public async Task AddAsync(ParkingGarage parkingGarage)
         await _documentClient.CreateDocumentAsync(GetDocumentCollectionUri(), parkingGarage, GetRequestOptions());
     catch (Exception e)
         throw RepositoryExceptionBuilder.CreateExceptionForDocumentCreation(parkingGarage, e);
Пример #2
        public void ShouldAddCarToGarage()
            // Tests AddCar() method
            // Arrange
            var xxx = new ParkingGarage();

            // Act
            xxx.AddCar(1971, "Ford", "Tempo");

            // Assert
        public async Task UpdateAsync(ParkingGarage parkingGarage)
            var documentUri = UriFactory.CreateDocumentUri(DatabaseId, CollectionId, parkingGarage.Id);

                await _documentClient.UpsertDocumentAsync(documentUri, parkingGarage, GetRequestOptions());
            catch (Exception e)
                throw RepositoryExceptionBuilder.CreateExceptionForDocumentUpdate(documentUri, e);
        public async Task <ActionResult <ParkingGarage> > PostParkingGarage([FromBody] ParkingGarage parkingGarage)
                ParkingGarage newParkingGarage = await parkingGarageManager.CreateParkingGarage(parkingGarage);

            catch (Exception)
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Get parking garage with id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parkingGarageID"></param>
        /// <returns>ParkingGarage</returns>
        public async Task <ParkingGarage> GetParkingGarage(int parkingGarageID)
                ParkingGarage parkingGarage = await context.ParkingGarages.Where(p => p.parkingGarageID == parkingGarageID).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            catch (Exception)
Пример #6
        public void ShouldRemoveCarFromGarage()
            // Tests RemoveCar() method
            // Arrange
            var xxx = new ParkingGarage();

            // Act
            xxx.AddCar(1971, "Ford", "Tempo");

            // Assert
Пример #7
        public void StatsDontExceedMax()
            // Should be able to list stats of all cars
            // Create necessary method(s)
            // Garage class should provide cars
            // Program class should list all stats

            var xxx = new ParkingGarage();

            xxx.ListOfCars.Add(new Car());

            Assert.Equal(100, xxx.ListOfCars[0].GasLevel);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// creates new parking garage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parkingGarage"></param>
        /// <returns>ParkingGarage</returns>
        public async Task <ParkingGarage> CreateParkingGarage(ParkingGarage parkingGarage)
                await context.ParkingGarages.AddAsync(parkingGarage);

            catch (Exception)
        public async Task GetParkingGarage_ReturnOk()
            // Act
            var result = await controller.GetParkingGarage(1);

            // Assert
            OkObjectResult actionResult = Assert.IsType <OkObjectResult>(result.Result);

            actionResult = (OkObjectResult)result.Result;
            ParkingGarage model = (ParkingGarage)actionResult.Value;


Пример #10
        public void ShouldFuelAllCars()
            // Tests FuelAllCars() method
            // Arrange
            var xxx = new ParkingGarage();

            // Act
            xxx.ListOfCars.Add(new Car(50));
            xxx.ListOfCars.Add(new Car(50));

            // Assert

            int putGasInCars = xxx.ListOfCars[0].GasLevel + xxx.ListOfCars[1].GasLevel;

            Assert.Equal(200, putGasInCars);
Пример #11
        public override ActionResult Index(ParkingBlock currentBlock)
            ParkingGateway gateway = new ParkingGateway();

            ParkingGarage    garage = gateway.GetParkingGarage(currentBlock.Location);
            ParkingViewModel model  = new ParkingViewModel()
                Heading           = currentBlock.Heading,
                Location          = currentBlock.Location,
                Address           = garage.Address,
                TotalCapacity     = garage.ParkingStatus.TotalCapacity,
                AvailableCapacity = garage.ParkingStatus.AvailableCapacity,
                IsOpen            = garage.ParkingStatus.Open,
                LastUpdated       = Convert.ToDateTime(garage.LastModifiedDate)

        public async Task PutParkingGarage_ReturnNotFound()
            // Act
            ParkingGarage parkingGarage = new ParkingGarage()
                name              = "TestName",
                address           = "TestAddress",
                city              = "TestCity",
                postcode          = "1234AA",
                totalParkingSpots = 100
            var result = await controller.PutParkingGarage(0, parkingGarage);

            // Assert
            NotFoundResult actionResult = Assert.IsType <NotFoundResult>(result.Result);


Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// deletes parking garage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parkingGarageID"></param>
        /// <returns>ParkingGarage</returns>
        public async Task <ParkingGarage> DeleteParkingGarage(int parkingGarageID)
                ParkingGarage parkingGarage = await context.ParkingGarages.Where(p => p.parkingGarageID == parkingGarageID).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                if (parkingGarage == null)

            catch (Exception)
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates parking garage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parkingGarage"></param>
        /// <returns>ParkingGarage</returns>
        public async Task <ParkingGarage> UpdateParkingGarage(int id, ParkingGarage parkingGarage)
                ParkingGarage oldparkingGarage = await context.ParkingGarages.Where(p => p.parkingGarageID == id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                if (oldparkingGarage == null)

                oldparkingGarage = parkingGarage;
            catch (Exception)
        public async Task <ActionResult <ParkingGarage> > PutParkingGarage(int id, [FromBody] ParkingGarage parkingGarage)
                ParkingGarage updatedParkingGarage = await parkingGarageManager.UpdateParkingGarage(id, parkingGarage);

                if (updatedParkingGarage == null)

            catch (NullReferenceException)
            catch (Exception)
        public async Task <ActionResult <ParkingGarage> > DeleteParkingGarage(int id)
                ParkingGarage parkingGarage = await parkingGarageManager.DeleteParkingGarage(id);

                if (parkingGarage == null)

            catch (NullReferenceException)
            catch (Exception)
Пример #17
        public void WhenCustomerWithContractArrivesAndLessThanTenPecentFree_ThenIsAccepted()
            var numberOfParkingsToGenerate = ParkingGarage.NumberOfParkingSpots - ParkingGarage.RequiredFreeParkingSpots;
            var existingParkings = new HashSet<Parking>(TestUtils.GenerateCurrentParkings(numberOfParkingsToGenerate)); //450 spots taken

            var car = new Car("123ABC");

            var parkingRepository = new MockParkingRepository(existingParkings);
            var contractRepository = new MockParkingContractRepository(new List<IVehicle> { car });
            var invoiceRepository = new MockParkingInvoiceRepository(new List<ParkingInvoice>());

            var garage = new ParkingGarage(new ParkingService(parkingRepository, contractRepository, invoiceRepository));



            Assert.AreEqual(garage.NumberOfCurrentlyParkedCars, 451);

            //expecting ParkingException NOT to be thrown
Пример #18
        public void WhenCustomerWithContractParksMultipleTimes_ThenOneInvoiceCreatedWithAllAmounts()

            var startTimes = new List<DateTime>
                new DateTime(2015, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0), //June 1st 2015 00:00
                new DateTime(2015, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0) //July 1st 2015 00:00

            var endTimes = new List<DateTime>
                new DateTime(2015, 6, 1, 1, 0, 0), //June 1st 2015 01:00
                new DateTime(2015, 7, 1, 2, 15, 0) //July 1st 2015 02:15

            var parkingRepository = new MockParkingRepository(new HashSet<Parking>(), startTimes, endTimes);
            var car = new Car("123ABC");

            var contractRepository = new MockParkingContractRepository(new List<IVehicle> { car });
            var invoiceRepository = new MockParkingInvoiceRepository(new List<ParkingInvoice>());

            var garage = new ParkingGarage(new ParkingService(parkingRepository, contractRepository, invoiceRepository));

            garage.StartParking(car); //June 1st 2015 00:00
            garage.StopParking(car); //June 1st 2015 01:00

            garage.StartParking(car); //July 1st 2015 00:00
            garage.StopParking(car); //July 1st 2015 02:15

            var invoices = invoiceRepository.GetParkingInvoices(car);

            Assert.AreEqual(invoices.Count, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(invoices[0].InvoiceAmount, 20); //1st parking - 1h, 2nd parking 2h 15min -> 3h
        public async Task PutParkingGarage_ReturnOk()
            // Act
            ParkingGarage parkingGarage = new ParkingGarage()
                name              = "TestName",
                address           = "TestAddress",
                city              = "TestCity",
                postcode          = "1234AA",
                totalParkingSpots = 100
            var result = await controller.PutParkingGarage(1, parkingGarage);

            // Assert
            OkObjectResult actionResult = Assert.IsType <OkObjectResult>(result.Result);

            actionResult = (OkObjectResult)result.Result;
            ParkingGarage model = (ParkingGarage)actionResult.Value;


Пример #20
        public async Task Seed()

            var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync("*****@*****.**");

            var user2 = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync("*****@*****.**");

