public void Errors_ErrorsExist_ShouldReturnErrors()
            var result = new ParseResult();

            var optionMissingError = new OptionMissingError("optionA");


            var unknownOptionError = new UnknownOptionError("optionB");


            result.Errors.Should().BeEquivalentTo(optionMissingError, unknownOptionError);
Пример #2
        private void HandleChild(ParseResult result, XElement child)
            if (child.IsType("visual"))
                if (Visual != null)
                    result.AddWarning("A visual element was already provided. Only the first one will be used.", GetErrorPositionInfo(child));

                Visual visual = new Visual(NotificationType.Cortana, SupportedFeatures);
                visual.Parse(result, child);

                Visual = visual;

            else if (child.IsType("actionDefinitions"))
                if (ActionDefinitions != null)
                    result.AddWarning("An actionDefinitions element was already provided. Only the first one will be used.", GetErrorPositionInfo(child));

                ActionDefinitions actions = new ActionDefinitions(NotificationType.Cortana, SupportedFeatures);
                actions.Parse(result, child);

                ActionDefinitions = actions;

                result.AddError($"Invalid child {child.Name.LocalName} under toast element.", GetErrorPositionInfo(child));
Пример #3
        internal virtual void ParseKnownAttributes(XElement node, AttributesHelper attributes, ParseResult result, string baseUri, bool addImageQuery)
            // src is required
            XAttribute attrSrc = attributes.PopAttribute(ATTR_IMAGE_SRC);

            if (attrSrc == null)
                result.AddError("src attribute on image element is required.", XmlTemplateParser.GetErrorPositionInfo(node));
                throw new IncompleteElementException();

            this.Src = XmlTemplateParser.ConstructUri(attrSrc.Value, baseUri, addImageQuery);

            // alt is optional, I don't use it right now either

            // hint-crop is optional
            HintCrop hintCrop;

            if (TryParseEnum(result, attributes, ATTR_IMAGE_HINT_CROP, out hintCrop))
                this.HintCrop = hintCrop;
Пример #4
        protected void HandleChild(ParseResult result, XElement child)
            if (Type != InputType.Selection)
                result.AddWarning($"Invalid child '{child.Name.LocalName}' found in an input. Only inputs of type 'selection' can contain children.", GetErrorPositionInfo(child));

            if (child.IsType("selection"))
                Selection selection = new Selection(Context, SupportedFeatures);
                selection.Parse(result, child);

                if (!result.IsOkForRender())
                    throw new IncompleteElementException();

                selection.Parent = this;

                result.AddError($@"Invalid child ""{child.Name.LocalName}"" found in an input. Selection inputs can only contain selection elements.", GetErrorPositionInfo(child));
        internal virtual void ParseKnownAttributes(XElement node, AttributesHelper attributes, ParseResult result)
            // id is required
            XAttribute attrId = attributes.PopAttribute(ATTR_ID);

            if (attrId == null)
                result.AddError("id attribute on action element is required.", XmlTemplateParser.GetErrorPositionInfo(node));
                throw new IncompleteElementException();

            this.Id = attrId.Value;

            // arguments is required
            XAttribute attrArguments = attributes.PopAttribute(ATTR_ARGUMENTS);

            if (attrArguments == null)
                result.AddErrorButRenderAllowed("arguments attribute on action element is required.", XmlTemplateParser.GetErrorPositionInfo(node));
                throw new IncompleteElementException();

            this.Arguments = attrArguments.Value;

            // activationType is optional
            ActivationType type;

            if (TryParseEnum(result, attributes, ATTR_ACTIVATIONTYPE, out type))
                this.ActivationType = type;
        public void Handle_HasErrorsAndNoErrorHandler_ShouldReturn0()
            var result = new ParseResult();

            result.AddError(new OptionMissingError("optionA"));

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the given value to the desired option value type of the option parser.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="optionValue">The option value to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="parseResult">The object where to put parse errors in if a parse error occurred.</param>
        /// <param name="resultValue">The parsed value.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the given option value could be parsed; otherwise false.</returns>
        protected override Boolean TryParseValue(String optionValue, ParseResult parseResult, out Guid resultValue)
            if (!this.ValueParser.TryParseGuid(optionValue, this.GuidFormat, out resultValue))
                parseResult.AddError(new OptionValueInvalidFormatError(this.OptionName, optionValue, "A valid Guid"));

