public IList <Link> AnalyzeSchema(OpenApiSchema schema, PathParameter pathParameter)
            IList <Link> links = new List <Link>();

            AnalyzeSchema(schema, false, "$", new HashSet <OpenApiSchema>(), links, pathParameter);
Пример #2
    //distance f-ion should return distance between two adjacent nodes
    //estimate should return distance between any node and destination node
    public static Path FindPath(Tile start, Tile destination, PathParameter parameter = PathParameter.Walkable)
        //set of already checked nodes
        List <Tile> closed = new List <Tile>();
        //queued nodes in open set
        PriorityQueue <float, Path> queue = new PriorityQueue <float, Path>();

        queue.Enqueue(0f, new Path(start));

        while (!queue.IsEmpty)
            var path = queue.Dequeue();

            if (closed.Contains(path.LastStep))
            if (path.LastStep.Equals(destination))

            List <Tile> neighbours = new List <Tile>();
            if (parameter == PathParameter.AnyTile)
                neighbours = path.LastStep.GetNeighbourTiles();
            else if (parameter == PathParameter.Walkable)
                neighbours = path.LastStep.GetWalkableNeighbours();
            else if (parameter == PathParameter.WalkableAndVisible)
                neighbours = path.LastStep.GetWalkableAndVisibleNeighbours();
            if (neighbours.Count == 0)
                Debug.Log("Could not find Neighbours for " +;

            foreach (Tile t in neighbours)
                float d = 1f;
                //new step added without modifying current path
                Path newPath = path.AddStep(t, d);
                queue.Enqueue((float)(newPath.TotalCost + (start.gameObject.transform.localPosition - start.gameObject.transform.localPosition).magnitude), newPath);

        public IList <Link> AnalyzeResource(PathSegment pathSegment, PathParameter pathParameter)
            IList <Link> links = new List <Link>();

            //iterate over all operations
            foreach (Operation operation in pathSegment.Operations)
                IList <Link> linksOfIteration = AnalyzeOperation((OApiOperation)operation, pathParameter);
                foreach (Link link in linksOfIteration)
Пример #4
 private void dataGridView1_CellMouseClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e)
     if (DataGridViewOneButtonCell.IsButtonClick(sender, e))
         var pathIndex = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView1["ColAction", e.RowIndex].Value); // 获取所要删除关联对象的主键。
         if (_currentPath != null)
             dataGridView1.Rows[_currentPath.Index - 1].Cells[1].Style.ForeColor = Color.Black;
             dataGridView1.Rows[_currentPath.Index - 1].Cells[2].Style.ForeColor = Color.Black;
         _currentPath = _pathParameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Index == pathIndex);
        public IList <Link> AnalyzeOperation(OApiOperation operation, PathParameter pathParameter)
            if (OperationTypesFilter.Count == 0 || OperationTypesFilter.Contains(operation.Method))
                IList <Link> links = new List <Link>();

                //iterate over all response
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, OpenApiResponse> openApiRespose in operation.OpenApiOperation.Responses)
                    IList <Link> linksOfIteration = AnalyzeResponse(openApiRespose.Key, openApiRespose.Value, pathParameter, operation.Method);
                    foreach (Link link in linksOfIteration)
                        link.Operation = operation;
            return(new List <Link>());
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyzes the passed <see cref="OpenApiSchema"/> for properties whose names match the passed <see cref="PathParameter"/> name. The results are stored as <see cref="Link"/> objects in the passed result list.
        /// Moreover, this method requires the current position in the schema, which is documented as XPath, a flag that indicates whether the result is within an array structure, and a set that contains all <see cref="OpenApiSchema"/>s that have already been analyzed in order to avoid loops.
        /// Note that this method is called recursively.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pathParameterName"></param>
        /// <param name="schema"></param>
        /// <param name="isInArray"></param>
        /// <param name="xPath"></param>
        /// <param name="alreadyAnalyzedSchemas"></param>
        /// <param name="results"></param>
        private void AnalyzeSchema(OpenApiSchema schema, bool isInArray, string xPath, ISet <OpenApiSchema> alreadyAnalyzedSchemas, IList <Link> results, PathParameter pathParameter)
            string pathParameterName = pathParameter.ParameterName;

            //Create a copy of the Set of already analyzed schemas. Thus, only current path within the structure is memorized:
            ISet <OpenApiSchema> alreadyAnalyzedSchemasCopy = new HashSet <OpenApiSchema>(alreadyAnalyzedSchemas);

