Пример #1
        public void PaymentInstallmentConstructorTest()
            ushort             number = 0; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            PaymentInstallment target = new PaymentInstallment(number);

            Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: Implement code to verify target");
Пример #2
        public void NumberTest()
            PaymentInstallment target = new PaymentInstallment();             // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            ushort             actual;

            actual = target.Number;
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
Пример #3
        public void DueDateTest()
            PaymentInstallment target   = new PaymentInstallment(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            DateTime           expected = new DateTime();           // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            DateTime           actual;

            target.DueDate = expected;
            actual         = target.DueDate;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
Пример #4
        public void IncludesDateTest1()
            PaymentInstallment target = new PaymentInstallment(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            DateTime           date   = new DateTime();           // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            bool expected             = false;                    // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            bool actual;

            actual = target.IncludesDate(date);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
Пример #5
        public void AmountPaidTest()
            PaymentInstallment target   = new PaymentInstallment();     // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            Nullable <uint>    expected = new Nullable <uint>();        // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            Nullable <uint>    actual;

            target.AmountPaid = expected;
            actual            = target.AmountPaid;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
Пример #6
        /// <overview>
        /// Called by the ASP.NET page framework to notify server controls that use composition-based implementation to create any child controls they contain in preparation for posting back or rendering.
        /// </overview>
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            _plan = PaymentPlan.GetPaymentPlan(CPProfile.Cid, CPProfile.ElectionCycle);
            if (_plan == null)
            CultureInfo        enCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US");
            Table              table;
            bool               altColor;
            PaymentInstallment current = _plan.Schedule.Current;

            // overview
            // overview: next payment
            Panel overview = MakeSectionPanel(Properties.Resources.OverviewTitle);

            overview.CssClass += " cp-PaymentPlanOverviewPanel";
            table              = MakeSectionTable();
            table.CssClass    += " cp-leftcolumn";
                               "Next due date",
                               (current == null) ? "(n/a)" : current.DueDate.ToString(Properties.Resources.DateFormat)
                               "Payment amount:",
                               (current == null) ? "(n/a)" : current.AmountDue.ToString("C", enCulture)
            // overview: plan dates
            table           = MakeSectionTable();
            table.CssClass += " cp-leftcolumn";
                               "Initial payment:",
                               "Final payment:",
            // overview: totals
            table = MakeSectionTable();
                               "Total amount:",
                               _plan.Total.ToString("C", enCulture)
                               "Amount outstanding:",
                               _plan.GetBalance().ToString("C", enCulture)
            if (_plan.PastDueBalance > 0)
                table.Rows.Add(MakeLabeledDataRow("Balance past due:", _plan.PastDueBalance.ToString("C", enCulture)));

            // schedule
            Panel schedule = MakeSectionPanel(Properties.Resources.ScheduleTitle);

            schedule.CssClass += " cp-PaymentPlanSchedulePanel";
            table              = MakeSectionTable();
            table.Rows.Add(MakeHeaderRow("Payment Schedule", "Start Date", "End Date"));
            foreach (PaymentPlanSummary summary in _plan.Summaries)
                                   string.Format("{0} {1} {2} of {3}", summary.PaymentCount, CPConvert.ToString(_plan.Period),
                                                 (summary.PaymentCount > 0) ? "payments" : "payment",
                                                 summary.PeriodPaymentAmount.ToString("C", enCulture)), summary.FirstPaymentDate.ToString(Properties.Resources.DateFormat), summary.FinalPaymentDueDate.ToString(Properties.Resources.DateFormat)

            // balances
            Panel balances = MakeSectionPanel(Properties.Resources.BalancesTitle);

            balances.CssClass += " cp-PaymentPlanBalancesPanel";
            table              = MakeSectionTable();
            table.Rows.Add(MakeHeaderRow("Payment #", "Due Date", "Amount Due", "Amount Paid"));
            altColor = false;
            foreach (PaymentInstallment installment in _plan.Installments)
                uint?amountPaid = installment.AmountPaid;
                                           installment.AmountDue.ToString("C", enCulture),
                                           (amountPaid == null) ? "--" : ((uint)amountPaid).ToString("C", enCulture)

