "',";
                                        sql += "sysdate,";
                                        sql += "'0',";
                                        sql += "'" + type + "'";
                                        sql += ")";
                                        Businessbp.executedb.ExecuteDML(sql, ref err);
                                        if (err != "")
                                            MessageBox.Show(err); //return; 
                                            //  this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                                   // MessageBox.Show("");//+ card_number.Trim());

                            catch (Exception ex)
                                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                    }//End for branch
                    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                    tbStatus.Text += "-- Success";
                    if (k+1 == dtBranch.Rows.Count)
                        MessageBox.Show("Đã process thành công!!!");

        public void VistaPrevia(string key)
                ReportDocument objRpt = new ReportDocument();
                DataSet ds = (DataSet)this.GetDataReport(key);

                //string reportPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Reporte\\co_ordenCompra_rpt.rpt";

                string reportPath = "C:\\Reportes\\CRTejTicket_rpt.rpt";

                DiskFileDestinationOptions crDiskFileDestinationOption = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions crFormatTypeOption = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                ExportOptions crExportOptions = new ExportOptions();


                string strfolder = "C:\\Reporte\\";
                crDiskFileDestinationOption.DiskFileName = strfolder +  "Etiqueta.pdf";

                crExportOptions = objRpt.ExportOptions;
                crExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                crExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;

                crExportOptions.ExportDestinationOptions = crDiskFileDestinationOption;
                crExportOptions.ExportFormatOptions = crFormatTypeOption;
                crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = objRpt;

                    //PageMargins margins;

                    //margins = objRpt.PrintOptions.PageMargins;
                    //margins.bottomMargin = 250;
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                    //margins.rightMargin = 250;
                    //margins.topMargin = 250;


            catch (Exception ex)
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            /* Điều kiện kiểm tra
             * B1: kiểm tra trong ổ D:\KTT\SEND_EMAIL\BTBGD\yyyymmdd đã xử lý với ngày hiện tại chưa
             * Nếu đã xử lý: Không cho xử lý nữa
             * B2: Kiểm tra trong bảng NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL đã xử lý với ngày hiện tại chưa? Nếu rồi--> Không xử lý
             * Xử lý tạo file pdf và lưu vào đường dẫn trên D:\KTT\SEND_EMAIL\BTBGD\yyyymmdd\số thẻ.pdf
             * */

            //B1: Kiểm tra đường dẫn đã tồn tại chưa?
            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            string folderOut = tbFilePath.Text.Trim();
            if (Directory.Exists(folderOut))
                MessageBox.Show("Đã xử lý SendMail ngày " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

                // Directory.CreateDirectory(folderOut);
            string sql = "", err = "";
            sql += "  select * from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL a";
            sql += "  where trunc(a.DATE_CREATE)=trunc(sysdate)";
            // sql += "        and trunc(sysdate)>=(select trunc(max(b.stat_date)) from cr_term b)";

            DataTable dt = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err);
            if (err != "")
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Đã xử lý SendMail ngày " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
                    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                    //Xử lý và insert vào table
                    //tạo thư mục

                        sql = ""; err = "";
                        sql = " select distinct a.cr_account_nbr ";
                        sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log a";
                        sql += " where trunc(a.stat_date)=trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "','dd/mm/yyyy'))";
                        sql += " order by a.cr_account_nbr asc";
                        DataTable dt_card_process = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err);
                        if (err != "")
                            this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                            if (dt_card_process.Rows.Count <= 0)
                                MessageBox.Show("Chưa xử lý cuối ngày.");
                                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                                DataTable dt_bill = new DataTable();
                                for (int i = 0; i < dt_card_process.Rows.Count; i++)
                                    //string card_number = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["card_number"].ToString();
                                    string cr_account_nbr = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["cr_account_nbr"].ToString();
                                    sql = ""; err = "";
                                    #region old 2014-06-19 (2)
                                    /*sql = " select a.card_number, a.embossed_name,a.credit_limit";
                                    sql += " ,to_char(a.processing_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') as processing_date";
                                    sql += " ,to_char(a.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') as payment_date";
                                    sql += " ,a.opening_bal,a.total_debit,a.bal_payment,a.closing_bal,a.min_due";
                                    sql += " ,to_char(a.transaction_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') as transaction_date";
                                    sql += " ,to_char(a.value_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') as value_date";
                                    sql += " ,a.arn,a.details,nvl(a.billing_amount,0) billing_amount";
                                    sql += " ,(a.MAILING_ADDRESS1||' '||a.MAILING_ADDRESS2||' '||a.MAILING_ADDRESS3||' '||a.MAILING_ADDRESS4) address";
                                    sql += " ,a.PHONE_HOME, a.PHONE_MOBILE, a.cr_account_nbr, a.transaction_amount ";
                                    sql += " ,(select b.currency_code_alpha from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table b where trim(b.currency_code) = trim(a.transaction_currency)) transaction_currency";
                                    sql += " ,(select b.currency_code_alpha from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table b where trim(b.currency_code) = trim(a.billing_currency)) billing_currency";
                                    sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log a";
                                    sql += " where trunc(a.stat_date)=trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "','dd/mm/yyyy'))";
                                    //sql += " and a.card_number='" + card_number.Trim() + "'";
                                    sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr='" + cr_account_nbr.Trim() + "'";
                                    sql += " order by a.card_number asc,a.transaction_date asc";*/
                                    #endregion old 2014-06-19 (2)
                                    //dt_bill = null;
                                    #region 2014-06-19 (2)
                                    sql += " select r.card_number, ";
                                    sql += "        r.embossed_name, ";
                                    sql += "        r.credit_limit, ";
                                    sql += "        r.processing_date, ";
                                    sql += "        r.payment_date, ";
                                    sql += "        r.opening_bal, ";
                                    sql += "        r.total_debit, ";
                                    sql += "        r.bal_payment, ";
                                    sql += "        r.closing_bal, ";
                                    sql += "        r.min_due, ";
                                    sql += "        r.transaction_date, ";
                                    sql += "        r.value_date, ";
                                    sql += "        r.arn, ";
                                    sql += "        r.details, ";
                                    sql += "        r.billing_amount_du_co, ";
                                    sql += "        r.billing_amount_du_no, ";
                                    sql += "        r.address, ";
                                    sql += "        r.PHONE_HOME, ";
                                    sql += "        r.PHONE_MOBILE, ";
                                    sql += "        r.cr_account_nbr, ";
                                    sql += "        r.transaction_amount, ";
                                    sql += "        r.transaction_currency, ";
                                    sql += "        r.billing_currency ";
                                    sql += "   from (select a.card_number, ";
                                    sql += "                a.embossed_name, ";
                                    sql += "                a.credit_limit, ";
                                    sql += "                to_char(a.processing_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as processing_date, ";
                                    sql += "                to_char(a.payment_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as payment_date, ";
                                    sql += "                a.opening_bal, ";
                                    sql += "                a.total_debit, ";
                                    sql += "                a.bal_payment, ";
                                    sql += "                a.closing_bal, ";
                                    sql += "                a.min_due, ";
                                    sql += "                to_char(a.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as transaction_date, ";
                                    sql += "                to_char(a.value_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as value_date, ";
                                    sql += "                a.arn, ";
                                    sql += "                a.details, ";
                                    sql += "                decode(e.transaction_sign, ";
                                    sql += "                       '0', ";
                                    sql += "                       to_number(''), ";
                                    sql += "                       '1', ";
                                    sql += "                       a.billing_amount, ";
                                    sql += "                       a.billing_amount) billing_amount_du_co, ";
                                    sql += "                decode(e.transaction_sign, ";
                                    sql += "                       '0', ";
                                    sql += "                       a.billing_amount, ";
                                    sql += "                       '1', ";
                                    sql += "                       to_number(''), ";
                                    sql += "                       a.billing_amount) billing_amount_du_no, ";
                                    sql += "                (a.MAILING_ADDRESS1 || ' ' || a.MAILING_ADDRESS2 || ' ' || ";
                                    sql += "                a.MAILING_ADDRESS3 || ' ' || a.MAILING_ADDRESS4) address, ";
                                    sql += "                a.PHONE_HOME, ";
                                    sql += "                a.PHONE_MOBILE, ";
                                    sql += "                a.cr_account_nbr, ";
                                    sql += "                a.transaction_amount, ";
                                    sql += "                (select b.currency_code_alpha ";
                                    sql += "                   from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table b ";
                                    sql += "                  where trim(b.currency_code) = trim(a.transaction_currency)) transaction_currency, ";
                                    sql += "                (select b.currency_code_alpha ";
                                    sql += "                   from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table b ";
                                    sql += "                  where trim(b.currency_code) = trim(a.billing_currency)) billing_currency ";
                                    sql += "           from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "trans_def_stand e ";
                                    sql += "          where 1 = 1 ";
                                    sql += "            and a.transaction_code = e.transaction_code ";
                                    sql += "            and trunc(a.stat_date) = ";
                                    sql += "                trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "', 'dd/mm/yyyy')) ";
                                    sql += "            and a.cr_account_nbr = '" + cr_account_nbr.Trim() + "' ";
                                    sql += "         UNION ALL ";
                                    sql += "         select a.card_number, ";
                                    sql += "                a.embossed_name, ";
                                    sql += "                a.credit_limit, ";
                                    sql += "                to_char(a.processing_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as processing_date, ";
                                    sql += "                to_char(a.payment_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as payment_date, ";
                                    sql += "                a.opening_bal, ";
                                    sql += "                a.total_debit, ";
                                    sql += "                a.bal_payment, ";
                                    sql += "                a.closing_bal, ";
                                    sql += "                a.min_due, ";
                                    sql += "                to_char(a.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as transaction_date, ";
                                    sql += "                to_char(a.value_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as value_date, ";
                                    sql += "                a.arn, ";
                                    sql += "                a.details, ";
                                    sql += "                a.billing_amount billing_amount_du_co, ";
                                    sql += "                a.billing_amount billing_amount_du_no, ";
                                    sql += "                (a.MAILING_ADDRESS1 || ' ' || a.MAILING_ADDRESS2 || ' ' || ";
                                    sql += "                a.MAILING_ADDRESS3 || ' ' || a.MAILING_ADDRESS4) address, ";
                                    sql += "                a.PHONE_HOME, ";
                                    sql += "                a.PHONE_MOBILE, ";
                                    sql += "                a.cr_account_nbr, ";
                                    sql += "                a.transaction_amount transaction_amount, ";
                                    sql += "                (select b.currency_code_alpha ";
                                    sql += "                   from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table b ";
                                    sql += "                  where trim(b.currency_code) = trim(a.transaction_currency)) transaction_currency, ";
                                    sql += "                (select b.currency_code_alpha ";
                                    sql += "                   from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table b ";
                                    sql += "                  where trim(b.currency_code) = trim(a.billing_currency)) billing_currency ";
                                    sql += "           from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log a ";
                                    sql += "          where trunc(a.stat_date) = ";
                                    sql += "                trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "', 'dd/mm/yyyy')) ";
                                    sql += "            and trim(a.transaction_code) is null ";
                                    sql += "            and a.cr_account_nbr = '" + cr_account_nbr.Trim() + "') r ";
                                    sql += "  order by r.card_number asc, r.transaction_date asc ";
                                    #endregion 2014-06-19 (2)

