public override void ResolveReferences() { if (!BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(identifier: this.childhoodDef, bs: out this.resolvedChildhood)) { Log.Error(text: "Error in " + this.defName + ": Childhood backstory not found"); } if (!BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(identifier: this.adulthoodDef, bs: out this.resolvedAdulthood)) { Log.Error(text: "Error in " + this.defName + ": Adulthood backstory not found"); } base.ResolveReferences(); if (this.resolvedAdulthood.slot != BackstorySlot.Adulthood || this.resolvedChildhood.slot != BackstorySlot.Childhood) { return; } PawnBio bio = new PawnBio() { gender = this.gender, name =, childhood = this.resolvedChildhood, adulthood = this.resolvedAdulthood, pirateKing = this.factionLeader }; if (this.resolvedAdulthood.spawnCategories.Count == 1 && this.resolvedAdulthood.spawnCategories[index : 0] == "Trader") { this.resolvedAdulthood.spawnCategories.Add(item : "Civil"); } if (!bio.ConfigErrors().Any()) { SolidBioDatabase.allBios.Add(item: bio); } else { Log.Error(text: this.defName + " has errors"); } }
public override void ResolveReferences() { base.ResolveReferences(); PawnBio bio = new PawnBio(); bio.gender = this.gender; = name.Name; bio.childhood = BackstoryDatabase.GetWithKey(this.childhoodDef.UniqueSaveKeyFor()); bio.childhood.shuffleable = false; bio.childhood.slot = BackstorySlot.Childhood; bio.adulthood = BackstoryDatabase.GetWithKey(this.adulthoodDef.UniqueSaveKeyFor()); bio.adulthood.shuffleable = false; bio.adulthood.slot = BackstorySlot.Adulthood;; //bio.PostLoad(); bool flag = false; foreach (var error in bio.ConfigErrors()) { if (!flag) { flag = true; Log.Error("Config error(s) in PawnBioDef " + this.defName + ". Skipping..."); } Log.Error(error); } if (flag) { return; } if (!SolidBioDatabase.allBios.Contains(bio)) SolidBioDatabase.allBios.Add(bio); }
public override void ResolveReferences() { base.ResolveReferences(); PawnBio bio = new PawnBio() { gender = this.gender }; if (!this.firstName.NullOrEmpty() && !this.lastName.NullOrEmpty()) { = new NameTriple(this.firstName, this.nickName, this.lastName); } else { Debug.LogError("PawnBio with defName: " + this.defName + " has empty first or last name. It will not be added." + "Backstories"); return; } BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(this.childhoodDef.defName, out Backstory childhood); if (childhood != null) { bio.childhood = childhood; bio.childhood.shuffleable = false; bio.childhood.slot = BackstorySlot.Childhood; } else { Debug.LogError("PawnBio with defName: " + this.defName + " has null childhood. It will not be added." + "Backstories"); return; } BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(this.adulthoodDef.defName, out Backstory adulthood); if (adulthood != null) { bio.adulthood = adulthood; bio.adulthood.shuffleable = false; bio.adulthood.slot = BackstorySlot.Adulthood; } else { Debug.LogError("PawnBio with defName: " + this.defName + " has null adulthood. It will not be added." + "Backstories"); return; }; bool flag = false; foreach (string error in bio.ConfigErrors()) { if (!flag) { flag = true; Debug.LogError("Config error(s) in PawnBioDef " + this.defName + ". Skipping..." + "Backstories"); } Debug.LogError(error + "Backstories"); } if (flag) { return; } if (!SolidBioDatabase.allBios.Contains(bio)) { SolidBioDatabase.allBios.Add(bio); } }
private void AddPawnBios(bool report = false) { int num = 0; foreach (var def in DefDatabase<PawnBioDef>.AllDefs) { PawnBio bio = new PawnBio(); bio.gender = def.gender; =; bio.childhood = BackstoryDatabase.GetWithKey(def.childhoodDef.UniqueSaveKeyFor()); bio.childhood.shuffleable = false; bio.childhood.slot = BackstorySlot.Childhood; bio.adulthood = BackstoryDatabase.GetWithKey(def.adulthoodDef.UniqueSaveKeyFor()); bio.adulthood.shuffleable = false; bio.adulthood.slot = BackstorySlot.Adulthood;; bio.PostLoad(); bool flag = false; foreach (var error in bio.ConfigErrors()) { if (!flag) { flag = true; Log.Error("Config error(s) in PawnBioDef " + def.defName + ". Skipping..."); } Log.Error(error); } if (flag) { continue; } SolidBioDatabase.allBios.Add(bio); num++; } if (num > 0 && report) Log.Warning("BackstoriesCore added: " + num.ToString() + " PawnBios."); }
public override void ResolveReferences() { base.ResolveReferences(); PawnBio bio = new PawnBio(); bio.gender = this.gender; if (!firstName.NullOrEmpty() && !lastName.NullOrEmpty()) { = new NameTriple(firstName, nickName, lastName); } else { CCL_Log.Error("PawnBio with defName: " + defName + " has empty first or last name. It will not be added.", "Backstories"); return; } Backstory childhood = BackstoryDatabase.GetWithKey(this.childhoodDef.UniqueSaveKey()); if (childhood != null) { bio.childhood = childhood; bio.childhood.shuffleable = false; bio.childhood.slot = BackstorySlot.Childhood; } else { CCL_Log.Error("PawnBio with defName: " + defName + " has null childhood. It will not be added.", "Backstories"); return; } Backstory adulthood = BackstoryDatabase.GetWithKey(this.adulthoodDef.UniqueSaveKey()); if (adulthood != null) { bio.adulthood = adulthood; bio.adulthood.shuffleable = false; bio.adulthood.slot = BackstorySlot.Adulthood; } else { CCL_Log.Error("PawnBio with defName: " + defName + " has null adulthood. It will not be added.", "Backstories"); return; }; bool flag = false; foreach (var error in bio.ConfigErrors()) { if (!flag) { flag = true; CCL_Log.Error("Config error(s) in PawnBioDef " + this.defName + ". Skipping...", "Backstories"); } CCL_Log.Error(error, "Backstories"); } if (flag) { return; } if (!SolidBioDatabase.allBios.Contains(bio)) { SolidBioDatabase.allBios.Add(bio); } }