            //if (user == null)
            //seeding simple user data into database

            /*        user = new Manager {
             *      UserName = "******",
             *      Email = "*****@*****.**",
             *      Name = "Brett",
             *      SSN = 123456789,
             *      HireDate = DateTime.Now
             *  };
             *  user2 = new Manager {
             *      UserName = "******",
             *      Email = "*****@*****.**",
             *      Name = "Jake",
             *      SSN = 123456289,
             *      HireDate = DateTime.Now
             *  };
             *  //var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, "P@ssword1!");
             *  //var result2 = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user2, "P@ssword1!");
             *  //if(result != IdentityResult.Success) {
             *    //  throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to create default user");
             *  //}
             *  var garage = new ParkingGarage() {
             *  ID = 1,
             *  Manager = user,
             *  Floors = 5,
             *  Address = "123 Apple Street"
             *  };
             */var garage3 = new ParkingGarage()
                ID      = 4,
                Manager = user2,
                Floors  = 5,
                Address = "258 Buckeye Drive"

             * var space1 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 1,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var garage2 = new ParkingGarage() {
             * ID = 2,
             * Manager = user,
             * Floors = 3,
             * Address = "321 Pear Street"
             * };
             * var space2 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 2,
             * Floor = 3,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space3 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 3,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "out"
             * };
             * var space4 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 4,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "out"
             * };
             * var space5 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 5,
             * Floor = 3,
             * Status = "out"
             * };
             * var space6 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 6,
             * Floor = 3,
             * Status = "inuse"
             * };
             * var space7 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 7,
             * Floor = 3,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space8 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 8,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "out"
             * };
             * var space9 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 9,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "out"
             * };
             * var space10 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 10,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "out"
             * };
             * var space11 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 11,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space12 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 12,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space13 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 13,
             * Floor = 4,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space14 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 14,
             * Floor = 3,
             * Status = "inuse"
             * };
             * var space15 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 15,
             * Floor = 5,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space16 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 16,
             * Floor = 4,
             * Status = "inuse"
             * };
             * var space17 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 17,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space18 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 18,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space19 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 19,
             * Floor = 4,
             * Status = "inuse"
             * };
             * var space20 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 20,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space21 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 21,
             * Floor = 3,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space22 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 22,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space23 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 23,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space24 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 24,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space25 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 25,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space26 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 26,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space27 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 27,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "inuse"
             * };
             * var space28 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 28,
             * Floor = 2,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space29 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 29,
             * Floor = 2,
             * Status = "out"
             * };
             * var space30 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 30,
             * Floor = 2,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space31 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 31,
             * Floor = 2,
             * Status = "out"
             * };
             * var space32 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 32,
             * Floor = 2,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space33 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 33,
             * Floor = 3,
             * Status = "inuse"
             * };
             * var space34 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 34,
             * Floor = 3,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space35 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 35,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space36 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 36,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space37 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 37,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "inuse"
             * };
             * var space38 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 38,
             * Floor = 2,
             * Status = "inuse"
             * };
             * var space39 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 39,
             * Floor = 3,
             * Status = "inuse"
             * };
             * var space40 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage2,
             * Manager = user,
             * ID = 40,
             * Floor = 2,
             * Status = "out"
             * };
             * var space41 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage3,
             * Manager = user2,
             * ID = 41,
             * Floor = 3,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space42 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage3,
             * Manager = user2,
             * ID = 42,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "open"
             * };
             * var space43 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage3,
             * Manager = user2,
             * ID = 43,
             * Floor = 2,
             * Status = "out"
             * };
             * var space44 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage3,
             * Manager = user2,
             * ID = 44,
             * Floor = 1,
             * Status = "inuse"
             * };
             * var space45 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage3,
             * Manager = user2,
             * ID = 45,
             * Floor = 2,
             * Status = "inuse"
             * };
             * var space46 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage3,
             * Manager = user2,
             * ID = 46,
             * Floor = 3,
             * Status = "inuse"
             * };
             * var space47 = new ParkingSpace() {
             * Garage = garage3,
             * Manager = user2,
             * ID = 47,
             * Floor = 2,
             * Status = "out"
             * };

            var space48 = new ParkingSpace()
                Garage  = garage3,
                Manager = user2,
                ID      = 48,
                Floor   = 3,
                Status  = "inuse"

            var space49 = new ParkingSpace()
                Garage  = garage3,
                Manager = user2,
                ID      = 49,
                Floor   = 1,
                Status  = "open"

            var space50 = new ParkingSpace()
                Garage  = garage3,
                Manager = user2,
                ID      = 50,
                Floor   = 2,
                Status  = "inuse"

            var space51 = new ParkingSpace()
                Garage  = garage3,
                Manager = user2,
                ID      = 51,
                Floor   = 3,
                Status  = "out"