                                    dt_bill = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err);

                                    if (err != "")
                                        this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("card_number", typeof(string));//card_number
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("embossed_name", typeof(string));//embossed_name
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("credit_limit", typeof(string));//credit_limit
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("processing_date", typeof(string));//processing_date
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("payment_date", typeof(string));//payment_date
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("opening_bal", typeof(string));//opening_bal
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("total_debit", typeof(string));//total_debit
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("bal_payment", typeof(string));//bal_payment
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("closing_bal", typeof(string));//closing_bal
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("min_due", typeof(string));//min_due
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("transaction_date", typeof(string));//transaction_date
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("value_date", typeof(string));//value_date
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("arn", typeof(string));
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("details", typeof(string));
                                        //dt_bill.Columns.Add("billing_amount", typeof(string));

                                        ////get data
                                        //string card_number = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["card_number"].ToString();
                                        //string embossed_name = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["embossed_name"].ToString();
                                        //string credit_limit = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["credit_limit"].ToString();
                                        //string processing_date = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["processing_date"].ToString();
                                        //string payment_date = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["payment_date"].ToString();
                                        //string opening_bal = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["opening_bal"].ToString();
                                        //string total_debit = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["total_debit"].ToString();
                                        //string bal_payment = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["bal_payment"].ToString();
                                        //string closing_bal = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["closing_bal"].ToString();
                                        //string min_due = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["min_due"].ToString();
                                        //string transaction_date = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["transaction_date"].ToString();
                                        //string value_date = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["value_date"].ToString();
                                        //string arn = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["arn"].ToString();
                                        //string details = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["details"].ToString();
                                        //string billing_amount = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["billing_amount"].ToString();
                                        //    dt_bill.Rows.Add(card_number, embossed_name, credit_limit, processing_date, payment_date, opening_bal, total_debit, bal_payment
                                        //        , closing_bal, min_due, transaction_date, value_date, arn, details, billing_amount);
                                        //catch (Exception ex)
                                        //    MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString());

                                        //string file_path = tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";
                                        string file_path = tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + cr_account_nbr.Trim() + ".pdf";
                                        //Export pdf
                                            if (dt_bill.Rows.Count > 0)
                                                Rpt_Credit_Billing_new cry = new Rpt_Credit_Billing_new();
                                                string title = "";
                                                string title2 = "";
                                                string title3 = "";
                                                title = "BẢNG THÔNG BÁO GIAO DỊCH";
                                                title2 = "(Từ ngày " + dateTimePicker1.Value.AddMonths(-1).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy").Trim() + " đến ngày " + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + " )";
                                                cry.SetParameterValue("title", title);
                                                cry.SetParameterValue("title2", title2);
                                                title3 = Get_title3(cr_account_nbr);
                                                if (title3.Trim() != "")
                                                    cry.SetParameterValue("title3", title3);
                                                    MessageBox.Show("Err when get title3");
                                                // a.title3 = "Yêu cầu thanh toán trước 10h ngày:";
                                                ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                                                DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                                                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                                                CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = file_path;// tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";//"c:\\";
                                                CrExportOptions = cry.ExportOptions;
                                                    CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                                                    CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                                                    CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                                                    CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;

                                                //--Fix for Load Report failse
                                                if (cry != null)
                                                //lấy dữ liệu insert table
                                                sql = ""; err = "";
                                                //sql += "  select distinct to_char(a.stat_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') DATE_START,c.email_id EMAIL,to_char(a.stat_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') BILL_DATE";
                                                //sql += "  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log a," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application b, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card c";
                                                //sql += "  where a.card_number=b.card_number";
                                                //sql += "        and b.application_no=c.source_application_no";
                                                //sql += "        and trunc(a.stat_date) =trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "','dd/mm/yyyy'))";
                                                //sql += "        and a.card_number='" + card_number.Trim() + "'";
                                                //sql += "        and c.email_id is not null";

                                                //sql += "  select distinct to_char(a.stat_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') DATE_START,e.email_id EMAIL,to_char(a.stat_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') BILL_DATE,a.card_number";
                                                sql += "  select distinct to_char(a.stat_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') DATE_START,e.email_id EMAIL,to_char(a.stat_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') BILL_DATE,a.cr_account_nbr";
                                                sql += "  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_billing_credit_log a," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card e";
                                                sql += "  where a.card_number=e.card_number";
                                                sql += "        and trunc(a.stat_date) =trunc(to_date('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim() + "','dd/mm/yyyy'))";
                                                //sql += "        and e.email_id is not null"; //OLD 2014-05-08 (1)
                                                sql += "        and trim(e.email_id) is not null"; // 2014-05-08 (1)
                                                //sql += "        and a.card_number='" + card_number.Trim() + "'";
                                                sql += "        and a.cr_account_nbr='" + cr_account_nbr.Trim() + "'";

                                                DataTable dtInsert = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err);
                                                if (err != "")
                                                    // return;
                                                    if (dtInsert.Rows.Count > 0)
                                                        string DATE_START = dtInsert.Rows[0]["DATE_START"].ToString();
                                                        string EMAIL = dtInsert.Rows[0]["EMAIL"].ToString();
                                                        string BILL_DATE = dtInsert.Rows[0]["BILL_DATE"].ToString();
                                                        sql = ""; err = "";
                                                        if (EMAIL.Trim() == "")
                                                        { }
                                                            sql = "insert into " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL(DATE_START ,CARD_NUMBER ,FILE_NAME ,EMAIL,BILL_DATE ,SEND_FLAG, USER_CREATE , DATE_CREATE)";
                                                            sql += "values (";
                                                            sql += "" + (DATE_START.Trim() == "" ? "null" : ("to_date('" + DATE_START + "','dd/MM/yyyy')")) + ",";
                                                            //sql += "'" + card_number + "',";
                                                            sql += "'" + cr_account_nbr + "',";
                                                            sql += "'" + file_path + "',";
                                                            sql += "" + (EMAIL.Trim() == "" ? "null" : ("'" + EMAIL + "'")) + ",";
                                                            sql += "" + (BILL_DATE == "" ? "null" : ("to_date('" + BILL_DATE + "','dd/mm/yyyy')")) + ",";
                                                            sql += "'0',";
                                                            sql += "'" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "',";
                                                            sql += "sysdate";
                                                            sql += ")";
                                                            Businessbp.executedb.ExecuteDML(sql, ref err);
                                                            if (err != "")
                                                                MessageBox.Show(err); //return;
                                                    else//Nếu không có dữ liệu
                                                //MessageBox.Show("" + card_number.Trim());
                                                MessageBox.Show("" + cr_account_nbr.Trim());
                                        catch (Exception ex)

                                tbStatus.Text = "Successful!!!";
                                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                    catch (Exception ex)
        private void btProcess_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e )

                /* Điều kiện kiểm tra
                 * B1: kiểm tra trong ổ D:\KTT\SEND_EMAIL\BTBGD\yyyymmdd đã xử lý với ngày hiện tại chưa
                 * Nếu đã xử lý: Không cho xử lý nữa             
                 * B2: Kiểm tra trong bảng NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL đã xử lý với ngày hiện tại chưa? Nếu rồi--> Không xử lý
                 * Xử lý tạo file pdf và lưu vào đường dẫn trên D:\KTT\SEND_EMAIL\BTBGD\yyyymmdd\số thẻ.pdf
                 * */

                //B1: Kiểm tra đường dẫn đã tồn tại chưa?
                this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                string folderOut = tbFilePath.Text.Trim ( );
                if (Directory.Exists ( folderOut ))
                    MessageBox.Show ( "Đã xử lý SendMail ngày " + DateTime.Now.ToString ( "yyyyMMdd" ) );
                    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

                    // Directory.CreateDirectory(folderOut);
                string sql = "", err = "";
                sql += "  select * from NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL a";
                sql += "  where trunc(a.DATE_CREATE)=trunc(sysdate)";
                // sql += "        and trunc(sysdate)>=(select trunc(max(b.stat_date)) from cr_term b)";

                DataTable dt = Businessbp.executedb.getTable ( sql, ref err );
                if (err != "")
                    MessageBox.Show ( err );
                    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        MessageBox.Show ( "Đã xử lý SendMail ngày " + DateTime.Now.ToString ( "yyyyMMdd" ) );
                        this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                        //Xử lý và insert vào table
                        //tạo thư mục
                        Directory.CreateDirectory ( folderOut );

