public void Setup() { unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(); appViewModel = new Mock <IApplicationViewModel <Administrator> >(); dispatcherWrapper = new DispatcherWrapper(); parentPage = new ParentPage(); security = new Security(); viewModel = new DoctorsViewModel(unitOfWork, appViewModel.Object, dispatcherWrapper, security) { ParentPage = parentPage }; }
public void Setup() { unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(); appViewModel = new Mock <IApplicationViewModel <DCPersonnel> >(); dispatcherWrapper = new DispatcherWrapper(); parentPage = new ParentPage(); security = new Security(); viewModel = new BloodDonationRequestsViewModel(unitOfWork, appViewModel.Object, dispatcherWrapper, security) { ParentPage = parentPage }; }
public void PerformActionAndWaitForPageToLoad(Action <DropdownWebElement> action, DropdownWebElement webElement = null) { action(webElement ?? this); if (ParentPage is ContainerBasePage) { (ParentPage as ContainerBasePage).WaitForPageToLoad(); } else { ParentPage.WaitForPageToLoad(); } }
/// <summary> /// 判断本任务以及所有子任务是否完毕 /// 如果完毕则通知父页 /// </summary> /// <param name="snifferManager"></param> public void PageDone(SnifferManager snifferManager) { //snifferManager?.OnPageDoneEventHandler(this); //if (this.Config.Plug != null) // this.Config.Plug.OnPageDoneEventHandler(this); //所有子页已完成,则标注已完成状态 if (SubPages.All(x => x.Done && x.SnifferState == SnifferState.Complate)) { SnifferState = SnifferState.Complate; } if (ParentPage == null) { if (SubPages.All(x => x.Done && x.SnifferState == SnifferState.Complate)) { //触发顶级页采集完毕事件 snifferManager?.OnRootPageDoneEventHandler(this, snifferManager.Context); if (this.Config.Plug != null) { this.Config.Plug.OnRootPageDoneEventHandler(this, snifferManager.Context); } } } else { //当前页以及当前页的所有子页完毕 if (SnifferState == SnifferState.Complate) { if (Config.PageType == PageType.DetailPage) { //当前详细页以及详细页内容采集完毕 snifferManager?.OnDetailPageDoneEventHandler(this as DetailPage, snifferManager.Context); if (this.Config.Plug != null) { this.Config.Plug.OnDetailPageDoneEventHandler(this as DetailPage, snifferManager.Context); } } else { //列表页以及所有子页采集完毕 snifferManager?.OnListPageDoneEventHandler(this as ListPage, snifferManager.Context); if (this.Config.Plug != null) { this.Config.Plug.OnListPageDoneEventHandler(this as ListPage, snifferManager.Context); } } //触发父页 PageDone ParentPage.PageDone(snifferManager); } } }
public IObjectContainer AddMasterPageObject(Guid masterPageGuid, Guid viewGuid, double x = 0, double y = 0) { IObjectContainer container = ParentPage.AddMasterPageObject(masterPageGuid, viewGuid); IMasterPage masterPage = ParentDocument.MasterPages[masterPageGuid]; masterPage.Open(); PageView masterPageView = masterPage.PageViews[viewGuid] as PageView; if (masterPageView == null) { masterPageView = masterPage.PageViews[ParentDocument.AdaptiveViewSet.Base.Guid] as PageView; } double xDelta = masterPageView.PageViewStyle.X - x; double yDelta = masterPageView.PageViewStyle.Y - y; foreach (Widget widget in container.WidgetList) { // Set the created view as the current view because this is the first time when the widget // is added in the current document. widget.CreatedViewGuid = _viewGuid; // Set this flag to false. PlaceWidgetInternal method will set this flag base on checking // if this is base view. widget.HasBeenPlacedInBaseView = false; // Get widget style in this view. IWidgetStyle widgetViewStyle = widget.GetWidgetStyle(_viewGuid); // Widgets in master page should have same relative location, so make them have the same delta. widgetViewStyle.X -= xDelta; widgetViewStyle.Y -= yDelta; if (widget is IHamburgerMenu) { IHamburgerMenu menu = widget as IHamburgerMenu; IHamburgerMenuButton button = menu.MenuButton; IWidgetStyle buttonViewStyle = button.GetWidgetStyle(_viewGuid); buttonViewStyle.X -= xDelta; buttonViewStyle.Y -= yDelta; } PlaceWidgetInternal(widget, true); } // Master Page doesn't contain masters, so we don't handle container.MasterList. return(container); }
/// <summary> /// Gets all the pages in the current hierarchy /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public List <PageCache> GetPageHierarchy() { var pages = new List <PageCache> { this }; if (ParentPage != null) { ParentPage.GetPageHierarchy().ForEach(p => pages.Add(p)); } return(pages); }
