public void Initialize()
            mockNotificationHandler = new Mock <INotificationHandler <TestNotification> >();
            mockNotificationHandler.Setup(p => p.HandleAsync(It.IsAny <TestNotification>(), It.IsAny <ILambdaContext>()))

            mockServiceScope = new Mock <IServiceScope>();

            mockServiceScopeFactory = new Mock <IServiceScopeFactory>();
            mockServiceScopeFactory.Setup(p => p.CreateScope()).Returns(mockServiceScope.Object);

            mockServiceProvider = new Mock <IServiceProvider>();
            mockServiceProvider.Setup(p => p.GetService(typeof(INotificationHandler <TestNotification>)))
            mockServiceProvider.Setup(p => p.GetService(typeof(IServiceScopeFactory)))

            mockServiceScope.Setup(p => p.ServiceProvider).Returns(mockServiceProvider.Object);

            mockLoggerFactory = new Mock <ILoggerFactory>();
            mockLoggerFactory.Setup(p => p.CreateLogger(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(Mock.Of <ILogger>());

            parallelExecutionOptions = new ParallelSnsExecutionOptions {
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4
        public void MaxDegreeOfParallelism_Should_ProperlyPropagated_And_Limited_To_Set_Max()
            var snsEvent = new SNSEvent
                Records = new List <SNSEvent.SNSRecord>
                    new SNSEvent.SNSRecord
                        Sns = new SNSEvent.SNSMessage
                            Message = "{}"
                    new SNSEvent.SNSRecord
                        Sns = new SNSEvent.SNSMessage
                            Message = "{}"
                    new SNSEvent.SNSRecord
                        Sns = new SNSEvent.SNSMessage
                            Message = "{}"
                    new SNSEvent.SNSRecord
                        Sns = new SNSEvent.SNSMessage
                            Message = "{}"

            var cq = new ConcurrentQueue <Task>();

            //We are checking if parallelism actually does what it's supposed to do. So we should have more then 2 concurrent processes running
            parallelExecutionOptions = new ParallelSnsExecutionOptions {
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4
            mockNotificationHandler.Setup(p => p.HandleAsync(It.IsAny <TestNotification>(), It.IsAny <ILambdaContext>()))
            .Returns(async() =>
                var t = Task.Delay(1);
                if (cq.Count > 2)
                    throw new Exception("Concurrent Tasks exceeded 2");
                await t;
                cq.TryDequeue(out t);

            var sut = CreateSystemUnderTest();

            Assert.ThrowsAsync <Exception>(() => sut.HandleAsync(snsEvent, new TestLambdaContext()));
        public async Task MaxDegreeOfParallelism_Should_ProperlyPropagated()
            var snsEvent = new SNSEvent
                Records = new List <SNSEvent.SNSRecord>
                    new SNSEvent.SNSRecord
                        Sns = new SNSEvent.SNSMessage
                            Message = "{}"
                    new SNSEvent.SNSRecord
                        Sns = new SNSEvent.SNSMessage
                            Message = "{}"
                    new SNSEvent.SNSRecord
                        Sns = new SNSEvent.SNSMessage
                            Message = "{}"
                    new SNSEvent.SNSRecord
                        Sns = new SNSEvent.SNSMessage
                            Message = "{}"

            var cq = new ConcurrentQueue <Task>();

            parallelExecutionOptions = new ParallelSnsExecutionOptions {
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 2
            mockNotificationHandler.Setup(p => p.HandleAsync(It.IsAny <TestNotification>(), It.IsAny <ILambdaContext>()))
            .Returns(async() =>
                var t = Task.Delay(1);
                if (cq.Count > 2)
                    throw new Exception("not good");
                await t;
                cq.TryDequeue(out t);

            var sut = CreateSystemUnderTest();

            await sut.HandleAsync(snsEvent, new TestLambdaContext());

                handler => handler.HandleAsync(It.IsAny <TestNotification>(), It.IsAny <ILambdaContext>()),