public void RejectedParcelTest() { ParcelDimension parcelDimension = new ParcelDimension(110, 20, 55, 120); var actualResult = Processor.GetParcelDeliveryCost(parcelDimension.Weight, parcelDimension.Height, parcelDimension.Width, parcelDimension.Depth); string expectedResult = "N/A"; Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, actualResult.Item2); }
/// <summary> /// Get and validate inputs and create object Parcel Dimension to pass for cost calculation /// </summary> /// <param name="weight"></param> /// <param name="height"></param> /// <param name="width"></param> /// <param name="depth"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Tuple <string, string> GetParcelDeliveryCost(int weight, int height, int width, int depth) { if (!Validator.IsValidValue(weight) || !Validator.IsValidValue(height) || !Validator.IsValidValue(width) || !Validator.IsValidValue(depth)) { throw new System.Exception("Values cannot be less than 0"); } var parcelDimension = new ParcelDimension(weight, height, width, depth); return(CalculateParcelDeliveryCost(parcelDimension)); }
public void SmallParcelTest() { ParcelDimension parcelDimension = new ParcelDimension(2, 3, 10, 12); int expectedResult = 18; Calculator calculator = new Calculator(); int actualResult = calculator.Calculate(parcelDimension.Volume, new SmallParcel()); Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, actualResult); }
public void MediumParcelTest() { ParcelDimension parcelDimension = new ParcelDimension(10, 20, 5, 20); int expectedResult = 80; Calculator calculator = new Calculator(); int actualResult = calculator.Calculate(parcelDimension.Volume, new MediumParcel()); Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, actualResult); }
public void LargeParcelTest() { ParcelDimension parcelDimension = new ParcelDimension(8, 20, 5, 50); int expectedResult = 150; Calculator calculator = new Calculator(); int actualResult = calculator.Calculate(parcelDimension.Volume, new LargeParcel()); Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, actualResult); }
public void HeavyParcelTest() { ParcelDimension parcelDimension = new ParcelDimension(22, 5, 5, 5); int expectedResult = 330; Calculator calculator = new Calculator(); int actualResult = calculator.Calculate(parcelDimension.Weight, new HeavyParcel()); Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, actualResult); }
public IParcel GetParcel(int weight, int height, int width, int depth) { var dimension = new ParcelDimension(weight, height, width, depth); if (weight > 50) { return(new RejectParcel()); } else if (weight > 10) { return(new HeavyParcel(new CostByWeightCalculator(), dimension)); } else if (dimension.Volumn < 1500) { return(new SmallParcel(new CostByVolumnCalculator(), dimension)); } else if (dimension.Volumn < 2500) { return(new MediumParcel(new CostByVolumnCalculator(), dimension)); } return(new LargeParcel(new CostByVolumnCalculator(), dimension)); }
/// <summary> /// Implementaion of business rules to get parcel category and calculate parcel delivery cost /// </summary> /// <param name="parcelDimension"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static Tuple <string, string> CalculateParcelDeliveryCost(ParcelDimension parcelDimension) { if (parcelDimension.Weight > 50) { return(Tuple.Create(CategoryTypes.Rejected.ToString(), "N/A")); } using (Calculator calculator = new Calculator()) { int cost = 0; string category = string.Empty; if (parcelDimension.Weight > 10) { cost = calculator.Calculate(parcelDimension.Weight, new HeavyParcel()); category = CategoryTypes.Heavy.ToString(); } else if (parcelDimension.Volume < 1500) { cost = calculator.Calculate(parcelDimension.Volume, new SmallParcel()); category = CategoryTypes.Small.ToString(); } else if (parcelDimension.Volume < 2500) { cost = calculator.Calculate(parcelDimension.Volume, new MediumParcel()); category = CategoryTypes.Medium.ToString(); } else { cost = calculator.Calculate(parcelDimension.Volume, new LargeParcel()); category = CategoryTypes.Large.ToString(); } return(Tuple.Create(category + " Parcel", "$" + cost.ToString())); } }
public void BasicRate() { List <string> fromAddressLine = new List <string>() { "8445 Graves Ave #25" }; List <string> toAddressLine = new List <string>() { "10553 KERRIGAN Ct" }; Address fromAddress = new Address { AddressLines = fromAddressLine, Email = "*****@*****.**", CityTown = "Santee", Name = "X X", CountryCode = "US", PostalCode = "92071", StateProvince = "CA", }; Address toAddress = new Address { AddressLines = toAddressLine, Email = "*****@*****.