            /* _db.Garages.Add(garage);
             * _db.Garages.Add(garage2);
             * _db.Garages.Add(garage3);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space1);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space2);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space3);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space4);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space5);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space6);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space7);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space8);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space9);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space10);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space11);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space12);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space13);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space14);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space15);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space16);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space17);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space18);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space19);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space20);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space21);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space22);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space23);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space24);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space25);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space26);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space27);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space28);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space29);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space30);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space31);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space32);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space33);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space34);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space35);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space36);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space37);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space38);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space39);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space40);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space41);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space42);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space43);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space44);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space45);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space46);
             * _db.ParkingSpaces.Add(space47);


Пример #21
        public void WhenTooWideVehicleEntersParkingGarage_ThenItIsRejected()
            var parkingRepository = new MockParkingRepository(new HashSet<Parking>());
            var contractRepository = new MockParkingContractRepository(new List<IVehicle>());
            var invoiceRepository = new MockParkingInvoiceRepository(new List<ParkingInvoice>());

            var garage = new ParkingGarage(new ParkingService(parkingRepository, contractRepository, invoiceRepository));
            var wideCar = new WideCar("111ABC");



            //expecting VehicleSizeException
Пример #22
        public void WhenMultipleCarsParked_ThenCorrectStatisticsCalculated()

            var startTimes = new List<DateTime>
                new DateTime(2015, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0), //June 1st 2015 00:00
                new DateTime(2015, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0), //July 1st 2015 00:00
                new DateTime(2015, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0), //July 2nd 2015 00:00
                new DateTime(2015, 7, 6, 0, 0, 0) //July 6th 2015 00:00

            var endTimes = new List<DateTime>
                new DateTime(2015, 6, 1, 1, 0, 0), //June 1st 2015 01:00
                new DateTime(2015, 7, 1, 2, 15, 0), //July 1st 2015 02:15
                new DateTime(2015, 7, 2, 3, 15, 0), //July 2nd 2015 03:15
                new DateTime(2015, 7, 6, 1, 15, 0), //July 6th 2015 01:15

            var car1 = new Car("123ABC");
            var car2 = new Car("223ABC");
            var car3 = new Car("323ABC");

            var parkingRepository = new MockParkingRepository(new HashSet<Parking>(), startTimes, endTimes);

            var contractRepository = new MockParkingContractRepository(new List<IVehicle> { car1 });
            var invoiceRepository = new MockParkingInvoiceRepository(new List<ParkingInvoice>());
            var parkingService = new ParkingService(parkingRepository, contractRepository, invoiceRepository);

            var garage = new ParkingGarage(parkingService);

            garage.StartParking(car1); //June 1st 2015 00:00
            garage.StopParking(car1); //June 1st 2015 01:00

            garage.StartParking(car2); //July 1st 2015 00:00
            garage.StopParking(car2); //July 1st 2015 02:15

            garage.StartParking(car3); //July 2nd 2015 00:00
            garage.StopParking(car3); //July 2nd 2015 03:15

            garage.StartParking(car1); //July 6th 2015 00:00
            garage.StopParking(car1); //July 6th 2015 01:15

            Assert.AreEqual(garage.TotalNumberOfParkedCars, 3);

            //1st parking - 1h
            //2nd parking - 3h
            //3rd parking - 4h
            //4th parking - 2h

            //PricePerHour = 5
            Assert.AreEqual(garage.TotalInvoicedAmount, 50);
Пример #23
        public void WhenParkingGarageFullAndCarArrivesToPark_ThenIsRejected()
            var existingParkings = new HashSet<Parking>(TestUtils.GenerateCurrentParkings(ParkingGarage.NumberOfParkingSpots));

            var parkingRepository = new MockParkingRepository(existingParkings);
            var contractRepository = new MockParkingContractRepository(new List<IVehicle>());
            var invoiceRepository = new MockParkingInvoiceRepository(new List<ParkingInvoice>());

            var garage = new ParkingGarage(new ParkingService(parkingRepository, contractRepository, invoiceRepository));
            var car = new Car("123ABC");



            //expecting ParkingException to be thrown