Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts an XColor into a string with up to 3 decimal digits and a decimal point.
        /// </summary>
        public static string ToString(XColor color, PdfColorMode colorMode)
            const string format = Config.SignificantFigures3;

            // If not defined let color decide
            if (colorMode == PdfColorMode.Undefined)
                if (color.ColorSpace == XColorSpace.GrayScale)
                    return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:" + format + "}", color.GS));
                colorMode = color.ColorSpace == XColorSpace.Cmyk ? PdfColorMode.Cmyk : PdfColorMode.Rgb;

            switch (colorMode)
            case PdfColorMode.Cmyk:
                return(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:" + format + "} {1:" + format + "} {2:" + format + "} {3:" + format + "}",
                                     color.C, color.M, color.Y, color.K));

                return(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:" + format + "} {1:" + format + "} {2:" + format + "}",
                                     color.R / 255.0, color.G / 255.0, color.B / 255.0));
Пример #2
        internal void RealizeNonStrokeTransparency(double transparency, PdfColorMode colorMode)
            XColor color = _realizedFillColor;

            color.A = transparency;
            RealizeFillColor(color, _realizedNonStrokeOverPrint, colorMode);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether a color mode and a color match.
        /// </summary>
        public static XColor EnsureColorMode(PdfColorMode colorMode, XColor color)
#if true
            if (colorMode == PdfColorMode.Rgb && color.ColorSpace != XColorSpace.Rgb)
                return(XColor.FromArgb((int)(color.A * 255), color.R, color.G, color.B));

            if (colorMode == PdfColorMode.Cmyk && color.ColorSpace != XColorSpace.Cmyk)
                return(XColor.FromCmyk(color.A, color.C, color.M, color.Y, color.K));

            if (colorMode == PdfColorMode.Rgb && color.ColorSpace != XColorSpace.Rgb)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(PSSR.InappropriateColorSpace(colorMode, color.ColorSpace));

            if (colorMode == PdfColorMode.Cmyk && color.ColorSpace != XColorSpace.Cmyk)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(PSSR.InappropriateColorSpace(colorMode, color.ColorSpace));
        public void RealizeBrush(XBrush brush, PdfColorMode colorMode, int renderingMode, double fontEmSize, bool isForPen = false)
            // Rendering mode 2 is used for bold simulation.
            // Reference: TABLE 5.3  Text rendering modes / Page 402

            XSolidBrush solidBrush = brush as XSolidBrush;

            if (solidBrush != null)
                XColor color     = solidBrush.Color;
                bool   overPrint = solidBrush.Overprint;

                if (renderingMode == 0)
                    RealizeFillColor(color, overPrint, colorMode);
                else if (renderingMode == 2)
                    // Come here in case of bold simulation.
                    RealizeFillColor(color, false, colorMode);
                    //color = XColors.Green;
                    RealizePen(new XPen(color, fontEmSize * Const.BoldEmphasis), colorMode);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Only rendering modes 0 and 2 are currently supported.");
                if (renderingMode != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Rendering modes other than 0 can only be used with solid color brushes.");

                if (brush is XBaseGradientBrush gradientBrush)
                    Debug.Assert(UnrealizedCtm.IsIdentity, "Must realize ctm first.");
                    XMatrix matrix = _renderer.DefaultViewMatrix;
                    PdfShadingPattern pattern = new PdfShadingPattern(_renderer.Owner);
                    pattern.SetupFromBrush(gradientBrush, matrix, _renderer);
                    string name = _renderer.Resources.AddPattern(pattern);
                    if (isForPen)
                        _renderer.AppendFormatString("/Pattern CS\n", name);
                        _renderer.AppendFormatString("{0} SCN\n", name);
                        _renderer.AppendFormatString("/Pattern cs\n", name);
                        _renderer.AppendFormatString("{0} scn\n", name);
                    // Invalidate fill color.
                    _realizedFillColor = XColor.Empty;
Пример #5
        internal void SetupFromBrush(XRadialGradientBrush brush, XGraphicsPdfRenderer renderer)
            if (brush == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("brush");

            PdfColorMode colorMode = _document.Options.ColorMode;
            XColor       color1    = ColorSpaceHelper.EnsureColorMode(colorMode, brush._color1);
            XColor       color2    = ColorSpaceHelper.EnsureColorMode(colorMode, brush._color2);

            PdfDictionary function = new PdfDictionary();

            Elements[Keys.ShadingType] = new PdfInteger(3);
            if (colorMode != PdfColorMode.Cmyk)
                Elements[Keys.ColorSpace] = new PdfName("/DeviceRGB");
                Elements[Keys.ColorSpace] = new PdfName("/DeviceCMYK");

            XPoint p1 = renderer.WorldToView(brush._center1);
            XPoint p2 = renderer.WorldToView(brush._center2);

            var rv1 = renderer.WorldToView(new XPoint(brush._r1 + brush._center1.X, brush._center1.Y));
            var rv2 = renderer.WorldToView(new XPoint(brush._r2 + brush._center2.X, brush._center2.Y));

            var dx1 = rv1.X - p1.X;
            var dy1 = rv1.Y - p1.Y;
            var dx2 = rv2.X - p2.X;
            var dy2 = rv2.Y - p2.Y;

            var r1 = Math.Sqrt(dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1);
            var r2 = Math.Sqrt(dx2 * dx2 + dy2 * dy2);

            const string format = Config.SignificantFigures3;

            Elements[Keys.Coords] = new PdfLiteral("[{0:" + format + "} {1:" + format + "} {2:" + format + "} {3:" + format + "} {4:" + format + "} {5:" + format + "}]", p1.X, p1.Y, r1, p2.X, p2.Y, r2);

            //Elements[Keys.Background] = new PdfRawItem("[0 1 1]");
            //Elements[Keys.Domain] =
            Elements[Keys.Function] = function;
            //Elements[Keys.Extend] = new PdfRawItem("[true true]");

            string clr1 = "[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(color1, colorMode, true) + "]";
            string clr2 = "[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(color2, colorMode, true) + "]";

            function.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(2);
            function.Elements["/C0"]           = new PdfLiteral(clr1);
            function.Elements["/C1"]           = new PdfLiteral(clr2);
            function.Elements["/Domain"]       = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
            function.Elements["/N"]            = new PdfInteger(1);
        public void RealizeBrush(XBrush brush, PdfColorMode colorMode)
            if (brush is XSolidBrush)
                XColor color = ((XSolidBrush)brush).Color;
                color = ColorSpaceHelper.EnsureColorMode(colorMode, color);

                if (colorMode != PdfColorMode.Cmyk)
                    if (this.realizedFillColor.Rgb != color.Rgb)
                        this.renderer.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(color, PdfColorMode.Rgb));
                        this.renderer.Append(" rg\n");
                    if (!ColorSpaceHelper.IsEqualCmyk(this.realizedFillColor, color))
                        this.renderer.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(color, PdfColorMode.Cmyk));
                        this.renderer.Append(" k\n");

                if (this.renderer.Owner.Version >= 14 && this.realizedFillColor.A != color.A)
                    PdfExtGState extGState = this.renderer.Owner.ExtGStateTable.GetExtGStateNonStroke(color.A);
                    string       gs        = this.renderer.Resources.AddExtGState(extGState);
                    this.renderer.AppendFormat("{0} gs\n", gs);

                    // Must create transparany group
                    if (this.renderer.page != null && color.A < 1)
                        this.renderer.page.transparencyUsed = true;
                this.realizedFillColor = color;
            else if (brush is XLinearGradientBrush)
                XMatrix matrix = this.renderer.defaultViewMatrix;
                PdfShadingPattern pattern = new PdfShadingPattern(this.renderer.Owner);
                pattern.SetupFromBrush((XLinearGradientBrush)brush, matrix);
                string name = this.renderer.Resources.AddPattern(pattern);
                this.renderer.AppendFormat("/Pattern cs\n", name);
                this.renderer.AppendFormat("{0} scn\n", name);

                // Invalidate fill color
                this.realizedFillColor = XColor.Empty;
Пример #7
        PdfShading BuildShading(RadialGradientBrush brush, double scaleX, double scaleY)
            // Setup shading
            //  /AntiAlias false
            //  /ColorSpace 12 0 R
            //  /Coords [120 120 120 120 120 0]
            //  /Domain [0 1]
            //  /Extend [false false]
            //  /Function 14 0 R
            //  /ShadingType 3
            PdfShading shading = Context.PdfDocument.Internals.CreateIndirectObject <PdfShading>();

            shading.Elements.SetInteger(PdfShading.Keys.ShadingType, 3); // Radial shading
            PdfColorMode colorMode = PdfColorMode.Rgb;                   //this.document.Options.ColorMode;

            if (colorMode != PdfColorMode.Cmyk)
                shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.ColorSpace] = new PdfName("/DeviceRGB");
                shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.ColorSpace] = new PdfName("/DeviceCMYK");

            //bool invers = true;

            PdfDictionary function = null; // BuildShadingFunction(brush.GradientStops, false, colorMode);

#if DEBUG_
            if (DevHelper.RenderComments)
                funcRegular.Elements.SetString("/@comment", "This is the shading function of a RadialGradientBrushPattern");
            shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Function] = function;
            shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Extend]   = new PdfLiteral("[false false]");

            double x0 = brush.Center.X / scaleX;
            double y0 = brush.Center.Y / scaleY;
            double r0 = Math.Max(brush.RadiusX, brush.RadiusY);
            double x1 = brush.GradientOrigin.X / scaleX;
            double y1 = brush.GradientOrigin.Y / scaleY;
            double r1 = 0;

            shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Coords] =
                new PdfLiteral("[{0:0.###} {1:0.###} {2:0.###} {3:0.###} {4:0.###} {5:0.###}]", x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1);

Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether a color mode and a color match.
        /// </summary>
        public static XColor EnsureColorMode(PdfColorMode colorMode, XColor color)
            if (colorMode == PdfColorMode.Rgb && color.ColorSpace != XColorSpace.Rgb)
                return(XColor.FromArgb((int)(color.A * 255), color.R, color.G, color.B));

            if (colorMode == PdfColorMode.Cmyk && color.ColorSpace != XColorSpace.Cmyk)
                return(XColor.FromCmyk(color.A, color.C, color.M, color.Y, color.K));

Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a PdfShading from the specified brush. If a gradient contains transparency, a soft mask is created an added to the
        /// specified graphic state.
        /// </summary>
        PdfShading BuildShading(LinearGradientBrush brush)
            // Setup shading
            PdfShading shading = new PdfShading(Context.PdfDocument);

            if (DevHelper.RenderComments)
                shading.Elements.SetString("/@comment", "This is the shading of a LinearGradientBrush");
            PdfColorMode colorMode = PdfColorMode.Rgb; //this.document.Options.ColorMode;