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the given value to the desired option value type of the option parser.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="optionValue">The option value to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="parseResult">The object where to put parse errors in if a parse error occurred.</param>
        /// <param name="resultValue">The parsed value.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the given option value could be parsed; otherwise false.</returns>
        protected override Boolean TryParseValue(String optionValue, ParseResult parseResult, out Int64 resultValue)
            if (!this.ValueParser.TryParseInt64(optionValue, this.NumberStyles, this.FormatProvider, out resultValue))
                parseResult.AddError(new OptionValueInvalidFormatError(this.OptionName, optionValue, $"An integer in the range from {Int64.MinValue} to {Int64.MaxValue}"));

        public void HasErrors_ErrorsExist_ShouldBeTrue()
            var result = new ParseResult();

            var optionMissingError = new OptionMissingError("optionA");


        public void AddError_ShouldAddError()
            var result = new ParseResult();

            var optionMissingError = new OptionMissingError("optionA");


Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the given value to the desired option value type of the option parser.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="optionValue">The option value to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="parseResult">The object where to put parse errors in if a parse error occurred.</param>
        /// <param name="resultValue">The parsed value.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the given option value could be parsed; otherwise false.</returns>
        protected override Boolean TryParseValue(String optionValue, ParseResult parseResult, out TEnum resultValue)
            if (!this.ValueParser.TryParseEnum(optionValue, out resultValue))
                parseResult.AddError(new OptionValueInvalidFormatError(this.OptionName, optionValue, "One of the valid values (see help)"));
                resultValue = default;

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the given value to the desired option value type of the option parser.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="optionValue">The option value to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="parseResult">The object where to put parse errors in if a parse error occurred.</param>
        /// <param name="resultValue">The parsed value.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the given option value could be parsed; otherwise false.</returns>
        protected override Boolean TryParseValue(String optionValue, ParseResult parseResult, out TimeSpan resultValue)
            if (!this.ValueParser.TryParseTimeSpan(optionValue, this.TimeSpanFormat, this.FormatProvider, this.TimeSpanStyles, out resultValue))
                var errorMessage = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.TimeSpanFormat) ? $"A valid time interval in the format '{this.TimeSpanFormat}'" : "A valid time interval";
                parseResult.AddError(new OptionValueInvalidFormatError(this.OptionName, optionValue, errorMessage));

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the given value to the desired option value type of the option parser.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="optionValue">The option value to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="parseResult">The object where to put parse errors in if a parse error occurred.</param>
        /// <param name="resultValue">The parsed value.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the given option value could be parsed; otherwise false.</returns>
        protected override Boolean TryParseValue(String optionValue, ParseResult parseResult, out DateTime resultValue)
            if (!this.ValueParser.TryParseDateTime(optionValue, this.DateTimeFormat, this.FormatProvider, this.DateTimeStyles, out resultValue))
                var errorMessage = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DateTimeFormat) ? $"A valid date (and optionally time of day) in the format '{this.DateTimeFormat}'" : "A valid date (and optionally time of day)";
                parseResult.AddError(new OptionValueInvalidFormatError(this.OptionName, optionValue, errorMessage));

        public void Handle_HasErrors_ShouldReturnValueOfErrorHandler()
            var result   = new ParseResult();
            var handlers = A.Fake <ICommandHandlers>();

            A.CallTo(() => handlers.HandleError(result)).Returns(1);

            result.AddError(new OptionMissingError("optionA"));

        public void Handle_HasErrors_ShouldNotCallAnyCommandHandler()
            var result   = new ParseResult();
            var handlers = A.Fake <ICommandHandlers>();

            result.CommandHandler <Command1Options>(handlers.HandleCommand1);

            result.AddError(new OptionMissingError("optionA"));

