Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Controller 调用此方法
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="taskCode"></param>
        /// <param name="PatientOrder"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void getPatientCharge(string taskCode, string PatientOrder, out List <PatientChargeInfo> listYP, out List <PatientChargeInfo> listCL, out List <PatientChargeInfo> listJC, out List <PatientChargeInfo> listZL, out dynamic pinfo, out dynamic editinfo)
            int pOrder = Convert.ToInt32(PatientOrder);

            pinfo = new M_PatientRecordBLL().DALContext.IM_PatientRecordDAL.GetDynamicListWithOrderBy(p => p.TaskCode == taskCode && p.PatientOrder == pOrder, p => new { CallOrder = p.CallOrder, Name = p.Name, SendAddress = p.SendAddress, LocalAddress = p.LocalAddress }, p => p.TaskCode).FirstOrDefault();

            editinfo = new M_PatientChargeBLL().DALContext.IM_PatientChargeDAL.GetDynamicListWithOrderBy(p => p.TaskCode == taskCode && p.PatientOrder == pOrder, p => new
                PatientName            = p.PatientName,
                AddressStart           = p.AddressStart,
                AddressEnd             = p.AddressEnd,
                InvoiceNumber          = p.InvoiceNumber,
                OutStationRoadCode     = p.OutStationRoadCode,
                PointRoadCode          = p.PointRoadCode,
                ArriveHospitalRoadCode = p.ArriveHospitalRoadCode,
                ReturnStationRoadCode  = p.ReturnStationRoadCode,
                OneWayKM           = p.OneWayKM,
                ChargeKM           = p.ChargeKM,
                CarFee             = p.CarFee,
                WaitingFee         = p.WaitingFee,
                EmergencyFee       = p.EmergencyFee,
                DrugFeeTotal       = p.DrugFeeTotal,
                ExamineFeeTotal    = p.ExamineFeeTotal,
                ConsumableFeeTotal = p.ConsumableFeeTotal,
                MeasureFeeTotal    = p.MeasureFeeTotal,
                PaidMoney          = p.PaidMoney,
                ReceivableTotal    = p.ReceivableTotal
            }, p => p.TaskCode).FirstOrDefault();

            List <PatientChargeInfo> listALL = new M_PatientChargeBLL().DALContext.IM_PatientChargeDAL.getPatientCharge(taskCode, PatientOrder).ToList();

            listYP = listALL.Where(p => p.ChargeType.Equals("药费")).ToList();   //药品
            PatientChargeInfo infoYP = new PatientChargeInfo();

            infoYP.Name = "合计";
            if (listYP.Count() > 0)
                infoYP.TotalPrice = listYP.Sum(p => p.TotalPrice);
                infoYP.TotalPrice = 0;

            listCL = listALL.Where(p => p.ChargeType.Equals("材料费")).ToList();  //材料
            PatientChargeInfo infoCL = new PatientChargeInfo();

            infoCL.Name = "合计";
            if (listCL.Count() > 0)
                infoCL.TotalPrice = listCL.Sum(p => p.TotalPrice);
                infoCL.TotalPrice = 0;

            listJC = listALL.Where(p => p.ChargeType.Equals("检查费")).ToList();  //检查
            PatientChargeInfo infoJC = new PatientChargeInfo();

            infoJC.Name = "合计";
            if (listJC.Count() > 0)
                infoJC.TotalPrice = listJC.Sum(p => p.TotalPrice);
                infoJC.TotalPrice = 0;

            listZL = listALL.Where(p => p.ChargeType.Equals("治疗费")).ToList();  //治疗
            PatientChargeInfo infoZL = new PatientChargeInfo();

            infoZL.Name = "合计";
            if (listZL.Count() > 0)
                infoZL.TotalPrice = listZL.Sum(p => p.TotalPrice);
                infoZL.TotalPrice = 0;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取病历收费相关
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="taskCode"></param>
        /// <param name="PatientOrder"></param>
        public IEnumerable <PatientChargeInfo> getPatientCharge(string taskCode, string PatientOrder)
            string sqlStr = @"  select 
                           ,Price= prd.Price 
	                       ,Counts= sum(prd.Dosage) 
                           ,ChargeCounts =case when sum(prd.Dosage)%isnull(prd.FeeScale,1)>0 then round((sum(prd.Dosage)/isnull(prd.FeeScale,1)),0)+1 else round((sum(prd.Dosage)/isnull(prd.FeeScale,1)),0) end 
	                       ,ChargeWay =prd.ChargeWay 
	                       ,FeeScale = prd.FeeScale 
	                       ,TotalPrice =case when (im.LimitMaxPrice is not null )  then (case when (prd.Price * (case when sum(prd.Dosage)%isnull(prd.FeeScale,1)>0 then round((sum(prd.Dosage)/isnull(prd.FeeScale,1)),0)+1 else round((sum(prd.Dosage)/isnull(prd.FeeScale,1)),0) end) > im.LimitMaxPrice) then im.LimitMaxPrice else 
	                       prd.Price * (case when sum(prd.Dosage)%isnull(prd.FeeScale,1)>0 then round((sum(prd.Dosage)/isnull(prd.FeeScale,1)),0)+1 else round((sum(prd.Dosage)/isnull(prd.FeeScale,1)),0) end) end) else prd.Price * (case when sum(prd.Dosage)%isnull(prd.FeeScale,1)>0 then round((sum(prd.Dosage)/isnull(prd.FeeScale,1)),0)+1 else round((sum(prd.Dosage)/isnull(prd.FeeScale,1)),0) end) end  
	                       ,ChargeType = '药费'
	                        from M_PatientRecordDrug prd  
		                    left join I_Material im on prd.DrugCode=im.ID 
	                        where TaskCode=@TaskCode and  PatientOrder =@PatientOrder  and im.IsActive = 1 
		                    group by prd.DrugName,prd.Price,prd.ChargeWay,prd.FeeScale,im.LimitMaxPrice 
                                union all