            PdfDictionary function = BuildShadingFunction(brush.GradientStops, false, colorMode);
            if (DevHelper.RenderComments)
                function.Elements.SetString("/@comment", "This is the shading function of a LinearGradientBrush");
            shading.Elements.SetBoolean(PdfShading.Keys.AntiAlias, false);
            shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Function] = function;
            shading.Elements.SetInteger(PdfShading.Keys.ShadingType, 2);        // Axial shading
            shading.Elements.SetName(PdfShading.Keys.ColorSpace, "/DeviceRGB"); // TODO: respect ColorMode

            double x1 = brush.StartPoint.X;
            double y1 = brush.StartPoint.Y;
            double x2 = brush.EndPoint.X;
            double y2 = brush.EndPoint.Y;
            shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Coords] = new PdfLiteral("[{0:0.####} {1:0.####} {2:0.####} {3:0.####}]", x1, y1, x2, y2);

            shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Domain] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
            if (brush.SpreadMethod == SpreadMethod.Pad)
                shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Extend] = new PdfLiteral("[true true]");
                DevHelper.NotImplemented("SpreadMethod." + brush.SpreadMethod.ToString() + " Background painted in green.");
                // Note from PDF reference: The background color is applied only when the shading is used as part of
                // a shading pattern, not when it is painted directly with the sh operator.
                shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Background] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1 0]"); // TODO: respect ColorMode
                // Best we can currently do
                shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Extend] = new PdfLiteral("[true true]");
Пример #10
        private void RealizeFillColor(XColor color, bool overPrint, PdfColorMode colorMode)
            color = ColorSpaceHelper.EnsureColorMode(colorMode, color);

            switch (color.ColorSpace)
            case XColorSpace.Rgb:
                if (_realizedFillColor.IsEmpty || _realizedFillColor.Rgb != color.Rgb)
                    _renderer.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(color, PdfColorMode.Rgb));
                    _renderer.Append(" rg\n");

            case XColorSpace.Cmyk:
                if (_realizedFillColor.IsEmpty || !ColorSpaceHelper.IsEqualCmyk(_realizedFillColor, color))
                    _renderer.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(color, PdfColorMode.Cmyk));
                    _renderer.Append(" k\n");

            case XColorSpace.GrayScale:
                if (_realizedFillColor.IsEmpty || _realizedFillColor.GS != color.GS)
                    _renderer.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(color, PdfColorMode.Undefined));
                    _renderer.Append(" g\n");


            if (_renderer.Owner.Version >= 14 && color.ColorSpace != XColorSpace.GrayScale && (_realizedFillColor.A != color.A || _realizedNonStrokeOverPrint != overPrint))
                PdfExtGState extGState = _renderer.Owner.ExtGStateTable.GetExtGStateNonStroke(color.A, overPrint);
                string       gs        = _renderer.Resources.AddExtGState(extGState);
                _renderer.AppendFormatString("{0} gs\n", gs);

                // Must create transparency group.
                if (_renderer._page != null && color.A < 1)
                    _renderer._page.TransparencyUsed = true;
            _realizedFillColor          = color;
            _realizedNonStrokeOverPrint = overPrint;
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a monochrome shading for a form XObject of a soft mask.
        /// </summary>
        PdfShading BuildShadingForSoftMask(RadialGradientBrush brush)
            // Setup shading
            //  /ShadingType 2
            //  /AntiAlias false
            //  /BBox [0 0 510.236 680.315]
            //  /ColorSpace /DeviceGray
            //  /Coords [5 5 153.492 -86.924]
            //  /Domain [0 1]
            //  /Extend [true true]
            //  /Function 18 0 R
            PdfShading shading = Context.PdfDocument.Internals.CreateIndirectObject <PdfShading>();

            if (DevHelper.RenderComments)
                shading.Elements.SetString("/@comment", "This is the shading function of a soft mask");
            shading.Elements.SetInteger(PdfShading.Keys.ShadingType, 2); // Axial shading
            shading.Elements.SetBoolean(PdfShading.Keys.AntiAlias, false);
            // TODO: BBox full page
            //shading.Elements.SetValue(PdfShading.Keys.BBox, new PdfLiteral("[0 0 480 640]"));
            shading.Elements.SetName(PdfShading.Keys.ColorSpace, "/DeviceGray");

            ////double x1 = brush.StartPoint.X;
            ////double y1 = brush.StartPoint.Y;
            ////double x2 = brush.EndPoint.X;
            ////double y2 = brush.EndPoint.Y;
            ////shading.Elements.SetValue(PdfShading.Keys.Coords, new PdfLiteral("[{0:0.####} {1:0.####} {2:0.####} {3:0.####}]", x1, y1, x2, y2));

            shading.Elements.SetValue(PdfShading.Keys.Domain, new PdfLiteral("[0 1]"));
            shading.Elements.SetValue(PdfShading.Keys.Extend, new PdfLiteral("[true true]"));

            PdfColorMode  colorMode = PdfColorMode.Rgb; //this.document.Options.ColorMode;
            PdfDictionary func;
            PdfDictionary function = BuildShadingFunction(brush.GradientStops, true, colorMode, true, out func);
#if true
            shading.Elements.SetValue(PdfShading.Keys.Function, function);
            shading.Elements.SetReference(PdfShading.Keys.Function, function);

Пример #12
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks whether a color mode and a color match.
    /// </summary>
    public static XColor EnsureColorMode(PdfColorMode colorMode, XColor color)
#if true
      if (colorMode == PdfColorMode.Rgb && color.ColorSpace != XColorSpace.Rgb)
        return XColor.FromArgb((int)(color.A * 255), color.R, color.G, color.B);

      if (colorMode == PdfColorMode.Cmyk && color.ColorSpace != XColorSpace.Cmyk)
        return XColor.FromCmyk(color.A, color.C, color.M, color.Y, color.K);

      return color;
      if (colorMode == PdfColorMode.Rgb && color.ColorSpace != XColorSpace.Rgb)
        throw new InvalidOperationException(PSSR.InappropriateColorSpace(colorMode, color.ColorSpace));

      if (colorMode == PdfColorMode.Cmyk && color.ColorSpace != XColorSpace.Cmyk)
        throw new InvalidOperationException(PSSR.InappropriateColorSpace(colorMode, color.ColorSpace));
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts an XColor into a string with up to 3 decimal digits and a decimal point.
        /// </summary>
        public static string ToString(XColor color, PdfColorMode colorMode)
            // If not defined let color decide
            if (colorMode == PdfColorMode.Undefined)
                colorMode = color.ColorSpace == XColorSpace.Cmyk ? PdfColorMode.Cmyk : PdfColorMode.Rgb;

            switch (colorMode)
            case PdfColorMode.Cmyk:
                return(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.###} {1:0.###} {2:0.###} {3:0.###}",
                                     color.C, color.M, color.Y, color.K));

                return(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.###} {1:0.###} {2:0.###}",
                                     color.R / 255.0, color.G / 255.0, color.B / 255.0));
Пример #14
        public static string InappropriateColorSpace(PdfColorMode colorMode, XColorSpace colorSpace)
            string mode;

            switch (colorMode)
            case PdfColorMode.Rgb:
                mode = "RGB";

            case PdfColorMode.Cmyk:
                mode = "CMYK";

                mode = "(undefined)";

            string space;

            switch (colorSpace)
            case XColorSpace.Rgb:
                space = "RGB";

            case XColorSpace.Cmyk:
                space = "CMYK";

            case XColorSpace.GrayScale:
                space = "grayscale";

                space = "(undefined)";
            return(String.Format("The document requires color mode {0}, but a color is defined using {1}. " +
                                 "Use only colors that match the color mode of the PDF document", mode, space));
Пример #15
        private void RealizeFillColor(XColor color, bool overPrint, PdfColorMode colorMode)
            color = ColorSpaceHelper.EnsureColorMode(colorMode, color);

            if (colorMode != PdfColorMode.Cmyk)
                if (_realizedFillColor.IsEmpty || _realizedFillColor.Rgb != color.Rgb)
                    _renderer.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(color, PdfColorMode.Rgb));
                    _renderer.Append(" rg\n");
                Debug.Assert(colorMode == PdfColorMode.Cmyk);

                if (_realizedFillColor.IsEmpty || !ColorSpaceHelper.IsEqualCmyk(_realizedFillColor, color))
                    _renderer.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(color, PdfColorMode.Cmyk));
                    _renderer.Append(" k\n");

            if (_renderer.Owner.Version >= 14 && (_realizedFillColor.A != color.A || _realizedNonStrokeOverPrint != overPrint))
                PdfExtGState extGState = _renderer.Owner.ExtGStateTable.GetExtGStateNonStroke(color.A, overPrint);
                string       gs        = _renderer.Resources.AddExtGState(extGState);
                _renderer.AppendFormatString("{0} gs\n", gs);

                // Must create transparency group.
                if (_renderer._page != null && color.A < 1)
                    _renderer._page.TransparencyUsed = true;
            _realizedFillColor          = color;
            _realizedNonStrokeOverPrint = overPrint;
Пример #16
        PdfDictionary BuildShadingFunction3(GradientStopCollection gradients, bool softMask, PdfColorMode colorMode)
            int count = gradients.Count;

            Debug.Assert(count >= 2);

            //        // Build a Type 3 function with an array of n-1 Type 2 functions

            PdfDictionary fn1 = new PdfDictionary();

            fn1.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(3); // Type 3 - Stitching Function
            fn1.Elements["/Domain"]       = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
            fn1.Elements["/Range"]        = new PdfLiteral("[0 1 0 1 0 1]");
            PdfArray fnarray = new PdfArray();

            fn1.Elements["/Functions"] = fnarray;

            StringBuilder bounds = new StringBuilder("[");
            StringBuilder encode = new StringBuilder("[");

            for (int idx = 1; idx < count; idx++)
                PdfDictionary fn2 = new PdfDictionary();
                fn2.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(2);
                Color clr0 = gradients[idx - 1].Color;
                Color clr1 = gradients[idx].Color;
                if (softMask)
                    fn2.Elements["/C0"]    = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr0.ScA) + "]");
                    fn2.Elements["/C1"]    = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr1.ScA) + "]");
                    fn2.Elements["/Range"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
                    fn2.Elements["/C0"]    = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr0, colorMode) + "]");
                    fn2.Elements["/C1"]    = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr1, colorMode) + "]");
                    fn2.Elements["/Range"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1 0 1 0 1]");
                fn2.Elements["/Domain"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
                fn2.Elements["/N"]      = new PdfInteger(1);
                if (idx > 1)
                    bounds.Append(' ');
                    encode.Append(' ');
                if (idx < count - 1)
                encode.Append("0 1");
            fn1.Elements["/Bounds"] = new PdfLiteral(bounds.ToString());
            fn1.Elements["/Encode"] = new PdfLiteral(encode.ToString());

Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the shading function of the specified gradient stop collection.
        /// </summary>
        protected PdfDictionary BuildShadingFunction(GradientStopCollection gradients, bool softMask, PdfColorMode colorMode, bool reverse, out PdfDictionary funcReverse)
            PdfDictionary func  = new PdfDictionary();
            int           count = gradients.Count;

            Debug.Assert(count >= 2);

            if (CanOptimizeForTwoColors(gradients))
                funcReverse = null;

                // Build a Type 3 function with an array of 2 Type 2 functions
                func.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(3); // Type 3 - Stitching Function
                func.Elements["/Domain"]       = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
                PdfArray fnarray = new PdfArray();
                func.Elements["/Functions"] = fnarray;

                StringBuilder bounds = new StringBuilder("[");
                StringBuilder encode = new StringBuilder("[");

                for (int idx = 1; idx < count; idx++)
                    PdfDictionary fn2 = new PdfDictionary();
                    fn2.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(2);
                    Color clr0 = gradients[idx - 1].Color;
                    Color clr1 = gradients[idx].Color;
                    if (softMask)
                        fn2.Elements["/C0"]    = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr0.ScA) + "]");
                        fn2.Elements["/C1"]    = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr1.ScA) + "]");
                        fn2.Elements["/Range"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
                        fn2.Elements["/C0"]    = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr0, colorMode) + "]");
                        fn2.Elements["/C1"]    = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr1, colorMode) + "]");
                        fn2.Elements["/Range"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1 0 1 0 1]");
                    fn2.Elements["/Domain"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
                    fn2.Elements["/N"]      = new PdfInteger(1);
                    if (idx > 1)
                        bounds.Append(' ');
                        encode.Append(' ');
                    if (idx < count - 1)
                    encode.Append(reverse ? "1 0" : "0 1");
                func.Elements["/Bounds"] = new PdfLiteral(bounds.ToString());
                func.Elements["/Encode"] = new PdfLiteral(encode.ToString());
#if true
                funcReverse = BuildShadingFunction3(gradients, softMask, colorMode);

                func.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(3); // Type 3 - Stitching Function
                func.Elements["/Domain"]       = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
                func.Elements["/Encode"]       = new PdfLiteral("[1 0]");
                func.Elements["/Bounds"]       = new PdfLiteral("[]");
                func.Elements["/Range"]        = new PdfLiteral("[0 1 0 1 0 1]");
                PdfArray fnarray0 = new PdfArray();
                func.Elements["/Functions"] = fnarray0;
                //        // Build a Type 3 function with an array of n-1 Type 2 functions

