Пример #1
        public void Test
            Boolean Debug,
            String InputFileName
            // fish artwork from your favorite wpf or svg editing software (AI, Blend, Expression Design)
            // for hand writing minipath strings please see SVG or WPF reference on it (for example, https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths)
            string FishPathText = "M 73.302,96.9831C 88.1275,96.9831 100.146,109.002 100.146,123.827C 100.146,138.653 88.1275,150.671 73.302,150.671" +
                                  "C 58.4764,150.671 46.458,138.653 46.458,123.827C 46.458,109.002 58.4764,96.9831 73.302,96.9831 Z M 80.3771,118.625" +
                                  "C 87.8473,118.625 93.9031,124.681 93.9031,132.151C 93.9031,139.621 87.8473,145.677 80.3771,145.677C 72.9068,145.677 66.851,139.621 66.851,132.151" +
                                  "C 66.851,124.681 72.9069,118.625 80.3771,118.625 Z M 124.936,229.489L 124.936,230.05C 142.757,230.05 157.205,187.542 157.205,135.105" +
                                  "C 157.205,82.6682 142.757,40.1597 124.936,40.1597L 124.936,40.7208C 140.016,40.7208 152.241,82.9781 152.241,135.105" +
                                  "C 152.241,187.232 140.016,229.489 124.936,229.489 Z M 155.904,33.5723C 168.593,40.8964 181.282,48.2205 184.749,59.0803" +
                                  "C 188.216,69.9401 182.461,84.3356 176.705,98.7312C 187.217,82.7698 197.73,66.8085 194.263,55.9487C 190.796,45.0889 173.35,39.3306 155.904,33.5723 Z " +
                                  "M 221.06,47.217C 231.336,54.9565 241.612,62.6958 243.473,72.5309C 245.334,82.366 238.779,94.2968 232.224,106.228" +
                                  "C 243.092,93.4406 253.96,80.6536 252.099,70.8185C 250.238,60.9834 235.649,54.1002 221.06,47.217 Z M 190.088,103.489" +
                                  "C 200.631,113.663 211.175,123.836 211.914,135.212C 212.654,146.588 203.591,159.166 194.527,171.744C 208.585,158.796 222.643,145.848 221.903,134.472" +
                                  "C 221.163,123.096 205.625,113.293 190.088,103.489 Z M 227.222,175.988C 233.667,185.231 240.112,194.474 238.981,203.168" +
                                  "C 237.849,211.862 229.142,220.007 220.434,228.153C 232.965,220.47 245.497,212.787 246.628,204.093C 247.759,195.399 237.49,185.693 227.222,175.988 Z " +
                                  "M 176.183,170.829C 182.085,184.24 187.987,197.65 184.36,208.457C 180.734,219.265 167.58,227.47 154.426,235.675C 172.342,229.02 190.258,222.366 193.884,211.558" +
                                  "C 197.511,200.75 186.847,185.79 176.183,170.829 Z M 253.24,114.388C 261.541,123.744 269.842,133.1 269.72,142.831" +
                                  "C 269.598,152.561 261.052,162.667 252.506,172.773C 265.327,162.683 278.148,152.592 278.27,142.861C 278.392,133.13 265.816,123.759 253.24,114.388 Z " +
                                  "M 19.3722,114.348C 33.8527,95.7363 61.0659,59.7511 97.8151,40.6822C 117.532,30.4513 139.994,25.0899 164.816,24.6372" +
                                  "C 165.876,24.1644 167.083,23.6525 168.454,23.0983C 181.841,17.6879 210.836,8.25439 232.2,4.09256C 253.564,-0.0693054 267.298,1.04053 273.749,4.99429" +
                                  "C 280.2,8.94803 279.368,15.7458 278.743,24.4856C 278.119,33.2255 277.703,43.9076 276.94,49.1099C 276.927,49.2001 276.913,49.2887 276.9,49.3756" +
                                  "C 318.05,66.1908 360.168,89.8268 395.044,112.964C 408.876,122.14 421.569,131.238 433.26,140.058C 439.423,134.13 445.322,128.267 450.904,122.587" +
                                  "C 478.22,94.7909 497.963,71.3744 513.5,56.0696C 529.037,40.7648 540.368,33.5717 541.331,39.3597C 542.295,45.1478 532.891,63.9171 528.998,87.7075" +
                                  "C 525.105,111.498 526.722,140.309 533.661,167.068C 540.599,193.827 552.858,218.532 549.803,224.507C 546.748,230.482 528.378,217.727 502.239,196.166" +
                                  "C 483.768,180.932 461.418,161.301 433.26,140.058C 409.264,163.142 381.252,187.219 352.261,205.363C 315.824,228.167 277.841,241.6 230.108,245.486" +
                                  "C 182.376,249.372 124.895,243.713 84.9205,225.782C 44.946,207.851 22.4781,177.648 11.4752,160.545C 0.472214,143.443 0.934143,139.44 2.03903,136.819" +
                                  "C 3.14392,134.199 4.89172,132.96 19.3722,114.348 Z ";

