public Relationships.State[] requiredAnyOfRelationships; // friendly, enemy, neutral, etc.

    //Faction GetFaction(System.Object context)
    //    // verify if context is not null
    //    if (context == null)
    //    {
    //        return Faction.Unknown;
    //    }
    //    // verify if context is of PartyUnit type
    //    if (context is PartyUnit)
    //    {
    //        // get party
    //        HeroParty heroParty = ((PartyUnit)context).GetUnitParty();
    //        // verify if hero Party is not null
    //        if (heroParty != null)
    //        {
    //            // return party faction
    //            return heroParty.Faction;
    //        }
    //        else
    //        {
    //            Debug.LogWarning(((PartyUnit)context).GetUnitDisplayName() + " unit has no Party");
    //        }
    //    }
    //    // verify if context is of HeroParty type
    //    if (context is HeroParty)
    //    {
    //        // return party faction
    //        return ((HeroParty)context).Faction;
    //    }
    //    // verify if context is of City type
    //    if (context is City)
    //    {
    //        // return city faction
    //        return ((City)context).CityCurrentFaction;
    //    }
    //    // verify if context is of Player type
    //    if (context is GamePlayer)
    //    {
    //        // return player faction
    //        return ((GamePlayer)context).Faction;
    //    }
    //    // by default return unknown faction
    //    Debug.LogWarning("Unknown Faction");
    //    return Faction.Unknown;

    //public bool DoesContextMatch(System.Object srcContext, System.Object dstContext)
    //    return DoesSourceContextMatch(srcContext) && DoesDestinationContextMatch(dstContext);

    //public bool DoesSourceContextMatch(System.Object srcContext)
    //    if ((srcContext is GamePlayer) || (srcContext is City) || (srcContext is HeroParty) || (srcContext is PartyUnit))
    //    {
    //        // match
    //        return true;
    //    }
    //    Debug.Log("Source context doesn't match");
    //    // doesn't match
    //    return false;

    //public bool DoesDestinationContextMatch(System.Object dstContext)
    //    if ((dstContext is GamePlayer) || (dstContext is City) || (dstContext is HeroParty) || (dstContext is PartyUnit))
    //    {
    //        // match
    //        return true;
    //    }
    //    Debug.Log("Destination context doesn't match");
    //    // doesn't match
    //    return false;

    //ValidationResult DoDiscardModifierInContextOf(System.Object srcContext, System.Object dstContext)
    //    // verify if source or destination context do not match requirements of this limiter
    //    if (!DoesContextMatch(srcContext, dstContext))
    //    {
    //        // context is not in scope of this limiter
    //        // don't limit
    //        return ValidationResult.Pass();
    //    }
    //    //// verify if destination context is of HeroEquipmentSlots type
    //    //if (dstContext is InventorySlotDropHandler)
    //    //{
    //    //    // ignore this limiter (don't discard)
    //    //    return false;
    //    //}
    //    // get relationships
    //    Relationships.State relationships = Relationships.Instance.GetRelationships( GetFaction(srcContext), GetFaction(dstContext) );
    //    // loop through all required relationships
    //    foreach (Relationships.State relation in requiredAnyOfRelationships)
    //    {
    //        // verify if relationships match
    //        if (relation == relationships)
    //        {
    //            // don't limit
    //            return ValidationResult.Pass();
    //        }
    //    }
    //    // if none of required relations match then limit modifier
    //    return ValidationResult.Discard(onDiscardMessage);