                PdfDictionary fn1 = new PdfDictionary();

                func.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(3); // Type 3 - Stitching Function
                func.Elements["/Domain"]       = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
                func.Elements["/Encode"]       = new PdfLiteral("[1 0]");
                func.Elements["/Bounds"]       = new PdfLiteral("[]");
                func.Elements["/Range"]        = new PdfLiteral("[0 1 0 1 0 1]");
                PdfArray fnarray0 = new PdfArray();
                func.Elements["/Functions"] = fnarray0;

                fn1.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(3); // Type 3 - Stitching Function
                fn1.Elements["/Domain"]       = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
                fn1.Elements["/Range"]        = new PdfLiteral("[0 1 0 1 0 1]");
                PdfArray fnarray = new PdfArray();
                fn1.Elements["/Functions"] = fnarray;

                StringBuilder bounds = new StringBuilder("[");
                StringBuilder encode = new StringBuilder("[");

                for (int idx = 1; idx < count; idx++)
                    PdfDictionary fn2 = new PdfDictionary();
                    fn2.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(2);
                    Color clr0 = gradients[idx - 1].Color;
                    Color clr1 = gradients[idx].Color;
                    if (softMask)
                        fn2.Elements["/C0"]    = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr0.ScA) + "]");
                        fn2.Elements["/C1"]    = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr1.ScA) + "]");
                        fn2.Elements["/Range"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
                        fn2.Elements["/C0"]    = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr0, colorMode) + "]");
                        fn2.Elements["/C1"]    = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr1, colorMode) + "]");
                        fn2.Elements["/Range"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1 0 1 0 1]");
                    fn2.Elements["/Domain"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
                    fn2.Elements["/N"]      = new PdfInteger(1);
                    if (idx > 1)
                        bounds.Append(' ');
                        encode.Append(' ');
                    if (idx < count - 1)
                    encode.Append("0 1");
                fn1.Elements["/Bounds"] = new PdfLiteral(bounds.ToString());
                fn1.Elements["/Encode"] = new PdfLiteral(encode.ToString());
    /// <summary>
    /// Builds the shading function of the specified gradient stop collection.
    /// </summary>
    protected PdfDictionary BuildShadingFunction(GradientStopCollection gradients, bool softMask, PdfColorMode colorMode, bool reverse, out PdfDictionary funcReverse)
      PdfDictionary func = new PdfDictionary();
      int count = gradients.Count;
      Debug.Assert(count >= 2);

      if (CanOptimizeForTwoColors(gradients))
        funcReverse = null;

        // Build a Type 3 function with an array of 2 Type 2 functions
        func.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(3);  // Type 3 - Stitching Function
        func.Elements["/Domain"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
        PdfArray fnarray = new PdfArray();
        func.Elements["/Functions"] = fnarray;

        StringBuilder bounds = new StringBuilder("[");
        StringBuilder encode = new StringBuilder("[");

        for (int idx = 1; idx < count; idx++)
          PdfDictionary fn2 = new PdfDictionary();
          fn2.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(2);
          Color clr0 = gradients[idx - 1].Color;
          Color clr1 = gradients[idx].Color;
          if (softMask)
            fn2.Elements["/C0"] = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr0.ScA) + "]");
            fn2.Elements["/C1"] = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr1.ScA) + "]");
            fn2.Elements["/Range"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
            fn2.Elements["/C0"] = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr0, colorMode) + "]");
            fn2.Elements["/C1"] = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr1, colorMode) + "]");
            fn2.Elements["/Range"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1 0 1 0 1]");
          fn2.Elements["/Domain"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
          fn2.Elements["/N"] = new PdfInteger(1);
          if (idx > 1)
            bounds.Append(' ');
            encode.Append(' ');
          if (idx < count - 1)
          encode.Append(reverse ? "1 0" : "0 1");
        func.Elements["/Bounds"] = new PdfLiteral(bounds.ToString());
        func.Elements["/Encode"] = new PdfLiteral(encode.ToString());
#if true
        funcReverse = BuildShadingFunction3(gradients, softMask, colorMode);

        func.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(3);  // Type 3 - Stitching Function
        func.Elements["/Domain"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
        func.Elements["/Encode"] = new PdfLiteral("[1 0]");
        func.Elements["/Bounds"] = new PdfLiteral("[]");
        func.Elements["/Range"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1 0 1 0 1]");
        PdfArray fnarray0 = new PdfArray();
        func.Elements["/Functions"] = fnarray0;

        //        // Build a Type 3 function with an array of n-1 Type 2 functions

        PdfDictionary fn1 = new PdfDictionary();

        func.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(3);  // Type 3 - Stitching Function
        func.Elements["/Domain"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
        func.Elements["/Encode"] = new PdfLiteral("[1 0]");
        func.Elements["/Bounds"] = new PdfLiteral("[]");
        func.Elements["/Range"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1 0 1 0 1]");
        PdfArray fnarray0 = new PdfArray();
        func.Elements["/Functions"] = fnarray0;

        fn1.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(3);  // Type 3 - Stitching Function
        fn1.Elements["/Domain"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
        fn1.Elements["/Range"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1 0 1 0 1]");
        PdfArray fnarray = new PdfArray();
        fn1.Elements["/Functions"] = fnarray;

        StringBuilder bounds = new StringBuilder("[");
        StringBuilder encode = new StringBuilder("[");

        for (int idx = 1; idx < count; idx++)
          PdfDictionary fn2 = new PdfDictionary();
          fn2.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(2);
          Color clr0 = gradients[idx - 1].Color;
          Color clr1 = gradients[idx].Color;
          if (softMask)
            fn2.Elements["/C0"] = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr0.ScA) + "]");
            fn2.Elements["/C1"] = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr1.ScA) + "]");
            fn2.Elements["/Range"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
            fn2.Elements["/C0"] = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr0, colorMode) + "]");
            fn2.Elements["/C1"] = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr1, colorMode) + "]");
            fn2.Elements["/Range"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1 0 1 0 1]");
          fn2.Elements["/Domain"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
          fn2.Elements["/N"] = new PdfInteger(1);
          if (idx > 1)
            bounds.Append(' ');
            encode.Append(' ');
          if (idx < count - 1)
          encode.Append("0 1");
        fn1.Elements["/Bounds"] = new PdfLiteral(bounds.ToString());
        fn1.Elements["/Encode"] = new PdfLiteral(encode.ToString());
      return func;
Пример #19
        PdfShadingPattern BuildPattern(RadialGradientBrush brush, XRect boundingBox, XMatrix transform)
            //  /BBox [0 0 600 760]
            //  /Length 123
            //  /Matrix [0.75 0 0 -0.75 0 480]
            //  /PaintType 1
            //  /PatternType 1
            //  /Resources
            //  <<
            //    /ColorSpace
            //    <<
            //      /CS0 12 0 R
            //      /CS1 12 0 R
            //    >>
            //    /ExtGState
            //    <<
            //      /GS0 10 0 R
            //      /GS1 16 0 R
            //    >>
            //    /Shading
            //    <<
            //      /Sh0 15 0 R
            //    >>
            //  >>
            //  /TilingType 3
            //  /Type /Pattern
            //  /XStep 600
            //  /YStep 1520
            //  /CS0 cs 1 0 0  scn
            //  1 i
            //  /GS0 gs
            //  0 0 600 759.999 re
            //  f
            //  q
            //  0 0 600 760 re
            //  W n
            //  q
            //  0 g
            //  /GS1 gs
            //  1 0 0 0.5 0 0 cm
            //  BX /Sh0 sh EX Q
            //  Q
            XRect   bbox   = new XRect(-600, -700, 1200, 1520); // HACK
            XMatrix matrix = transform;

            double xStep = 600;
            double yStep = 1520; // HACK

            PdfShadingPattern pattern = Context.PdfDocument.Internals.CreateIndirectObject <PdfShadingPattern>();

            pattern.Elements.SetInteger(PdfTilingPattern.Keys.PatternType, 1); // Tiling
            pattern.Elements.SetInteger(PdfTilingPattern.Keys.PaintType, 1);   // Color
            pattern.Elements.SetInteger(PdfTilingPattern.Keys.TilingType, 3);  // Constant spacing and faster tiling
            pattern.Elements.SetMatrix(PdfTilingPattern.Keys.Matrix, matrix);
            pattern.Elements.SetRectangle(PdfTilingPattern.Keys.BBox, new PdfRectangle(bbox));
            pattern.Elements.SetReal(PdfTilingPattern.Keys.XStep, xStep);
            pattern.Elements.SetReal(PdfTilingPattern.Keys.YStep, yStep);

            double dx       = 2 * brush.RadiusX;
            double dy       = 2 * brush.RadiusY;
            XRect  brushBox = new XRect(brush.Center.X - brush.RadiusX, brush.Center.Y - brush.RadiusY, dx, dy);

            Debug.Assert(dx * dy > 0, "Radius is 0.");
            double scaleX, scaleY;

            if (dx > dy)
                scaleX = 1;
                scaleY = dy / dx;
                scaleX = dx / dy;
                scaleY = 1;

            PdfColorMode  colorMode = PdfColorMode.Rgb;
            PdfDictionary funcReflected;
            PdfDictionary funcRegular = BuildShadingFunction(brush.GradientStops, false, colorMode, true, out funcReflected);

            if (brush.SpreadMethod != SpreadMethod.Pad)
                if (CanOptimizeForTwoColors(brush.GradientStops))
                    PdfDictionary dummy;
                    funcReflected = BuildShadingFunction(brush.GradientStops, false, colorMode, false, out dummy);

            //PdfShading shading = BuildShading(brush, scaleX, scaleY);

            int shadingCount = 1;

            if (brush.SpreadMethod != SpreadMethod.Pad)
                // TODO: Calculate number of required shadings
                shadingCount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Max(boundingBox.Width / (2 * brush.RadiusX), boundingBox.Height / (2 * brush.RadiusY)) + 1);

                // HACK: Rule of thumb, better than nothing
                shadingCount *= 2;
            PdfShading[] shadings = new PdfShading[shadingCount];

            // Create the shadings
            for (int idx = 0; idx < shadingCount; idx++)
                PdfShading shading = BuildShading2(brush, scaleX, scaleY, idx,
                                                   brush.SpreadMethod == SpreadMethod.Reflect && idx % 2 == 1 ? funcReflected : funcRegular);
                shadings[idx] = shading;

            PdfContentWriter writer = new PdfContentWriter(Context, pattern);


            // Fill background (even if spread method is not pad)
            writer.WriteLiteral("q /DeviceRGB cs\n");
            //writer.WriteLiteral(PdfEncoders.ToString(clr0, colorMode) + " rg 1 i\n");
            writer.WriteLiteral(PdfEncoders.ToString(brush.GradientStops[brush.GradientStops.Count - 1].Color, PdfColorMode.Rgb) + " rg 1 i\n");
            writer.WriteLiteral("1 i\n");
            PdfExtGState gs = Context.PdfDocument.Internals.CreateIndirectObject <PdfExtGState>();

            writer.WriteLiteral("0 0 600 760 re f\n");
            XMatrix mat = brush.Transform.Matrix;

            if (!mat.IsIdentity)

            // Just work: silly loop thru shadings
            for (int idx = shadingCount - 1; idx >= 0; idx--)
                writer.WriteLiteral("q 0 0 600 760 re W n\n");
                writer.WriteLiteral("q 0 g\n");
                gs = Context.PdfDocument.Internals.CreateIndirectObject <PdfExtGState>();

                XMatrix transformation = new XMatrix(scaleX, 0, 0, scaleY, 0, 0);

                string shName = writer.Resources.AddShading(shadings[idx]);
                writer.WriteLiteral("BX " + shName + " sh EX Q Q\n");

Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Setups the shading from the specified brush.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetupFromBrush(XLinearGradientBrush brush)
            if (brush == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("brush");

            PdfColorMode colorMode = this.document.Options.ColorMode;
            XColor       color1    = ColorSpaceHelper.EnsureColorMode(colorMode, brush.color1);
            XColor       color2    = ColorSpaceHelper.EnsureColorMode(colorMode, brush.color2);

            PdfDictionary function = new PdfDictionary();

            Elements[Keys.ShadingType] = new PdfInteger(2);
            if (colorMode != PdfColorMode.Cmyk)
                Elements[Keys.ColorSpace] = new PdfName("/DeviceRGB");
                Elements[Keys.ColorSpace] = new PdfName("/DeviceCMYK");

            double x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0;

            if (brush.useRect)
                switch (brush.linearGradientMode)
                case XLinearGradientMode.Horizontal:
                    x1 = brush.rect.x;
                    y1 = brush.rect.y;
                    x2 = brush.rect.x + brush.rect.width;
                    y2 = brush.rect.y;

                case XLinearGradientMode.Vertical:
                    x1 = brush.rect.x;
                    y1 = brush.rect.y;
                    x2 = brush.rect.x;
                    y2 = brush.rect.y + brush.rect.height;

                case XLinearGradientMode.ForwardDiagonal:
                    x1 = brush.rect.x;
                    y1 = brush.rect.y;
                    x2 = brush.rect.x + brush.rect.width;
                    y2 = brush.rect.y + brush.rect.height;

                case XLinearGradientMode.BackwardDiagonal:
                    x1 = brush.rect.x + brush.rect.width;
                    y1 = brush.rect.y;
                    x2 = brush.rect.x;
                    y2 = brush.rect.y + brush.rect.height;
                x1 = brush.point1.x;
                y1 = brush.point1.y;
                x2 = brush.point2.x;
                y2 = brush.point2.y;
            Elements[Keys.Coords] = new PdfLiteral("[{0:0.###} {1:0.###} {2:0.###} {3:0.###}]", x1, y1, x2, y2);

            //Elements[Keys.Background] = new PdfRawItem("[0 1 1]");
            //Elements[Keys.Domain] =
            Elements[Keys.Function] = function;
            //Elements[Keys.Extend] = new PdfRawItem("[true true]");

            string clr1 = "[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(color1, colorMode) + "]";
            string clr2 = "[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(color2, colorMode) + "]";

            function.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(2);
            function.Elements["/C0"]           = new PdfLiteral(clr1);
            function.Elements["/C1"]           = new PdfLiteral(clr2);
            function.Elements["/Domain"]       = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
            function.Elements["/N"]            = new PdfInteger(1);
Пример #21
        public void RealizePen(XPen pen, PdfColorMode colorMode)
            XColor color = pen.Color;

            color = ColorSpaceHelper.EnsureColorMode(colorMode, color);

            if (realizedLineWith != pen.width)
                renderer.AppendFormat("{0:0.###} w\n", pen.width);
                realizedLineWith = pen.width;

            if (realizedLineCap != (int)pen.lineCap)
                renderer.AppendFormat("{0} J\n", (int)pen.lineCap);
                realizedLineCap = (int)pen.lineCap;

            if (realizedLineJoin != (int)pen.lineJoin)
                renderer.AppendFormat("{0} j\n", (int)pen.lineJoin);
                realizedLineJoin = (int)pen.lineJoin;

            if (realizedLineCap == (int)XLineJoin.Miter)
                if (realizedMiterLimit != (int)pen.miterLimit && (int)pen.miterLimit != 0)
                    renderer.AppendFormat("{0} M\n", (int)pen.miterLimit);
                    realizedMiterLimit = (int)pen.miterLimit;

            if (realizedDashStyle != pen.dashStyle || pen.dashStyle == XDashStyle.Custom)
                double dot  = pen.Width;
                double dash = 3 * dot;

                // Line width 0 is not recommended but valid
                XDashStyle dashStyle = pen.DashStyle;
                if (dot == 0)
                    dashStyle = XDashStyle.Solid;

                switch (dashStyle)
                case XDashStyle.Solid:
                    renderer.Append("[]0 d\n");

                case XDashStyle.Dash:
                    renderer.AppendFormat("[{0:0.##} {1:0.##}]0 d\n", dash, dot);

                case XDashStyle.Dot:
                    renderer.AppendFormat("[{0:0.##}]0 d\n", dot);

                case XDashStyle.DashDot:
                    renderer.AppendFormat("[{0:0.##} {1:0.##} {1:0.##} {1:0.##}]0 d\n", dash, dot);

                case XDashStyle.DashDotDot:
                    renderer.AppendFormat("[{0:0.##} {1:0.##} {1:0.##} {1:0.##} {1:0.##} {1:0.##}]0 d\n", dash, dot);

                case XDashStyle.Custom:
                    StringBuilder pdf = new StringBuilder("[", 256);
                    int           len = pen.dashPattern == null ? 0 : pen.dashPattern.Length;
                    for (int idx = 0; idx < len; idx++)
                        if (idx > 0)
                            pdf.Append(' ');
                        pdf.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(pen.dashPattern[idx] * pen.width));
                    // Make an even number of values look like in GDI+
                    if (len > 0 && len % 2 == 1)
                        pdf.Append(' ');
                        pdf.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(0.2 * pen.width));
                    pdf.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "]{0:0.###} d\n", pen.dashOffset * pen.width);
                    string pattern = pdf.ToString();

                    // BUG: [email protected] reported a realizing problem
                    // HACK: I romove the if clause
                    //if (this.realizedDashPattern != pattern)
                        realizedDashPattern = pattern;
                realizedDashStyle = dashStyle;

            if (colorMode != PdfColorMode.Cmyk)
                if (realizedStrokeColor.Rgb != color.Rgb)
                    renderer.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(color, PdfColorMode.Rgb));
                    renderer.Append(" RG\n");
                if (!ColorSpaceHelper.IsEqualCmyk(realizedStrokeColor, color))
                    renderer.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(color, PdfColorMode.Cmyk));
                    renderer.Append(" K\n");

            if (renderer.Owner.Version >= 14 && realizedStrokeColor.A != color.A)
                PdfExtGState extGState = renderer.Owner.ExtGStateTable.GetExtGStateStroke(color.A);
                string       gs        = renderer.Resources.AddExtGState(extGState);
                renderer.AppendFormat("{0} gs\n", gs);

                // Must create transparany group
                if (renderer.page != null && color.A < 1)
                    renderer.page.transparencyUsed = true;
            realizedStrokeColor = color;
Пример #22
        public void RealizePen(XPen pen, PdfColorMode colorMode)
            const string frmt2     = Config.SignificantFigures2;
            const string format    = Config.SignificantFigures3;
            XColor       color     = pen.Color;
            bool         overPrint = pen.Overprint;

            color = ColorSpaceHelper.EnsureColorMode(colorMode, color);

            if (_realizedLineWith != pen._width)
                _renderer.AppendFormatArgs("{0:" + format + "} w\n", pen._width);
                _realizedLineWith = pen._width;

            if (_realizedLineCap != (int)pen._lineCap)
                _renderer.AppendFormatArgs("{0} J\n", (int)pen._lineCap);
                _realizedLineCap = (int)pen._lineCap;

            if (_realizedLineJoin != (int)pen._lineJoin)
                _renderer.AppendFormatArgs("{0} j\n", (int)pen._lineJoin);
                _realizedLineJoin = (int)pen._lineJoin;

            if (_realizedLineCap == (int)XLineJoin.Miter)
                if (_realizedMiterLimit != (int)pen._miterLimit && (int)pen._miterLimit != 0)
                    _renderer.AppendFormatInt("{0} M\n", (int)pen._miterLimit);
                    _realizedMiterLimit = (int)pen._miterLimit;

            if (_realizedDashStyle != pen._dashStyle || pen._dashStyle == XDashStyle.Custom)
                double dot  = pen.Width;
                double dash = 3 * dot;

                // Line width 0 is not recommended but valid.
                XDashStyle dashStyle = pen.DashStyle;
                if (dot == 0)
                    dashStyle = XDashStyle.Solid;

                switch (dashStyle)
                case XDashStyle.Solid:
                    _renderer.Append("[]0 d\n");

                case XDashStyle.Dash:
                    _renderer.AppendFormatArgs("[{0:" + frmt2 + "} {1:" + frmt2 + "}]0 d\n", dash, dot);

                case XDashStyle.Dot:
                    _renderer.AppendFormatArgs("[{0:" + frmt2 + "}]0 d\n", dot);

                case XDashStyle.DashDot:
                    _renderer.AppendFormatArgs("[{0:" + frmt2 + "} {1:" + frmt2 + "} {1:" + frmt2 + "} {1:" + frmt2 + "}]0 d\n", dash, dot);

                case XDashStyle.DashDotDot:
                    _renderer.AppendFormatArgs("[{0:" + frmt2 + "} {1:" + frmt2 + "} {1:" + frmt2 + "} {1:" + frmt2 + "} {1:" + frmt2 + "} {1:" + frmt2 + "}]0 d\n", dash, dot);

                case XDashStyle.Custom:
                    StringBuilder pdf = new StringBuilder("[", 256);
                    int           len = pen._dashPattern == null ? 0 : pen._dashPattern.Length;
                    for (int idx = 0; idx < len; idx++)
                        if (idx > 0)
                            pdf.Append(' ');
                        pdf.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(pen._dashPattern[idx] * pen._width));
                    // Make an even number of values look like in GDI+
                    if (len > 0 && len % 2 == 1)
                        pdf.Append(' ');
                        pdf.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(0.2 * pen._width));
                    pdf.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "]{0:" + format + "} d\n", pen._dashOffset * pen._width);
                    string pattern = pdf.ToString();

                    // BUG: [email protected] reported a realizing problem
                    // HACK: I remove the if clause
                    //if (_realizedDashPattern != pattern)
                        _realizedDashPattern = pattern;
                _realizedDashStyle = dashStyle;

            if (colorMode != PdfColorMode.Cmyk)
                if (_realizedStrokeColor.Rgb != color.Rgb)
                    _renderer.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(color, PdfColorMode.Rgb));
                    _renderer.Append(" RG\n");
                if (!ColorSpaceHelper.IsEqualCmyk(_realizedStrokeColor, color))
                    _renderer.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(color, PdfColorMode.Cmyk));
                    _renderer.Append(" K\n");

            if (_renderer.Owner.Version >= 14 && (_realizedStrokeColor.A != color.A || _realizedStrokeOverPrint != overPrint))
                PdfExtGState extGState = _renderer.Owner.ExtGStateTable.GetExtGStateStroke(color.A, overPrint);
                string       gs        = _renderer.Resources.AddExtGState(extGState);
                _renderer.AppendFormatString("{0} gs\n", gs);

                // Must create transparency group.
                if (_renderer._page != null && color.A < 1)
                    _renderer._page.TransparencyUsed = true;
            _realizedStrokeColor     = color;
            _realizedStrokeOverPrint = overPrint;
Пример #23
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts an XColor into a string with up to 3 decimal digits and a decimal point.
    /// </summary>
    public static string ToString(XColor color, PdfColorMode colorMode)
      // If not defined let color decide
      if (colorMode == PdfColorMode.Undefined)
        if (color.ColorSpace == XColorSpace.Cmyk)
          colorMode = PdfColorMode.Cmyk;
          colorMode = PdfColorMode.Rgb;
      switch (colorMode)
        case PdfColorMode.Cmyk:
          return String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.###} {1:0.###} {2:0.###} {3:0.###}",
            color.C, color.M, color.Y, color.K);

          return String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.###} {1:0.###} {2:0.###}",
            color.R / 255.0, color.G / 255.0, color.B / 255.0);
Пример #24
        public void RealizeBrush(XBrush brush, PdfColorMode colorMode, int renderingMode, double fontEmSize)
            // Rendering mode 2 is used for bold simulation.
            // Reference: TABLE 5.3  Text rendering modes / Page 402

