private void ThenTheMessageIsReceivedInThatRegion(Future <GenericMessage> handler) { Patiently.AssertThat(() => handler.HasReceived(_message)); }
public void QueueIsPolledMoreThanOnce() { Patiently.AssertThat(() => _sqsCallCounter > 1); }
public void TheErrorQueueIsDeleted() { Patiently.AssertThat(() => !SystemUnderTest.ErrorQueue.Exists()); }
public void ThereIsNoErrorQueue() { Patiently.AssertThat(() => !SystemUnderTest.ErrorQueue.Exists()); }
public void DeadLetterQueueIsCreated() { Patiently.AssertThat(() => SystemUnderTest.ErrorQueue.Exists(), 40.Seconds()); }
[Then, Timeout(70000)] // ToDo: Sorry about this, but SQS is a little slow to verify againse. Can be better I'm sure? ;) public void QueueIsCreated() { var queue = new SqsQueueByName(QueueName, new AmazonSQSClient(RegionEndpoint.EUWest1), 0); Patiently.AssertThat(queue.Exists, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(65)); }
private void ThenTheSubscriberReceivesBothMessages() { Patiently.AssertThat(() => _handler.HasReceived(_message1)); Patiently.AssertThat(() => _handler.HasReceived(_message2)); }
public void CustomExceptionHandlingIsCalled() { Patiently.AssertThat(() => _handledException == true); }
public void TheListenerDoesNotDie() { Patiently.AssertThat(() => _callCount >= 3); }
public void ListenLoopDoesNotDie() { Patiently.AssertThat(() => _callCount > 3); }