public void OnNewDocument()
            this.process = this.mainForm.Process;

            PdfObject[] objects = this.process.Document.Internals.GetAllObjects();
            for (int idx = 0; idx < objects.Length; idx++)
                PdfObject    obj  = objects[idx];
                ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(new string[2] {
                    PdfInternals.GetObjectID(obj).ToString(), ExplorerProcess.GetTypeName(obj)
                item.Tag = obj;

            PdfPages pages = this.process.Document.Pages;

            for (int idx = 0; idx < pages.Count; idx++)
                PdfPage      page = pages[idx];
                ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(new string[2] {
                    (idx + 1).ToString(),
                    ExplorerHelper.PageSize(page, this.mainForm.Process.IsMetric)
                //String.Format("{0:0} x {1:0} mm", XUnit.FromPoint(page.Width).Millimeter,XUnit.FromPoint(page.Height).Millimeter)});
                item.Tag = page;

Пример #2
        internal override void SetObject(PdfItem obj)
            PdfDictionary dict = (PdfDictionary)obj;

            if (PdfInternals.GetObjectID(dict).IsEmpty)
                this.tbxObjectID.Text = "«direct»";
                this.tbxObjectID.Text = PdfInternals.GetObjectID(dict).ToString();
            this.txtType.Text = dict.GetType().Name;

            PdfName[] keys = dict.Elements.KeyNames;
            foreach (PdfName key in keys)
                bool    indirect = false;
                PdfItem tag      = null;
                PdfItem value    = dict.Elements[key];
                if (value == null)
                    throw new NotImplementedException("Value is null.");
                else if (value is PdfReference)
                    indirect = true;
                    value    = ((PdfReference)value).Value;
                    tag      = value;
                    if (value is PdfObject)
                        tag = value;

                string address = "";
                if (indirect)
                    address = /*((PdfObject)value).ObjectID.ToString() +*/ "---> ";
                ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(
                    new string[4] {
                    address + value.ToString(),
                    indirect ? PdfInternals.GetObjectID((PdfObject)value).ToString() : "",
                item.Tag = tag;

Пример #3
        internal override void SetObject(PdfItem obj)
            PdfArray array = (PdfArray)obj;

            if (PdfInternals.GetObjectID(array).IsEmpty)
                this.tbxObjectID.Text = "«direct»";
                this.tbxObjectID.Text = PdfInternals.GetObjectID(array).ToString();
            this.txtType.Text = array.GetType().Name;

            PdfItem[] items = array.Elements.Items;
            int       count = items.Length;

            for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
                bool    indirect = false;
                PdfItem tag      = null;
                PdfItem value    = items[idx];
                if (value == null)
                    throw new NotImplementedException("Value is null.");
                else if (value is PdfReference)
                    indirect = true;
                    value    = ((PdfReference)value).Value;
                    tag      = value;
                    if (value is PdfObject)
                        tag = value;

                string address = "";
                if (indirect)
                    address = /*((PdfObject)value).ObjectID.ToString() +*/ "---> ";
                ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(
                    new string[4] {
                    address + value.ToString(),
                    indirect ? PdfInternals.GetObjectID((PdfObject)value).ToString() : "",
                item.Tag = tag;
Пример #4
        internal override void SetObject(PdfItem value)
            PdfObject obj = (PdfObject)value;

            this.tbxObjectID.Text = PdfInternals.GetObjectID(obj).ToString();
            this.txtType.Text     = obj.GetType().Name;


            ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(
                new string[3] {
                ExplorerProcess.GetTypeName(obj), value.ToString(), value.GetType().Name

Пример #5
        public PdfDocument AddAutoPrint(PdfDocument outputDocument, bool showPrintDialog = true, int numCopies = 1)
            outputDocument.Info.Author = "author name";

            var JSScript = string.Empty;

            JSScript += "var pp = this.getPrintParams(); ";

            if (numCopies > 0)
                JSScript += "pp.NumCopies = " + numCopies.ToString() + "; ";

            if (!showPrintDialog)
                JSScript += "pp.interactive = pp.constants.interactionLevel.automatic; ";