                            sql = "";
                            err = "";

                            #region 2014-10-28 (6) new

                            sql += " select distinct a.cr_account_nbr ";
                            sql += "                ,   ";
                            sql += "                ,to_char(a.stat_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') DATE_START";
                            sql += "                ,to_char(a.stat_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') BILL_DATE";
                            sql += " from   nab_billing_credit_log a ";
                            sql += "       ," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract               acc ";
                            sql += " where  a.cr_account_nbr = acc.contract_number ";
                            sql += " and    a.stat_date = to_date('" + dtpckDate.Text.Trim ( ) + "', 'dd/mm/yyyy') ";
                            sql += " and    acc.amnd_state = 'A' ";
                            sql += " and    acc.con_cat = 'A' ";
                            sql += " and    (a.total_debit + a.fee + a.bal_payment + abs(a.closing_bal)) <> 0";
                            sql += "  ";

                            #endregion 2014-10-28 (6) new

                            DataTable dt_card_process = Businessbp.executedb.getTable ( sql, ref err );
                            if (err != "")
                                MessageBox.Show ( err );
                                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                                if (dt_card_process.Rows.Count <= 0)
                                    MessageBox.Show ( "Chưa xử lý cuối ngày." );
                                    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                                    DataTable dt_bill = new DataTable ( );
                                    for (int i = 0; i < dt_card_process.Rows.Count; i++)

                                        sql = "";
                                        err = "";
                                        sql += " select 1 ";
                                        sql += " from  " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "contract_addresses ca ";
                                        sql += " where ca.acnt_contract__oid = '" + dt_card_process.Rows[i]["id"].ToString ( ) + "' ";
                                        sql += " and ca.address_type__id = '1' ";
                                        sql += " and instr(ca.e_mail,'@',1) > 0  ";

                                        DataTable dt_email = Businessbp.executedb.getTable ( sql, ref err );
                                        if (err != "")
                                            MessageBox.Show ( err );
                                            this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                                            pbProcess.Minimum = 0;
                                            pbProcess.Maximum = dt_card_process.Rows.Count;
                                            pbProcess.Value = 1;
                                            pbProcess.Step = 1;   
                                            if (dt_email.Rows.Count > 0)

                                                int min = (int)( (double)pbProcess.Value );
                                                int max = (int)( (double)pbProcess.Maximum );
                                                pbProcess.CreateGraphics ( ).DrawString ( min.ToString ( ) + "/" + max.ToString ( ),
                                                    new Font ( "Arial", (float)10, FontStyle.Regular ),
                                                    new PointF ( pbProcess.Width / 2 - 10, pbProcess.Height / 2 - 7 ) );
                                                pbProcess.PerformStep ( );
                                                string cr_account_nbr = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["cr_account_nbr"].ToString ( );
                                                string id = dt_card_process.Rows[i]["id"].ToString ( );
                                                sql = "";
                                                err = "";

                                                if (DateTime.ParseExact ( dtpckDate.Text.Trim ( ), "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ) < DateTime.ParseExact ( "24/09/2015", "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture )) // 2015-09-08 (12)
                                                    #region 08-09-2015

                                                    //sql += "select distinct A.*, ";
                                                    //sql += "                case ";
                                                    //sql += "                  when (A.date_create 90 < add_months(to_date(A.processing_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "                                                              'dd/mm/yyyy'), ";
                                                    //sql += "                                                      -1)) then ";
                                                    //sql += "                   '0' ";
                                                    //sql += "                  else ";
                                                    //sql += "                   to_char(decode(decode(A.machinhsachtd, ";
                                                    //sql += "                                         'B01 - STK - UU DAI', ";
                                                    //sql += "                                         '1', ";
                                                    //sql += "                                         '0'), ";
                                                    //sql += "                                  '1', ";
                                                    //sql += "                             nab_pck_out.nab_func_getcashback_amt(A.cr_account_nbr, ";
                                                    //sql += "                                                         to_char(add_months(to_date(A.processing_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "                                                                                    'dd/mm/yyyy'), ";
                                                    //sql += "                                                                            -1) 1, ";
                                                    //sql += "                                                                 'dd/mm/yyyy'), ";
                                                    //sql += "                                                         to_char(least(A.date_create 90, ";
                                                    //sql += "                                                                       to_date(A.processing_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "                                                                               'dd/mm/yyyy')), ";
                                                    //sql += "                                                                 'dd/mm/yyyy')), ";
                                                    //sql += "                                  0), ";
                                                    //sql += "                           '999,999,999,999') ";
                                                    //sql += "                end cashback ";
                                                    //sql += "  from (select substr(r.card_number, 1, 4) || 'xxxxxxxx' || ";
                                                    //sql += "               substr(r.card_number, 13, 4) card_number, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.embossed_name, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.credit_limit, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.processing_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.payment_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.opening_bal, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.total_debit, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.bal_payment, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.closing_bal, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.min_due, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.transaction_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.value_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.arn, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.details, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.billing_amount_du_co, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.billing_amount_du_no, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.address, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.PHONE_HOME, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.PHONE_MOBILE, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.cr_account_nbr cr_account_nbr, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.transaction_amount, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.transaction_currency, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.billing_currency, ";
                                                    //sql += "               r.machinhsachtd, ";
                                                    //sql += "               (select date_open ";
                                                    //sql += "                  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract ";
                                                    //sql += "                 where contract_number = r.cr_account_nbr) date_create ";
                                                    //sql += "          from (select substr(a.card_number, 1, 4) || 'xxxxxxxx' || ";
                                                    //sql += "                       substr(a.card_number, 13, 4) card_number, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.embossed_name, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.credit_limit, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       to_char(a.stat_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as processing_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       to_char(a.payment_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as payment_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.opening_bal, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.total_debit, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.bal_payment, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.closing_bal, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.min_due, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       to_char(a.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as transaction_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       to_char(a.value_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as value_date, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.arn, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.details, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       decode(a.transaction_sign, ";
                                                    //sql += "                              '0', ";
                                                    //sql += "                              to_number(''), ";
                                                    //sql += "                              '1', ";
                                                    //sql += "                              a.billing_amount, ";
                                                    //sql += "                              a.billing_amount) billing_amount_du_co, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       decode(a.transaction_sign, ";
                                                    //sql += "                              '0', ";
                                                    //sql += "                              a.billing_amount, ";
                                                    //sql += "                              '1', ";
                                                    //sql += "                              to_number(''), ";
                                                    //sql += "                              a.billing_amount) billing_amount_du_no, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       (a.MAILING_ADDRESS1 || ' ' || a.MAILING_ADDRESS2 || ' ' || ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.MAILING_ADDRESS3 || ' ' || a.MAILING_ADDRESS4) address, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.PHONE_HOME, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.PHONE_MOBILE, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.cr_account_nbr cr_account_nbr, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.transaction_amount, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       (select ";
                                                    //sql += "                          from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency b ";
                                                    //sql += "                         where trim(b.code) = trim(a.transaction_currency)";
                                                    //sql += "                            and b.amnd_state = 'A') transaction_currency, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       (select ";
                                                    //sql += "                          from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency b ";
                                                    //sql += "                         where trim(b.code) = trim(a.billing_currency)";
                                                    //sql += "                        and b.amnd_state = 'A') billing_currency, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       c.machinhsachtd ";
                                                    //sql += "                  from nab_billing_credit_log a, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "acnt_contract      crd, ";
                                                    //sql += "                       nab_cp_card            c ";
                                                    //sql += "                 where trunc(a.stat_date) = ";
                                                    //sql += "                       trunc(to_date('" + dtpckDate.Text.Trim ( ) + "', ";
                                                    //sql += "                                     'dd/mm/yyyy')) ";
                                                    //sql += "                   and a.card_number = crd.contract_number ";
                                                    //sql += "                   and crd.add_info_01 = c.source_application_no                  ";
                                                    //sql += "                   and crd.amnd_state = 'A' ";
                                                    //sql += "                   and crd.con_cat = 'C' ";
                                                    //sql += "                UNION ALL";
                                                    //sql += "                select a.card_number,";
                                                    //sql += "                       c.client_code,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.embossed_name,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.credit_limit,";
                                                    //sql += "                       to_char(a.stat_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as processing_date,";
                                                    //sql += "                       to_char(a.payment_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as payment_date,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.opening_bal,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.total_debit,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.bal_payment,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.closing_bal,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.min_due,";
                                                    //sql += "                       to_char(a.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as transaction_date,";
                                                    //sql += "                       to_char(a.value_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as value_date,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.arn,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.details,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.billing_amount billing_amount_du_co,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.billing_amount billing_amount_du_no,";
                                                    //sql += "                       (a.MAILING_ADDRESS1 || ' ' || a.MAILING_ADDRESS2 || ' ' ||";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.MAILING_ADDRESS3 || ' ' || a.MAILING_ADDRESS4) address,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.PHONE_HOME,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.PHONE_MOBILE,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.cr_account_nbr,";
                                                    //sql += "                       a.transaction_amount transaction_amount,";
                                                    //sql += "                       (select b.currency_code_alpha";
                                                    //sql += "                          from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table b";
                                                    //sql += "                         where trim(b.currency_code) =";
                                                    //sql += "                               trim(a.transaction_currency)) transaction_currency,";
                                                    //sql += "                       (select b.currency_code_alpha";
                                                    //sql += "                          from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency_table b";
                                                    //sql += "                         where trim(b.currency_code) =";
                                                    //sql += "                               trim(a.billing_currency)) billing_currency,";
                                                    //sql += "                       c.machinhsachtd";
                                                    //sql += "                  from nab_billing_credit_log a,";
                                                    //sql += "                       " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application            app,";
                                                    //sql += "                       " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card                c";
                                                    //sql += "                 where 1 = 1";
                                                    //sql += "                   and a.cr_account_nbr = app.card_number";
                                                    //sql += "                   and app.application_no = c.source_application_no";
                                                    //sql += "                   and trunc(a.stat_date) =";
                                                    //sql += "                       trunc(to_date('" + dtpckDate.Text.Trim ( ) + "', 'dd/mm/yyyy'))";
                                                    //sql += "                   and trim(a.transaction_code) is null";
                                                    //sql += "   ) r";
                                                    //sql += "         where 1 = 1";
                                                    //sql += "         order by r.client_code,";
                                                    //sql += "                  r.card_number asc,";
                                                    //sql += "                  to_date(r.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') desc) A";
                                                    //sql += " where 1 = 1"; //2015-05-27 (10)
                                                    //sql += " order by A.client_code asc, A.cr_account_nbr asc, A.card_number asc, to_date(A.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') desc "; //2015-05-27 (10) //2015-06-23 (11)
                                                    #endregion 2015-05-20 (9)

