public PaymentModel MCashPayment(PaymentModel objPaymentModel) { try { PaymentLogic objPaymentLogic = new PaymentLogic(); McashIntegration mcashIntegration = new McashIntegration(); //objPaymentModel = new PaymentModel(); //objPaymentModel.PayableAmount = "100"; //objPaymentModel.TransactionNo = "T2404201876575765"; //objPaymentModel.ProposalNo = "50125759"; //objPaymentModel.McashPin = "0000"; //objPaymentModel.McashMobile = "0718929748"; //objPaymentModel.Mobile = "0712911111"; //mcashIntegration.PayUtilitiesDirect(objPaymentModel); if (mcashIntegration.PayUtilitiesDirect(objPaymentModel)) { objPaymentModel = objPaymentLogic.SaveProposalPaymentInfo(objPaymentModel); } return(objPaymentModel); } catch (Exception ex) { log4net.GlobalContext.Properties["ErrorCode"] = Codes.GetErrorCode(); Logger.Error(ex); objPaymentModel.Message = "Error"; objPaymentModel.Error.ErrorMessage = "Something went wrong. Please contact the admin, your reference code : " + objPaymentModel.Error.ErrorCode; return(objPaymentModel); } }
public void GetAllPaymentsByStudentOnlySubscription() { AddTestSubscription(); PaymentLogic paymentLogic = new PaymentLogic(); Assert.IsTrue(paymentLogic.GetAllPaymentsByStudent(GetLastStudentInDB()).Count == 1); }
public void GetAllPaymentsByStudentOnlyActivityPayment() { AddActivityPayment(); PaymentLogic paymentLogic = new PaymentLogic(); Assert.IsTrue(paymentLogic.GetAllPaymentsByStudent(GetLastStudentInDB()).Count == 1); }
public void GetAllPaymentsOnlySubscriptions() { AddTestSubscription(); PaymentLogic paymentLogic = new PaymentLogic(); Assert.IsTrue(paymentLogic.GetAllPayments().Count == 1); }
public FormPay(RouteLogic routeLogic, PaymentLogic paymentLogic, ReserveLogic reserveLogic) { _routeLogic = routeLogic; _paymentLogic = paymentLogic; _reserveLogic = reserveLogic; InitializeComponent(); }
public PaymentBaseController(IConfiguration configuration, IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) { _configuration = configuration; _hostingEnvironment = hostingEnvironment; _loggerFactory = loggerFactory; _payment = new PaymentLogic(configuration, hostingEnvironment, _loggerFactory); }
static void Main(string[] args) { PaymentLogic calc = new PaymentLogic(); calc.CalculatePayments(); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void GetAllPaymentsByStudentEmpty() { AddTestSubscription(); PaymentLogic paymentLogic = new PaymentLogic(); Student newStudent = new Student(); Assert.IsTrue(paymentLogic.GetAllPaymentsByStudent(newStudent).Count == 0); }
public MainController(RequestLogic request, WorkLogic work, RequestLogic main, PaymentLogic payment, CostLogic cost) { _request = request; _work = work; _main = main; _payment = payment; _cost = cost; }
protected BaseController() { Logger = LogManager.GetLogger(GetType()); Database = new OpaContext(); PersonHelper = new PersonLogic(Database); UserHelper = new UserLogic(Database, PersonHelper); PaymentHelper = new PaymentLogic(Database, PersonHelper); ContactHelper = new ContactLogic(Database); FinancialHelper = new FinancialLogic(Database); }
public void LoadConsultPaymentsByStudent(object selected, ListBox listBox) { Student selectedStudent = selected as Student; PaymentLogic logic = new PaymentLogic(); foreach (var item in logic.GetAllPaymentsByStudent(selectedStudent)) { listBox.Items.Add(item); } }
public void CreatePremium(PolicyRenewalModel renewal) { ImisPayment payment = new ImisPayment(_configuration, _hostingEnvironment, _loggerFactory); var paymentLogic = new PaymentLogic(_configuration, _hostingEnvironment, _loggerFactory); if (_configuration.GetValue <bool>("PaymentGateWay:CreatePremiumOnPaymentReceived")) { int paymentId = payment.GetPaymentId(renewal.ControlNumber); _ = paymentLogic.CreatePremium(paymentId); } }
public void TestRemainingPrice() { //Arrange decimal price = 30; decimal value = 10.50m; //Act decimal expectedResult = 19.50m; decimal result = new PaymentLogic().RemainingPrice(value, price); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, result); }
