Пример #1
 public ListModel(IJsonSerializer jsonSerializer, PayrunAppService payrunAppService, IRepository <DictionaryValue, Guid> dicValuesRepo, SocialInsuranceSetupAppService socialInsuranceAppService)
     JsonSerializer            = jsonSerializer;
     PayrunAppService          = payrunAppService;
     DicValuesRepo             = dicValuesRepo;
     SocialInsuranceAppService = socialInsuranceAppService;
Пример #2
 public ListModel(IJsonSerializer jsonSerializer, PayrunAppService payrunAppService, IRepository <PayrunDetail, int> payrunDetailsRepo, CompanyAppService CompanyAppService, EmployeeAppService employeeAppService, IRepository <DictionaryValue, Guid> dicValuesRepo, documentAppService documentAppService, TimesheetAppService timesheetAppService, IWebHostEnvironment webHostEnvironment)
     JsonSerializer           = jsonSerializer;
     PayrunAppService         = payrunAppService;
     PayrunDetailsRepo        = payrunDetailsRepo;
     CompanyAppService        = CompanyAppService;
     EmployeeAppService       = employeeAppService;
     DicValuesRepo            = dicValuesRepo;
     this.documentAppService  = documentAppService;
     this.timesheetAppService = timesheetAppService;
     this.webHostEnvironment  = webHostEnvironment;
Пример #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnGet()
            payrun = await PayrunAppService.GetAsync(payrunId.Value);

            if (payrun != null)
                List <PayrunDetail_Dto> payrunDetails = payrun.PayrunDetails.ToList();

                for (int i = 0; i < payrunDetails.Count; i++)
                    PayrunDetail_Dto curDetail        = payrunDetails[i];
                    dynamic          paymentSlipDSRow = PayrollService.GetPaymentSheet(curDetail, JsonSerializer);
                    paymentSlipDSRow.isPosted = payrun.IsPSPosted;

                    dynamicDSS = JsonSerializer.Serialize(dynamicDS);
Пример #4
 public PayrunIndemnityModel(IJsonSerializer jsonSerializer, PayrunAppService payrunAppService, IRepository <DictionaryValue, Guid> dicValuesRepo)
     JsonSerializer   = jsonSerializer;
     PayrunAppService = payrunAppService;
     DicValuesRepo    = dicValuesRepo;
Пример #5
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostGenerate(int month, int year)
                Guid       CompanyId      = CompanyAppService.Repository.First().Id;
                Payrun_Dto payrunPrevious = PayrunAppService.GetPayrun(month - 1, year, CompanyId);
                Payrun_Dto payrun         = PayrunAppService.GetPayrun(month, year, CompanyId);
                bool       exists         = payrun != null;

                //List<Employee_Dto> employees = EmployeeAppService.GetAllEmployees().Where(x => x.EmployeeStatus.Key != AppSettings.TerminatedEmployeeStatusKey).ToList();

                //List<PayrunDetail_Dto> payrunDetails = new List<PayrunDetail_Dto>();

                //DateTime curDateTime = new DateTime(year, month, DateTime.Now.Day);
                //for (int i = 0; i < employees.Count; i++)
                //    bool isNewEmployee = false;

                //    Employee_Dto curEmployee = employees[i];
                //    PayrunDetail_Dto empPayrunDetailPrevious = payrunPrevious == null ? null : payrunPrevious.PayrunDetails.SingleOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeId == curEmployee.Id);
                //    Timesheet_Dto empTimesheet = null;
                //    try
                //    {
                //        empTimesheet = timesheetAppService.GetTimesheet(year, month, curEmployee.Id);
                //    }
                //    catch (Exception ex)
                //    {
                //        return new NotFoundObjectResult(new { message = $"Timesheet of the employee {curEmployee.Name} for the period {month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')}/{year.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')}<br/>doesn't exist." });
                //    }
                //    if (empTimesheet == null)
                //    {
                //        return new BadRequestObjectResult(new { message = $"Timesheet of the employee {curEmployee.Name}<br/>for the period {month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')}/{year.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')}<br/>doesn't exist." });
                //    }
                //    isNewEmployee = payrunPrevious != null && empPayrunDetailPrevious == null;

                //    PayrunDetail_Dto empPayrunDetail = new PayrunDetail_Dto();
                //    empPayrunDetail.PayrunAllowancesSummaries = new List<PayrunAllowanceSummary_Dto>();

                //    empPayrunDetail.Year = year;
                //    empPayrunDetail.Month = month;
                //    empPayrunDetail.EmployeeId = curEmployee.Id;
                //    empPayrunDetail.EmployeeTimesheetId = empTimesheet.Id;

                //    //Gross Variables
                //    decimal grossEarnings = 0;
                //    decimal grossDeductions = 0;

