public void ProduceOfferReturnsCorrectResult(
            LoanType loanType,
            int term,
            PaymentFrequency frequency)
            var sut         = new DesiredLoanMortgageApplicationProcessor();
            var application = new MortgageApplication
                DesiredLoanType  = loanType,
                DesiredTerm      = term,
                DesiredFrequency = frequency

            var actual = sut.ProduceOffer(application);

            var expected = new IRendering[]
                new Heading2Rendering("Desired loan"),
                new BoldRendering("Loan type:"),
                new TextRendering(" " + loanType),
                new LineBreakRendering(),
                new BoldRendering("Term:"),
                new TextRendering(" " + term + " years."),
                new LineBreakRendering(),
                new BoldRendering("Frequency:"),
                new TextRendering(" " + frequency),
                new LineBreakRendering()

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void ProduceOfferReturnsCorrectResult(
            LoanType loanType,
            int term,
            PaymentFrequency frequency)
            var sut = new DesiredLoanMortgageApplicationProcessor();
            var application = new MortgageApplication
                DesiredLoanType = loanType,
                DesiredTerm = term,
                DesiredFrequency = frequency

            var actual = sut.ProduceOffer(application);

            var expected = new IRendering[]
                new Heading2Rendering("Desired loan"),
                new BoldRendering("Loan type:"),
                new TextRendering(" " + loanType),
                new LineBreakRendering(),
                new BoldRendering("Term:"),
                new TextRendering(" " + term + " years."),
                new LineBreakRendering(),
                new BoldRendering("Frequency:"),
                new TextRendering(" " + frequency),
                new LineBreakRendering()
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The yield calculated using the "book" value of the bond in place of the current market price.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="notional"></param>
        /// <param name="couponRate"></param>
        /// <param name="paymentFrequency"></param>
        /// <param name="evaluationDate"></param>
        /// <param name="paymentDates"></param>
        /// <param name="purchasePrice"></param>
        /// <param name="purchaseDate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double BookYield(double notional, double couponRate, PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency, DateTime evaluationDate, DateTime[] paymentDates, double purchasePrice, DateTime purchaseDate)
            DateTime maturityDate = paymentDates[paymentDates.Length - 1];
            double   bv           = BookValue(notional, purchasePrice, purchaseDate, evaluationDate, maturityDate);

            return(Yield(notional, couponRate, paymentFrequency, evaluationDate, paymentDates, bv));
Пример #4
        internal static PaymentFrequency SelectPaymentFrequency(string frequencyMonths)
            PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency = null;

            StringBuilder SqlStatement = new StringBuilder();

            //SQL Statement =============================================================
            SqlStatement.Append("Select * From PaymentFrequencies ");
            SqlStatement.Append("Where PaymentFrequencyMonths='");

            //SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(SqlStatement.ToString(), Sahara.Core.Settings.Azure.Databases.DatabaseConnections.AccountsSqlConnection);
            SqlCommand sqlCommand = Settings.Azure.Databases.DatabaseConnections.AccountsSqlConnection.CreateCommand();

            sqlCommand.CommandText = SqlStatement.ToString();

            SqlDataReader reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReaderWithRetry();

            while (reader.Read())
                paymentFrequency = Transforms.Transforms.DataReader_to_PaymentFrequency(reader);


Пример #5
        public static double Yield(double notional, double couponRate, PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency, DateTime evaluationDate, DateTime[] paymentDates, double price)
            double T = (paymentDates.Last() - evaluationDate).Days / CalendarDaysPerYear;

            if (paymentFrequency == 0)
                return(Math.Pow(notional / price, 1.0 / T) - 1.0);

            const double tolerance = 0.00001;
            const int    maxLoops  = 16;

            //Initial estimate for yield is based on first order Taylor expansion and annual frequency.
            double c = couponRate * notional;
            double y = (notional + T * c - price) / (price + (T - 1) * (notional + 0.5 * T * c));

            double impliedPrice = PresentValue(notional, couponRate, paymentFrequency, evaluationDate, paymentDates, y);

            int nLoops = 0;

            while (Math.Abs(impliedPrice - price) > tolerance)
                if (nLoops > maxLoops)
                    throw new Exception("Yield did not converge.");
                double dollarDur = DollarDuration(notional, couponRate, paymentFrequency, evaluationDate, paymentDates, y);
                y            = y - (impliedPrice - price) / dollarDur;
                impliedPrice = PresentValue(notional, couponRate, paymentFrequency, evaluationDate, paymentDates, y);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// ([Price minus] + [Price plus]  - 2 x [Price zero]) / ([Price zero] x dY^2).
        /// [Price zero] is the present value of the bond evaluate at the current yield.
        /// [Price minus] and [Price plus] are the present value calculate using (yield - dY) and (yield + dY), respectively.
        /// dY = 0.0001
        /// </summary>
        public static double EffectiveConvexity(double notional, double couponRate, PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency, DateTime evaluationDate, DateTime[] paymentDates, double yield)
            double pZero = PresentValue(notional, couponRate, paymentFrequency, evaluationDate, paymentDates, yield);
            double pPlus = PresentValue(notional, couponRate, paymentFrequency, evaluationDate, paymentDates, yield + 0.0001);
            double pMinu = PresentValue(notional, couponRate, paymentFrequency, evaluationDate, paymentDates, yield - 0.0001);

