/// <summary> /// Get customized handler error message from specified text document and use to overwrite /// default handler error message to user defined handler error message. /// </summary> private static void GetCustomizedHandlerErrorMessage() { if (File.Exists(CustomizedHandlerErrorMessageSource)) { try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(CustomizedHandlerErrorMessageSource)) { while (!sr.EndOfStream) { string str = sr.ReadLine(); if (str.StartsWith("//") == false && str != "" && str.Contains(":") && str.Contains("-")) { string code = str.Remove(str.IndexOf(":")); string errMes = str.Replace(code + ":", "").Trim(); if (_customizedHandlerErrMsgList.ContainsKey(code) == false) { _customizedHandlerErrMsgList.Add(code, errMes); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ParselMessageBox.Show("Failed to load customized handler error message from file " + CustomizedHandlerErrorMessageSource + "\r\n" + ". Please ensure contents of the file is in correct format.", ex, MessageBoxIcon.Error, ErrorButton.NoButton, ErrorButton.NoButton, ErrorButton.OK); } } }
private void buttonReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ParselMessageBox.Show("Counter", "Do you want to reset the counter?", MessageBoxIcon.Question, ErrorButton.NoButton, ErrorButton.Yes, ErrorButton.No) == ErrorButton.Yes) { HSTMachine.Workcell.HSTSettings.getConfigPerformance().StopTracking(); HSTMachine.Workcell.HSTSettings.getConfigPerformance().StartTracking(); } }
void _powerDownTimerTick_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { _powerDownTimerTick.Enabled = false; try { int logCode = (int)LoggerCategory.PowerDownTime; using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(_powerDownTimeLogFile, false)) { writer.WriteLine(logCode.ToString() + "," + DateTime.Now); } } catch (Exception ex) { ParselMessageBox.Show("Error occurred when trying to write " + _powerDownTimeLogFile, ex, MessageBoxIcon.Error, ErrorButton.NoButton, ErrorButton.NoButton, ErrorButton.OK); } _powerDownTimerTick.Enabled = true; }
/// <summary> /// Show chm help file and directly goto specific topic according to specified error code /// in brief format. Error code in brief format means error code without device error code, /// for example: D002-B012-001 becomes D002-B012. /// </summary> /// <param name="helpFilePath"></param> /// <param name="errorCodeBrief"></param> public static void ShowErrorMessageHelp(string helpFilePath, string errorCodeBrief) { if (File.Exists(helpFilePath) == false) { ParselMessageBox.Show("CHM help file does not exist.", helpFilePath, MessageBoxIcon.Error, ErrorButton.NoButton, ErrorButton.NoButton, ErrorButton.OK); return; } int indexID = 0; if (_helpLinkList.ContainsKey(errorCodeBrief)) { indexID = _helpLinkList[errorCodeBrief]; // look for topic id in the collection with respect to supplied brief error code. Help.ShowHelp(null, helpFilePath, HelpNavigator.TopicId, indexID.ToString()); } else { Help.ShowHelp(null, helpFilePath); } }