                                                    #region 03-04-2016
                                                    sql += "select (case when l.card_number = l.cr_account_nbr then l.card_number else (substr(l.card_number, 1, 4) || ' ' || substr(l.card_number, 5, 2) || ";
                                                    sql += "       'xx xxxx ' || substr(l.card_number, 13, 4)) end) card_number, ";
                                                    sql += "       l.cr_account_nbr cr_account_nbr, ";
                                                    sql += "       l.embossed_name, ";
                                                    sql += "       l.phone_mobile, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.credit_limit, 0) credit_limit_acc, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.credit_limit_client, 0) credit_limit_client, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.avail_amount_acc, 0) avail_amount_acc, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.avail_amount_client, 0) avail_amount_client, ";
                                                    sql += "       to_char(l.stat_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as stat_date, ";
                                                    sql += "       to_char(l.payment_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as payment_date, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.opening_bal, 0) opening_bal, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.total_debit, 0) total_debit, ";
                                                    sql += "       (nvl(l.fee, 0) + nvl(l.interest, 0)) fee_and_interest, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.bal_payment, 0) bal_payment, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.closing_bal, 0) closing_bal, ";
                                                    sql += "       (trim(l.MAILING_ADDRESS1) || ' ' || trim(l.MAILING_ADDRESS2) || ' ' || ";
                                                    sql += "       trim(l.MAILING_ADDRESS3) || ' ' || trim(l.MAILING_ADDRESS4)) address, ";
                                                    sql += "       to_char(l.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as transaction_date, ";
                                                    sql += "       to_char(l.value_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') as value_date, ";
                                                    sql += "       l.arn, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.transaction_amount, 0) transaction_amount, ";
                                                    sql += "                       (select ";
                                                    sql += "                          from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "currency b ";
                                                    sql += "                         where trim(b.code) = trim(l.transaction_currency)";
                                                    sql += "                            and b.amnd_state = 'A') transaction_currency, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.billing_amount, 0) billing_amount, ";
                                                    sql += "       decode((l.transaction_sign), ";
                                                    sql += "              '0', ";
                                                    sql += "              '(DR)', ";
                                                    sql += "              '1', ";
                                                    sql += "              '(CR)', ";
                                                    sql += "              '') transaction_sign, ";
                                                    sql += "       l.details, ";
                                                    sql += "       (case ";
                                                    sql += "         when not exists (select 1 ";
                                                    sql += "                 from nab_credit_unpaid un ";
                                                    sql += "                where 1 = 1 ";
                                                    sql += "                  and un.cr_account_nbr = l.cr_account_nbr ";
                                                    sql += "                  and substr(un.nqh_code, 1, 1) = 'O') then ";
                                                    sql += "          nvl(l.min_due, 0) ";
                                                    sql += "         else ";
                                                    sql += "          nvl(l.closing_bal, 0) ";
                                                    sql += "       end) min_due, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.min_due_install, 0) min_due_install, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.min_due_crterm, 0) min_due_crterm, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.cash_back_amount, 0) cash_back_amount, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.diamondbay_amount, 0) diamondbay_amount, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.diamondbay_rank, 0) diamondbay_rank, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.loyalty_score_earned, 0) loyalty_score_earned, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.loyalty_score_spent, 0) loyalty_score_spent, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.loyalty_cash_exchanged, 0) loyalty_cash_exchanged, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.loyalty_score_avail, 0) loyalty_score_avail, ";
                                                    sql += "       nvl(l.ovd_flag,'N') ovd_flag";
                                                    sql += "  from nab_billing_credit_log l ";
                                                    sql += " where 1 = 1 ";
                                                    sql += "   and l.stat_date = trunc(to_date('" + dtpckDate.Text.Trim ( ) + "', 'dd/mm/yyyy')) ";
                                                    sql += "   and (l.total_debit + l.fee + l.bal_payment + abs(l.closing_bal)) <> 0 ";
                                                    sql += "   and trim(l.cr_account_nbr) = '" + cr_account_nbr.Trim ( ) + "' ";
                                                    sql += " order by l.cr_account_nbr asc, ";
                                                    sql += "          to_date(l.transaction_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') desc, ";
                                                    sql += "          to_date(l.value_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') desc ";
                                                    #endregion 2015-09-08 (12)

                                                dt_bill.Clear ( );
                                                dt_bill = Businessbp.executedb.getTable ( sql, ref err );

                                                if (err != "")
                                                    MessageBox.Show ( err );
                                                    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

                                                    //string file_path = tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";
                                                    string file_path = tbFilePath.Text.Trim ( ) + "\\" + cr_account_nbr.Trim ( ) + ".pdf";
                                                    //Export pdf
                                                        if (dt_bill.Rows.Count > 0)

                                                            if (DateTime.ParseExact ( dtpckDate.Text.Trim ( ), "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ) < DateTime.ParseExact ( "24/09/2015", "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture )) // 2015-09-08 (12)
                                                                Rpt_Credit_Billing_new_2 cry = new Rpt_Credit_Billing_new_2 ( ); //2015-03-19 (8) new
                                                                cry.SetDataSource ( dt_bill );
                                                                string title = "";
                                                                string title2 = "";
                                                                string title3 = "";
                                                                title = "BẢNG THÔNG BÁO GIAO DỊCH";
                                                                title2 = "(Từ ngày " + dtpckDate.Value.AddMonths ( -1 ).ToString ( "dd/MM/yyyy" ).Trim ( ) + " đến ngày " + dtpckDate.Text.Trim ( ) + " )";
                                                                cry.SetParameterValue ( "title", title );
                                                                cry.SetParameterValue ( "title2", title2 );
                                                                title3 = Get_title3 ( id );
                                                                if (title3.Trim ( ) != "")
                                                                    cry.SetParameterValue ( "title3", title3 );
                                                                    MessageBox.Show ( "Err when get title3" );
                                                                // a.title3 = "Yêu cầu thanh toán trước 10h ngày:";

                                                                ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                                                                DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions ( );
                                                                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions ( );
                                                                CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = file_path;// tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";//"c:\\";
                                                                CrExportOptions = cry.ExportOptions;
                                                                    CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                                                                    CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                                                                    CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                                                                    CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;
                                                                cry.Export ( );

                                                                //--Fix for Load Report failse
                                                                if (cry != null)
                                                                    cry.Close ( );
                                                                    cry.Dispose ( );
                                                            #region 2015-09-08 (12)
                                                                Rpt_Credit_Billing_new_3 cry = new Rpt_Credit_Billing_new_3 ( );
                                                                cry.SetDataSource ( dt_bill );

                                                                ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                                                                DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions ( );
                                                                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions ( );
                                                                CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = file_path;// tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";//"c:\\";
                                                                CrExportOptions = cry.ExportOptions;
                                                                    CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                                                                    CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                                                                    CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                                                                    CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;
                                                                cry.Export ( );

                                                                //--Fix for Load Report failse
                                                                if (cry != null)
                                                                    cry.Close ( );
                                                                    cry.Dispose ( );
                                                            #endregion 2015-09-08 (12)
                                                            #region 2016-06-16 (16)
                                                            sql = "";
                                                            err = "";

                                                            sql += " select ca.e_mail EMAIL ";
                                                            sql += " from  " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "contract_addresses ca ";
                                                            sql += " where ca.acnt_contract__oid = '" + dt_card_process.Rows[i]["id"].ToString ( ) + "' ";
                                                            sql += " and ca.address_type__id = '1' ";
                                                            sql += " union all ";
                                                            sql += " select ca.email_id EMAIL ";
                                                            sql += " from  nab_corporate_card ca ";
                                                            sql += " where ca.cr_account_number_corporate = '" + dt_card_process.Rows[i]["cr_account_nbr"].ToString ( ) + "' ";
                                                            sql += " and ca.email_id is not null ";
                                                            sql += " and nvl(ca.active_flag,'0') = '1'";

                                                            #endregion 2016-06-16 (16)

