Пример #1
        /// <summary>Getting the balance from the messages from the patAging object using logs.</summary>
        public static double GetBalFromMsgs(PatAging patAging)
            TsiTransLog placeLog = patAging.ListTsiLogs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TransType == TsiTransType.PL);

            if (placeLog == null)
                return(0);               //should never happen, this is a collection guarantor so there must be a placement log
            return(placeLog.AccountBalance +
                   .Where(x => x.TransDateTime > placeLog.TransDateTime &&
                          !x.TransType.In(TsiTransType.PL, TsiTransType.RI, TsiTransType.SS, TsiTransType.CN, TsiTransType.Agg, TsiTransType.Excluded))
                   .Sum(x => x.TransAmt));
Пример #2
        ///<summary>Returns a message string used to place a patient or guarantor account with TSI for collection.</summary>
        public static string GeneratePlacement(PatAging patAge, string clientID, DateTime dateBalBegan, TsiDemandType demandType)
            Family  fam  = Patients.GetFamily(patAge.PatNum);
            Patient pat  = fam.ListPats.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PatNum == patAge.PatNum);
            Patient guar = fam.ListPats[0];

            if (pat == null || guar == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Invalid PatNum.  Please contact support.");
            string[] fieldVals = new string[33] {
                "",                //since PatNums can be larger than 10 digits, we will send in field 3 which can hold up to 20 digits
                gGetPatType(guar, pat),
                pat.Country,                                     //country will be blank unless HQ
                gGetLanguageString(pat.Language),                //will be blank if not set
                POut.Double(patAge.AmountDue),                   //POut.Double so it will be in the format XXX.XX with 2 decimal places,
                Math.Max((int)demandType, 1).ToString(),         //(enum 0 based, send 1 for Accelerator - 0 and ProfitRecovery - 1) 1 - AcceleratorPr, 2 - Collection
                ((int)TsiServiceCode.Diplomatic + 1).ToString(), //(enum 0 based, plus 1 to send to TSI) 1 - Diplomatic, 2 - Intensive or 3 - Bad Check.
                "Transferred to TSI"
            return(fieldVals.Aggregate((a, b) => (a ?? "") + "|" + (b ?? "")));
Пример #3
        private static void InsertTsiLogsForAdjustment(long patGuar, Adjustment adj, string msgText, TsiTransType transType)
            //insert tsitranslog for this transaction so the ODService won't send it to Transworld.  _isTsiAdj means Transworld received a payment on
            //behalf of this guar and took a percentage and send the rest to the office for the account.  This will result in a payment being entered
            //into the account, having been received from Transworld, and an adjustment to account for Transorld's cut.
            PatAging patAgingCur = Patients.GetAgingListFromGuarNums(new List <long>()
            }).FirstOrDefault();                                                                                              //should only ever be 1

            if (patAgingCur == null)
            double offsetAmt = adj.AdjAmt - patAgingCur.ListTsiLogs.FindAll(x => x.FKeyType == TsiFKeyType.Adjustment && x.FKey == adj.AdjNum).Sum(x => x.TransAmt);

            if (offsetAmt.IsZero())
            double balFromMsgs = GetBalFromMsgs(patAgingCur);

            if (balFromMsgs.IsZero())
            Insert(new TsiTransLog()
                PatNum    = patAgingCur.PatNum,
                UserNum   = Security.CurUser.UserNum,
                TransType = transType,
                //TransDateTime=DateTime.Now,//set on insert, not editable by user
                //DemandType=TsiDemandType.Accelerator,//only valid for placement msgs
                //ServiceCode=TsiServiceCode.Diplomatic,//only valid for placement msgs
                ClientId       = patAgingCur.ListTsiLogs.FirstOrDefault()?.ClientId ?? "",      //can be blank, not used since this isn't really sent to Transworld
                TransAmt       = offsetAmt,
                AccountBalance = balFromMsgs + (transType == TsiTransType.Excluded?0:offsetAmt),
                FKeyType       = TsiFKeyType.Adjustment,
                FKey           = adj.AdjNum,
                RawMsgText     = msgText,
                //TransJson=""//only valid for placement msgs
                ClinicNum = (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled?patAgingCur.ClinicNum:0)
Пример #4
        ///<summary>Sends an SFTP message to TSI to suspend the account for the guarantor passed in.  Returns empty string if successful.
        ///Returns a translated error message that should be displayed to the user if anything goes wrong.</summary>
        public static string SuspendGuar(Patient guar)
            PatAging patAging = Patients.GetAgingListFromGuarNums(new List <long>()

            if (patAging == null)           //this would only happen if the patient was not in the db??, just in case
                return(Lans.g("TsiTransLogs", "An error occurred when trying to send a suspend message to TSI."));
            long    clinicNum = (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled?guar.ClinicNum:0);
            Program prog      = Programs.GetCur(ProgramName.Transworld);

            if (prog == null)           //shouldn't be possible, the program link should always exist, just in case
                return(Lans.g("TsiTransLogs", "The Transworld program link does not exist.  Contact support."));
            Dictionary <long, List <ProgramProperty> > dictAllProps = ProgramProperties.GetForProgram(prog.ProgramNum)
                                                                      .GroupBy(x => x.ClinicNum)
                                                                      .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList());

