public void ShortestPath(int x, int y) { Point point1 = new Point(this.PositionX, this.PositionY); Point point2 = new Point(x, y); PositionX = x * 5; PositionY = y * 5; if (point1 != point2) { PathCalculator path = new PathCalculator(; List <Tile> tilelist = new List <Tile>(); tilelist = path.FindShortestPath(point1, point2); foreach (Tile t in tilelist) { this.PointList.Add(t.Pixel); } } else { Console.WriteLine("The AGV doesn't have to move"); } iBlade.Status = true; }
public void AttackClosestEnemyTankToOwnBase(GameState currGameState, Tank killerTank, Tank targetTank, TankActionSet actionSet, bool[] moveChosenByTankNumber) { MobileState killerTankState = currGameState.GetMobileState(killerTank.Index); if (killerTankState.IsActive) { MobileState enemyTankState = currGameState.GetMobileState(targetTank.Index); if (enemyTankState.IsActive) { DirectionalMatrix <DistanceCalculation> attackMatrix = currGameState.CalculationCache.GetIncomingAttackMatrixForTankByTankIndex(targetTank.Index); if (attackMatrix != null) { DistanceCalculation attackCalculation = attackMatrix[killerTankState.Dir, killerTankState.Pos]; TankAction[] tankActions = PathCalculator.GetTankActionsOnIncomingShortestPath(attackMatrix, killerTankState, enemyTankState.Pos, currGameState.CalculationCache.FiringLinesForTanksMatrix, keepMovingCloserOnFiringLastBullet: true); if (tankActions.Length > 0) { actionSet.Actions[killerTank.Number] = tankActions[0]; moveChosenByTankNumber[killerTank.Number] = true; } } } } }
public void ParentPathCalculatorTest() { _pathCalculator = new PathCalculator(new FileSystemAccess()); var result = _pathCalculator.CalculateParentPath(new FullPath(@"c:\a\b\c\d\pom.xml"), "../pom.xml"); Assert.That(result.Value, Is.EqualTo(@"c:\a\b\c\pom.xml")); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the subpath inside a single path. /// Two consecutive control points at the same location indicates a subpath in osu. /// </summary> List <Vector2> CalculateSubpath(Vector2[] subPoints) { switch (PathType) { case PathType.Linear: return(PathCalculator.ApproximateLinear(subPoints)); case PathType.PerfectCurve: // Perfect curve types must only have 3 points. if (points.Length != 3 || subPoints.Length != 3) { break; } var subPath = PathCalculator.ApproximateCircularArc(subPoints); // If somehow not applicable, just break if (subPath.Count == 0) { break; } return(subPath); case PathType.Catmull: return(PathCalculator.CalculateCatmull(subPoints)); } return(PathCalculator.CalculateBezier(subPoints)); }
/// <summary> /// Check if the destination can be reached /// </summary> /// <param name="_position">destination to reach</param> /// <returns>if the destination can be reached</returns> public bool CheckDestination(Vector3 _position) { if (CustomNavMeshManager.Triangles == null || CustomNavMeshManager.Triangles.Count == 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Triangles Not found. Must build the navmesh for the scene"); return(false); } if (isMoving) { StopAllCoroutines(); } pathState = CalculatingState.Calculating; bool _canBeReached = PathCalculator.CalculatePath(OffsetPosition, _position, currentPath, CustomNavMeshManager.Triangles); if (_canBeReached) { pathState = CalculatingState.Ready; StopAllCoroutines(); StartCoroutine(FollowPath()); } else { pathState = CalculatingState.Waiting; } return(_canBeReached); }
public TankAction[] GetTankActionsFromTankToAttackTankAtPointAlongDirectionOfMovement( int playerIndex, int tankNumber, Point targetPoint, Direction finalMovementDir, EdgeOffset[] edgeOffsets, bool keepMovingCloserOnFiringLastBullet) { Tank tank = Game.Current.Players[playerIndex].Tanks[tankNumber]; MobileState tankState = GameState.GetMobileState(tank.Index); TurnCalculationCache turnCalcCache = Game.Current.Turns[GameState.Tick].CalculationCache; Cell targetCell = turnCalcCache.CellMatrix[targetPoint]; FiringLineMatrix firingLinesForTanksMatrix = GameState.CalculationCache.FiringLinesForTanksMatrix; AttackTargetDistanceCalculator attackCalculator = new AttackTargetDistanceCalculator( ElementType.TANK, firingLinesForTanksMatrix, GameState.CalculationCache, turnCalcCache); attackCalculator.MovementDirections = new Direction[] { finalMovementDir }; attackCalculator.EdgeOffsets = edgeOffsets; CombinedMovementAndFiringDistanceCalculation combinedDistCalc = attackCalculator.GetShortestAttackDistanceFromCurrentTankPosition(tank.Index, targetCell); return(PathCalculator.GetTanksActionsOnOutgoingShortestAttackPathFromCurrentTankPosition( tank.Index, combinedDistCalc, GameState.CalculationCache, keepMovingCloserOnFiringLastBullet)); /* was: * DirectionalMatrix<DistanceCalculation> incomingDistanceMatrix * = attackCalculator.CalculateMatrixOfShortestDistancesToTargetCell(targetCell); * DistanceCalculation distanceCalc = incomingDistanceMatrix[tankState]; * return PathCalculator.GetTankActionsOnIncomingShortestPath(incomingDistanceMatrix, tankState.Dir, tankState.Pos.X, tankState.Pos.Y, * targetPoint.X, targetPoint.Y, firingLinesForTanksMatrix, keepMovingCloserOnFiringLastBullet); */ }
public TankAction[] GetActionsToReachLineOfFireDefencePointByIncomingAttackDirection( int playerIndex, int tankNumber, Direction finalIncomingDirectionOfAttack) { Player player = Game.Current.Players[playerIndex]; Tank tank = player.Tanks[tankNumber]; MobileState tankState = GetTankState(playerIndex, tankNumber); if (tankState.IsActive) // TODO: Check if locked in a firefight also { DirectionalMatrix <DistanceCalculation> distanceMatrix = GameState.CalculationCache.GetDistanceMatrixFromTankByTankIndex(tank.Index); Direction defenceDir = finalIncomingDirectionOfAttack.GetOpposite(); if (defenceDir == Direction.NONE) { defenceDir = Direction.RIGHT; } int startPosOffsetFromBase = Constants.TANK_OUTER_EDGE_OFFSET; int endPosOffsetFromBase = startPosOffsetFromBase + MAX_POINTS_TO_TRY_FOR_DEFENCE_POS; for (int offsetSize = startPosOffsetFromBase; offsetSize < endPosOffsetFromBase; offsetSize++) { Point defencePos = player.Base.Pos + defenceDir.GetOffset(offsetSize); DistanceCalculation tankDefenceCalc = distanceMatrix[defenceDir, defencePos]; if (tankDefenceCalc.CodedDistance == 0) { // This defence point can't be reached, try further away continue; } return(PathCalculator.GetTankActionsOnOutgoingShortestPath(distanceMatrix, defenceDir, defencePos)); } } return(new TankAction[0]); }
public static void Main() { calc = new PathCalculator(Input.inputSequence); var res =; Console.WriteLine("Result " + res); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void Run4() { _pathCalculator = new PathCalculator("R8, R4, R4, R8"); var res =; Assert.AreEqual(4, res); }
public void Run3() { _pathCalculator = new PathCalculator("R5, L5, R5, R3"); var res =; Assert.AreEqual(12, res); }
public void Run2() { _pathCalculator = new PathCalculator("R2, R2, R2"); var res =; Assert.AreEqual(2, res); }
public void Run1() { _pathCalculator = new PathCalculator("R2, L3"); var res =; Assert.AreEqual(5, res); }
public TankAction[] GetTankActionsToMoveToPoint(int playerIndex, int tankNumber, Direction directionAtDestination, Point destination) { Tank tank = Game.Current.Players[playerIndex].Tanks[tankNumber]; DirectionalMatrix <DistanceCalculation> distanceMatrix = GameState.CalculationCache.GetDistanceMatrixFromTankByTankIndex(tank.Index); return(PathCalculator.GetTankActionsOnOutgoingShortestPath(distanceMatrix, directionAtDestination, destination)); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var input = "R1, L3, R5, R5, R5, L4, R5, R1, R2, L1, L1, R5, R1, L3, L5, L2, R4, L1, R4, R5, L3, R5, L1, R3, L5, R1, L2, R1, L5, L1, R1, R4, R1, L1, L3, R3, R5, L3, R4, L4, R5, L5, L1, L2, R4, R3, R3, L185, R3, R4, L5, L4, R48, R1, R2, L1, R1, L4, L4, R77, R5, L2, R192, R2, R5, L4, L5, L3, R2, L4, R1, L5, R5, R4, R1, R2, L3, R4, R4, L2, L4, L3, R5, R4, L2, L1, L3, R1, R5, R5, R2, L5, L2, L3, L4, R2, R1, L4, L1, R1, R5, R3, R3, R4, L1, L4, R1, L2, R3, L3, L2, L1, L2, L2, L1, L2, R3, R1, L4, R1, L1, L4, R1, L2, L5, R3, L5, L2, L2, L3, R1, L4, R1, R1, R2, L1, L4, L4, R2, R2, R2, R2, R5, R1, L1, L4, L5, R2, R4, L3, L5, R2, R3, L4, L1, R2, R3, R5, L2, L3, R3, R1, R3"; var pathCalculator = new PathCalculator(); Console.WriteLine(pathCalculator.CalculateDistanceBetweenStartAndFinish(input)); Console.WriteLine(pathCalculator.GetFirstDuplicatedPosition()); }