            return(100000000 * (pMinu + pPlus - 2 * pZero) / (pZero));
 public static List <AmortizationScheduleItem> GenerateAmortizationSchedule(
     Loan loan,
     PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency,
     PaymentType paymentType,
     int term
     throw new System.NotImplementedException();
Пример #8
		public Scenario(string title, string subTitle, bool isDepleting, CompoundingFrequency compoundingFrequency, PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency, PeriodFrequency periodFrequency)
			Title = title;
			SubTitle = subTitle;
			IsDepleting = isDepleting;
			CompoundingFrequency = compoundingFrequency;
			PaymentFrequency = paymentFrequency;
			PeriodFrequency = periodFrequency;
Пример #9
        public PaymentFrequency FindPaymentFrequencyByName(string paymentFrequencyName)
            PaymentFrequency f1 = _context.PaymentFrequencies.Where(x => x.PaymentFrequencyName.ToUpper().StartsWith(paymentFrequencyName.ToUpper())).FirstOrDefault();
            PaymentFrequency f2 = (from cf in _context.PaymentFrequencies
                                   where cf.PaymentFrequencyName.ToUpper().StartsWith(paymentFrequencyName.ToUpper())
                                   select cf).FirstOrDefault();

Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// -(d[present value] / d[yield]) x (1/[present value])
        /// </summary>
        public static double ModifiedDuration(double couponRate, PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency, DateTime evaluationDate, DateTime[] paymentDates, double yield)
            //Note: Modified duration does not depend on the notional of the bond. Both dVdY and pv are proportional to the notional.
            //As long as we use the same notional in both formulas, the final result will be the same.
            double dVdY = DollarDuration(100.00, couponRate, paymentFrequency, evaluationDate, paymentDates, yield);
            double pv   = PresentValue(100.00, couponRate, paymentFrequency, evaluationDate, paymentDates, yield);

            return(-dVdY / pv);
Пример #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Azonos nagyságú törlesztőrészletek esetére
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="instalmentsCount">A törlesztések száma</param>
 /// <param name="instalment">Egy törlesztő részlet mértéke</param>
 /// <param name="paymentFrequency">Törlesztés gyakorisága. Pl.: heti,havi</param>
 public ThmCalculation(int instalmentsCount, double instalment, PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency)
     this.instalment       = instalment;
     this.paymentFrequency = paymentFrequency;
     this.instalments      = new double[instalmentsCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < this.instalments.Length; i++)
         this.instalments[i] = instalment;
Пример #12
        public static PaymentFrequency DataReader_to_PaymentFrequency(SqlDataReader reader)
            PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency = new PaymentFrequency();

            paymentFrequency.PaymentFrequencyMonths = (int)reader["PaymentFrequencyMonths"];
            paymentFrequency.PaymentFrequencyName   = (String)reader["PaymentFrequencyName"];
            paymentFrequency.PriceBreak             = (Decimal)reader["PriceBreak"];
            paymentFrequency.Interval      = (String)reader["Interval"];
            paymentFrequency.IntervalCount = (int)reader["IntervalCount"];
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// This method selects value from Payment Frequency field. Returns nothing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paymentFrequency">use PaymentFrequency type</param>
        public void SelectPaymentFrequency(PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency)
            string paymentFrequencyPath = "//*[@id='FrequenceVersement']//..//..//div[@class='selectric-scroll']//ul//*[";

            int         item = (int)paymentFrequency;
            IWebElement paymentFrequencySelect = driver.FindElement(By.XPath(paymentFrequencyPath + item + "]"));

Пример #14
 protected Property(T externalSourceId, int noOfBedrooms, PropertyType propertyType, string displayAddress, decimal price,
                    string priceCurrencyCode, PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency, Location location)
     ExternalSourceId  = externalSourceId;
     NoOfBedrooms      = noOfBedrooms;
     Type              = propertyType;
     DisplayAddress    = displayAddress;
     Price             = price;
     Location          = location;
     PriceCurrencyCode = priceCurrencyCode;
     PaymentFrequency  = paymentFrequency;
Пример #15
        public double CalculatePayments(
            double loanAmount,
            double interestRate,
            double loanLength,
            PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency)
            var numberPayments = loanLength * 12;

            interestRate /= 1200.00;
            var monthlyPayment = -((-loanAmount * Math.Pow(1 + interestRate, numberPayments)) / (((Math.Pow((1 + interestRate), numberPayments) - 1) / interestRate))) * 12 / (int)paymentFrequency;
            return monthlyPayment;
Пример #16
        public double CalculateLength(
            double loanAmount,
            double paymentAmount,
            double interestRate,
            PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency)
            interestRate /= 1200.00;
            loanAmount *= (-1);
            var monthlyPayment = paymentAmount / 12 * (int)paymentFrequency;

            return Math.Log(monthlyPayment / (loanAmount * interestRate + monthlyPayment)) / Math.Log(1 + interestRate) / 12;
Пример #17
        public double CalculateLength(
            double loanAmount,
            double paymentAmount,
            double interestRate,
            PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency)
            interestRate /= 1200.00;
            loanAmount   *= (-1);
            var monthlyPayment = paymentAmount / 12 * (int)paymentFrequency;

            return(Math.Log(monthlyPayment / (loanAmount * interestRate + monthlyPayment)) / Math.Log(1 + interestRate) / 12);
Пример #18
        public double CalculatePayments(
            double loanAmount,
            double interestRate,
            double loanLength,
            PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency)
            var numberPayments = loanLength * 12;

            interestRate /= 1200.00;
            var monthlyPayment = -((-loanAmount * Math.Pow(1 + interestRate, numberPayments)) / (((Math.Pow((1 + interestRate), numberPayments) - 1) / interestRate))) * 12 / (int)paymentFrequency;