            A.CallTo(() => handlers.HandleCommand1(A <Command1Options> .Ignored)).MustNotHaveHappened();
Пример #16
        internal void ParseKnownAttributes(XElement node, AttributesHelper attributes, ParseResult result)
            // id is required
            XAttribute attrId = attributes.PopAttribute(ATTR_ID);

            if (attrId == null)
                result.AddError("id attribute on input element is required.", XmlTemplateParser.GetErrorPositionInfo(node));
                throw new IncompleteElementException();

            this.Id = attrId.Value;
        public void Handle_HasErrors_ShouldCallCallErrorHandler()
            var result   = new ParseResult();
            var handlers = A.Fake <ICommandHandlers>();


            result.AddError(new OptionMissingError("optionA"));


            A.CallTo(() => handlers.HandleError(result)).MustHaveHappenedOnceExactly();
        public void Handle_ErrorHandlerThrows_ShouldForwardErrorHandlerException()
            var result   = new ParseResult();
            var handlers = A.Fake <ICommandHandlers>();

            A.CallTo(() => handlers.HandleError(result)).Throws(new Exception("Error Handler Exception"));

            result.AddError(new OptionMissingError("optionA"));

            result.Invoking(a => a.Handle())
            .Throw <Exception>()
            .WithMessage("Error Handler Exception");
Пример #19
        protected virtual void ParseKnownAttributes(XElement node, AttributesHelper attributes, ParseResult result)
            // id is required
            XAttribute attrId = attributes.PopAttribute(ATTR_ID);

            if (attrId == null)
                result.AddError("id attribute on input element is required.", XmlTemplateParser.GetErrorPositionInfo(node));
                throw new IncompleteElementException();

            // type is required
            InputType type;

            if (!TryParseEnum(result, attributes, ATTR_TYPE, out type))
                result.AddErrorButRenderAllowed("type attribute on input element is required.", XmlTemplateParser.GetErrorPositionInfo(node));
                throw new IncompleteElementException();

            this.Id   = attrId.Value;
            this.Type = type;

            // title is optional
            var attrTitle = attributes.PopAttribute(ATTR_TITLE);

            if (attrTitle != null)
                this.Title = attrTitle.Value;

            // placeHolderContent is optional
            var attrPlaceHolderContent = attributes.PopAttribute(ATTR_PLACEHOLDERCONTENT);

            if (attrPlaceHolderContent != null)
                this.PlaceHolderContent = attrPlaceHolderContent.Value;

            // defaultInput is optional
            var attrDefaultInput = attributes.PopAttribute(ATTR_DEFAULTINPUT);

            if (attrDefaultInput != null)
                this.DefaultInput = attrDefaultInput.Value;
Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the given tokens and puts the result of the parsing into the given parse result object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tokens">The tokens to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="parseResult">The object where to put result of the parsing into.</param>
        public override void Parse(List <Token> tokens, ParseResult parseResult)
            var optionToken = tokens.OfType <OptionToken>().FirstOrDefault(a => this.OptionName == a.OptionName);

            if (optionToken != null)
                optionToken.IsParsed = true;

                if (optionToken.OptionValues.Count == 0)
                    this.TargetProperty.SetValue(parseResult.CommandOptions, true);
                    parseResult.AddError(new InvalidOptionError(this.OptionName, "This option does not support any values."));
Пример #21
        private void HandleChild(ParseResult result, XElement child)
            if (child.IsType("visual"))
                if (Visual != null)
                    result.AddWarning("A visual element was already provided. Only the first one will be used.", GetErrorPositionInfo(child));

                Visual visual = new Visual(NotificationType.NewsFeed, SupportedFeatures);
                visual.Parse(result, child);

                Visual = visual;

                result.AddError($"Invalid child {child.Name.LocalName} under newsFeed element.", GetErrorPositionInfo(child));
Пример #22
        internal virtual void ParseKnownAttributes(XElement node, AttributesHelper attributes, ParseResult result)
            // content is required
            XAttribute attrContent = attributes.PopAttribute(ATTR_CONTENT);

            if (attrContent == null)
                result.AddError("content attribute on action element is required.", XmlTemplateParser.GetErrorPositionInfo(node));
                throw new IncompleteElementException();

            this.Content = attrContent.Value;