private void Awake() { pathRefreshWaitForSeconds = new WaitForSeconds(basePathRefreshTime); pathSegmentGetter = new PathSegmentGetter(); brushPool = new BrushPool(brushPrefab, brushPoolSize); pathCalculator = new PathCalculator(); drawingCanvas.Init(); }
private void Tick() { if (incomingRequests.Count > 0 && !bIsThreadLocked) { PathRequest toProccess = incomingRequests.Dequeue(); PathCalculator pathCalculator = new PathCalculator(toProccess); Thread thread = new Thread(pathCalculator.StartPathfinding); bIsThreadLocked = true; thread.Start(); } }
public TankAction[] GetTankActionsFromTankToAttackTank(int playerIndex, int tankNumber, int targetTankNumber) { Tank targetTank = Game.Current.Players[1 - playerIndex].Tanks[targetTankNumber]; MobileState targetTankState = GetTankState(1 - playerIndex, targetTankNumber); DirectionalMatrix <DistanceCalculation> distanceMatrix = GameState.CalculationCache.GetIncomingAttackMatrixForTankByTankIndex(targetTank.Index); MobileState attackingTankState = GetTankState(playerIndex, tankNumber); return(PathCalculator.GetTankActionsOnIncomingShortestPath(distanceMatrix, attackingTankState, targetTankState.Pos, GameState.CalculationCache.FiringLinesForTanksMatrix, keepMovingCloserOnFiringLastBullet: false)); }
protected override void ChooseMoves() { GameState currGameState = Game.Current.CurrentTurn.GameState; TankActionSet actionSet = new TankActionSet(YourPlayerIndex, currGameState.Tick); for (int tankNumber = 0; tankNumber < Constants.TANKS_PER_PLAYER; tankNumber++) { Tank tank = You.Tanks[tankNumber]; MobileState tankState = currGameState.GetMobileState(tank.Index); if (!tankState.IsActive) { continue; } int midX = currGameState.Walls.Width / 2; int midY = currGameState.Walls.Height / 2; int targetX; int targetY; Direction direction; if (tankState.Pos.X > midX) { targetX = currGameState.Walls.Width - Constants.SEGMENT_SIZE; } else { targetX = Constants.SEGMENT_SIZE; } if (tankState.Pos.Y > midY) { targetY = currGameState.Walls.Height - Constants.SEGMENT_SIZE; direction = Direction.UP; } else { targetY = Constants.SEGMENT_SIZE; direction = Direction.DOWN; } DirectionalMatrix <DistanceCalculation> distancesFromTank = currGameState.CalculationCache.GetDistanceMatrixFromTankByTankIndex(tank.Index); TankAction[] tankActions = PathCalculator.GetTankActionsOnOutgoingShortestPath( distancesFromTank, direction, targetX, targetY); if (tankActions.Length > 0) { actionSet.Actions[tank.Number] = tankActions[0]; } } Coordinator.SetBestMoveSoFar(actionSet); }
public static void CalculateHCostIfNeeded(Grid grid, Node node) { if (node.HCost != int.MaxValue) { return; } else { node.HCost = PathCalculator.GetHCost(grid, node); return; } }
// this method uses the PathCalculator class to calculate the shortest path between 2 points and saves the path into a list // the put that list in the agv object private async void ShortestPathAsync(int x, int y) { while (wh.AGVList[0].PointList.Count != 0) { await Task.Delay(3000); } Point point1 = new Point(wh.AGVList[0].PositionX, wh.AGVList[0].PositionY); Point point2 = new Point(x, y); PathCalculator path = new PathCalculator(point1, point2); path.CalculatePath(); wh.AGVList[0].PointList = path.GetPointList(); }
public void Init(Transform startT, Transform endT, Transform look, float time) { start = startT; end = endT; duration = time; lookTarget = look; path = new NavMeshPath(); var result = NavMesh.CalculatePath(startT.position, endT.position, NavMesh.AllAreas, path); pathCalculator = new PathCalculator(path, time); ready = true; }
static void Main(string[] args) { var inputHelper = new InputHelper(Console.WriteLine, Console.ReadLine); var numberOfStations = inputHelper.GetNumberOfStations(); var stations = inputHelper.GetPimpStations(numberOfStations); var pathCalculator = new PathCalculator(); var startIndex = pathCalculator.GetStartPumpStationIndex(stations); Console.WriteLine(startIndex); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, bool drawFirstDot = false) { PathCalculator lineCalc = new PathCalculator(); List <Tuple <int, int> > dotList = lineCalc.CalculateLinePath(x1, y1, x2, y2); if (drawFirstDot) { DrawDot(dotList[0].Item1, dotList[0].Item2); } for (int i = 1; i < dotList.Count; i++) { DrawBorder(dotList[i].Item1, dotList[i].Item2); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var dataFiles = FileWorker.GetDataFileNames(); int i = 0; foreach (var file in dataFiles) { i++; var dataset = FileWorker.ReadDataset(file); var mixes = TopologyConstructor.CreateTopology(dataset); PathCalculator.CalculatePaths(mixes); FileWorker.WriteResults(mixes, file.Substring(file.LastIndexOf("\\"))); Console.WriteLine($@"{i} files already processed"); } }