                                                            DataTable dtInsert = Businessbp.executedb.getTable ( sql, ref err );
                                                            if (err != "")
                                                                MessageBox.Show ( err );
                                                                // return;
                                                                if (dtInsert.Rows.Count > 0)
                                                                    string DATE_START = dt_card_process.Rows[0]["DATE_START"].ToString ( );
                                                                    string EMAIL = dtInsert.Rows[0]["EMAIL"].ToString ( ).Trim ( );
                                                                    string BILL_DATE = dt_card_process.Rows[0]["BILL_DATE"].ToString ( );                                                                    
                                                                    sql = "";
                                                                    err = "";
                                                                    if (EMAIL.Trim ( ) == "")
                                                                        if (dtInsert.Rows.Count == 1)
                                                                            sql = "insert into NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL(DATE_START ,CARD_NUMBER ,FILE_NAME ,EMAIL,BILL_DATE ,SEND_FLAG, USER_CREATE , DATE_CREATE)";
                                                                            sql += "values (";
                                                                            sql += "" + ( DATE_START.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + DATE_START + "','dd/MM/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                            //sql += "'" + card_number + "',";
                                                                            sql += "'" + cr_account_nbr + "',";
                                                                            sql += "'" + file_path + "',";
                                                                            sql += "" + ( EMAIL.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "'" + EMAIL + "'" ) ) + ",";
                                                                            sql += "" + ( BILL_DATE == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + BILL_DATE + "','dd/mm/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                            sql += "'0',";
                                                                            sql += "'" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "',";
                                                                            sql += "sysdate";
                                                                            sql += ")";
                                                                            Businessbp.executedb.ExecuteDML ( sql, ref err );
                                                                            if (err != "")
                                                                                MessageBox.Show ( err ); //return; 
                                                                        else //2016-06-16 (16)
                                                                            string EMAILCOR = dtInsert.Rows[1]["EMAIL"].ToString ( ).Trim ( );
                                                                            if (EMAILCOR.Trim ( ) != "")
                                                                                sql = " begin ";
                                                                                sql += " insert into NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL(DATE_START ,CARD_NUMBER ,FILE_NAME ,EMAIL,BILL_DATE ,SEND_FLAG, USER_CREATE , DATE_CREATE)";
                                                                                sql += " values (";
                                                                                sql += "" + ( DATE_START.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + DATE_START + "','dd/MM/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                                //sql += "'" + card_number + "',";
                                                                                sql += "'" + cr_account_nbr + "',";
                                                                                sql += "'" + file_path + "',";
                                                                                sql += "" + ( EMAILCOR.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "'" + EMAILCOR.Trim ( ) + "'" ) ) + ",";
                                                                                sql += "" + ( BILL_DATE == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + BILL_DATE + "','dd/mm/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                                sql += "'0',";
                                                                                sql += "'" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "',";
                                                                                sql += "sysdate";
                                                                                sql += ");";
                                                                                sql += " insert into NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL(DATE_START ,CARD_NUMBER ,FILE_NAME ,EMAIL,BILL_DATE ,SEND_FLAG, USER_CREATE , DATE_CREATE)";
                                                                                sql += " values (";
                                                                                sql += "" + ( DATE_START.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + DATE_START + "','dd/MM/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                                //sql += "'" + card_number + "',";
                                                                                sql += "'" + cr_account_nbr + "',";
                                                                                sql += "'" + file_path + "',";
                                                                                sql += "" + ( EMAIL.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "'" + EMAIL + "'" ) ) + ",";
                                                                                sql += "" + ( BILL_DATE == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + BILL_DATE + "','dd/mm/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                                sql += "'0',";
                                                                                sql += "'" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "',";
                                                                                sql += "sysdate";
                                                                                sql += ");";
                                                                                //sql += " insert into " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "NAB_CREDIT_SENDMAIL(DATE_START ,CARD_NUMBER ,FILE_NAME ,EMAIL,BILL_DATE ,SEND_FLAG, USER_CREATE , DATE_CREATE)";
                                                                                //sql += " values (";
                                                                                //sql += "" + ( DATE_START.Trim ( ) == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + DATE_START + "','dd/MM/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                                ////sql += "'" + card_number + "',";
                                                                                //sql += "'" + cr_account_nbr + "',";
                                                                                //sql += "'" + file_path + "',";
                                                                                //sql += " '*****@*****.**',";
                                                                                //sql += "" + ( BILL_DATE == "" ? "null" : ( "to_date('" + BILL_DATE + "','dd/mm/yyyy')" ) ) + ",";
                                                                                //sql += "'0',";
                                                                                //sql += "'" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "',";
                                                                                //sql += "sysdate";
                                                                                //sql += ");";
                                                                                sql += " commit;";
                                                                                sql += " exception";
                                                                                sql += " when others then";
                                                                                sql += " rollback;";
                                                                                sql += " end;";
                                                                                Businessbp.executedb.ExecuteDML ( sql, ref err );
                                                                                if (err != "")
                                                                                    MessageBox.Show ( err ); //return; 
                                                                else//Nếu không có dữ liệu
                                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                                        MessageBox.Show ( ex.Message );

                                    tbStatus.Text = "Successful!!!";
                                    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            MessageBox.Show ( ex.ToString ( ) );
Пример #43
        private void printToFile(string fileName)
            ListReport list = new ListReport();

                ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = fileName;
                CrExportOptions = list.ExportOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                    CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;

                //need to set the datasource or it wont work

                //refresh the data

                DataRow theRow = playerInfoDataSet.FileDetails.Rows[0];
                list.SetParameterValue("nameOfList", theRow["FileName"]);

            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #44
        private void ExportarComprobanteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor;
                if (DetalleLoteDataGridView.SelectedRows.Count != 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < DetalleLoteDataGridView.SelectedRows.Count; i++)
                        int renglon = DetalleLoteDataGridView.SelectedRows[i].Index;
                        ReportDocument ReporteDocumento = new ReportDocument();
                        ProcesarComprobante(out ReporteDocumento, lote, renglon);

                        //Nombre del comprobante ( pdf )
                        System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

                        DiskFileDestinationOptions crDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                        crDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = Aplicacion.Aplic.ArchPathPDF + sb.ToString();
                        ReporteDocumento.ExportOptions.ExportDestinationOptions = crDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                        ReporteDocumento.ExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                        ReporteDocumento.ExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                        PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                        ReporteDocumento.ExportOptions.ExportFormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;
                    if (DetalleLoteDataGridView.SelectedRows.Count == 1)
                        MessageBox.Show("El comprobante seleccionado se ha exportado satisfactoriamente.", "Exportar Comprobantes", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                        MessageBox.Show("Los comprobantes seleccionados se han exportado satisfactoriamente.", "Exportar Comprobantes", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Problemas al procesar el comprobante", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default;
Пример #45
 public override void Start()
     FrmProgress frmProgreso = new FrmProgress();
     frmProgreso.Start(2, "Exportando ...");
         CReporte reporte = null;
         ExportFormatOptions opciones = null;
         ExportFormatType formato;
         string nombreArchivo = string.Empty;
         string extension = string.Empty;
         string sql = string.Empty;
         if (base.m_ObjectFlow is DocumentoGenerico)
             DocumentoGenerico documento = (DocumentoGenerico)base.m_ObjectFlow;
             reporte = documento.TipoDocumento.Reporte;
             nombreArchivo = string.Format("{0} - Nº {1} {2}", reporte.Nombre, documento.Numeracion, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
             sql = reporte.SQL;
             foreach (ParametroReporte Parametro in reporte.ParametrosSQL)
                 sql = sql.Replace(Parametro.Nombre, documento.ValueByProperty(Parametro.Propiedad).ToString());
         else if (base.m_ObjectFlow is CReporte)
             reporte = (CReporte)base.m_ObjectFlow;
             nombreArchivo = string.Format("{0} {1}", reporte.Nombre, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
             sql = reporte.SQL;
             foreach (ParametroReporte Parametro in reporte.ParametrosSQL)
                 sql = sql.Replace(Parametro.Nombre, Parametro.Valor);
         switch (base.m_Parameter)
             case TypeEnum.CEnumExportFormat.PDF:
                 formato = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                 opciones = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                 extension = ".pdf";
             case TypeEnum.CEnumExportFormat.WORD:
                 formato = ExportFormatType.WordForWindows;
                 opciones = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                 extension = ".doc";
             case TypeEnum.CEnumExportFormat.EXCEL:
                 formato = ExportFormatType.Excel;
                 opciones = new ExcelFormatOptions();
                 extension = ".xls";
                 throw new Exception("El formato no es válido.");
         if (reporte != null)
             ReportDocument CryRpt = new ReportDocument();
             CryRpt.Load(String.Format("{0}{1}", FrmMain.CarpetaReportes, reporte.Ubicacion));
             // Si existe una consulta SQL se ejecuta.
             if (sql.Trim().Length > 0) { CryRpt.SetDataSource(HelperNHibernate.GetDataSet(sql)); }
             // Se reemplazan los parámetros Crystal.
             foreach (ParametroReporte Parametro in reporte.ParametrosCrystal)
                 CryRpt.SetParameterValue(Parametro.Nombre, Parametro.Valor);
             // Se exporta el reporte.
             ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
             DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
             CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", FrmMain.CarpetaExportacion, nombreArchivo, extension);
             CrExportOptions = CryRpt.ExportOptions;
                 CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                 CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = formato;
                 CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                 CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = opciones;
             // Se exporta el archivo.
             // Se inicia un proceso para abrir el archivo.
             throw new Exception("Entidad no válida.");
         base.m_ResultProcess = EnumResult.SUCESS;
     catch (Exception ex)
Пример #46
 private static void ExportPDF(ReportDocument rpt, string sCaminhoSave)
     CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer cryView = new CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer();
     ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
     DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
     PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
     CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = sCaminhoSave;
     CrExportOptions = rpt.ExportOptions;
         CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
         CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
         CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
         CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;
Пример #47
        protected void lnkbtnDownload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string InvoicePath = Server.MapPath("~/openpages/");
                InvoicePath = InvoicePath + "Invoice.pdf";
                ReportDocument doc = new ReportDocument();
                string fileName = Server.MapPath("~/Reports/Invoice.rpt");

                doc.SetParameterValue("@invoiceNo", lblInvoiceNo.Text);
                doc.SetParameterValue("@notes", lblNotes.Text);
                doc.SetParameterValue("@subTotal", lblSubTotal.Text);
                doc.SetParameterValue("@discount", lbldiscount.Text);