Пример #19
 private static PaymentSchedule GetTestPaymentSchedule(
     DateTime?endDate = null,
     PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency = PaymentFrequency.Annual,
     decimal paymentAmount             = 0,
     PaymentType paymentType           = PaymentType.InterestOnly,
     DateTime?startDate = null
     ) => new PaymentSchedule
     EndDate          = endDate ?? new DateTime(2001, 1, 1),
     PaymentAmount    = paymentAmount,
     PaymentFrequency = paymentFrequency,
     PaymentType      = paymentType,
     StartDate        = startDate ?? new DateTime(2001, 1, 1)
        public void ItPublishesTheCorrectCommands
            (bool isToday, PaymentFrequency frequency  // inputs
            , int immediate, int future, int standing) // expectations
            calendar.IsToday(Arg.Any <DateTime>()).Returns(isToday);
            var transfer = new Transfer {
                Frequency = frequency


            publisher.Received(immediate).Publish(Arg.Any <TransferNow>());
            publisher.Received(future).Publish(Arg.Any <TransferOn>());
            publisher.Received(standing).Publish(Arg.Any <SetupStandingOrder>());
Пример #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Present value for a bond.
        /// </summary>
        public static double PresentValue(double notional, double couponRate, PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency, DateTime evaluationDate, DateTime[] paymentDates, double yield)
            double pv            = 0;
            double df            = 0;
            double couponPayment = paymentFrequency == PaymentFrequency.Zero ? 0 : notional * couponRate / (double)paymentFrequency;

            foreach (DateTime date in paymentDates)
                double years = (date - evaluationDate).Days / CalendarDaysPerYear;
                df  = Math.Pow(1.0 + yield, -years);
                pv += df;
            pv *= couponPayment;
            pv += df * notional;
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// d[present value] / d[yield]
        /// </summary>
        public static double DollarDuration(double notional, double couponRate, PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency, DateTime evaluationDate, DateTime[] paymentDates, double yield)
            double dur = 0;
            double df = 0, years = 0;
            double couponPayment = paymentFrequency == PaymentFrequency.Zero ? 0 : notional * couponRate / (double)paymentFrequency;

            foreach (DateTime date in paymentDates)
                years = (date - evaluationDate).Days / CalendarDaysPerYear;
                df    = Math.Pow(1.0 + yield, -years - 1);
                dur  -= years * df;
            dur *= couponPayment;
            dur -= years * df * notional;
Пример #23
        public static PaymentFrequency GetPaymentFrequency(string frequencyMonths)
            //ConnectionMultiplexer con = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(Sahara.Core.Settings.Azure.Redis.RedisConnections.AccountManager_RedisConfiguration);
            //IDatabase cache = con.GetDatabase();
            //IDatabase cache = Sahara.Core.Settings.Azure.Redis.RedisMultiplexers.AccountManager_Multiplexer.GetDatabase();
            IDatabase cache = Sahara.Core.Settings.Azure.Redis.RedisMultiplexers.RedisMultiplexer.GetDatabase();

            string redisHashField = PaymentPlansHash.Fields.PaymentFrequency(frequencyMonths);

            PaymentFrequency paymentFrequencyCache = null;

                var redisValue = cache.HashGet(PaymentPlansHash.Key, redisHashField);
                if (redisValue.HasValue)
                    paymentFrequencyCache = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PaymentFrequency>(redisValue);

            if (paymentFrequencyCache == null)
                var paymentFrequency = Sql.Statements.SelectStatements.SelectPaymentFrequency(frequencyMonths);

                    //Store into redis cache:
                    cache.HashSet(PaymentPlansHash.Key, redisHashField, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(paymentFrequency), When.Always, CommandFlags.FireAndForget);

Пример #24
        public static double? CalculatePayments(
            double? loanAmount,
            double? interestRate,
            double? loanLength,
            PaymentFrequency? paymentFrequency)
            if (loanAmount == null || interestRate == null || loanLength == null || paymentFrequency == null)
                return null;

            var loanAmountValue = loanAmount.Value;
            var interestRateValue = interestRate.Value;
            var paymentFrequencyValue = paymentFrequency.Value;
            var numberPayments = loanLength.Value * 12;

            interestRateValue /= 1200.00;
            var monthlyPayment = -((-loanAmountValue * Math.Pow(1 + interestRateValue, numberPayments)) / (((Math.Pow((1 + interestRateValue), numberPayments) - 1) / interestRateValue))) * 12 / (int)paymentFrequencyValue;
            return Math.Round(monthlyPayment, 2);
Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// d^2[present value] / d^2[yield] x (1/[present value])
        /// </summary>
        public static double Convexity(double couponRate, PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency, DateTime evaluationDate, DateTime[] paymentDates, double yield)
            //Note: Convexity does not depend on the notional of the bond. Both cnvx and pv are proportional to the notional.
            //As long as we use the same notional in both formulas, the final result will be the same.
            const double notional = 100;

