Пример #1
        public async Task GetFileAsync_Test()
            var fileName = "Test.pdf";
            var dmsFile  = new DmsFile {
                Id = 1, Name = fileName, FileContent = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }

            var mockFileService = new Mock <IDmsFileService>();

            mockFileService.Setup(x => x.CheckFileExistAsync(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(Task.FromResult <bool>(true))

            mockFileService.Setup(x => x.GetFileAsync(fileName))
            .Returns(Task.FromResult <DmsFile>(dmsFile))

            var contorller = new PdfController(mockFileService.Object);

            var result = await contorller.GetFileAsync(fileName);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <IActionResult>(result);
Пример #2
        public async Task PostAsync_Test()
            var fileMock = new Mock <IFormFile>();
            var ms       = new MemoryStream();
            var writer   = new StreamWriter(ms);

            writer.Write("Mock file content");
            ms.Position = 0;
            fileMock.Setup(x => x.OpenReadStream()).Returns(ms);
            fileMock.Setup(x => x.FileName).Returns("Test.pdf");
            fileMock.Setup(x => x.Length).Returns(ms.Length);
            fileMock.Setup(x => x.CopyToAsync(It.IsAny <Stream>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
            .Returns((Stream stream, CancellationToken token) => ms.CopyToAsync(stream));

            var beforeCount = await _context.DmsFiles.CountAsync();

            var dmsFileService = new DmsFileService(_context);
            var dmsContorller  = new PdfController(dmsFileService);

            var result = await dmsContorller.PostAsync(fileMock.Object) as ObjectResult;

            var afterCount = await _context.DmsFiles.CountAsync();

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <IActionResult>(result);
            Assert.IsTrue(afterCount - beforeCount == 1);
Пример #3
        public async Task GetFilesAsync_Test()
            var testItems = new DmsFileView[]
                new DmsFileView {
                    Name = "Test"
                new DmsFileView {
                    Name = "Test2"

            var mockFileService = new Mock <IDmsFileService>();

            mockFileService.Setup(x => x.GetFileViewsAsync())
            .Returns(Task.FromResult <IEnumerable <DmsFileView> >(testItems))

            var contorller = new PdfController(mockFileService.Object);

            var result = await contorller.GetAsync();

            Assert.IsTrue(result.Count() == 2);
Пример #4
        public async Task GetFileAsync_Test()
            var dmsFileService = new DmsFileService(_context);
            var dmsContorller  = new PdfController(dmsFileService);

            var result = await dmsContorller.GetFileAsync("Test.pdf");

Пример #5
        public async Task DeleteAsync_Test()
            var dmsFileService = new DmsFileService(_context);
            var dmsContorller  = new PdfController(dmsFileService);

            var result = await dmsContorller.DeleteAsync("Test.pdf");

            var afterCount = await _context.DmsFiles.CountAsync();

            Assert.IsTrue(afterCount == 0);
Пример #6
        public async Task GetFileViewAsync_Test()
            var beforeCount = await _context.DmsFiles.CountAsync();

            var dmsFileService = new DmsFileService(_context);
            var dmsContorller  = new PdfController(dmsFileService);

            var result = await dmsContorller.GetAsync();

            Assert.IsTrue(beforeCount == result.Count());
Пример #7
        public void Invoices()
            var controller = new PdfController(apiClient);
            var result     = controller.Invoices("order", "xxx");


            var pdfKey = Portal.Properties.Settings.Default.pdfKey;

            result = controller.Invoices("order", pdfKey);
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result.Result, typeof(ViewResult));
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType((result.Result as ViewResult).Model, typeof(List <Order>));
Пример #8
 public IHttpActionResult GetConferenceSchedule(int accountId, int conferenceId)
         var           model      = _bll.GetConferenceSchedule(accountId, conferenceId);
         PdfController controller = PdfHelper.Setup("GetSchedule");
         return(Ok(new ByteArray()
             Content = controller.GetSchedule(model)
Пример #9
 public IHttpActionResult GetConferenceProgram(int conferenceId)
         var           model      = _bll.GetConferenceProgram(conferenceId);
         PdfController controller = PdfHelper.Setup("GetProgram");
         return(Ok(new ByteArray()
             Content = controller.GetProgram(model)
Пример #10
 public IHttpActionResult GetPresentersList(int?sessionId, int?specialSessionId)
         var           model      = _bll.GetPresentersList(sessionId, specialSessionId);
         PdfController controller = PdfHelper.Setup("GetPresentersList");
         return(Ok(new ByteArray()
             Content = controller.GetPresentersList(model)
Пример #11
        public void GetAdress_WithOut_FlatNumber_And_Street_Parameter_Should_Return_ZipCode_City_HouseNumber()
            CompanyViewModel Model = new CompanyViewModel();

            Model.City        = "Rzeszow";
            Model.ZipCode     = "23-222";
            Model.HouseNumber = "1";