public PaymentModel SavePGTransaction(PaymentModel objPaymentModel) { try { PaymentLogic objPaymentLogic = new PaymentLogic(); objPaymentModel = objPaymentLogic.SavePGTransaction(objPaymentModel); } catch (Exception ex) { log4net.GlobalContext.Properties["ErrorCode"] = objPaymentModel.Error.ErrorCode = Codes.GetErrorCode(); Logger.Error(ex); objPaymentModel.Error.ErrorMessage = "Something went wrong. Please contact the admin, your reference code : " + objPaymentModel.Error.ErrorCode; } return(objPaymentModel); }
public void CreatePremium(EnrolFamilyModel model) { ImisPayment payment = new ImisPayment(_configuration, _hostingEnvironment, _loggerFactory); PaymentLogic paymentLogic = new PaymentLogic(_configuration, _hostingEnvironment, _loggerFactory); if (_configuration.GetValue <bool>("PaymentGateWay:CreatePremiumOnPaymentReceived")) { foreach (var family in model.Family) { foreach (var policy in family.Policies) { int paymentId = payment.GetPaymentId(policy.ControlNumber); _ = paymentLogic.CreatePremium(paymentId); } } } }
public ActionResult CheckValue() { string valuestring = Request["value"]; decimal value = decimal.Parse(valuestring); CinemaViewModel model = (CinemaViewModel)TempData["model"]; if (model == null) { model = new CinemaViewModel(); } if (model.LoggedInCashRegister == false) { return(RedirectToAction("GiftCardPayment", "Payment", new { error = "Log in om deze pagina te bezoeken." })); } decimal price = model.GetTotalPriceForAllTickets(); if (value > price) { decimal remainingvalue = new PaymentLogic().RemainingValue(value, price); if (remainingvalue > 5) { ViewBag.todo = "Het resterende bedrag op de bon is €" + remainingvalue + ". Gelieve dit bedrag op de bon te noteren voor toekomstig gebruik."; } else { ViewBag.todo = "Het resterende bedrag op de bon is €" + remainingvalue + ". Gelieve dit bedrag contant terug te geven en de bon weg te gooien."; } } else { decimal remainingprice = new PaymentLogic().RemainingPrice(value, price); ViewBag.todo = "Het resterende bedrag na inlevering van de bon is €" + remainingprice + ". Gelieve dit bedrag contant af te handelen."; } TempData["model"] = model; return(View("GiftCardPayment", model)); }
public void TestFindCard() { //Arrange int code = 12345; List <TenRidesCard> cards = new List <TenRidesCard> { new TenRidesCard { CardCode = 12345, Rides = 10 } }; //Act TenRidesCard expResult = cards[0]; TenRidesCard result = new PaymentLogic().FindCard(code, cards); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(expResult, result); }
public PaymentModel SaveProposalPaymentInfo(PaymentModel objPaymentModel) { try { PaymentLogic objPaymentLogic = new PaymentLogic(); return(objPaymentLogic.SaveProposalPaymentInfo(objPaymentModel)); } catch (Exception ex) { log4net.GlobalContext.Properties["ErrorCode"] = Codes.GetErrorCode(); Logger.Error(ex); if (objPaymentModel.Message == "Success") { objPaymentModel.Message = "Success"; } return(objPaymentModel); } }
public Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context) { var model = new MatchModel { internal_identifier = 0, audit_user_id = 0 }; try { var payment = new PaymentLogic(_configuration, _hostingEnvironment, _loggerFactory); var response = payment.MatchPayment(model); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Task.FromException(ex)); } return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public ActionResult TenRideCardCheck() { string valuestring = Request["code"]; int code; int.TryParse(valuestring, out code); CinemaViewModel model = (CinemaViewModel)TempData["model"]; if (model == null) { model = new CinemaViewModel(); } if (model.LoggedInCashRegister == false) { return(RedirectToAction("TenRideCardPayment", "Payment", new { error = "Log in om deze pagina te bezoeken." })); } List <TenRidesCard> cards = TenRideRepo.GetCards().ToList(); // Check the remaining rides on the card TenRidesCard foundCard = new PaymentLogic().FindCard(code, cards); if (foundCard == null) { return(RedirectToAction("TenRideCardPayment", "Payment", new { error = "Er kon geen kaart gevonden worden met deze code" })); } int rides = foundCard.Rides; int totalTickets = model.GetAllTicketsQuantity(); if (rides > totalTickets) { int remaingRides = rides - totalTickets; var context = new EFDbContext(); var CardToBeChanged = context.TenRidesCards.SingleOrDefault(c => c.CardCode == code); CardToBeChanged.Rides = remaingRides; context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("TenRideCardPayment", "Payment", new { confirmation = "Betaling succesvol, de kaart heeft nog " + remaingRides + " ritten beschikbaar." })); } if (rides == totalTickets) { var context = new EFDbContext(); context.TenRidesCards.Remove(foundCard); context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("TenRideCardPayment", "Payment", new { confirmation = "Betaling succesvol, het aantal ritten op deze kaart zijn nu verbruikt." })); } else { var context = new EFDbContext(); context.TenRidesCards.Remove(foundCard); context.SaveChanges(); int remainingTickets = totalTickets - rides; return(RedirectToAction("TenRideCardPayment", "Payment", new { confirmation = "De kaart is volledig verbruikt (" + rides + " ritten). Er dienen nog " + remainingTickets + " kaartjes afgerekend te worden." })); } }
/// <summary> /// The menu using object of PaymentLogic class, /// switch to ability to choose the prefered item. /// </summary> private static void PaymentBusinessLogicMenu() { PaymentLogic paymLogic = new PaymentLogic(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Choose an action:"); Console.WriteLine("1) List all payment"); Console.WriteLine("2) Update payment"); Console.WriteLine("3) Create new payment"); Console.WriteLine("4) Delete payment"); Console.WriteLine("5) Show payment's commission to the agency"); Console.WriteLine("6) Show average commissions per payment"); Console.Write("\r\nSelect an option: "); switch (Console.ReadLine()) { case "1": Console.WriteLine("Table payment:"); foreach (Payment item in paymLogic.GetAllPayments().ToList()) { Console.WriteLine($"pay_id: {item.PayId}, pay_amount: {item.PayAmount}, pay_applicant_id: {item.PayApplId}, pay_result:{item.PayIspayed}"); } Console.ReadLine(); break; case "2": Console.WriteLine("Update payment:"); Console.WriteLine("Write Id of payment:"); int payId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Write new price amount for a visa:"); int amount = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); paymLogic.ChangePriceAmount(payId, amount); Console.WriteLine("Changes done!"); break; case "3": try { Console.WriteLine("Create new payment:"); Console.WriteLine("write new id :"); int id = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Write existing tourist id:"); int tourId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Write existing agency id:"); int agenId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter amount of money that visa costs: "); int money = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter if amount is [payed] or [not payed]: "); string payorNot = Console.ReadLine(); paymLogic.CreateNewPayment(id, tourId, agenId, money, payorNot); Console.WriteLine("Agency created successfully!"); } catch (Exception ex) { string message = string.Empty; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; if (ex is FormatException) { message = " Incorrect form"; } else { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } Console.WriteLine(message); } break; case "4": Console.WriteLine("Delete payment by id:"); Console.WriteLine("Write payment id:"); int takeId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); paymLogic.RemoveOldPayment(takeId); Console.WriteLine("Payment deleted successfully!"); break; case "5": Console.WriteLine("Show payment's commission"); var commisions = paymLogic.GetPaymentCommissions(); foreach (var comm in commisions) { Console.WriteLine($" Commission: {comm.AmountOfCommission}, IsPayed:{comm.IsPaid} "); } Console.WriteLine("task output:"); Task <IList <PaymentCommission> > paymentTask = paymLogic.GetPaymentCommissionAsync(); paymentTask.Wait(); if (paymentTask.IsCompletedSuccessfully) { foreach (var task in paymentTask.Result) { Console.WriteLine($" Commission: {task.AmountOfCommission}, IsPayed:{task.IsPaid} "); } } Console.ReadLine(); break; case "6": Console.WriteLine("Show average payment's commission of the agencies"); var comAvg = paymLogic.GetPaymentAverageCommissions(); foreach (var co in comAvg) { Console.WriteLine($" By Companies who: {co.IsPaid}, AvgCommissions:{co.AmountOfCommission} $"); } Console.WriteLine("task output:"); Task <IList <PaymentCommission> > payAvgComTask = paymLogic.GetPaymentAverageCommissionsAsync(); payAvgComTask.Wait(); if (payAvgComTask.IsCompletedSuccessfully) { foreach (var task in payAvgComTask.Result) { Console.WriteLine($" By Companies who: {task.IsPaid}, AvgCommissions:{task.AmountOfCommission} $"); } } Console.ReadLine(); break; } }
