public async Task HandleJsShown() { Logger.LogDebug($"HandleJsShown[{idEffective}]"); lastKnownStateIsExpanded = true; isInTransition = false; if (!IsSetToBeExpanded()) { await ParentAccordition.SetExpandedItemIdAsync(this.Id); } await InvokeOnExpandedAsync(this.Id); StateHasChanged(); }
public async Task HandleJsHidden() { Logger.LogDebug($"HandleJsHidden[{idEffective}]"); lastKnownStateIsExpanded = false; isInTransition = false; // hidden-event usually comes AFTER the shown-event of the other HxAccorditionItem if (IsSetToBeExpanded()) { // if there has been no other HxAccorditionItem set as expanded yet, clear the selection await ParentAccordition.SetExpandedItemIdAsync(null); } await InvokeOnCollapsedAsync(this.Id); StateHasChanged(); }