            //ISet<OpenApiSchema> alreadyAnalyzedSchemasCopy = alreadyAnalyzedSchemas;

            if (alreadyAnalyzedSchemasCopy.Contains(schema) || schema == null)

            //analyze items
            if (schema.Items != null)
                AnalyzeSchema(schema.Items, isInArray, xPath, alreadyAnalyzedSchemasCopy, results, pathParameter);

            //analyze linked schemas type of 'AllOf'
            if (schema.AllOf != null)
                foreach (OpenApiSchema linkedSchema in schema.AllOf)
                    AnalyzeSchema(linkedSchema, isInArray, xPath, alreadyAnalyzedSchemasCopy, results, pathParameter);

            //analyze linked schemas type of 'AnyOf'
            if (schema.AnyOf != null)
                foreach (OpenApiSchema linkedSchema in schema.AnyOf)
                    AnalyzeSchema(linkedSchema, isInArray, xPath, alreadyAnalyzedSchemasCopy, results, pathParameter);

            //analyze linked schemas type of 'OneOf'
            if (schema.OneOf != null)
                foreach (OpenApiSchema linkedSchema in schema.OneOf)
                    AnalyzeSchema(linkedSchema, isInArray, xPath, alreadyAnalyzedSchemasCopy, results, pathParameter);

            //analyze properties of schema
            if (schema.Properties != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, OpenApiSchema> prop in schema.Properties)
                    string        name     = prop.Key;
                    OpenApiSchema property = prop.Value;

                    //filter type
                    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(property.Type) || CompareTo(property.Type, new string[] { "string", "number", "integer", "boolean" }))
                        string modifiedPathParameterName = pathParameterName;
                        if (IsNameCaseInvariant)
                            name = name.ToLower();
                            modifiedPathParameterName = pathParameterName.ToLower();

                        //check for exact match (if enabled)
                        if (AllowExactMatch && name.CompareTo(modifiedPathParameterName) == 0)
                            Link link = new Link();
                            link.MatchType = LinkMatchType.exactMatch;
                            link.XPath     = xPath + "." + prop.Key;
                            link.ContainsMultipleValues = isInArray;
                            link.PathParameter          = pathParameter;

                        //check whether property name contains parameter name (if enabled)
                        else if (AllowPropertyNameContainsParameterName && name.Contains(modifiedPathParameterName))
                            Link link = new Link();
                            link.MatchType = LinkMatchType.propertyNameContainsPathParameterName;
                            link.XPath     = xPath + "." + prop.Key;
                            link.ContainsMultipleValues = isInArray;
                            link.PathParameter          = pathParameter;

                        //check whether parameter name contains property name (if enabled)
                        else if (AllowParameterNameContainsPropertyName && modifiedPathParameterName.Contains(name))
                            Link link = new Link();
                            link.MatchType = LinkMatchType.pathParameterNameContainsPropertyName;
                            link.XPath     = xPath + "." + prop.Key;
                            link.ContainsMultipleValues = isInArray;
                            link.PathParameter          = pathParameter;
                    else if (property.Type.CompareTo("array") == 0)
                        AnalyzeSchema(property, true, xPath + "." + name + "[*]", alreadyAnalyzedSchemasCopy, results, pathParameter);
                    else //property.Type == "object"
                        AnalyzeSchema(property, isInArray, xPath + "." + name, alreadyAnalyzedSchemasCopy, results, pathParameter);
 public IList <Link> AnalyzeMediaType(string mediaTypeName, OpenApiMediaType mediaType, PathParameter pathParameter)
     if (CheckMediaType(mediaTypeName))
         OpenApiSchema schema = mediaType.Schema;
         IList <Link>  links  = AnalyzeSchema(schema, pathParameter);
         foreach (Link link in links)
             link.MediaType = mediaTypeName;
     return(new List <Link>());
        public IList <Link> AnalyzeResponse(string statusCode, OpenApiResponse response, PathParameter pathParameter, HttpMethod method)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ResponseCodeFilter) || statusCode.StartsWith(ResponseCodeFilter))
                if (method == HttpMethod.GET && response.Content.Count == 0)

                IList <Link> links = new List <Link>();

                //iterate over all media types
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, OpenApiMediaType> mediaType in response.Content)
                    IList <Link> linksOfIteration = AnalyzeMediaType(mediaType.Key, mediaType.Value, pathParameter);
                    foreach (Link link in linksOfIteration)
                        link.StatusCode = statusCode;
            return(new List <Link>());