            JSScript += "this.print({printParams: pp}); ";

            var dictJS = new PdfDictionary();

            dictJS.Elements["/S"]  = new PdfName("/JavaScript");
            dictJS.Elements["/JS"] = new PdfStringObject(outputDocument, JSScript);


            var dict = new PdfDictionary();
            var a    = new PdfArray();

            dict.Elements["/Names"] = a;
            a.Elements.Add(new PdfString("EmbeddedJS"));


            var group = new PdfDictionary();

            group.Elements["/JavaScript"] = PdfInternals.GetReference(dict);
            outputDocument.Internals.Catalog.Elements["/Names"] = group;
        static void Main()
            const string filename = "Portable Document Format.pdf";

            File.Copy(Path.Combine("../../../../../PDFs/", filename),
                      Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), filename), true);
            PdfDocument   document = PdfReader.Open(filename);
            PdfDictionary dict     = new PdfDictionary(document);

            dict.Elements["/S"] = new PdfName("/GoTo");
            PdfArray array = new PdfArray(document);

            dict.Elements["/D"] = array;
            PdfReference iref = PdfInternals.GetReference(document.Pages[2]);

            array.Elements.Add(new PdfName("/FitV"));
            array.Elements.Add(new PdfInteger(-32768));
            document.Internals.Catalog.Elements["/OpenAction"] =
Пример #7
        public static void Run()
            // Get a fresh copy of the sample PDF file.
            const string filename = "Portable Document Format.pdf";
            var          file     = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), filename);

            File.Copy(Path.Combine("assets", filename), file, true);

            // Remove ReadOnly attribute from the copy.
            File.SetAttributes(file, File.GetAttributes(file) & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly);

            // Read the document into memory for modification.
            var document = PdfReader.Open(filename);

            // The current version of PDFsharp doesn't support the concept of
            // 'actions'. Actions will come in a future version, but if you need them
            // now, you can have them 'handmade'.
            // This sample works on PDF objects directly, therefore some knowledge of
            // the structure of PDF is required.
            // If you are not familiar with the portable document format, first read
            // at least chapter 3 in Adobe's PDF Reference
            // (
            // If you can read German, I recommend chapter 12 of 'Die PostScript &
            // PDF-Bibel', a much more interesting reading than the bone-dry Adobe
            // books (
            // The sample task is to add an 'open action' to the document so that it
            // starts with the content of page 3 magnified just enough to fit the
            // height of the page within the window.

            // First we have to create a new dictionary that defines the action.
            var dict = new PdfDictionary(document);

            // According to the PDF Reference the dictionary requires two elements.
            // A key /S that specifies the 'GoTo' action,
            // and a key /D that describes the destination.

            // Adding a name as value of key /S is easy.
            dict.Elements["/S"] = new PdfName("/GoTo");

            // The destination is described by an array.
            var array = new PdfArray(document);

            // Set the array as the value of key /D.
            // This makes the array a direct object of the dictionary.
            dict.Elements["/D"] = array;

            // Now add the elements to the array. According to the PDF Reference
            // there must be three for a page as the target of a 'GoTo' action.
            // The first element is an indirect reference to the destination page.
            // To add an indirect reference to the page three, we first need the
            // PdfReference object of that page.
            // (The index in the Pages collection is zero based, therefore Pages[2])
            var iref = PdfInternals.GetReference(document.Pages[2]);

            // Add the reference to the third page as the first array element.
            // Adding the iref (instead of the PdfPage object itself) makes it an
            // indirect reference.

            // The second element is the name /FitV to indicate 'fit vertically'.
            array.Elements.Add(new PdfName("/FitV"));

            // /FitV requires the horizontal coordinate that will be positioned at the
            // left edge of the window. We set -32768 because Acrobat uses this value
            // to show the full page (it means 'left aligned' anyway if the window is
            // so small that a horizontal scroll bar is required).
            array.Elements.Add(new PdfInteger(-32768));

            // Now that the action dictionary is complete, we can add it to the
            // document's object table.
            // Adding an object to the object table makes it an indirect object.

            // Finally we must add the action dictionary to the /OpenAction key of
            // the document's catalog as an indirect value.
            document.Internals.Catalog.Elements["/OpenAction"] =

            // Using PDFsharp we never deal with object numbers. We simply put the
            // objects together and the PDFsharp framework does the rest.

            // Save the document...