            // water artwork
            string WavePathOriginal = "M 0.000854492,723.999L 1106,723.999L 1106,616.629C 1025.42,656.405 941.978,687.324 846.084,679.721C 721.562,669.847 576.045,595.015 425.822,588.779" +
                                      "C 286.673,583.003 143.486,636.082 0.000854492,693.5L 0.000854492,723.999 Z M 423.35,26.0787C 573.573,32.3146 719.09,107.146 843.612,117.02C 940.487,124.701 1024.65,93.0672 1106,52.7042" +
                                      "L 1106,-1.90735e-005L 0.000854492,-1.90735e-005L 0.000854492,129.811C 142.658,72.7739 285,20.3355 423.35,26.0787 Z M 6.10352e-005,545.976C 143.485,488.558 286.672,435.478 425.822,441.255" +
                                      "C 576.045,447.491 721.562,522.322 846.084,532.196C 941.978,539.8 1025.42,508.88 1106,469.104L 1106,200.228C 1024.65,240.592 940.486,272.226 843.611,264.544" +
                                      "C 719.089,254.671 573.572,179.839 423.349,173.603C 284.999,167.86 142.657,220.298 6.10352e-005,277.335L 6.10352e-005,545.976 Z";

 *              string ItalianFish = "M73,302;96,9831C88,1275;96,9831 100,146;109,002 100,146;123,827 100,146;138,653 88,1275;150,671 73,302;150,671 58,4764;150,671 46,458;138,653 46,458;123,827 46,458;109,002 58,4764;96,9831 73,302;96,9831z M80,3771;118,625C87,8473;118,625 93,9031;124,681 93,9031;132,151 93,9031;139,621 87,8473;145,677 80,3771;145,677 72,9068;145,677 66,851;139,621 66,851;132,151 66,851;124,681 72,9069;118,625 80,3771;118,625z M124,936;229,489L124,936;230,05C142,757;230,05 157,205;187,542 157,205;135,105 157,205;82,6682 142,757;40,1597 124,936;40,1597L124,936;40,7208C140,016;40,7208 152,241;82,9781 152,241;135,105 152,241;187,232 140,016;229,489 124,936;229,489z M155,904;33,5723C168,593;40,8964 181,282;48,2205 184,749;59,0803 188,216;69,9401 182,461;84,3356 176,705;98,7312 187,217;82,7698 197,73;66,8085 194,263;55,9487 190,796;45,0889 173,35;39,3306 155,904;33,5723z M221,06;47,217C231,336;54,9565 241,612;62,6958 243,473;72,5309 245,334;82,366 238,779;94,2968 232,224;106,228 243,092;93,4406 253,96;80,6536 252,099;70,8185 250,238;60,9834 235,649;54,1002 221,06;47,217z M190,088;103,489C200,631;113,663 211,175;123,836 211,914;135,212 212,654;146,588 203,591;159,166 194,527;171,744 208,585;158,796 222,643;145,848 221,903;134,472 221,163;123,096 205,625;113,293 190,088;103,489z M227,222;175,988C233,667;185,231 240,112;194,474 238,981;203,168 237,849;211,862 229,142;220,007 220,434;228,153 232,965;220,47 245,497;212,787 246,628;204,093 247,759;195,399 237,49;185,693 227,222;175,988z M176,183;170,829C182,085;184,24 187,987;197,65 184,36;208,457 180,734;219,265 167,58;227,47 154,426;235,675 172,342;229,02 190,258;222,366 193,884;211,558 197,511;200,75 186,847;185,79 176,183;170,829z M253,24;114,388C261,541;123,744 269,842;133,1 269,72;142,831 269,598;152,561 261,052;162,667 252,506;172,773 265,327;162,683 278,148;152,592 278,27;142,861 