Пример #1
        // METHOD HEADER COMMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         *   \fn             Select
         *   \brief          This select statement will take in a table type and a optional Id number for the table
         *                   It will return a list of objects that can then be cast to the correct class type
         *   \param[in]      ParentTable tabletype, int TableID = -1
         *   \param[out]     None
         *   \return         List<object>
         * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        public static List <object> Select(ParentTable tabletype, int TableID = -1)
            //get the select statement for the table
            string query = tabletype.GetSelectStatment();

            if (TableID != -1)
                //if a id was passed in, add a where class to the select statement
                string sufix = " where " + tabletype.GetTableName() + "ID = " + TableID.ToString() + ";";
                query = query.Replace(";", sufix);

            //Create as array list to store the result
            List <string>[] list = new List <string> [tabletype.GetColoumInt()];
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
                list[i] = new List <string>();

            //Create Command
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, connection);
            //Create a data reader and Execute the command
            MySqlDataReader dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //get the column names from the
            List <string> ColomNames = tabletype.GetColoumNames();

            //Read the data and store them in the array of lists
            while (dataReader.Read())
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
                    list[i].Add(dataReader[ColomNames[i]] + "");

            //close Data Reader

            //take the array of lists, and convert it to a list of objects
            List <object> outList = tabletype.PackageClasses(list);

            TMSLogger.LogIt(" | " + "SQL.cs" + " | " + "SQL" + " | " + "Select" + " | " + "Confirmation" + " | " + "Data selected with SQL" + " | ");

            //return the list
Пример #2
        // METHOD HEADER COMMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         *   \fn            Select
         *   \brief         This select statement will take in a table type and specific select statement
         *                  It will return a list of objects that can then be cast to the correct class type
         *   \param[in]     ParentTable tabletype, String InputStatment
         *   \param[out]    None
         *   \return        List<object>
         * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        public static List <object> Select(ParentTable tabletype, String InputStatment)
            //Create an array of lists to store the result
            List <string>[] list = new List <string> [tabletype.GetColoumInt()];
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
                list[i] = new List <string>();

            //set up the command and reader
            MySqlCommand    cmd        = new MySqlCommand(InputStatment, connection);
            MySqlDataReader dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //get all the column names in the table
            List <string> ColomNames = tabletype.GetColoumNames();

            //Read the data and store them in the array of lists
            while (dataReader.Read())
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
                    list[i].Add(dataReader[ColomNames[i]] + "");

            //close Data Reader

            //take the array of lists, and convert it to a list of objects
            List <object> outList = tabletype.PackageClasses(list);

            TMSLogger.LogIt(" | " + "SQL.cs" + " | " + "SQL" + " | " + "Select" + " | " + "Confirmation" + " | " + "Data selected with SQL" + " | ");

            //return the list