**", CityTown = "Santee", Name = "X", CountryCode = "US", PostalCode = "92071", StateProvince = "CA", }; ParcelDimension parcelDimension = new ParcelDimension { Height = 1, Length = 1, Width = 1, UnitOfMeasurement = UnitOfDimension.IN }; ParcelWeight parcelWeight = new ParcelWeight { UnitOfMeasurement = UnitOfWeight.OZ, Weight = 1 }; Parcel parcel = new Parcel { CurrencyCode = "US", Dimension = parcelDimension, Weight = parcelWeight }; Rates rates = new Rates { Carrier = Carrier.USPS, ParcelType = ParcelType.LGENV }; Shipment shipment = new Shipment { FromAddress = fromAddress, ToAddress = toAddress, Parcel = parcel, Rates = new List <Rates> { rates } }; try { // Get rates ShippingApiResponse shippingApiResponse = Api.Rates(shipment).Result; } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Configuration.Default.BasePath = ""; Configuration.Default.OAuthApiKey = "<API_KEY_REPLACE>"; Configuration.Default.OAuthSecret = "<API_SECRET_REPLACE>"; DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; var apiInstance = new ShipmentApi(Configuration.Default); var xPBTransactionId = dt.Millisecond.ToString(); // string | Required. A unique identifier for the transaction, up to 25 characters. var xPBUnifiedErrorStructure = true; // bool? | Set this to true to use the standard [error object]( if an error occurs. (optional) (default to true) var xPBIntegratorCarrierId = "898644"; // string | USPS Only. Negotiated services rate, if applicable. (optional) //var xPBShipperRatePlan = xPBShipperRatePlan_example; // string | USPS Only. Shipper rate plan, if applicable. For more information, see [this FAQ]( (optional) //var xPBShipmentGroupId = xPBShipmentGroupId_example; // string | **[Required parameter for PBPresort service](**.The job number that represents the agreement between the merchant and PB Presort. This was provided by Pitney Bowes during [merchant onboarding for PB Presort]( (optional) //var xPBShipperCarrierAccountId = xPBShipperCarrierAccountId_example; // string | **[Required parameter for PBPresort service](**. The merchant's Mailer ID (MID), as provided by Pitney Bowes during merchant onboarding for PB Presort. (optional) //var includeDeliveryCommitment = includeDeliveryCommitment_example; // string | If set to true, returns estimated transit times in days. Only for USPS Create Shipment. See also [Pitney Bowes Delivery Guarantee]( [Do all USPS services return transit times?]( (optional) try { var name1 = "Paul Wright"; var phone1 = "203-555-1430"; var email1 = "*****@*****.**"; var residential1 = false; List <string> addressLines1 = new List <string>() { "27 Waterview Dr" }; var cityTown1 = "Shelton"; var stateProvince1 = "CT"; var postalCode1 = "06484-4361"; var countryCode1 = "US"; var carrierRoute1 = "C010"; var deliveryPoint1 = "27"; var company1 = "Pitney Bowes Inc."; Address fromAddress = new Address(name: name1, phone: phone1, residential: residential1, addressLines: addressLines1, cityTown: cityTown1, stateProvince: stateProvince1, postalCode: postalCode1, countryCode: countryCode1, carrierRoute: carrierRoute1, deliveryPoint: deliveryPoint1, company: company1, email: email1); var name2 = "Rufous Sirius Canid"; var phone2 = "323 555-1212"; var email2 = "*****@*****.**"; var residential2 = true; List <string> addressLines2 = new List <string>() { "631 S Main St" }; var cityTown2 = "Greenville"; var stateProvince2 = "SC"; var postalCode2 = "29601"; var countryCode2 = "US"; var company2 = "ABC Company"; Address toAddress = new Address(name: name2, phone: phone2, residential: residential2, addressLines: addressLines2, cityTown: cityTown2, stateProvince: stateProvince2, postalCode: postalCode2, countryCode: countryCode2, company: company2, email: email2); //Parcel ParcelDimension parcelDimension = new ParcelDimension(); parcelDimension.Height = 6.000m; parcelDimension.Length = 6.000m; parcelDimension.Width = 6.000m; parcelDimension.UnitOfMeasurement = UnitOfDimension.IN; ParcelWeight parcelWeight = new ParcelWeight(38.00m, UnitOfWeight.OZ); Parcel parcel = new Parcel(parcelDimension, parcelWeight); //Rates //Specil Service SpecialService specialService = new SpecialService(specialServiceId: "DelCon", inputParameters: new List <Parameter> { new Parameter("INPUT_VALUE", "0") }); Rate rate = new Rate(carrier: Carrier.USPS, serviceId: Services.PM, parcelType: ParcelType.PKG, specialServices: new List <SpecialService>() { specialService }, inductionPostalCode: "06484"); //Documents Document document = new Document(type: "SHIPPING_LABEL", contentType: Document.ContentTypeEnum.URL, size: Document.SizeEnum._4X6, fileFormat: Document.FileFormatEnum.PDF, printDialogOption: Document.PrintDialogOptionEnum.NOPRINTDIALOG); //ShipemntOptions List <Parameter> shipmentoption = new List <Parameter> { new Parameter("SHIPPER_ID", "9025037569"), new Parameter("ADD_TO_MANIFEST", "true"), new Parameter("HIDE_TOTAL_CARRIER_CHARGE", "true"), new Parameter("PRINT_CUSTOM_MESSAGE_1", "custom message for label"), new Parameter("SHIPPING_LABEL_RECEIPT", "NO_OPTIONS") }; var shipment = new Shipment(fromAddress: fromAddress, toAddress: toAddress, parcel: parcel, rates: new List <Rate>() { rate }, documents: new List <Document>() { document }, shipmentOptions: shipmentoption); // Shipment | request // This operation creates a shipment and purchases a shipment label. Shipment result = apiInstance.CreateShipmentLabel(xPBTransactionId, shipment, xPBUnifiedErrorStructure, xPBIntegratorCarrierId); // Console.WriteLine((new System.Collections.Generic.ICollectionDebugView<shippingapi.Model.Document>(result.Documents).Items[0]).Contents); Console.WriteLine(result.Documents[0].Contents); } catch (ApiException e) { Debug.Print("Exception when calling ShipmentApi.CreateShipmentLabel: " + e.Message); Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode); Debug.Print(e.StackTrace); } }