            XSolidBrush solidBrush = brush as XSolidBrush;
            if (solidBrush != null)
                XColor color = solidBrush.Color;
                bool overPrint = solidBrush.Overprint;

                if (renderingMode == 0)
                    RealizeFillColor(color, overPrint, colorMode);
                else if (renderingMode == 2)
                    // Come here in case of bold simulation.
                    RealizeFillColor(color, false, colorMode);
                    //color = XColors.Green;
                    RealizePen(new XPen(color, fontEmSize * Const.BoldEmphasis), colorMode);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Only rendering modes 0 and 2 are currently supported.");
                if (renderingMode != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Rendering modes other than 0 can only be used with solid color brushes.");

                XLinearGradientBrush gradientBrush = brush as XLinearGradientBrush;
                if (gradientBrush != null)
                    Debug.Assert(UnrealizedCtm.IsIdentity, "Must realize ctm first.");
                    XMatrix matrix = _renderer.DefaultViewMatrix;
                    PdfShadingPattern pattern = new PdfShadingPattern(_renderer.Owner);
                    pattern.SetupFromBrush(gradientBrush, matrix, _renderer);
                    string name = _renderer.Resources.AddPattern(pattern);
                    _renderer.AppendFormatString("/Pattern cs\n", name);
                    _renderer.AppendFormatString("{0} scn\n", name);

                    // Invalidate fill color.
                    _realizedFillColor = XColor.Empty;
Пример #25
        private void RealizeFillColor(XColor color, bool overPrint, PdfColorMode colorMode)
            color = ColorSpaceHelper.EnsureColorMode(colorMode, color);

            if (colorMode != PdfColorMode.Cmyk)
                if (_realizedFillColor.IsEmpty || _realizedFillColor.Rgb != color.Rgb)
                    _renderer.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(color, PdfColorMode.Rgb));
                    _renderer.Append(" rg\n");
                Debug.Assert(colorMode == PdfColorMode.Cmyk);

                if (_realizedFillColor.IsEmpty || !ColorSpaceHelper.IsEqualCmyk(_realizedFillColor, color))
                    _renderer.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(color, PdfColorMode.Cmyk));
                    _renderer.Append(" k\n");

            if (_renderer.Owner.Version >= 14 && (_realizedFillColor.A != color.A || _realizedNonStrokeOverPrint != overPrint))

                PdfExtGState extGState = _renderer.Owner.ExtGStateTable.GetExtGStateNonStroke(color.A, overPrint);
                string gs = _renderer.Resources.AddExtGState(extGState);
                _renderer.AppendFormatString("{0} gs\n", gs);

                // Must create transparency group.
                if (_renderer._page != null && color.A < 1)
                    _renderer._page.TransparencyUsed = true;
            _realizedFillColor = color;
            _realizedNonStrokeOverPrint = overPrint;
Пример #26
 internal void RealizeNonStrokeTransparency(double transparency, PdfColorMode colorMode)
     XColor color = _realizedFillColor;
     color.A = transparency;
     RealizeFillColor(color, _realizedNonStrokeOverPrint, colorMode);
    //void RealizeImageBrush(ImageBrush brush, XForm xform)

    //void RealizeVisualBrush(VisualBrush brush, XForm xform)

    /// <summary>
    /// Builds the shading function of the specified gradient stop collection.
    /// </summary>
    PdfDictionary BuildShadingFunction(GradientStopCollection gradients, PdfColorMode colorMode)
      bool softMask = this.writer.renderMode == RenderMode.SoftMask;
      PdfDictionary func = new PdfDictionary();
      int count = gradients.Count;
      Debug.Assert(count >= 2);
      if (count == 2)
        // Build one Type 2 function
        func.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(2); // Type 2 - Exponential Interpolation Function
        Color clr0 = gradients[0].Color;
        Color clr1 = gradients[1].Color;
        if (softMask)
          clr0 = Utils.AlphaToGray(clr0);
          clr1 = Utils.AlphaToGray(clr1);
        func.Elements["/C0"] = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr0, colorMode) + "]");
        func.Elements["/C1"] = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr1, colorMode) + "]");
        func.Elements["/Domain"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
        func.Elements["/N"] = new PdfInteger(1); // be linear
        // Build a Type 3 function with an array of n-1 Type 2 functions
        func.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(3); // Type 3 - Stitching Function
        func.Elements["/Domain"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
        PdfArray fnarray = new PdfArray();
        func.Elements["/Functions"] = fnarray;

        StringBuilder bounds = new StringBuilder("[");
        StringBuilder encode = new StringBuilder("[");

        for (int idx = 1; idx < count; idx++)
          PdfDictionary fn2 = new PdfDictionary();
          fn2.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(2);
          Color clr0 = gradients[idx - 1].Color;
          Color clr1 = gradients[idx].Color;
          if (softMask)
            clr0 = Utils.AlphaToGray(clr0);
            clr1 = Utils.AlphaToGray(clr1);
          fn2.Elements["/C0"] = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr0, colorMode) + "]");
          fn2.Elements["/C1"] = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr1, colorMode) + "]");
          fn2.Elements["/Domain"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
          fn2.Elements["/N"] = new PdfInteger(1);
          if (idx > 1)
            bounds.Append(' ');
            encode.Append(' ');
          if (idx < count - 1)
          encode.Append("0 1");
        //encode.Append(" 0 1");
        func.Elements["/Bounds"] = new PdfLiteral(bounds.ToString());
        func.Elements["/Encode"] = new PdfLiteral(encode.ToString());
      return func;
//    void RealizeLinearGradientBrush(LinearGradientBrush brush, XForm xform)
//    {
//      XMatrix matrix = this.currentTransform;
//      PdfShadingPattern pattern = new PdfShadingPattern(this.writer.Owner);
//      pattern.Elements[PdfShadingPattern.Keys.PatternType] = new PdfInteger(2); // shading pattern

//      // Setup shading
//      PdfShading shading = new PdfShading(this.writer.Owner);
//      PdfColorMode colorMode = PdfColorMode.Rgb; //this.document.Options.ColorMode;

//      PdfDictionary function = BuildShadingFunction(brush.GradientStops, colorMode);
//      function.Elements.SetString("/@", "This is the shading function of a LinearGradientBrush");
//      shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Function] = function;

//      shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.ShadingType] = new PdfInteger(2); // Axial shading
//      //if (colorMode != PdfColorMode.Cmyk)
//      shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.ColorSpace] = new PdfName("/DeviceRGB");
//      //else
//      //shading.Elements[Keys.ColorSpace] = new PdfName("/DeviceCMYK");

//      //double x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0;
//      double x1 = brush.StartPoint.X;
//      double y1 = brush.StartPoint.Y;
//      double x2 = brush.EndPoint.X;
//      double y2 = brush.EndPoint.Y;

//      shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Coords] = new PdfLiteral("[{0:0.###} {1:0.###} {2:0.###} {3:0.###}]", x1, y1, x2, y2);

//      // old: Elements[Keys.Background] = new PdfRawItem("[0 1 1]");
//      // old: Elements[Keys.Domain] =
//      shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Extend] = new PdfLiteral("[true true]");

//      // Setup pattern
//      pattern.Elements[PdfShadingPattern.Keys.Shading] = shading;
//      pattern.Elements[PdfShadingPattern.Keys.Matrix] = PdfLiteral.FromMatrix(matrix); // new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(matrix) + "]");

//      string name = this.writer.Resources.AddPattern(pattern);
//      this.writer.WriteLiteral("/Pattern cs\n", name);
//      this.writer.WriteLiteral("{0} scn\n", name);

//      double alpha = brush.Opacity * brush.GradientStops.GetAverageAlpha();
//      if (alpha < 1 && this.writer.renderMode == RenderMode.Default)
//      {
//#if true
//        PdfExtGState extGState = this.writer.Owner.ExtGStateTable.GetExtGStateNonStroke(alpha);
//        string gs = this.writer.Resources.AddExtGState(extGState);
//        this.writer.WriteLiteral("{0} gs\n", gs);
//#if true
//        if (xform == null)
//        {
//          PdfExtGState extGState = this.writer.Owner.ExtGStateTable.GetExtGStateNonStroke(alpha);
//          string gs = this.writer.Resources.AddExtGState(extGState);
//          this.writer.WriteGraphicState(extGState);
//        }
//        else
//        {
//          //PdfFormXObject pdfForm = this.writer.Owner.FormTable.GetForm(form);
//          PdfFormXObject pdfForm = xform.pdfForm;
//          pdfForm.Elements.SetString("/@", "This is the Form XObject of the soft mask");

//          string formName = this.writer.Resources.AddForm(pdfForm);

//          PdfTransparencyGroupAttributes tgAttributes = new PdfTransparencyGroupAttributes(this.writer.Owner);
//          //this.writer.Owner.Internals.AddObject(tgAttributes);
//          tgAttributes.Elements.SetName(PdfTransparencyGroupAttributes.Keys.CS, "/DeviceRGB");

//          // Set reference to transparency group attributes
//          pdfForm.Elements.SetObject(PdfFormXObject.Keys.Group, tgAttributes);
//          pdfForm.Elements[PdfFormXObject.Keys.Matrix] = new PdfLiteral("[1.001 0 0 1.001 0.001 0.001]");

//          PdfSoftMask softmask = new PdfSoftMask(this.writer.Owner);
//          this.writer.Owner.Internals.AddObject(softmask);
//          softmask.Elements.SetString("/@", "This is the soft mask");
//          softmask.Elements.SetName(PdfSoftMask.Keys.S, "/Luminosity");
//          softmask.Elements.SetReference(PdfSoftMask.Keys.G, pdfForm);
//          //pdfForm.Elements.SetName(PdfFormXObject.Keys.Type, "Group");
//          //pdfForm.Elements.SetName(PdfFormXObject.Keys.ss.Ss.Type, "Group");

//          PdfExtGState extGState = new PdfExtGState(this.writer.Owner);
//          this.writer.Owner.Internals.AddObject(extGState);
//          extGState.Elements.SetReference(PdfExtGState.Keys.SMask, softmask);
//          this.writer.WriteGraphicState(extGState);
//        }

//        XForm form = new XForm(this.writer.Owner, 220, 140);
//        XGraphics formGfx = XGraphics.FromForm(form);

//        // draw something
//        //XSolidBrush xbrush = new XSolidBrush(XColor.FromArgb(128, 128, 128));
//        XLinearGradientBrush xbrush = new XLinearGradientBrush(new XPoint(0, 0), new XPoint(220,0), XColors.White, XColors.Black);
//        formGfx.DrawRectangle(xbrush, -10000, -10000, 20000, 20000);
//        //formGfx.DrawString("Text, Graphics, Images, and Forms", new XFont("Verdana", 10, XFontStyle.Regular), XBrushes.Navy, 3, 0, XStringFormat.TopLeft);
//        formGfx.Dispose();

//        // Close form
//        form.Finish();
//        PdfFormXObject pdfForm = this.writer.Owner.FormTable.GetForm(form);
//        string formName = this.writer.Resources.AddForm(pdfForm);

//        //double x = 20, y = 20;
//        //double cx = 1;
//        //double cy = 1;

//        //this.writer.AppendFormat("q {2:0.###} 0 0 -{3:0.###} {0:0.###} {4:0.###} cm 100 Tz {5} Do Q\n",
//        //  x, y, cx, cy, y + 0, formName);

//        //this.writer.AppendFormat("q {2:0.###} 0 0 -{3:0.###} {0:0.###} {4:0.###} cm 100 Tz {5} Do Q\n",
//        //  x, y, cx, cy, y + 220/1.5, formName);

//        PdfTransparencyGroupAttributes tgAttributes = new PdfTransparencyGroupAttributes(this.writer.Owner);
//        this.writer.Owner.Internals.AddObject(tgAttributes);