                doc.SetParameterValue("@Tax", lblTaxAmount.Text);
                doc.SetParameterValue("@total", lblTotalAmount.Text);
                doc.SetParameterValue("@invoiceDate", lblInvoiceDate.Text);

                doc.SetParameterValue("@clientName", clientName);
                doc.SetParameterValue("@clientAdd", clientAdd);
                doc.SetParameterValue("@clientState", clientState);
                doc.SetParameterValue("@clientCountry", clientCountry);
                doc.SetParameterValue("@clientEmail", clientEmail);

                doc.SetParameterValue("@description", lbldesc.Text);
                doc.SetParameterValue("@NoOfEmailsSent", lblnoofemailsent.Text);
                doc.SetParameterValue("@priceRate", lblprice.Text);
                doc.SetParameterValue("@amount", lblamount.Text);
                doc.SetParameterValue("@status", lblStatus.Text);
                doc.SetParameterValue("@clientMobileNo", clientMobileNo);

                doc.SetParameterValue("@payvia", lblPayVia.Text);

                doc.SetParameterValue("@tranId", lblTranId.Text);
                DataTable dtDes = null;
                if (ViewState["invoiceDesc"] != null && ViewState["invoiceDesc"].ToString() != string.Empty)
                    dtDes = (DataTable)ViewState["invoiceDesc"];
                    for (int i = 1; i <= dtDes.Rows.Count; i++)
                        doc.SetParameterValue("@des" + i.ToString(), dtDes.Rows[i - 1]["Description"].ToString());
                        doc.SetParameterValue("@amt" + i.ToString(), dtDes.Rows[i - 1]["SubAmount"].ToString());
                    if (dtDes.Rows.Count != 5)
                        for (int i = dtDes.Rows.Count + 1; i <= 5; i++)
                            doc.SetParameterValue("@des" + i.ToString(), string.Empty);
                            doc.SetParameterValue("@amt" + i.ToString(), string.Empty);
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                        doc.SetParameterValue("@des" + i.ToString(), string.Empty);
                        doc.SetParameterValue("@amt" + i.ToString(), string.Empty);

                ExportOptions exportOpts = new ExportOptions();
                DiskFileDestinationOptions diskOpts = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions pdfFormatOps = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                exportOpts = doc.ExportOptions;
                exportOpts.ExportFormatType =
                exportOpts.ExportDestinationType =
                FileInfo TheFile = new FileInfo(InvoicePath);
                if (TheFile.Exists)
                doc.ExportToDisk(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, InvoicePath);

                byte[] binaryData = File.ReadAllBytes(InvoicePath);
                Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
                Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + InvoicePath);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "Web.UIPolicy");
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (dataGridView1.DataSource != null)
                if (dataGridView1.RowCount > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i <= dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
                            if (dataGridView1.Columns[0] is DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn)
                                if (((bool)dataGridView1[0, i].Value).ToString().ToUpper() == "true".ToUpper())
                                    //string ref_no = dataGridView1["So_GD", i].Value.ToString();
                                    //string type = dataGridView1["TYPE", i].Value.ToString();
                                    //string batch_id = dataGridView1["batch_id", i].Value.ToString();
                                    {//xác định vị trí của row
                                        string ref_no = dataGridView1["ref_no", i].Value.ToString();
                                       // string ref_no = dataGridView1["So_GD", i].Value.ToString();
                                        string type = dataGridView1["TYPE", i].Value.ToString();
                                        string batch_id = dataGridView1["batch_id", i].Value.ToString();

                                        string sql = "", err = "";
                                        if (type.Trim().ToUpper() == "PREPAID CARD")
                                            sql = " select c.branch_name,'0300872315' as Ma_So_thue,substr(a.message_receive,9,16) as so_gd, nvl(a.type,'1') as Loai_gd";
                                            if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                                                sql += "        ,to_char(a.date_modify,'dd/mm/yyyy') as ngay_gd,e.client_code,d.card_number,a.embossed_name";

                                                sql += "        ,to_char(a.date_modify,'dd/mm/yyyy') as ngay_gd,e.client_code,decode(d.card_number,null,d.card_number,substr(d.card_number,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(d.card_number,-4)) card_number,a.embossed_name";


                                            sql += "        ,upper(d.address1 || d.address2||d.address3||d.address4) as Dia_chi";
                                            sql += "        ,e.legal_id,a.decription as dien_giai,'' as sotien_bang_Chu";
                                            sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_balance_prepaid_realtime a," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "app_users b," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "branch c," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card d," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "client e";
                                            sql += " where a.card_number=d.card_number";
                                            sql += "       and trim(a.user_create)=trim(b.userid)";
                                            sql += "       and b.appid='" + Businessbp.executedb.APPID + "'";
                                            sql += "       and trim(b.branch)=trim(c.branch_code)";
                                            sql += "       and c.bank_code='970428'";
                                            sql += "       and d.client_code=e.client_code";
                                            sql += "       and nvl(a.authorize,'N')='Y'";
                                            sql += "       and a.batch_id='" + batch_id + "'";
                                            sql += "       and a.ref_no='" + ref_no + "'";
                                            if (tbUser.Text.Trim() == "")
                                                sql += "       and b.userid='" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "'";
                                                sql += "       and b.userid='" + tbUser.Text.Trim() + "'";

                                            sql += "       union all ";

                                            sql += " select c.branch_name,'0300872315' as Ma_So_thue,substr(a.message_receive,9,16) as so_gd, nvl(a.type,'1') as Loai_gd";
                                            if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                                                sql += "        ,to_char(a.date_modify,'dd/mm/yyyy') as ngay_gd,e.client_code,d.card_number,a.embossed_name";

                                                sql += "        ,to_char(a.date_modify,'dd/mm/yyyy') as ngay_gd,e.client_code,decode(d.card_number,null,d.card_number,substr(d.card_number,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(d.card_number,-4)) card_number,a.embossed_name";


                                            sql += "        ,upper(d.address1 || d.address2||d.address3||d.address4) as Dia_chi";
                                            sql += "        ,e.legal_id,a.decription as dien_giai,'' as sotien_bang_Chu";
                                            sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_balance_prepaid a," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "app_users b," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "branch c," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card d," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "client e";
                                            sql += " where a.card_number=d.card_number";
                                            sql += "       and trim(a.user_create)=trim(b.userid)";
                                            sql += "       and b.appid='" + Businessbp.executedb.APPID + "'";
                                            sql += "       and trim(b.branch)=trim(c.branch_code)";
                                            sql += "       and c.bank_code='970428'";
                                            sql += "       and d.client_code=e.client_code";
                                            sql += "       and nvl(a.authorize,'N')='Y'";
                                            sql += "       and a.batch_id='" + batch_id + "'";
                                            sql += "       and a.ref_no='" + ref_no + "'";
                                            if (tbUser.Text.Trim() == "")
                                                sql += "       and b.userid='" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "'";
                                                sql += "       and b.userid='" + tbUser.Text.Trim() + "'";
                                           // sql += "       and b.userid='" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "'";

                                            sql = " select c.branch_name,'0300872315' as Ma_So_thue,substr(a.message_receive,9,16) as so_gd, nvl(a.type,'1') as Loai_gd";
                                            if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                                                sql += "        ,to_char(a.date_modify,'dd/mm/yyyy') as ngay_gd,e.client_code,d.card_number,a.embossed_name";

                                                sql += "        ,to_char(a.date_modify,'dd/mm/yyyy') as ngay_gd,e.client_code,decode(d.card_number,null,d.card_number,substr(d.card_number,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(d.card_number,-4)) card_number,a.embossed_name";

                                            sql += "        ,upper(d.address1 || d.address2||d.address3||d.address4) as Dia_chi";
                                            sql += "        ,e.legal_id,a.decription as dien_giai,'' as sotien_bang_Chu";
                                            sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_balance_credit a," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "app_users b," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "branch c," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card d," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "client e";
                                            sql += " where a.card_number=d.card_number";
                                            sql += "       and trim(a.user_create)=trim(b.userid)";
                                            sql += "       and b.appid='" + Businessbp.executedb.APPID + "'";
                                            sql += "       and trim(b.branch)=trim(c.branch_code)";
                                            sql += "       and c.bank_code='970428'";
                                            sql += "       and d.client_code=e.client_code";
                                            sql += "       and nvl(a.authorize,'N')='Y'";
                                            sql += "       and a.batch_id='" + batch_id + "'";
                                            sql += "       and a.ref_no='" + ref_no + "'";

                                        DataTable dtCheckAuthorize = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err);
                                        if (err != "")

                                            if (dtCheckAuthorize.Rows.Count <= 0)
                                                MessageBox.Show("No data found!!!");
                                                //executedb.WriteLogERROR(Session["Username"].ToString(), "IP: " + Request.UserHostAddress, this.Page.ToString(), System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().ToString(), "No data found!!!: ref_no=" + e.Item.Cells[9].Text);
                                                //Alert.Show("No data found!!!", this);
                                                if (dtCheckAuthorize.Rows.Count > 0)
                                                    //Lấy thông tin tài khoản
                                                    // Session["sql1"] = sql;
                                                    string trn_ref_no = dtCheckAuthorize.Rows[0]["so_gd"].ToString();
                                                    sql = ""; err = "";
                                                    sql = "";
                                                    sql += " select '' as ref_no,'' as Don_vi,'' as Ma_so_thue,c.TRN_REF_NO,'' as ngay_gd,'' as CIF";
                                                    sql += "        ,'' TK_Tham_chieu,'' ho_tenKH,'' address_KH,'' CMND,'' ngay_cap,'' noi_cap";
                                                    sql += "        ,to_char(c.AC_ENTRY_SR_NO) as So_but_toan";
                                                    sql += "        ,decode(c.DRCR_IND,'D','N','C') as no_co";
                                                    // sql += "        ,to_char(c.AC_BRANCH) as Ma_CN";
                                                    if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                                                        sql += "        ,to_char(c.AC_BRANCH) as Ma_CN,to_char(c.AC_NO) as So_Tai_khoan";