            PdfController controller = new PdfController();

            var retval = controller.getAddress(Model);

            retval.Should().Contain("23-222 Rzeszow, 1");
Пример #12
        public void Setup()
            _factory = new ApiWebApplicationFactory();
            _client  = _factory.CreateClient();

            pdfs    = DataGenerator.GetPdfs();
            options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <PdfContext>()
                      .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) // Needs to be torn down fully for each test

            mockService = new Mock <IPdfService>();
            mockLogger  = new Mock <ILogger <PdfController> >();

            var list = new List <Pdf>();

            trueGuid  = new Guid("7e7ceb51-37e0-4ebb-897c-ce801b0e37fe");
            falseGuid = new Guid("12345678901234567890123456789011");
            validPdf  = new Pdf()
                Id = trueGuid
            invalidPdf = new Pdf()
                Id = falseGuid

            mockService.Setup(repo => repo.GetPdfs(FileOrder.NameAscending)).ReturnsAsync(list);

            mockService.Setup(repo => repo.GetPdf(trueGuid)).ReturnsAsync(validPdf);
            mockService.Setup(repo => repo.GetPdf(falseGuid)).ReturnsAsync((Pdf)null);

            mockService.Setup(repo => repo.InsertPdf(validPdf)).Returns(Task.FromResult(1));
            mockService.Setup(repo => repo.InsertPdf(invalidPdf)).Returns(Task.FromResult(0));

            mockService.Setup(repo => repo.DeletePdf(trueGuid)).Throws(new Exception($"Pdf '{trueGuid}' is active, can't be deleted"));
            mockService.Setup(repo => repo.DeletePdf(falseGuid)).Returns(Task.FromResult(invalidPdf));

            controller = new PdfController(mockLogger.Object, mockService.Object);
Пример #13
        public void GetAdress_WithAll_Parameters_Should_Return_FullAdress()
            CompanyViewModel Model = new CompanyViewModel();

            Model.FlatNumber  = "22";
            Model.Street      = "Hetmanska";
            Model.City        = "Rzeszow";
            Model.ZipCode     = "23-222";
            Model.HouseNumber = "1";

            PdfController controller = new PdfController();

            var retval = controller.getAddress(Model);

            retval.Should().Contain("Hetmanska 1/22\r\n23-222 Rzeszow");
Пример #14
        public async Task DeleteAsync_FileNotFoundTest()
            var fileName = "Test.pdf";

            var mockFileService = new Mock <IDmsFileService>();

            mockFileService.Setup(x => x.CheckFileExistAsync(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(Task.FromResult <bool>(false))

            var contorller = new PdfController(mockFileService.Object);

            var result = await contorller.DeleteAsync(fileName) as ObjectResult;

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <IActionResult>(result);
            Assert.AreEqual(400, result.StatusCode);
            Assert.AreEqual("File not found: Test.pdf", result.Value.ToString());
Пример #15
        public async Task DeleteAsync_Test()
            var fileName = "Test.pdf";

            var mockFileService = new Mock <IDmsFileService>();

            mockFileService.Setup(x => x.CheckFileExistAsync(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(Task.FromResult <bool>(true))

            mockFileService.Setup(x => x.DeleteFileAsync(fileName))

            var contorller = new PdfController(mockFileService.Object);

            var result = await contorller.DeleteAsync(fileName);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <IActionResult>(result);
Пример #16
        public async Task AddFileAsync_Test(IFormFile mockFile, int expectedResultStatusCode, string expectedResultValue, bool fileCheckResult)
            var mockFileService = new Mock <IDmsFileService>();

            mockFileService.Setup(x => x.CheckFileExistAsync(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(Task.FromResult <bool>(fileCheckResult))

            mockFileService.Setup(x => x.AddFileAsync(It.IsAny <DmsFile>()))
            .Returns(Task.FromResult <int>(1))

            var controller = new PdfController(mockFileService.Object);

            var result = await controller.PostAsync(mockFile) as ObjectResult;