//        tgAttributes.Elements.SetName(PdfTransparencyGroupAttributes.Keys.CS, "/DeviceRGB");

//        // Set reference to transparency group attributes
//        pdfForm.Elements.SetReference(PdfFormXObject.Keys.Group, tgAttributes);

//        PdfSoftMask softmask = new PdfSoftMask(this.writer.Owner);
//        this.writer.Owner.Internals.AddObject(softmask);
//        softmask.Elements.SetName(PdfSoftMask.Keys.S, "/Luminosity");
//        softmask.Elements.SetReference(PdfSoftMask.Keys.G, pdfForm);
//        //pdfForm.Elements.SetName(PdfFormXObject.Keys.Type, "Group");
//        //pdfForm.Elements.SetName(PdfFormXObject.Keys.ss.Ss.Type, "Group");

//        PdfExtGState extGState = new PdfExtGState(this.writer.Owner);
//        this.writer.Owner.Internals.AddObject(extGState);
//        extGState.Elements.SetReference(PdfExtGState.Keys.SMask, softmask);
//        this.writer.WriteGraphicState(extGState);
//      }
//    }

//    [Obsolete]
//    void RealizeRadialGradientBrush(RadialGradientBrush brush, XForm xform)
//    {
//      XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix(); // this.renderer.defaultViewMatrix;
//      //matrix.MultiplyPrepend(this.Transform);
//      matrix = this.currentTransform;
//      //matrix.MultiplyPrepend(XMatrix.CreateScaling(1.3, 1));
//      PdfShadingPattern pattern = new PdfShadingPattern(this.writer.Owner);
//      pattern.Elements[PdfShadingPattern.Keys.PatternType] = new PdfInteger(2); // shading pattern

//      // Setup shading
//      PdfShading shading = new PdfShading(this.writer.Owner);

//      PdfColorMode colorMode = PdfColorMode.Rgb; //this.document.Options.ColorMode;

//      PdfDictionary function = BuildShadingFunction(brush.GradientStops, colorMode);

//      shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.ShadingType] = new PdfInteger(3); // Radial shading
//      //if (colorMode != PdfColorMode.Cmyk)
//      shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.ColorSpace] = new PdfName("/DeviceRGB");
//      //else
//      //shading.Elements[Keys.ColorSpace] = new PdfName("/DeviceCMYK");

//      double x0 = brush.GradientOrigin.X;
//      double y0 = brush.GradientOrigin.Y;
//      double r0 = 0;
//      double x1 = brush.Center.X;
//      double y1 = brush.Center.Y;
//      double r1 = brush.RadiusX;

//      shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Coords] =
//        new PdfLiteral("[{0:0.###} {1:0.###} {2:0.###} {3:0.###} {4:0.###} {5:0.###}]", x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1);

//      // old: Elements[Keys.Background] = new PdfRawItem("[0 1 1]");
//      // old: Elements[Keys.Domain] =
//      shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Function] = function;
//      shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Extend] = new PdfLiteral("[true true]");

//      // Setup pattern
//      pattern.Elements[PdfShadingPattern.Keys.Shading] = shading;
//      pattern.Elements[PdfShadingPattern.Keys.Matrix] = PdfLiteral.FromMatrix(matrix); // new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(matrix) + "]");

//      string name = this.writer.Resources.AddPattern(pattern);
//      this.writer.WriteLiteral("/Pattern cs\n", name);
//      this.writer.WriteLiteral("{0} scn\n", name);

//      double alpha = brush.Opacity * brush.GradientStops.GetAverageAlpha();
//      if (alpha < 1)
//      {
//#if true
//        PdfExtGState extGState = this.writer.Owner.ExtGStateTable.GetExtGStateNonStroke(alpha);
//        string gs = this.writer.Resources.AddExtGState(extGState);
//        this.writer.WriteLiteral("{0} gs\n", gs);
//        if (xform == null)
//        {
//          PdfExtGState extGState = this.writer.Owner.ExtGStateTable.GetExtGStateNonStroke(alpha);
//          string gs = this.writer.Resources.AddExtGState(extGState);
//          this.writer.WriteGraphicState(extGState);
//        }
//        else
//        {
//          //PdfFormXObject pdfForm = this.writer.Owner.FormTable.GetForm(form);
//          PdfFormXObject pdfForm = xform.pdfForm;
//          pdfForm.Elements.SetString("/@", "This is the Form XObject of the soft mask");

//          string formName = this.writer.Resources.AddForm(pdfForm);

//          PdfTransparencyGroupAttributes tgAttributes = new PdfTransparencyGroupAttributes(this.writer.Owner);
//          //this.writer.Owner.Internals.AddObject(tgAttributes);
//          tgAttributes.Elements.SetName(PdfTransparencyGroupAttributes.Keys.CS, "/DeviceRGB");

//          // Set reference to transparency group attributes
//          pdfForm.Elements.SetObject(PdfFormXObject.Keys.Group, tgAttributes);
//          pdfForm.Elements[PdfFormXObject.Keys.Matrix] = new PdfLiteral("[1.001 0 0 1.001 0.001 0.001]");

//          PdfSoftMask softmask = new PdfSoftMask(this.writer.Owner);
//          this.writer.Owner.Internals.AddObject(softmask);
//          softmask.Elements.SetString("/@", "This is the soft mask");
//          softmask.Elements.SetName(PdfSoftMask.Keys.S, "/Luminosity");
//          softmask.Elements.SetReference(PdfSoftMask.Keys.G, pdfForm);
//          //pdfForm.Elements.SetName(PdfFormXObject.Keys.Type, "Group");
//          //pdfForm.Elements.SetName(PdfFormXObject.Keys.ss.Ss.Type, "Group");

//          PdfExtGState extGState = new PdfExtGState(this.writer.Owner);
//          this.writer.Owner.Internals.AddObject(extGState);
//          extGState.Elements.SetReference(PdfExtGState.Keys.SMask, softmask);
//          this.writer.WriteGraphicState(extGState);
//        }
//      }
//    }

        //void RealizeImageBrush(ImageBrush brush, XForm xform)

        //void RealizeVisualBrush(VisualBrush brush, XForm xform)

        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the shading function of the specified gradient stop collection.
        /// </summary>
        PdfDictionary BuildShadingFunction(GradientStopCollection gradients, PdfColorMode colorMode)
            bool          softMask = this.writer.renderMode == RenderMode.SoftMask;
            PdfDictionary func     = new PdfDictionary();
            int           count    = gradients.Count;

            Debug.Assert(count >= 2);
            if (count == 2)
                // Build one Type 2 function
                func.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(2); // Type 2 - Exponential Interpolation Function
                Color clr0 = gradients[0].Color;
                Color clr1 = gradients[1].Color;
                if (softMask)
                    clr0 = Utils.AlphaToGray(clr0);
                    clr1 = Utils.AlphaToGray(clr1);
                func.Elements["/C0"]     = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr0, colorMode) + "]");
                func.Elements["/C1"]     = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr1, colorMode) + "]");
                func.Elements["/Domain"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
                func.Elements["/N"]      = new PdfInteger(1); // be linear
                // Build a Type 3 function with an array of n-1 Type 2 functions
                func.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(3); // Type 3 - Stitching Function
                func.Elements["/Domain"]       = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
                PdfArray fnarray = new PdfArray();
                func.Elements["/Functions"] = fnarray;

                StringBuilder bounds = new StringBuilder("[");
                StringBuilder encode = new StringBuilder("[");

                for (int idx = 1; idx < count; idx++)
                    PdfDictionary fn2 = new PdfDictionary();
                    fn2.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(2);
                    Color clr0 = gradients[idx - 1].Color;
                    Color clr1 = gradients[idx].Color;
                    if (softMask)
                        clr0 = Utils.AlphaToGray(clr0);
                        clr1 = Utils.AlphaToGray(clr1);
                    fn2.Elements["/C0"]     = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr0, colorMode) + "]");
                    fn2.Elements["/C1"]     = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr1, colorMode) + "]");
                    fn2.Elements["/Domain"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
                    fn2.Elements["/N"]      = new PdfInteger(1);
                    if (idx > 1)
                        bounds.Append(' ');
                        encode.Append(' ');
                    if (idx < count - 1)
                    encode.Append("0 1");
                //encode.Append(" 0 1");
                func.Elements["/Bounds"] = new PdfLiteral(bounds.ToString());
                func.Elements["/Encode"] = new PdfLiteral(encode.ToString());
Пример #29
    public void RealizePen(XPen pen, PdfColorMode colorMode)
      XColor color = pen.Color;
      color = ColorSpaceHelper.EnsureColorMode(colorMode, color);

      if (this.realizedLineWith != pen.width)
        this.renderer.AppendFormat("{0:0.###} w\n", pen.width);
        this.realizedLineWith = pen.width;

      if (this.realizedLineCap != (int)pen.lineCap)
        this.renderer.AppendFormat("{0} J\n", (int)pen.lineCap);
        this.realizedLineCap = (int)pen.lineCap;

      if (this.realizedLineJoin != (int)pen.lineJoin)
        this.renderer.AppendFormat("{0} j\n", (int)pen.lineJoin);
        this.realizedLineJoin = (int)pen.lineJoin;

      if (this.realizedLineCap == (int)XLineJoin.Miter)
        if (this.realizedMiterLimit != (int)pen.miterLimit && (int)pen.miterLimit != 0)
          this.renderer.AppendFormat("{0} M\n", (int)pen.miterLimit);
          this.realizedMiterLimit = (int)pen.miterLimit;

      if (this.realizedDashStyle != pen.dashStyle || pen.dashStyle == XDashStyle.Custom)
        double dot = pen.Width;
        double dash = 3 * dot;

        // Line width 0 is not recommended but valid
        XDashStyle dashStyle = pen.DashStyle;
        if (dot == 0)
          dashStyle = XDashStyle.Solid;

        switch (dashStyle)
          case XDashStyle.Solid:
            this.renderer.Append("[]0 d\n");

          case XDashStyle.Dash:
            this.renderer.AppendFormat("[{0:0.##} {1:0.##}]0 d\n", dash, dot);

          case XDashStyle.Dot:
            this.renderer.AppendFormat("[{0:0.##}]0 d\n", dot);

          case XDashStyle.DashDot:
            this.renderer.AppendFormat("[{0:0.##} {1:0.##} {1:0.##} {1:0.##}]0 d\n", dash, dot);

          case XDashStyle.DashDotDot:
            this.renderer.AppendFormat("[{0:0.##} {1:0.##} {1:0.##} {1:0.##} {1:0.##} {1:0.##}]0 d\n", dash, dot);

          case XDashStyle.Custom:
              StringBuilder pdf = new StringBuilder("[", 256);
              int len = pen.dashPattern == null ? 0 : pen.dashPattern.Length;
              for (int idx = 0; idx < len; idx++)
                if (idx > 0)
                  pdf.Append(' ');
                pdf.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(pen.dashPattern[idx] * pen.width));
              // Make an even number of values look like in GDI+
              if (len > 0 && len % 2 == 1)
                pdf.Append(' ');
                pdf.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(0.2 * pen.width));
              pdf.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "]{0:0.###} d\n", pen.dashOffset * pen.width);
              string pattern = pdf.ToString();

              // BUG: [email protected] reported a realizing problem
              // HACK: I romove the if clause
              //if (this.realizedDashPattern != pattern)
                this.realizedDashPattern = pattern;
        this.realizedDashStyle = dashStyle;

      if (colorMode != PdfColorMode.Cmyk)
        if (this.realizedStrokeColor.Rgb != color.Rgb)
          this.renderer.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(color, PdfColorMode.Rgb));
          this.renderer.Append(" RG\n");
        if (!ColorSpaceHelper.IsEqualCmyk(this.realizedStrokeColor, color))
          this.renderer.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(color, PdfColorMode.Cmyk));
          this.renderer.Append(" K\n");

      if (this.renderer.Owner.Version >= 14 && this.realizedStrokeColor.A != color.A)
        PdfExtGState extGState = this.renderer.Owner.ExtGStateTable.GetExtGStateStroke(color.A);
        string gs = this.renderer.Resources.AddExtGState(extGState);
        this.renderer.AppendFormat("{0} gs\n", gs);

