Пример #1
 // Constructor
 public CombatItem(long time, ulong srcAgent, ulong dstAgent, int value, int buffDmg, uint overstackValue,
                   long skillId, ushort srcInstid, ushort dstInstid, ushort srcMasterInstid, ushort dstMasterInstid, ParseEnum.IFF iff, byte isBuff, ParseEnum.Result result,
                   ParseEnum.Activation isActivation, ParseEnum.BuffRemove isBuffRemove, byte isNinety, byte isFifty, byte isMoving,
                   ParseEnum.StateChange isStateChange, byte isFlanking, byte isShields, byte isOffcycle)
     Time            = time;
     SrcAgent        = srcAgent;
     DstAgent        = dstAgent;
     Value           = value;
     BuffDmg         = buffDmg;
     OverstackValue  = overstackValue;
     SkillID         = skillId;
     SrcInstid       = srcInstid;
     DstInstid       = dstInstid;
     SrcMasterInstid = srcMasterInstid;
     DstMasterInstid = dstMasterInstid;
     IFF             = iff;
     IsBuff          = isBuff;
     Result          = result;
     IsActivation    = isActivation;
     IsBuffRemove    = isBuffRemove;
     IsNinety        = isNinety;
     IsFifty         = isFifty;
     IsMoving        = isMoving;
     IsStateChange   = isStateChange;
     IsFlanking      = isFlanking;
     IsShields       = isShields;
     IsOffcycle      = isOffcycle;
Пример #2
 public CombatItem(long time, ulong src_agent, ulong dst_agent, int value, int buff_dmg, ushort overstack_value,
                   int skill_id, ushort src_instid, ushort dst_instid, ushort src_master_instid, ParseEnum.IFF iff, ushort buff, ParseEnum.Result result,
                   ParseEnum.Activation is_activation, ParseEnum.BuffRemove is_buffremove, ushort is_ninety, ushort is_fifty, ushort is_moving,
                   ParseEnum.StateChange is_statechange, ushort is_flanking, ushort is_shields)
     this.time              = time;
     this.src_agent         = src_agent;
     this.dst_agent         = dst_agent;
     this.value             = value;
     this.buff_dmg          = buff_dmg;
     this.overstack_value   = overstack_value;
     this.skill_id          = skill_id;
     this.src_instid        = src_instid;
     this.dst_instid        = dst_instid;
     this.src_master_instid = src_master_instid;
     this.iff            = iff;
     this.is_buff        = buff;
     this.result         = result;
     this.is_activation  = is_activation;
     this.is_buffremove  = is_buffremove;
     this.is_ninety      = is_ninety;
     this.is_fifty       = is_fifty;
     this.is_moving      = is_moving;
     this.is_statechange = is_statechange;
     this.is_flanking    = is_flanking;
     this.is_shields     = is_shields;
Пример #3
 // Constructor
 public DamageLog(long time, CombatItem c)
     this.time          = time;
     this.skill_id      = c.getSkillID();
     this.buff          = c.isBuff();
     this.result        = c.getResult();
     this.is_ninety     = c.isNinety();
     this.is_moving     = c.isMoving();
     this.is_flanking   = c.isMoving();
     this.is_activation = c.isActivation();
     this.src_agent     = c.getSrcAgent();
     this.src_instid    = c.getSrcInstid();
     this.is_shields    = c.isShields();
Пример #4
 public static bool IsHit(this ParseEnum.Result result)
     return(result == ParseEnum.Result.Normal || result == ParseEnum.Result.Crit || result == ParseEnum.Result.Glance || result == ParseEnum.Result.KillingBlow); //Downed and Interrupt omitted for now due to double procing mechanics || result == ParseEnum.Result.Downed || result == ParseEnum.Result.Interrupt;
 public override bool Keep(CombatItem item, ParsedLog log)
     ParseEnum.Result val = item.ResultEnum;
     return(val == _value);
 public CombatItemResultChecker(ParseEnum.Result value)
     _value = value;
Пример #7
        private static CombatItem ReadCombatItemRev1(BinaryReader reader)
            // 8 bytes: time
            long time = reader.ReadInt64();

            // 8 bytes: src_agent
            ulong srcAgent = reader.ReadUInt64();

            // 8 bytes: dst_agent
            ulong dstAgent = reader.ReadUInt64();

            // 4 bytes: value
            int value = reader.ReadInt32();

            // 4 bytes: buff_dmg
            int buffDmg = reader.ReadInt32();

            // 4 bytes: overstack_value
            uint overstackValue = reader.ReadUInt32();

            // 4 bytes: skill_id
            uint skillId = reader.ReadUInt32();

