        /// <summary>   Initializes the data. </summary>
        /// <param name="Years">                The years. </param>
        /// <param name="StartYear">            the AnnualSimulationResults . </param>
        /// <param name="SimResults">           The simulation results. </param>
        /// <param name="IncludeAggregates">    true to include, false to exclude the aggregates. </param>

        internal void initializeData(int Years, int StartYear, ref SimulationResults SimResults, bool IncludeAggregates)
            if ((SimResults != null) && (Years == (SimResults.LastYear - SimResults.StartYear) + 1))
            // if not new then zero it out from last use  Added 5 22 12
                // Only supporting Aggregates in Output right now
                ProviderIntArray OutBlank = new ProviderIntArray(0, IncludeAggregates);
                ProviderIntArray InBlank  = new ProviderIntArray(0, false);

                for (int yr = 0; yr < Years; yr++)
                    AnnualSimulationResults TheASR = SimResults[yr];

                    int cnt = 0;
                    cnt = ParamManager.NumberOfParameters(modelParamtype.mptOutputBase);
                    for (int parmi = 0; parmi < cnt; parmi++)
                        TheASR.Outputs.BaseOutput[parmi]           = 0;
                        TheASR.Outputs.BaseOutputModelParam[parmi] = -1;
                    cnt = 0;
                    cnt = ParamManager.NumberOfParameters(modelParamtype.mptOutputProvider);
                    for (int parmi = 0; parmi < cnt; parmi++)
                        TheASR.Outputs.ProviderOutput[parmi]           = OutBlank;
                        TheASR.Outputs.ProviderOutputModelParam[parmi] = -1;
                    cnt = 0;
                    cnt = ParamManager.NumberOfParameters(modelParamtype.mptInputBase);
                    for (int parmi = 0; parmi < cnt; parmi++)
                        TheASR.Inputs.BaseInput[parmi]           = 0;
                        TheASR.Inputs.BaseInputModelParam[parmi] = -1;
                    cnt = 0;
                    cnt = ParamManager.NumberOfParameters(modelParamtype.mptInputProvider);
                    for (int parmi = 0; parmi < cnt; parmi++)
                        TheASR.Inputs.ProviderInput[parmi]           = InBlank;
                        TheASR.Inputs.ProviderInputModelParam[parmi] = -1;
                SimResults = new SimulationResults(Years, StartYear,
        /// <summary>   Fetches a data. </summary>
        /// <param name="year">     The year. </param>
        /// <param name="TheASR">   [in,out] the AnnualSimulationResults </param>

        internal void fetchData(int year, ref SimulationResults SimResults)
            int datai = 0;

            int index = year - Sim_StartYear; // changed 7 26 11 _SimulationDB_Start_Year;

            if ((index >= 0) & (index < SimResults.Length))
                int BaseOutputSize     = ParamManager.NumberOfParameters(modelParamtype.mptOutputBase);
                int ProviderOutputSize = ParamManager.NumberOfParameters(modelParamtype.mptOutputProvider);
                int BaseInputSize      = ParamManager.NumberOfParameters(modelParamtype.mptInputBase);
                int ProviderInputSize  = ParamManager.NumberOfParameters(modelParamtype.mptInputProvider);

                datai = 0;
                AnnualSimulationResults TheASR = new AnnualSimulationResults(BaseOutputSize, ProviderOutputSize, BaseInputSize, ProviderInputSize, FIncludeAggregates);

                    foreach (ModelParameterClass MP in ParamManager.BaseOutputs())
                        TheASR.Outputs.BaseOutput[datai]           = MP.Value;
                        TheASR.Outputs.BaseOutputModelParam[datai] = MP.ModelParam;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    bool check = true;

                datai = 0;
                foreach (ModelParameterClass MP in ParamManager.BaseInputs())
                    TheASR.Inputs.BaseInput[datai]           = MP.Value;
                    TheASR.Inputs.BaseInputModelParam[datai] = MP.ModelParam;

                datai = 0;
                foreach (ModelParameterClass MP in ParamManager.ProviderOutputs())
                    // OK this is a bit complicated becuase of Aggregates
                    if ((!TheASR.Outputs.AggregatesIncluded) || (MP.ProviderProperty.AggregateMode == eProviderAggregateMode.agNone))
                        TheASR.Outputs.ProviderOutput[datai] = MP.ProviderProperty.getvalues();
                        for (int i = 0; i < TheASR.Outputs.ProviderOutput[datai].Length; i++)
                            int tempVal = MP.ProviderProperty[i];
                            TheASR.Outputs.ProviderOutput[datai].Values[i] = tempVal;

                    TheASR.Outputs.ProviderOutputModelParam[datai] = MP.ModelParam;
                datai = 0;
                foreach (ModelParameterClass MP in ParamManager.ProviderInputs())
                    // OK this is a bit complicated becuase of Aggregates
                    if ((!TheASR.Inputs.AggregatesIncluded) || (MP.ProviderProperty.AggregateMode == eProviderAggregateMode.agNone))
                        TheASR.Inputs.ProviderInput[datai] = MP.ProviderProperty.getvalues();
                        TheASR.Inputs.ProviderInput.Values[datai] = MP.ProviderProperty.getvalues();

                        //for (int i = 0; i < TheASR.Inputs.ProviderInput[datai].Length; i++)
                        //    int tempVal = MP.ProviderProperty[i];
                        //    TheASR.Inputs.ProviderInput[datai].Values[i] = tempVal;
                    //TheASR.Inputs.ProviderInput[datai] = MP.ProviderProperty.getvalues();
                    TheASR.Inputs.ProviderInputModelParam[datai] = MP.ModelParam;
                TheASR.year       = year;
                SimResults[index] = TheASR;