    public bool DoesContextMatch(System.Object context)
        // verify if context matches battle context
        if (context is BattleContext)
            // verify if active and destination units are set
            if (BattleContext.ActivePartyUnitUI != null && BattleContext.DestinationUnitSlot != null)
                // context match
        // verify if context matches edit party screen context
        if (context is EditPartyScreenContext)
            // verify if destination unit is set
            // we assume that when edit party screen is active, then all units have the same faction
            if (EditPartyScreenContext.DestinationUnitSlot != null)
                // context match
        // verify if context matches propagation context
        if (context is PartyUnitPropagationContext)
            // Get propagation context
            PartyUnitPropagationContext propagationContext = (PartyUnitPropagationContext)context;
            // verify if source party unit and destination unit is set
            if (propagationContext.SourcePartyUnit != null && propagationContext.DestinationPartyUnit != null)
                // context match
        // verify if context matches propagation context
        if (context is CityPropagationContext)
            // Get propagation context
            CityPropagationContext propagationContext = (CityPropagationContext)context;
            // verify if source city and destination unit is set
            if (propagationContext.SourceCity != null && propagationContext.DestinationPartyUnit != null)
                // context match
        // by default context doesn't match
 public bool DoesContextMatch(System.Object context)
     // verify if context matches battle or edit party screen context
     if (context is BattleContext)
         // verify if destination unit slot is set
         if (BattleContext.DestinationUnitSlot != null)
             // context match
     if (context is EditPartyScreenContext)
         // verify if destination unit slot is set
         if (EditPartyScreenContext.DestinationUnitSlot != null)
             // context match
     if (context is PartyUnitPropagationContext)
         // Get propagation context
         PartyUnitPropagationContext propagationContext = (PartyUnitPropagationContext)context;
         // verify if source and destination units are set
         if (propagationContext.SourcePartyUnit != null && propagationContext.DestinationPartyUnit != null)
             // context match
     if (context is CityPropagationContext)
         // Get propagation context
         CityPropagationContext propagationContext = (CityPropagationContext)context;
         // verify if source city and destination unit are set
         if (propagationContext.SourceCity != null && propagationContext.DestinationPartyUnit != null)
             // context match
     // by default context doesn't match
Пример #3
    public override ValidationResult DoDiscardModifierInContextOf(System.Object context)
        // verify if context doesn't match requirements of this limiter
        if (!DoesContextMatch(context))
            // context is not in scope of this limiter
            // don't limit
        // verify if context matches battle context
        if (context is BattleContext)
            switch (modifierScopeID)
            case ModifierScopeID.Self:
                // verify if destination (validated) unit slot is the same as active unit slot
                if (BattleContext.DestinationUnitSlot.gameObject.GetInstanceID() == BattleContext.ActivePartyUnitUI.GetComponentInParent <UnitSlot>().gameObject.GetInstanceID())
                    // don't limit
                // limit by default

            case ModifierScopeID.SingleUnit:
                // verify at which phase we are:
                //  - new unit has just been activated (target unit is not set)
                //  - applying ability from active unit to destination slot (target unit is set)
                // verify if target unit have been set and that modifier scope is single unit and that destination slot has unit
                if (BattleContext.TargetedUnitSlot != null)
                    // verify if tareted unit is the same as destination slot
                    if (BattleContext.TargetedUnitSlot.gameObject.GetInstanceID() == BattleContext.DestinationUnitSlot.gameObject.GetInstanceID())
                        // don't limit
                        // limit
                    // don't limit, because target unit slot has not been set yet

            case ModifierScopeID.EntireParty:
                // don't limit

            case ModifierScopeID.AllPlayerUnits:
                // don't limit

                Debug.LogError("Unknown modifier scope: " + modifierScopeID.ToString());
                // limit by default
                return(ValidationResult.Discard("Unknown modifier scope"));
        // verify if context matches edit party screen context
        if (context is EditPartyScreenContext)
            switch (modifierScopeID)
            case ModifierScopeID.Self:
                // this scope is not applicable in EditPartyScreen context
                // don't limit

            case ModifierScopeID.SingleUnit:
                // verify at which phase we are:
                //  - new unit has just been activated (target unit is not set)
                //  - applying ability from active unit to destination slot (target unit is set)
                // verify if target unit have been set and that modifier scope is single unit and that destination slot has unit
                if (EditPartyScreenContext.TargetedUnitSlot != null)
                    // verify if tareted unit is the same as destination slot
                    if (EditPartyScreenContext.TargetedUnitSlot.gameObject.GetInstanceID() == EditPartyScreenContext.DestinationUnitSlot.gameObject.GetInstanceID())
                        // don't limit
                        // limit
                    // don't limit, because target unit slot has not been set yet

            case ModifierScopeID.EntireParty:
                // don't limit

            case ModifierScopeID.AllPlayerUnits:
                // don't limit

                Debug.LogError("Unknown modifier scope: " + modifierScopeID.ToString());
                // limit by default
                return(ValidationResult.Discard("Unknown modifier scope"));
        // verify if context matches party unit propagation context
        if (context is PartyUnitPropagationContext)
            // Get propagation context
            PartyUnitPropagationContext propagationContext = (PartyUnitPropagationContext)context;
            switch (modifierScopeID)
            case ModifierScopeID.Self:
                // verify if item owner is the same unit as destination (validated) unit
                if (propagationContext.SourcePartyUnit.GetInstanceID() == propagationContext.DestinationPartyUnit.GetInstanceID())
                    // don't limit (allow propagation)
                // default: don't allow propagation, limit