                                ,Price= isnull(prs.Price,0)
                                ,Counts= sum(isnull(prs.NumberOfTimes,0))
                                ,ChargeCounts = sum(isnull(prs.NumberOfTimes,0))
                                ,ChargeWay =prs.ChargeWay
                                ,FeeScale = 1
                                ,TotalPrice = case when im.LimitMaxPrice is not null   then (case when ( isnull(prs.Price,0) *  sum(isnull(prs.NumberOfTimes,0))> im.LimitMaxPrice) then  im.LimitMaxPrice  else 
                                isnull(prs.Price,0) *  sum(isnull(prs.NumberOfTimes,0)) end ) else isnull(prs.Price,0) *  sum(isnull(prs.NumberOfTimes,0)) end
                                ,ChargeType = '材料费' 
                                from M_PatientRecordSanitation prs 
                                left join I_Material im  on prs.SanitationCode = im.ID 
                                where TaskCode=@TaskCode and  PatientOrder =@PatientOrder 
                                and im.IsActive=1 
                                 group by prs.SanitationName,prs.Price,prs.ChargeWay,im.LimitMaxPrice 

							   union all

                                ,Price= isnull(prm.Price,0)
                                ,Counts= sum(isnull(prm.NumberOfTimes,0))
                                ,ChargeCounts = sum(isnull(prm.NumberOfTimes,0))
                                ,ChargeWay =prm.ChargeWay
								,FeeScale = 1
								 ,TotalPrice = case when im.LimitMaxPrice is not null   then (case when ( isnull(prm.Price,0) *  sum(isnull(prm.NumberOfTimes,0))> im.LimitMaxPrice) then  im.LimitMaxPrice  else 
								isnull(prm.Price,0) *  sum(isnull(prm.NumberOfTimes,0)) end ) else isnull(prm.Price,0) *  sum(isnull(prm.NumberOfTimes,0)) end
                                ,ChargeType = '检查费'
                                from M_PatientRecordMeasure prm
								 left join   I_Material im  on prm.RescueMeasureCode = im.ID
                                where TaskCode=@TaskCode and PatientOrder =@PatientOrder and prm.OtherTypeID = 'PRMeasureType-99' 
								and  im.IsActive=1 
                                 group by prm.RescueMeasureName,prm.Price,prm.ChargeWay,im.LimitMaxPrice 

                                union all

                                ,Price= isnull(prm.Price,0)
                                ,Counts= sum(isnull(prm.NumberOfTimes,0))
                                ,ChargeCounts = sum(isnull(prm.NumberOfTimes,0))
                                ,ChargeWay =prm.ChargeWay
								,FeeScale = 1
                                 ,TotalPrice = case when im.LimitMaxPrice is not null   then (case when ( isnull(prm.Price,0) *  sum(isnull(prm.NumberOfTimes,0))> im.LimitMaxPrice) then  im.LimitMaxPrice  else 
								isnull(prm.Price,0) *  sum(isnull(prm.NumberOfTimes,0)) end ) else isnull(prm.Price,0) *  sum(isnull(prm.NumberOfTimes,0)) end
								,ChargeType = '治疗费'
                                from M_PatientRecordMeasure prm 
								left join  I_Material im  on prm.RescueMeasureCode = im.ID
                                where  TaskCode=@TaskCode and  PatientOrder =@PatientOrder and prm.OtherTypeID <> 'PRMeasureType-99' 
                                and im.IsActive=1 
                                group by prm.RescueMeasureName,prm.Price,prm.ChargeWay,im.LimitMaxPrice  
                                union all
                                ,Price= case when RescueType='小抢救' then 30 else 40 end
                                ,ChargeCounts = 1
                                ,ChargeWay = case when RescueType='小抢救' then '30.00元/次' else '40.00元/次' end
                                ,FeeScale = 1
                                ,TotalPrice =case when RescueType='小抢救' then 30 else 40 end
                                ,ChargeType = '治疗费'
                                from  M_PatientRecord pr 
                                where TaskCode=@TaskCode and  PatientOrder =@PatientOrder 
                                and pr.RescueType in ('中抢救','小抢救') ";

            //List<SqlParameter> listPara = new List<SqlParameter>();
            //listPara.Add(new SqlParameter("@TaskCode", taskCode));
            //listPara.Add(new SqlParameter("@PatientOrder", PatientOrder));    //listPara.ToArray()

            SqlParameter[] prams = new SqlParameter[] {
                new SqlParameter("@TaskCode", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100),
                new SqlParameter("@PatientOrder", SqlDbType.Int)
            prams[0].Value = taskCode;
            prams[1].Value = PatientOrder;

            DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(SqlHelper.MainConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sqlStr, prams);

            List <PatientChargeInfo> list = new List <PatientChargeInfo>();

            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                PatientChargeInfo info = new PatientChargeInfo();

                foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    info              = new PatientChargeInfo();
                    info.Name         = dr["Name"].ToString();
                    info.Price        = DBConvert.ConvertDBTypeToNullableDecimal(dr["Price"]);
                    info.Counts       = DBConvert.ConvertDBTypeToNullableInt(dr["Counts"]);
                    info.ChargeCounts = DBConvert.ConvertDBTypeToNullableInt(dr["ChargeCounts"]);
                    info.ChargeWay    = dr["ChargeWay"].ToString();
                    info.FeeScale     = Convert.ToInt32(dr["FeeScale"]);
                    info.TotalPrice   = DBConvert.ConvertDBTypeToNullableDecimal(dr["TotalPrice"]);
                    info.ChargeType   = dr["ChargeType"].ToString();