278,392;133,13 265,816;123,759 253,24;114,388z M19,3722;114,348C33,8527;95,7363 61,0659;59,7511 97,8151;40,6822 117,532;30,4513 139,994;25,0899 164,816;24,6372 165,876;24,1644 167,083;23,6525 168,454;23,0983 181,841;17,6879 210,836;8,25439 232,2;4,09256 253,564;-0,0693054 267,298;1,04053 273,749;4,99429 280,2;8,94803 279,368;15,7458 278,743;24,4856 278,119;33,2255 277,703;43,9076 276,94;49,1099 276,927;49,2001 276,913;49,2887 276,9;49,3756 318,05;66,1908 360,168;89,8268 395,044;112,964 408,876;122,14 421,569;131,238 433,26;140,058 439,423;134,13 445,322;128,267 450,904;122,587 478,22;94,7909 497,963;71,3744 513,5;56,0696 529,037;40,7648 540,368;33,5717 541,331;39,3597 542,295;45,1478 532,891;63,9171 528,998;87,7075 525,105;111,498 526,722;140,309 533,661;167,068 540,599;193,827 552,858;218,532 549,803;224,507 546,748;230,482 528,378;217,727 502,239;196,166 483,768;180,932 461,418;161,301 433,26;140,058 409,264;163,142 381,252;187,219 352,261;205,363 315,824;228,167 277,841;241,6 230,108;245,486 182,376;249,372 124,895;243,713 84,9205;225,782 44,946;207,851 22,4781;177,648 " +
 *                      "11,4752;160,545 0,472214;143,443 0,934143;139,44 2,03903;136,819 3,14392;134,199 4,89172;132,96 19,3722;114,348z";
 *              string ItalianWave = "M0,000854492;723,999L1106;723,999 1106;616,629C1025,42;656,405 941,978;687,324 846,084;679,721 721,562;669,847 576,045;595,015 425,822;588,779 286,673;583,003 143,486;636,082 0,000854492;693,5L0,000854492;723,999z M423,35;26,0787C573,573;32,3146 719,09;107,146 843,612;117,02 940,487;124,701 1024,65;93,0672 1106;52,7042L1106;-1,90735E-05 0,000854492;-1,90735E-05 0,000854492;129,811C142,658;72,7739;285;20,3355;423,35;26,0787z M6,10352E-05;545,976C143,485;488,558 286,672;435,478 425,822;441,255 576,045;447,491 721,562;522,322 846,084;532,196 941,978;539,8 1025,42;508,88 1106;469,104L1106;200,228C1024,65;240,592 940,486;272,226 843,611;264,544 719,089;254,671 573,572;179,839 423,349;173,603 284,999;167,86 142,657;220,298 6,10352E-05;277,335L6,10352E-05;545,976z";
 *      // water artwork
 *      string WavePathText = "M 0,724L 1106,724L 1106,617C 1025,656 942,687 846,680C 722,670 576,595 426,589C 287,583 143,636 0,694L 0,724 Z " +
 *                      "M 423,26C 574,32 719,107 844,117C 940,125 1025,93 1106,53L 1106,0L 0,0L 0,130C 143,73 285,20 423,26 Z " +
 *                      "M 0,546C 143,489 287,435 426,441C 576,447 722,522 846,532C 942,540 1025,509 1106,469L 1106,200C 1025,241 940,272 844,265" +
 *                      "C 719,255 574,180 423,174C 285,168 143,220 0,277L 0,546 Z";
 *              string MyWavePathText = "M 0 0 L 1000 0 L 1000 100 C 550 550 550 -300 0 250 Z" +
 *                                              "M 0 550 C 550 0 550 850 1000 400 L 1000 850 C 550 1300 550 450 0 1000 Z" +
 *                                              "M 0 1400 L 0 1300 C 550 750 550 1600 1000 1150 L 1000 1400 Z";

