Пример #1
    protected void DeletePacket(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        int packetId;

        if (int.TryParse(ddlPacketName.SelectedValue, out packetId))
            PatientEdPacket packet = new PatientEdPacket();

            // refresh page
            this.Page_Load(sender, e);
Пример #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Save the packet; packet requires a disease, visit type and packet name
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void SaveDefaultDocument(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
        PatientEducationDa da = new PatientEducationDa();
        int dId = 0; //= this.ddlDiseaseType.SelectedValue;
        int vId = 0; //= this.ddlVisitType.SelectedValue;
        int pId = 0; //= this.ddlPacketName.SelectedValue;

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ddlDiseaseType.SelectedValue) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ddlVisitType.SelectedValue))
            dId = Int32.Parse(this.ddlDiseaseType.SelectedValue);
            vId = Int32.Parse(this.ddlVisitType.SelectedValue);

        if (this.ddlPacketName.SelectedValue.Equals(ADDNEW) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtPacketName.Value))
            // adding new; insert packet name and get new primary key for insertion into disease_visits_packets table
            string newPacketName = txtPacketName.Value;

            PatientEdPacket packet = new PatientEdPacket();
            packet[PatientEdPacket.PacketName] = newPacketName;
            pId = int.Parse(packet[PatientEdPacket.PacketId].ToString());

            // new packet name was used so refresh the drop down list, select the recent addition, and make the delete button available
            ListItem li = new ListItem(newPacketName, pId.ToString());
            ddlPacketName.Items.Insert(1, li);
            ddlPacketName.SelectedIndex = 1;

            txtPacketName.Value   = "";
            txtPacketName.Visible = false;

            BtnDeletePacket.Visible = true;
        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ddlPacketName.SelectedValue))
            pId = int.Parse(this.ddlPacketName.SelectedValue);

        if (pId > 0 && dId > 0 && vId > 0) // update or insert default doc
            List <string> checkedPartsList = new List <string>();
            foreach (TreeNode sectionNode in contentTV.Nodes)
                foreach (TreeNode topicNode in sectionNode.ChildNodes)
                    foreach (TreeNode subTopicNode in topicNode.ChildNodes)
                        if (subTopicNode.Checked)

            PatientEdDisease_VisitType_SubTopic biz = new PatientEdDisease_VisitType_SubTopic();
            DataTable defaultDocPartsDt             = da.GetDefaultDocumentByDiseaseVisitPacketIds(dId, vId, pId);

            // start by deleting nodes that may have been removed
            foreach (DataRow dr in defaultDocPartsDt.Rows)
                string drId = dr[PatientEdDisease_VisitType_SubTopic.DiseaseVisitTypeSubTopicId].ToString();
                string stId = dr[PatientEdDisease_VisitType_SubTopic.SubTopicId].ToString();

                if (!checkedPartsList.Contains(stId))
                    //delete this record
                    //remove it from the list of checked parts, as we have confirmed it is already in the db

            //save the new additions
            foreach (string defaultDocpart in checkedPartsList)
                //add new profile doc parts to the db
                PatientEdDisease_VisitType_SubTopic bizObj = new PatientEdDisease_VisitType_SubTopic();
                bizObj[PatientEdDisease_VisitType_SubTopic.SubTopicId]  = Int32.Parse(defaultDocpart);
                bizObj[PatientEdDisease_VisitType_SubTopic.VisitTypeId] = vId.ToString();
                bizObj[PatientEdDisease_VisitType_SubTopic.DiseaseId]   = dId.ToString();
                bizObj[PatientEdDisease_VisitType_SubTopic.PacketId]    = pId.ToString();

            this._callbackType.Value = String.Empty;