            double cnvx = 0;
            double df = 0, years = 0;
            double couponPayment =  paymentFrequency == PaymentFrequency.Zero ? 0 : notional * couponRate / (double)paymentFrequency;
            foreach (DateTime date in paymentDates)
                years = (date - evaluationDate).Days / CalendarDaysPerYear;
                df = Math.Pow(1.0 + yield, -years - 2);
                cnvx += years * (1 + years) * df;
            cnvx *= couponPayment;
            cnvx += years * df * notional;
            double pv = PresentValue(notional, couponRate, paymentFrequency, evaluationDate, paymentDates, yield);
            return cnvx / pv;
Пример #26
        private List <DateTime> GenerateDates(DateTime start, DateTime end, PaymentFrequency frequency)
            List <DateTime> dateTimes = new List <DateTime>();
            DateTime        nextDate  = start;

                switch (frequency)
                case PaymentFrequency.Annualy:
                    nextDate = nextDate.AddYears(1);

                case PaymentFrequency.HalfYearly:
                    nextDate = nextDate.AddMonths(6);

                case PaymentFrequency.Quarterly:
                    nextDate = nextDate.AddMonths(3);

                case PaymentFrequency.Monthly:
                    nextDate = nextDate.AddMonths(1);

                case PaymentFrequency.Fortnightly:
                    nextDate = nextDate.AddDays(14);

                case PaymentFrequency.Weekly:
                    nextDate = nextDate.AddDays(7);

                    nextDate = end;
            } while (nextDate <= end);
Пример #27
        public static double? CalculateLength(
            double? loanAmount,
            double? paymentAmount,
            double? interestRate,
            PaymentFrequency? paymentFrequency)
            if (loanAmount == null || interestRate == null || paymentAmount == null || paymentFrequency == null)
                return null;

            var interestRateValue = interestRate.Value;
            var loanAmountValue = loanAmount.Value;
            var paymentAmountValue = paymentAmount.Value;
            var paymentFrequencyValue = paymentFrequency.Value;

            interestRateValue /= 1200.00;
            loanAmountValue *= (-1);

            var monthlyPayment = paymentAmountValue / 12 * (int)paymentFrequencyValue;

            return Math.Round(Math.Log(monthlyPayment / (loanAmountValue * interestRateValue + monthlyPayment)) / Math.Log(1 + interestRateValue) / 12, 3);
Пример #28
        /// <summary>
        /// d^2[present value] / d^2[yield] x (1/[present value])
        /// </summary>
        public static double Convexity(double couponRate, PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency, DateTime evaluationDate, DateTime[] paymentDates, double yield)
            //Note: Convexity does not depend on the notional of the bond. Both cnvx and pv are proportional to the notional.
            //As long as we use the same notional in both formulas, the final result will be the same.
            const double notional = 100;

            double cnvx = 0;
            double df = 0, years = 0;
            double couponPayment = paymentFrequency == PaymentFrequency.Zero ? 0 : notional * couponRate / (double)paymentFrequency;

            foreach (DateTime date in paymentDates)
                years = (date - evaluationDate).Days / CalendarDaysPerYear;
                df    = Math.Pow(1.0 + yield, -years - 2);
                cnvx += years * (1 + years) * df;
            cnvx *= couponPayment;
            cnvx += years * df * notional;
            double pv = PresentValue(notional, couponRate, paymentFrequency, evaluationDate, paymentDates, yield);

            return(cnvx / pv);
Пример #29
        private static void RunFrequencyTest(
            List <DateTime> expected,
            LocalDate endDate,
            PaymentFrequency frequency
            var actual = AmortizationCalculator.GenerateAmortizationSchedule(
                    amount: 1000,
                    maturityDate: endDate.ToDateTimeUnspecified()
                new List <PaymentSchedule>
                    endDate: endDate.ToDateTimeUnspecified(),
                    paymentFrequency: frequency

            actual.Select(x => x.Date).Should().Equal(expected);
        public void GenerateTotalByDateRange()
            var databaseFactory = new DatabaseFactory();
            var unitOfWork      = new UnitOfWork(databaseFactory);

            var employeeHoursRepository      = new EmployeeHoursRepository(databaseFactory);
            var totalEmployeeHoursRepository = new TotalEmployeeHoursRepository(databaseFactory);

            var employeeDepartmentRepository   = new EmployeeDepartmentRepository(databaseFactory);
            var employeeRepository             = new EmployeeRepository(databaseFactory, employeeDepartmentRepository);
            var attendanceRepository           = new AttendanceRepository(databaseFactory);
            var attendanceLogRepository        = new AttendanceLogRepository(databaseFactory, employeeRepository);
            var settingRepository              = new SettingRepository(databaseFactory);
            var employeeWorkScheduleRepository = new EmployeeWorkScheduleRepository(databaseFactory);
            var employeeInfoRepository         = new EmployeeInfoRepository(databaseFactory);
            var frequencyRepository            = new FrequencyRepository(databaseFactory);
            var paymentFrequencyRepository     = new PaymentFrequencyRepository(databaseFactory);

            var employeeInfoService         = new EmployeeInfoService(employeeInfoRepository);
            var attendanceLogService        = new AttendanceLogService(attendanceLogRepository);
            var attendanceService           = new AttendanceService(unitOfWork, attendanceRepository, attendanceLogService, employeeHoursRepository);
            var settingService              = new SettingService(settingRepository);
            var employeeWorkScheduleService = new EmployeeWorkScheduleService(employeeWorkScheduleRepository);

            var employeeHoursService = new EmployeeHoursService(unitOfWork, employeeHoursRepository,
                                                                attendanceService, settingService, employeeWorkScheduleService, employeeInfoService);
            var totalEmployeeHoursService = new TotalEmployeeHoursService(unitOfWork, totalEmployeeHoursRepository, employeeHoursService, settingService);