private void OnCreationFinished(List <Tile> generatedTiles) { interactableTiles.Clear(); allTiles.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < generatedTiles.Count; i++) { if (generatedTiles[i].TileFace != TileFaces.Empty) { generatedTiles[i].View.OnTileClicked += OnTileClicked; interactableTiles.Add(generatedTiles[i]); } } allTiles.AddRange(generatedTiles); currentHint = PathCalculator.GetValidPathPair(interactableTiles); }
/* TODO: Allow easy comparison across actions... * public int[] GetAttackDistanceOfTankToEnemyBasePerTankAction(int playerIndex, int tankNumber) * { * MobileState tankState = GetTankState(playerIndex, tankNumber); * int[] attackDistancesByTankAction = new int[Constants.TANK_ACTION_COUNT]; * foreach (TankAction tankAction in TankHelper.TankActions) * { * if (tankState.IsActive) * { * * * DirectionalMatrix<DistanceCalculation> attackDistanceMatrix * = GameState.CalculationCache.GetIncomingDistanceMatrixForBase(1 - playerIndex); * return attackDistanceMatrix[tankState].Distance; * } * return Constants.UNREACHABLE_DISTANCE; * } * return attackDistancesByTankAction; * } */ public TankAction[] GetActionsToAttackEnemyBase(int playerIndex, int tankNumber) { MobileState tankState = GetTankState(playerIndex, tankNumber); if (tankState.IsActive) { Base enemyBase = GetEnemyBase(playerIndex); FiringLineMatrix firingLineMatrix = GameState.CalculationCache.FiringLinesForPointsMatrix; DirectionalMatrix <DistanceCalculation> attackDistanceMatrix = GameState.CalculationCache.GetIncomingDistanceMatrixForBase(1 - playerIndex); return(PathCalculator.GetTankActionsOnIncomingShortestPath(attackDistanceMatrix, tankState, enemyBase.Pos, firingLineMatrix, keepMovingCloserOnFiringLastBullet: true)); } return(NoTankActions); }
public void Initialize() { _system = new Mock <IFileSystemAccess>(); const string baseDir = @"c:\a\b\"; _system.Setup(s => s.Normalize(Path)).Returns(Path); _system.Setup(s => s.GetDirectoryName(Source)).Returns(baseDir); _system.Setup(s => s.Combine(baseDir, Path)).Returns(Target); _system.Setup(s => s.Combine(Target, PathCalculator.ProjectFilePattern)).Returns(FileTarget); _system.Setup(s => s.GetFullPath(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns((string s) => s); _pathCalculator = new PathCalculator(_system.Object); }
private void Update() { GameObject playerGO = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); if (playerGO == null) { return; } startingPoint = playerGO.transform; Vector2Int goalCoords = level.transformer.ScreenToTile(Input.mousePosition); Vector2Int startCoords = level.transformer.WorldToTile(startingPoint.transform.position); List <Vector2Int> route = PathCalculator.FindPath(level, startCoords, goalCoords); DrawRoute(route); }
public void ShortestPath(int x, int y) { Point point1 = new Point(wh.AGVList[0].PositionX, wh.AGVList[0].PositionY); Point point2 = new Point(x, y); //Map map = new Map(); //map.CreateMap("map", iBlade.wh.Width, iBlade.wh.Height); PathCalculator path = new PathCalculator(; List <Tile> mylist = new List <Tile>(); mylist = path.FindShortestPath(point1, point2); foreach (var item in mylist) { wh.AGVList[0].PointList.Add(item.Location); } wh.AGVList[0].PositionX = mylist[mylist.Count - 1].Location.X; wh.AGVList[0].PositionY = mylist[mylist.Count - 1].Location.Y; iBlade.Status = true; }
private void CheckWinLoseConditions() { if (interactableTiles.Count == 0) { currentLevel.gameWon = true; UiView.ShowGameSummary(true, currentLevel.CurrentHighscore); } else { if (!IsHintValid()) { currentHint = PathCalculator.GetValidPathPair(interactableTiles); if (currentHint == null) { UiView.ShowGameSummary(false, currentLevel.CurrentHighscore); } } } }