            // 2 bytes: src_instid
            ushort srcInstid = reader.ReadUInt16();

            // 2 bytes: dst_instid
            ushort dstInstid = reader.ReadUInt16();

            // 2 bytes: src_master_instid
            ushort srcMasterInstid = reader.ReadUInt16();
            // 2 bytes: dst_master_instid
            ushort dstmasterInstid = reader.ReadUInt16();

            // 1 byte: iff
            ParseEnum.IFF iff = ParseEnum.GetIFF(reader.ReadByte());

            // 1 byte: buff
            byte buff = reader.ReadByte();

            // 1 byte: result
            ParseEnum.Result result = ParseEnum.GetResult(reader.ReadByte());

            // 1 byte: is_activation
            ParseEnum.Activation isActivation = ParseEnum.GetActivation(reader.ReadByte());

            // 1 byte: is_buffremove
            ParseEnum.BuffRemove isBuffRemove = ParseEnum.GetBuffRemove(reader.ReadByte());

            // 1 byte: is_ninety
            byte isNinety = reader.ReadByte();

            // 1 byte: is_fifty
            byte isFifty = reader.ReadByte();

            // 1 byte: is_moving
            byte isMoving = reader.ReadByte();

            // 1 byte: is_statechange
            ParseEnum.StateChange isStateChange = ParseEnum.GetStateChange(reader.ReadByte());

            // 1 byte: is_flanking
            byte isFlanking = reader.ReadByte();

            // 1 byte: is_flanking
            byte isShields = reader.ReadByte();
            // 1 byte: is_flanking
            byte isOffcycle = reader.ReadByte();

            // 5 bytes: offcycle (?) + garbage
            ParseHelper.SafeSkip(reader.BaseStream, 4);

            // Add combat
            return(new CombatItem(time, srcAgent, dstAgent, value, buffDmg, overstackValue, skillId,
                                  srcInstid, dstInstid, srcMasterInstid, dstmasterInstid, iff, buff, result, isActivation, isBuffRemove,
                                  isNinety, isFifty, isMoving, isStateChange, isFlanking, isShields, isOffcycle));
Пример #8
 public static bool IsHit(this ParseEnum.Result result)
     return(result == ParseEnum.Result.Normal || result == ParseEnum.Result.Crit || result == ParseEnum.Result.Glance);
        public static void WriteDamageDistTableSkill(StreamWriter sw, SkillItem skill, SkillData skillData, List <DamageLog> damageLogs, int finalTotalDamage, int casts = -1, double timeswasted = -1, double timessaved = 1)
            int totaldamage = 0;
            int mindamage   = 0;
            int avgdamage;
            int hits      = 0;
            int maxdamage = 0;
            int crit      = 0;
            int flank     = 0;
            int glance    = 0;

            foreach (DamageLog dl in damageLogs)
                int curdmg = dl.Damage;
                totaldamage += curdmg;
                if (0 == mindamage || curdmg < mindamage)
                    mindamage = curdmg;
                if (0 == maxdamage || curdmg > maxdamage)
                    maxdamage = curdmg;
                ParseEnum.Result result = dl.Result;
                if (result == ParseEnum.Result.Crit)
                else if (result == ParseEnum.Result.Glance)
                if (dl.IsFlanking == 1)
            avgdamage = (int)(totaldamage / (double)hits);
            string wasted = timeswasted > 0.0 ? Math.Round(timeswasted, 2) + "s" : "";
            string saved  = timessaved < 0.0 ? Math.Round(timessaved, 2) + "s" : "";
            double hpcast = -1;

            if (casts > 0)
                hpcast = Math.Round(hits / (double)casts, 2);
            string skillName = (skill.ID.ToString() == skill.Name) ? skillData.GetName(skill.ID) : skill.Name;

            if (totaldamage != 0 && skill.ApiSkill != null)
                    sw.Write("<td align=\"left\"><img src=\"" + skill.ApiSkill.icon + "\" alt=\"" + skill.Name + "\" title=\"" + skill.ID + "\" height=\"18\" width=\"18\">" + skillName + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + Math.Round(100 * (double)totaldamage / finalTotalDamage, 2) + "%</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + totaldamage + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + mindamage + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + avgdamage + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + maxdamage + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + (casts != -1 ? casts.ToString() : "") + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + hits + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + (hpcast > 0 ? hpcast.ToString() : "") + "</td>");