public virtual void Close(bool destroy = false) { Hide(); if (destroy) { ParentPage.RemoveNodes(new List <Node>() { this }); Destroy(this.gameObject); } }
/// <summary> /// Also waits for dynamic contents to load (updater overlay to dissapear, pending ajax calls to finish) - due to some controls triggering overlay loader or ajax calls after being edited /// </summary> /// <param name="waitForItself"></param> /// <param name="waitForDynamicContentLoad"></param> public void Blur(bool waitForItself = true, bool waitForDynamicContentLoad = true) //param waitForItself must be default true because stale test needs to happen when it's used directly on control { if (waitForItself) { WaitForElementVisibleAndEnabled(); } Element.SendKeys("\t"); //Keys.Tab if (waitForDynamicContentLoad) { ParentPage.WaitForDynamicContentToLoad(); } }
public void Setup() { unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(); appViewModel = new ApplicationViewModel <Model.Donor>(); appViewModel.User = new Model.Donor { PersonID = 0 }; dispatcherWrapper = new Core.UnitTests.Dependencies.DispatcherWrapper(); parentPage = new ParentPage(); security = new Security.Security(); viewModel = new ProfileViewModel(unitOfWork, appViewModel, dispatcherWrapper, security) { ParentPage = parentPage }; }
/// <summary> /// Also waits for dynamic contents to load (updater overlay to dissapear, pending ajax calls to finish) - due to some controls triggering overlay loader or ajax calls after being edited /// </summary> /// <param name="waitForItself"></param> /// <param name="waitForDynamicContentLoad"></param> public void Clear(bool waitForItself = true, bool waitForDynamicContentLoad = true) //param waitForItself must be default true because stale test needs to happen when it's used directly on control { if (waitForItself) { WaitForElementVisibleAndEnabled(); } // this.Element.Click(); Element.Clear(); if (waitForDynamicContentLoad) { ParentPage.WaitForDynamicContentToLoad(); } }
void ShowHideTitle() { var title = ParentPage.GetNode <TitleTestNode>(); if (title != null) { if (title.IsShown()) { title.Close(); } else { title.Open(); } } }
public override Panel GenerateMainControl(int id) { Panel panel = base.GenerateMainControl(id); MultiToggle buttonList = (MultiToggle)ParentPage.LoadControl("~/MultiToggle.ascx"); buttonList.HolderPanel.Attributes.Add("style", "margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:5px"); buttonList.HolderPanel.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "tooltip"); buttonList.HolderPanel.Attributes.Add("data-placement", "right"); buttonList.HolderPanel.Attributes.Add("data-title", Description); buttonList.AddOption(WhenTrue); buttonList.AddOption(WhenFalse); buttonList.ID = "BooleanEntryBox-" + id; panel.Controls.Add(buttonList); BooleanToggle = buttonList; panel.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>")); return(panel); }
public string GetQuoteId() { string quoteId = "DB040ECD-5ED4-E211-9BE0-000C299FFE7D"; // Debug if (ParentPage.Ui != null) { string guid = ParentPage.Data.Entity.GetId(); if (guid != null) { quoteId = guid.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", ""); } this._transactionCurrencyId = ((Lookup[])ParentPage.GetAttribute("transactioncurrencyid").GetValue())[0].Id; } return(quoteId); }
private void InitControls() { ValidationErrorSummary.HeaderText = ParentPage.GetTranslation("PleaseFixTheFollowingErrors"); rqVFirstName.Text = rqVFirstLastName.Text = rqVFirstEmail.Text = rqVAddress1.Text = rqVTown.Text = rqVPostCode.Text = rqVAddress1.Text = rqVTown.Text = rqVPostCode.Text = cstVCountry.Text = ParentPage.GetTranslation("Required"); cstVTerms.Text = "*"; rqVFirstName.ErrorMessage = ParentPage.GetTranslation("Pleaseenteryourfirstname"); rqVFirstLastName.ErrorMessage = ParentPage.GetTranslation("Pleaseenteryourlastname"); rqVFirstEmail.ErrorMessage = ParentPage.GetTranslation("Pleaseenteryouremailaddress"); regexEmailValid.ErrorMessage = ParentPage.GetTranslation("Pleaseenteryouremailaddress"); rqVAddress1.ErrorMessage = ParentPage.GetTranslation("Pleaseenteryouraddress"); rqVTown.ErrorMessage = ParentPage.GetTranslation("Pleasenteryourtowncity"); rqVPostCode.ErrorMessage = ParentPage.GetTranslation("Pleaseenteryourpostzipcode"); cstVCountry.ErrorMessage = ParentPage.GetTranslation("Booking_SelectCountryError"); cstVTerms.ErrorMessage = ParentPage.GetTranslation("Pleasereadandagreetotandc"); }