                //    FinancialDetails financialDetails = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<FinancialDetails>(curEmployee.ExtraProperties["financialDetails"].ToString());
                //    financialDetails.Initialize(DicValuesRepo);

                //    //Calculate Basic Salary
                //    double curBasicSalary = financialDetails.GetBasicSalaryAt(curDateTime);
                //    empPayrunDetail.BasicSalary = (decimal)curBasicSalary;
                //    grossEarnings += empPayrunDetail.BasicSalary;

                //    //Calculate Allowances
                //    List<AllowanceRDTO> allowances = financialDetails.GetActiveAllowncesAt(curDateTime);
                //    for (int j = 0; j < allowances.Count; j++)
                //    {
                //        PayrunAllowanceSummary_Dto payrunAllowanceSummaryPrevious = empPayrunDetailPrevious == null ? null : empPayrunDetailPrevious.PayrunAllowancesSummaries.SingleOrDefault(x => x.AllowanceTypeId == allowances[i].AllowanceTypeId);

                //        PayrunAllowanceSummary_Dto payrunAllowanceSummary = new PayrunAllowanceSummary_Dto();

                //        payrunAllowanceSummary.Value = (decimal)allowances[j].Amount;
                //        payrunAllowanceSummary.AllowanceTypeId = allowances[j].AllowanceTypeId;
                //        payrunAllowanceSummary.EmployeeId = curEmployee.Id;

                //        if (payrunAllowanceSummaryPrevious != null)
                //        {
                //            if (payrunAllowanceSummary.Value > payrunAllowanceSummaryPrevious.Value)
                //            {
                //                decimal allowanceDiff = payrunAllowanceSummary.Value - payrunAllowanceSummaryPrevious.Value;
                //                payrunAllowanceSummary.Value = allowanceDiff;

                //                grossEarnings += payrunAllowanceSummary.Value;
                //            }
                //            else
                //            {
                //                decimal allowanceDiff = payrunAllowanceSummaryPrevious.Value - payrunAllowanceSummary.Value;
                //                payrunAllowanceSummary.Value = allowanceDiff;

                //                grossDeductions += payrunAllowanceSummary.Value;
                //            }
                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            grossEarnings += payrunAllowanceSummary.Value;
                //        }

                //        empPayrunDetail.PayrunAllowancesSummaries.Add(payrunAllowanceSummary);
                //    }

                //    //Calculate GOSI
                //    decimal gosiAmount = 0;
                //    DictionaryValue_Dto employeeType = curEmployee.EmployeeType;
                //    if (employeeType.Key == AppSettings.PermanantEmployeeTypeKey.ToString())
                //    {
                //        if (curEmployee.Nationality.Value.Contains("Saudi") || curEmployee.Nationality.Value.Contains("KSA"))
                //        {
                //            double gosi10Perc = curBasicSalary / 100 * 10;
                //            double gosi11Perc = curBasicSalary / 100 * 11;
                //            //empPayrunDetail.BasicSalary -= (decimal)gosi10Perc;

                //            gosiAmount = (decimal)(gosi11Perc - gosi10Perc);
                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            double gosi2Perc = curBasicSalary / 100 * 2;
                //            //double gosi11Perc = curBasicSalary / 100 * 11;
                //            //empPayrunDetail.BasicSalary -= (decimal)gosi2Perc;

                //            gosiAmount = (decimal)gosi2Perc;
                //        }
                //    }
                //    empPayrunDetail.GOSIAmount = gosiAmount;
                //    grossDeductions += gosiAmount;

                //    empPayrunDetail.GrossEarnings = grossEarnings;
                //    empPayrunDetail.GrossDeductions = grossDeductions;
                //    empPayrunDetail.NetAmount = grossEarnings - grossDeductions;

                //    empPayrunDetail.DifferAmount = empPayrunDetail.NetAmount;

                //    empPayrunDetail.Indemnity = empPayrunDetail.GetIndemnity();

                //    payrunDetails.Add(empPayrunDetail);

                //if (payrun == null) payrun = new Payrun_Dto();

                ////payrunDetails.ForEach(x => x.Indemnity = x.GetIndemnity());
                //payrun.PayrunDetails = payrunDetails;
                //payrun.Year = year;
                //payrun.Month = month;
                //payrun.CompanyId = CompanyId;

                //payrun.TotalEarnings = payrunDetails.Sum(x => x.GrossEarnings);
                //payrun.TotalDeductions = payrunDetails.Sum(x => x.GrossDeductions);
                //payrun.NetTotal = payrun.TotalEarnings - payrun.TotalDeductions;

                //Payrun_Dto payrunGenerated = null;
                //if (!exists)
                //    payrunGenerated = await PayrunAppService.CreateAsync(payrun);
                ////    payrunGenerated = await PayrunAppService.UpdateAsync(payrun.Id, payrun);

                //return new JsonResult(payrunGenerated);
                return(new JsonResult(new { }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new StatusCodeResult(500));