                    sw.Write("<td data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-html=\"true\" data-placement=\"top\" title=\"" + crit + " out of " + hits + " hits\">" + Math.Round(100 * (double)crit / hits, 2) + "%</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-html=\"true\" data-placement=\"top\" title=\"" + flank + " out of " + hits + " hits\">" + Math.Round(100 * (double)flank / hits, 2) + "%</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-html=\"true\" data-placement=\"top\" title=\"" + glance + " out of " + hits + " hits\">" + Math.Round(100 * (double)glance / hits, 2) + "%></td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + wasted + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + saved + "</td>");
            else if (totaldamage != 0)
                    sw.Write("<td align=\"left\">" + skillName + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + Math.Round(100 * (double)totaldamage / finalTotalDamage, 2) + "%</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + totaldamage + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + mindamage + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + avgdamage + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + maxdamage + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + (casts != -1 ? casts.ToString() : "") + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + hits + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + (hpcast > 0 ? hpcast.ToString() : "") + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-html=\"true\" data-placement=\"top\" title=\"" + crit + " out of " + hits + " hits\">" + Math.Round(100 * (double)crit / hits, 2) + "%</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-html=\"true\" data-placement=\"top\" title=\"" + flank + " out of " + hits + " hits\">" + Math.Round(100 * (double)flank / hits, 2) + "%</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-html=\"true\" data-placement=\"top\" title=\"" + glance + " out of " + hits + " hits\">" + Math.Round(100 * (double)glance / hits, 2) + "%</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + wasted + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + saved + "</td>");
            else if (skill.ApiSkill != null)
                    sw.Write("<td align=\"left\"><img src=\"" + skill.ApiSkill.icon + "\" alt=\"" + skill.Name + "\" title=\"" + skill.ID + "\" height=\"18\" width=\"18\">" + skillName + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + (casts != -1 ? casts.ToString() : "") + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + wasted + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + saved + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td align=\"left\">" + skillName + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + (casts != -1 ? casts.ToString() : "") + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + wasted + "</td>");
                    sw.Write("<td>" + saved + "</td>");
Пример #10
        private static CombatItem ReadCombatItem(BinaryReader reader)
            // 8 bytes: time
            long time = reader.ReadInt64();

            // 8 bytes: src_agent
            ulong src_agent = reader.ReadUInt64();

            // 8 bytes: dst_agent
            ulong dst_agent = reader.ReadUInt64();

            // 4 bytes: value
            int value = reader.ReadInt32();

            // 4 bytes: buff_dmg
            int buff_dmg = reader.ReadInt32();

            // 2 bytes: overstack_value
            ushort overstack_value = reader.ReadUInt16();

            // 2 bytes: skill_id
            ushort skill_id = reader.ReadUInt16();

            // 2 bytes: src_instid
            ushort src_instid = reader.ReadUInt16();

            // 2 bytes: dst_instid
            ushort dst_instid = reader.ReadUInt16();

            // 2 bytes: src_master_instid
            ushort src_master_instid = reader.ReadUInt16();

            // 9 bytes: garbage
            ParseHelper.safeSkip(reader.BaseStream, 9);

            // 1 byte: iff
            ParseEnum.IFF iff = ParseEnum.getIFF(reader.ReadByte());

            // 1 byte: buff
            ushort buff = (ushort)reader.ReadByte();

            // 1 byte: result
            ParseEnum.Result result = ParseEnum.getResult(reader.ReadByte());

            // 1 byte: is_activation
            ParseEnum.Activation is_activation = ParseEnum.getActivation(reader.ReadByte());

            // 1 byte: is_buffremove
            ParseEnum.BuffRemove is_buffremoved = ParseEnum.getBuffRemove(reader.ReadByte());

            // 1 byte: is_ninety
            ushort is_ninety = (ushort)reader.ReadByte();

            // 1 byte: is_fifty
            ushort is_fifty = (ushort)reader.ReadByte();

            // 1 byte: is_moving
            ushort is_moving = (ushort)reader.ReadByte();

            // 1 byte: is_statechange
            ParseEnum.StateChange is_statechange = ParseEnum.getStateChange(reader.ReadByte());

            // 1 byte: is_flanking
            ushort is_flanking = (ushort)reader.ReadByte();

            // 1 byte: is_flanking
            ushort is_shields = (ushort)reader.ReadByte();

            // 2 bytes: garbage
            ParseHelper.safeSkip(reader.BaseStream, 2);

            // Add combat
            return(new CombatItem(time, src_agent, dst_agent, value, buff_dmg, overstack_value, skill_id,
                                  src_instid, dst_instid, src_master_instid, iff, buff, result, is_activation, is_buffremoved,
                                  is_ninety, is_fifty, is_moving, is_statechange, is_flanking, is_shields));