void Handle(Input.Delete Action) { Db.Transact(() => { var messages = Db.SQL <ChatMessage>("SELECT m FROM Simplified.Ring6.ChatMessage m WHERE m.\"Group\" = ?", Data); foreach (ChatMessage message in messages) { var relations = Db.SQL <Relation>("SELECT m FROM Simplified.Ring1.Relation m WHERE m.ToWhat = ?", message); foreach (Relation relation in relations) { relation.WhatIs?.Delete(); relation.Delete(); } message.Delete(); } Data.Delete(); }); ParentPage.RefreshData(); }
private bool CheckPersonBProject(string _p) { if (_p.Length == 0) { return(false); } //Person p = new Person(_p); var p = ParentPage.GetObjectById(typeof(PersonOld), _p) as PersonOld; if (p == null || p.Unavailable) { return(false); } if (p.BusinessProjectID <= 0) { return(false); } return(true); }
public IObjectContainer AddCustomObject(ICustomObject customObject, double x = 0, double y = 0) { IObjectContainer container = ParentPage.AddCustomObject(customObject); foreach (Widget widget in container.WidgetList) { // Set the created view as the current view because this is the first time when the widget // is added in the current document. widget.CreatedViewGuid = _viewGuid; // Set this flag to false. PlaceWidgetInternal method will set this flag base on checking // if this is base view. widget.HasBeenPlacedInBaseView = false; // Get widget style in this view. IWidgetStyle widgetViewStyle = widget.GetWidgetStyle(_viewGuid); // Widgets in library should have same relative location, so make them have the same delta. widgetViewStyle.X += x; widgetViewStyle.Y += y; if (widget is IHamburgerMenu) { IHamburgerMenu menu = widget as IHamburgerMenu; IHamburgerMenuButton button = menu.MenuButton; IWidgetStyle buttonViewStyle = button.GetWidgetStyle(_viewGuid); buttonViewStyle.X += x; buttonViewStyle.Y += y; } PlaceWidgetInternal(widget, true); } // Custom object doesn't contain masters, so we don't handle container.MasterList. return(container); }
protected void btnApprove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string budgetNextState = BudgetStates.GetBudgetNextState(BudgetState); switch (BudgetType) { case 0: ApproveInitialBudget(budgetNextState); break; case 1: ApproveRevisedBudget(budgetNextState); break; case 2: ApproveCompletionBudget(budgetNextState); break; default: throw new IndException("Unknown budget type: " + BudgetType.ToString()); } } catch (IndException ex) { ReportControlError(ex); return; } catch (Exception ex) { ReportControlError(new IndException(ex)); return; } //navigate back to followup - Do not put this in try!!!! ParentPage.ResponseRedirect("~/Pages/Budget/FollowUpBudget/FollowUpBudget.aspx?BudgetType=" + BudgetType + "&BudgetVersion=" + BudgetVersion); }
protected void btnReject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { switch (BudgetType) { case 0: RejectInitialBudget(); break; case 1: RejectRevisedBudget(); break; case 2: RejectCompletionBudget(); break; default: throw new IndException("Unknown budget type: " + BudgetType.ToString()); } } catch (IndException ex) { ReportControlError(ex); return; } catch (Exception ex) { ReportControlError(new IndException(ex)); return; } //navigate back to followup ParentPage.ResponseRedirect("~/Pages/Budget/FollowUpBudget/FollowUpBudget.aspx?BudgetType=" + BudgetType + "&BudgetVersion=" + BudgetVersion); }
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { try { base.OnPreRender(e); AjaxManager.AjaxSettings.AddAjaxSetting(this, ParentPage.pnlErrors); if (!Page.ClientScript.IsOnSubmitStatementRegistered(ParentPage.GetType(), "ResizePopUp")) { this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterOnSubmitStatement(ParentPage.GetType(), "ResizePopUp", "SetPopUpHeight(); try{if(Page_IsValid) this.disabled=true;}catch(e){}"); } } catch (IndException exc) { ShouldContinue = false; _ParentGenericUserControl.ReportControlError(exc); return; } catch (Exception ex) { ShouldContinue = false; _ParentGenericUserControl.ReportControlError(new IndException(ex)); return; } }