            if (dictAllProps.Count == 0)           //shouldn't be possible, there should always be a set of props for ClinicNum 0 even if disabled, just in case
                return(Lans.g("TsiTransLogs", "The Transworld program link is not setup properly."));
            if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled && !dictAllProps.ContainsKey(clinicNum) && dictAllProps.ContainsKey(0))
                clinicNum = 0;
            string clinicDesc = clinicNum == 0?"Headquarters":Clinics.GetDesc(clinicNum);

            if (!dictAllProps.ContainsKey(clinicNum) ||
                !ValidateClinicSftpDetails(dictAllProps[clinicNum], true))                    //the props should be valid, but this will test the connection using the props
                return(Lans.g("TsiTransLogs", "The Transworld program link is not enabled") + " "
                       + (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled?(Lans.g("TsiTransLogs", "for the guarantor's clinic") + ", " + clinicDesc + ", "):"")
                       + Lans.g("TsiTransLogs", "or is not setup properly."));
            List <ProgramProperty> listProps = dictAllProps[clinicNum];
            long newBillType = PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.TransworldPaidInFullBillingType);

            if (newBillType == 0 || Defs.GetDef(DefCat.BillingTypes, newBillType) == null)
                return(Lans.g("TsiTransLogs", "The default paid in full billing type is not set.  An automated suspend message cannot be sent until the "
                              + "default paid in full billing type is set in the Transworld program link")
                       + (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled?(" " + Lans.g("TsiTransLogs", "for the guarantor's clinic") + ", " + clinicDesc):"") + ".");
            string clientId = "";

            if (patAging.ListTsiLogs.Count > 0)
                clientId = patAging.ListTsiLogs[0].ClientId;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientId))
                clientId = listProps.Find(x => x.PropertyDesc == "ClientIdAccelerator")?.PropertyValue;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientId))
                clientId = listProps.Find(x => x.PropertyDesc == "ClientIdCollection")?.PropertyValue;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientId))
                return(Lans.g("TsiTransLogs", "There is no client ID in the Transworld program link")
                       + (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled?(" " + Lans.g("TsiTransLogs", "for the guarantor's clinic") + ", " + clinicDesc):"") + ".");
            string sftpAddress = listProps.Find(x => x.PropertyDesc == "SftpServerAddress")?.PropertyValue ?? "";
            int    sftpPort;

            if (!int.TryParse(listProps.Find(x => x.PropertyDesc == "SftpServerPort")?.PropertyValue ?? "", out sftpPort))
                sftpPort = 22;              //default to port 22
            string userName     = listProps.Find(x => x.PropertyDesc == "SftpUsername")?.PropertyValue ?? "";
            string userPassword = listProps.Find(x => x.PropertyDesc == "SftpPassword")?.PropertyValue ?? "";

            if (new[] { sftpAddress, userName, userPassword }.Any(x => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)))
                return(Lans.g("TsiTransLogs", "The SFTP address, username, or password for the Transworld program link") + " "
                       + (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled?(Lans.g("TsiTransLogs", "for the guarantor's clinic") + ", " + clinicDesc + ", "):"") + Lans.g("TsiTransLogs", "is blank."));
            string msg = TsiMsgConstructor.GenerateUpdate(patAging.PatNum, clientId, TsiTransType.SS, 0.00, patAging.AmountDue);

            try {
                byte[]          fileContents = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(TsiMsgConstructor.GetUpdateFileHeader() + "\r\n" + msg);
                TaskStateUpload state        = new Sftp.Upload(sftpAddress, userName, userPassword, sftpPort)
                    Folder        = "/xfer/incoming",
                    FileName      = "TsiUpdates_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + ".txt",
                    FileContent   = fileContents,
                    HasExceptions = true
            catch (Exception ex) {
                return(Lans.g("TsiTransLogs", "There was an error sending the update message to Transworld")
                       + (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled?(" " + Lans.g("TsiTransLogs", "using the program properties for the guarantor's clinic") + ", " + clinicDesc):"") + ".\r\n"
                       + ex.Message);
            //Upload was successful
            TsiTransLog log = new TsiTransLog()
                PatNum    = patAging.PatNum,
                UserNum   = Security.CurUser.UserNum,
                TransType = TsiTransType.SS,
                //TransDateTime=DateTime.Now,//set on insert, not editable by user
                //DemandType=TsiDemandType.Accelerator,//only valid for placement msgs
                //ServiceCode=TsiServiceCode.Diplomatic,//only valid for placement msgs
                ClientId       = clientId,
                TransAmt       = 0.00,
                AccountBalance = patAging.AmountDue,
                FKeyType       = TsiFKeyType.None, //only used for account trans updates
                FKey           = 0,                //only used for account trans updates
                RawMsgText     = msg,
                ClinicNum      = clinicNum
                                 //,TransJson=""//only valid for placement msgs

            //update family billing type to the paid in full billing type pref
            Patients.UpdateFamilyBillingType(newBillType, patAging.PatNum);