            // history
            Panel history = MakeSectionPanel(Properties.Resources.HistoryTitle);

            history.CssClass += " cp-PaymentPlanHistoryPanel";
            table             = MakeSectionTable();
            table.Rows.Add(MakeHeaderRow("Date", "Amount"));
            altColor = false;
            foreach (PlanPayment payment in _plan.Payments)
                                           payment.Amount.ToString("C", enCulture)
                altColor = !altColor;

            _container          = new Panel();
            _container.CssClass = "PaymentPlanWebPart";
            balances.CssClass += " cp-leftcolumn";
Пример #7
        public void PaymentInstallmentConstructorTest1()
            PaymentInstallment target = new PaymentInstallment();

            Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: Implement code to verify target");
Пример #8
        public static ClientOrder GetSampleOrder()
            ClientOrder client_order = new ClientOrder();

            ReportConfig report_config = new ReportConfig();

            report_config.disclaimer   = "We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this tax information.  However, due to the frequency with which municipalities revise their fees and other specifications, we cannot assume liability for any discrepancy in the taxes.  In the event that tax amounts have changed, please notify us so we can update our records.  Possible revenue bond charges for sewer and water pursuant to state statutes and local ordinances when connection to the system is made by the owner.  The exact current and continuing charges depend on all the facts.  Contact local officials for details.  This report is based on best available information at the time.  This is for informational purposes only and will not appear on title policy.\r\nPatent Pending ";
            client_order.report_config = report_config;

            ClientConfig client_config = new ClientConfig();

            client_config.base_path    = @"D:\Programming\0_crap\";
            client_config.report_name  = "Tax_Research.xlsx";
            client_config.logo         = @"D:\Programming\0_crap\logo.jpg";
            client_order.client_config = client_config;

            ParcelInformation parcel = new ParcelInformation();

            parcel.client_po_number   = "U NTN-ARS-12345";
            parcel.researcher         = "erice";
            parcel.owner_1            = "Buddy Rice";
            parcel.owner_2            = "Ashley Gonzalez";
            parcel.address            = "427 8th Ave N";
            parcel.city               = "Saint Petersburg";
            parcel.state              = "FL";
            parcel.zip_code           = "33701";
            parcel.county             = "PINELLAS";
            parcel.searched_address   = "427 8th Ave N";
            parcel.searched_city      = "Saint Petersburg";
            parcel.searched_state     = "FL";
            parcel.searched_zip_code  = "33701";
            parcel.assessed_owner_1   = "Buddy Rice";
            parcel.assessed_owner_2   = "Ashley Gonzalez";
            parcel.parcel_number      = "18-31-17-77814-001-0060";
            parcel.effective_date     = DateTime.Parse("2018-05-01");
            parcel.legal_desc         = "SAFFORD'S ADD REVISED BLK 1, E 75FT OF LOTS 6 AND 7";
            parcel.class_code         = "Apartments (10 units to 49 units)";
            parcel.assessed_valuation = 408980.00M;

            TaxAuthorityPaymentRecord payment_record = new TaxAuthorityPaymentRecord();

            payment_record.tax_type        = "County";
            payment_record.additional_data = "";
            payment_record.research_notes  = "";
            payment_record.lump_sum        = 1;
            payment_record.ex_homestead    = 0;
            payment_record.ex_disabled     = 0;
            payment_record.ex_veteran      = 1;
            payment_record.ex_mortgage     = 0;
            payment_record.ex_star         = 0;
            payment_record.ex_elderly      = 0;
            payment_record.ex_other        = string.Empty;
            payment_record.assessed_value  = 408980.00M;
            payment_record.land_value      = 225600.00M;
            payment_record.improved_value  = 45100.00M;
            payment_record.unincorporated  = 0;
            payment_record.lawsuit         = string.Empty;
            payment_record.lawsuit_case    = string.Empty;