public override Panel GenerateMainControl(int id) { Panel panel = base.GenerateMainControl(id); TextBox box = new TextBox(); box.Enabled = true; box.ID = "WebPortEntryBox-" + id; box.CssClass = "form-control"; box.Attributes.Add("style", "margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:5px"); box.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "tooltip"); box.Attributes.Add("data-placement", "right"); box.Attributes.Add("data-title", Description); box.Attributes.Add("type", "number"); box.Attributes.Add("min", ushort.MinValue.ToString()); box.Attributes.Add("max", ushort.MaxValue.ToString()); panel.Controls.Add(box); RangeValidator validator = new RangeValidator(); validator.Type = ValidationDataType.Integer; validator.MinimumValue = ushort.MinValue.ToString(); validator.MaximumValue = ushort.MaxValue.ToString(); validator.Enabled = true; validator.ControlToValidate = box.ID; panel.Controls.Add(validator); MultiToggle buttonList = (MultiToggle)ParentPage.LoadControl("~/MultiToggle.ascx"); buttonList.AddOption("Forward port"); buttonList.AddOption("Don't forward"); buttonList.ID = "WebPortBooleanBox-" + id; panel.Controls.Add(buttonList); PortBox = box; ForwardToggle = buttonList; panel.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>")); return(panel); }
public IObjectContainer BreakMaster(Guid masterGuid) { return(ParentPage.BreakMaster(masterGuid)); }
public string GetSeoTitle() => ParentPage == null ? Title : $"{ParentPage.GetSeoTitle()} - {Title}";
public void AddGroup(IGroup group) { ParentPage.AddGroup(group); }
public void DeleteGroup(Guid groupGuid) { ParentPage.DeleteGroup(groupGuid); }
public void Ungroup(Guid groupGuid) { ParentPage.Ungroup(groupGuid); }
public IGroup CreateGroup(List <Guid> guidList) { return(ParentPage.CreateGroup(guidList)); }
public void AddMaster(IMaster master) { ParentPage.AddMaster(master); PlaceMasterInternal(master as Master, true); }
private void SplitPage() { #if DUMP_INSERTS System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Split page #" + this.RecordNo); #endif var ndxFile = (NdxFile)mHolder.mFile; // split needed (on save) int mid = EntriesCount / 2; if (ParentPage == null) { ParentPage = (NdxPage)ndxFile.NewPage(null); var rootEntry = new NdxEntry(); var lastEntry = GetEntry(EntriesCount - 1); rootEntry.DbfRecordNo = lastEntry.DbfRecordNo; rootEntry.Fields = lastEntry.Fields.Clone(); rootEntry.LowerPageRecordNo = this.RecordNo; ParentPage.EntriesClear(); ParentPage.EntriesInsert(0, rootEntry); ndxFile.mNdxHeader.StartingPageRecordNo = ParentPage.RecordNo; //ParentPage.mNbChildEntries = mNbChildEntries; ParentPage.mIsModified = true; #if DUMP_INSERTS System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(" Create new parent page #" + mParentPage.RecordNo); mParentPage.Dump(" "); #endif } var newPage = (NdxPage)ndxFile.NewPage(ParentPage); newPage.EntriesClear(); newPage.mIsModified = true; newPage.ParentPage = ParentPage; for (int i = 0; i < mid; i++) { //mNbChildEntries = mNbChildEntries; newPage.EntriesInsert(i, GetEntry(i)); var lowerPageRecordNo = GetEntry(i).LowerPageRecordNo; if (lowerPageRecordNo != UInt32.MaxValue) { var ndxPage2 = ndxFile.InternalGetPage( ParentPage, lowerPageRecordNo, /* returnNullIfNotInCache */ true) as NdxPage; if (ndxPage2 != null) { ndxPage2.ParentPage = newPage; } } } EntriesRemoveRange(0, mid); var midEntry = newPage.GetEntry(mid - 1); var newMidEntry = new NdxEntry() { DbfRecordNo = midEntry.DbfRecordNo, LowerPageRecordNo = newPage.RecordNo, Fields = midEntry.Fields.Clone() }; #if DUMP_INSERTS System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(" newPage #" + newPage.RecordNo); newPage.Dump(" "); System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(" this page #" + RecordNo); Dump(" "); #endif int midEntryPos = ParentPage.FindInsertPos(newMidEntry, ndxFile); ParentPage.InsertInThisPage(newMidEntry, midEntryPos); }
public void DeleteMaster(Guid masterGuid) { ParentPage.DeleteMaster(masterGuid); }