            // parse activationType, arguments, state
            base.ParseActivatableElementAttributes(node, attributes, result);

            // imageUri is optional
            var attrImageUri = attributes.PopAttribute(ATTR_IMAGEURI);

            if (attrImageUri != null)
                this.ImageUri = attrImageUri.Value;

            // inputId is optional
            var attrInputId = attributes.PopAttribute(ATTR_HINT_INPUTID);

            if (attrInputId != null)
                this.InputId = attrInputId.Value;

            ActionPlacement placement;

            if (TryParseEnum(result, attributes, ATTR_PLACEMENT, out placement))
                this.Placement = placement;
Пример #23
        internal virtual void ParseKnownAttributes(XElement node, AttributesHelper attributes, ParseResult result)
            // target is required
            XAttribute attrTarget = attributes.PopAttribute(ATTR_TARGET);

            if (attrTarget == null)
                result.AddError($"{ATTR_TARGET} attribute on {ELEMENT_NAME} element is required.", XmlTemplateParser.GetErrorPositionInfo(node));
                throw new IncompleteElementException();

            this.Target = attrTarget.Value;

            // property is required
            SetterProperties property;

            if (TryParseEnum(result, attributes, ATTR_PROPERTY, out property))
                this.Property = property;
                result.AddErrorButRenderAllowed($"{ATTR_PROPERTY} attribute on {ELEMENT_NAME} element is required.", XmlTemplateParser.GetErrorPositionInfo(node));
                throw new IncompleteElementException();

            // value is required
            XAttribute attrValue = attributes.PopAttribute(ATTR_VALUE);

            if (attrValue == null)
                result.AddErrorButRenderAllowed($"{ATTR_VALUE} attribute on {ELEMENT_NAME} element is required.", XmlTemplateParser.GetErrorPositionInfo(node));
                throw new IncompleteElementException();

            this.Value = attrValue.Value;
Пример #24
        protected virtual void ParseKnownAttributes(XElement node, AttributesHelper attributes, ParseResult result)
            // id is required
            XAttribute attrId = attributes.PopAttribute(ATTR_ID);

            if (attrId == null)
                result.AddError("id attribute on input element is required.", XmlTemplateParser.GetErrorPositionInfo(node));
                throw new IncompleteElementException();

            // type is required
            XAttribute attrContent = attributes.PopAttribute(ATTR_CONTENT);

            if (attrContent == null)
                result.AddErrorButRenderAllowed("content attribute on input element is required.", XmlTemplateParser.GetErrorPositionInfo(node));
                throw new IncompleteElementException();

            this.Id      = attrId.Value;
            this.Content = attrContent.Value;
Пример #25
        protected override void HandleChild(ParseResult result, XElement child, string baseUri, bool addImageQuery)
            if (child.IsType("subgroup"))
                TileSubgroup subgroup = new TileSubgroup();
                subgroup.Parse(result, child, baseUri, addImageQuery);

                if (!result.IsOkForRender())
                    throw new IncompleteElementException();

                if (subgroup != null)

                result.AddError($@"Invalid child ""{child.Name.LocalName}"" found in a group. Groups can only contain subgroups.", GetErrorPositionInfo(child));
Пример #26
        internal void ParseKnownAttributes(XElement node, AttributesHelper attributes, ParseResult result, string baseUri, bool addImageQuery)
            // AddImageQuery is optional
                bool val;
                if (TryParse(result, attributes, ATTR_IMAGE_ADDIMAGEQUERY, out val))
                    addImageQuery = val; // Overwrite cascaded value if it was specified
                    AddImageQuery = val;

            // src is required
            XAttribute attrSrc = attributes.PopAttribute(ATTR_IMAGE_SRC);

            if (attrSrc == null)
                result.AddError("src attribute on image element is required.", XmlTemplateParser.GetErrorPositionInfo(node));
                throw new IncompleteElementException();

            this.Src = XmlTemplateParser.ConstructUri(attrSrc.Value, baseUri, addImageQuery);