        // Must create transparany group
        if (this.renderer.page != null && color.A < 1)
          this.renderer.page.transparencyUsed = true;
      this.realizedStrokeColor = color;
Пример #30
    public void RealizeBrush(XBrush brush, PdfColorMode colorMode)
      if (brush is XSolidBrush)
        XColor color = ((XSolidBrush)brush).Color;
        color = ColorSpaceHelper.EnsureColorMode(colorMode, color);

        if (colorMode != PdfColorMode.Cmyk)
          if (this.realizedFillColor.Rgb != color.Rgb)
            this.renderer.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(color, PdfColorMode.Rgb));
            this.renderer.Append(" rg\n");
          if (!ColorSpaceHelper.IsEqualCmyk(this.realizedFillColor, color))
            this.renderer.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(color, PdfColorMode.Cmyk));
            this.renderer.Append(" k\n");

        if (this.renderer.Owner.Version >= 14 && this.realizedFillColor.A != color.A)
          PdfExtGState extGState = this.renderer.Owner.ExtGStateTable.GetExtGStateNonStroke(color.A);
          string gs = this.renderer.Resources.AddExtGState(extGState);
          this.renderer.AppendFormat("{0} gs\n", gs);

          // Must create transparany group
          if (this.renderer.page != null && color.A < 1)
            this.renderer.page.transparencyUsed = true;
        this.realizedFillColor = color;
      else if (brush is XLinearGradientBrush)
        XMatrix matrix = this.renderer.defaultViewMatrix;
        PdfShadingPattern pattern = new PdfShadingPattern(this.renderer.Owner);
        pattern.SetupFromBrush((XLinearGradientBrush)brush, matrix);
        string name = this.renderer.Resources.AddPattern(pattern);
        this.renderer.AppendFormat("/Pattern cs\n", name);
        this.renderer.AppendFormat("{0} scn\n", name);

        // Invalidate fill color
        this.realizedFillColor = XColor.Empty;
Пример #31
        public void RealizePen(XPen pen, PdfColorMode colorMode)
            const string frmt2 = Config.SignificantFigures2;
            const string format = Config.SignificantFigures3;
            XColor color = pen.Color;
            bool overPrint = pen.Overprint;
            color = ColorSpaceHelper.EnsureColorMode(colorMode, color);

            if (_realizedLineWith != pen._width)
                _renderer.AppendFormatArgs("{0:" + format + "} w\n", pen._width);
                _realizedLineWith = pen._width;

            if (_realizedLineCap != (int)pen._lineCap)
                _renderer.AppendFormatArgs("{0} J\n", (int)pen._lineCap);
                _realizedLineCap = (int)pen._lineCap;

            if (_realizedLineJoin != (int)pen._lineJoin)
                _renderer.AppendFormatArgs("{0} j\n", (int)pen._lineJoin);
                _realizedLineJoin = (int)pen._lineJoin;

            if (_realizedLineCap == (int)XLineJoin.Miter)
                if (_realizedMiterLimit != (int)pen._miterLimit && (int)pen._miterLimit != 0)
                    _renderer.AppendFormatInt("{0} M\n", (int)pen._miterLimit);
                    _realizedMiterLimit = (int)pen._miterLimit;

            if (_realizedDashStyle != pen._dashStyle || pen._dashStyle == XDashStyle.Custom)
                double dot = pen.Width;
                double dash = 3 * dot;

                // Line width 0 is not recommended but valid.
                XDashStyle dashStyle = pen.DashStyle;
                if (dot == 0)
                    dashStyle = XDashStyle.Solid;

                switch (dashStyle)
                    case XDashStyle.Solid:
                        _renderer.Append("[]0 d\n");

                    case XDashStyle.Dash:
                        _renderer.AppendFormatArgs("[{0:" + frmt2 + "} {1:" + frmt2 + "}]0 d\n", dash, dot);

                    case XDashStyle.Dot:
                        _renderer.AppendFormatArgs("[{0:" + frmt2 + "}]0 d\n", dot);

                    case XDashStyle.DashDot:
                        _renderer.AppendFormatArgs("[{0:" + frmt2 + "} {1:" + frmt2 + "} {1:" + frmt2 + "} {1:" + frmt2 + "}]0 d\n", dash, dot);

                    case XDashStyle.DashDotDot:
                        _renderer.AppendFormatArgs("[{0:" + frmt2 + "} {1:" + frmt2 + "} {1:" + frmt2 + "} {1:" + frmt2 + "} {1:" + frmt2 + "} {1:" + frmt2 + "}]0 d\n", dash, dot);

                    case XDashStyle.Custom:
                            StringBuilder pdf = new StringBuilder("[", 256);
                            int len = pen._dashPattern == null ? 0 : pen._dashPattern.Length;
                            for (int idx = 0; idx < len; idx++)
                                if (idx > 0)
                                    pdf.Append(' ');
                                pdf.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(pen._dashPattern[idx] * pen._width));
                            // Make an even number of values look like in GDI+
                            if (len > 0 && len % 2 == 1)
                                pdf.Append(' ');
                                pdf.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(0.2 * pen._width));
                            pdf.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "]{0:" + format + "} d\n", pen._dashOffset * pen._width);
                            string pattern = pdf.ToString();

                            // BUG: [email protected] reported a realizing problem
                            // HACK: I remove the if clause
                            //if (_realizedDashPattern != pattern)
                                _realizedDashPattern = pattern;
                _realizedDashStyle = dashStyle;

            if (colorMode != PdfColorMode.Cmyk)
                if (_realizedStrokeColor.Rgb != color.Rgb)
                    _renderer.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(color, PdfColorMode.Rgb));
                    _renderer.Append(" RG\n");
                if (!ColorSpaceHelper.IsEqualCmyk(_realizedStrokeColor, color))
                    _renderer.Append(PdfEncoders.ToString(color, PdfColorMode.Cmyk));
                    _renderer.Append(" K\n");

            if (_renderer.Owner.Version >= 14 && (_realizedStrokeColor.A != color.A || _realizedStrokeOverPrint != overPrint))
                PdfExtGState extGState = _renderer.Owner.ExtGStateTable.GetExtGStateStroke(color.A, overPrint);
                string gs = _renderer.Resources.AddExtGState(extGState);
                _renderer.AppendFormatString("{0} gs\n", gs);

                // Must create transparency group.
                if (_renderer._page != null && color.A < 1)
                    _renderer._page.TransparencyUsed = true;
            _realizedStrokeColor = color;
            _realizedStrokeOverPrint = overPrint;
Пример #32
        void RealizeRadialGradientBrush(RadialGradientBrush brush, XForm xform)
            XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix(); // this.renderer.defaultViewMatrix;

            matrix = currentTransform;
            //matrix.MultiplyPrepend(XMatrix.CreateScaling(1.3, 1));
            PdfShadingPattern pattern = new PdfShadingPattern(writer.Owner);

            pattern.Elements[PdfShadingPattern.Keys.PatternType] = new PdfInteger(2); // shading pattern

            // Setup shading
            PdfShading shading = new PdfShading(writer.Owner);

            PdfColorMode colorMode = PdfColorMode.Rgb; //this.document.Options.ColorMode;

            PdfDictionary function = BuildShadingFunction(brush.GradientStops, colorMode);

            shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.ShadingType] = new PdfInteger(3); // Radial shading
            //if (colorMode != PdfColorMode.Cmyk)
            shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.ColorSpace] = new PdfName("/DeviceRGB");
            //shading.Elements[Keys.ColorSpace] = new PdfName("/DeviceCMYK");

            double x0 = brush.GradientOrigin.X;
            double y0 = brush.GradientOrigin.Y;
            double r0 = 0;
            double x1 = brush.Center.X;
            double y1 = brush.Center.Y;
            double r1 = brush.RadiusX;

            shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Coords] =
                new PdfLiteral("[{0:0.###} {1:0.###} {2:0.###} {3:0.###} {4:0.###} {5:0.###}]", x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1);

            // old: Elements[Keys.Background] = new PdfRawItem("[0 1 1]");
            // old: Elements[Keys.Domain] =
            shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Function] = function;
            shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Extend]   = new PdfLiteral("[true true]");

            // Setup pattern
            pattern.Elements[PdfShadingPattern.Keys.Shading] = shading;
            pattern.Elements[PdfShadingPattern.Keys.Matrix]  = PdfLiteral.FromMatrix(matrix); // new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(matrix) + "]");

            string name = writer.Resources.AddPattern(pattern);

            writer.WriteLiteral("/Pattern cs\n", name);
            writer.WriteLiteral("{0} scn\n", name);

            double alpha = brush.Opacity * brush.GradientStops.GetAverageAlpha();

            if (alpha < 1)
#if true
                PdfExtGState extGState = writer.Owner.ExtGStateTable.GetExtGStateNonStroke(alpha);
                string       gs        = writer.Resources.AddExtGState(extGState);
                writer.WriteLiteral("{0} gs\n", gs);
                if (xform == null)
                    PdfExtGState extGState = this.writer.Owner.ExtGStateTable.GetExtGStateNonStroke(alpha);
                    string       gs        = this.writer.Resources.AddExtGState(extGState);
                    //PdfFormXObject pdfForm = this.writer.Owner.FormTable.GetForm(form);
                    PdfFormXObject pdfForm = xform.pdfForm;
                    pdfForm.Elements.SetString("/@", "This is the Form XObject of the soft mask");

                    string formName = this.writer.Resources.AddForm(pdfForm);

                    PdfTransparencyGroupAttributes tgAttributes = new PdfTransparencyGroupAttributes(this.writer.Owner);
                    tgAttributes.Elements.SetName(PdfTransparencyGroupAttributes.Keys.CS, "/DeviceRGB");

                    // Set reference to transparency group attributes
                    pdfForm.Elements.SetObject(PdfFormXObject.Keys.Group, tgAttributes);
                    pdfForm.Elements[PdfFormXObject.Keys.Matrix] = new PdfLiteral("[1.001 0 0 1.001 0.001 0.001]");

                    PdfSoftMask softmask = new PdfSoftMask(this.writer.Owner);
                    softmask.Elements.SetString("/@", "This is the soft mask");
                    softmask.Elements.SetName(PdfSoftMask.Keys.S, "/Luminosity");
                    softmask.Elements.SetReference(PdfSoftMask.Keys.G, pdfForm);
                    //pdfForm.Elements.SetName(PdfFormXObject.Keys.Type, "Group");
                    //pdfForm.Elements.SetName(PdfFormXObject.Keys.ss.Ss.Type, "Group");

                    PdfExtGState extGState = new PdfExtGState(this.writer.Owner);
                    extGState.Elements.SetReference(PdfExtGState.Keys.SMask, softmask);
    PdfDictionary BuildShadingFunction3(GradientStopCollection gradients, bool softMask, PdfColorMode colorMode)
      int count = gradients.Count;
      Debug.Assert(count >= 2);

      //        // Build a Type 3 function with an array of n-1 Type 2 functions

      PdfDictionary fn1 = new PdfDictionary();

      fn1.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(3);  // Type 3 - Stitching Function
      fn1.Elements["/Domain"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
      fn1.Elements["/Range"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1 0 1 0 1]");
      PdfArray fnarray = new PdfArray();
      fn1.Elements["/Functions"] = fnarray;