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <IActionResult>(result);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResultStatusCode, result.StatusCode);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResultValue, result.Value.ToString());
Пример #17
 public HtmlToPdfByAdobeSdk(PdfController pdfController)
     _pdfController = pdfController;
Пример #18
 public HtmlToPdfByLocalApp(PdfController pdfController, string localAppDirectory)
     _pdfController     = pdfController;
     _localAppDirectory = localAppDirectory;
Пример #19
        public MegaClass(
            UserLicensesController a2,
            TimeEntrySuggestedRowsController a3,
            WorkHourSuggestedRowsController a4,
            KpiFormulasController a5,
            UserSettingsController a6,
            SecurityController a7,
            SoapApiKeysController a8,
            NotificationSettingsController a9,
            FlextimeAdjustmentsController a10,
            AuthorizedIpAddressesController a11,
            BankAccountsController a12,
            ApiClientsController a13,
            OrganizationSettingsController a14,
            LogosController a15,
            ProjectMemberCostExceptionsController a16,
            OrganizationDetailsController a17,
            AddonsController a18,
            TravelExpenseCountrySettingsController a19,
            ProductCountrySettingsController a20,
            CustomerCountrySettingsController a21,
            KpiComparisonController a22,
            TravelExpenseReceiptsController a23,
            TravelReimbursementStatusController a24,
            TravelReimbursementsController a25,
            ResourcingOverviewController a26,
            TermsOfServiceApprovalsController a27,
            FinancialsController a28,
            CalendarGroupMembersController a29,
            ActivityParticipantsController a30,
            ActivitiesController a31,
            PermissionProfilesController a32,
            CalendarGroupsController a33,
            ResourcesController a34,
            DemoDataController a35,
            LinksController a36,
            ReimbursedWorkHoursController a37,
            ReimbursedProjectTravelExpensesController a38,
            ReimbursedProjectFeesController a39,
            ProjectsOverviewController a40,
            ContactRolesController a41,
            CustomerMarketSegmentsController a42,
            ProjectTotalFeesController a43,
            BillingInformationUpdateController a44,
            KeywordsController a45,
            FlatRatesController a46,
            BusinessOverviewController a47,
            SpecialUserOptionsController a48,
            UninvoicedProjectsController a49,
            TeamProductivityController a50,
            ProjectBillingCustomersController a51,
            MarketSegmentsController a52,
            ProjectProductsController a53,
            ScheduleOverviewController a54,
            SharedDashboardAccessRightProfilesController a55,
            SharedDashboardsController a56,
            InvoicesOverviewController a57,
            ProposalBillingPlanController a58,
            SalesOverviewController a59,
            CustomersOverviewController a60,
            ProposalProjectPlanController a61,
            TimeEntryTypesController a62,
            CommunicationTypesController a63,
            ContactCommunicationsController a64,
            FlextimeController a65,
            ProjectForecastsController a66,
            ResourceAllocationsController a67,
            TemporaryProjectFeesController a68,
            InvoiceTemplateSettingsController a69,
            TemporaryProjectTravelExpensesController a70,
            TemporaryWorkHoursController a71,
            InvoiceTemplatesController a72,
            WorkdaysController a73,
            InvoiceSettingsController a74,
            OrganizationsController a75,
            ProjectTaskStatusesController a76,
            ActivityTypesController a77,
            AddressesController a78,
            DashboardPartsController a79,
            DashboardWithPartsController a80,
            DashboardsController a81,
            InvoiceRowsController a82,
            InvoicesController a83,
            HolidaysController a84,
            PermissionsController a85,
            QuickSearchController a86,
            ProposalTemplatesController a87,
            InvoiceTotalsController a88,
            ProposalTotalsController a89,
            ProposalWorkhoursController a90,
            ProposalSubtotalsController a91,
            ProposalFeesController a92,
            ReportsController a93,
            ProposalStatusesController a94,
            InvoiceStatusesController a95,
            ProposalsController a96,
            StatusHistoryController a97,
            PhaseStatusTypesController a98,
            CostCentersController a99,
            ProjectWorktypesController a100,
            PricelistVersionsController a101,
            OvertimePricesController a102,
            AllUsersController a103,
            TimeEntriesController a104,
            WorkTypesController a105,
            WorkHoursController a106,
            ProjectWorkHourPricesController a107,
            TravelPricesController a108,
            WorkHourPricesController a109,
            ProductPricesController a110,
            ProjectRecurringFeeRulesController a111,
            ProjectTravelExpensesController a112,
            TravelExpensesController a113,
            ProjectFeesController a114,
            SalesReceivableAccountsController a115,
            ValueAddedTaxesController a116,
            ProductsController a117,
            BusinessUnitsController a118,
            CollaborationNotesController a119,
            ContactsController a120,
            CurrencyBasesController a121,
            CurrenciesController a122,
            CountriesController a123,
            CustomersController a124,
            FileDataController a125,
            FilesController a126,
            FormattingCulturesController a127,
            IndustriesController a128,
            LanguagesController a129,
            LeadSourcesController a130,
            MenuController a131,
            PersonalSettingsController a132,
            PhaseMembersController a133,
            PhasesController a134,
            PricelistsController a135,
            OvertimesController a136,
            ProjectsController a137,
            ProjectStatusTypesController a138,
            SalesAccountsController a139,
            SalesNotesController a140,
            ProductCategoriesController a141,
            WorkContractsController a142,
            SalesStatusController a143,
            SalesStatusTypeController a144,
            TimeZonesController a145,
            UsersController a146,
            ScheduledWorkJobsController a147,
            PasswordChangeController a148,
            UserInactivationInformationController a149,
            EmailAddressChangeController a150,
            EmailController a151,
            PdfController a152,
            BearerAuthenticationController a153,
            ExternalAuthenticationController a154,
            HeartBeatController a155

            _a2   = _a2;
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            _a153 = _a153;
            _a154 = _a154;
            _a155 = _a155;
 public HtmlToPdfByITextCleaner(PdfController pdfController)
     _pdfController = pdfController;