            // create document
            using (PdfDocument Document = new PdfDocument(PaperType.Letter, false, UnitOfMeasure.Inch, InputFileName))
                // define font
                PdfFont ArialNormal = PdfFont.CreatePdfFont(Document, "Arial", FontStyle.Regular);

                // Add new page
                PdfPage Page = new PdfPage(Document);

                // Add contents to page
                PdfContents Contents = new PdfContents(Page);

                // translate origin

                // test draw
//			string TestDraw1 = "M 0 0 L 1000 0";
                string TestDraw1 = "M 0 0 L 100 200 L 200 0 Z M 0 200 L 100 0 L 200 200 Z";
//			string TestDraw1 = "M 0 0 A 400 400 0 0 0 100 200 A 400 400 0 0 0 200 0 A 400 400 0 0 0 0 0 Z" +
//				"M 0 250 A 400 400 0 0 1 100 -50 A 400 400 0 0 1 250 250 A 400 400 0 0 1 0 250 Z";
                //string TestDraw1 = "M 0 0 L 100 200 L 200 0";
                DrawWPFPath TestPath1 = new DrawWPFPath(TestDraw1, YAxisDirection.Up);
                SysMedia.Pen Pen = new SysMedia.Pen(new SysMedia.SolidColorBrush(SysMedia.Colors.DarkBlue), 2);
                Pen.StartLineCap = SysMedia.PenLineCap.Flat;
                Pen.LineJoin     = SysMedia.PenLineJoin.Bevel;
                Pen.DashStyle    = new SysMedia.DashStyle(new double[] { 1.0 }, 0.0);
                Contents.DrawWPFPath(TestPath1, 1.0, 4.0, 5.0, 3.0);

                string      TestDraw2 = "M 0 0 L 200 200 A 200 200 0 1 0 0 0 Z";
                DrawWPFPath TestPath2 = new DrawWPFPath(TestDraw2, YAxisDirection.Up);
//			string TestDraw = "M 0 200 L 200 0 A 200 200 0 1 1 0 200";
//			DrawWPFPath TestPath = new DrawWPFPath(TestDraw, YAxisDirection.Down);
                Contents.DrawWPFPath(TestPath2, 4.25, 4.0, 3.0, 3.0, ContentAlignment.BottomLeft);

                // load fish path
                DrawWPFPath FishPath = new DrawWPFPath(FishPathText, YAxisDirection.Down);

                // set pen for both fish
                FishPath.SetPen(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 80, 0));

//			PdfTilingPattern BrickPattern = PdfTilingPattern.SetBrickPattern(Document, 0.25, Color.LightYellow, Color.SandyBrown);
//			FishPath.SetBrush(BrickPattern);

                // draw small fish
                FishPath.SetBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 67, 211, 216));
                Contents.DrawWPFPath(FishPath, 2.5, 5.75, 4.5, 3.0, ContentAlignment.TopRight);

                // big fish drawing area
                Color[]          BigFishBrushColor = new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0xff, 0x50, 0), Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0x27, 0xda, 0xff) };
                PdfRadialShading RadialShading     = new PdfRadialShading(Document, new PdfShadingFunction(Document, BigFishBrushColor));
                RadialShading.SetGradientDirection(0.15, 0.5, 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.3, MappingMode.Relative);
                FishPath.SetBrush(RadialShading, 1.0);
                Contents.DrawWPFPath(FishPath, 1.5, 2.0, 5.5, 5.5, ContentAlignment.BottomLeft);

                // load wave
                DrawWPFPath WavePath = new DrawWPFPath(WavePathOriginal, YAxisDirection.Up);

                // draw wave
                Color[]         WaveBrushColor = new Color[] { Color.Cyan, Color.DarkBlue };
                PdfAxialShading AxialShading   = new PdfAxialShading(Document, new PdfShadingFunction(Document, WaveBrushColor));
                AxialShading.SetAxisDirection(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, MappingMode.Relative);
                WavePath.SetBrush(AxialShading, 0.55);
                Contents.DrawWPFPath(WavePath, 1.0, 1.0, 6.5, 9.0);

                // restore graphics state

                // create pdf file

                // start default PDF reader and display the file
                Process Proc = new Process();
                Proc.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(InputFileName);