                                                        sql += "        ,to_char(c.AC_BRANCH) as Ma_CN,decode(c.AC_NO,null,c.AC_NO,substr(c.AC_NO,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(c.AC_NO,-4))  as So_Tai_khoan";


                                                    sql += "        ,nvl((select gl_desc from gltm_glmaster@Flexcube where gl_code = c.ac_no)";
                                                    sql += "            ,(select sca.ac_desc";
                                                    sql += "               from sttm_cust_account@Flexcube sca";
                                                    sql += "              where sca.cust_ac_no = c.ac_no)) as Ten_tai_khoan";
                                                    sql += "        ,ltrim(to_char(nvl(c.LCY_AMOUNT,0), '999,999,999,999'))||' VND'  as so_tien";
                                                    sql += "        ,'' as so_tien_bang_chu,'' dien_giai,'' as User_create,'' as user_authorize,'' as Ghi_chu";
                                                    sql += " from acvw_all_ac_entries@Flexcube c";
                                                    sql += " where c.TRN_REF_NO='" + trn_ref_no + "'";
                                                    sql += " and substr(c.ac_no, 1, 4) not in ('4711', '4712') ";
                                                    sql += " and substr(c.ac_no, 1, 6) not in ('519101','519201')";
                                                    sql += " and c.event not in ('CYPO', 'RPOS')";

                                                    ////Lấy thông tin giao dịch
                                                    string folderOut = "D:\\KTT\\SOGIAODICH\\".Trim();
                                                    string card_number = dtCheckAuthorize.Rows[0]["card_number"].ToString();
                                                    string file_path = folderOut + "\\" +card_number+ "-" + trn_ref_no.Trim() + ".pdf";
                                                    if (!Directory.Exists(folderOut))
                                                    string typerp = "";
                                                    string title = "";

                                                    if (dtCheckAuthorize.Rows[0]["Loai_gd"].ToString() == "1")
                                                        title = "PHIẾU NỘP TIỀN MẶT";
                                                        title = "PHIẾU CHUYỂN KHOẢN";
                                                    string fromtime = dpFromDate.Text;
                                                    string totime = dpToDate.Text;

                                                    string Donvi = "";
                                                    string MaSoThue = "";
                                                    string NgayGD = "";
                                                    string MaKH = "";
                                                    string TaiKhoanThamChieu = "";
                                                    string HoTenKH = "";
                                                    string DiaChi = "";
                                                    string CMND = "";
                                                    string NgayCap = "";
                                                    string NoiCap = "";
                                                    string MaSoThueKH = "";
                                                    string DienGiai = "";
                                                    string SoTienBangChu = "";

                                                    if (dtCheckAuthorize.Rows.Count <= 0)
                                                        MessageBox.Show("No data found!!");
                                                        Donvi = dtCheckAuthorize.Rows[0]["branch_name"].ToString();
                                                        MaSoThue = dtCheckAuthorize.Rows[0]["Ma_So_thue"].ToString();
                                                        NgayGD = dtCheckAuthorize.Rows[0]["ngay_gd"].ToString();
                                                        MaKH = dtCheckAuthorize.Rows[0]["client_code"].ToString();
                                                        TaiKhoanThamChieu = dtCheckAuthorize.Rows[0]["card_number"].ToString();
                                                        HoTenKH = dtCheckAuthorize.Rows[0]["embossed_name"].ToString();
                                                        DiaChi = dtCheckAuthorize.Rows[0]["Dia_chi"].ToString();
                                                        CMND = dtCheckAuthorize.Rows[0]["legal_id"].ToString();
                                                        NgayCap = "";
                                                        NoiCap = "";
                                                        MaSoThueKH = "";
                                                        DienGiai = dtCheckAuthorize.Rows[0]["dien_giai"].ToString();
                                                        SoTienBangChu = dtCheckAuthorize.Rows[0]["sotien_bang_Chu"].ToString();

                                                    //Session["sql"] = sql;
                                                    //if (dtCheckAuthorize.Rows[0]["Loai_gd"].ToString() == "1")
                                                    //    Session["title"] = "PHIẾU NỘP TIỀN MẶT";
                                                    //    Session["title"] = "PHIẾU CHUYỂN KHOẢN";
                                                    //Session["type"] = "PHIEUHT";
                                                    //Session["fromtime"] = dpFromDate.Text;
                                                    //Session["totime"] = dpToDate.Text;
                                                    //Response.Write("<script type='text/javascript'>'Reportview_HachToan.aspx','window_name','scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,height=700,width=785,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,fullscreen=no,titlebar=no,directories=no');</script>");

                                                    // DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                                                    DataTable dt = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err);
                                                    if (err != "")
                                                    for (int j = 0; j < dt.Rows.Count; j++)
                                                        if (dt.Rows[j]["So_Tai_khoan"].ToString().Trim() == Businessbp.executedb.TKTienmat)
                                                            dt.Rows[j]["Ten_tai_khoan"] = "Tien mat tai don vi";
                                                        else if (dt.Rows[j]["So_Tai_khoan"].ToString().Trim() == Businessbp.executedb.DomesticPrepaid)
                                                            dt.Rows[j]["Ten_tai_khoan"] = "TIEN GUI DE BAO DAM THANH TOAN THE NOI DIA-PREPAID";
                                                        else if (dt.Rows[j]["So_Tai_khoan"].ToString().Trim() == Businessbp.executedb.InternalPrepaid)
                                                            dt.Rows[j]["Ten_tai_khoan"] = "TIEN GUI DE BAO DAM THANH TOAN THE QUOC TE-PRREPAID";
                                                        else if (dt.Rows[j]["So_Tai_khoan"].ToString().Trim() == Businessbp.executedb.DomesticCredit)
                                                            dt.Rows[j]["Ten_tai_khoan"] = "TIEN GUI DE BAO DAM THANH TOAN THE NOI DIA-CREDIT";
                                                        else if (dt.Rows[j]["So_Tai_khoan"].ToString().Trim() == Businessbp.executedb.InternalCredit)
                                                            dt.Rows[j]["Ten_tai_khoan"] = "TIEN GUI DE BAO DAM THANH TOAN THE QUOC TE-CREDIT";
                                                        else if (dt.Rows[j]["So_Tai_khoan"].ToString().Trim() == Businessbp.executedb.TK_TamTreoNapTien)
                                                            dt.Rows[j]["Ten_tai_khoan"] = "PHAI TRA TRONG NV NAP TIEN THE PREPAID,CREDIT";

                                                    Rpt_Cash_Deposit cry = new Rpt_Cash_Deposit();
                                                    cry.SetParameterValue("Title", title);
                                                    cry.SetParameterValue("Donvi", Donvi);
                                                    cry.SetParameterValue("MaSoThue", MaSoThue);
                                                    cry.SetParameterValue("NgayGD", NgayGD);
                                                    cry.SetParameterValue("MaKH", MaKH);
                                                    cry.SetParameterValue("TaiKhoanThamChieu", TaiKhoanThamChieu);
                                                    cry.SetParameterValue("HoTenKH", HoTenKH);
                                                    cry.SetParameterValue("DiaChi", DiaChi);
                                                    cry.SetParameterValue("CMND", CMND);
                                                    cry.SetParameterValue("NgayCap", NgayCap);
                                                    cry.SetParameterValue("NoiCap", NoiCap);
                                                    cry.SetParameterValue("MaSoThueKH", MaSoThueKH);
                                                    cry.SetParameterValue("DienGiai", DienGiai);
                                                    cry.SetParameterValue("SoTienBangChu", SoTienBangChu);
                                                    //  CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rptDoc;

                                                    //  cry.SetDataSource(dt_bill);
                                                    //string title = "";
                                                    // cry.SetParameterValue("title", title);
                                                    ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                                                    DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                                                    PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

                                                    CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = file_path;// tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";//"c:\\";
                                                    CrExportOptions = cry.ExportOptions;
                                                        CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                                                        CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                                                        CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                                                        CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;

                                                    //--Fix for Load Report failse
                                                    if (cry != null)

                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        #region logException
                                        //executedb.WriteLogERROR(Session["Username"].ToString(), "IP: " + Request.UserHostAddress, this.Page.ToString(), System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().ToString(), ex.Message);
                                        ////executedb.WriteLogPri(Environment.NewLine + DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " - " + Session["Username"].ToString() + ": " + ex.Message);
                                        ////Response.Write("<script>alert('Error when executing coding')</script>");
                                        //Alert.Show("Error when executing coding!!!", this);
                                        #endregion logException

                                    //dt2.Rows.Add("'" + dataGridView1["file_id", i].Value.ToString(), "'" + dataGridView1["settlement_currency", i].Value.ToString()
                                    //        , "'" + dataGridView1["type", i].Value.ToString(), dataGridView1["billing_amount_electra", i].Value.ToString()
                                    //        , dataGridView1["billing_amount_flexcube", i].Value.ToString(), dataGridView1["settlement_amount", i].Value.ToString()
                                    //        , dataGridView1["fee_phai_thu", i].Value.ToString(), dataGridView1["fee_phai_tra", i].Value.ToString()
                                    //        , action);//.to.Add(dataGridView1.Rows[i]);
                        catch { }

                    //   Frm_ReportAcc.ExportToExcel(dt2, "", title, "Ngày thanh toán " + DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"));
Пример #49
        private void cmdPDF_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string sql = "Select student_id,sname,major,minor From student order by student_id";
            OleDbCommand dbComm = new OleDbCommand(sql, conn);
            OleDbDataAdapter dbAdap = new OleDbDataAdapter(dbComm);
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            dbAdap.Fill(ds, "Student");

            rptStudent rptStudent = new rptStudent();