            //Delete info
            employeeRepository.ExecuteSqlCommand("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0");
            employeeRepository.ExecuteSqlCommand("TRUNCATE TABLE frequency");
            employeeRepository.ExecuteSqlCommand("TRUNCATE TABLE payment_frequency");
            employeeRepository.ExecuteSqlCommand("TRUNCATE TABLE employee_hours");
            employeeRepository.ExecuteSqlCommand("TRUNCATE TABLE employee_hours_total");
            employeeRepository.ExecuteSqlCommand("TRUNCATE TABLE employee");
            employeeRepository.ExecuteSqlCommand("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1");


            var employee1 = new Employee
                EmployeeCode = "11001",
                FirstName    = "Jona",
                LastName     = "Pereira",
                MiddleName   = "Aprecio",
                BirthDate    = DateTime.Parse("02/02/1991"),
                Gender       = 1,
                IsActive     = true

            var employee2 = new Employee
                EmployeeCode = "11001",
                FirstName    = "Jona",
                LastName     = "Pereira",
                MiddleName   = "Aprecio",
                BirthDate    = DateTime.Parse("02/02/1991"),
                Gender       = 1,
                IsActive     = true

            var frequency = new Frequency
                FrequencyName = "Weekly",
                FrequencyType = Entities.Enums.FrequencyType.Weekly


            var paymentFrequency = new PaymentFrequency
                Frequency = frequency


            var employeeInfo1 = new EmployeeInfo
                Employee        = employee1,
                SalaryFrequency = FrequencyType.Weekly

            var employeeInfo2 = new EmployeeInfo
                Employee        = employee2,
                SalaryFrequency = FrequencyType.Weekly


            /* "03/01/2016 - Employee 1 Regular Total hour 8 */
            var employeeHours1 = new EmployeeHours
                Date               = DateTime.Parse("03/01/2016"),
                Employee           = employee1,
                Hours              = 4,
                OriginAttendanceId = 1,
                Type               = Entities.Enums.RateType.Regular

            var employeeHours3 = new EmployeeHours
                Date               = DateTime.Parse("03/01/2016"),
                Employee           = employee1,
                Hours              = 4,
                OriginAttendanceId = 3,
                Type               = Entities.Enums.RateType.Regular

            /* 03/01/2016 - Employee 1 OT Total hour 3 */
            var employeeHours4 = new EmployeeHours
                Date               = DateTime.Parse("03/01/2016"),
                Employee           = employee1,
                Hours              = 3,
                OriginAttendanceId = 3,
                Type               = Entities.Enums.RateType.OverTime

            /* 03/01/2016 - Employee 1 ND Total hour 1 */
            var employeeHours5 = new EmployeeHours
                Date               = DateTime.Parse("03/01/2016"),
                Employee           = employee1,
                Hours              = 1,
                OriginAttendanceId = 3,
                Type               = Entities.Enums.RateType.NightDifferential

            /* 03/01/2016 - Employee 2 OT Total hour 3 */
            var employeeHours2 = new EmployeeHours
                Date               = DateTime.Parse("03/01/2016"),
                Employee           = employee2,
                Hours              = 3,
                OriginAttendanceId = 2,
                Type               = Entities.Enums.RateType.OverTime

            /* 03/02/2016 - Employee 1 OT Total hour 1 */
            var employeeHours8 = new EmployeeHours
                Date               = DateTime.Parse("03/02/2016"),
                Employee           = employee1,
                Hours              = 1,
                OriginAttendanceId = 5,
                Type               = Entities.Enums.RateType.OverTime

            /* 03/02/2016 - Employee 2 Regular Total hour 4 */
            var employeeHours6 = new EmployeeHours
                Date               = DateTime.Parse("03/02/2016"),
                Employee           = employee2,
                Hours              = 4,
                OriginAttendanceId = 4,
                Type               = Entities.Enums.RateType.Regular

            /* 03/02/2016 - Employee 2 NightDifferential Total hour 6 */
            var employeeHours7 = new EmployeeHours
                Date               = DateTime.Parse("03/02/2016"),
                Employee           = employee2,
                Hours              = 4,
                OriginAttendanceId = 4,
                Type               = Entities.Enums.RateType.NightDifferential

            var employeeHours10 = new EmployeeHours
                Date               = DateTime.Parse("03/02/2016"),
                Employee           = employee2,
                Hours              = 2,
                OriginAttendanceId = 4,
                Type               = Entities.Enums.RateType.NightDifferential

            /* NOT INCLUDED */
            var employeeHours9 = new EmployeeHours
                Date               = DateTime.Parse("03/03/2016"),
                Employee           = employee1,
                Hours              = 10,
                OriginAttendanceId = 5,
                Type               = Entities.Enums.RateType.OverTime