            case ModifierScopeID.SingleUnit:
                // this scope is not applicable for propagation use case
                Debug.LogWarning("Single Unit scope is not applicable for propagation use case. Don't propagate");
                // default: don't allow propagation, limit

            case ModifierScopeID.EntireParty:
                // don't limit (allow propagation)

            case ModifierScopeID.AllPlayerUnits:
                // don't limit (allow propagation)

                Debug.LogError("Unknown modifier scope: " + modifierScopeID.ToString());
                // limit by default
                return(ValidationResult.Discard("Unknown modifier scope"));
        // verify if context matches city propagation context
        if (context is CityPropagationContext)
            // Get propagation context
            //CityPropagationContext propagationContext = (CityPropagationContext)context;
            switch (modifierScopeID)
            case ModifierScopeID.Self:
                // this scope is not applicable for propagation use case
                Debug.LogWarning("Self scope is not applicable for propagation use case. Don't propagate");
                // default: don't allow propagation, limit

            case ModifierScopeID.SingleUnit:
                // this scope is not applicable for propagation use case
                Debug.LogWarning("Single Unit scope is not applicable for propagation use case. Don't propagate");
                // default: don't allow propagation, limit

            case ModifierScopeID.EntireParty:
                // don't limit (allow propagation)

            case ModifierScopeID.AllPlayerUnits:
                // don't limit (allow propagation)

                Debug.LogError("Unknown modifier scope: " + modifierScopeID.ToString());
                // limit by default
                return(ValidationResult.Discard("Unknown modifier scope"));
        // don't limit
 public override ValidationResult DoDiscardModifierInContextOf(System.Object context)
     // verify if context doesn't match requirements of this limiter
     if (!DoesContextMatch(context))
         // context is not in scope of this limiter
         // don't limit
     // verify if context matches battle context
     if (context is BattleContext)
         // get source hero party
         HeroParty sourceParty = BattleContext.ActivePartyUnitUI.GetComponentInParent <HeroPartyUI>().LHeroParty;
         // get destination hero party
         HeroParty destinationParty = BattleContext.DestinationUnitSlot.GetComponentInParent <HeroPartyUI>().LHeroParty;
         // verify if we need to discard modifier
         //return DoDiscardModifierInContextOf(sourceParty, destinationParty);
         return(MatchRelationsBetweenParties(sourceParty, destinationParty));
     // verify if context matches battle context
     if (context is EditPartyScreenContext)
         // verify if relationships match same faction
         // we assume that when edit party screen is active, then all units have the same faction
         if (MatchRelations(Relationships.State.SameFaction))
             // don't limit
         //// loop through all required relationships
         //foreach (Relationships.State relation in requiredAnyOfRelationships)
         //    // verify if relationships match same faction
         //    // we assume that when edit party screen is active, then all units have the same faction
         //    if (relation == Relationships.State.SameFaction)
         //    {
         //        // don't limit
         //        return ValidationResult.Pass();
         //    }
         // if none of required relations match then limit modifier
     // verify if context matches party unit propagation context
     if (context is PartyUnitPropagationContext)
         // Get propagation context
         PartyUnitPropagationContext propagationContext = (PartyUnitPropagationContext)context;
         // get item owner party
         HeroParty itemOwnerParty = propagationContext.SourcePartyUnit.GetComponentInParent <HeroParty>();
         // get destination unit party
         HeroParty destinationUnitParty = propagationContext.DestinationPartyUnit.GetComponentInParent <HeroParty>();
         // return result of relations match
         return(MatchRelationsBetweenParties(itemOwnerParty, destinationUnitParty));
     // verify if context matches city propagation context
     if (context is CityPropagationContext)
         // Get propagation context
         CityPropagationContext propagationContext = (CityPropagationContext)context;
         // get destination unit party
         HeroParty destinationUnitParty = propagationContext.DestinationPartyUnit.GetComponentInParent <HeroParty>();
         // return result of relations match
         return(MatchRelationsBetweenCityAndParty(propagationContext.SourceCity, destinationUnitParty));
     // default: don't limit