            // alt is optional, I don't use it right now
            var altAttr = attributes.PopAttribute(ATTR_IMAGE_ALT);

            if (altAttr != null)
                AlternateText = altAttr.Value;

            // placement defaults to inline
            Placement placement;

            if (TryParseEnum(result, attributes, ATTR_IMAGE_PLACEMENT, out placement))
                this.Placement = placement;

            switch (placement)
            case Placement.Background:

                if (SupportedFeatures.CropCircleOnBackgroundImage)
                    HandleHintCrop(result, attributes);

                if (SupportedFeatures.OverlayForBothBackgroundAndPeek)
                    HandleHintOverlay(result, attributes);


            case Placement.Peek:

                if (SupportedFeatures.CropCircleOnPeekImage)
                    HandleHintCrop(result, attributes);

                if (SupportedFeatures.OverlayForBothBackgroundAndPeek)
                    HandleHintOverlay(result, attributes);


            case Placement.Hero:
                if (Context == NotificationType.NewsFeed)
                    HintHeroHeight heroHeight;
                    if (TryParseEnum(result, attributes, "hint-heroHeight", out heroHeight))
                        this.HintHeroHeight = heroHeight;

            case Placement.HeroLogo:
                // No additional properties supported on hero logo

                HandleHintCrop(result, attributes);

                // These only apply to tiles, and only to inline images
                if (Context != NotificationType.Toast ||
                    // hint-removeMargin is optional
                    bool hintRemoveMargin;
                    if (TryParse(result, attributes, ATTR_IMAGE_HINT_REMOVE_MARGIN, out hintRemoveMargin))
                        this.HintRemoveMargin = hintRemoveMargin;

                    // hint-align is optional
                    HintImageAlign hintAlign;
                    if (TryParseEnum(result, attributes, ATTR_IMAGE_HINT_ALIGN, out hintAlign))
                        this.HintAlign = hintAlign;

Пример #27
        private void HandleChild(ParseResult result, XElement child)
            if (child.IsType("visual"))
                if (Visual != null)
                    result.AddWarning("A visual element was already provided. Only the first one will be used.", GetErrorPositionInfo(child));

                Visual visual = new Visual(NotificationType.Toast, SupportedFeatures);
                visual.Parse(result, child);

                Visual = visual;

            else if (child.IsType("actions"))
                if (Actions != null)
                    result.AddWarning("An actions element was already provided. Only the first one will be used.", GetErrorPositionInfo(child));

                Actions actions = new Actions(NotificationType.Toast, SupportedFeatures);
                actions.Parse(result, child);

                Actions = actions;

            else if (child.IsType("audio"))
                if (Audio != null)
                    result.AddWarning("An audio element was already provided. Only the first one will be used.", GetErrorPositionInfo(child));

                Audio audio = new Audio(NotificationType.Toast, SupportedFeatures);
                audio.Parse(result, child);

                Audio = audio;

            else if (SupportedFeatures.ToastHeaders && child.IsType("header"))
                if (Header != null)
                    result.AddErrorButRenderAllowed("A header element was already provided. Only one header is allowed.", GetErrorPositionInfo(child));

                Header header = new Header(NotificationType.Toast, SupportedFeatures);
                header.Parse(result, child);

                Header = header;

                result.AddError($"Invalid child {child.Name.LocalName} under toast element.", GetErrorPositionInfo(child));
Пример #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the command line arguments
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Parse result</returns>
        internal ParseResult ParseCommandLine()
            ParseResult Result           = new ParseResult();
            int         iParameterNumber = 1;

                // check plausibility: Options must follow parameters
                bool bOptionsAvailable = false;

                foreach (CommandArgsItem oItem in this.Tokenizer.Items)
                    if (oItem.ItemType == CommandArgsItemType.Parameter)
                        if (bOptionsAvailable)
                            Result.AddError(new ParseError(ParseErrorType.InvalidCommandArgsFormat, oItem.Name, oItem.Value, Resources.ParametersMustPrecedeAnyOptionsErrorMessage));
                        bOptionsAvailable = true;