            DateTime dateFrom = DateTime.Parse("03/01/2016");
            DateTime dateTo   = DateTime.Parse("03/02/2016");

            totalEmployeeHoursService.GenerateTotalByDateRange(dateFrom, dateTo);

            var totalEmployeeHours = totalEmployeeHoursService.GetByDateRange(dateFrom, dateTo);

            Assert.AreEqual(7, totalEmployeeHours.Count());

            Assert.AreEqual(1, totalEmployeeHours[0].EmployeeId);
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Parse("03/02/2016"), totalEmployeeHours[0].Date);
            Assert.AreEqual(Entities.Enums.RateType.OverTime, totalEmployeeHours[0].Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, totalEmployeeHours[0].Hours);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, totalEmployeeHours[1].EmployeeId);
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Parse("03/02/2016"), totalEmployeeHours[1].Date);
            Assert.AreEqual(Entities.Enums.RateType.Regular, totalEmployeeHours[1].Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, totalEmployeeHours[1].Hours);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, totalEmployeeHours[2].EmployeeId);
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Parse("03/02/2016"), totalEmployeeHours[2].Date);
            Assert.AreEqual(Entities.Enums.RateType.NightDifferential, totalEmployeeHours[2].Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, totalEmployeeHours[2].Hours);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, totalEmployeeHours[3].EmployeeId);
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Parse("03/01/2016"), totalEmployeeHours[3].Date);
            Assert.AreEqual(Entities.Enums.RateType.Regular, totalEmployeeHours[3].Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(8, totalEmployeeHours[3].Hours);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, totalEmployeeHours[4].EmployeeId);
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Parse("03/01/2016"), totalEmployeeHours[4].Date);
            Assert.AreEqual(Entities.Enums.RateType.OverTime, totalEmployeeHours[4].Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, totalEmployeeHours[4].Hours);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, totalEmployeeHours[5].EmployeeId);
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Parse("03/01/2016"), totalEmployeeHours[5].Date);
            Assert.AreEqual(Entities.Enums.RateType.NightDifferential, totalEmployeeHours[5].Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, totalEmployeeHours[5].Hours);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, totalEmployeeHours[6].EmployeeId);
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Parse("03/01/2016"), totalEmployeeHours[6].Date);
            Assert.AreEqual(Entities.Enums.RateType.OverTime, totalEmployeeHours[6].Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, totalEmployeeHours[6].Hours);

            Assert.AreEqual(true, employeeHours1.IsIncludedInTotal);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, employeeHours2.IsIncludedInTotal);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, employeeHours3.IsIncludedInTotal);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, employeeHours4.IsIncludedInTotal);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, employeeHours5.IsIncludedInTotal);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, employeeHours6.IsIncludedInTotal);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, employeeHours7.IsIncludedInTotal);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, employeeHours8.IsIncludedInTotal);
            Assert.AreEqual(false, employeeHours9.IsIncludedInTotal);
Пример #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Interest = Principal x Coupon x DayCountFactor
 /// </summary>
 public static double DayCountFactor(DayCountConvention dayCountConvention, DateTime date1, DateTime date2, DateTime date3, PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency)
         case DayCountConvention.ActActUS:
             return (date2 - date1).Days / ((double)paymentFrequency * (date3 - date1).Days);
             throw new Exception(string.Format(@"No DayCountFactor method for DayCountConvention = {0}", dayCountConvention));
Пример #32
 /// <summary>
 /// d[present value] / d[yield]
 /// </summary>
 public static double DollarDuration(double notional, double couponRate, PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency, DateTime evaluationDate, DateTime[] paymentDates, double yield)
     double dur = 0;
     double df = 0, years = 0;
     double couponPayment = paymentFrequency == PaymentFrequency.Zero ? 0 : notional * couponRate / (double)paymentFrequency;
     foreach (DateTime date in paymentDates)
         years = (date - evaluationDate).Days / CalendarDaysPerYear;
         df = Math.Pow(1.0 + yield, -years - 1);
         dur -= years * df;
     dur *= couponPayment;
     dur -= years * df * notional;
     return dur;
Пример #33
 /// <summary>
 /// ([Price minus] - [Price plus]) / (2 x [Price zero] x dY).
 /// [Price zero] is the present value of the bond evaluate at the current yield.
 /// [Price minus] and [Price plus] are the present value calculate using (yield - dY) and (yield + dY), respectively.
 /// dY = 0.0001
 /// </summary>
 public static double EffectiveDuration(double notional, double couponRate, PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency, DateTime evaluationDate, DateTime[] paymentDates, double yield)
     double pZero = PresentValue(notional, couponRate, paymentFrequency, evaluationDate, paymentDates, yield);
     double pPlus = PresentValue(notional, couponRate, paymentFrequency, evaluationDate, paymentDates, yield + 0.0001);
     double pMinu = PresentValue(notional, couponRate, paymentFrequency, evaluationDate, paymentDates, yield - 0.0001);
     return 10000 * (pMinu - pPlus) / (2 * pZero);
Пример #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Interest = Principal x Coupon x DayCountFactor
        /// </summary>
        public static double DayCountFactor(DayCountConvention dayCountConvention, DateTime date1, DateTime date2, DateTime date3, PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency)
            switch (dayCountConvention)
            case DayCountConvention.ActActUS:
                return((date2 - date1).Days / ((double)paymentFrequency * (date3 - date1).Days));