            TaxAuthority tax_authority = new TaxAuthority();

            tax_authority.name               = "Pinellas County Tax Collector";
            tax_authority.payment_name       = "Pinellas County Tax Collector";
            tax_authority.current_tax_year   = "2018";
            tax_authority.discounts          = "N/A";
            tax_authority.duplicate_bill_fee = 5.00M;
            tax_authority.fiscal_year        = "2018";
            tax_authority.payment_address_1  = "1800 66th Street North";
            tax_authority.payment_address_2  = "suite ABC";
            tax_authority.payment_city       = "St.Petersburg";
            tax_authority.payment_state      = "FL";
            tax_authority.payment_zip        = "33710";
            tax_authority.payment_phone      = "(727)123-4567";
            tax_authority.payment_ext        = "9876";
            tax_authority.schedule           = "Annually";
            tax_authority.ta_other_notes     = "Pinellas County is the only taxing authority for this property.\n\nPinellas County collects annually due by 7/15 with an option to pay in installments due by 7/15, 10/15, 1/15 & 4/15.\n\nThere is a 10 day grace period for installment 1 only.\n\nPINELLAS COUNTY DOES NOT PROVIDE PAID DATES; PAYMENTS ARE PROCESSED AS PAID TIMELY BY THE DUE DATE.";
            payment_record.tax_authority     = tax_authority;

            TaxInformation tax_info = new TaxInformation();

            tax_info.jurisdiction_name = "Pinellas County Tax Collector";
            tax_info.jurisdiction_type = "County";
            tax_info.tax_rate          = 0.00M;
            tax_info.exemptions        = "Veterine Exemption";
            tax_info.milage_rate       = 22.0150M;
            tax_info.milage_next_due   = DateTime.Parse("2018-12-01");

            PaymentInstallment install_1 = new PaymentInstallment();

            install_1.amount_due        = 0.00M;
            install_1.paid              = 2459.89M;
            install_1.base_amount       = 2459.89M;
            install_1.date_due          = DateTime.Parse("2017-12-31");
            install_1.date_good_thru    = DateTime.Parse("2018-02-28");
            install_1.date_paid         = DateTime.Parse("2018-02-01");
            install_1.delinquent_amount = 0.00M;
            install_1.install           = 1;
            install_1.is_delinquent     = 0;
            install_1.is_estimate       = 0;
            install_1.is_exempt         = 0;
            install_1.is_partial        = 0;
            install_1.one_month         = 0.00M;
            install_1.two_month         = 0.00M;

            PaymentInstallment install_2 = new PaymentInstallment();

            install_2.amount_due        = 0.00M;
            install_2.paid              = 2459.89M;
            install_2.base_amount       = 2459.89M;
            install_2.date_due          = DateTime.Parse("2017-12-31");
            install_2.date_good_thru    = DateTime.Parse("2018-02-01");
            install_2.date_paid         = DateTime.Parse("2018-02-01");
            install_2.delinquent_amount = 0.00M;
            install_2.install           = 2;
            install_2.is_delinquent     = 0;
            install_2.is_estimate       = 0;
            install_2.is_exempt         = 0;
            install_2.is_partial        = 0;
            install_2.one_month         = 0.00M;
            install_2.two_month         = 0.00M;

            PaymentInstallment install_3 = new PaymentInstallment();

            install_3.amount_due        = 0.00M;
            install_3.paid              = 2459.89M;
            install_3.base_amount       = 2459.89M;
            install_3.date_due          = DateTime.Parse("2017-12-31");
            install_3.date_good_thru    = DateTime.Parse("2018-02-01");
            install_3.date_paid         = DateTime.Parse("2018-02-01");
            install_3.delinquent_amount = 0.00M;
            install_3.install           = 3;
            install_3.is_delinquent     = 0;
            install_3.is_estimate       = 0;
            install_3.is_exempt         = 0;
            install_3.is_partial        = 0;
            install_3.one_month         = 0.00M;
            install_3.two_month         = 0.00M;

            PaymentInstallment install_4 = new PaymentInstallment();

            install_4.amount_due        = 2459.89M;
            install_4.base_amount       = 2459.89M;
            install_4.date_due          = DateTime.Parse("2017-12-31");
            install_4.date_good_thru    = DateTime.Parse("2018-02-01");
            install_4.date_paid         = DateTime.MinValue;
            install_4.delinquent_amount = 0.00M;
            install_4.install           = 4;
            install_4.is_delinquent     = 1;
            install_4.is_estimate       = 0;
            install_4.is_exempt         = 0;
            install_4.is_partial        = 0;
            install_4.one_month         = 0.00M;
            install_4.two_month         = 0.00M;

            payment_record.tax_information = tax_info;