            IEnumerator ie = rptStudent.Section1.ReportObjects.GetEnumerator();
            while (ie.MoveNext())
                if (ie.Current != null && ie.Current.GetType().ToString().Equals("CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject"))
                    CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject txt = (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject)ie.Current;
                    if (txt.Name == "txtLevelTerm")
                        txt.Text = "Class : Level 4 Term 2";

            ie = rptStudent.Section5.ReportObjects.GetEnumerator();
            while (ie.MoveNext())
                if (ie.Current != null && ie.Current.GetType().ToString().Equals("CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject"))
                    CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject txt = (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject)ie.Current;
                    if (txt.Name == "txtCGPA")
                        txt.Text = "CGPA : 3.42";

                ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = Application.StartupPath + "\\Student.pdf";
                CrExportOptions = rptStudent.ExportOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportFormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;

                Process process = new Process();
                MessageBox.Show("The pdf file is already open. Please close it and try again.");
        public void PrintReport(string key)
                 ReportDocument objRpt = new ReportDocument();
                 DataSet ds = (DataSet)this.GetDataReport(key);

                 //string reportPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Reportes\\OrdenCompraxprov.rpt";

                 string reportPath = "C:\\Reportes\\OrdenCompraxprov.rpt";

                 DiskFileDestinationOptions crDiskFileDestinationOption = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                 PdfRtfWordFormatOptions crFormatTypeOption = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                 ExportOptions crExportOptions = new ExportOptions();

                 string strfolder = "C:\\Reporte\\";
                 crDiskFileDestinationOption.DiskFileName = strfolder +  "Data.pdf";
                 crExportOptions = objRpt.ExportOptions;

                 crExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                 crExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;

                 crExportOptions.ExportDestinationOptions = crDiskFileDestinationOption;
                 crExportOptions.ExportFormatOptions = crFormatTypeOption;

                 MessageBox.Show("Registros exportados", "Advertencia", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

             catch (Exception ex)

Пример #51
    private void ExportPDF(string sNameFile)
            DirectoryInfo dinfo = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("Pedidos"));
            if (!dinfo.Exists)
            if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath("Pedidos\\" + sNameFile)))
                File.Delete(Server.MapPath("Pedidos\\" + sNameFile + ".pdf"));
            //            PesquisarDados();
            ReportDocument rpt = new ReportDocument();
            DataTable TabelaImpressao = (DataTable)Session["PedidoRes"];

            CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportViewer cryView = new CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportViewer();
            ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
            DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
            PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
            CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = Server.MapPath("Pedidos\\" + sNameFile + ".pdf");
            CrExportOptions = rpt.ExportOptions;
                CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;
            //lblInfo.Text = ex.Message + (ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : "");
Пример #52
    private void ExportPDF()
            lblInfo.Text = "Gerando arquivo pdf para anexo";
            DirectoryInfo dinfo = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("Pedidos"));
            if (!dinfo.Exists)
            if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath("Pedidos\\" + sCodigoPedido + ".pdf")))
                File.Delete(Server.MapPath("Pedidos\\" + sCodigoPedido + ".pdf"));
            ReportDocument rpt = new ReportDocument();
            dsPedido TabelaImpressao = (dsPedido)Session["PedidoRes"];

            CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportViewer cryView = new CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportViewer();
            ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
            DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
            PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
            CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = Server.MapPath("Pedidos\\" + sCodigoPedido + ".pdf");
            CrExportOptions = rpt.ExportOptions;
                CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;
            lblInfo.Text = "Exportando arquivo para o servidor";
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;
            //lblInfo.Text = ex.Message + (ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : "");
        private void Export_pdf(DataTable dt_export, string branch_code, string type, string folderOut)

                if (dt_export.Rows.Count > 0)

                    string file_path = folderOut.Trim() + branch_code.Trim() + "_" + type + "_" + dpFromDate.Text.Trim().Replace("/", "") + "_"
                                       + dpToDate.Text.Trim().Replace("/", "") + ".pdf";

                    PHT06 cry = new PHT06();
                    string title = "DANH SÁCH THẺ ĐÃ PHÁT HÀNH, IN PIN";
                    cry.SetParameterValue("Title", title);
                    cry.SetParameterValue("Fromdate", dpFromDate.Text.Trim());
                    cry.SetParameterValue("Todate", dpToDate.Text.Trim());

                    ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                    DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                    PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

                    CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = file_path;// tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";//"c:\\";
                    CrExportOptions = cry.ExportOptions;
                        CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                        CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                        //CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.WordForWindows;
                        CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                        CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;

                    //--Fix for Load Report failse
                    if (cry != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
                //MessageBox.Show("Err Export_pdf: \n Branch: "+ branch_code +"\n" + ex.ToString());
                string[] row = { branch_code, ex.ToString() };
Пример #54
 private string ConvertReportToPDF()
     var summaryReport = CreateSummarySalesReport();
     var saleSum = new SalesSummary();
         ExportOptions crOptions;
         DiskFileDestinationOptions crDestinationOptions=new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
         PdfRtfWordFormatOptions pdfRtf=new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
         crDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = @"saleSummary.pdf";
         crOptions = saleSum.ExportOptions;
             crOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
             crOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
             crOptions.DestinationOptions = crDestinationOptions;
             crOptions.FormatOptions = pdfRtf;
         return @"saleSummary.pdf";
     catch (Exception e)
     return null;
Пример #55
        /// <summary>
        /// Liefert den Dateipfad des exportierten Reports.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportname">Der Name des gewählten Reports.</param>
        /// <param name="recordId">ID des Datensatzes, für den der Exportdateipfad ermittelt werden soll.</param>
        /// <returns>Export-Dateipfad des übergebenen Reports.</returns>
        public static String GetExportFilepath(EReports reportname, int recordId)
            ReportDocument report = null;

            report = GetReportByName(reportname);

            report.SetParameterValue("Param" + reportname + "ID", recordId);

            var crExportOptions = report.ExportOptions;
            var crDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
            var crFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
            String exportFilePath = DefaultFilepath + reportname.ToString() + " " + recordId.ToString() + ".pdf";
            crDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = exportFilePath;

            crExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
            crExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
            crExportOptions.DestinationOptions = crDiskFileDestinationOptions;
            crExportOptions.FormatOptions = crFormatTypeOptions;


            return exportFilePath;
Пример #56
        private string exportCrystalReports(string crUserID, string crPassword)
            //Instanciation des classes permettant l'exportation des données
            ReportDocument cryRpt = new ReportDocument();
            TableLogOnInfos crtableLogoninfos = new TableLogOnInfos();
            TableLogOnInfo crtableLogoninfo = new TableLogOnInfo();
            ConnectionInfo crConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();
            Tables CrTables;

            //Enregistre le chemin du répertoire de sortie du projet --> répertoire de sortie veut dire Debug ou Release
            var outPutDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase);

            //Répertoire où se trouve le fichier .rpt
            var rptPath = Path.Combine(outPutDirectory, "Reports\\Serveur mail - OT quotidiens.rpt");

            //Cast en chaine de caractere de rptPath
            string rpt_path = new Uri(rptPath).LocalPath;

            //Répertoire où se trouve le PDF envoyé par mail
            var pdfPath = Path.Combine(outPutDirectory, "Reports\\Serveur mail - OT quotidiens.pdf");

            //Cast en chaine de caractere de pdfPath
            string pdf_path = new Uri(pdfPath).LocalPath;

                //Chargement du rapport dans cette instance
            catch (Exception ex)
            //Paramétres de la base de données
            crConnectionInfo.UserID = crUserID;
            crConnectionInfo.Password = crPassword;

            CrTables = cryRpt.Database.Tables;

            foreach (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table CrTable in CrTables)
                crtableLogoninfo = CrTable.LogOnInfo;
                crtableLogoninfo.ConnectionInfo = crConnectionInfo;

                crystalReportViewer4.ReportSource = cryRpt;
            catch (Exception ex)

                //Paramètres d'exportation du fichier .rpt
                ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = pdf_path;
                CrExportOptions = cryRpt.ExportOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                    CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;

            catch (Exception ex)
            return pdf_path;
        public void PrintReport(string key)
                ReportDocument objRpt = new ReportDocument();
                DataSet ds = (DataSet)this.GetDataReport(key);

                //string reportPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Reporte\\co_ordenCompra_rpt.rpt";
                string reportPath = "C:\\Reportes\\co_ordenCompra_rpt.rpt";

                DiskFileDestinationOptions crDiskFileDestinationOption = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                PdfRtfWordFormatOptions crFormatTypeOption = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                ExportOptions crExportOptions = new ExportOptions();

                string strfolder = "C:\\Reporte\\";
                crDiskFileDestinationOption.DiskFileName = strfolder + txtOc.Text + ".pdf";
                crExportOptions = objRpt.ExportOptions;

                crExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                crExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                crExportOptions.ExportDestinationOptions = crDiskFileDestinationOption;
                crExportOptions.ExportFormatOptions = crFormatTypeOption;

                this.printDialog1.Document = this.printDocument1;
                DialogResult dr = this.printDialog1.ShowDialog();
                if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
                    int ncopy = this.printDocument1.PrinterSettings.Copies;
                    int npage = this.printDocument1.PrinterSettings.FromPage;
                    int epage = this.printDocument1.PrinterSettings.ToPage;
                    string PrinterName = this.printDocument1.PrinterSettings.PrinterName;
                    objRpt.PrintOptions.PrinterName = PrinterName;
                    objRpt.PrintToPrinter(ncopy, false, npage, epage);
            catch (Exception ex)