                throw new Exception(string.Format(@"No DayCountFactor method for DayCountConvention = {0}", dayCountConvention));
Пример #35
 public Loan(string description, string loanType, string loanId, LoanCode loanCode, string activityDate,
             string checkDigits, string reference,
             string nickname,
             int branch,
             int createdByUser,
             int createdAtBranch,
             int loanPurpose,
             CouponCode couponCode,
             string vinNumber,
             string mFOELId,
             string noteNumber,
             string micrAccountNumber,
             Decimal loanBalance,
             Decimal originalBalance,
             Decimal creditLimit,
             Decimal availableCredit,
             Decimal cashAdvanceLimit,
             Decimal availableCashAdvance,
             Decimal balanceTransferLimit,
             Decimal availableBalanceTransfer,
             Decimal combinedCABTLimit,
             Decimal availableCombinedCABT,
             string creditLimitExpiration,
             AvailableCreditCalculationType availableCreditCalculation,
             int creditLimitGroup,
             Decimal amountAdvanced,
             string lastAdvanceDate,
             string lastPaymentDate,
             string firstPaymentDate,
             PaymentType paymentType,
             PaymentMethod paymentMethod,
             PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency,
             string originalLoanDate,
             string openDate,
             string closeDate,
             Decimal payment,
             Decimal alternatePayment,
             string alternatePmtEffective,
             string alternatePmtExpiration,
             Decimal partialPayment,
             Decimal unappliedPartialPayment,
             Decimal stmtUnappliedPartialPmt,
             string allowUnappliedPartialPmt,
             Decimal payoffAmount
     Description                = description;
     Type                       = loanType;
     ID                         = loanId;
     Code                       = loanCode;
     ActivityDate               = activityDate.ParseNullableSymDateString();
     CheckDigits                = checkDigits;
     Reference                  = reference;
     Nickname                   = nickname;
     Branch                     = branch;
     CreatedByUser              = createdByUser;
     CreatedAtBranch            = createdAtBranch;
     LoanPurpose                = loanPurpose;
     CouponCode                 = couponCode;
     VINNumber                  = vinNumber;
     MFOELID                    = mFOELId;
     NoteNumber                 = noteNumber;
     MICRAccountNumber          = micrAccountNumber;
     LoanBalance                = loanBalance;
     OriginalBalance            = originalBalance;
     CreditLimit                = creditLimit;
     AvailableCredit            = availableCredit;
     CashAdvanceLimit           = cashAdvanceLimit;
     AvailableCashAdvance       = availableCashAdvance;
     BalanceTransferLimit       = balanceTransferLimit;
     AvailableBalanceTransfer   = availableBalanceTransfer;
     CombinedCABTLimit          = combinedCABTLimit;
     AvailableCombinedCABT      = availableCombinedCABT;
     CreditLimitExpiration      = creditLimitExpiration.ParseNullableSymDateString();
     AvailableCreditCalculation = availableCreditCalculation;
     CreditLimitGroup           = creditLimitGroup;
     AmountAdvanced             = amountAdvanced;
     LastAdvanceDate            = lastAdvanceDate.ParseNullableSymDateString();
     LastPaymentDate            = lastPaymentDate.ParseNullableSymDateString();
     FirstPaymentDate           = firstPaymentDate.ParseNullableSymDateString();
     PaymentType                = paymentType;
     PaymentMethod              = paymentMethod;
     PaymentFrequency           = paymentFrequency;
     OriginalLoanDate           = originalLoanDate.ParseNullableSymDateString();
     OpenDate                   = openDate.ParseNullableSymDateString();
     CloseDate                  = closeDate.ParseNullableSymDateString();
     Payment                    = payment;
     AlternatePayment           = alternatePayment;
     AlternatePmtEffective      = alternatePmtEffective.ParseNullableSymDateString();
     AlternatePmtExpiration     = alternatePmtExpiration.ParseNullableSymDateString();
     PartialPayment             = partialPayment;
     UnappliedPartialPayment    = unappliedPartialPayment;
     StmtUnappliedPartialPmt    = stmtUnappliedPartialPmt;
     AllowUnappliedPartialPmt   = allowUnappliedPartialPmt;
     PayoffAmount               = payoffAmount;
Пример #36
 /// <summary>
 /// Present value for a bond.
 /// </summary>
 public static double PresentValue(double notional, double couponRate, PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency, DateTime evaluationDate, DateTime[] paymentDates, double yield)
     double pv = 0;
     double df = 0;
     double couponPayment = paymentFrequency == PaymentFrequency.Zero ? 0 : notional * couponRate / (double) paymentFrequency;
     foreach(DateTime date in paymentDates)
         double years = (date - evaluationDate).Days / CalendarDaysPerYear;
         df = Math.Pow(1.0 + yield, -years);
         pv += df;
     pv *= couponPayment;
     pv += df * notional;
     return pv;
Пример #37
        public static double Yield(double notional, double couponRate, PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency, DateTime evaluationDate, DateTime[] paymentDates, double price)
            double T = (paymentDates.Last() - evaluationDate).Days / CalendarDaysPerYear;
            if(paymentFrequency == 0)
                return Math.Pow(notional / price, 1.0 / T) - 1.0;

            const double tolerance = 0.00001;
            const int maxLoops = 16;

