Пример #1
        private static void CallbackExample()

            //Setup the nodegrid and pathfinder.
            var pathfindaxManager = new PathfindaxManager();
            var factory           = new DefinitionNodeGridFactory();
            var nodeGrid          = factory.GeneratePreFilledArray(GenerateNodeGridConnections.All, 3, 3);
            var nodeNetwork       = new DefinitionNodeGrid(nodeGrid, new Vector2(1, 1));
            var pathfinder        = pathfindaxManager.CreateAstarPathfinder(nodeNetwork, new ManhattanDistance());

            //Request a path.
            var pathRequest = pathfinder.RequestPath(nodeNetwork.NodeGrid.ToIndex(0, 0), nodeNetwork.NodeGrid.ToIndex(2, 0));

            Console.WriteLine($"Solving path from {pathRequest.PathStart} to {pathRequest.PathEnd}...");

            //Add a callback to the request that will be called then the pathfinder is done.
            var callbackCalled = false;

            pathRequest.AddCallback(request =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Solved path! {request.CompletedPath}");
                callbackCalled = true;

            //Wait till callback is called.
            while (!callbackCalled)
            Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(CallbackExample)} completed. Press any key to continue with the next example.");
Пример #2
        private static void PollingExample()

            //Setup the nodegrid and pathfinder.
            var pathfindaxManager = new PathfindaxManager();
            var factory           = new DefinitionNodeGridFactory();
            var nodeGrid          = factory.GeneratePreFilledArray(GenerateNodeGridConnections.All, 3, 3);
            var nodeNetwork       = new DefinitionNodeGrid(nodeGrid, new Vector2(1, 1));
            var pathfinder        = pathfindaxManager.CreateAstarPathfinder(nodeNetwork, new ManhattanDistance());

            //Request a path.
            var pathRequest = pathfinder.RequestPath(nodeNetwork.NodeGrid.ToIndex(0, 0), nodeNetwork.NodeGrid.ToIndex(2, 0));

            Console.WriteLine($"Solving path from {pathRequest.PathStart} to {pathRequest.PathEnd}...");

            //Poll the status to check when the pathfinder is finished.
            while (pathRequest.Status == PathRequestStatus.Solving)
            switch (pathRequest.Status)
            case PathRequestStatus.Solved:
                Console.WriteLine($"Solved path! {pathRequest.CompletedPath}");

            case PathRequestStatus.NoPathFound:
                Console.WriteLine("Could not find a path");
            Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(PollingExample)} completed. Press any key to continue with the next example.");
Пример #3
        private static void CallbackExample()

            //Setup the nodegrid and pathfinder.
            var pathfindaxManager = new PathfindaxManager();
            var nodeNetwork       = new DefinitionNodeGrid(GenerateNodeGridConnections.All, 3, 3, new Vector2(1, 1));
            var pathfinder        = pathfindaxManager.CreateAstarPathfinder(nodeNetwork);

            //Request a path.
            var pathRequest = pathfinder.RequestPath(nodeNetwork.NodeGrid[0, 0], nodeNetwork.NodeGrid[2, 0]);

            Console.WriteLine($"Solving path from {pathRequest.PathStart.Position} to {pathRequest.PathEnd.Position}...");

            //Add a callback to the request that will be called then the pathfinder is done.
            var callbackCalled = false;

            pathRequest.AddCallback(request =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Solved path! {request.CompletedPath}");
                callbackCalled = true;

            //Start calling update on the manager. Update will call the callbacks of any completed paths. Note that the callback is called from the thread that calls update.
            //Normally when using pathfindax in a game engine you would wire this up in your game loop.
            while (!callbackCalled)
            Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(CallbackExample)} completed. Press any key to continue with the next example.");
Пример #4
        private static void AsyncExample()

            //Setup the nodegrid and pathfinder.
            var pathfindaxManager  = new PathfindaxManager();
            var factory            = new DefinitionNodeGridFactory();
            var nodeGrid           = factory.GeneratePreFilledArray(GenerateNodeGridConnections.All, 3, 3);
            var definitionNodeGrid = new DefinitionNodeGrid(nodeGrid, new Vector2(1, 1));
            var pathfinder         = pathfindaxManager.CreateAstarPathfinder(definitionNodeGrid, new ManhattanDistance());

            var exampleGameObject = new ExampleAsyncGameObject(pathfinder);

            //Wait till callback is called.
            while (!exampleGameObject.CallBackCalled)