                // process parameters
                foreach (CommandArgsItem oItem in this.Tokenizer.Items)
                        foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo oInfo in this.PropertyService.GetProperties())
                            if (oInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Parameter), true).FirstOrDefault() is Parameter oParameter && oParameter.OrdinalNumber == iParameterNumber)
                                if (oItem.ItemType == CommandArgsItemType.Parameter)
                                    this.PropertyService.SetPropertyValue(oInfo, oItem.Name);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Result.AddError(new ParseError(ParseErrorType.UnknownError, oItem.Name, oItem.Value, ex.Message));

                // process options
                foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo oInfo in this.PropertyService.GetProperties())
                        bool bOptionProcessed = false;

                        if (oInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Option), true).FirstOrDefault() is Option oOption)
                            foreach (CommandArgsItem oItem in this.Tokenizer.Items)
                                switch (oItem.ItemType)
                                case CommandArgsItemType.Option:

                                    if (oOption.Name == oItem.Name ||
                                        oOption.LongName == oItem.Name ||
                                        oOption.AlternativeName == oItem.Name)
                                        if (this.PropertyService.IsValidOptionValue(oItem.Name, oItem.Value))
                                            this.PropertyService.SetPropertyValue(oInfo, oItem.Value);
                                            bOptionProcessed = true;
                                            Result.AddError(new ParseError(ParseErrorType.InvalidOptionValue, oItem.Name, oItem.Value, String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Resources.ValueIsInvalidForOptionFormatErrorMessage, oItem.Value, oItem.Name)));


                                case CommandArgsItemType.OptionLongName:

                                    if (oOption.LongName == oItem.Name)
                                        if (this.PropertyService.IsValidOptionValue(oItem.Name, oItem.Value))
                                            this.PropertyService.SetPropertyValue(oInfo, oItem.Value);
                                            bOptionProcessed = true;
                                            Result.AddError(new ParseError(ParseErrorType.InvalidOptionValue, oItem.Name, oItem.Value, String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Resources.ValueIsInvalidForOptionFormatErrorMessage, oItem.Value, oItem.Name)));


                                if (bOptionProcessed)

                        if (!bOptionProcessed && this.PropertyService.IsRequired(oInfo))
                            string sOptionName = this.PropertyService.GetOptionName(oInfo);

                            Result.AddError(new ParseError(ParseErrorType.RequiredOptionValue, sOptionName, null, String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Resources.OptionIsMissingRequiredValueFormatErrorMessage, sOptionName)));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Result.AddError(new ParseError(ParseErrorType.UnknownError, Resources.NotAvailableShortName, null, ex.Message));
            catch (InvalidCommandArgsFormatException ex)
                Result.AddError(new ParseError(ParseErrorType.InvalidCommandArgsFormat, ex.ItemName, null, ex.Message));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Result.AddError(new ParseError(ParseErrorType.UnknownError, Resources.NotAvailableShortName, null, ex.Message));

Пример #29
        public ParseResult <TDataRecord> ParseData(Stream fileStream, string separator)
            if (fileStream == null || fileStream.Length <= 0)
                throw new CsvParseException("File is empty");
            var result = new ParseResult <TDataRecord>();

                var file = new StreamReader(fileStream);
                //Stream stream = file;
                //DataTable csvTable = new DataTable();
                //using (CsvReader csvReader =
                //    new CsvReader(new StreamReader(stream), true))
                //    csvTable.Load(csvReader);

                var reader = new CsvReader(file);

                reader.Configuration.Delimiter = separator;
                reader.Configuration.IgnoreReadingExceptions = true;

                reader.Configuration.ReadingExceptionCallback = (ex, row) =>
                    if (ex.GetType() == typeof(CsvTypeConverterException))
                        var error = ex.Data["CsvHelper"];

                        result.AddError("", string.Format("Could not read value {0}", error));
                        result.AddError("", "Could not read Csv file.");

                while (reader.Read())
                    var rowResult = ParseRow(reader);

                    if (!rowResult.IsValid)
            catch (CsvParseException ex)
                result.AddError("", ex.Message);
            catch (CsvMissingFieldException ex)
                result.AddError("", ex.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new CsvParseException("Coud not read csv file");