public frmPayment(Invoice invoice) { InitializeComponent(); payment = new PaymentLogic(new UnitOfWork()); this.invoice = invoice; }
public PaymentLogicTests() { paymentLogic = new PaymentLogic(); }
public void TestPaymentCommission() { Mock <IPaymentRepository> mockPayRepo = new Mock <IPaymentRepository>(MockBehavior.Loose); Mock <IAgencyRepository> mockAgenRepo = new Mock <IAgencyRepository>(MockBehavior.Loose); Mock <IApplicantRepository> mockAppRepo = new Mock <IApplicantRepository>(MockBehavior.Loose); List <Payment> listPay = new List <Payment>() { new Payment() { PayId = 1, PayAgenId = 1, PayApplId = 2, PayAmount = 50, PayIspayed = "payed" }, new Payment() { PayId = 2, PayAgenId = 2, PayApplId = 3, PayAmount = 100, PayIspayed = "not payed" }, new Payment() { PayId = 3, PayAgenId = 3, PayApplId = 1, PayAmount = 100, PayIspayed = "payed" }, new Payment() { PayId = 4, PayAgenId = 7, PayApplId = 4, PayAmount = 60, PayIspayed = "not payed" }, new Payment() { PayId = 5, PayAgenId = 5, PayApplId = 5, PayAmount = 130, PayIspayed = "payed" }, new Payment() { PayId = 6, PayAgenId = 7, PayApplId = 8, PayAmount = 67, PayIspayed = "payed" }, new Payment() { PayId = 7, PayAgenId = 6, PayApplId = 10, PayAmount = 60, PayIspayed = "payed" }, new Payment() { PayId = 8, PayAgenId = 4, PayApplId = 6, PayAmount = 40, PayIspayed = "not payed" }, new Payment() { PayId = 9, PayAgenId = 5, PayApplId = 7, PayAmount = 10, PayIspayed = "not payed" }, new Payment() { PayId = 10, PayAgenId = 5, PayApplId = 9, PayAmount = 41, PayIspayed = "payed" }, }; List <Agency> listAgency = new List <Agency>() { new Agency() { AgenId = 1, AgenName = "PegasTouristic" }, new Agency() { AgenId = 2, AgenName = "AmediaTour" }, new Agency() { AgenId = 3, AgenName = "StarTravel" }, new Agency() { AgenId = 7, AgenName = "PortalAsia" }, new Agency() { AgenId = 5, AgenName = "TravelAround" }, new Agency() { AgenId = 6, AgenName = "AhmadTravel" }, new Agency() { AgenId = 4, AgenName = "CCUnated" }, }; List <Applicant> listApplicant = new List <Applicant>() { new Applicant() { ApplId = 2 }, new Applicant() { ApplId = 3 }, new Applicant() { ApplId = 1 }, new Applicant() { ApplId = 4 }, new Applicant() { ApplId = 5 }, new Applicant() { ApplId = 8 }, new Applicant() { ApplId = 10 }, new Applicant() { ApplId = 6 }, new Applicant() { ApplId = 7 }, new Applicant() { ApplId = 9 }, }; List <PaymentCommission> expectedExten = new List <PaymentCommission>() { new PaymentCommission() { AmountOfCommission = 6, IsPaid = "payed" }, new PaymentCommission() { AmountOfCommission = 2, IsPaid = "not payed" }, }; mockPayRepo.Setup(repo => repo.GetAll()).Returns(listPay.AsQueryable); mockAppRepo.Setup(repo => repo.GetAll()).Returns(listApplicant.AsQueryable); mockAgenRepo.Setup(repo => repo.GetAll()).Returns(listAgency.AsQueryable); PaymentLogic logic = new PaymentLogic(mockAppRepo.Object, mockAgenRepo.Object, mockPayRepo.Object); var result = logic.GetPaymentCommissions(); Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(expectedExten)); mockPayRepo.Verify(repo => repo.GetAll(), Times.Once); }
private void SendSMS(ImisPayment payment) { var paymentLogic = new PaymentLogic(_configuration, _hostingEnvironment, _loggerFactory); paymentLogic.ControlNumberAssignedSms(payment); }
public FormThirdReq(EmployeeLogic employeeLogic, PaymentLogic paymentLogic) { InitializeComponent(); this.employeeLogic = employeeLogic; this.paymentLogic = paymentLogic; }
public PaymentsController(PaymentLogic paymentLogic, LessonLogic lessonLogic) { _paymentLogic = paymentLogic; _lessonLogic = lessonLogic; }
public PaymentController(PaymentLogic payment) { _payment = payment; }
public FormPayments(PaymentLogic logic) { InitializeComponent(); this.logic = logic; }