            //Initial estimate for yield is based on first order Taylor expansion and annual frequency.
            double c = couponRate * notional;
            double y = (notional + T * c - price) / (price + (T - 1) * (notional + 0.5 * T * c));

            double impliedPrice = PresentValue(notional, couponRate, paymentFrequency, evaluationDate, paymentDates, y);

            int nLoops = 0;
            while (Math.Abs(impliedPrice - price) > tolerance)
                if (nLoops > maxLoops)
                    throw new Exception("Yield did not converge.");
                double dollarDur = DollarDuration(notional, couponRate, paymentFrequency, evaluationDate, paymentDates, y);
                y = y - (impliedPrice - price) / dollarDur;
                impliedPrice = PresentValue(notional, couponRate, paymentFrequency, evaluationDate, paymentDates, y);
            return y;
Пример #38
 /// <summary>
 /// The yield calculated using the "book" value of the bond in place of the current market price.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="notional"></param>
 /// <param name="couponRate"></param>
 /// <param name="paymentFrequency"></param>
 /// <param name="evaluationDate"></param>
 /// <param name="paymentDates"></param>
 /// <param name="purchasePrice"></param>
 /// <param name="purchaseDate"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static double BookYield(double notional, double couponRate, PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency, DateTime evaluationDate, DateTime[] paymentDates, double purchasePrice, DateTime purchaseDate)
     DateTime maturityDate = paymentDates[paymentDates.Length - 1];
     double bv = BookValue(notional, purchasePrice, purchaseDate, evaluationDate, maturityDate);
     return Yield(notional, couponRate, paymentFrequency, evaluationDate, paymentDates, bv);
Пример #39
 public RightmoveProperty(int externalSourceId, int noOfBedrooms, PropertyType propertyType, string displayAddress,
                          decimal price, string priceCurrencyCode, PaymentFrequency priceFrequency, string postcode, Location location)
     : base(externalSourceId, noOfBedrooms, propertyType, displayAddress, price, priceCurrencyCode, priceFrequency, location)
     Postcode = postcode;
Пример #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="issue">The security's issue date.</param>
        /// <param name="first_interest">The security's first interest date.</param>
        /// <param name="settlement">The security's settlement date. The security settlement date is the date after the issue date when the security is traded to the buyer.</param>
        /// <param name="rate">The security's annual coupon rate.</param>
        /// <param name="par">The security's par value.</param>
        /// <param name="frequency">The number of coupon payments per year.</param>
        /// <param name="basis">The type of day count basis to use.</param>
        /// <param name="calc_method">A logical value that specifies the way to calculate the total accrued interest when the date of settlement is later than the date of first_interest. A value of TRUE (1) returns the total accrued interest from issue to settlement. A value of FALSE (0) returns the accrued interest from first_interest to settlement. If you do not enter the argument, it defaults to TRUE.</param>
        /// <returns>The accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest.</returns>
        public static double ACCRINT(
            DateTime issue,
            DateTime first_interest,
            DateTime settlement,
            double rate,
            double par,
            PaymentFrequency frequency,
            DayCountBasis basis = DayCountBasis.US_NASD,
            bool calc_method = true)
            if (rate <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(rate), "'rate' must be greater than 0");
            if (par <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(par), "'par' must be greater than 0");

            if (issue >= settlement)
                throw new ArgumentException("The issue date must be before the settlement date.", nameof(issue));

            throw new NotImplementedException();
            //return par * (rate / (double)frequency) * Functions.Sum(i => 0, 1, 2).Real;
Пример #41
 public void AddPaymentFrequency(PaymentFrequency pf)
Пример #42
 /// <summary>
 /// -(d[present value] / d[yield]) x (1/[present value])
 /// </summary>
 public static double ModifiedDuration(double couponRate, PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency, DateTime evaluationDate, DateTime[] paymentDates, double yield)
     //Note: Modified duration does not depend on the notional of the bond. Both dVdY and pv are proportional to the notional.
     //As long as we use the same notional in both formulas, the final result will be the same.
     double dVdY = DollarDuration(100.00, couponRate, paymentFrequency, evaluationDate, paymentDates, yield);
     double pv = PresentValue(100.00, couponRate, paymentFrequency, evaluationDate, paymentDates, yield);
     return -dVdY / pv;
Пример #43
 public Payment(string name, int dateOfMonth, double paymentAmount,string frequency, PaymentCategory category)
     : this(name, dateOfMonth, paymentAmount,category)
     this._paymentFrequency = (PaymentFrequency) Enum.Parse(typeof(PaymentFrequency),frequency.ToString(),true);
Пример #44
 /// <summary>
 /// Különböző nagyságú törlesztőrészletek esetére
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="instalments">Törlesztő részletek időben rendezett tömbje. A tömb első eleme az első törlesztő részlet, az utolsó eleme az utoljára fizetendő részlet.</param>
 /// <param name="paymentFrequency">Törlesztés gyakorisága. Pl.: heti,havi</param>
 public ThmCalculation(double[] instalments, PaymentFrequency paymentFrequency)
     this.instalments      = instalments;
     this.paymentFrequency = paymentFrequency;