      StringBuilder bounds = new StringBuilder("[");
      StringBuilder encode = new StringBuilder("[");

      for (int idx = 1; idx < count; idx++)
        PdfDictionary fn2 = new PdfDictionary();
        fn2.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(2);
        Color clr0 = gradients[idx - 1].Color;
        Color clr1 = gradients[idx].Color;
        if (softMask)
          fn2.Elements["/C0"] = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr0.ScA) + "]");
          fn2.Elements["/C1"] = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr1.ScA) + "]");
          fn2.Elements["/Range"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
          fn2.Elements["/C0"] = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr0, colorMode) + "]");
          fn2.Elements["/C1"] = new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(clr1, colorMode) + "]");
          fn2.Elements["/Range"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1 0 1 0 1]");
        fn2.Elements["/Domain"] = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
        fn2.Elements["/N"] = new PdfInteger(1);
        if (idx > 1)
          bounds.Append(' ');
          encode.Append(' ');
        if (idx < count - 1)
        encode.Append("0 1");
      fn1.Elements["/Bounds"] = new PdfLiteral(bounds.ToString());
      fn1.Elements["/Encode"] = new PdfLiteral(encode.ToString());

      return fn1;
Пример #34
    public static string InappropriateColorSpace(PdfColorMode colorMode, XColorSpace colorSpace)
      string mode;
      switch (colorMode)
        case PdfColorMode.Rgb:
          mode = "RGB";

        case PdfColorMode.Cmyk:
          mode = "CMYK";

          mode = "(undefined)";

      string space;
      switch (colorSpace)
        case XColorSpace.Rgb:
          space = "RGB";

        case XColorSpace.Cmyk:
          space = "CMYK";

        case XColorSpace.GrayScale:
          space = "grayscale";

          space = "(undefined)";
      return String.Format("The document requires color mode {0}, but a color is defined using {1}. " +
        "Use only colors that match the color mode of the PDF document", mode, space);
Пример #35
        void RealizeLinearGradientBrush(LinearGradientBrush brush, XForm xform)
            XMatrix           matrix  = currentTransform;
            PdfShadingPattern pattern = new PdfShadingPattern(writer.Owner);

            pattern.Elements[PdfShadingPattern.Keys.PatternType] = new PdfInteger(2); // shading pattern

            // Setup shading
            PdfShading   shading   = new PdfShading(writer.Owner);
            PdfColorMode colorMode = PdfColorMode.Rgb; //this.document.Options.ColorMode;

            PdfDictionary function = BuildShadingFunction(brush.GradientStops, colorMode);

            function.Elements.SetString("/@", "This is the shading function of a LinearGradientBrush");
            shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Function] = function;

            shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.ShadingType] = new PdfInteger(2); // Axial shading
            //if (colorMode != PdfColorMode.Cmyk)
            shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.ColorSpace] = new PdfName("/DeviceRGB");
            //shading.Elements[Keys.ColorSpace] = new PdfName("/DeviceCMYK");

            //double x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0;
            double x1 = brush.StartPoint.X;
            double y1 = brush.StartPoint.Y;
            double x2 = brush.EndPoint.X;
            double y2 = brush.EndPoint.Y;

            shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Coords] = new PdfLiteral("[{0:0.###} {1:0.###} {2:0.###} {3:0.###}]", x1, y1, x2, y2);

            // old: Elements[Keys.Background] = new PdfRawItem("[0 1 1]");
            // old: Elements[Keys.Domain] =
            shading.Elements[PdfShading.Keys.Extend] = new PdfLiteral("[true true]");

            // Setup pattern
            pattern.Elements[PdfShadingPattern.Keys.Shading] = shading;
            pattern.Elements[PdfShadingPattern.Keys.Matrix]  = PdfLiteral.FromMatrix(matrix); // new PdfLiteral("[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(matrix) + "]");

            string name = writer.Resources.AddPattern(pattern);

            writer.WriteLiteral("/Pattern cs\n", name);
            writer.WriteLiteral("{0} scn\n", name);

            double alpha = brush.Opacity * brush.GradientStops.GetAverageAlpha();

            if (alpha < 1 && writer.renderMode == RenderMode.Default)
#if true
                PdfExtGState extGState = writer.Owner.ExtGStateTable.GetExtGStateNonStroke(alpha);
                string       gs        = writer.Resources.AddExtGState(extGState);
                writer.WriteLiteral("{0} gs\n", gs);
#if true
                if (xform == null)
                    PdfExtGState extGState = this.writer.Owner.ExtGStateTable.GetExtGStateNonStroke(alpha);
                    string       gs        = this.writer.Resources.AddExtGState(extGState);
                    //PdfFormXObject pdfForm = this.writer.Owner.FormTable.GetForm(form);
                    PdfFormXObject pdfForm = xform.pdfForm;
                    pdfForm.Elements.SetString("/@", "This is the Form XObject of the soft mask");

                    string formName = this.writer.Resources.AddForm(pdfForm);

                    PdfTransparencyGroupAttributes tgAttributes = new PdfTransparencyGroupAttributes(this.writer.Owner);
                    tgAttributes.Elements.SetName(PdfTransparencyGroupAttributes.Keys.CS, "/DeviceRGB");

                    // Set reference to transparency group attributes
                    pdfForm.Elements.SetObject(PdfFormXObject.Keys.Group, tgAttributes);
                    pdfForm.Elements[PdfFormXObject.Keys.Matrix] = new PdfLiteral("[1.001 0 0 1.001 0.001 0.001]");

                    PdfSoftMask softmask = new PdfSoftMask(this.writer.Owner);
                    softmask.Elements.SetString("/@", "This is the soft mask");
                    softmask.Elements.SetName(PdfSoftMask.Keys.S, "/Luminosity");
                    softmask.Elements.SetReference(PdfSoftMask.Keys.G, pdfForm);
                    //pdfForm.Elements.SetName(PdfFormXObject.Keys.Type, "Group");
                    //pdfForm.Elements.SetName(PdfFormXObject.Keys.ss.Ss.Type, "Group");

                    PdfExtGState extGState = new PdfExtGState(this.writer.Owner);
                    extGState.Elements.SetReference(PdfExtGState.Keys.SMask, softmask);
                XForm     form    = new XForm(this.writer.Owner, 220, 140);
                XGraphics formGfx = XGraphics.FromForm(form);

                // draw something
                //XSolidBrush xbrush = new XSolidBrush(XColor.FromArgb(128, 128, 128));
                XLinearGradientBrush xbrush = new XLinearGradientBrush(new XPoint(0, 0), new XPoint(220, 0), XColors.White, XColors.Black);
                formGfx.DrawRectangle(xbrush, -10000, -10000, 20000, 20000);
                //formGfx.DrawString("Text, Graphics, Images, and Forms", new XFont("Verdana", 10, XFontStyle.Regular), XBrushes.Navy, 3, 0, XStringFormat.TopLeft);

                // Close form
                PdfFormXObject pdfForm  = this.writer.Owner.FormTable.GetForm(form);
                string         formName = this.writer.Resources.AddForm(pdfForm);

                //double x = 20, y = 20;
                //double cx = 1;
                //double cy = 1;

                //this.writer.AppendFormat("q {2:0.###} 0 0 -{3:0.###} {0:0.###} {4:0.###} cm 100 Tz {5} Do Q\n",
                //  x, y, cx, cy, y + 0, formName);

                //this.writer.AppendFormat("q {2:0.###} 0 0 -{3:0.###} {0:0.###} {4:0.###} cm 100 Tz {5} Do Q\n",
                //  x, y, cx, cy, y + 220/1.5, formName);

                PdfTransparencyGroupAttributes tgAttributes = new PdfTransparencyGroupAttributes(this.writer.Owner);

                tgAttributes.Elements.SetName(PdfTransparencyGroupAttributes.Keys.CS, "/DeviceRGB");

                // Set reference to transparency group attributes
                pdfForm.Elements.SetReference(PdfFormXObject.Keys.Group, tgAttributes);

                PdfSoftMask softmask = new PdfSoftMask(this.writer.Owner);
                softmask.Elements.SetName(PdfSoftMask.Keys.S, "/Luminosity");
                softmask.Elements.SetReference(PdfSoftMask.Keys.G, pdfForm);
                //pdfForm.Elements.SetName(PdfFormXObject.Keys.Type, "Group");
                //pdfForm.Elements.SetName(PdfFormXObject.Keys.ss.Ss.Type, "Group");

                PdfExtGState extGState = new PdfExtGState(this.writer.Owner);
                extGState.Elements.SetReference(PdfExtGState.Keys.SMask, softmask);
Пример #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Setups the shading from the specified brush.
        /// </summary>
        internal void SetupFromBrush(XLinearGradientBrush brush, XGraphicsPdfRenderer renderer)
            if (brush == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("brush");

            PdfColorMode colorMode = _document.Options.ColorMode;
            XColor       color1    = ColorSpaceHelper.EnsureColorMode(colorMode, brush._color1);
            XColor       color2    = ColorSpaceHelper.EnsureColorMode(colorMode, brush._color2);

            PdfDictionary function = new PdfDictionary();

            Elements[Keys.ShadingType] = new PdfInteger(2);
            if (colorMode != PdfColorMode.Cmyk)
                Elements[Keys.ColorSpace] = new PdfName("/DeviceRGB");
                Elements[Keys.ColorSpace] = new PdfName("/DeviceCMYK");

            double x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0;

            if (brush._useRect)
                XPoint pt1 = renderer.WorldToView(brush._rect.TopLeft);
                XPoint pt2 = renderer.WorldToView(brush._rect.BottomRight);

                switch (brush._linearGradientMode)
                case XLinearGradientMode.Horizontal:
                    x1 = pt1.X;
                    y1 = pt1.Y;
                    x2 = pt2.X;
                    y2 = pt1.Y;

                case XLinearGradientMode.Vertical:
                    x1 = pt1.X;
                    y1 = pt1.Y;
                    x2 = pt1.X;
                    y2 = pt2.Y;

                case XLinearGradientMode.ForwardDiagonal:
                    x1 = pt1.X;
                    y1 = pt1.Y;
                    x2 = pt2.X;
                    y2 = pt2.Y;

                case XLinearGradientMode.BackwardDiagonal:
                    x1 = pt2.X;
                    y1 = pt1.Y;
                    x2 = pt1.X;
                    y2 = pt2.Y;
                XPoint pt1 = renderer.WorldToView(brush._point1);
                XPoint pt2 = renderer.WorldToView(brush._point2);

                x1 = pt1.X;
                y1 = pt1.Y;
                x2 = pt2.X;
                y2 = pt2.Y;

            const string format = Config.SignificantFigures3;

            Elements[Keys.Coords] = new PdfLiteral("[{0:" + format + "} {1:" + format + "} {2:" + format + "} {3:" + format + "}]", x1, y1, x2, y2);

            //Elements[Keys.Background] = new PdfRawItem("[0 1 1]");
            //Elements[Keys.Domain] =
            Elements[Keys.Function] = function;
            //Elements[Keys.Extend] = new PdfRawItem("[true true]");

            string clr1 = "[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(color1, colorMode) + "]";
            string clr2 = "[" + PdfEncoders.ToString(color2, colorMode) + "]";

            function.Elements["/FunctionType"] = new PdfInteger(2);
            function.Elements["/C0"]           = new PdfLiteral(clr1);
            function.Elements["/C1"]           = new PdfLiteral(clr2);
            function.Elements["/Domain"]       = new PdfLiteral("[0 1]");
            function.Elements["/N"]            = new PdfInteger(1);
Пример #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts an XColor into a string with up to 3 decimal digits and a decimal point.
        /// </summary>
        public static string ToString(XColor color, PdfColorMode colorMode)
            const string format = Config.SignificantFigures3;

            // If not defined let color decide
            if (colorMode == PdfColorMode.Undefined)
                colorMode = color.ColorSpace == XColorSpace.Cmyk ? PdfColorMode.Cmyk : PdfColorMode.Rgb;

            switch (colorMode)
                case PdfColorMode.Cmyk:
                    return String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:" + format + "} {1:" + format + "} {2:" + format + "} {3:" + format + "}",
                      color.C, color.M, color.Y, color.K);

                    return String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:" + format + "} {1:" + format + "} {2:" + format + "}",
                      color.R / 255.0, color.G / 255.0, color.B / 255.0);